User:Twins1105/Extracted Text/Pikmin 3
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North American English, British English, and Japanese text related to Pikmin 3 and Pikmin 3 Deluxe.
The following article or section needs help from someone who can translate Japanese text. |
Text for badges.
- Pikmin 3 Deluxe
Internal Name | NA Text | EU Text | JP Text | JP Translation |
AchievementTitle_001 | New Horizons | 探索の始まり | Beginning of the Search | |
AchievementDescription_001 | You've spent a full day on a new world. | 惑星PNF-404で1日目を過ごした証。 | Proof of 1 day spent on planet PNF-404. | |
AchievementConditions_001 | Clear the first day on PNF-404. | 惑星PNF-404で1日目をクリアする。 | Clear 1 day on planet PNF-404. | |
AchievementTitle_002 | Bearing Fruit | コッパイ星救済の第一歩 | First Steps to Saving Planet Koppai | |
AchievementDescription_002 | Your efforts to save Koppai are starting to pay off. | 惑星PNF-404で果実を集め始めた証。 | Proof of starting fruit collection on planet PNF-404. | |
AchievementConditions_002 | Retrieve a fruit in Story mode. | ストーリーで果実を1個回収する。 | Collect 1 fruit in the story. | |
AchievementTitle_003 | Intelligent Life? | 知的生命体? | Intelligent Life? | |
AchievementDescription_003 | You're on the trail of an unknown intelligent life-form. | 知的生命体?の痕跡を追った証。 | Evidence of the trail of Intelligent life? | |
AchievementConditions_003 | Retrieve 15 exploration notes. | 探索メモを15個回収する。 | Collect 15 exploration notes. | |
AchievementTitle_004 | Shutterbug | カメラ小僧 | Camera Boy | |
AchievementDescription_004 | You've figured out how the camera works | 記念すべき1枚目。 | The commemorative first photo. | |
AchievementConditions_004 | Use the camera to take a photo. | Gカメラを使って写真を1枚撮る。 | Take one photo using the G camera. | |
AchievementTitle_005 | Flaw in the Armor | Flaw in the Armour | ヨロヒイモムカデとの戦い | Battle with the Armored Mawdad |
AchievementTitle_105 | Battle ??? | ???との戦い | Battle with ??? | |
AchievementDescription_005 | You defeated the Armored Mawdad. | You defeated the Armoured Mawdad. | ヨロヒイモムカデを倒した証。 | Proof of defeating the Armored Mawdad. |
AchievementDescription_105 | Proof of defeating ??? | ???を倒した証。 | Proof of defeating ??? | |
AchievementConditions_005 | Defeat the Armored Mawdad in Story mode. | Defeat the Armoured Mawdad in Story mode. | ストーリーでヨロヒイモムカデを倒す。 | Defeat the Armored Mawdad in the story. |
AchievementConditions_105 | Defeat ??? in Story mode. | ストーリーで???を倒す。 | Defeat ??? in the story. | |
AchievementTitle_006 | Animal Annotator | 原生生物研究者 | Creature Researcher | |
AchievementDescription_00 | Your data stemming from research into the indigenous creatures here has been recorded. | 原生生物を研究し、記録している証。 | Evidence of studying and documenting creatures. | |
AchievementConditions_006 | Log 10 Piklopedia entries. | 原生生物図鑑を10項目埋める。 | Fill in 10 entries in the Piklopedia. | |
AchievementTitle_007 | Dreams of Adventure | 夢は冒険家 | Dream of being an adventurer | |
AchievementDescription_007 | You've undertaken a special mission. | ミッションに挑戦した証。 | Proof of attempting a mission. | |
AchievementConditions_007 | Play a mission in Mission mode. | ミッションを1回プレイする。 | Play one mission. | |
AchievementTitle_008 | Clocking In | 限られた時間の中で | Within a limited time | |
AchievementDescription_008 | You've earned a bronze medal or better while clearing a Side Story. | サイドストーリーで銅メダル以上を獲得した証。 | Proof of acquiring a bronze medal or higher in a Side Story. | |
AchievementConditions_008 | Earn a bronze medal or better while clearing a Side Story. | サイドストーリーで銅メダル以上を1個獲得する。 | Earn one bronze medal or higher in a Side Story. | |
AchievementTitle_009 | Line 'Em Up | 負けられない戦い | Unyielding Battle | |
AchievementDescription_009 | You've tried out Bingo Battle. | ビンゴバトルをプレイした証。 | Proof of playing Bingo Battle. | |
AchievementConditions_009 | Play Bingo Battle once. | ビンゴバトルを1回遊ぶ。 | Play Bingo Battle once. | |
AchievementTitle_010 | Game Changer | 大・逆・転 | Large, reverse, turn | |
AchievementDescription_010 | You've played Bingo Battle with the Victory Macaroon rule, allowing for a dramatic reversal. | ビンゴバトルで一発逆転ができるルール「勝利のマカロン」に変更し、プレイした証。 | Proof of playing under the "Victory Macaron" rule in Bingo Battle, which allows for a sudden reversal. | |
AchievementConditions_010 | Play Bingo Battle with the Victory Macaroon rule. | ビンゴバトルを「勝利のマカロン」ルールで1回遊ぶ。 | Play Bingo Battle once using the "Victory Macaron" rule. | |
AchievementTitle_011 | Fruitful Endeavor | Fruitful Endeavour | コッパイ星を救うために | To save Koppai |
AchievementDescription_011 | You've found a steady stream of edible fruits on PNF-404. | 惑星PNF-404で食料となる果実を順調に見つけている証。 | Proof of making good progress in finding edible fruit on PNF-404. | |
AchievementConditions_011 | Retrieve 10 fruits in Story mode. | ストーリーで果実を10個回収する。 | Collect 10 fruits in the story. | |
AchievementTitle_012 | Achieving Enlightenment | オオバケカガミとの戦い | Battle with the Vehemoth Phosbat | |
AchievementTitle_112 | Battle ??? | ???との戦い | Battle with ??? | |
AchievementDescription_012 | You defeated the Vehemoth Phosbat. | オオバケカガミを倒した証。 | Proof of defeating the Vehemoth Phosbat. | |
AchievementDescription_112 | Proof of defeating ??? | ???を倒した証。 | Proof of defeating ??? | |
AchievementConditions_012 | Defeat the Vehemoth Phosbat in Story mode. | ストーリーでオオバケカガミを倒す。 | Defeat the Vehemoth Phosbat in the story. | |
AchievementConditions_112 | Defeat ??? in Story mode. | ストーリーで???を倒す。 | Defeat ??? in the story. | |
AchievementTitle_013 | Duel in the Dunes | オオスナフラシとの戦い | ||
AchievementTitle_113 | Battle ??? | ???との戦い | ||
AchievementDescription_013 | You defeated the Sandbelching Meerslug. | オオスナフラシを倒した証 | ||
AchievementDescription_113 | Proof of defeating ??? | ???を倒した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_013 | Defeat the Sandbelching Meerslug | ストーリーで オオスナフラシを倒す。 | ||
AchievementConditions_113 | Defeat ??? in Story mode. | ストーリーで???を\倒す。 | ||
AchievementTitle_014 | Decomposer | タテゴトハチスズメとの戦い | ||
AchievementTitle_114 | Battle ??? | ???との戦い | ||
AchievementDescription_014 | You defeated the Scornet Maestro. | タテゴトハチスズメを倒した証。 | ||
AchievementDescription_114 | Proof of defeating ??? | ???を倒した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_014 | Defeat the Scornet Maestro in Story mode. | ストーリーで タテゴトハチスズメを倒す。 | ||
AchievementConditions_114 | Defeat ??? in Story mode. | ストーリーで???を倒す。 | ||
AchievementTitle_015 | Evasive Action | 避けの達人 | ||
AchievementDescription_015 | You found the Dodge Whistle. | 「ヨケ笛」を見つけた証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_015 | Acquire the Dodge Whistle. | ヨケ笛を入手する。 | ||
AchievementTitle_016 | Strong on the Inside | ボクたちだって強くなる! | ||
AchievementDescription_016 | You've found a way to reinforce your suit. | 宇宙服を強化するアンダーウェアを見つけた証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_016 | Acquire the Metal Suit Z, Anti-Electrifier, or Scorch Guard. | メタルスーツZ、アンチ・エレキ、フレア・ガードのいずれかを入手する。 | ||
AchievementTitle_017 | Fruit Force | コッパイ星に希望の光を | ||
AchievementDescription_017 | You've collected nearly half the edible fruits on PNF-404. | 惑星PNF-404で果実を半分近く集めた証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_017 | Retrieve 30 fruits in Story mode. | ストーリーで果実を30個回収する。 | ||
AchievementTitle_018 | Pikmin Challenger | クリアおめでとう!ピクミンチャレンジャー | ||
AchievementDescription_018 | You've cleared Story mode on Normal difficulty or higher. | ストーリーを「ふつう」以上でクリアした証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_018 | Clear Story mode on Normal difficulty or higher. | ストーリーを「ふつう」以上でクリアする。 | ||
AchievementTitle_019 | Pikmin Professional | クリアおめでとう!ピクミンプロ | ||
AchievementDescription_019 | You've cleared Story mode on Hard difficulty or higher. | ストーリーを「むずかしい」以上でクリアした証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_019 | Clear Story mode on Hard difficulty or higher. | ストーリーを「むずかしい」以上でクリアする。 | ||
AchievementTitle_020 | Greenhorn | 駆け出し冒険家 | ||
AchievementDescription_020 | You've earned a bronze medal or better in Mission mode. | ミッションで銅メダル以上を獲得した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_020 | Earn a bronze medal or better in Mission mode. | ミッションで銅メダル以上を1個獲得する。 | ||
AchievementTitle_021 | Getting Closer | 一人前の冒険家 | ||
AchievementDescription_021 | You've earned a silver medal or better in Mission mode. | ミッションで銀メダル以上を獲得した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_021 | Earn a silver medal or better in Mission mode. | ミッションで銀メダル以上を1個獲得する。 | ||
AchievementTitle_022 | Bingo Buff | ビンゴ好き | ||
AchievementDescription_022 | You've played quite a few Bingo Battles. | ビンゴバトルを数多く遊んだ証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_022 | Play Bingo Battle 10 times. | ビンゴバトルで10回遊ぶ。 | ||
AchievementTitle_023 | Earth Mover | ヌマアラシとの戦い | ||
AchievementTitle_123 | Battle ??? | ???との戦い | ||
AchievementDescription_023 | You defeated the Quaggled Mireclops. | ヌマアラシを倒した証。 | ||
AchievementDescription_123 | Proof of defeating ??? | ???を倒した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_023 | Defeat the Quaggled Mireclops in Story mode. | ストーリーでヌマアラシを倒す。 | ||
AchievementConditions_123 | Defeat ??? in Story mode. | ストーリーで???を倒す。 | ||
AchievementTitle_024 | Safe and Sound | アメニュウドウとの戦い | ||
AchievementTitle_124 | Battle ??? | ???との戦い | ||
AchievementDescription_024 | You defeated the Plasm Wraith. | アメニュウドウを倒した証。 | ||
AchievementDescription_124 | Proof of defeating ??? | ???を倒した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_024 | Defeat the Plasm Wraith in Story mode. | ストーリーでアメニュウドウを倒す。 | ||
AchievementConditions_124 | Defeat ??? in Story mode. | ストーリーで???を倒す。 | ||
AchievementTitle_025 | Pikmin Master | クリアおめでとう!ピクミンマスター | ||
AchievementDescription_025 | You've cleared Story mode on Ultra-Spicy difficulty. | ストーリーを「ゲキカラ」でクリアした証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_025 | Clear Story mode on Ultra-Spicy difficulty. | ストーリーを「ゲキカラ」でクリアする。 | ||
AchievementTitle_026 | Adventure into the Unknown | 知られざる冒険 | ||
AchievementDescription_026 | You've earned medals in each stage of Olimar's Assignment. | 「オリマーの冒険」全てでメダルを獲得した証。 | ||
AchievementDescription_226 | Earn a medal in each stage of ??? | 「???」全てでメダルを獲得した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_026 | Earn a bronze medal or better in each stage of Olimar's Assignment. | 「オリマーの冒険」で全て銅メダル以上を獲得する。 | ||
AchievementConditions_226 | Earn a bronze medal or better in each stage of ??? | 「???」で全て銅メダル以上を獲得する。 | ||
AchievementTitle_027 | Working Overtime | 終わりなき残業 | ||
AchievementDescription_027 | You've earned medals in each stage of Olimar's Comeback. | 「オリマーの冒険 ふたたび」全てでメダルを獲得した証。 | ||
AchievementDescription_227 | Earn a medal in each stage of ??? | 「???」全てでメダルを獲得した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_027 | Earn a bronze medal or better in each stage of Olimar's Comeback. | 「オリマーの冒険 ふたたび」で全て銅メダル以上を獲得する。 | ||
AchievementConditions_227 | Earn a bronze medal or better in each stage of ??? | 「???」で全て銅メダル以上を獲得する。 | ||
AchievementTitle_028 | Good as Gold | 名うての冒険家 | ||
AchievementDescription_028 | You've earned a gold medal or better in Mission mode. | ミッションで金メダル以上を獲得した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_028 | Earn a gold medal or better in Mission mode. | ミッションで金メダル以上を1個獲得する。 | ||
AchievementTitle_029 | Treasure Hunter | トレジャーハンター | ||
AchievementDescription_029 | You've earned medals in all Collect treasure! missions. | 「お宝をあつめろ!」全てでメダルを獲得した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_029 | Clear all Collect treasure! missions with at least a bronze medal. | 「お宝をあつめろ!」で全て銅メダル以上を獲得する。 | ||
AchievementTitle_030 | Game Hunter | 原生生物を狩る者 | ||
AchievementDescription_030 | You've earned medals in all Battle enemies! missions. | 「原生生物をたおせ!」全てでメダルを獲得した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_030 | Clear all Battle enemies! missions with at least a bronze medal. | 「原生生物をたおせ!」で全て銅メダル以上を獲得する。 | ||
AchievementTitle_031 | Big Game Hunter | 巨大生物を狩る者 | ||
AchievementDescription_031 | You've earned medals in all Defeat bosses! missions. | 「巨大生物をたおせ!」全てでメダルを獲得した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_031 | Clear all Defeat bosses! missions with at least a bronze medal. | 「巨大生物をたおせ!」で全て銅メダル以上を獲得する。 | ||
AchievementTitle_032 | Gadget Master | アイテムマスター | ||
AchievementDescription_032 | You've used a variety of items in Bingo Battle. | ビンゴバトルで色々なアイテムを使用した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_032 | Use 10 types of items in Bingo Battle. | ビンゴバトルでアイテムを10種類使用する。 | ||
AchievementTitle_033 | Pincer Attack | 強運の持ち主 | ||
AchievementDescription_033 | You've been one away from victory in two different directions in Bingo Battle. | ビンゴバトルでダブルリーチした証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_033 | Be one away from victory twice during a single Bingo Battle. | ビンゴバトルでダブルリーチをする。 | ||
AchievementTitle_034 | Bingo Fiend | ビンゴマスター | ||
AchievementDescription_034 | You've played every stage in Bingo Battle. | ビンゴバトルで全てのステージを遊んだ証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_034 | Play every stage in Bingo Battle. | ビンゴバトルの全てのステージで遊ぶ。 | ||
AchievementTitle_035 | Efficiency Expert | コッパイ星いちの節約家 | ||
AchievementDescription_035 | You've proven your ability to survive long periods of time in an unexplored land. | 未開の地でも生きていく強さを持っている証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_035 | Collect 30 days' worth of juice. | 食料を30日分蓄える。 | ||
AchievementTitle_036 | Fruit Ballad | 救われたコッパイ星 | ||
AchievementDescription_036 | You've found every edible fruit on PNF-404. | 惑星PNF-404で食料となる果実を全て見つけた証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_036 | Retrieve a total of 66 fruits in Story mode. | ストーリーで果実を合計66個回収する。 | ||
AchievementTitle_037 | Hocotatian Hound | とあるホコタテ星人の足跡 | ||
AchievementDescription_037 | You have discovered all traces of Captain Olimar. | オリマーマニアの証。 | ||
AchievementDescription_237 | Proof of discovering ??? | ???の証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_037 | Retrieve all exploration notes. | 探索メモを全て回収する。 | ||
AchievementConditions_237 | Retrieve all ??? | ???を全て回収する。 | ||
AchievementTitle_038 | Xenobiologist | 原生生物博士 | ||
AchievementDescription_038 | You have retrieved a sample of every creature on this world. | 全ての原生生物を回収した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_038 | Complete the Piklopedia. | 原生生物図鑑を完成させる。 | ||
AchievementTitle_039 | President's Favor | President's Favour | 最優秀チャチョー賞 | |
AchievementDescription_039 | You've earned multiple platinum medals in Side Stories. | サイドストーリーで複数のプラチナメダルを獲得した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_039 | Earn five platinum medals in Side Stories. | サイドストーリーでプラチナメダルを5個獲得する。 | ||
AchievementTitle_040 | Dedicated Adventurer | 真の冒険家 | ||
AchievementDescription_040 | You've earned an impressive number of platinum medals from missions. | たくさんのミッションでプラチナメダルを獲得した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_040 | Earn platinum medals in 10 stages in Mission mode. | ミッションでステージ別にプラチナメダルを10個獲得する。 | ||
AchievementTitle_041 | Power Surge | みなぎる力 | ||
AchievementDescription_041 | You've boosted your Pikmin with a dose of Ultra-Spicy Spray in Story mode. | ストーリーでゲキカラスプレーを使いピクミンを元気にした証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_041 | Use a dose of Ultra-Spicy Spray. | ゲキカラスプレーを1回使う。 | ||
AchievementTitle_042 | Buddy System | いっしょにあそぼう | ||
AchievementDescription_042 | You've played Story mode with a second player. | ストーリーをふたりで遊んだ証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_042 | Play Story mode with a second player. | ストーリーをふたりでプレイをする。 | ||
AchievementTitle_043 | Mission Partner | ふたりでたのしく | ||
AchievementDescription_043 | You've played Mission mode with a second player. | ミッションをふたりで遊んだ証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_043 | Play Mission mode with a second player. | ミッションをふたりでプレイをする。 | ||
AchievementTitle_044 | Sidekick | ふたりで協力 | ||
AchievementDescription_044 | You've played a Side Story with a second player. | サイドストーリーをふたりで遊んだ証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_044 | Play a Side Story with a second player. | サイドストーリーをふたりでプレイをする。 | ||
AchievementTitle_045 | Bare-Knuckled | ボクたちだって戦える! | ||
AchievementDescription_045 | You've defeated an indigenous creature without the Pikmin's help. | ピクミンに頼らず、原生生物を倒した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_045 | Punch a wild creature into submission. | パンチで原生生物を倒す。 | ||
AchievementTitle_046 | Blast Radius | 一石三鳥 | ||
AchievementDescription_046 | You've shown yourself to be an expert in the use of bombs. | バクダン使いの証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_046 | Defeat three indigenous creatures via explosion, such as a Bomb Rock. | バクダン岩などの爆発で原生生物を3匹一度に倒す。 | ||
AchievementTitle_047 | Archaeology Hobbyist | かけだし考古学者 | ||
AchievementDescription_047 | You've located five hidden murals. | 隠れた壁画を探し出した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_047 | Take photos of five hidden murals. | 隠れた壁画を5枚撮影する。 | ||
AchievementTitle_048 | Gardener | 園芸師 | ||
AchievementDescription_048 | You've sprouted an extraordinary number of Pikmin. | たくさんのピクミンを生み出した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_048 | Create a total of 1,000 Pikmin in Story mode. | ストーリーでピクミンを合計1000匹生み出す。 | ||
AchievementTitle_049 | Flower Grinder | 花咲か星人 | ||
AchievementDescription_049 | You've raised an exceptional number of Pikmin with flowers. | たくさんのピクミンを花まで成長させた証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_049 | Give 500 Pikmin flowers in Story mode. | ストーリーで500匹のピクミンを花に成長させる。 | ||
AchievementTitle_050 | Legendary Archaeologist | 伝説の考古学者 | ||
AchievementDescription_050 | You've located all the hidden murals. | すべての隠れた壁画を探し出した証。 | ||
AchievementConditions_050 | Take photos of 15 hidden murals. | 隠れた壁画を15枚撮影する。 |
Text for actions mid-game.
- Pikmin 3
Internal Name | NA Text | EU Text | JP Text | JP Translation |
AM_00 | _ Pluck | _ Pluck | _ 抜く | |
AM_03 | _ Call/Return Pikmin | _ Call/Return Pikmin | _ ピクミン出し入れ | |
AM_04 | Hop On | Hop On | 乗る | |
AM_05 | Hop Off | Hop Off | おりる | |
AM_06 | Shake | Shake | ふりはらう | |
AM_10 | Opponent's Pikmin | Opponent's Pikmin | 相手のピクミンです | |
AM_11 | Get Up | Get Up | おきあがる | |
AM_12 | Disperse | Dismiss | 解散 | |
AM_13 | _ Whistle | _ Whistle | _ 笛を吹く | |
AM_14 | _ Throw | _ Throw | _ 投げる | |
AM_14_Touch | Tap _ to Throw | Tap the _ to throw | _をポンとたたいて 投げる | |
AM_17 | _ Disperse | _ Dismiss | _ 解散 | |
AM_17_Touch | _ and _ to Disperse | Touch the _ _ Dismiss | _の_ボタン カイサン | |
AM_18 | Slide on _ to Move Cursor | Slide on the _ to move pointer | _をタッチ カーソルを動かす | |
AM_19 | _ Cancel Go Here | _ Cancel "Go Here!" | _ 移動やめる | |
AM_20 | _ Cancel Pluck | _ Cancel pluck | _ 抜くのをやめる |
- Pikmin 3 Deluxe
Internal Name | ENG Text | JP Text | JP Translation |
AM_00 | _ Pluck | _ 抜く | |
AM_03 | _ Call/Return Pikmin | _ ピクミン出し入れ | |
AM_04 | Hop On | 乗る | |
AM_05 | Hop Off | おりる | |
AM_06 | Shake | ふりはらう | |
AM_10 | Opponent's Pikmin | 相手のピクミンです | |
AM_13 | _ Whistle | _ 笛を吹く | |
AM_14 | _ Throw | _ 投げる | |
AM_19 | _ Cancel Go Here | _ 移動やめる | |
AM_20 | _ Cancel Pluck | _ 抜くのをやめる | |
AM_24 | _ Charge | _ 突撃 | |
AM_28 | _ Lock On | _ ロックオン | |
AM_29 | _ Cancel Lock On | _ ロックオン解除 | |
AM_31 | _ Assemble All | _全員集合 |
- Pikmin 3 Deluxe
Internal Name | ENG Text | JP Text | JP Translation |
C3S_AddFomalName_098 | [N] Battle ??? | [N]???との戦い |
Text for objectives.
- Pikmin 3
Internal Name | US Text | EU Text | JP Text | JP Translation |
p00_00 | Exploration Day 1 | 探索1日目 | Exploration Day 1 | |
p30_00 | Where's Brittany? | ブリトニーはどこへ… | Where's Brittany... | |
p31_00 | Find Brittany! | ブリトニーを探せ! | Look for Brittany! | |
p31_01 | Find Brittany! | ブリトニーを探せ! | Look for Brittany! | |
p40_00 | Find the Fruit! | 巨大果実を見つけろ! | Find the Giant Fruit! | |
p40_01 | Find the Fruit! | 巨大果実を見つけろ! | Find the Giant Fruit! | |
p41_00 | Save Brittany! | ブリトニーを救え! | Save Brittany! | |
p41_01 | Retrieve the Fruit! | 回収! 巨大果実! | Recover! The Giant Fruit! | |
p41_02 | Save Brittany! | ブリトニーを救え! | Save Brittany! | |
p49_00 | Brittany and the Fruit | ブリトニーと巨大果実 | Brittany and the Giant Fruit | |
p49_01 | Brittany and the Fruit | ブリトニーと巨大果実 | Brittany and the Giant Fruit | |
p49_02 | Save Brittany! | ブリトニーを救え! | Save Brittany! | |
p50_00 | The Captain's Signal? | キャプテンの電波? | The Captain's Signal? | |
p50_01 | The Captain's Signal? | キャプテンの電波? | The Captain's Signal? | |
p50_02 | The Captain's Signal? | キャプテンの電波? | The Captain's Signal? | |
p50_03 | The Captain's Signal? | キャプテンの電波? | The Captain's Signal? | |
p51_00 | Follow the Signal! | 電波の発信源を追え! | Follow the Source of the Signal! | |
p58_00 | Defeat the Armored Mawdad! | Defeat the Armoured Mawdad! | ヨロヒイモムカデをたおせ! | Defeat the Armored Mawdad! |
p59_00 | Recover the Device! | 回収! 謎の通信端末! | Recover! The Mysterious Communication Terminal! | |
p60_00 | Find the Captain! | キャプテンを探せ! | Look for the Captain! | |
p70_00 | Reunite with Brittany! | Reunite With Brittany! | ブリトニーと合流せよ! | Reunite with Brittany! |
p70_01 | Reunite with Brittany! | Reunite With Brittany! | ブリトニーと合流せよ! | Reunite with Brittany! |
p71_00 | Reunite with Brittany! | Reunite With Brittany! | ブリトニーと合流せよ! | Reunite with Brittany! |
p71_01 | Reunite with Brittany! | Reunite With Brittany! | ブリトニーと合流せよ! | Reunite with Brittany! |
p80_00 | Where's the Captain? | キャプテンはどこへ… | Where's the Captain... | |
p80_01 | Where's the Captain? | キャプテンはどこへ… | Where's the Captain... | |
p88_00 | Defeat the Vehemoth Phosbat! | オオバケカガミをたおせ! | Defeat the Vehemoth Phosbat! | |
p90_00 | Find the Cosmic-Drive Key! | Find the Cosmic Drive Key! | ワープドライブ・キーを探せ! | Look for the Cosmic-Drive Key! |
p90_01 | Find the Cosmic-Drive Key! | Find the Cosmic Drive Key! | ワープドライブ・キーを探せ! | Look for the Cosmic-Drive Key! |
p90_02 | Find the Cosmic-Drive Key! | Find the Cosmic Drive Key! | ワープドライブ・キーを探せ! | Look for the Cosmic-Drive Key! |
p91_00 | Follow the Mystery Signal! | 謎の電波を追え! | Follow the Mystery Signal! | |
p91_01 | Follow the Mystery Signal! | 謎の電波を追え! | Follow the Mystery Signal! | |
p97_00 | The Sandbelching Meerslug | 遭遇! オオスナフラシ! | Encounter! The Sandbelching Meerslug! | |
p98_00 | The Sandbelching Meerslug | オオスナフラシをたおせ! | Defeat the Sandbelching Meerslug! | |
p99_00 | Recover the High-Tech Device! | Recover the Device! | 回収! 次世代端末! | Recover! The Next-Generation Terminal! |
p100_00 | To Twilight River! | 交わりの渓流へ | To Twilight River | |
p101_00 | Track the Mystery Signal | Track the Mystery Signal 2 | 謎の電波を追え2 | Follow the Mystery Signal 2 |
p102_00 | Save the Winged Onion! | 羽オニヨンを救え! | Save the Winged Onion! | |
p103_00 | Winged Pikmin! | 誕生! 羽ピクミン! | Birth! Winged Pikmin! | |
p104_00 | SOS from Olimar | SOS From Olimar | オリマーからのSOS | SOS from Olimar |
p105_00 | Save Olimar! | オリマーを救え! | Save Olimar! | |
p117_00 | Defeat the Scornet Maestro! | タテゴトハチスズメをたおせ! | Defeat the Scornet Maestro! | |
p118_00 | Retrieve Olimar! | オリマーを搬送せよ! | Transport Olimar! | |
p119_00 | Find Fruit! | Secure Food! | 食料を確保せよ! | Secure Food! |
p120_00 | Follow Olimar! | オリマーを追え! | Follow Olimar! | |
p121_00 | The Blue Onion | 発見! 青オニヨン! | Discovery! The Blue Onion! | |
p122_00 | Blue Pikmin | 誕生! 青ピクミン! | Birth! Blue Pikmin! | |
p123_00 | Find the Hocotatian! | ホコタテ星人を探せ! | Look for the Hocotatian! | |
p128_00 | Save the Hocotatian! | ホコタテ星人を救え! | Save the Hocotatian! | |
p129_00 | Retrieve the Hocotatian! | ホコタテ星人を搬送せよ! | Transport the Hocotatian! | |
p130_00 | Head to the Formidable Oak | To the Formidable Oak | 哀しき獣の塔へ | To the Formidable Oak |
p131_00 | Find Captain Olimar! | キャプテン・オリマーを探せ! | Look for Captain Olimar! | |
p132_00 | Save Captain Olimar! | キャプテン・オリマーを救え! | Save Captain Olimar! | |
p133_00 | Save Captain Olimar! | キャプテン・オリマーを救え! | Save Captain Olimar! | |
p134_00 | Save Captain Olimar! | キャプテン・オリマーを救え! | Save Captain Olimar! |
- Pikmin 3 Deluxe
Internal Name | US Text | EU Text | JP Text | JP Translation |
p00_00_title_diary p00_00_title_savedata p00_00_title_coursetitle |
Exploration Day 1 | 探索1日目 | ||
p22_00_title_gpad | Find S.S. Drake! | ドレイク号を探せ! | ||
p23_00_title_gpad | Find S.S. Drake! | ドレイク号を探せ! | ||
p30_00_title_diary p30_00_title_savedata p30_00_title_coursetitle p30_00_title_gpad |
Where's Brittany? | ブリトニーはどこへ… | ||
p31_00_title_diary p31_00_title_savedata p31_00_title_coursetitle p31_00_title_gpad |
Find Brittany! | ブリトニーを探せ! | ||
p31_01_title_diary p31_01_title_savedata p31_01_title_coursetitle p31_01_title_gpad |
Find Brittany! | ブリトニーを探せ! | ||
p40_00_title_diary p40_00_title_savedata p40_00_title_coursetitle p40_00_title_gpad |
Find the Fruit! | 巨大果実を見つけろ! | ||
p40_01_title_diary p40_01_title_savedata p40_01_title_coursetitle p40_01_title_gpad |
Find the Fruit! | 巨大果実を見つけろ! | ||
p41_00_title_diary p41_00_title_savedata p41_00_title_coursetitle p41_00_title_gpad |
Save Brittany! | ブリトニーを救え! | ||
p41_01_title_diary p41_01_title_savedata p41_01_title_coursetitle p41_01_title_gpad |
Retrieve the Fruit! | 回収! 巨大果実! | ||
p41_02_title_diary p41_02_title_savedata p41_02_title_coursetitle p41_02_title_gpad |
Save Brittany! | ブリトニーを救え! | ||
p49_00_title_diary p49_00_title_savedata p49_00_title_coursetitle p49_00_title_gpad |
Brittany and the Fruit | ブリトニーと巨大果実 | ||
p49_01_title_diary p49_01_title_savedata p49_01_title_coursetitle p49_01_title_gpad |
Brittany and the Fruit | ブリトニーと巨大果実 | ||
p49_02_title_diary p49_02_title_savedata p49_02_title_coursetitle p49_02_title_gpad |
Save Brittany! | ブリトニーを救え! | ||
p50_00_title_diary p50_00_title_savedata p50_00_title_coursetitle p50_00_title_gpad |
The Captain's Signal? | キャプテンの電波? | ||
p50_01_title_diary p50_01_title_savedata p50_01_title_coursetitle p50_01_title_gpad |
The Captain's Signal? | キャプテンの電波? | ||
p50_02_title_diary p50_02_title_savedata p50_02_title_coursetitle p50_02_title_gpad |
The Captain's Signal? | キャプテンの電波? | ||
p50_03_title_diary p50_03_title_savedata p50_03_title_coursetitle p50_03_title_gpad |
The Captain's Signal? | キャプテンの電波? | ||
p51_00_title_diary p51_00_title_savedata p51_00_title_coursetitle p51_00_title_gpad |
Follow the Signal! | 電波の発信源を追え! | ||
p58_00_title_diary p58_00_title_savedata p58_00_title_coursetitle p58_00_title_gpad |
Defeat the Armored Mawdad! | Defeat the Armoured Mawdad! | ヨロヒイモムカデをたおせ! | |
p59_00_title_diary p59_00_title_savedata p59_00_title_coursetitle p59_00_title_gpad |
Recover the Device! | 回収! 謎の通信端末! | ||
p60_00_title_diary p60_00_title_savedata p60_00_title_coursetitle p60_00_title_gpad |
Find the Captain! | キャプテンを探せ! | ||
p61_00_title_gpad_00 | Find Alph! | アルフを探せ! | ||
p70_00_title_diary p70_00_title_savedata p70_00_title_coursetitle p70_00_title_gpad |
Reunite with Brittany! | ブリトニーと合流せよ! | ||
p70_01_title_diary p70_01_title_savedata p70_01_title_coursetitle p70_01_title_gpad |
Reunite with Brittany! | ブリトニーと合流せよ! | ||
p71_00_title_diary p71_00_title_savedata p71_00_title_coursetitle p71_00_title_gpad |
Reunite with Brittany! | ブリトニーと合流せよ! | ||
p71_01_title_diary p71_01_title_savedata p71_01_title_coursetitle p71_01_title_gpad |
Reunite with Brittany! | ブリトニーと合流せよ! | ||
p80_00_title_diary p80_00_title_savedata p80_00_title_coursetitle p80_00_title_gpad |
Where's the Captain? | キャプテンはどこへ… | ||
p80_01_title_diary p80_01_title_savedata p80_01_title_coursetitle p80_01_title_gpad |
Where's the Captain? | キャプテンはどこへ… | ||
p88_00_title_diary p88_00_title_savedata p88_00_title_coursetitle p88_00_title_gpad |
Defeat the Vehemoth Phosbat! | オオバケカガミをたおせ! | ||
p90_00_title_diary p90_00_title_savedata p90_00_title_coursetitle p90_00_title_gpad |
Find the Cosmic-Drive Key! | ワープドライブ・キーを探せ! | ||
p90_01_title_diary p90_01_title_savedata p90_01_title_coursetitle p90_01_title_gpad |
Find the Cosmic-Drive Key! | ワープドライブ・キーを探せ! | ||
p90_02_title_diary p90_02_title_savedata p90_02_title_coursetitle |
Find the Cosmic-Drive Key! | ワープドライブ・キーを探せ! | ||
p91_00_title_diary p91_00_title_savedata p91_00_title_coursetitle p91_00_title_gpad |
Follow the Mystery Signal! | 謎の電波を追え! | ||
p91_01_title_diary p91_01_title_savedata p91_01_title_coursetitle p91_01_title_gpad |
Follow the Mystery Signal! | |||
p97_00_title_diary p97_00_title_savedata p97_00_title_coursetitle p97_00_title_gpad |
The Sandbelching Meerslug | |||
p98_00_title_diary p98_00_title_savedata p98_00_title_coursetitle p98_00_title_gpad |
The Sandbelching Meerslug | |||
p99_00_title_diary p99_00_title_savedata p99_00_title_coursetitle p99_00_title_gpad |
Recover the High-Tech Device! | |||
p100_00_title_diary p100_00_title_savedata p100_00_title_coursetitle p100_00_title_gpad |
To Twilight River! | |||
p101_00_title_diary p101_00_title_savedata p101_00_title_coursetitle p101_00_title_gpad |
Track the Mystery Signal | |||
p102_00_title_diary p102_00_title_savedata p102_00_title_coursetitle p102_00_title_gpad |
Save the Winged Onion! | |||
p103_00_title_diary p103_00_title_savedata p103_00_title_coursetitle p103_00_title_gpad |
Winged Pikmin! | |||
p104_00_title_diary p104_00_title_savedata p104_00_title_coursetitle p104_00_title_gpad |
SOS from Olimar | |||
p105_00_title_diary p105_00_title_savedata p105_00_title_coursetitle p105_00_title_gpad |
Save Olimar! | |||
p117_00_title_diary p117_00_title_savedata p117_00_title_coursetitle p117_00_title_gpad |
Defeat the Scornet Maestro! | |||
p118_00_title_diary p118_00_title_savedata p118_00_title_coursetitle p118_00_title_gpad |
Retrieve Olimar! | |||
p119_00_title_diary p119_00_title_savedata p119_00_title_coursetitle p119_00_title_gpad |
Find Fruit! | |||
p120_00_title_diary p120_00_title_savedata p120_00_title_coursetitle p120_00_title_gpad |
Follow Olimar! | |||
p121_00_title_diary p121_00_title_savedata p121_00_title_coursetitle p121_00_title_gpad |
Follow Olimar! | |||
p121_01_title_diary p121_01_title_savedata p121_01_title_coursetitle p121_01_title_gpad |
The Blue Onion | |||
p122_00_title_diary p122_00_title_savedata p122_00_title_coursetitle p122_00_title_gpad |
Blue Pikmin | |||
p123_00_title_diary p123_00_title_savedata p123_00_title_coursetitle p123_00_title_gpad |
Find the Hocotatian! | |||
p128_00_title_diary p128_00_title_savedata p128_00_title_coursetitle p128_00_title_gpad |
Save the Hocotatian! | |||
p129_00_title_diary p129_00_title_savedata p129_00_title_coursetitle p129_00_title_gpad |
Retrieve the Hocotatian! | |||
p130_00_title_diary p130_00_title_savedata p130_00_title_coursetitle p130_00_title_gpad |
Head to the Formidable Oak | |||
p131_00_title_diary p131_00_title_savedata p131_00_title_coursetitle p131_00_title_gpad |
Find Captain Olimar! | |||
p132_00_title_diary p132_00_title_savedata p132_00_title_coursetitle p132_00_title_gpad |
Save Captain Olimar! | |||
p133_00_title_diary p133_00_title_savedata p133_00_title_coursetitle p133_00_title_gpad |
Save Captain Olimar! | |||
p134_00_title_diary p134_00_title_savedata p134_00_title_coursetitle p134_00_title_gpad |
Save Captain Olimar! | |||
Cleardata_title_savedata | Story Cleared | |||
mapA_00_title_gpad | Head to Tropical Wilds! | |||
mapB_00_title_gpad | Head to Garden of Hope! | |||
mapC_00_title_gpad | Head to Distant Tundra! | |||
mapD_00_title_gpad | Head to Twilight River! | |||
mapE_00_title_gpad | Head to Formidable Oak! |
Text for talk conversation.
- Pikmin 3
- Pikmin 3 Deluxe
Text for day rewinding.
Internal Name | NA Text | EU Text | JP Text |
Btn00_Btn00 | Cancel | Cancel | いいえ |
Btn01_Btn00 | OK | OK | やり直す |
Message01 | Go back in time and try again? | Go back in time and try again? | 過去にもどってやり直しますか? |
Names for certain objects.
Internal Name | NA Text | EU Text | JP Text |
AmemboBullet | |||
AshibaFlower | Bloominous Stemple | Bloominous Stemple | ヒカリワタゲ |
Berry | |||
Block | |||
Bomb | Bomb Rock | Bomb Rock | バクダン岩 |
Bubble | Bubble | Bubble | アワ |
Burrow | |||
Clay | |||
ClayStation | |||
Crystal | |||
DebugActor | |||
DemejakoBurrow | |||
DenkyuSocketL | |||
Disaster | |||
DenkyuSocketL | |||
DownFloor | Seesaw Block | Seesaw Block | 角材 |
Fire | |||
FruitBranch | |||
Geyser | Geyser | Geyser | 間欠泉 |
Haycarry | |||
HayStation | Hay | Hay | シュロ |
Hokoritake | Dusty Mushroom | Dusty Mushroom | ホコリタケ |
Honey | Nectar | Nectar | 大地のエキス |
HotExtract | Ultra-Spicy Nectar | Ultra-Spicy Nectar | ゲキカラエキス |
Kakureba | |||
Kanban | |||
Keepout | |||
LiftBoard | Elevator Platform | Elevator Platform | ギッタン箱 |
LiftNail | |||
LiftRope | |||
LightBulb | Lightbulb | Light Bulb | 電球 |
LightBulb_L | Lightbulb | Light Bulb | 電球 |
LightBulb_S | Lightbulb | Light Bulb | 電球 |
LightRay | |||
Lotus | Lily Pad | Lily Pad | ハスの葉 |
LotusAdmin | |||
MetabossCore | |||
Meteor | |||
NamaPongashi | |||
Nendo20A | |||
Nendo40A | |||
Nendo40B | |||
Nendo60A | |||
NendoStation20A | Fragments | Fragments | カケラ |
NendoStation40A | Fragments | Fragments | カケラ |
NendoStation40B | Fragments | Fragments | カケラ |
NendoStation60A | Fragments | Fragments | カケラ |
Nest | |||
Net | |||
Onyon | Onion | Onion | オニヨン |
OrimaMemo | |||
Pellet1 | 1 Pellet | 1 Pellet | 1ペレット |
Pellet10 | 10 Pellet | 10 Pellet | 10ペレット |
Pellet5 | 5 Pellet | 5 Pellet | 5ペレット |
PikminHead | Pikmin Sprout | Pikmin Sprout | 芽ピクミン |
Pod | |||
Pongashi | Candypop Bud | Candypop Bud | ポンガシグサ |
Portal | |||
Producer | |||
Pullplant | Flukeweed | Flukeweed | ひっこぬけ草 |
RockBall | Boulder | Boulder | イワダマ |
SandBall | |||
SangoCarry | |||
SangoStation | Fragments | Fragments | カケラ |
SearchBomb | |||
Sizai | |||
SizaiStation | Nuggets | Nuggets | キンカイ |
SnowBall | Snowball | Snowball | ユキダマ |
Stopper | |||
TestBox | |||
Trampoline | Bouncy Mushroom | Bouncy Mushroom | ピョンピョンダケ |
Tsuyu | Ultra-Spicy Berry | Ultra-Spicy Berry | ピキノツユクサの実 |
Ufo | S.S. Drake | SS Drake | 宇宙船ドレイク号 |
Ukikusa | |||
Wall359 | Stubborn Rocks | Stubborn Rocks | ゆるぎない石垣 |
WaterBubble | Bubble | Bubble | アワ |
Captions from the opening cutscene.
Internal Name | NA Text | EU Text | JP Text | JP Translation |
Text_00 | Galactic date: 20XX. | Galactic date: 20XX | 星歴20XX年 | Star history, year 20XX |
Text_01 | At the far reaches of space lies a planet on the brink of ruin... | At the far reaches of space lies a planet on the brink of ruin... | 宇宙の果てで とある星が 滅びようとしていた… | At the far reaches of space, a certain planet was on the brink of ruin |
Text_02 | The planet's name: Koppai. | The planet's name: Koppai. | その星の名前は 惑星コッパイ | That planet's name was planet Koppai |
Text_03 | Due to a booming population, booming appetites, and a basic lack of planning, | Due to a booming population, booming appetites and a basic lack of planning... | 爆発的な人口増加と 無計画な気質が原因で | Due to an explosive population growth and a non-planning temperament, |
Text_04 | Koppai's inhabitants have all but exhausted their food supply. | ...Koppai's inhabitants have all but exhausted their food supply. | 星の住人たちは ほとんどの食料を 食べ尽くしてしまったのだ… | the planet's inhabitants had consumed most of its food... |
Text_05 | Their only hope is to find another planet with edible matter. | Their only hope is to find another planet with edible matter. | そこで 彼らは 食料のある星を探すため | So, to search for a planet with food, |
Text_06 | Accordingly, they send unmanned scout vessels called "SPEROs" out into space. | Accordingly, they send unmanned scout vessels called "SPEROs" out into space. | 無人探査機スパロウを 宇宙へ放った | they sent unmanned probe SPEROs into space |
Text_07 | To their dismay, the search is proving fruitless. | To their dismay, the search is proving fruitless. | だが 成果は上がらなかった | But it was fruitless |
Text_08 | Just as they're about to give up... | Just as they're about to give up... | あきらめかけた そのとき | Just as they were about to give up, |
Text_09 | The final vessel reports back with news of a miraculous discovery! | ...the final vessel reports back with news of a miraculous discovery! | 最後の一機から 有力な情報が送られてきたのだ! | the last probe sent some promising information! |
Text_10 | They mobilize to investigate the planet, which they name PNF-404. | They mobilise to investigate the planet, which they name PNF-404. | PNF-404 と名付けられた その惑星を調査するため | To investigate the planet, which they named PNF-404, |
Text_11 | Koppai's last hope rests on three intrepid explorers. | Koppai's last hope rests on three intrepid explorers. | 3人の専門家が召集され 送り込まれることになった | it was decided that three experts would be called and sent there |
Text_12 | At last the explorers' 279,000-light-year voyage nears its end. | At last the explorers' 279,000 light-year voyage nears its end. | 27万9千光年の 長い航海を終えて | After a long voyage of 279,000 light-years, |
Text_13 | But as they initiate the landing sequence... | But as they initiate the landing sequence... | 惑星PNF-404への 着陸態勢に入ったとき | just as they were preparing to land on planet PNF-404 |
Text_14 | Something goes horribly wrong. | ...something goes horribly wrong. | 事故は起きた | an accident occurred |
Names for certain plants.
Internal Name | NA Text | EU Text | JP Text |
clover | Clover | Clover | クローバー |
cosmos | Cosmos | Cosmos | コスモス |
dongurinome | Oak Seedling | Oak Seedling | ドングリの芽 |
erigeron | Fleabane | Fleabane | エリゲロン |
hangesyou | Lizard Tail | Lizard Tail | ハンゲショウ |
hikarikinoko | Common Glowcap | Common Glowcap | ヒカリキノコ |
ikariso | Barrenwort | Barrenwort | イカリソウ |
inunohuguri | Speedwell | Speedwell | イヌノフグリ |
katabami | Sleeping Beauty | Sleeping Beauty | カタバミ |
oounu | Bird's Eye | Bird's Eye | オオイヌノフグリ |
pansy | Pansy | Pansy | パンジー |
rose | Rose | Rose | バラ |
suisen | Daffodil | Daffodil | スイセン |
tamokinoko | Rosy Parachute | Rosy Parachute | ハナオチバタケ |
tanpopo | Dandelion | Dandelion | タンポポ |
tanpopo_hana | Dandelion | Dandelion | タンポポ |
tanpopo_watage | Seeding Dandelion | Seeding Dandelion | タンポポの綿毛 |
toubana | Slender Wild Basil | Slender Wild Basil | トウバナ |
turu_head | Vine Tip | Vine Tip | ツル |
turu_leaf | Vine Leaf | Vine Leaf | ツル |
urikawa | Dwarf Arrowhead | Dwarf Arrowhead | ウリカワ |
Names for certain work objects.
Internal Name | NA Text | EU Text | JP Text |
BombGate | Reinforced Wall | Reinforced Wall | 鉄筋のカベ |
Branch | Climbing Stick | Climbing Stick | のぼり棒 |
Bridge20A | Reassembled Bridge | Reassembled Bridge | カケ橋 |
Bridge40A | Reassembled Bridge | Reassembled Bridge | カケ橋 |
Bridge40B | Reassembled Bridge | Reassembled Bridge | カケ橋 |
Bridge60A | Reassembled Bridge | Reassembled Bridge | カケ橋 |
Catwalk | |||
ConnectLine | Electrode | Electrode | 電極 |
CrystalGate | Crystal Wall | Crystal Wall | ガラスのカベ |
DenkiGate | Electric Gate | Electric Gate | 電気のカベ |
Excavation | |||
Clipboard | Clipboard | バッタン板 | |
Gate | Dirt Wall | Dirt Wall | 土のカベ |
Hay | Haystack | Hay Stack | シュロ |
KojamaCrystal | Small Crystal | Small Crystal | スイショウ |
OhjamaCryastal | Large Crystal | Large Crystal | スイショウ |
PullGate | Bamboo Gate | Bamboo Gate | 竹の柵 |
Rock359 | Iron Ball | Iron Ball | 鉄球 |
Sango | Flower Pot | Flower Pot | 植木鉢 |
ShimaCrystal | Mireclops Crystal | Mireclops Crystal | スイショウ |
SlopeClay | |||
Tateana | Dirt Mound | Dirt Mound | タテ穴 |
TestBlock | |||
Tunnel | Tunnel | Tunnel | ヨコ穴 |
WaterGate | Dam | Dam | 天然ダム |
WBox | Tin Box | Tin Box | 缶箱 |
XBox | Cardboard Box | Cardboard Box | 紙箱 |
YBox | Paper Bag | Paper Bag | 紙袋 |