
Revision as of 10:14, November 2, 2008 by IAMAHIPO ocolor (talk | contribs) (Guys, I have defeated MANY wollywogs in my lifetime without purples, and this is the best way to do it. Have ? want to erase it? create a talk page.)
Appears in N/A
Scientific name Amphicaris albino
Family Amphituber
Areas The Forest Navel
Attacks Crushes Pikmin

Wollywogs are a species of amphituber that live in the bowels of subterranean areas. As an adaptation to environments with little or no sunlight, they have lost most of their skin pigmentation, giving them an albino-like appearance.

Like Yellow Wollywogs, when approached, Wollywogs will leap high into the air and attempt to crush on your Pikmin. Toss Pikmin onto their back and call them away just before it lands to avoid having them shaken off and possibly deflowered. If enough Pikmin are used, it is possible to weigh the Wollywog down so much that it cannot jump.


How to Kill

Pikmin 1

Swarm it with a large group of Pikmin. The more Pikmin are attacking at once, the more likely the Wollywog will be weighed down and unable to jump. If it does get airborne, call back your Pikmin and get them away from the Wollywog's shadow (the area where it will land). Re-swarm when it lands.

Pikmin 2

Swarming is less effective here, so attack by repeatedly throwing Pikmin, preferably purples, onto its back. It appears to be easier to pin the Wollywog to the ground here than in Pikmin, so it is in fact easier to kill. Once again, in the event it does get off the ground, call your Pikmin back immediately and move them out of the way. An alternate strategy if one doesn't have Purple Pikmin, is to use a group of about 10-20 pikmin, and throw all the pikmin before the Wollywog takes off. It should become airborne, and the moment it starts to land, recall the Pikmin. Because of the falling speeds of pikmin and the Wollywog, and the fact that pikmin are invincible when airborne, this is a very viable strategy.