Pikmin 4

Pikmin comic

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Screenshot of the webpage where issues are published in Japan.
The webpage where issues are published in Japan.

The Pikmin comic is a serialized 4-panel comic strip created to promote Pikmin 4. They are drawn by Kino Takahashi (高橋きの?).

Issues are published daily on Pikmin Garden in Japanese, with translations frequently posted at pikmin.nintendo.com in English, French, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese. Nintendo's other Pikmin websites contain a much smaller selection of translated strips, taken from the comic's first two months.

List of comics

The One-Way Time Machine.

This article or section needs occasional editing to keep up with updates, and may be out-of-date as you read it. If you notice any outdated information, please edit the article to fix it.

All comics are ordered by the date they were released on the Japanese Pikmin Garden website.

June 2023

Japanese date English date Japanese title English title Japanese link English link Summary
June 22nd, 2023 June 21st, 2023 ひっぱりだこ?, lit.: "In Great Demand"[note 1] Too Stuck to Pluck Link Link A Rescue Officer tries to pluck a Red Pikmin, while an Empress Bulblax hidden underground pulls in the opposite direction.
June 23rd, 2023 June 23rd, 2023 あめあがり?, lit.: "After the Rain" The Skies Clear Link Link Some Pikmin dream of dancing on a rainbow, and use the tongue of a Whiptongue Bulborb to replicate the effect.
June 24th, 2023 June 24th, 2023 モフモフなかま?, lit.: "Fluffy Companion" Fools for Fuzz Link Link A Rescue Officer is ambushed by a Burrowing Snagret while admiring the fuzziness of Oatchi and a Downy Snagret.
June 25th, 2023 June 26th, 2023 とくぎ①?, lit.: "Special Skills 1" Natural Talents, Pt. 1 Link Link Some Red Pikmin show off their fire resistance, but set Oatchi alight.
June 26th, 2023 June 27th, 2023 とくぎ②?, lit.: "Special Skills 2" Natural Talents, Pt. 2 Link Link Some Yellow Pikmin and Oatchi show off their fast digging. Another Yellow Pikmin shows a Rescue Officer its unique ear-wiggling specialty.
June 27th, 2023 June 28th, 2023 いぬかき?, lit.: "Dog Paddle" The Ferryman Link Link Oatchi shakes to dry off after swimming, accidentally drowning some Pikmin in the process.
June 28th, 2023 June 29th, 2023 おはな?, lit.: "Flowers✿" Floracious Appetite Link Link A Bulborb bites the flowers off some Pikmin, and presents them to another Bulborb as a gift.
June 29th, 2023 June 30th, 2023 おしずかに?, lit.: "Quietly"[note 2] Stealth Check Link Link A Rescue Officer and some Pikmin sneak past a Bulborb, but some Purple Pikmin and Rock Pikmin lagging behind accidentally wake it up.
June 30th, 2023 July 1st, 2023 てだすけ?, lit.: "Help" A Helping Hand Link Link A Rescue Officer decides to help some Pikmin carrying a pellet, but ends up carrying it alone while the Pikmin watch.

July 2023

Japanese date English date Japanese title English title Japanese link English link Summary
July 1st, 2023 July 2nd, 2023 つめたい視線?, lit.: "Icy Stare" Cold As Ice Link Link Some Ice Pikmin freeze and shatter a Bulborb, scaring a Red Pikmin nearby.
July 2nd, 2023 July 3rd, 2023 距離感?, lit.: "Sense of Distance" Getting Warmer Link Link A Rescue Officer cools off next to an Ice Pikmin, but is afraid of freezing, so they back away, accidentally bumping into a burning Red Pikmin and catching fire.
July 3rd, 2023 July 4th, 2023 たいせつなもの?, lit.: "Important Things" Hiding Spot Link Link Oatchi buries a Scrummy Bone in the ground, but a Rescue Officer notices that there are also some Pikmin in the hole.
July 4th, 2023 July 5th, 2023 みずたまり?, lit.: "Puddle" Puddle Muddle Link Link A Rescue Officer saves some drowning Red Pikmin. A Bulborb then drinks the water they were drowning in, thinking it tastes like a Pikmin.
July 5th, 2023 July 6th, 2023 名犬オッチン?, lit.: "Good Dog Oatchi" A Loyal Pup Link Link Shepherd congratulates the Rookie Rescue Officer on being able to command Oatchi, but it turns out a Red Pikmin is also able to command him.
July 6th, 2023 June 25th, 2023[note 3] 機転?, lit.: "Wit" Seeds of Wisdom Link Link A Rescue Officer supervises some Pikmin collecting individual items, such as Dawn Pustules, but is surprised to find them collecting individual seeds from a Crimson Banquet.
July 7th, 2023 July 7th, 2023 中身?, lit.: "Contents" The Sting of Loss Link Link A Yellow Pikmin sees a Bulborb with bulging cheeks, and thinks that it is chewing on a Pikmin. However, it was actually caused by a sting from a Scornet.
July 8th, 2023 July 8th, 2023 いいもの?, lit.: "Good Thing" Lucky Find Link Link A Red Pikmin finds a four leaf clover and tries to give it to a Bulborb, who just eats him.
July 9th, 2023 July 9th, 2023 オタカラ?, lit.: "Treasure" Special Treasure Link Link Oatchi defecates and then kicks up some sand. Nearby Pikmin attempt to dig it up, mistaking it for a buried object.
July 10th, 2023 Not in English 再かくにん?, lit.: "Reconfirmation" Not in English Link Not in English Upon Oatchi and Moss meeting each other, both Shepherd and the Olimar-like leafling claim that their space dog is cuter.
July 11th, 2023 July 11th, 2023 ぽかぽかびより?, lit.: "Warm Weather" The Joy of Spring Link Link At the start of Spring, many new Pikmin sprout, but many Bulborb Larvae are also born and end up eating the Pikmin.
July 12th, 2023 July 17th, 2023 気長に?, lit.: "Patiently" Delayed Gratification Link Link A Red Bulborb eats a crystal containing a Pikmin. Upon realizing that is it too hard to chew, it holds it in its mouth and waits for the crystal to melt.
July 13th, 2023 July 19th, 2023 にらめっこ?, lit.: "Staring Contest"[note 4] Funny Face-Off Link Link Some Pikmin and Oatchi make funny faces while trying not to laugh. All of them crack when they see a Red Bulborb with its eye-stalks tangled.
July 14th, 2023 July 21st, 2023 みわくのエキス①?, lit.: "The Allure of Nectar 1"[note 5] Delicious Nectar, Pt. 1 Link Link A Red Pikmin and a Winged Pikmin drink some nectar that is in a hole in the ground. The Winged Pikmin simply flies out of the hole, but the Red Pikmin is trapped.
July 15th, 2023 July 24th, 2023 みわくのエキス②?, lit.: "The Allure of Nectar 2" Delicious Nectar, Pt. 2 Link Link Oatchi attempts to preserve some left over nectar for later by putting it in his mouth. The other Pikmin are disgusted at the sight of the watered-down nectar and leave.
July 16th, 2023 July 28th, 2023 タンポポのわたげ?, lit.: "Dandelion Fluff" Riding the Breeze Link Link Some Pikmin float around by holding onto Seeding Dandelions. A Purple Pikmin is unable to join due to its weight. A Rock Pikmin tries using multiple dandelions, but the seeds scatter.
July 17th, 2023 July 26th, 2023 ホールインワン?, lit.: "Hole in One" Direct Hit Link Link The dandelion seeds scattered in the previous comic fly into a Bulborb's nostrils, making it sneeze and freeing some Pikmin from its mouth.
July 18th, 2023 August 1st, 2023 ゆめ?, lit.: "Dream" Dreaming Link Link A Red Pikmin dreams about nectar, while a Rock Pikmin dreams about being a giant terrorizing a group of Pikmin.
July 19th, 2023 August 2nd, 2023 やさしさ??, lit.: "Kindness?" An Amphiguous Gesture Link Link After a Yellow Wollyhop crushes some Pikmin, a Bulborb picks it up and licks it to taste the crushed Pikmin's juices.
July 20th, 2023 August 4th, 2023 フラッシュ?, lit.: "Flash" Flashbulb Link Link The newbie Rescue Officer attempts to take a picture of a posing Red Pikmin, but is swallowed by a Bulborb, causing the camera's flash to make the Bulborb's eyes and nostrils glow.
July 21st, 2023 August 7th, 2023 夜行性?, lit.: "Nocturnality" Nocturne the Tables Link Link When a Bulborb chases the Rescue Officer at sundown, some Yellow Pikmin carrying a light bulb trick it into sleeping, allowing the Rescue Officer to escape.
July 22nd, 2023 August 9th, 2023 どんぶらこ?, lit.: "Buoyantly" River Bed Link Link The Rescue Officer discovers a trio of Blue Pikmin napping downstream, going with the flow of the river.
July 23rd, 2023 August 11th, 2023 たのみかた?, lit.: "How to Ask" Formal Request Link Link The Rescue Officer has to get on their knees and beg Oatchi to sniff out castaways.
July 24th, 2023 August 14th, 2023 凍らせのとくぎ?, lit.: "Special Ability of Freezing" Freezing Touch, Pt. 1 Link Link Some Ice Pikmin freeze a river, allowing the rest of the group to skate on the frozen surface.
July 25th, 2023 August 16th, 2023 続・凍らせのとくぎ?, lit.: "Special Ability of Freezing: The Sequel" Freezing Touch, Pt. 2 Link Link A Honeywisp drops some nectar onto a patch of water frozen by some Ice Pikmin. Since the Ice Pikmin can’t get it, they prevent any other Pikmin that try to drink it by whacking them with their stems.
July 26th, 2023 August 18th, 2023 大志?, lit.: "Ambition" Outsized Ambition Link Link The Rescue Officer has a nightmare about the Pikmin trying to carry off the S.S. Shepherd, but in reality only one Red Pikmin is attempting to.
July 27th, 2023 August 21st, 2023 シザイ?, lit.: "Raw Material" Raw Material Link Link The Pikmin use Raw material to build a giant Pikmin statue.
July 28th, 2023 Not in English 白羽の矢?, lit.: "Drawing Lots" Not in English Link Not in English A group of Red Pikmin argue over who gets to carry the Difficult-Choice Totem, and are run over by the Waterwraith. The last Pikmin ends up taking the treasure.
July 29th, 2023 August 23rd, 2023 着地?, lit.: "Landing" Safe Landing Link Link The Rescue Officer tries to catch some Pikmin that are falling, only to be crushed by some Purple Pikmin.
July 30th, 2023 August 25th, 2023 やってみたい?, lit.: "Want to Try" The Joy of Command Link Link Collin pretends to commanding Pikmin on some Pikpik carrots. Oatchi watches on confused.
July 31st, 2023 August 28th, 2023 ダンドリ?, lit.: "Dandori" Dandori Link Link The Rescue Officer notices that the Leafling's love of Dandori is similar to Russ's constant mumbling about "efficiency".

August 2023

Japanese date English date Japanese title English title Japanese link English link Summary
August 1st, 2023 August 28th, 2023 動物愛好家 ダルメッシュ?, lit.: "Animal Enthusiast Dalmo" Dalmo the Animal Enthusiast Link Link The Rescue Officer worries about someone trapped inside a Pearly Clamclamp, but leaves them be when it turns out to be Dalmo enjoying the experience.
August 2nd, 2023 September 1st, 2023 個室ブース?, lit.: "Private Room Booth" A Private Booth Link Link Russ is annoyed by Pikmin interrupting his work, so he moves into a Pearly Clamclamp.
August 3rd, 2023 September 4th, 2023 白ピクミン?, lit.: "White Pikmin" White Pikmin Link Link The Rescue Officer fails to get a Bulborb to eat White Pikmin, but turns to find Dalmo on his side eating one's stem.
August 4th, 2023 September 6th, 2023 持つところ?, lit.: "Place to Hold" Getting a Grip Link Link The Rescue Officer commands Oatchi to assist some Pikmin in lifting a Porquillion, but he instead pulls on the Pikmin themselves since there is no room to fit in-between them.
August 5th, 2023 September 8th, 2023 かわいい名場面?, lit.: "Cute Scene" Photo Bomb Link Link Shepherd asks the Rescue Officer if they took any photos of Oatchi with the Survey Drone, but they throw their tablet into a Bulborb's mouth after realizing all their photos were embarrassing.
August 6th, 2023 September 11th, 2023 すぐ近くで?, lit.: "Close by" The Wrong Suspect Link Link A group of Pikmin attack something the Rescue Officer believes to be a Skitter Leaf. When the dust settles, however, it turns out to be a leaf plucked from a Red Pikmin's head.
August 7th, 2023 September 13th, 2023 隊長のオタカラ?, lit.: "Captain's Treasure" The Captain's Treasure Link Link Shepherd informs the Rescue Officer of the sparkles that emanate from treasures. Oatchi then begins to emit those same sparkles as Shepherd smiles at him.
August 8th, 2023 September 15th, 2023 なにかんがえてるの?, lit.: "What Do You Think?" What's He Thinking? Link Link Oatchi thinks about a castaway, and sniffs them out. He then thinks about water, and lifts his leg up to pee, tossing the Rescue Officer off his back.
August 9th, 2023 September 18th, 2023 信頼?, lit.: "Trust" Trust Link Link Oatchi licks a Red Pikmin, then Shepherd, and finally the Rescue Officer. Collin wants to be licked next, but Oatchi gives him a menacing and angry look.
August 10th, 2023 September 20th, 2023 達成感?, lit.: "Sense of Accomplishment" Accomplished Link Link The Rescue Officer, Oatchi, and several Pikmin return to Shepherd, remarking that they should take it easy after the voyage. They then return to her again.
August 11th, 2023 October 2nd, 2023 のりごこち?, lit.: "Comfort of Riding" Ride Quality Link Link While riding on Oatchi's back, the Rescue Officer brings up the many qualities of riding on him. The Officer is then flung off Oatchi as the Rescue Pup has to pee again.
August 12th, 2023 October 4th, 2023 知られざる味?, lit.: "Unknown Taste" An Acquired Taste Link Link Oatchi and the Rescue Officer find a collapsed Red Pikmin next to a Pikmin 4 Nintendo Switch Game Card. They taste the Game Card and find it bitter.
August 13th, 2023 October 6th, 2023 葉っぱ人?, lit.: "Leafling" The Leafling Link Link Oatchi drags a Leafling castaway to the S.S. Shepherd; there, a group of Red Pikmin carry the Leafling and plant them into the ground.
August 14th, 2023 October 9th, 2023 お花好きのキニーズ?, lit.: "Flower-Loving Kingsly" Kingsly the Flower Lover Link Link Kingsly shows the Rescue Officer how feeding nectar to Pikmin makes their flowers bloom. He ends up putting three Pikmin into a flower vase.
August 15th, 2023 October 11th, 2023 ロックオン?, lit.: "Lock-on" Side-Eye Link Link Collin and the Rescue Officer remark on the nasty stare that Oatchi gives to any enemy within his sights, including Collin himself.
August 16th, 2023 October 13th, 2023 モーニングルーティン?, lit.: "Morning Routine" Morning Routine Link Link The Rescue Officer decides to wake up early. They find out that the Pikmin inside the Master Onion are still asleep, and that Oatchi and Shepherd are on a morning walk.
August 17th, 2023 October 16th, 2023 あると便利?, lit.: "Convenient to Have" Love Seat Link Link A Mamuta "plants" Oatchi, to use him as a comfortable seat while looking at planted Pikmin.
August 18th, 2023 October 18th, 2023 テイスティング?, lit.: "Tasting" Just a Taste Link Link A Bulborb tries to swallow a Leafling castaway, but spits them out after tasting them and realizing that it was not a Pikmin.
August 19th, 2023 October 20th, 2023 たすけあい?, lit.: "Cooperation" One Good Turn Link Link A Yellow Pikmin trips and squishes the Cupid's Grenade it was carrying. A Red Pikmin offers up its Cupid's Grenade, but ends up sitting on it while the annoyed Yellow Pikmin carries it.
August 20th, 2023 October 23rd, 2023 特別ゲスト?, lit.: "Special Guest" Surprise Guest Link Link A Purple Pikmin jumps into a puddle of mud, splashing a nearby Red Pikmin. The Red Pikmin's revenge splash is thwarted by a Swooping Snitchbug catching them mid-air.
August 21st, 2023 October 25th, 2023 開花?, lit.: "Blooming" In Bloom? Link Link The Rescue Officer spots a Red Pikmin drinking nectar and some planted Pikmin, but has to flee when the latter turns out to be a Mamuta's garden.
August 22nd, 2023 October 27th, 2023 こだわり?, lit.: "Obsession" A Certain Way Link Link A Mamuta has its Pikmin garden "improved" by a Swooping Snitchbug's unwanted addition. The Rescue Officer plucks the Pikmin while the two creatures fight.
August 23rd, 2023 October 30th, 2023 評価軸?, lit.: "Evaluation Axis" A New Standard Link Link Inspired by the Pikmin on Oatchi's back, a Mamuta arranges its Pikmin gardens to look like bouquets. Kingsly praises the Mamuta while a Bulborb eats one of the gardens.
August 24th, 2023 November 1st, 2023 高難度ワザ?, lit.: "Difficult Technique" Pro Moves Link Link The Rescue Officer's Pikmin ride upon the Personal-Injury Plank. Oatchi ends up "riding" on it by sliding upside down, with the treasure and Pikmin laying on top of him.
August 25th, 2023 November 3rd, 2023 前衛芸術?, lit.: "Avant-Garde Art" Avant-Garde Link Link The Rescue Officer find the Skin of the Phoenix, and believes that Schnauz would love it. However, the treasure gets crumpled after the Pikmin bring it through a narrow walled passageway.
August 26th, 2023 November 6th, 2023 みわくのエキス③?, lit.: "The Allure of Nectar 3" Delicious Nectar, Pt. 3 Link Link The Rescue Officer sets up a race to determine if nectar can really make Pikmin walk faster. However, the test subject ends up falling asleep after drinking the nectar.
August 27th, 2023 November 8th, 2023 発見?, lit.: "Discovery" Discovery Link Link The Rescue Officer uses the Idler's Alert to call back some idle Pikmin. Dingo starts floating towards the device and has to be held back by a worried Collin.
August 28th, 2023 November 10th, 2023 不服?, lit.: "Disagreement" Objection Link Link Dingo teams up with Oatchi after the Rescue Officer splits him and the Pikmin into groups. However, the Rescue Pup ends up riding on the back of Dingo.
August 29th, 2023 November 13th, 2023 深夜の代償?, lit.: "Cost of Midnight" The Price of a Late Night Link Link The Rescue Officer logs the events of their first night expedition, meeting Glow Pikmin at the cost of "losing" Oatchi. However, he's only tired after the night expedition and has to take a day off from exploring.
August 30th, 2023 November 15th, 2023 洞窟だいすきダックス?, lit.: "Cave-Loving Dash" Dash Loves Caves Link Link Dash isn't allowed to explore any caves, and manages to make do by hiding in an upturned plant pot. A curious group of Pikmin as well as a Bulborb peek inside the pot to stare at Dash.
August 31st, 2023 November 20th, 2023 手なぐさみ?, lit.: "Kill-time Act" The Cost of Fidgeting Link Link A resting Red Pikmin plays with some yellow tufts of fur. Meanwhile, the Rescue Officer points out a bald patch on Oatchi to a group of Red Pikmin, wanting to know who did it.

September 2023

Japanese date English date Japanese title English title Japanese link English link Summary
September 1st, 2023 November 22nd, 2023 植物研究家フレーヌ?, lit.: "Botanical Researcher François" François, Plant Scientist Link Link François tells the Rescue Officer how intelligent Pikmin are. He asks if he can be carried by a group of Pikmin, and he gets his wish. Hours pass, and a Giant Breadbug has stolen François from the Pikmin carrying him.
September 2nd, 2023 November 24th, 2023 フレーヌさんの研究?, lit.: "Mr. François' Research" François's Research Link Link François tries to communicate to an annoyed Red Pikmin by bowing. He thinks the Pikmin bowed back after it scratches itself with its own leaf, though the Rescue Officer isn't so sure.
September 3rd, 2023 November 27th, 2023 ジャストフィット?, lit.: "Perfect Fit" Perfect Fit Link Link The Rescue Officer watches as a Waddlequaff sucks up a rock, some Pikmin, and finally Oatchi, who is too big to be inhaled and clogs the bird's beak.
September 4th, 2023 November 29th, 2023 本とピクミン①?, lit.: "Books and Pikmin 1" Books and Pikmin, Pt. 1 Link Link The Rescue Officer finds a wilted and flattened Red Pikmin inside a book. They bring the Pikmin to Kingsly, who helps out by turning the Pikmin into a bookmark.
September 5th, 2023 December 1st, 2023 本とピクミン②?, lit.: "Books and Pikmin 2" Books and Pikmin, Pt. 2 Link Link Russ explains to the Rescue Officer that he uses Pikmin as emergency bookmarks. He rewards the wilted Pikmin with some nectar. This draws the attention of many Pikmin, who crawl into some books to try and get free nectar.
September 6th, 2023 December 4th, 2023 表情?, lit.: "Facial Expression" Facial Expression Link Link Shepherd looks at Oatchi's ID card photo and then Oatchi himself, appreciating the pose and face that he makes. The Rescue Officer chimes in and says that it's his "I need to poop" face.
September 7th, 2023 December 6th, 2023 身代わり?, lit.: "Stand-in" Bait and Switch Link Link Oatchi and the Rescue Officer try to practice feeding a bomb rock to a Bulborb, but blow themselves up instead. The Officer then tries to feed Oatchi a Scrummy Bone, but ends up being eaten by him.
September 8th, 2023 December 8th, 2023[note 6] ドクターストップ?, lit.: "Doctor's Order to Stop" We Need a Doctor! Link Link Oatchi gets knocked out during a expedition, but recovers at base after some rest. The next day's expedition ends up being cancelled as Shepherd has fallen ill from worrying about Oatchi.
September 9th, 2023 December 11th, 2023 名医パピヨン?, lit.: "Good Physician Yonny" The Great Doctor, Yonny Link Link Yonny presents Shepherd with samples of a potential leafling cure. He declares the experiment a success after Dingo drinks one of the samples and all of his hair falls out.
September 10th, 2023 December 13th, 2023 ほんやく?, lit.: "Translation" Translation Link Link A Red Pikmin tries to warn the Rescue Officer about an approaching Bulborb. The newbie gets Oatchi to translate what the Pikmin's saying, but Shepherd interprets the pup's barking as him wanting treats.
September 11th, 2023 December 15th, 2023 おやつキャッチのコツ?, lit.: "Scrummy Bone" Treat Trick Link Link The Rescue Officer throws Oatchi a Scrummy Bone, but it ends up bonking his head. The newbie asks Shepherd for advice on how to have him catch it, but the Captain's demonstration treat is instantly stolen by Oatchi.
September 12th, 2023 December 18th, 2023[note 6] ちからいっぱい?, lit.: "Full of Power" Strength in Numbers? Link Link The Rescue Officer tells Oatchi to wait at an iron fence, though he tries to go through it anyways and gets stuck. The newbie tells their Pikmin to pull the Rescue Pup out, but they do so from both sides instead of only one.
September 13th, 2023 December 20th, 2023 ゲキカラスプレー?, lit.: "Ultra-spicy Spray" Ultra-Spicy Spray Link Link The Rescue Officer uses ultra-spicy spray on Oatchi, causing him to bounce around at a fast speed. The newbie then asks him to grab the Cookie of Prosperity, but he keeps bouncing instead.
September 14th, 2023 December 22nd, 2023 充電タイム?, lit.: "Charging Time" Time to Recharge Link Link Shepherd approaches Oatchi, looking around to see if nobody's there, and then nuzzles her face into the pup's fur. A Red Pikmin behind a rock points this out to the Rescue Officer, who shushes them.
September 15th, 2023 December 25th, 2023[note 7] フーセンドックリ?, lit.: "Puffy Blowhog" Puffy Blowhog Link Link The Rescue Officer's team defeats a Puffy Blowhog. A Yellow Pikmin takes its deflated corpse and tries to re-inflate it with an air vent, and has to be stopped by the newbie.
September 16th, 2023 December 27th, 2023[note 7] 成長期?, lit.: "Growing Season" Growth Spurt Link Link The Rescue Officer and Collin note how climbing sticks grow after being hit. The newbie sees a Red and Purple Pikmin make up after fighting, and determines that the two's hearts had also grown.
September 17th, 2023 December 29th, 2023[note 7] こんらん?, lit.: "Panic" Panic and Confusion Link Link Some Mitites appear and send the Rescue Officer and their Pikmin into a panic. They regroup at what they believe to be Oatchi, but is actually an Bearded Amprat whose attack sends the group flying.
September 18th, 2023 January 1st, 2024[note 7] 狙いを突いて?, lit.: "Poke the Target" Take Aim Link Link Some Joustmites are practicing how to attack with the proboscises. One of them holds up a leaf and pretends to be a Red Pikmin, which ends up baiting a Yellow Pikmin looking for its friend.
September 19th, 2023 January 3rd, 2024[note 8] 犬まっしぐら?, lit.: "Dogs Rushing" At Full Tilt Link Link Moss steals the Rescue Officer's Pikmin and runs away, and the newbie tries to get their Pikmin back by offering her a Scrummy Bone. However, Oatchi steals the bone and runs off with it.
September 20th, 2023 January 4th, 2024[note 9] 続・犬まっしぐら?, lit.: "Dogs Rushing: The Sequel" At Full Tilt, Pt. 2 Link Link The Rescue Officer tries to tempt Moss with a Scrummy Bone, but Moss only likes the high-quality bones that her owner, the Olimar-like leafling, gives her. A hungry Oatchi teams up with the duo upon hearing this.
September 21st, 2023 January 5th, 2024[note 10] びっくり菊?, lit.: "Creeping Chrysanthemum" Creeping Chrysanthemum Link Link A Red Pikmin is followed by a Creeping Chrysanthemum, who hides whenever the Pikmin turns around. A second Creeping Chrysanthemum attacks when the Pikmin faces away for the second time.
September 22nd, 2023 January 8th, 2024 オッチンだいすき?, lit.: "Loving Oatchi" Everyone Loves Oatchi Link Link The Rescue Officer is shocked to find Oatchi covered in leaves. After noticing that their Pikmin are missing, the newbie blows their whistle and the "missing" leaf Pikmin climb off Oatchi.
September 23rd, 2023 January 10th, 2024[note 11] 暗くなった?, lit.: "Became Dark" NOW It's Dark? Link Link Oatchi has planted some Glow Seeds, but the Rescue Officer states they aren't growing because it isn't dark outside. The pup borrows Bernard's sunglasses to try and make it dark.
September 24th, 2023 January 12th, 2024[note 11] ひとりじめ?, lit.: "Monopolizing" All to Myself Link Link A Red Pikmin drinks some nectar inside a tree hollow, then hides it with a nearby rock. However, the rock is actually a Rock Pikmin, who slurps up the leftover nectar.
September 25th, 2023 January 15th, 2024[note 11] より大きく?, lit.: "Larger than" Even Bigger Link Link The Rescue Officer's team escape from an Armored Cannon Larva's boulder. The newbie tries to destroy its boulders with their Rock Pikmin, but they get stuck and end up increasing its size.
September 26th, 2023 January 17th, 2024[note 11] 花うらない?, lit.: "Flower Fortune Telling" Fortune-Telling Link Link A Bulborb plucks petals off a Red Pikmin, wanting to know if someone likes them or not. The answer turns out to be a dislike after the Bulborb ends up eating the Pikmin.
September 27th, 2023 January 19th, 2024 赤い汁?, lit.: "Red Sap" Red Juices Link Link The Rescue Officer tries to find their missing Red Pikmin, and is greeted by a Giant Breadbug with red smears on its mouth. It turns out the Red Pikmin are fine, and the Breadbug had just eaten from a knocked-over Condensed Sunshine.
September 28th, 2023 January 22nd, 2024 期待はずれ?, lit.: "Disappointing" A Letdown Link Link The Rescue Officer and Collin talk about the Giant Breadbug's fluffy, tasty appearance as well as its nice scent. The newbie has Oatchi smell the Breadbug, but the Rescue Pup doesn't like its odor.
September 29th, 2023 January 24th, 2024[note 6] 休息のひととき?, lit.: "A Moment of Rest" A Moment of Rest? Link Link At a beach, the Rescue Officer and Oatchi watch the sun go down, unaware that the waves on the shore are repeatedly drowning their Red Pikmin.
September 30th, 2023 January 26th, 2024 ダンドリ・上級編?, lit.: "Dandori: Advanced" Dandori: Expert Mode Link Link Yonny shows off his Dandori to Collin and the Rescue Officer, which involves hiding a pit underneath a pillow where Dingo likes to nap. The scientist then drags the ranger away for an experiment.

October 2023

Japanese date English date Japanese title English title Japanese link English link Summary
October 1st, 2023 January 29th, 2024 エンゴ射撃?, lit.: "Pebble Pitcher" Pebble Pitcher Link Link Collin and the Rescue Officer encounter a Bulborb being pummeled by pebbles from a mysterious "two-player". Nearby, Dingo rests on a Purple Pikmin, and is startled when the pebbles start targeting him.
October 2nd, 2023 January 31st, 2024 まきもどし?, lit.: "Rewinding" Rewinding Link Link After losing their Pikmin to a Lesser Spotted Jellyfloat, the Rescue Officer rewinds time by four minutes. They decide to watch the Jellyfloat inhale their Pikmin again.
October 3rd, 2023 February 2nd, 2024 ピクミン集め対決?, lit.: "Pikmin Collecting Showdown" Pikmin-Summoning Battle Link Link Moss and Oatchi try to gather a group of Pikmin by whistling at them. Both of them end up losing the group to a third party: the Rescue Officer, who is covered in nectar.
October 4th, 2023 February 5th, 2024 チームの輪?, lit.: "Team Circle" Teamwork Link Link The Rescue Corps tell the newbie how useful Dingo is. He inadvertently helps Yonny and Russ test their medicines and prototypes, respectively, while Bernard has more free time.
October 5th, 2023 February 7th, 2024 心象風景??, lit.: "Imagined Scenery?" In the Mind's Eye? Link Link A conversation between Dingo and Shepherd is improved by a Waddlepus blowing some bubbles and two Greater Spotted Jellyfloats exploding.
October 6th, 2023 February 9th, 2024[note 10] したたる?, lit.: "Dripping" Drippings Link Link The Rescue Officer's Pikmin fight a Whiptongue Bulborb, who licks some of them and manages to drool before dying. A Bulborb walks up and sips the Pikmin-flavored drool puddle, which disgusts the newbie.
October 7th, 2023 February 12th, 2024 ヒカリのミツ?, lit.: "Glow Sap" Glow Sap Link Link The Rescue Officer and Oatchi are collecting Glow Sap for Yonny, but don't have a container to collect it in. Oatchi ends up having to store the sap in his mouth.
October 8th, 2023 February 14th, 2024[note 8] 見ごたえ?, lit.: "Worth Seeing" Impressive Link Link An Emperor Bulblax is defeated by the Rescue Officer's Pikmin. The Pikmin, now satisfied, leave while the Rescue Officer asks if they're going to carry the Bulblax.
October 9th, 2023 February 19th, 2024 オッチンのお手①?, lit.: "Oatchi's Paw 1" Oatchi's Shake, Pt. 1 Link Link Collin and the Rescue Officer watch as Shepherd has Oatchi perform some tricks. The two start to talk amongst themselves when Oatchi demonstrates a less-than-impressive paw shake.
October 10th, 2023 February 21st, 2024 オッチンのお手②?, lit.: "Oatchi's Paw 2" Oatchi's Shake, Pt. 2 Link Link The Rescue Officer manages to shake hands with Oatchi, and a Red Pikmin wants to shake his paw. As the newbie leaves to tell Shepherd what happened, Oatchi loses balance and crushes the Pikmin with his paw.
October 11th, 2023 February 23rd, 2024 今日の気分?, lit.: "Today's Mood" Picky Eater Link Link The Rescue Officer tries to bait a Fiery Bulblax into setting dried plants alight. After offering every species of Pikmin (minus Glow Pikmin) as bait, the Bulblax eats a White Pikmin with the usual lethal consequences.
October 12th, 2023 February 26th, 2024 入場シーン?, lit.: "Entering Scene" Making an Entrance Link Link Oatchi and the Rescue Officer have a rough landing while entering a cave. Shepherd and Collin assess Oatchi and determine his rough landing don't hurt him and aren't a problem, with the Captain also thinking it's cute.
October 13th, 2023 February 28th, 2024 たて穴のひみつ?, lit.: "The Secret of Dirt-mounds" Gimme the Dirt Link Link The Rescue Officer finds a dirt-mound and uses their Pikmin to excavate it. They wonder how items get buried in them, until the Pikmin dig up an annoyed Russ.
October 14th, 2023 March 1st, 2024 トリートメント効果?, lit.: "Treatment Effect" Hair Care Link Link Collin and the Rescue Office notice that Oatchi has a new, very fluffy look. It turns out that Shepherd washed him with some high-quality shampoo, and the newbie and a Red Pikmin try and fail to ride on top of him.
October 15th, 2023 March 4th, 2024 トかくにん不足?, lit.: "Lack of Verification" Fool's Errand Link Link A Red Pikmin sees some nectar on the other side of a river and is lifted across by a Winged Pikmin, though its head ends up submerged in the water. To make matters worse, the nectar turns out to be the Foolix.
October 16th, 2023 March 6th, 2024 きょり感?, lit.: "Sense of Distance" Too Close Link Link Shepherd gets scared by a Glow Pikmin and decides to give instructions to the Rescue Corps while hiding behind a rock, unaware that the rock is made up entirely of Rock Pikmin.
October 17th, 2023 March 8th, 2024[note 12] おひるねタイム?, lit.: "Naptime" Nap Time Link Link Shepherd watches Oatchi and Moss sleeping together, and hushes a nearby Purple Pikmin that was walking loudly. When she realizes who she was talking to, she screams and wakes both dogs up.
October 18th, 2023 March 11th, 2024[note 12] バランス?, lit.: "Balance" Flower Power Link Link Kingsly offers to take care of the Rescue Officer's Pikmin, and notices that one of them wants multiple flowers. He's able to grow multiple flowers on its stem, though the Pikmin ends up shriveled because of it.
October 19th, 2023 March 14th, 2024Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; invalid names, e.g. too many Not in English Link Not in English Russ decides to clean out his room, and a group of Pikmin start to help him put things away. However, the Pikmin end up making a big mess, and Russ throws them out of his room.
December 24th, 2023 Not in English フライング?, lit.: "Flying" Not in English Link Not in English Some Pikmin are carrying a large present when one of them trips and smashes through the dropped gift. The present Pikmin starts running around as Collin and the Rescue Officer talk about it containing ultra-spicy spray.
December 25th, 2023 Not in English ヒカリイルミネーシヨン?, lit.: "Light Illumination" Not in English Link Not in English A group of Glow Pikmin decorate their Lumiknolls with glow pellets. As the Rescue Corps watch on, they spot and point out a glow pellet bush, though it's actually a sneaky grub-dog that's approaching them.
December 26th, 2023 Not in English よごれを吸着?, lit.: "Dirt Absorber" Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Officer and Oatchi are covered in dirt and leaves after one of their expeditions. They wash up by jumping into the Foolix, which absorbs all the grime and spits the newly-cleaned duo out.
December 27th, 2023 Not in English 大集合?, lit.: "Large Gathering" Not in English Link Not in English Yonny has trouble catching a Purple Pikmin for examination, so he sets up a nectar net trap. A bunch of nearby Pikmin rush the trap, as well as a Bulborb which eats the Pikmin and ends up getting caught.
December 28th, 2023 Not in English 行きつけ?, lit.: "My Favorite Place" Not in English Link Not in English Nelle is hungry, so she decides to take a trip to an unspecified a juice stand. Yorke and Don Bergman investigate, and it turns out Nelle's juice is actually glow sap taken straight from a Lumiknoll.
December 29th, 2023 Not in English お呼ばれ?, lit.: "Invited" Not in English Link Not in English A Glow Pikmin invites a group of non-Glow Pikmin to its Lumiknoll. Collin and the Rescue Officer observe the scene, but are shocked to see an uninvited Nelle walking off with some stolen glow sap.
December 30th, 2023 Not in English 意外な味方??, lit.: "An Unexpected Ally?" Not in English Link Not in English Some Pikmin try to steal Dingo's dessert again, but a Breadbug intervenes and drags it back to him. Dingo's happiness is short-lived when the Breadbug buries both him and the food underneath some sand.
December 31st, 2023 Not in English 回収のナゾ?, lit.: "Collection Mystery" Not in English Link Not in English A Crawmad corpse has gone missing, and the Rescue Officer and Collin wonder where it went. A flashback shows Louie and Moss stealing the corpse, then cooking it on top of a bonfire altar for dinner.

January 2024

Japanese date English date Japanese title English title Japanese link English link Summary
January 1st, 2024 Not in English ご来光?, lit.: "Mountaintop Sunrise" Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Corps watch the sun rise, but it turns out to be the yellow light of a Groovy Long Legs. As the Corps are hypnotized into dancing, Olimar and Moss wonder why they're being so loud.
January 2nd, 2024 Not in English はつゆめ?, lit.: "First Dream"[note 13] Not in English Link Not in English Olimar has a nightmare about Louie and The President, and is woken up by what he thinks is Moss. It turns out to be a Bulborb, and Olimar freaks out in this new nightmare while Moss tries to wake him up in the real world.
January 3rd, 2024 Not in English 占い師バニーズ?, lit.: "Fortune Teller Bernise" Not in English Link Not in English Bernise can't tell Oatchi's fortune as she isn't a dog fortune teller. However, Shepherd is able to do this, and she predicts that Oatchi will receive many high-quality Scrummy Bones.
January 4th, 2024 Not in English おねがいごと?, lit.: "Wish" Not in English Link Not in English François is sad that no Pikmin wants to be his friend, so when a shooting star appears, he wishes to be friends with them. However, he spots a group of Pikmin also making wishes, and angrily lunges at them.
January 5th, 2024 Not in English けはい?, lit.: "Presence" Not in English Link Not in English Shepherd takes part in a game where she has to guess Pikmin while blindfolded, and surprises the Rescue Officer and Collin by being able to correctly tell their type just from their presence.
January 6th, 2024 Not in English ひと切れずつ?, lit.: "Slice by Slice" Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Corps are having pizza for lunch, and Bernard slices and spreads out the pizzas so he can sneakily steal a slice. A group of Pikmin (and Dingo) do the exact same thing, leaving almost no pizza left.
January 7th, 2024 Not in English まだ大丈夫?, lit.: "It's Okay" Not in English Link Not in English Collin prods a Purple Pikmin, jiggles a hydro jelly, and finally squishes his belly - the last of which makes him smile.
January 8th, 2024 Not in English シルエットクイズ?, lit.: "Silhouette Quiz" Not in English Link Not in English Some Pikmin try to guess creatures based on their silhouette. However, what looks like a Bulborb is actually Oatchi and some Bud Pikmin, and what looks like Oatchi is actually a Bulborb with a Shearflea on its back.
January 9th, 2024 Not in English 雪あそび?, lit.: "Playing in the Snow" Not in English Link Not in English There's snow outside, and everyone's playing - the Pikmin are sledding, Collin and Dingo are making snowmen, and the Rescue Officer is riding in a Arctic Cannon Larva's snowball (who is the source of the snow).
January 10th, 2024 Not in English 速度?, lit.: "Velocity" Not in English Link Not in English A Bulborb walks across a frozen surface to try and eat some Ice Pikmin, but ends up sliding right past them.
January 11th, 2024 Not in English オッチンの首輪?, lit.: "Oatchi's Collar" Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Officer starts to replace Oatchi's collar, but Collin tells them to be careful. The newbie believes that it's because the collar is heavy, but is sent flying after the collar turns out to be very light.
January 12th, 2024 Not in English よいこの原生生物童話?, lit.: "A Good Primitive Creature Fairy Tale" Not in English Link Not in English A story is told of two Albino Dwarf Bulborbs who wonder about what they'll be when they grow up. They promise to meet again when they've grown; when they do, it's revealed that they both became Moldy Dwarf Bulborbs.
January 13th, 2024 Not in English こういったものに詳しいときいて?, lit.: "Things I Want To Know More About" Not in English Link Not in English Shepherd's tablet is acting up, so she decides to have some Yellow Pikmin fix it by themselves. Collin sees this, freaks out, and runs after the Captain.
January 14th, 2024 Not in English かくし味?, lit.: "Hidden Taste" Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Officer saves their Blue Pikmin from deep mud, and runs off to get Ice Pikmin. A Bulborb drinks the mud water, but whatever Pikmin it could taste is watered down by a nearby Bogswallow.
January 15th, 2024 Not in English いそうのすごしかた?, lit.: "How To Spend Your Time" Not in English Link Not in English A group of Blue and Ice Pikmin are sitting around doing nothing. The Rescue Officer tries to get them to play in a nearby body of water, but they just sit down in it and continue to do nothing.
January 16th, 2024 Not in English ガヤ?, lit.: "Background Noise" Not in English Link Not in English Collin is instructing the Rescue Officer through his tablet when a group of rescued Leaflings wake up. They crowd around him and start giving the newbie instructions, making Collin uncomfortable.
January 17th, 2024 Not in English じゃあもうムリ?, lit.: "Then It's No Longer Possible" Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Officer wonders what Bernard looks like without his sunglasses. They ask Santi if he has any childhood photos with Bernard, and he shows a baby photo of the two, both of them wearing glasses.
January 18th, 2024 Not in English おしえて! オリマーさん②?, lit.: "Tell Me! Mr. Olimar 2" Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Officer struggles to blow the Lineup Trumpet, so Olimar demonstrates the item and ends up tiring both him and his Pikmin out.
January 19th, 2024 Not in English 定員3名?, lit.: "Maximum Capacity of Three" Not in English Link Not in English Three Purple Pikmin fit themselves into the holes of the Space Spinner, while a White Pikmin stands on the central platform. A fourth Purple Pikmin spins the spinner, causing the White Pikmin to twist itself up.
January 20th, 2024 Not in English ゴールテープ?, lit.: "Goal Tape" Not in English Link Not in English A Whiptongue Bulborb stretches its tongue across a passageway and near some nectar. Then, a Yellow Pikmin sprints through the passage and runs into the Bulborb's tongue.
January 21st, 2024 Not in English 2 択?, lit.: "2 Choices" Not in English Link Not in English A group of Yellow Pikmin lower a climbing rope. Seeing this, a Whiptongue Bulborb than stretches its tongue out in order to mimic the rope and fool the Pikmin.
January 22nd, 2024 Not in English 記憶力?, lit.: "Memory" Not in English Link Not in English While riding Oatchi, the Rescue Officer hits their head on a clay bridge. They tell Oatchi and themselves to avoid hitting the bridge on the way back, but the newbie ends up doing it again.
January 23rd, 2024 Not in English 教え?, lit.: "Instruction" Not in English Link Not in English Russ freaks out as he's lost the switch to a remote-controlled bomb rock. He finds it near a Purple Pikmin, who remembers a lesson about pressing one but is too unmotivated to do it.
January 24th, 2024 Not in English やさぐれピクミン?, lit.: "Runaway Pikmin"[note 14] Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Officer uses a Red Pikmin carrying a fire starter to shatter an ice wall. An Ice Pikmin watches this and sadly hides away, but is revigorated after chugging some ultra-spicy spray.
January 25th, 2024 Not in English ぐるぐるの意味?, lit.: "The Meaning of Circling Around"[note 15] Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Officer's Rock Pikmin are going around in circles because the path forward had been blocked. Meanwhile, some White Pikmin begin to circle around Dingo to purposefully obstruct him.
January 26th, 2024 Not in English 個体差?, lit.: "Individual Difference" Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Officer encounters a giant Rock Pikmin, but finds out that it can't fit through iron fences. The newbie tries to reduce the Rock Pikmin's size by using a conveyor belt, but this only ends up polishing the Pikmin.
January 27th, 2024 Not in English おみとおし?, lit.: "Seeing Through It" Not in English Link Not in English Collin wonders why Dingo doesn't like to work with Oatchi or Pikmin. Yonny explains that Dingo secretly doesn't want them to get hurt by a bomb rock's blast, which embarrasses the ranger.
January 28th, 2024 Not in English 見守り隊?, lit.: "Observation Team" Not in English Link Not in English A Burrowing Snagret has laid some eggs, but some nearby Pikmin think they're nectar eggs. The Pikmin observe the Snagret with the Double Dragon-Eyed Scope, stressing the bird and making it lose its feathers.
January 29th, 2024 Not in English 地学部の活動?, lit.: "Planetary Science Club's Activity" Not in English Link Not in English The Planetary Science Club perform an experiment where they stick a string to an Ice Pikmin with some salt. Mika wonders if the experiment fits while Sheeba complains that it's an elementary school-level experiment.
January 30th, 2024 Not in English パピヨンの新発明?, lit.: "Yonny's New Invention" Not in English Link Not in English François is asking Collin about his Pikmin communication skills when Yonny completes a serum that allows its drinker to understand what Pikmin are saying. François drinks it, but the Pikmin still don't want to talk to him.
January 31st, 2024 Not in English ライバル出現??, lit.: "A Rival Appears?" Not in English Link Not in English A Skeeterskate spits water at some Pikmin, and their cries wake up a nearby Bulborb. The Bulborb rushes over to taste the Pikmin-flavored water, but the Skeeterskate drinks it all before it gets there.

February 2024

Japanese date English date Japanese title English title Japanese link English link Summary
February 1st, 2024 Not in English ピクミンジャンケン①?, lit.: "Pikmin Rock-Paper-Scissors 1" Not in English Link Not in English There's only one drop of nectar left, so the Rescue Officer has a Red and White Pikmin play rock-paper-scissors. However, their hands are two small for the newbie to figure out who won.
February 2nd, 2024 Not in English ピクミンジャンケン②?, lit.: "Pikmin Rock-Paper-Scissors 2" Not in English Link Not in English A group of Pikmin are playing rock-paper-scissors. The Rescue Officer uses the Detective's Truth Seeker to figure out who won, but a Toady Bloyster attacks before they can find out.
February 3rd, 2024 Not in English ハスの葉ボート?, lit.: "Lotus Leaf Boat" Not in English Link Not in English A group of Pikmin take a ride on a lily pad. They are all having fun except for a Rock Pikmin, who is trying to not fall through the gap in the pad.
February 4th, 2024 Not in English クセになった?, lit.: "It Became an Habit" Not in English Link Not in English A pair of Pikmin take a ride on a lily pad, when one of them waves at a Rock Pikmin on another pad, who is trying to not fall through the gap in it.
February 5th, 2024 Not in English ダンドリバトル?, lit.: "Dandori Battle" Not in English Link Not in English Shepherd and Oatchi participate in a Dandori Battle against Louie and Moss, but the Captain immediately loses. As it turns out, she can't see her dog's face while riding on his back, leaving her unable to use his abilities.
February 6th, 2024 Not in English 石のローラー ⊚⊚?, lit.: "Stone Roller ⊚⊚" Not in English Link Not in English Two Purple Pikmin come across a crying Waterwraith, who has lost its stone rollers. The Pikmin decide to help it find its rollers; meanwhile, the Rescue Officer mistakes the vulnerable Waterwraith for a giant Purple Pikmin.
February 7th, 2024 Not in English あった ⊚⊚?, lit.: "Found Them ⊚⊚" Not in English Link Not in English Shepherd is impressed by Dingo holding two Purple Pikmin above his shoulders; he then follows it up by lifting two large stone rollers. The Waterwraith lands on the rollers, crushing Dingo.
February 8th, 2024 Not in English 湿度レーダー?, lit.: "Humidity Radar" Not in English Link Not in English Shepherd manages to predict rainy weather despite the previous sunny conditions, all from her careful observation of the humidity messing up Collin's hair.
February 9th, 2024 Not in English 通り雨?, lit.: "Rain Shower" Not in English Link Not in English While it's raining, Olimar notes that Leaf and Flower Pikmin stay dry as their stems act as umbrellas. He then sees a Bud Pikmin getting drenched; Olimar's group decide to sit under a tree until the rain clears.
February 10th, 2024 Not in English 足もと注意?, lit.: "Watch Your Step" Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Officer lets their Pikmin walk in front of them so the Pikmin don't have to catch up. However, a Purple Pikmin accidentally trips the newbie, and the rest of their Pikmin run into peril.
February 11th, 2024 Not in English スプリンクラー?, lit.: "Sprinkler" Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Officer and their team encounter a sprinkler, and they send Oatchi out to investigate it. The Rescue Pup drinks the water sprayed by it.
February 12th, 2024 Not in English おてつだいアーム?, lit.: "Extra Hand" Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Officer learns the Extra Hand skill from Louie. They have fun carrying a pellet until some White Pikmin (also carrying pellets) get mad at them for blocking their pathway.
February 13th, 2024 Not in English 見つけた Icon for the Plasm Wraith, from Pikmin 3 Deluxe's Piklopedia.?, lit.: "I Found You Icon for the Plasm Wraith, from Pikmin 3 Deluxe's Piklopedia." Not in English Link Not in English Olimar wakes up from a nightmare in which he was being chased by the Plasm Wraith. He tells the Rescue Officer about his experience, unaware that the Plasm Wraith is watching the duo nearby.
February 14th, 2024 Not in English おしえて! オリマーさん③?, lit.: "Tell Me! Mr. Olimar 3" Not in English Link Not in English Olimar tells the Rescue Officer and Collin about how Red Pikmin use their noses to attack. The newbie wonders about a Purple Pikmin's feelers until they see one use them as makeshift sunglasses.
February 15th, 2024 Not in English オペレーター養成所?, lit.: "Operator Training School" Not in English Link Not in English While instructing the Rescue Officer, Collin is distracted by some Leaflings. The Leaflings give him some donuts and take over the tablet, instructing and confusing the newbie.
February 16th, 2024 Not in English ハイセンス?, lit.: "High Sense" Not in English Link Not in English Puddle is stricken by inspiration after seeing a Purple Pikmin, styling its feelers and clothing it with a hair tie. The Rescue Officer witnesses the Purple Pikmin's makeover and voices their approval.
February 17th, 2024 Not in English さまざまな効果?, lit.: "Various Effects" Not in English Link Not in English A group of Pikmin use the Glinty Circular Disc's underside to reflect light. This causes the Pikmin to dance, a Burrowing Snagret to lose its feathers from stress, and a Groovy Long Legs to approach the group.
February 18th, 2024 Not in English さみしオッチン?, lit.: "Lonely Oatchi" Not in English Link Not in English Oatchi is sad that no enemy wants to attack him in a "fun" way. The Rescue Officer tries to cheer him up by having him ride in a Grubchucker's top mouth, but Oatchi causes it to topple over.
February 19th, 2024 Not in English 取りちがえ?, lit.: "Mix-Up" Not in English Link Not in English Dingo has overslept and has to rush through his morning routine. Along the way, he accidentally wears the hair tie of a nearby Rock Pikmin instead of his headband, which the Rescue Officer notices and likes.
February 20th, 2024 Not in English めざせプラチナメダル?, lit.: "Aim for a Platinum Medal" Not in English Link Not in English Collin wants to make a camp, and does so with the help of some Pikmin and a few Leaflings. Afterwards, the Leaflings order the Pikmin to put the cleared debris back so they can do it again.
February 21st, 2024 Not in English 接触不良①?, lit.: "Contact Failure 1" Not in English Link Not in English Schnauz figures out that the Masterpiece Plank fits into a slot in the Stone of Advancement. He predicts that they'll show him a secret message, but the Stone of Advancement's screen doesn't display anything.
February 22nd, 2024 Not in English 接触不良②?, lit.: "Contact Failure 2" Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Officer brings a Withering Blowhog to clean the Stone of Advancement's slot, but Schnauz is worried about it spitting out saliva. The newbie has a Waddlequaff suck up the slot's dust, which Schnauz approves of.
February 23rd, 2024 Not in English ネンドバルブ?, lit.: "Clay Valve" Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Officer doesn't know what a clay valve would look like, and asks their Pikmin if they have an idea. They end up making a sprawling mess of clay; however, a Purple Pikmin manages to use it to turn off a sprinkler.
February 24th, 2024 Not in English フィールドワーク?, lit.: "Fieldwork" Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Officer is still confused over the shape of a valve, but brushes it off as they explore the cave further. As they are being shot by the Man-at-Legs, the newbie notices the valve on top of the spider.
February 25th, 2024 Not in English 活用法?, lit.: "Ways of Usage" Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Officer is confused by a castaway with an obscured face, but it turns out to be Collin using his spacesuit's smoke function. As the newbie walks away, Collin is secretly glad they didn't find out he was secretly eating snacks.
February 26th, 2024 Not in English お気に入りロード?, lit.: "Favorite Road" Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Officer and their team avoid two paths created by a Bulborb and the Waterwraith. They decide to explore a safe, uneven road, but it turns out to be the path of an Empress Bulblax who starts rolling towards them.
February 27th, 2024 Not in English 実践済み?, lit.: "Already Practiced" Not in English Link Not in English Olimar instructs a Purple Pikmin to lie down and get picked up by a Fiery Dweevil. When the Rescue Officer observes this, Olimar tries to explain that the Pikmin really wanted to ride the Dweevil.
February 28th, 2024 Not in English 後ろはまかせて?, lit.: "You Have My Back" Not in English Link Not in English A Bulborb walks up to Oatchi playing with some Pikmin, about to attack them. However, the Rescue Pup's wagging tail causes the Bulborb to become dizzy and fall over.
February 29th, 2024 Not in English 花粉体質?, lit.: "Pollen Constitution" Not in English Link Not in English Oatchi is sick and sneezing, and Kingsly attributes it to the flowers blooming and releasing pollen. Russ brings out a camera that can detect it, and it reveals that Kingsly is covered helmet-to-toe in pollen.

March 2024

Japanese date English date Japanese title English title Japanese link English link Summary
March 1st, 2024 Not in English アップデート?, lit.: "Update" Not in English Link Not in English Kingsly checks up on his Mamuta teammate, who is using music from the Shake-a-Smile as well as powder from a pouch to improve its Pikmin gardens. Kingsly grows concerned when he notices the Mamuta's pouch looks like a Withering Blowhog.
March 2nd, 2024 Not in English みんなでお花見?, lit.: "Watching Cherry Blossoms Together" Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Corps, Olimar, and Moss are having fun watching cherry blossom leaves fall. Oatchi and the Rescue Officer use the Swallow ability to bring some leaves back to base, though they end up covered in saliva.
March 3rd, 2024 Not in English 金色の⬭?, lit.: "Golden ⬭" Not in English Link Not in English Olimar observes (and later helps) the Rescue Corps put together the Memory Fragment Series. When the completed image turns out to be the Plasm Wraith, the Corps are confused while Olimar starts panicking.
March 4th, 2024 Not in English 黄ピクミンと穴①?, lit.: "Yellow Pikmin and Pit 1" Not in English Link Not in English A group of Yellow Pikmin are attacking an Iridescent Flint Beetle. It burrows away, but an angry Pikmin continues to chase after the beetle, ending up in a deep pit. After realizing its predicament, the Yellow Pikmin starts to cry.
March 5th, 2024 Not in English 黄ピクミンと穴②?, lit.: "Yellow Pikmin and Pit 2" Not in English Link Not in English The Yellow Pikmin from the previous comic sees a rope being lowered into the hole, which is actually a Whiptongue Bulborb's tongue. The Pikmin uses the tongue to lift itself, three 1 pellets, and the Iridescent Flint Beetle.
March 6th, 2024 Not in English ピクミン持ちかた講座?, lit.: "Pikmin Holding Course" Not in English Link Not in English The Rescue Officer teaches Collin how to hold a Pikmin. He tries to grab a Purple Pikmin, but ends up pulling out its neck fat. Collin watches in silence as the Pikmin's neck fat retreats into its body.
March 7th, 2024 Not in English 相性?, lit.: "Compatability" Not in English Link Not in English Inspired by Olimar and Louie's teamwork, the Rescue Officer decides to team up with Dingo. The ranger tries to get the Pikmin out of the Onion, but has trouble doing so - meanwhile, the newbie leaves with Oatchi.
March 8th, 2024 Not in English ドクターのけんこう相談室?, lit.: "Doctor's Health Consulting Room" Not in English Link Not in English Yonny is speaking to an unknown patient who is concerned about their stomach and losing weight. The Rescue Officer thinks that the patient is Collin, though they turn out to be a Bug-Eyed Crawmad.
March 9th, 2024 Not in English ガーリップ?, lit.: "Flarlic" Not in English Link Not in English An Orange Bulborb comes across some Flarlic and eats it, gaining a large amount of energy in the process. The Bulborb uses this newfound energy to get some proper sleep.
March 10th, 2024 Not in English ダマグモ演奏会?, lit.: "Arachnorb Concert" Not in English Link Not in English A Baldy Long Legs is hosting a concert for some Pikmin trapped in its abdomen. When the Rescue Officer notices and tries to chase after the Arachnorb, the Groovy Long Legs and Man-at-Legs step in and block their path.
March 11th, 2024 Not in English ついでに?, lit.: "Meanwhile" Not in English Link Not in English Collin entrusts Olimar and Moss to deliver a bag to the Rescue Officer and Oatchi. The duo return and Moss spits out multiple things they collected along the way, including Oatchi and the newbie.
March 12th, 2024 Not in English 引き分け?, lit.: "Draw" Not in English Link Not in English Keesh has lost one of her minerals, and her classmates try to help her find it. A flashback occurs where Keesh stuffs a Rock Pikmin and a Gildemandwee into a container before going to bed.
March 13th, 2024 Not in English はやわざ?, lit.: "Quick Work" Not in English Link Not in English Yonny is performing an experiment where he infuses Pikpik carrots with a substance that makes its eater glow brightly. He later rushes back to check on his experiment, only to find Dingo glowing and Oatchi wearing sunglasses.
March 14th, 2024 Not in English とっておきのスイーツ❐?, lit.: "Special Sweets ❐" Not in English Link Not in English Olimar and Louie are hungry, so they decide to retrieve some food that Olimar left inside the bunker in Hero's Hideaway. However, Olimar is horrified when he finds the Plasm Wraith inside the bunker instead of the food.



The placeholder image used in the Home screen comic.
The placeholder image.
  • On the US website, when the comic is loading, a alternate artwork of "The Skies Clear" is shown while it’s loading.
  • The comics "The Skies Clear" and "The Sting of Loss" appear in the background of the Pikmin Garden main page, near the Schedule Book button.
  • Strangely, despite the comics occurring during Pikmin 4, the White Pikmin's poison is shown to be purple and liquid. In-game, poison is bright-turquoise.


  1. ^ Possibly a pun on ひっぱる?, lit.: "to pull".
  2. ^ Possibly a pun on おし?, lit.: "weight" and しずかに?, lit.: "quietly".
  3. ^ For an unknown reason, this comic was published far earlier in English, and only later was released in Japanese.
  4. ^ にらめっこ? specifically refers to a game played by children where two or more competitors will stare at each other and aim to make the opponent laugh first.
  5. ^ A pun on nectar's Japanese name, 大地のエキス?, lit.: "Earth extract". みわく? may also be a pun: it means something along the lines of 'bewitching' or 'lure' and here can refer to how Pikmin are attracted to nectar as well as the hole being a trap.
  6. ^ a b c Posted two days later than date listed on site.
  7. ^ a b c d All of these comics were posted late, on January 2nd, 2024.
  8. ^ a b Posted one day later than date listed on site.
  9. ^ Posted very, very, very late than date listed on site.
  10. ^ a b Posted three days later than date listed on site.
  11. ^ a b c d All of these comics were posted late, on January 18th, 2024.
  12. ^ a b All of these comics were posted late, on March 12th, 2024.
  13. ^ はつゆめ? specifically refers to the first dream had in a new year, believed to foretell one's luck throughout the rest of the year.
  14. ^ やさぐれ? is a slang term used to refer to a runaway person.
  15. ^ ぐるぐる? is onomatopoeia that refers to something going around in circles.

See also