Pikmin 2

Armored Cannon Larva

Revision as of 05:37, July 12, 2012 by Greenpickle (talk | contribs)
Armored Cannon Larva
Appears in Pikmin 2
Scientific name Granitus chukkulinae
Family Lithopod
Areas Valley of Repose, Wistful Wild
Caves Subterranean Complex, Snagret Hole, Glutton's Kitchen, Hole of Heroes, Dream Den
Challenge Mode stages Brawny Abyss, Sniper Room
2-Player Battle stages None
Attacks Launches boulders

Armored Cannon Beetle Larvae are enemies in Pikmin 2. They resemble large larvae with some of the similar Armored Cannon Beetle eyes and mouth. They act the same as the Armored Cannon Beetle, but turn and spit at a faster rate and have much less health. They come in two types: one that walks around and one that burrows out of the ground; Armored Cannon Beetle Larvae will only appear in the Piklopedia if the version that does not burrow out of the ground has been killed. A related species called Decorated Cannon Beetles exists in larval form, but the adults are seen in neither game.

Like the adults, they have a blowhole on the top of their head, but it is either non-functional or not as powerful, so Pikmin cannot become stuck in it like with the fully grown beetles. Because Cannon Beetle Larvae lack the thick exoskeletal armor characteristic of the adult beetles, these enemies are vulnerable all over their body, but can buck the Pikmin off when attacked. They can be manipulated into destroying other creatures by making them spit rocks at a captain when he is beside an enemy. Moving out of the way before the rock hits him, the rock will hit the enemy that was behind him. The rocks that are shot out cannot be petrified, but they can, however, be destroyed if a Purple Pikmin is thrown on them.


Olimar's notes

This specimen is a lithopod larva. This expedition was unable to confirm the existence of any mature lithopods, leading to concerns that the species was extinct on this planet, but the discovery of the creature in larval form eased such concerns. Lithopods, like flint beetles, use internal metabacteria to aid chemical digestion. These metabacteria can only survive in certain environments, such as within the body of certain insects, so lithopod larvae do not contain any metabacteria immediately after hatching. Larvae feed on partially digested ore regurgitated by mature lithopods, ensuring the larvae obtain metabacteria they would not normally have acquired.

Louie's notes

Carefully remove every grain of sand, peel back the exoskeleton, and slurp heartily!



If enough Pikmin are available, it should be swarmed, and it should die before it can harm any Pikmin. If there aren't enough to do this or there are other factors that make this strategy ineffective, Pikmin should be thrown onto it, preferably from behind. If the beetle bucks, the Pikmin should be called back as quickly as possible, and the steps repeated. Another strategy is to throw Purple Pikmin on it, stunning it. It is a more effective strategy, but if no purple Pikmin are available and/or if they shouldn't be risked, the first strategy is recommended.


It should be punched until it's about to buck, then the player should run away, and then return to finish the assault. If there are idle Pikmin nearby, the cannon beetle's focus should be kept away from them. If there are two or more larvae, it is possible to make them kill each other with their rocks.
