This is a list of all the Treasure Hoard icons in Pikmin 2's files, and their appearance in all 3 regional versions. These icons were taken from the GameCube version of the game. Cells with a pink background highlight icons that differ from the ones in other regions.
- locket (Time Capsule) has the same icon in all versions, even though the treasure's model contains a picture of a cat in the Japanese version, not a dog.
- Likewise, bane_red (Master's Instrument) and kan (Decorative Goo) have the same icon but have a Mario Paint logo on them in the US and European models, while the Japanese model is regular text.
- Although teki_carcass is not a treasure's icon, nor is it used in the Treasure Hoard, it has been included here for completion's sake, seeing as the icon is present amongst the other Treasure Hoard textures, in the game files. The icon is visible in the cave results menu.
- The Alien Billboard, Merciless Extractor, Mysterious Remains, Nutrient Silo, and Patience Tester change icon names but stay the same treasure between regions. This is because some Japanese treasures absent from the US version remained in the European version, so in order to make room for other Europe-exclusive treasures, some treasures were moved around without changing any generator files.