User:Twins1105/Extracted Text/Pikmin 3

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North American English, British English, and Japanese text related to Pikmin 3 and Pikmin 3 Deluxe.

The following article or section needs help from someone who can translate Japanese text.


Text for badges.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe
Internal Name NA Text EU Text JP Text JP Translation
AchievementTitle_001 New Horizons 探索たんさくはじまり Beginning of the Search
AchievementDescription_001 You've spent a full day on a new world. 惑星わくせいPNF-404で1日目にちめごしたあかし Proof of 1 day spent on planet PNF-404.
AchievementConditions_001 Clear the first day on PNF-404. 惑星わくせいPNF-404で1日目にちめをクリアする。 Clear 1 day on planet PNF-404.
AchievementTitle_002 Bearing Fruit コッパイ星救済せいきゅうさい第一歩だいいっぽ First Steps to Saving Planet Koppai
AchievementDescription_002 Your efforts to save Koppai are starting to pay off. 惑星わくせいPNF-404で果実かじつあつ はじめたあかし Proof of starting fruit collection on planet PNF-404.
AchievementConditions_002 Retrieve a fruit in Story mode. ストーリーで果実かじつを1個回収こかいしゅうする。 Collect 1 fruit in the story.
AchievementTitle_003 Intelligent Life? 知的生命体ちてきせいめいたい Intelligent Life?
AchievementDescription_003 You're on the trail of an unknown intelligent life-form. 知的生命体ちてきせいめいたい?の痕跡こんせきったあかし Evidence of the trail of Intelligent life?
AchievementConditions_003 Retrieve 15 exploration notes. 探索たんさくメモを15個回収こかいしゅうする。 Collect 15 exploration notes.
AchievementTitle_004 Shutterbug カメラ小僧こぞう Camera Boy
AchievementDescription_004 You've figured out how the camera works 記念きねんすべき1枚目まいめ The commemorative first photo.
AchievementConditions_004 Use the camera to take a photo. Gカメラを使つかって写真しゃしんを1枚撮まいとる。 Take one photo using the G camera.
AchievementTitle_005 Flaw in the Armor Flaw in the Armour ヨロヒイモムカデとのたたか Battle with the Armored Mawdad
AchievementTitle_105 Battle ??? ???とのたたか Battle with ???
AchievementDescription_005 You defeated the Armored Mawdad. You defeated the Armoured Mawdad. ヨロヒイモムカデをたおしたあかし Proof of defeating the Armored Mawdad.
AchievementDescription_105 Proof of defeating ??? ???をたおしたあかし Proof of defeating ???
AchievementConditions_005 Defeat the Armored Mawdad in Story mode. Defeat the Armoured Mawdad in Story mode. ストーリーでヨロヒイモムカデをたおす。 Defeat the Armored Mawdad in the story.
AchievementConditions_105 Defeat ??? in Story mode. ストーリーで???をたおす。 Defeat ??? in the story.
AchievementTitle_006 Animal Annotator 原生生物研究者 Creature Researcher
AchievementDescription_00 Your data stemming from research into the indigenous creatures here has been recorded. 原生生物を研究し、記録している証。 Evidence of studying and documenting creatures.
AchievementConditions_006 Log 10 Piklopedia entries. 原生生物図鑑を10項目埋める。 Fill in 10 entries in the Piklopedia.
AchievementTitle_007 Dreams of Adventure 夢は冒険家 Dream of being an adventurer
AchievementDescription_007 You've undertaken a special mission. ミッションに挑戦した証。 Proof of attempting a mission.
AchievementConditions_007 Play a mission in Mission mode. ミッションを1回プレイする。 Play one mission.
AchievementTitle_008 Clocking In 限られた時間の中で Within a limited time
AchievementDescription_008 You've earned a bronze medal or better while clearing a Side Story. サイドストーリーで銅メダル以上を獲得した証。 Proof of acquiring a bronze medal or higher in a Side Story.
AchievementConditions_008 Earn a bronze medal or better while clearing a Side Story. サイドストーリーで銅メダル以上を1個獲得する。 Earn one bronze medal or higher in a Side Story.
AchievementTitle_009 Line 'Em Up 負けられない戦い Unyielding Battle
AchievementDescription_009 You've tried out Bingo Battle. ビンゴバトルをプレイした証。 Proof of playing Bingo Battle.
AchievementConditions_009 Play Bingo Battle once. ビンゴバトルを1回遊ぶ。 Play Bingo Battle once.
AchievementTitle_010 Game Changer 大・逆・転 Large, reverse, turn
AchievementDescription_010 You've played Bingo Battle with the Victory Macaroon rule, allowing for a dramatic reversal. ビンゴバトルで一発逆転ができるルール「勝利のマカロン」に変更し、プレイした証。 Proof of playing under the "Victory Macaron" rule in Bingo Battle, which allows for a sudden reversal.
AchievementConditions_010 Play Bingo Battle with the Victory Macaroon rule. ビンゴバトルを「勝利のマカロン」ルールで1回遊ぶ。 Play Bingo Battle once using the "Victory Macaron" rule.
AchievementTitle_011 Fruitful Endeavor Fruitful Endeavour コッパイ星を救うために To save Koppai
AchievementDescription_011 You've found a steady stream of edible fruits on PNF-404. 惑星PNF-404で食料となる果実を順調に見つけている証。 Proof of making good progress in finding edible fruit on PNF-404.
AchievementConditions_011 Retrieve 10 fruits in Story mode. ストーリーで果実を10個回収する。 Collect 10 fruits in the story.
AchievementTitle_012 Achieving Enlightenment オオバケカガミとの戦い Battle with the Vehemoth Phosbat
AchievementTitle_112 Battle ??? ???との戦い Battle with ???
AchievementDescription_012 You defeated the Vehemoth Phosbat. オオバケカガミを倒した証。 Proof of defeating the Vehemoth Phosbat.
AchievementDescription_112 Proof of defeating ??? ???を倒した証。 Proof of defeating ???
AchievementConditions_012 Defeat the Vehemoth Phosbat in Story mode. ストーリーでオオバケカガミを倒す。 Defeat the Vehemoth Phosbat in the story.
AchievementConditions_112 Defeat ??? in Story mode. ストーリーで???を倒す。 Defeat ??? in the story.
AchievementTitle_013 Duel in the Dunes オオスナフラシとの戦い
AchievementTitle_113 Battle ??? ???との戦い
AchievementDescription_013 You defeated the Sandbelching Meerslug. オオスナフラシを倒した証
AchievementDescription_113 Proof of defeating ??? ???を倒した証。
AchievementConditions_013 Defeat the Sandbelching Meerslug ストーリーで オオスナフラシを倒す。
AchievementConditions_113 Defeat ??? in Story mode. ストーリーで???を\倒す。
AchievementTitle_014 Decomposer タテゴトハチスズメとの戦い
AchievementTitle_114 Battle ??? ???との戦い
AchievementDescription_014 You defeated the Scornet Maestro. タテゴトハチスズメを倒した証。
AchievementDescription_114 Proof of defeating ??? ???を倒した証。
AchievementConditions_014 Defeat the Scornet Maestro in Story mode. ストーリーで タテゴトハチスズメを倒す。
AchievementConditions_114 Defeat ??? in Story mode. ストーリーで???を倒す。
AchievementTitle_015 Evasive Action 避けの達人
AchievementDescription_015 You found the Dodge Whistle. 「ヨケ笛」を見つけた証。
AchievementConditions_015 Acquire the Dodge Whistle. ヨケ笛を入手する。
AchievementTitle_016 Strong on the Inside ボクたちだって強くなる!
AchievementDescription_016 You've found a way to reinforce your suit. 宇宙服を強化するアンダーウェアを見つけた証。
AchievementConditions_016 Acquire the Metal Suit Z, Anti-Electrifier, or Scorch Guard. メタルスーツZ、アンチ・エレキ、フレア・ガードのいずれかを入手する。
AchievementTitle_017 Fruit Force コッパイ星に希望の光を
AchievementDescription_017 You've collected nearly half the edible fruits on PNF-404. 惑星PNF-404で果実を半分近く集めた証。
AchievementConditions_017 Retrieve 30 fruits in Story mode. ストーリーで果実を30個回収する。
AchievementTitle_018 Pikmin Challenger クリアおめでとう!ピクミンチャレンジャー
AchievementDescription_018 You've cleared Story mode on Normal difficulty or higher. ストーリーを「ふつう」以上でクリアした証。
AchievementConditions_018 Clear Story mode on Normal difficulty or higher. ストーリーを「ふつう」以上でクリアする。
AchievementTitle_019 Pikmin Professional クリアおめでとう!ピクミンプロ
AchievementDescription_019 You've cleared Story mode on Hard difficulty or higher. ストーリーを「むずかしい」以上でクリアした証。
AchievementConditions_019 Clear Story mode on Hard difficulty or higher. ストーリーを「むずかしい」以上でクリアする。
AchievementTitle_020 Greenhorn 駆け出し冒険家
AchievementDescription_020 You've earned a bronze medal or better in Mission mode. ミッションで銅メダル以上を獲得した証。
AchievementConditions_020 Earn a bronze medal or better in Mission mode. ミッションで銅メダル以上を1個獲得する。
AchievementTitle_021 Getting Closer 一人前の冒険家
AchievementDescription_021 You've earned a silver medal or better in Mission mode. ミッションで銀メダル以上を獲得した証。
AchievementConditions_021 Earn a silver medal or better in Mission mode. ミッションで銀メダル以上を1個獲得する。
AchievementTitle_022 Bingo Buff ビンゴ好き
AchievementDescription_022 You've played quite a few Bingo Battles. ビンゴバトルを数多く遊んだ証。
AchievementConditions_022 Play Bingo Battle 10 times. ビンゴバトルで10回遊ぶ。
AchievementTitle_023 Earth Mover ヌマアラシとの戦い
AchievementTitle_123 Battle ??? ???との戦い
AchievementDescription_023 You defeated the Quaggled Mireclops. ヌマアラシを倒した証。
AchievementDescription_123 Proof of defeating ??? ???を倒した証。
AchievementConditions_023 Defeat the Quaggled Mireclops in Story mode. ストーリーでヌマアラシを倒す。
AchievementConditions_123 Defeat ??? in Story mode. ストーリーで???を倒す。
AchievementTitle_024 Safe and Sound アメニュウドウとの戦い
AchievementTitle_124 Battle ??? ???との戦い
AchievementDescription_024 You defeated the Plasm Wraith. アメニュウドウを倒した証。
AchievementDescription_124 Proof of defeating ??? ???を倒した証。
AchievementConditions_024 Defeat the Plasm Wraith in Story mode. ストーリーでアメニュウドウを倒す。
AchievementConditions_124 Defeat ??? in Story mode. ストーリーで???を倒す。
AchievementTitle_025 Pikmin Master クリアおめでとう!ピクミンマスター
AchievementDescription_025 You've cleared Story mode on Ultra-Spicy difficulty. ストーリーを「ゲキカラ」でクリアした証。
AchievementConditions_025 Clear Story mode on Ultra-Spicy difficulty. ストーリーを「ゲキカラ」でクリアする。
AchievementTitle_026 Adventure into the Unknown 知られざる冒険
AchievementDescription_026 You've earned medals in each stage of Olimar's Assignment. 「オリマーの冒険」全てでメダルを獲得した証。
AchievementDescription_226 Earn a medal in each stage of ??? 「???」全てでメダルを獲得した証。
AchievementConditions_026 Earn a bronze medal or better in each stage of Olimar's Assignment. 「オリマーの冒険」で全て銅メダル以上を獲得する。
AchievementConditions_226 Earn a bronze medal or better in each stage of ??? 「???」で全て銅メダル以上を獲得する。
AchievementTitle_027 Working Overtime 終わりなき残業
AchievementDescription_027 You've earned medals in each stage of Olimar's Comeback. 「オリマーの冒険 ふたたび」全てでメダルを獲得した証。
AchievementDescription_227 Earn a medal in each stage of ??? 「???」全てでメダルを獲得した証。
AchievementConditions_027 Earn a bronze medal or better in each stage of Olimar's Comeback. 「オリマーの冒険 ふたたび」で全て銅メダル以上を獲得する。
AchievementConditions_227 Earn a bronze medal or better in each stage of ??? 「???」で全て銅メダル以上を獲得する。
AchievementTitle_028 Good as Gold 名うての冒険家
AchievementDescription_028 You've earned a gold medal or better in Mission mode. ミッションで金メダル以上を獲得した証。
AchievementConditions_028 Earn a gold medal or better in Mission mode. ミッションで金メダル以上を1個獲得する。
AchievementTitle_029 Treasure Hunter トレジャーハンター
AchievementDescription_029 You've earned medals in all Collect treasure! missions. 「お宝をあつめろ!」全てでメダルを獲得した証。
AchievementConditions_029 Clear all Collect treasure! missions with at least a bronze medal. 「お宝をあつめろ!」で全て銅メダル以上を獲得する。
AchievementTitle_030 Game Hunter 原生生物を狩る者
AchievementDescription_030 You've earned medals in all Battle enemies! missions. 「原生生物をたおせ!」全てでメダルを獲得した証。
AchievementConditions_030 Clear all Battle enemies! missions with at least a bronze medal. 「原生生物をたおせ!」で全て銅メダル以上を獲得する。
AchievementTitle_031 Big Game Hunter 巨大生物を狩る者
AchievementDescription_031 You've earned medals in all Defeat bosses! missions. 「巨大生物をたおせ!」全てでメダルを獲得した証。
AchievementConditions_031 Clear all Defeat bosses! missions with at least a bronze medal. 「巨大生物をたおせ!」で全て銅メダル以上を獲得する。
AchievementTitle_032 Gadget Master アイテムマスター
AchievementDescription_032 You've used a variety of items in Bingo Battle. ビンゴバトルで色々なアイテムを使用した証。
AchievementConditions_032 Use 10 types of items in Bingo Battle. ビンゴバトルでアイテムを10種類使用する。
AchievementTitle_033 Pincer Attack 強運の持ち主
AchievementDescription_033 You've been one away from victory in two different directions in Bingo Battle. ビンゴバトルでダブルリーチした証。
AchievementConditions_033 Be one away from victory twice during a single Bingo Battle. ビンゴバトルでダブルリーチをする。
AchievementTitle_034 Bingo Fiend ビンゴマスター
AchievementDescription_034 You've played every stage in Bingo Battle. ビンゴバトルで全てのステージを遊んだ証。
AchievementConditions_034 Play every stage in Bingo Battle. ビンゴバトルの全てのステージで遊ぶ。
AchievementTitle_035 Efficiency Expert コッパイ星いちの節約家
AchievementDescription_035 You've proven your ability to survive long periods of time in an unexplored land. 未開の地でも生きていく強さを持っている証。
AchievementConditions_035 Collect 30 days' worth of juice. 食料を30日分蓄える。
AchievementTitle_036 Fruit Ballad 救われたコッパイ星
AchievementDescription_036 You've found every edible fruit on PNF-404. 惑星PNF-404で食料となる果実を全て見つけた証。
AchievementConditions_036 Retrieve a total of 66 fruits in Story mode. ストーリーで果実を合計66個回収する。
AchievementTitle_037 Hocotatian Hound とあるホコタテ星人の足跡
AchievementDescription_037 You have discovered all traces of Captain Olimar. オリマーマニアの証。
AchievementDescription_237 Proof of discovering ??? ???の証。
AchievementConditions_037 Retrieve all exploration notes. 探索メモを全て回収する。
AchievementConditions_237 Retrieve all ??? ???を全て回収する。
AchievementTitle_038 Xenobiologist 原生生物博士
AchievementDescription_038 You have retrieved a sample of every creature on this world. 全ての原生生物を回収した証。
AchievementConditions_038 Complete the Piklopedia. 原生生物図鑑を完成させる。
AchievementTitle_039 President's Favor President's Favour 最優秀チャチョー賞
AchievementDescription_039 You've earned multiple platinum medals in Side Stories. サイドストーリーで複数のプラチナメダルを獲得した証。
AchievementConditions_039 Earn five platinum medals in Side Stories. サイドストーリーでプラチナメダルを5個獲得する。
AchievementTitle_040 Dedicated Adventurer 真の冒険家
AchievementDescription_040 You've earned an impressive number of platinum medals from missions. たくさんのミッションでプラチナメダルを獲得した証。
AchievementConditions_040 Earn platinum medals in 10 stages in Mission mode. ミッションでステージ別にプラチナメダルを10個獲得する。
AchievementTitle_041 Power Surge みなぎる力
AchievementDescription_041 You've boosted your Pikmin with a dose of Ultra-Spicy Spray in Story mode. ストーリーでゲキカラスプレーを使いピクミンを元気にした証。
AchievementConditions_041 Use a dose of Ultra-Spicy Spray. ゲキカラスプレーを1回使う。
AchievementTitle_042 Buddy System いっしょにあそぼう
AchievementDescription_042 You've played Story mode with a second player. ストーリーをふたりで遊んだ証。
AchievementConditions_042 Play Story mode with a second player. ストーリーをふたりでプレイをする。
AchievementTitle_043 Mission Partner ふたりでたのしく
AchievementDescription_043 You've played Mission mode with a second player. ミッションをふたりで遊んだ証。
AchievementConditions_043 Play Mission mode with a second player. ミッションをふたりでプレイをする。
AchievementTitle_044 Sidekick ふたりで協力
AchievementDescription_044 You've played a Side Story with a second player. サイドストーリーをふたりで遊んだ証。
AchievementConditions_044 Play a Side Story with a second player. サイドストーリーをふたりでプレイをする。
AchievementTitle_045 Bare-Knuckled ボクたちだって戦える!
AchievementDescription_045 You've defeated an indigenous creature without the Pikmin's help. ピクミンに頼らず、原生生物を倒した証。
AchievementConditions_045 Punch a wild creature into submission. パンチで原生生物を倒す。
AchievementTitle_046 Blast Radius 一石三鳥
AchievementDescription_046 You've shown yourself to be an expert in the use of bombs. バクダン使いの証。
AchievementConditions_046 Defeat three indigenous creatures via explosion, such as a Bomb Rock. バクダン岩などの爆発で原生生物を3匹一度に倒す。
AchievementTitle_047 Archaeology Hobbyist かけだし考古学者
AchievementDescription_047 You've located five hidden murals. 隠れた壁画を探し出した証。
AchievementConditions_047 Take photos of five hidden murals. 隠れた壁画を5枚撮影する。
AchievementTitle_048 Gardener 園芸師
AchievementDescription_048 You've sprouted an extraordinary number of Pikmin. たくさんのピクミンを生み出した証。
AchievementConditions_048 Create a total of 1,000 Pikmin in Story mode. ストーリーでピクミンを合計1000匹生み出す。
AchievementTitle_049 Flower Grinder 花咲か星人
AchievementDescription_049 You've raised an exceptional number of Pikmin with flowers. たくさんのピクミンを花まで成長させた証。
AchievementConditions_049 Give 500 Pikmin flowers in Story mode. ストーリーで500匹のピクミンを花に成長させる。
AchievementTitle_050 Legendary Archaeologist 伝説の考古学者
AchievementDescription_050 You've located all the hidden murals. すべての隠れた壁画を探し出した証。
AchievementConditions_050 Take photos of 15 hidden murals. 隠れた壁画を15枚撮影する。


Text for actions mid-game.

Pikmin 3
Internal Name NA Text EU Text JP Text JP Translation
AM_00 _ Pluck _ Pluck _ 抜く
AM_03 _ Call/Return Pikmin _ Call/Return Pikmin _ ピクミン出し入れ
AM_04 Hop On Hop On 乗る
AM_05 Hop Off Hop Off おりる
AM_06 Shake Shake ふりはらう
AM_10 Opponent's Pikmin Opponent's Pikmin 相手のピクミンです
AM_11 Get Up Get Up おきあがる
AM_12 Disperse Dismiss 解散
AM_13 _ Whistle _ Whistle _ 笛を吹く
AM_14 _ Throw _ Throw _ 投げる
AM_14_Touch Tap _ to Throw Tap the _ to throw _をポンとたたいて 投げる
AM_17 _ Disperse _ Dismiss _ 解散
AM_17_Touch _ and _ to Disperse Touch the _ _ Dismiss _の_ボタン カイサン
AM_18 Slide on _ to Move Cursor Slide on the _ to move pointer _をタッチ カーソルを動かす
AM_19 _ Cancel Go Here _ Cancel "Go Here!" _ 移動やめる
AM_20 _ Cancel Pluck _ Cancel pluck _ 抜くのをやめる
Pikmin 3 Deluxe
Internal Name ENG Text JP Text JP Translation
AM_00 _ Pluck _ 抜く
AM_03 _ Call/Return Pikmin _ ピクミン出し入れ
AM_04 Hop On 乗る
AM_05 Hop Off おりる
AM_06 Shake ふりはらう
AM_10 Opponent's Pikmin 相手のピクミンです
AM_13 _ Whistle _ 笛を吹く
AM_14 _ Throw _ 投げる
AM_19 _ Cancel Go Here _ 移動やめる
AM_20 _ Cancel Pluck _ 抜くのをやめる
AM_24 _ Charge _ 突撃
AM_28 _ Lock On _ ロックオン
AM_29 _ Cancel Lock On _ ロックオン解除
AM_31 _ Assemble All _全員集合



Pikmin 3 Deluxe
Internal Name ENG Text JP Text JP Translation
C3S_AddFomalName_098 [N] Battle ??? [N]???との戦い


Text for objectives.

Pikmin 3
Internal Name US Text EU Text JP Text JP Translation
p00_00 Exploration Day 1 探索1日目 Exploration Day 1
p30_00 Where's Brittany? ブリトニーはどこへ… Where's Brittany...
p31_00 Find Brittany! ブリトニーを探せ! Look for Brittany!
p31_01 Find Brittany! ブリトニーを探せ! Look for Brittany!
p40_00 Find the Fruit! 巨大果実を見つけろ! Find the Giant Fruit!
p40_01 Find the Fruit! 巨大果実を見つけろ! Find the Giant Fruit!
p41_00 Save Brittany! ブリトニーを救え! Save Brittany!
p41_01 Retrieve the Fruit! 回収! 巨大果実! Recover! The Giant Fruit!
p41_02 Save Brittany! ブリトニーを救え! Save Brittany!
p49_00 Brittany and the Fruit ブリトニーと巨大果実 Brittany and the Giant Fruit
p49_01 Brittany and the Fruit ブリトニーと巨大果実 Brittany and the Giant Fruit
p49_02 Save Brittany! ブリトニーを救え! Save Brittany!
p50_00 The Captain's Signal? キャプテンの電波? The Captain's Signal?
p50_01 The Captain's Signal? キャプテンの電波? The Captain's Signal?
p50_02 The Captain's Signal? キャプテンの電波? The Captain's Signal?
p50_03 The Captain's Signal? キャプテンの電波? The Captain's Signal?
p51_00 Follow the Signal! 電波の発信源を追え! Follow the Source of the Signal!
p58_00 Defeat the Armored Mawdad! Defeat the Armoured Mawdad! ヨロヒイモムカデをたおせ! Defeat the Armored Mawdad!
p59_00 Recover the Device! 回収! 謎の通信端末! Recover! The Mysterious Communication Terminal!
p60_00 Find the Captain! キャプテンを探せ! Look for the Captain!
p70_00 Reunite with Brittany! Reunite With Brittany! ブリトニーと合流せよ! Reunite with Brittany!
p70_01 Reunite with Brittany! Reunite With Brittany! ブリトニーと合流せよ! Reunite with Brittany!
p71_00 Reunite with Brittany! Reunite With Brittany! ブリトニーと合流せよ! Reunite with Brittany!
p71_01 Reunite with Brittany! Reunite With Brittany! ブリトニーと合流せよ! Reunite with Brittany!
p80_00 Where's the Captain? キャプテンはどこへ… Where's the Captain...
p80_01 Where's the Captain? キャプテンはどこへ… Where's the Captain...
p88_00 Defeat the Vehemoth Phosbat! オオバケカガミをたおせ! Defeat the Vehemoth Phosbat!
p90_00 Find the Cosmic-Drive Key! Find the Cosmic Drive Key! ワープドライブ・キーを探せ! Look for the Cosmic-Drive Key!
p90_01 Find the Cosmic-Drive Key! Find the Cosmic Drive Key! ワープドライブ・キーを探せ! Look for the Cosmic-Drive Key!
p90_02 Find the Cosmic-Drive Key! Find the Cosmic Drive Key! ワープドライブ・キーを探せ! Look for the Cosmic-Drive Key!
p91_00 Follow the Mystery Signal! 謎の電波を追え! Follow the Mystery Signal!
p91_01 Follow the Mystery Signal! 謎の電波を追え! Follow the Mystery Signal!
p97_00 The Sandbelching Meerslug 遭遇! オオスナフラシ! Encounter! The Sandbelching Meerslug!
p98_00 The Sandbelching Meerslug オオスナフラシをたおせ! Defeat the Sandbelching Meerslug!
p99_00 Recover the High-Tech Device! Recover the Device! 回収! 次世代端末! Recover! The Next-Generation Terminal!
p100_00 To Twilight River! 交わりの渓流へ To Twilight River
p101_00 Track the Mystery Signal Track the Mystery Signal 2 謎の電波を追え2 Follow the Mystery Signal 2
p102_00 Save the Winged Onion! 羽オニヨンを救え! Save the Winged Onion!
p103_00 Winged Pikmin! 誕生! 羽ピクミン! Birth! Winged Pikmin!
p104_00 SOS from Olimar SOS From Olimar オリマーからのSOS SOS from Olimar
p105_00 Save Olimar! オリマーを救え! Save Olimar!
p117_00 Defeat the Scornet Maestro! タテゴトハチスズメをたおせ! Defeat the Scornet Maestro!
p118_00 Retrieve Olimar! オリマーを搬送せよ! Transport Olimar!
p119_00 Find Fruit! Secure Food! 食料を確保せよ! Secure Food!
p120_00 Follow Olimar! オリマーを追え! Follow Olimar!
p121_00 The Blue Onion 発見! 青オニヨン! Discovery! The Blue Onion!
p122_00 Blue Pikmin 誕生! 青ピクミン! Birth! Blue Pikmin!
p123_00 Find the Hocotatian! ホコタテ星人を探せ! Look for the Hocotatian!
p128_00 Save the Hocotatian! ホコタテ星人を救え! Save the Hocotatian!
p129_00 Retrieve the Hocotatian! ホコタテ星人を搬送せよ! Transport the Hocotatian!
p130_00 Head to the Formidable Oak To the Formidable Oak 哀しき獣の塔へ To the Formidable Oak
p131_00 Find Captain Olimar! キャプテン・オリマーを探せ! Look for Captain Olimar!
p132_00 Save Captain Olimar! キャプテン・オリマーを救え! Save Captain Olimar!
p133_00 Save Captain Olimar! キャプテン・オリマーを救え! Save Captain Olimar!
p134_00 Save Captain Olimar! キャプテン・オリマーを救え! Save Captain Olimar!
Pikmin 3 Deluxe
Internal Name US Text EU Text JP Text JP Translation
Exploration Day 1 探索1日目
p22_00_title_gpad Find S.S. Drake! ドレイク号を探せ!
p23_00_title_gpad Find S.S. Drake! ドレイク号を探せ!
Where's Brittany? ブリトニーはどこへ…
Find Brittany! ブリトニーを探せ!
Find Brittany! ブリトニーを探せ!
Find the Fruit! 巨大果実を見つけろ!
Find the Fruit! 巨大果実を見つけろ!
Save Brittany! ブリトニーを救え!
Retrieve the Fruit! 回収! 巨大果実!
Save Brittany! ブリトニーを救え!
Brittany and the Fruit ブリトニーと巨大果実
Brittany and the Fruit ブリトニーと巨大果実
Save Brittany! ブリトニーを救え!
The Captain's Signal? キャプテンの電波?
The Captain's Signal? キャプテンの電波?
The Captain's Signal? キャプテンの電波?
The Captain's Signal? キャプテンの電波?
Follow the Signal! 電波の発信源を追え!
Defeat the Armored Mawdad! Defeat the Armoured Mawdad! ヨロヒイモムカデをたおせ!
Recover the Device! 回収! 謎の通信端末!
Find the Captain! キャプテンを探せ!
p61_00_title_gpad_00 Find Alph! アルフを探せ!
Reunite with Brittany! ブリトニーと合流せよ!
Reunite with Brittany! ブリトニーと合流せよ!
Reunite with Brittany! ブリトニーと合流せよ!
Reunite with Brittany! ブリトニーと合流せよ!
Where's the Captain? キャプテンはどこへ…
Where's the Captain? キャプテンはどこへ…
Defeat the Vehemoth Phosbat! オオバケカガミをたおせ!
Find the Cosmic-Drive Key! ワープドライブ・キーを探せ!
Find the Cosmic-Drive Key! ワープドライブ・キーを探せ!
Find the Cosmic-Drive Key! ワープドライブ・キーを探せ!
Follow the Mystery Signal! 謎の電波を追え!
Follow the Mystery Signal!
The Sandbelching Meerslug
The Sandbelching Meerslug
Recover the High-Tech Device!
To Twilight River!
Track the Mystery Signal
Save the Winged Onion!
Winged Pikmin!
SOS from Olimar
Save Olimar!
Defeat the Scornet Maestro!
Retrieve Olimar!
Find Fruit!
Follow Olimar!
Follow Olimar!
The Blue Onion
Blue Pikmin
Find the Hocotatian!
Save the Hocotatian!
Retrieve the Hocotatian!
Head to the Formidable Oak
Find Captain Olimar!
Save Captain Olimar!
Save Captain Olimar!
Save Captain Olimar!
Cleardata_title_savedata Story Cleared
mapA_00_title_gpad Head to Tropical Wilds!
mapB_00_title_gpad Head to Garden of Hope!
mapC_00_title_gpad Head to Distant Tundra!
mapD_00_title_gpad Head to Twilight River!
mapE_00_title_gpad Head to Formidable Oak!


Text for talk conversation.

Pikmin 3
Internal Name NA Text EU Text JP Text JP Translation
p30_00 Alph I've tracked down Brittany's signal. Right now, finding her is my highest priority.
Alph However, I'm also very concerned that our cosmic-drive key is now missing.
Alph If I don't find that, the Drake won't be able to fly fast enough to get us back to Koppai.
That would be very, very bad.
Alph Brittany's signal seems to be coming from over there!
Alph Right now, meeting up with her has got to be my top priority.
Alph Having said that, I'm also quite worried by the loss of our cosmic drive key.
Alph Without it, the Drake can't reach a high enough speed to get us home.
Alph ブリトニーさんの信号しんごうはあのあたりから発信はっしんされたみたいだ!
Alph それにしても、船内せんないからワープドライブ・キーえたのがになる。
Alph この惑星わくせいドレイクごう不時着ふじちゃくしたときにとしてしまったのかな?
Alph あれがないと、ボクらは故郷こきょうかえれないのに・・・。
Alph It looks like Brittany's signal was sent from around there!
Alph Still, I'm worried about the disappearance of the cosmic-drive key from the ship.
Alph Did it fall out when the S.S. Drake made its emergency landing on this planet?
Alph Without it, we can't return home...
p31_00 Alph I'm picking up a signal...
Alph It must be Brittany! I need to locate her immediately!
Alph The signal is coming from...around here!
Alph It must be Brittany! I had better hurry up and help her...
Alph 電波でんぱ発信源はっしんげんはこのあたりか・・・。
Alph きっとブリトニーさんだ! はやたすけてあげないと・・・。
Alph The source of the signal is somewhere around here...
Alph It must be Brittany! I need to help her quickly....
p40_00 Alph What's this giant piece of fruit that Brittany mentioned? Alph What's this giant fruit-like object that Brittany mentioned? Alph ブリトニーさんがってたおおきな果実かじつらしきものってなんだろう? Alph I wonder, what did Brittany mean by something that looks like a large fruit?
p41_00 Alph Before I do anything else, I need to regroup with Brittany and recover that fruit.
Then we'll determine whether it's edible by using the S.S. Drake's computer to analyze it.
Alph Before I do anything else, I need to regroup with Brittany and recover that piece of fruit.
Alph We won't even know if it's edible until it's been analysed by the SS Drake's computer, though.
Alph まずは、ブリトニーさんと合流ごうりゅうして果実かじつ回収かいしゅうしよう。 
Alph べられるかどうかはドレイクごうのコンピュータで分析ぶんせきしてみないと・・・。
Alph First, let's join up with Brittany and recover the fruit.
Alph We'll have to analyze it with the S.S. Drake's computer to know if it's edible...
p41_02 Alph Yesterday I retrieved our first piece of edible matter.
I'm sure Brittany would be very happy about that.
Alph I guess I need to find her before I can tell her.
Alph Yesterday was an occasion worthy of celebration - I managed to retrieve our very first piece of edible matter on this planet!
Alph I'm sure this news will make Brittany very happy...
Alph But I guess I need to find her before I can tell her!
Alph 昨日きのうは、このほし記念きねんすべき最初さいしょ食料資源しょくりょうしげん回収かいしゅうした。 きっとブリトニーさんもよろこぶだろう。
Alph あっ、はや彼女かのじょ合流ごうりゅうしないと・・・。
Alph Yesterday I recovered our first food resource, worthy of celebration, on this planet. I'm sure Brittany will be pleased.
Alph Oh, I have to join up with her soon...
p49_00 Alph The Onions fused into one!
Alph How did they manage that? It's absolutely fascinating...
Alph I'd like to take a look in there if I get a chance.
Alph The Onions fused into one!
Alph How intriguing... I wonder how they did that?
Alph I'd love to take a peek inside, if I ever get the chance.
Alph オニヨンが合体がったいした!
Alph どういうメカニズムになっているんだろう? じつ興味きょうみぶかい・・・。
Alph 機会きかいがあったらなかをのぞいてみたいな。
Alph The Onions merged into one!
Alph I wonder, what mechanism could it be? It's really interesting...
Alph I'd love to take a peek inside, if I get the chance.
p49_02 Alph Yesterday was an event worthy of celebration... I found my first piece of edible matter! I'm sure Brittany will be happy too!
Alph I don't know what her reaction will be when she sees the Pikmin though...
Alph Yesterday was an event worthy of celebration... I found my first piece of edible matter!
Alph I'm sure Brittany will be pleased!
Alph She might be quite surprised when she sees the Pikmin though...
Alph 昨日きのうは、このほし記念きねんすべき最初さいしょ食料資源しょくりょうしげん回収かいしゅうした。 きっとブリトニーさんもよろこぶだろう。
Alph あっ、ピクミンのことをたらおどろくかな・・・。
Alph Yesterday I recovered our first food resource, worthy of celebration, on this planet. I'm sure Brittany will be pleased.
Alph Oh, I wonder if she'll be surprised when she sees the Pikmin...
p50_00 Alph That was amazing how the Pikmin freed you like that!
Brittany I am indeed fortunate that they were present. They appear to be intelligent, friendly creatures.
Brittany Perhaps we can get them to help us look for fruit...
Alph We need to focus every drop of our energy on getting the Pikmin to help us gather fruit!
Brittany Well, we also need to find the cosmic-drive key. We won't make it home without that.
Alph Right! Let's focus all of our energy on retrieving food and the key! I will think about nothing else!
Brittany Except for finding the captain. We need to rescue him as well.
Alph ...Right. So we'll just get the food, the key, and the captain! Sigh. Is that everything...?
Alph That was amazing how the Pikmin smashed a way out for you!
Brittany Yes, I was lucky to have them around. They seem like smart creatures - and friendly, too!
Brittany Hey, maybe we can get them to help us gather food! That IS why we're here, after all.
Alph Good idea! But don't forget that we also need to find the...
Brittany Cosmic drive key! You're right! What was I thinking?! We can't get home without that. It's crucial!
Alph Yep! But, err, actually... I was referring to the Captain. We do need to find him too...
Brittany Focus on what's important, Alph! There are only so many hours in a day!
Alph But...
Brittany Oh, very well. I suppose we can keep our eyes peeled for the Captain as we go along.
Alph ピクミンのおかげでなんとか脱出だっしゅつできましたね。
Brittany かれらがいてたすかったわ。 どうやら、知能ちのうもある友好的ゆうこうてきもののようね。
Brittany せっかくだから、しばらくアタシたちの食料探索しょくりょうたんさくにも協力きょうりょくしてもらいましょう。
Alph そうですね。 あと肝心かんじんな・・・
Brittany そう! ワープドライブ・キーね! あれがないと、かえれないもの。
Alph えっと、あの・・・。 キャプテンが、まだ・・・。
Brittany あ、そうそう! ついでにキャプテンのこともさがしましょう!
Alph Thanks to the Pikmin, you made it out of there.
Brittany They sure saved me. Apparently, they're friendly creatures, and intelligent, too.
Brittany Since they're around, let's see if they can help us in our search for food for a while.
Alph That's right. And something else that's important...
Brittany Right! The cosmic-drive key! Without it, we can't go home.
Alph Err, um... The captain, he's still...
Brittany Oh, yeah! Let's also look for the captain along the way!
p50_02 Alph We finally discovered edible matter!
Brittany After close analysis, my conclusion is that the fruit juice is delicious.
Alph I've never tasted anything like that on Koppai!
Brittany We need to continue our search. If there is more to be had...we should have it.
Alph Right! Let's focus all of our energy on finding more fruit and absolutely nothing else
Brittany We still need the cosmic-drive key! We can't get home without that.
Alph Right! Let's focus all our energy on retrieving fruit and the key and absolutely nothing else!
Brittany The captain. We still need to find the captain, as well.
Alph ...Right. So we'll just get the food, the key, and the captain! Is there anything else I'm forgetting...?
Alph We've finally discovered edible matter!
Brittany Yes! And after careful analysis, my conclusion is that the fruit juice... is delicious!
Alph I've never tasted anything like it on Koppai!
Brittany There's got to be more where that came from. Let's focus our efforts on finding as much as we can!
Alph But don't forget the cosmic drive key! It's no use finding fruit if we can't get it back to Koppai.
Brittany Right! Gathering food and locating the cosmic drive key. That should be more than enough to keep us busy.
Alph And, err, don't forget the Captain. We need to rescue him as well!
Brittany The Captain? Oh yeah. He almost slipped my mind.
Brittany Well I guess we can pick him up along the way.
Alph 昨日きのうは、このほし記念きねんすべき最初さいしょ食料資源しょくりょうしげん回収かいしゅうしましたね!
Brittany ええ、ちょっと味見あじみしてみたけどあの果汁かじゅう美味おいしかったわね。
Alph そうですね、コッパイせいではあじわったことのないあじでした。
Brittany ほかにも、もっとないかしら? どんどんさがしましょう!
Alph そうですね。 あと肝心かんじんな・・・
Brittany そう! ワープドライブ・キーね! あれがないと、かえれないもの。
Alph えっと、あの・・・。 キャプテンが、まだ・・・。
Brittany あ、そうそう! ついでにキャプテンのこともさがしましょう!
Alph Yesterday we recovered our first food resource, worthy of celebration, on this planet!
Brittany Yes, I tasted a little of that juice and it was delicious.
Alph That's right, I've never tasted anything like it on Koppai.
Brittany Do you think there are more? Let's keep searching!
Alph That's right. And something else that's important...
Brittany Right! The cosmic-drive key! Without it, we can't go home.
Alph Err, um... The captain, he's still...
Brittany Oh, yeah! Let's also look for the captain along the way!
p50_03 Alph I wonder what's sending out that strange signal... I hope it's something edible!
Alph Although I can't quite imagine a signal that one could eat...
Alph Say! Maybe it's coming from the captain's KopPad!
Brittany That is indeed a possibility. We should investigate this immediately.
Alph Immediate investigation initiated!
Alph The mysterious signal coming from the other side of that wall... What do you suppose it could be?
Brittany Food, maybe? That's what I'm hoping, anyway!
Alph Umm... By my estimation, the probability of that is low.
Alph Hold on... Maybe we're picking up the Captain's KopPad signal!
Brittany The Captain? Oh. Him. Right... Well I suppose we'd better go and check it out, yes?
Alph Definitely!
Alph あのカベのこうから発信はっしんされるなぞ電波でんぱ・・・。 あれは、いったい・・・?
Brittany 食料しょくりょうってことは、ないかしら?
Alph いや、えっと・・・その可能性かのうせいひくいとおもいます。
Alph ひょっとしたらキャプテンGPADジーパッド電波でんぱひろっているのかもしれません。
Brittany あぁ・・・そっちね。 うーん・・・じゃあってみましょうか。
Alph はい!
Alph A mysterious signal sent out from the other side of that wall... What in the world could it be...?
Brittany Do you think it could be food?
Alph No, err...I think the probability is low.
Alph Maybe we're picking up a signal from the captain's KopPad.
Brittany Oh...him. Well...let's go then.
Alph Okay!
p51_00 Alph It would appear that beings from the planet Hocotate have visited this planet at some point.
Brittany So they'd come all the way out to this faraway place just to look for treasure...?
Alph Seems like the stories about them being incomparable treasure lovers were true after all!
Brittany How nice for them... Spending their time on frivolous treasure hunts while we experience a food crisis...
Alph It would appear that the Hocotatians have visited this planet at some point.
Brittany So they'd come all the way out to this far-away place just to look for treasure...?
Alph Seems like the stories about them being incomparable treasure-lovers were true after all!
Brittany How nice for them... Spending their time on frivolous treasure-hunts while we're in the grip of a food crisis...
Alph どうやら、このほしにホコタテ星人せいじんたことあるようですね。
Brittany あのひとたちってわざわざこんなとお惑星わくせいまでお宝探たからさがしにるのね。
Alph ホコタテ星人せいじん無類むるいのお宝好たからずきというはなし本当ほんとうだったんですね。
Brittany のんきなものね・・・。 アタシたちが食料不足しょくりょうぶそくくるしんでるというのに・・・。
Alph It seems that some Hocotatians have come to this planet.
Brittany Those people come all the way to this distant planet to hunt for treasure.
Alph So it's true what they say, that Hocotatians are unparalleled treasure hunters.
Brittany They're so carefree... While we've come here because of a food shortage...
p58_00 Alph The organisms on this planet are huge!
Brittany Yes, the fauna has been quite impressive in size. The chitinous organism was especially so.
Alph So, do you think that thing might have swallowed the captain?!
Brittany It's possible... I picked up a signal from somewhere inside the beast.
Alph Inside the... Wait, you don't really mean the actual inside of the—Yes, you do. I see. How awful.
Alph I never expected to see such an enormous creature on this planet!
Brittany For some strange reason, it was emitting a signal...
Alph Wait a minute! I bet that thing has swallowed the Captain! We have to get him out!
Brittany True... But do we though? I mean, he'll probably come out when he's ready. Let's not rush him.
Alph Haha! You're so funny, Brittany! Let's go!
Alph この惑星わくせいには、あんな巨大きょだい生物せいぶつ存在そんざいするんですね・・・。
Brittany それに、あの巨大きょだい生物せいぶつから発信はっしんされる電波でんぱが、いったいなんなのかになるわね・・・。
Alph ひょっとしたら、キャプテンまれているのかもしれません! はや救出きゅうしゅつしなければ!
Brittany えー・・・。 すすまないわね。
Alph とにかくってみましょう!
Alph So there are such gigantic creatures on this planet...
Brittany I also wonder what the signal emanating from that gigantic creature is...
Alph Perhaps the captain has been swallowed! We have to rescue him soon!
Brittany Ugh... I don't really want to.
Alph Anyway, let's go!
p59_00 Brittany Now that we have defeated the Armored Mawdad, we may refocus our efforts on finding more fruit!
Alph But first, we better go get that communication device the Mawdad vomited up!
Brittany That device is probably covered in monster saliva, half-digested food, and intestinal fluids.
Brittany Awesome!
Alph OK, well, I can take it apart to see if we could use any of its pieces... after I wipe it down thoroughly.
Brittany Good idea. But make sure to save me a sample of any goop you get.
Brittany Now that we've finished off that enormous creature, we can refocus our efforts on finding more fruit!
Alph Um...perhaps we'd better go and retrieve the communications device it regurgitated first.
Brittany Ew! It's probably covered in monster saliva and other vile goo.
Alph My engineer's instinct tells me that it would be worth taking it apart and having a look. We might be able to salvage some of the parts.
Brittany I suppose so. Besides, if things get too yucky, we can split up and I can get on with something else.
Brittany さ、巨大きょだい生物せいぶつたおしたことだしどんどん食料しょくりょうあつめましょう!
Alph あの、そのまえにアイツがした通信つうしん端末たんまつ回収かいしゅうしないと・・・。
Brittany えー・・・ヤダァ! キモチわるい・・・よだれでベトベトじゃない?
Alph これは、エンジニアとしてのかんですがあれは回収かいしゅうして分析ぶんせきしてみる価値かちがあるとおもうんです。
Brittany 仕方しかたないわね・・・。 じゃ、きましょう!
Brittany Now that we have defeated the giant creature, let's collect more and more food!
Alph Um, before we do that, we have to retrieve the communication terminal it spit out...
Brittany Ugh...ew! Gross...isn't it covered in drool?
Alph I have a hunch, as an engineer, that it's worth retrieving and analyzing.
Brittany We don't have a choice... Then let's go!
If necessary, we can split up and work separately.
p60_00 Brittany Brilliant, Alph! You expanded the Drake's receiver range!
Alph Aw, thanks... They don't call me the keen engineer for nothing!
Brittany Nobody calls you that.
Alph I know...
Alph The origin of the signal is unclear...
Alph Maybe it's the captain! We should investigate this at once!
Brittany Good idea, Alph! Let's do it.
Brittany Good work, Alph! You've really expanded our receiver range!
Alph There's an unknown signal coming from over there.
Brittany A food-type signal? Then what are we waiting for?
Alph No...I don't think that's it.
Alph I've got a feeling that this time the signal really is coming from the Captain! Let's go and see!
Brittany すごい! アルフくん! 本当ほんとう受信じゅしんエリアがひろがったわ!
Alph あのあたりから、なぞ電波でんぱ発信はっしんされていますね。
Brittany あれは・・・食料しょくりょうかもしれないわね。 さっそくってみましょう!
Alph いや、えっと・・・その可能性かのうせいひくいとおもいます。
Alph 今度こんどこそキャプテンだとおもいます! とにかくってみましょう!
Brittany Awesome! Alph! The receiver range has really expanded!
Alph There's a mysterious signal coming from around there.
Brittany Maybe it' Let's go there right away!
Alph No, err...I think the probability is low.
Alph I think it's the captain this time! Anyway, let's go!
p70_00 Alph I can't shake the idea that the S.S. Drake's crash was my fault...
Alph I need to talk to the captain, but I'm going to need Brittany's help to track him down!
Alph I can't shake the idea that the SS Drake's crash was my fault...
Alph Anyway, there's work to be done! First I need to reunite with Brittany, then we can look for the Captain.
Alph ボクが、もっと慎重しんちょうドレイクごう操縦そうじゅうしていれば・・・。
Alph キャプテンまえにまずはブリトニーさんと合流ごうりゅうしよう!
Alph If only I had piloted the S.S. Drake more carefully...
Alph Before the captain, let's join up with Brittany first!
p70_01 Alph I sure hope Brittany is OK... Alph I really hope Brittany's OK... Alph ブリトニーさん大丈夫だいじょうぶかなぁ・・・。 Alph I hope Brittany is okay...
p71_00 Alph I need to build a bridge in order to reunite with Brittany.
I'd better find some sturdy fragments that I can put together! That bridge won't build itself!
Alph It looks like I need a bridge in order to meet up with Brittany.
Alph We can't build a bridge out of thin air though... We need to find some fragments to use!
Alph ブリトニーさんとうにははしをかける必要ひつようがありそうだな・・・
Alph Looks like I need to build a bridge to reach Brittany...
First, let's look for some fragments that can be used as materials for a bridge!
p71_01 Alph I hope Brittany is OK and not too hungry... Or angry... Or cold... Alph I hope Brittany's not too hungry...or angry. Alph ブリトニーさんおこってないかなぁ・・・。 Alph I hope Brittany isn't angry...
p80_00 Alph I'm so relieved you're OK, Brittany!
Brittany It was a close call. I never would have made it without those Yellow Pikmin.
Alph These little guys sure are helpful!
Brittany If our mission is a success, we should have a party to thank all of the little Pikmin!
Alph I'm so relieved you're OK, Brittany!
Brittany It was a close call. I'd never have been able to escape without those Yellow Pikmin.
Alph I know. We'd never have found each other that first time either without the help of the Pikmin.
Brittany Once we've completed our mission here, we should throw a party for the Pikmin to thank them!
Alph よく無事ぶじでいられましたね! ブリトニーさん!
Brittany ピクミンのおかげよ。 あのコたちがいなかったらあそこからられなかったもの・・・。
Alph そもそも、ボクらが最初さいしょ再会さいかいできたのもピクミンのおかげでしたよね。
Brittany そうだったわね・・・。 ピクミンには感謝かんしゃしなきゃね!
Alph I'm so glad you're safe! Brittany!
Brittany It's thanks to the Yellow Pikmin. Without those little ones, I wouldn't have been able to get out of there...
Alph It was thanks to Pikmin that we were reunited in the first place.
Brittany That's right... We should be thankful towards the Pikmin!
p80_01 Brittany Alph? What's wrong?
Alph Oh, it's the captain... Do you think he's lonely out there by himself?
Brittany Come on, Alph! Get a hold of yourself! You're not helping the captain by moping around!
Brittany The captain wants us to complete our mission! He wants us to save the people of Koppai!
Alph What about saving him?
Brittany That, too!
Brittany Alph? What's wrong?
Alph Oh, it's the Captain... I just can't stop thinking about him.
Brittany Come on now! Pull yourself together! The Captain wouldn't have wanted you to mope about!
Brittany He'd have wanted us to soldier on for the good of Koppai. Let's make sure he didn't die in vain!
Alph Um, hold on... Who said the Captain was dead?
Brittany どうしたの? アルフくん?
Alph キャプテンのことが心配しんぱいで・・・。
Brittany しっかりして! アルフくん! そんなんで、これからどうするの?
Brittany キャプテンをどうかムダにしないで!
Alph あの・・・。 キャプテンはまだんだわけじゃ・・・。
Brittany What's wrong? Alph?
Alph I'm worried about the captain.
Brittany Pull yourself together! Alph! What are you going to do about it?
Brittany Please don't let the captain's death be in vain!
Alph Um... The captain's still not dead...
p88_00 Brittany That beast was like something out of a disgusting nightmare!
Alph It appears that the captain's signal is coming from...inside that thing!
Brittany You think that the captain was transformed into a giant moth?!
Alph It's more likely that the captain was swallowed by that thing.
Brittany Oh, that would make more sense.
Brittany Can you believe that thing? It was the stuff of nightmares!
Alph What's even stranger is that it was giving off the Captain's signal!
Brittany Typical! We leave the Captain unattended for five minutes, and he goes and turns into a giant ghost moth!
Alph Or...the Captain was swallowed by the giant ghost moth, perhaps?
Brittany (I have to admit that Alph's theory makes more sense...)
Brittany いったいなんなの? あのおおきなオバケみたいの!
Alph あのなぞ生命体せいめいたいからキャプテン信号しんごうおくられていたようです!
Brittany キャプテン・・・。 ちょっとないあいだにあんな姿すがたに・・・。
Alph いや・・・かんがえたくないですけどキャプテンは、あの生命体せいめいたいまれてしまったのかも・・・。
Brittany What the heck was that? That big ghostlike thing!
Alph It seems the captain's signal is being sent from that mysterious life-form!
Brittany The captain... In the short time he's been away, he's turned into that...
Alph No...I don't want to think about it, but the captain may have been swallowed by that life-form...
p90_00 Alph Captain! We're so relieved to see that you're OK!
Charlie Well, I have my faithful crew to thank for that! So...thank you.
Brittany I actually mistook that strange creature for you. You two have very similar features, did you know that?
Charlie To be honest, while trapped in the belly of that vile beast, I thought of only one face, Brittany... My own.
Alph Well, we’ll never escape PNF-404 until we locate this treasure- obsessed Olimar fellow. He’s got our cosmic-drive key!
Brittany But don’t forget why we’re here: to search for fruit for our planet. For us too—or else we’ll starve!
Alph Captain! We're so relieved that you're all right!
Charlie I have you two, my faithful crew, to thank for that.
Brittany I really thought that ghost moth was you. You have very similar faces, did you know that?
Charlie Brittany, when I was trapped in the belly of that beast, the only face I thought of was yo—
Alph Right! Now that we've got the Captain back, our next priority should be finding the cosmic drive key.
Brittany And food! Don't forget food!
Alph キャプテン! よく無事ぶじでいられましたね!
Charlie あぁ・・・。 おまえたちのおかげでたすかったんだ。
Brittany あのオバケみたいなのがキャプテンかとおもったわ。
Charlie ブリトニー・・・。 またキミにえてわたしはうれ・・・
Alph よーし、キャプテン無事ぶじもどったしワープドライブ・キー手掛てがかりをさがしましょう!
Brittany あと食料しょくりょうもね!
Alph Captain! I'm so glad you're safe!
Charlie Yeah... You two saved me.
Brittany I thought that ghostlike thing was you, captain.
Charlie Brittany... I'm so happy to see you aga—
Alph All right, now that the Captain's back safe and sound, let's search for clues on the cosmic-drive key!
Brittany And more food, too!
p90_01 Brittany Alph would never tell you this, Captain, but he was quite upset without you around.
Charlie You don't know what it means to be upset until you've been trapped in the belly of a giant beast, Alph.
Alph Oh, I didn't mean to suggest that I knew what it was like, Captain!
Charlie No matter. Now that we're back together, we need to work together as a team again.
Brittany Hopefully that'll put an end to your moping, Alph.
Alph Thanks, Brittany.
Brittany Alph would never tell you this, Captain, but he was pretty lonely without you around.
Charlie You haven't experienced loneliness until you've done time in the belly of a giant moth, Alph.
Alph Oh, of course not! It wasn't my intention to suggest otherwise!
Charlie No matter. Now that we're reunited, we'll be working as a team again.
Charlie Hopefully that'll put an end to your moping, Alph. No time for that nonsense when there's a mission to accomplish!
Alph Yes, sir!
Brittany そういえば、アルフくんがキャプテンがいなくてさびしそうにしてたわよ。
Charlie ワハハー! その調子ちょうしじゃ、まだまだ半人前はんにんまえだな! アルフ
Alph でも、キャプテンのところにたどりくことができてすこ自信じしんがつきました。
Charlie そうか、それじゃチームプレイでいくぞ! ついてこれるか? アルフ
Alph はい!
Brittany Come to think of it, Alph looked so lonely without the captain.
Charlie Wahaha! Like that, you're still inexperienced! Alph!
Alph Still, I feel a little more confident now that we made it to the captain.
Charlie I see, then let's work as a team! Can you keep up? Alph?
Alph Yes!
p90_02 Brittany That signal... What on PNF-404 could it be?
Charlie Do you think it could really be that person from Hocotate?
Alph Well, if it is, they would have a strong transmitter.
Charlie Captain Olimar, eh...? I wonder... Let's track that signal ASAP!
Brittany I'm picking up a signal... What on PNF-404 could it be?
Charlie I don't suppose... Could this be that person from Hocotate?
Alph Well, a Hocotatian would probably have access to a transmitter of some sort...
Charlie Captain Olimar, eh...? I wonder... Let's track that signal ASAP!
Brittany あそこからはっしてる電波でんぱ・・・。 あれはいったいなにかしら?
Charlie れいホコタテ星人せいじんという可能性かのうせいはないだろうか?
Alph ホコタテ星人せいじんだとしたらなんらかの電波でんぱはっするものをっていても、おかしくありません。
Charlie やはりな! キャプテン・オリマーちがいない! 電波でんぱ発信源はっしんげん追跡ついせきするとしよう!
Brittany The signal coming from over there.... What in the world is it?
Charlie Isn't it possible that it's that Hocotatian?
Alph Assuming it's a Hocotatian, it wouldn't be unusual for them to have some sort of signal-emitting object.
Charlie I knew it! That must be Captain Olimar! Let's track down the source of the signal!
p91_00 Alph This area is quite warm compared to other regions on the planet.
Charlie Quite warm?! This is a tropical paradise compared to the arctic wasteland where I crash-landed!
Brittany I would love an arctic-cold fruit juice right about now!
Charlie Well, Brittany, I think we've earned a little reward. Perhaps we could go for a nice, refreshing swim!
Alph NO! I mean, with all due respect, sir, the oxygen concentration here is much higher than that of Koppai!
Alph Removing your space suit would wreak havoc on your system.
Brittany All right, calm down, Alph. Don't get your swim trunks in a bunch.
Alph That area is quite warm compared to other regions on this planet.
Charlie Quite warm?! It's a tropical paradise compared to the arctic wasteland where I crash landed!
Brittany Mmm... A cool fruity beverage and a nice refreshing swim would be perfect right about now.
Charlie Well, Brittany, we've more than earned a break from our mission. Why don't you and I—
Alph Absolutely not! The oxygen concentration on this planet is far higher than that of Koppai!
Alph Removing your spacesuit would be dangerous in the extreme. There's no telling what the effect might be.
Brittany Hehe! Calm down, Alph. I'm just saying that a swim would be nice, that's all.
Alph あのエリアはほかのエリアにくらべて気温きおんたかめのようですね。
Charlie わたし不時着ふじちゃくしたところくらべたらまるでパラダイスだな!
Brittany そうね。 水辺みずべもあったし、気持きもちよくおよぎたい気分きぶんだわ。
Charlie よーし、 ブリトニー! わたし一緒いっしょに・・・
Alph 危険きけんです! この惑星わくせい酸素さんそ濃度のうどはコッパイせいよりもたかいんです!
Alph 宇宙服うちゅうふくいだらどうなってしまうか・・・。
Brittany かってるわよ。 ちょっとってみただけ。
Alph That area seems to be warmer than other areas.
Charlie Compared to where I crash landed, it's like paradise!
Brittany It is. With the waterfront and all, I'm in the mood for a nice swim.
Charlie All right, Brittany! I'm coming with—
Alph It's dangerous! The oxygen concentration on this planet is higher than on Koppai!
Alph Who knows what would happen if we took off our spacesuits...
Brittany I know. I'm just saying.
Pikmin 3 Deluxe
Internal Name NA Text EU Text JP Text JP Translation
p30_00 Alph I've tracked down Brittany's signal. Right now, finding her is my highest priority.
Alph However, I'm also very concerned that our cosmic-drive key is now missing.
Alph If I don't find that, the Drake won't be able to fly fast enough to get us back to Koppai.
That would be very, very bad.
p30_01 Alph Brittany... I'm coming to help you now!
p30_02 Alph Just three days worth of food left on the ship now, at most...
Alph Time is running out. We must find Brittany soon...
p31_00 Alph I'm picking up a signal...
Alph It must be Brittany! I need to locate her immediately!
p40_00 Alph What's this giant piece of fruit that Brittany mentioned?
p41_00 Alph Before I do anything else, I need to regroup with Brittany and recover that fruit.
Then we'll determine whether it's edible by using the S.S. Drake's computer to analyze it.
Alph Before I do anything else, I need to regroup with Brittany and recover that fruit.
Alph Then we'll determine whether it's edible by using the S.S. Drake's computer to analyse it.
p41_02 Alph Yesterday I retrieved our first piece of edible matter.
I'm sure Brittany would be very happy about that.
Alph I guess I need to find her before I can tell her.


Text for day rewinding.

Internal Name NA Text EU Text JP Text
Btn00_Btn00 Cancel Cancel いいえ
Btn01_Btn00 OK OK やり直す
Message01 Go back in time and try again? Go back in time and try again? 過去にもどってやり直しますか?


Names for certain objects.

Internal Name NA Text EU Text JP Text
AshibaFlower Bloominous Stemple Bloominous Stemple ヒカリワタゲ
Bomb Bomb Rock Bomb Rock バクダン岩
Bubble Bubble Bubble アワ
DownFloor Seesaw Block Seesaw Block 角材
Geyser Geyser Geyser 間欠泉
HayStation Hay Hay シュロ
Hokoritake Dusty Mushroom Dusty Mushroom ホコリタケ
Honey Nectar Nectar 大地のエキス
HotExtract Ultra-Spicy Nectar Ultra-Spicy Nectar ゲキカラエキス
LiftBoard Elevator Platform Elevator Platform ギッタン箱
LightBulb Lightbulb Light Bulb 電球
LightBulb_L Lightbulb Light Bulb 電球
LightBulb_S Lightbulb Light Bulb 電球
Lotus Lily Pad Lily Pad ハスの葉
NendoStation20A Fragments Fragments カケラ
NendoStation40A Fragments Fragments カケラ
NendoStation40B Fragments Fragments カケラ
NendoStation60A Fragments Fragments カケラ
Onyon Onion Onion オニヨン
Pellet1 1 Pellet 1 Pellet 1ペレット
Pellet10 10 Pellet 10 Pellet 10ペレット
Pellet5 5 Pellet 5 Pellet 5ペレット
PikminHead Pikmin Sprout Pikmin Sprout 芽ピクミン
Pongashi Candypop Bud Candypop Bud ポンガシグサ
Pullplant Flukeweed Flukeweed ひっこぬけ草
RockBall Boulder Boulder イワダマ
SangoStation Fragments Fragments カケラ
SizaiStation Nuggets Nuggets キンカイ
SnowBall Snowball Snowball ユキダマ
Trampoline Bouncy Mushroom Bouncy Mushroom ピョンピョンダケ
Tsuyu Ultra-Spicy Berry Ultra-Spicy Berry ピキノツユクサの実
Ufo S.S. Drake SS Drake 宇宙船ドレイク号
Wall359 Stubborn Rocks Stubborn Rocks ゆるぎない石垣
WaterBubble Bubble Bubble アワ


Captions from the opening cutscene.

Internal Name NA Text EU Text JP Text JP Translation
Text_00 Galactic date: 20XX. Galactic date: 20XX 星歴せいれき20XXねん Star history, year 20XX
Text_01 At the far reaches of space lies a planet on the brink of ruin... At the far reaches of space lies a planet on the brink of ruin... 宇宙うちゅうてで とあるほしほろびようとしていた… At the far reaches of space, a certain planet was on the brink of ruin
Text_02 The planet's name: Koppai. The planet's name: Koppai. そのほし名前なまえ惑星わくせいコッパイ That planet's name was planet Koppai
Text_03 Due to a booming population, booming appetites, and a basic lack of planning, Due to a booming population, booming appetites and a basic lack of planning... 爆発的ばくはつてき人口増加じんこうぞうか無計画むけいかく気質きしつ原因げんいん Due to an explosive population growth and a non-planning temperament,
Text_04 Koppai's inhabitants have all but exhausted their food supply. ...Koppai's inhabitants have all but exhausted their food supply. ほし住人じゅうにんたちは ほとんどの食料しょくりょうくしてしまったのだ… the planet's inhabitants had consumed most of its food...
Text_05 Their only hope is to find another planet with edible matter. Their only hope is to find another planet with edible matter. そこで かれらは 食料しょくりょうのあるほしさがすため So, to search for a planet with food,
Text_06 Accordingly, they send unmanned scout vessels called "SPEROs" out into space. Accordingly, they send unmanned scout vessels called "SPEROs" out into space. 無人探査機むじんたんさきスパロウを 宇宙うちゅうはなった they sent unmanned probe SPEROs into space
Text_07 To their dismay, the search is proving fruitless. To their dismay, the search is proving fruitless. だが 成果せいかがらなかった But it was fruitless
Text_08 Just as they're about to give up... Just as they're about to give up... あきらめかけた そのとき Just as they were about to give up,
Text_09 The final vessel reports back with news of a miraculous discovery! ...the final vessel reports back with news of a miraculous discovery! 最後さいご一機いっきから 有力ゆうりょく情報じょうほうおくられてきたのだ! the last probe sent some promising information!
Text_10 They mobilize to investigate the planet, which they name PNF-404. They mobilise to investigate the planet, which they name PNF-404. PNF-404 と名付なづけられた その惑星わくせい調査ちょうさするため To investigate the planet, which they named PNF-404,
Text_11 Koppai's last hope rests on three intrepid explorers. Koppai's last hope rests on three intrepid explorers. にん専門家せんもんか召集しょうしゅうされ おくまれることになった it was decided that three experts would be called and sent there
Text_12 At last the explorers' 279,000-light-year voyage nears its end. At last the explorers' 279,000 light-year voyage nears its end. 27まん9千光年せんこうねんなが航海こうかいえて After a long voyage of 279,000 light-years,
Text_13 But as they initiate the landing sequence... But as they initiate the landing sequence... 惑星わくせいPNF-404への 着陸態勢ちゃくりくたいせいはいったとき just as they were preparing to land on planet PNF-404
Text_14 Something goes horribly wrong. ...something goes horribly wrong. 事故じこきた an accident occurred


Names for certain plants.

Internal Name NA Text EU Text JP Text
clover Clover Clover クローバー
cosmos Cosmos Cosmos コスモス
dongurinome Oak Seedling Oak Seedling ドングリの芽
erigeron Fleabane Fleabane エリゲロン
hangesyou Lizard Tail Lizard Tail ハンゲショウ
hikarikinoko Common Glowcap Common Glowcap ヒカリキノコ
ikariso Barrenwort Barrenwort イカリソウ
inunohuguri Speedwell Speedwell イヌノフグリ
katabami Sleeping Beauty Sleeping Beauty カタバミ
oounu Bird's Eye Bird's Eye オオイヌノフグリ
pansy Pansy Pansy パンジー
rose Rose Rose バラ
suisen Daffodil Daffodil スイセン
tamokinoko Rosy Parachute Rosy Parachute ハナオチバタケ
tanpopo Dandelion Dandelion タンポポ
tanpopo_hana Dandelion Dandelion タンポポ
tanpopo_watage Seeding Dandelion Seeding Dandelion タンポポの綿毛
toubana Slender Wild Basil Slender Wild Basil トウバナ
turu_head Vine Tip Vine Tip ツル
turu_leaf Vine Leaf Vine Leaf ツル
urikawa Dwarf Arrowhead Dwarf Arrowhead ウリカワ


Names for certain work objects.

Internal Name NA Text EU Text JP Text
BombGate Reinforced Wall Reinforced Wall 鉄筋のカベ
Branch Climbing Stick Climbing Stick のぼり棒
Bridge20A Reassembled Bridge Reassembled Bridge カケ橋
Bridge40A Reassembled Bridge Reassembled Bridge カケ橋
Bridge40B Reassembled Bridge Reassembled Bridge カケ橋
Bridge60A Reassembled Bridge Reassembled Bridge カケ橋
ConnectLine Electrode Electrode 電極
CrystalGate Crystal Wall Crystal Wall ガラスのカベ
DenkiGate Electric Gate Electric Gate 電気のカベ
FlipBoard Clipboard Clipboard バッタン板
Gate Dirt Wall Dirt Wall 土のカベ
Hay Haystack Hay Stack シュロ
KojamaCrystal Small Crystal Small Crystal スイショウ
OhjamaCryastal Large Crystal Large Crystal スイショウ
PullGate Bamboo Gate Bamboo Gate 竹の柵
Rock359 Iron Ball Iron Ball 鉄球
Sango Flower Pot Flower Pot 植木鉢
ShimaCrystal Mireclops Crystal Mireclops Crystal スイショウ
Tateana Dirt Mound Dirt Mound タテ穴
Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel ヨコ穴
WaterGate Dam Dam 天然ダム
WBox Tin Box Tin Box 缶箱
XBox Cardboard Box Cardboard Box 紙箱
YBox Paper Bag Paper Bag 紙袋