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Pikmin 4 Dandori Kentei in Tokyo

Artwork for Pikmin 4 Dandori Kentei in Tokyo
The Pikmin 4 Dandori Kentei in Tokyo event's promotional artwork.

Pikmin 4 Dandori Kentei in Tokyo (ピクミン4 ダンドリ検定 in 東京?) is an event taking place in Tokyo Dome City's Prism Hall on November 23rd and 24th, 2024.

External links

Character Navbox

Dirt wall merge

A dirt wall.
A dirt wall in Pikmin 3.
The 8 designs of dirt walls in Pikmin 3 Deluxe, edited together into 1 image.
The 8 designs of dirt walls in Pikmin 3 Deluxe.

Dirt walls (also known as wooden gates[1] and bramble gates) are the most basic type of gate in Pikmin, Pikmin 2 Pikmin 3, Pikmin 4, and Hey! Pikmin. In Pikmin and Pikmin 2, they sink to the ground as they take damage, while in later games, they resemble sandcastles and break down and fall apart when damaged. These types of gates can be destroyed by any Pikmin type; however, some of these walls are found partially or completely submerged underwater, meaning that they require Blue Pikmin to destroy.

In Pikmin 2', there are two types of these gates: white and black. Black gates take longer to break down than white ones. Wooden gates also have 3 stages of destruction. Initially, they are at their full height, with the central part of the gate being as high as the supports on the side. After being attacked for some time, the gate will partially fall down through the ground, becoming two-thirds of its initial height. After some more time, it will fall down some more to become one-third of its original height, and eventually, it will completely fall down, and Pikmin and leaders will be able to walk through the space the gate once occupied.

Each wooden gate has some amount of health, and Pikmin attacking these gates use their standard damage values. In Pikmin, white gates can also be destroyed with two bomb rocks, and black gates require four. The health of gates is inconsistent – gates of the same color vary in how sturdy they are; for example, the gate that encloses the Emperor Bulblax's arena in The Final Trial is surprisingly frail. In Pikmin 2, normal gates above ground have between 10000 and 43000 hit points. They tend in general to be much sturdier than the randomly generated ones in caves (100 - 12800) and Challenge Mode levels (1 - 4000). For comparison, a Red Bulborb has 750 hit points.

In Pikmin 3, Pikmin are more effective at taking one down if they are latched onto it from a throw,[2] but as the layers on the gate peel down, those Pikmin will eventually fall and attack at ground level. For Rock Pikmin in Pikmin 3, throwing them at the wall repeatedly is much faster than letting them lunge on their own, and is in fact, the fastest way to take down a wall using Pikmin.[2] In Pikmin 3 Deluxe however, Rock Pikmin left to attack the wall on their own can take it down fairly quickly.[3] These walls can be destroyed using a single bomb rock. In Pikmin 4, Oatchi can deal sizable damage by rushing into a dirt wall, especially if he is carrying Pikmin as they will all be thrown onto the wall.

These types of walls all have the same design in Pikmin 3, but in Pikmin 3 Deluxe, there are 8 different designs of dirt wall with various patterns of white paint on the columns at the sides of the wall. Those designs are: no paint, 3 horizontal stripes, 1 vertical stripe, 2 wavy stripes (all walls with this pattern are found in water), 3 diagonal stripes, an "X" mark, 3 triangles, and 4 circles.

In Pikmin 4, the design has returned to being mostly the same as in Pikmin 3, but with a few minor changes. The wall portion is now more rectangular and featureless on top. Certain walls are also significantly wider than others, compared to all walls previously being the same in width. The white paint patterns from Pikmin 3 Deluxe do not return.

Poison gate

Some wooden gates in Pikmin 2 have poison emitters within them. Because of the poison hazard, only White Pikmin can destroy these gates. (Gates like this are never found underground so there is never a situation where Bulbmin can destroy them.) After the gate has been destroyed, the poison emitters can be destroyed, and after that other Pikmin types can pass through the gate.


Pikmin 2
Pikmin 3
  • Tropical Wilds: One is found on the first day, inside the cave where the Pyroclasmic Slooch would normally be, another is outside the landing site, and closes off access to a Pocked Airhead, a third wall underwater guards access to the Calcified Crushblat's arena, and a fourth can be found separating the small brown bridge near the landing site from the area with a Dapper Blob and a Swooping Snitchbug.
  • Garden of Hope: One is located in the second half of the area, near the Bug-Eyed Crawmad's nest, and another is located near the Toady Bloyster and a pile of fragments used to build the pot. Both of these are completely submerged underwater. A third separates the landing site from the fragment pile used to build the nearby bridge, with this bridge leading to a fourth wall by the Bulborb. A fifth wall blocks the 2D facing area with the Zest Bomb and Astringent Clump, with the last one blocking access to the Armored Mawdad's arena.
  • Distant Tundra: Two of the dirt walls in this area are partially submerged in the main river. One is by the area with Wogpoles, near the land protrusion to swap Pikmin in, while the other one is right next to the ledge with the Face Wrinkler. The last dirt wall is also by the land protrusion, but it blocks an alcove with a Bearded Amprat and a Bouncy Mushroom.
  • Twilight River: One wall is in the second half of the area, and blocks off a small land bridge to cross the river, and a second one separates the area with the clipboards and the swarm of Scornets.
  • Formidable Oak: The first is found at the end of the room with the Bulborbs, the next one can be found to the far end of the circular area where the bridge is built, a third is at the end of the path where the Nectarous Dandelfly is, and the fourth is in the dark cave, and simply separates a path to get the fragments (this wall does not need to be destroyed, however). The final is also in the dark cave, blocking the path that needs to be taken if the clipboard is not lifted.
  • Flower Garden: One stands near the Rock Pikmin and blocks one of two routes to the second half of the level, while the second blocks access to a Face Wrinkler.
  • Inside Forest: The first is right next to the Onion, and is a shortcut to the main area of the level. The second blocks access to the arena with the Orange Bulborb.
  • Pikmin Reunion: There is one adjacent to the Red Onion for a mild shortcut.
  • Creature Hunting: A dirt wall blocks access to a Bulborb and some Dwarf Bulborbs.
  • Land, Sea, and Sky: A dirt wall blocks Red Pikmin from being able to proceed beyond their starting area beyond the red bridge.
  • First Part Found: One appears near the Fiery Blowhogs and blocks the blue bridge from being constructed, while a second blocks a route for the ship part to take. A third wall serves primarily as a choice in detour.
  • Team Monster Hunt: A dirt wall blocks Olimar from being able to access the Whiptongue Bulborbs.
  • Another Part Found: A dirt wall stands directly in front of the SPERO.
Pikmin 4

Hey! Pikmin


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan Japanese 土のカべ?
Tsuchi no Kabe
Dirt wall
Flag of France French (NoE) Mur de terre Dirt wall
Flag of Germany German Lehmwand Loam wall
Flag of Italy Italian Muro di fango Mud wall
Flag of Brazil Portuguese Parede de barro Clay wall
Flag of Spain Spanish Muro de barro Mud wall

See also


  1. ^ Wooden gates, such as the white one near your landing site, are breakable, so call all of the Pikmin from the red onion and put them to work. – The Forest of Hope section 3-A: "Storming the Gate" in the Pikmin Nintendo Player's Guide
  2. ^ a b YouTube video comparing latched Pikmin, grounded Pikmin, thrown Rock Pikmin, and lone Rock Pikmin on a dirt wall
  3. ^ YouTube video comparing the time different Pikmin types take to destroy a dirt wall, published on March 8th, 2021, retrieved on March 9th, 2021

Pikmin Garden Piklopedia family colors

Before After
Pikmin Pikmin
Grub-Dog Grub-Dog
Breadbug Breadbug
Burrow-nit Burrow-nit
Skitterling Skitterling
Heavil Heavil
Slooch Slooch
Numbouse Numbouse
Arachnorb Arachnorb
Sporovid Sporovid
Blowhog Blowhog
Goolix Goolix
Mitite Mitite
Snavian Snavian
Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum
Amphibiland Amphibiland
Mandiblard Mandiblard
Squishsquirt Squishsquirt
Mollusking Mollusking
Spitterspatter Spitterspatter
Flobbler Flobbler
Onionshell Onionshell
Elips Elips
Snareshell Snareshell
Amphituber Amphituber
Scarpanid Scarpanid
Jellyfloat Jellyfloat
Flutterbie Flutterbie

Pikmin 2 Japanese website notes

Hocotate Freight




A shipping company that has been operating modestly in the countryside of Hocotate. In his youth, the current president roamed the universe, which led him to establish a shipping company. During Olimar's absence, the company received its first big job in years, but the president, blinded by money, asked Louie, a new employee, to take care of it, and that was the end of his luck. A space bunny stole the entire cargo of Pikpik carrots. All that was left was a huge debt, a battered spaceship, and broken junk.

This Planet




The planet where Olimar was stranded last time and where he and Louie have come this time is a mysterious planet full of giant creatures, with a strange ecosystem and many treasures buried in the underground. The treasures seem to be the legacy of a civilization that existed on this planet in the past. No, I am not sure if we can call it the past or not. Because in the time that Olimar has left this planet and returned to Hocotate, the same regions have changed drastically. It is clearly evidence of advanced civilization, and there is a possibility that a civilization of giant life forms that has not yet been seen may still exist on this planet…





On this planet, "nectar" can be found in many places. This essence is detected to a greater or lesser extent in the bodies of living organisms in particular. The ecosystem of this planet is based on the circulation of this essence. Incidentally, “pellets” are a concentrated form of the nectar, and are a particularly nutritious substance.

Pikmin Ecology Observations Part 1: "Symbiosis"




Pikmin use onions as incubators, sprout from seeds, and change from plants to animals when plucked. They think of the first person they see as their leader and follow them obediently, appearing to sacrifice themselves for the leader, but this is actually their means of reproduction. With a competent leader, Pikmin explosively increase their numbers and become the most powerful creatures on the planet.

Pikmin Ecology Observations Part 2: "Life Cycle"




Pikmin that do not meet a competent leader are easily wiped out, but it was observed in the previous shipwreck that the onions go dormant in order to avoid complete extinction. And this time, Pikmin were observed to be living on their own. Perhaps to some extent, Pikmin can survive on their own without a leader.

Pikmin Ecology Observations Part 3: "Carrying Instinct"




Pikmin seem to have an instinct to carry fallen objects whenever they see them. Sometimes it is thought that this instinct is the driving force that has allowed them to thrive so far. For example, they carry not only prey that will increase their numbers, but also things that are completely useless to them to the spaceship. This is a great benefit to their symbiotic partner. Although the Pikmin do not seem to understand this, the benefit that this carrying instinct brings to their symbiotic partners is the key to the Pikmin's thriving. After all, us Hocotatians eagerly help the Pikmin multiply in order to take advantage of their carrying ability.

Exploration Region




Despite the intention of coming to the region where Olimar shipwrecked last time, the first landing point was slightly off the beaten path. This is because the shipwreck report Olimar brought back was missing region information. The region information will be gradually restored during exploration.

Ultra-Spicy Spray


今回の探検で新たに発見された植物「ピキノツユクサ」の赤い実から採取されるエキスは、驚くべき辛さの物質であることが分析の結果明らかになった。甘党のホコタテ星人にとってはほんの1 滴で致死量となる辛さのこのエキスだが、これをピクミン達に振りかけると、彼らはとても興奮することが分かった。幸い、売れ残りのガラクタの中に、空になったビンがあったので、せっせと集めてはこれに詰めていくことにする。


Analysis revealed that the essence obtained from the red berries of the "Burgeoning Spiderwort" plant, which was newly discovered during this expedition, is a surprisingly spicy substance. For the sweet-toothed Hocotatians, just one drop of this spicy essence is lethal, but when sprinkled on Pikmin, it turns out to be very exciting for them. Fortunately, there was an empty bottle among the unsold junk, so it was decided to diligently fill it.

Ultra-Bitter Spray


今回の探検で新たに発見された植物「ピキノツユクサ」の実から採取されるエキスは、驚くべき苦さの物質であることが分析の結果明らかになった。甘党のホコタテ星人にとってはほんの1 滴で致死量となる苦さのこのエキスだが、これを敵対生物に振りかけると、あまりの苦さに一瞬にして硬直してしまうことが分かった。幸い、売れ残りのガラクタの中に、空になったビンがもう1 つあったので、せっせと集めてはこれに詰めていくことにする。


Analysis revealed that the essence obtained from the berries of the "Burgeoning Spiderwort" plant, which was newly discovered during this expedition, is a surprisingly bitter substance. For the sweet-toothed Hocotatians, just one drop of this bitter essence is lethal, but when sprinkled on hostile creatures, it turns out to be so bitter that they are instantly petrified. Fortunately, there was another empty bottle among the unsold junk, so it was decided to diligently fill it.

Relationship Between the Ecosystem and the Treasures




Right now the ecosystem on this planet is very strange. Under normal circumstances, such diversification would be unthinkable. This may have something to do with the legacy of a past civilization. The diversification of life is especially intense deep underground, where a great deal of treasures are buried. In addition to treasures, a wide variety of chemical substances have been detected deep underground. These substances are probably part of the legacy left behind by the past civilization. And it is thought that these substances may be affecting the creatures in some way.

Treasure Considerations




Why are so many treasures of great artistic and material value buried in such large quantities? Could it be that the civilization that once flourished on this planet became extinct because of the excesses of a wasteful culture that did not value things? How sad it would be if a civilization that created such wonderful treasures perished for such a reason.... We, rich-hearted Hocotatians, would never let this happen.

Hocotate Ship




A partner of the president since the establishment of Hocotate Freight. Although it had worked hard for a long time, it retired from working and has been lying in a warehouse for the past few years. The reason for its retirement is that new high-performance cargo ships were introduced one after another as the company expanded its scale, but its navigational ability, backed by its experience, is rather superior to the latest models. The truth is, apparently, that it was made into the president's conversation partner. In the current business crisis, which has brought about a lot of debt, it was fortunate to remain unsold due to looking like a piece of junk. With the input of the shipwreck records brought back by Olimar, it will be providing support for the exploration.





Due to the management crisis at Hocotate Freight, most of the company's belongings were taken away as collateral, but some pieces of junk remained in a corner of the warehouse, packed in cardboard boxes. They were all broken, dusty, and shabby, but in reality, they were the president's mementos. They were a “space exploration kit” that he had purchased by mail order when he was a boy, with the idea of space in his mind. The president loaded them onto the Hocotate ship in the hope that they would be of some use in this exploration, and later they would greatly assist his subordinates in their exploration.