Pikmin 2

Worthless Statue

Revision as of 07:02, September 18, 2014 by Espyo (talk | contribs) (Linked to Priceless Statue.)
Worthless Statue Treasure Hoard icon.
Artwork of the Worthless Statue.
Number 140 (US)

138 (Europe)

Series Dream Series
Value Poko × 80
Weight 10
Maximum carriers 15 Pikmin
Location Frontier Cavern
Challenge Mode levels None

This article is about the white king chess piece. For the black queen piece, see Priceless Statue.

The Worthless Statue is a treasure in Pikmin 2. It is actually a white white king chess piece, and is located in the sixth sublevel of the Frontier Cavern. It may be found in the water or on the ledge near the hole to sublevel 7. Use Reds and Blues or the Bulbmin that are found in the sublevel. As the Pikmin are transporting the treasure, make sure to defeat the Cannon Beetles and Water Dumples in the level.


Olimar's journal

At first, this object looked impressive, but closer inspection reveals it's just a cheap statue. In many ways, it reminds me of my father. Hmmm... I probably shouldn't tell him that.

Sales pitch

Once, on an unknown planet, a megalithic civilization flourished, and this is proof of its existence! For hoarders of ancient artifacts, this is a must-have piece! Truly, collectors will crave it! (I do not know if that is true or not, but items in demand fetch higher prices.)
