User:Twins1105: Difference between revisions

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{{infobox user
|username      = Twins1105
|image        = P3 Kingcap Unofficial render.png
|size          = 128px
|caption      = An unofficial render of a [[Kingcap]] done in Blender.
|youtube      =
|discord      = Twins1105
|p1            = Collected 30 ship parts in ~14 Days
|npcp1        = Collected 30 ship parts in ~25 Days
|p1s          = Collected 30 ship parts in 14 Days
|p2            = Played
|npcp2        = Collected 201 treasures in 30 Days
|p2s          = Not currently replaying
|p3            = Reached Formidable Oak in ~13 Days
|p3d          = Completed Story mode with all fruits on Normal, Hard, and Ultra-Spicy difficulties, played most Mission mode levels with various medals, played all Side Story levels with all platinum medals, collected most badges
|p4            = Not currently replaying
|hp            = [[3-B]]
|pb            = Lv 48
|pa            = Completed 21/22 challenges, mastered 9/22 challenges
|emulate      = y

Link to my sandbox: [[User:Twins1105/Sandbox]]
== Recent contributions ==

== Links ==
[[User:Twins1105/Sandbox|Sandbox]], a place to dump random info and ideas.

[[User:Twins1105/Extracted Text|Extracted Text]], a hub to access extracted text from all of the games, work in progress.

[[User:Twins1105/Names|Names]], a list of names for more obscure tools and obstacles.

Trying to add as much of the text from Pikmin Adventure on this page as I can.
[[User:Twins1105/Notes|Notes]], a list of notes for other items from more obscure sources.  

[[User:Twins1105/Switchable test|Treasure switchable test]], a potential way to handle treasure articles with multiple regions and console versions.

'''DISCLAIMER: Not all of the text shown here is representative of how they are in the localization files.'''
[[User:Twins1105/Bulborb test|Bulborb test]], a test to exclusively use singular nouns throughout a page and to split up info about each game using the Bulborb as an example based on [[User:PopitTart/Fiery Blowhog|PopitTart's Fiery Blowhog page]].  

[[User:Twins1105/Electrode Merge|Electrode merge]], an attempt to merge the [[Electrical wire|''Pikmin 2'' hazard]], [[Electrode|''Pikmin 3'' tool]], and [[Hazard generator#Electricity generator|''Pikmin 4'' hazard generator]] in a similar style to Bulborb test.

== Ttl/TtlScrollWindow ==
== Info ==
'''Most of the text from the main Nintendo Land Plaza related to Pikmin Adventure.'''
I'm able to take png screenshots of the [[Nintendo GameCube]] and [[Wii]] games using [ Dolphin emulator], [[Nintendo 3DS]] games using [ Azahar], [[Wii U]] games using the [ Aroma screenshot plugin] on a modded console and [[Nintendo Switch]] bmp screenshots using [ bitmap-printer] on a modded console.

{|class="wikitable sortable"
I also have access to {{p3}}, {{p3d}}, {{p4}}, and {{pa}}'s text in order to check notes, add names in other languages, and probably more. I want to improve {{pa}} and {{hp}} pages by uploading higher quality images and finishing to-dos.
!Internal Name !! NA Text !! EU Text !! JP Text
|Gate_Pkm_000||◆ Get Olimar and the Pikmin safely off a wild alien planet. ◆ For 1 to 5 players. ■ Cooperative and Versus modes are available.||Get Olimar and the Pikmin safely off a wild alien planet. ◆ For 1 to 5 players. Co-operative and versus modes are available.||◆ピクミンとオリマーの 惑星脱出アトラクション◆ 定員:1~5人 ■ 協力チャレンジ と 対戦 の2つのモードをご用意
|Statue_022||These grub-dog predators tend to sleep during the day and attack aggressively if woken from a nap. Bulborbs come in a wide variety of colors--now on sale at our gift shop!||These Grub-dog predators tend to sleep during the day and attack aggressively if woken. ◆ Bulborbs come in a variety of colours and are now on sale at our souvenir shop.||◆和名は「デメマダラ」という イヌムシ科の生物 昼間は眠っていることが多いが 近づくと突進してくる◆ 黄色や緑のカラーバリエーションもあって ピクミン アドベンチャーでは人気No.1 だそうデス
|Statue_023||With its sharp teeth and devastating roll attack, this is a foe to fear. I highly advise you to take caution if you don't want to get crushed into scrap metal!||With its sharp teeth and devastating roll attack, this is a foe to fear. ◆ Take Bulblords on one at a time or you'll end up with Pikmin pâté!||◆鋭い歯での かみつきや 足と急所を隠した 転がり攻撃が危険◆
|Statue_024||This creature compresses air in its bellows-shaped body and uses the pressure to shoot water or projectiles. �||This creature compresses air in its bellow-shaped body and uses the pressure to shoot water or projectiles. ◆ �||◆ジャバラ状の おなかに 入れた空気の力で 弾や水を発射する敵◆ ワタクシは シュポシュポと呼んでいマシタ
|Statue_025||This lovely plant is full of spring vitality! My scans confirm that the dots on the pot are eyes... No, really.||A cheerful plant filled with spring vitality! ◆ My scans confirm that the dots on the pot are eyes... No, really.||◆芽吹きの季節 春のチャレンジを飾る 鉢植え◆ 鉢に描かれた目のおかげで 葉っぱが髪の毛のように 見えマスネ
|Statue_026||Just look at this bouquet of brightly colored toadstools. The big one must be the mother, while the little ones are the juveniles. Also, that could be completely incorrect.||A clump of brightly coloured toadstools. ◆ The big one is the mum and the two little ones are the kids. Or not...||◆色鮮やかなキノコは 3本でひとつ◆ 大きいキノコは お母さん 小さいキノコは こどもたち なのデショウカ…
|Statue_027||Tempting as it may be to find out what's up there, please refrain from climbing on this display. Park rules are very clear on this issue.||Tempting as it may be to find out what's up there, please refrain from climbing on this display. Park rules are very clear on this issue.||上の方が どうなっているかは 見えマセンが 危ないので ツタは登らないよう お願いしマス
|Statue_028||I planted this seed in a metal enclosure instead of an ordinary pot. Why, you may or may not ask? Because I find it highly amusing, of course.||A relaxed plant with a sunny disposition. I put this seedling in a tin milk churn instead of an ordinary plant pot. Why? Well, I suppose to test its mettle...||缶に植物を 植えてみマシタ これがホントの カンヨウ植物 …あ これは鉄瓶デシタネ カンヨウな心で お許しクダサイ
|Statue_029||This plant is brimming with potential. Apparently, the blue pot perfectly complements the flower, but we won't know until it blooms.||A plant that's brimming with potential. Apparently, the blue pot perfectly complements the flower, but we won't know until it blooms.||小さいつぼみがついた 小さな植木鉢デス さわやかな 鉢のブルーが アクセント アナタのお部屋に おひとつ いかが
|Statue_030||Palm trees always evoke such a blissfully tropical mood... Well, at least that's what my databank says, anyway. This one doesn't have any fruit, so that's disappointing.||Palm trees evoke a blissfully tropical mood... Or so say my databanks, at any rate. This one has no fruit, so it seems a bit disappointing really.||南国ムードの木は ヤシの木 …だと思いマス ヤシの実は ありマセンが ココだけ南国気分デスネ
|Statue_031||The humble cloth sack keeps it warm on chilly fall nights. It looks a bit sad and squishy, doesn't it? I still wouldn't want it falling on my monitor, though.||With a hemp sack to keep it warm on cool autumn nights, this plant is rather more practical than decorative. ◆ It looks a bit sad and squishy, doesn't it? I still wouldn't want it falling on my monitor, though.||◆温かみのある 麻袋のプランターは ほっこりとした秋の風景にピッタリ◆ やわらかそうに見えマスが 押してもビクともしないのデス
|Statue_032||Can you identify this plant? No? It's a fern, of course. Oh, mass information storage does have its moments.||Can you identify this plant? No? It's a Lollycoil Woodland Fern, of course. Ahhh, mass information storage does have its moments.||これなーんだ? 正解は… ゼンマイ デス …わからなくっても ドンマイ デス
|Statue_033||Perplexing, isn't it? Nobody knows if it's vegetable or...something more sinister.||Curious, isn't it? This so-called mushroom doesn't look like any mushroom I've ever seen.||◆大きすぎて 七輪に乗らない 風味豊かなキノコ◆ 手土産に… いかがデスカ…?
|Statue_034||This neat little plant is in a snowman pot for the wintertime. It won't bloom, so I gave it a nose instead.||An evergreen plant decorated to look like a snowman. ◆ The funny little nose was my idea. It seemed so doleful before.||◆雪だるま風の鉢に入った 冬の観葉植物◆ 花は咲かずに 代わりに鼻がつきマシタ
|Statue_035||This may look like a crystal, but it's actually a very rare and delicate mushroom, which melts away in all but the coldest storage conditions. It is unexpectedly soft to the touch, almost like jelly.||It may look like a crystal, but this is really a very rare and delicate mushroom, which melts away in all but the coldest conditions. ◆ It is unexpectedly soft to the touch, almost like jelly.||◆水晶の正体は 実はキノコ 暑いと溶けてしまうので 温度管理が難しい◆ 触ったときの プルンとした やわらかさが キモチ悪いんデス
|Statue_036||The fir tree is classified as an evergreen, long a symbol of vitality and eternal life. This one seems to be covered in snow, though. So much for the "ever green." Hah. Hah.||The fir tree is an evergreen, a symbol of vitality and eternal life. ◆ This one seems to be covered in snow, though. So much for the "ever green".||◆冬でも緑の葉が絶えないので 生命力や永遠のシンボルと いわれている◆ ココのモミの木は いつも雪が つもっていマスヨ
|Statue_037||This distinctive work of modern art conveys a sense of weight and permanence. Also, these are scattered all over the place underground, so please don't stub your toe.||A distinctive work of modern art that conveys a sense of weight and permanence. ◆ Also, these are scattered all over the place underground, so please don't stub your toe.||◆重量感と高級感を 兼ね備えた アートなオブジェ◆ 地下に 点在しておりマスので ぶつからないよう ご注意クダサイ
|Statue_038||These curious sculptures almost seem to move by dim underground light. Some people even mistake them for Pikmin. Not me, of course.||Curious sculptures that by dim underground light almost seem to move. ◆ Some people even mistake them for Pikmin. Not me, of course.||◆地下の わずかな明かりの中で ゆらゆらとゆれる オブジェ◆ ピクミンと間違えて 投げようとするお客様が 年に3人ほど いらっしゃいマス
|Statue_039||Once upon a time, a fair maiden awaited her sweetheart's return from battle. She pined and pined, and then kept pining, until she became a blue pine... Oh, it's a spruce. Never mind.||Once upon a time, a fair maiden awaited her sweetheart's return from battle. She pined and pined, and then she pined some more, until all that was left was a pine... Oh, it's a spruce. Never mind.||◆ボーダー柄のおしゃれな木◆ 木だって 身だしなみには 気を使うんデスヨ
|Statue_040||This unfriendly beast attacks by shooting needles from its mouth but mellows considerably after the initial assault. Still, a balloon with needles inside of it... That sounds like a dangerous combination!||This unfriendly beast attacks by shooting needles from its mouth but mellows considerably after the initial assault. ◆ Still, a balloon with needles inside it... That sounds like a dangerous combination!||◆口から針を出して 攻撃してくるが 最初の一撃をかわすと おだやかな敵◆ フーセンなのに 針を体に仕込んじゃうなんて… 割れないんデショウカネ
|Statue_041||This beast's segmented body has plenty of weak points, making it easy to target. However, it will hide them when it is upset. Just don't get too close to its snapping jaws.||This beast's segmented body has plenty of weak points, making it easy to target. However, it will hide them when it is upset. Just don't get too close to its snapping jaws.||◆いくつものフシに分かれた体で くねくねとした動きが得意な敵 それぞれのフシに急所があるので 狙いやすいが 怒り出すと急所を隠して 手当たり次第に大きなアゴで 攻撃をしかけてくる◆
|Statue_042||This is the ship that Olimar piloted during his legendary employment at Hocotate Freight. This one doesn't actually speak, though, which is probably best for everyone.||A replica of the ship that Olimar piloted during his employment at Hocotate Freight. ◆ This one doesn't actually speak, though, which is probably best for everyone.||◆キャプテン・オリマーが働く ホコタテ運送創業時に 活躍した宇宙船 ドルフィン初号機◆ ニンテンドーランドの ドルフィン号は しゃべりマセンので あしからず
|Statue_044||Creepy Beebs are about the size of Olimar and move in packs. They're usually quite peaceful creatures, but their flexible legs and formidable charge attack help them when they feel threatened.||Worker Baubs are about the size of Olimar and move in groups. These industrious creatures are usually peaceful, but their flexible legs and formidable charge help them when they feel threatened.||◆集団で現れ にじり寄ってくる オリマーと同じくらいの 大きさをした生き物 弾力性を持った足で 力をためた 体当たり攻撃は危険だが ふだんはおとなしい性格◆
|Statue_045||This alien insect is slow to wake but quick to anger. The adrenaline rush causes it to speed up and turn red with fury.||This alien insect is slow to wake but quick to anger. The adrenaline rush causes it to speed up and turn a furious red.||◆寝起きの動きは鈍いが 怒りで体が赤くなると 攻撃スピードが速くなる敵◆ こちらの敵は アタマ隠さず しり隠さず デスネ
|Statue_046||This creature is equipped with a fuse and will detonate when approached. Whatever you do, don't go anywhere near it carrying something flammable. Or inflammable, for that matter.||This creature is equipped with a fuse and will detonate when approached. ◆ Whatever you do, don't go anywhere near it carrying something flammable. Or inflammable for that matter.||◆背中に導火線のようなものが ついており 近づくと着火する◆ 火花を出しながら こちらに近寄ってくるのは 恐怖を感じマスネ
|Statue_047||The dreaded master of the swamp, this alien creature wields its tongue like a lead-plated yo-yo. It also has the ability to absorb great quantities of water to keep its skin nice and slimy.||The dreaded master of the swamp, this alien creature wields its tongue like a lead-plated yo-yo. It also has the ability to absorb great quantities of water to keep its skin nice and slimy.||◆口から繰り出す ヨーヨーのような鉄球が やっかいな 池のヌシは おたけびで 大量の水を呼ぶ能力があり 常にヒフを湿らせているようだ◆
|Statue_049||Gather everyone together on the switch, and you'll be catapulted through the air. Finally, an attraction where you don't have to wait in line!||Gather everyone together on the switch and you'll be catapulted through the air. ◆ Finally, an attraction where you don't have to queue!||◆全員が集合して乗ると 高くジャンプして 進むことができるボード◆ ほかのお客様が 先にジャンプされた場合は 安全のため 間隔を空けてからジャンプしてクダサイ
|Statue_050||Drafts of air shoot up from these contraptions, propelling you to a new area. They're usually locked with a key, but don't worry--you'll probably find one.||Drafts of air shoot up from these contraptions, propelling you to a new floor. ◆ They're usually locked with a key, but don't worry - you'll probably find one.||◆吹き出る風に乗って 別のフロアへ移動することができる 通気口◆ ふだんはカギをかけていますが 進行に応じて 開放いたしマス
|Statue_174||The different-sized spots suggest that these may not be a true subspecies of Bulborb at all. Or perhaps they're just normal Bulborbs feeling a little under the weather.||The different-sized spots suggest that these may not be a true subspecies of Bulborb at all. ◆ Or perhaps they're just normal Bulborbs feeling a little under the weather.||◆通常より 体の模様が小さいので 別の種と考えられている◆ ガングロチャッピー とも呼ばれていマス… 太陽の下が好きなのかも しれないデスネ
|Statue_175||Pikmin are stronger than you think! Case in point: a single Pikmin can lift even this hefty rock. Just don't throw it carelessly, or you might end up flattening one of your teammates!||Pikmin are stronger than you think! Case in point: a single Pikmin can lift even this hefty rock. Just don't throw it carelessly or you might end up flattening one of your teammates!||重たいけど 1人でも持ち上げられマスヨ~ でも 手当たり次第に投げると 仲間のMiiピクミンたちに ぶつかってしまうので 周りをよく見て 投げマショウ
|Statue_176||I thought that by adding spikes to this ball, I'd encourage you to run faster...||I thought that by adding spikes to this ball, I'd encourage you to run faster...||トゲトゲを つけておいた方が いっしょうけんめい 逃げてもらえるかと 思いまして…
|Statue_177||This royal Beeb of all Beebs curls into a ball and rolls around. You'd think its eyes would get in the way when it rolls, but no, it just pulls them in.||This big, bad Baub blasts light, curls into a ball and rolls around. ◆ You'd think its eyes would get in the way when it rolls, but no, it just pulls them in.||◆光を発して 球体の体を 転がしてくるボス◆ 転がると 目玉が地面に当たって ちょっとガコッと なるんデスヨ
|Statue_178||This item extends a Pikmin's stalk so it can be used as a whip, allowing long-range attacks. If Olimar picks it up, his Pikmin will explode with color when he throws them!||This item extends a Pikmin's stalk so it can be used as a whip, allowing long-range attacks. If Olimar picks it up, his Pikmin will explode with colour when he throws them!||◆Miiピクミンが取ると 頭をムチのように伸ばして 遠くまで攻撃を届かせることができる オリマーが取ると ピクミンを投げたときに カラフルな花火のように さくれつする パワーアップアイテム◆
|Statue_179||This item sprouts a hammer from a Pikmin's head. It doesn't look particularly heavy, but take one swing at the enemy and you'll see that it gets the job done.||This item sprouts a hammer from a Pikmin's head. ◆ It doesn't look particularly heavy, but take a swing at the enemy and you'll see that it gets the job done.||◆ピクミンの頭の上が トンカチに変化する パワーアップアイテム 見た目ほど重たくはないらしく トンカチを振り回して 重い一撃を 繰り出すことができる◆
|Statue_180||This item makes a fist sprout from a Pikmin's head. There are no scissors or paper versions, unfortunately. Aim for the enemy and start pummeling!||This item makes a fist sprout from a Pikmin's head. ◆ There are no scissors or paper versions, I'm afraid. Aim for the enemy and start pummelling!||◆ピクミンの頭が ゲンコツに変化する パワーアップアイテム◆ チョキや パーは ありマセンヨ ゲンコツで 向かってくる敵を 修正してあげるのデス
|Statue_181||Nectar is a condensed, highly nutritional food source that has been scientifically proven to encourage a Pikmin's growth. Also, it looks delicious.||Nectar is a condensed, highly nutritious food source which has been scientifically proven to encourage a Pikmin's growth. ◆ Also, it looks delicious.||◆凝縮された 大地のエキスには かなりの栄養素が含まれているらしく ピクミンの成長を うながす効果があると 見られている◆
|Statue_182||People eaten by a Bulborb are forced to wear this. It's the little details that make this attraction feel like a real Pikmin adventure!||People eaten by a Bulborb are forced to wear this. ◆ It's the little details that make this attraction feel like a real Pikmin adventure!||◆チャッピーに 食べられた者が 着させられる アノ形の 着ぐるみのようなもの◆ 食べられてしまった者の 最期の姿デス ニンテンドーランド以外では なかなか体験できマセンヨ
|StatueName_024||Telescoping Pumphog||Telescoping Pumphog||ポンプドックリ
|StatueName_025||Verdant Silo||Perky Plant||陶器の鉢植え
|StatueName_026||Fungiform Family||Fungiform Family||キノコ親子
|StatueName_027||Spiral Timber||Twist Tree||ねじれ木
|StatueName_028||Herbaceous Kettle||Amicable Plant||鉄瓶の鉢植え
|StatueName_029||Verging Bloom||Budding Bloom||いつか花咲く蕾
|StatueName_030||Fronded Stump||Palm Tree||ヤシの木
|StatueName_031||Vegetal Pouch||Pragmatic Plant||布袋の鉢植え
|StatueName_032||Sinuated Flora||Fern||ゼンマイ
|StatueName_033||Bulbous Sporehaven||Bulbous Sporehaven||秋の味覚
|StatueName_034||Hyperborean Verdant Silo||Frosty Plant||雪の鉢植え
|StatueName_035||Glacial Fungicap||Glacial Fungicap||コオリキノコ
|StatueName_036||Angular Sapling||Fir Tree||モミの木
|StatueName_037||Abundant Mass||Chunky Block||ずっしりブロック
|StatueName_038||Carved Pikmin||Carved Pikmin||ピクミンキボリ
|StatueName_039||Striped Conifer||Striped Conifer||しましま針葉樹
|StatueName_040||Blowhog||Puffy Blowhog||フーセンドックリ
|StatueName_041||Emperor Pinchipede||Emperor Pinchipede||ダイオウハサミムカデ
|StatueName_042||The Ship||The Ship||ドルフィン初号機
|StatueName_044||Creepy Beeb||Worker Baub||ザコワラジ
|StatueName_045||Greater Bladed Beeb||Greater Bladed Baub||キザミワラジ
|StatueName_046||Bombardier Beeb||Bombardier Baub||サクレワラジ
|StatueName_047||Large-Mouth Wollywog||Largemouth Wollyhop||オオグチイモガエル
|StatueName_049||Jump Switch||Jump Switch||ジャンプスイッチ
|StatueName_050||Draft Jumper||Draft Jumper||気流ジャンパー
|StatueName_174||Bilious Bulborb||Bilious Bulborb||テンテンチャッピー
|StatueName_176||Spike Ball||Spike Ball||トゲトゲ鉄球
|StatueName_177||King Beeb||Queen Baub||キングザコワラジ
|StatueName_178||Whip Seed||Whip Seed||ムチの実
|StatueName_179||Hammer Seed||Hammer Seed||トンカチの実
|StatueName_180||Knuckle Seed||Knuckle Seed||ゲンコツの実
|StatueName_182||Bulborb Dropping||Bulborb Dropping||チャッピーのアレ

== To-do list ==

== Pkm/PkmStartCall ==
=== Priority ===
'''The names for the levels before starting them in Pikmin Adventure.'''
*Rework the notes namespace
**Extract notes from ''Pikmin'' games
***''Pikmin 1''
***''Pikmin 2''
***''Pikmin 3''
***''Pikmin 4''
***''Hey! Pikmin''
***''Pikmin Adventure''
**Figure out what to rename note pages
**Edit every creature, treasure, and other pages to use new notes namespace

{|class="wikitable sortable"
*Cleaning files by renaming files, deleting unneeded files and redirects, upload higher quality images when needed
!Internal Name !! NA Text !! EU Text !! JP Text
|@Msg_W000||Bulborb Forest||Bulborb Forest||チャッピーの森
|@Msg_W001||Defeat King Beeb!||Boss of the Baubs||ザコの王様をやっつけろ
|@Msg_W002||Timed Challenge||Timed Challenge||タイムリミットチャレンジ
|@Msg_W003||Overthrow the Bulblord||Overthrow the Bulblord||トノサマ討伐
|@Msg_W004||Cannon Smash||Cannon Smash||砲台破壊指令
|@Msg_W005||King Beeb is Back||Queen Baub's Return||ザコの王様 再び
|@Msg_W006||Timed Challenge||Timed Challenge||タイムリミットチャレンジ
|@Msg_W007||Swamp Master||Master of the Marsh||沼のヌシ 現る
|@Msg_W008||Lord of a Barren Land||Lord of a Barren Land||枯れた大地のオサ
|@Msg_W009||Burst the Giant Balloon||Burst the Giant Balloon||巨大風船を割れ
|@Msg_W010||Timed Challenge||Timed Challenge||タイムリミットチャレンジ
|@Msg_W011||Shining Eyes||Shining Eyes||忘却の地に光る眼
|@Msg_W012||Icy Arena||Icy Arena||極寒の闘技場
|@Msg_W013||Out of the Darkness||Out of Darkness||暗闇からの脱出
|@Msg_W014||Timed Challenge||Timed Challenge||タイムリミットチャレンジ
|@Msg_W015||The Chopping Block||The Chopping Block||巨大カマのまな板
|@Msg_W016||The Green Menace||The Green Menace||緑の脅威
|@Msg_W017||Desperate Dash||Desperate Dash||走れ 力の限り
|@Msg_W018||The Tyrant Arrives||The Tyrant Arrives||暴君参上
|@Msg_W019||Cage of Terror||Cage of Terror||金網デスマッチの先に…
|@Msg_W020||Timed Challenge||Timed Challenge||タイムリミットチャレンジ
|@Msg_W021||Good-Bye, Pikmin||Goodbye, Pikmin||さよなら ピクミン
|@Msg_W100||Collect candy!||Collect sweets!||アメ玉を集めよう

=== On hold ===
*Improve ''Pikmin Adventure'' pages:
**[[Pikmin Adventure enemies]]
**[[Pikmin Adventure prizes]]
**[[Pikmin Adventure vegetation]]
**[[Large-Mouth Wollywog]]
**[[Emperor Pinchipede]]
**[[Bladed Beeb]]
**[[Grand Bulblord]]
**[[Translucent Wollywog]]
**[[Monochromatic Pinchipede]]
**[[Greater Studded Beeb]]

== Pkm/PkmGameWindow ==
*Finish ''Hey! Pikmin'' area pages (linking sectors for convenience):
'''The dialogue from Monita.'''
**<s>[[Sector 1]]
**[[Sector 2]]</s>
**[[Sector 3]]
**[[Sector 4]]
**[[Sector 5]]
**[[Sector 6]]
**[[Sector 7]]
**[[Sector 8]]
**[[Sector 9]]

{|class="wikitable sortable"
*Add images to ''Hey! Pikmin'' treasure pages
!Internal Name !! NA Text !! EU Text !! JP Text
|@Msg_D000||Use  to move.
|@Msg_D001||If you are left-handed, you can move
with  instead.
|@Msg_D003||Your Pikmin have appeared.
|@Msg_D004||They are strange creatures, but they
will work hard for you.
|@Msg_D005||Tap the touch screen to throw a
|@Msg_D007||You can also gather them by tapping
the call icon in the corner of the
|@Msg_D008||Using this command doesn't just call
over your Pikmin.
|@Msg_D009||It also calls over �
|@Msg_D010||It also calls over all the Mii Pikmin.
|@Msg_D011||Try to defeat these native creatures.
|@Msg_D020||Please wait a few moments.
|@Msg_D021||Wait, �
|@Msg_D100||Move with .
|@Msg_D101||If you are left-handed, you can move
with  as well.
|@Msg_D103||Your Pikmin have appeared.
|@Msg_D104||They are strange creatures, but they
will work hard for you.
|@Msg_D105||Tap the touch screen to throw a
|@Msg_D106||Try to defeat these native creatures.
|@Msg_D107||Candies have appeared. Try to
collect as many as you can.
|@Msg_D920||Place the GamePad on a flat surface,
and hold it like this.
|@Msg_D921||Don't forget your stylus.
|@Msg_T000||Move with .
|@Msg_T001||Attack with .
== Pikmin/Pkm_Bossname_00 ==
'''The names for the Bosses during their introduction cutscenes'''
{|class="wikitable sortable"
!Internal Name !! NA Text !! EU Text !! JP Text
|@BossFamily||Grub-dog family||Grub-dog family||イヌムシ科
|@BossFamily_00||Beeb family||Soplouse family||ワラジムシ科
|@BossFamily_01||Grub-dog family||Grub-dog family||イヌムシ科
|@BossFamily_02||Grub-dog family||Grub-dog family||イヌムシ科
|@BossFamily_03||Amphituber family||Amphituber family||イモガエル科
|@BossFamily_04||Pinchipede family||Pinchipede family||ハサミムカデ科
|@BossFamily_05||Beeb family||Soplouse family||ワラジムシ科
|@BossFamily_06||Grub-dog family||Grub-dog family||イヌムシ科
|@BossFamily_07||Wollywog family||Amphituber family||カスミガエル科
|@BossFamily_08||Pinchipede family||Pinchipede family||ハサミムカデ科
|@BossFamily_09||Beeb family||Soplouse family||ワラジムシ科
|@BossName||Grand Bulblord||Grand Bulblord||ショーグンチャッピー
|@BossName_00||King Beeb||Queen Baub||キングザコワラジ
|@BossName_01||Dwarf Black Bulborb||Dwarf Black Bulborb||クロコチャッピー
|@BossName_03||Large-Mouth Wollywog||Largemouth Wollyhop||オオグチイモガエル
|@BossName_04||Emperor Pinchipede||Emperor Pinchipede||ダイオウハサミムカデ
|@BossName_05||Bladed Beeb||Greater Bladed Baub||キザミワラジ
|@BossName_06||Grand Bulblord||Grand Bulblord||ショーグンチャッピー
|@BossName_07||Translucent Wollywog||Translucent Wollyhop||オオグチカスミガエル
|@BossName_08||Monochromatic Pinchipede||Monochromatic Pinchipede||シロクロハサミムカデ
|@BossName_09||Greater Studded Beeb||Greater Studded Baub||アバレワラジ
== Stage/StageNamePkm ==
'''The names for the levels in Pikmin Adventure's level select.'''
{|class="wikitable sortable"
!Internal Name !! NA Text !! EU Text !! JP Text
|Course_00||1. Starter's Arena||1. Starter's Arena||1. �
|Course_01||2. Warrior's Arena||2. Warrior's Arena||2. �
|Course_03||3. Hero's Arena||3. Hero's Arena||3. �
|Master_00||Win within ��||Win within ��||��
|Mission_00||1. Bulborb Forest||1. Bulborb Forest||1. チャッピーの�
|Mission_01||2. Boss of the Beebs||2. Boss of the Baubs||2. ザコの�
|Mission_02||3. Five Seconds to Takeoff||3. Five Seconds to Take-off||3. ロケット�
|Mission_03||4. Overthrow the Bulblord||4. Overthrow the Bulblord||4. トノサマ�
|Mission_04||5. Cannon Smash||5. Cannon Smash||5. �
|Mission_05||6. King Beeb is Back||6. Queen Baub's Return||6. ザコの�
|Mission_06||7. Through the Darkness||7. Through the Darkness||7. �
|Mission_07||8. Swamp Master||8. Master of the Marsh||8. �
|Mission_08||9. Lord of a Barren Land||9. Lord of a Barren Land||9. �
|Mission_09||10. Burst the Giant Balloon||10. Burst the Giant Balloon||10. �
|Mission_10||11. Back-Garden Escape||11. Back Garden Escape||11. �
|Mission_11||12. Shining Eyes||12. Shining Eyes||12. �
|Mission_12||13. Icy Arena||13. Icy Arena||13. �
|Mission_13||14. Out of the Darkness||14. Out of Darkness||14. �
|Mission_14||15. Bulborb Baths||15. Bulborb Baths||15. チャッピーの�
|Mission_15||16. The Chopping Block||16. The Chopping Block||16. �
|Mission_16||17. The Green Menace||17. The Green Menace||17. �
|Mission_17||18. Desperate Dash||18. Desperate Dash||18. �
|Mission_18||19. The Tyrant Arrives||19. The Tyrant Arrives||19. �
|Mission_19||20. Cage of Terror||20. Cage of Terror||20. �
|Mission_20||21. Breaking Boundaries||21. Breaking Boundaries||21. �
|Mission_21||22. Good-Bye, Pikmin||22. Goodbye, Pikmin||22. さよなら ピクミン
== NoticeWin ==
'''The notifications when completing enough levels in Pikmin Adventure.'''
{|class="wikitable sortable"
!Internal Name !! NA Text !! EU Text !! JP Text
|Msg_Open_Pkm_01||You can now play a new stage: �||You can now play a new stage: �||�
|Msg_SecretOpen_Pkm_00||Now that you've finished the main challenges, try playing the advanced Extra challenges!||Now that you've finished the main challenges, try playing the advanced challenges!||ノーマルチャレンジを�
== Stamp/StampNamePkm_00 ==
'''The names for the Stamps in Pikmin Adventure's Coop mode.'''
{|class="wikitable sortable"
!Internal Name !! NA Text !! EU Text !! JP Text
|Stamp_00||Eyes of the Bulblord||Eyes of the Bulblord||トノサマチャッピーの目玉を壊して退治した
|Stamp_01||AI Mii Protector||Support the Support||サポートMiiをアウトさせずにクリア
|Stamp_02||First Mastery||First Step to Mastery||初マスタークリア
|Stamp_03||Great Explorer||Great Explorer||全チャレンジクリア
|Stamp_04||Master Explorer||Master Explorer||全チャレンジマスタークリア
== Stamp/StampNamePkm_01 ==
'''The names for the Stamps in Pikmin Adventure's Versus mode.'''
{|class="wikitable sortable"
!Internal Name !! NA Text !! EU Text !! JP Text
|Stamp_00||Candy from a Pikmin||Pilfer from the Pikmin||Miiピクミンに たくさんアメ玉を落とさせた
|Stamp_01||Clobber Olimar||Clobber Olimar||オリマーを たくさん叩いた
|Stamp_02||Rock Your Foes x5||A Stone's Throw x5||対戦相手に岩を5回当てた
|Stamp_03||Incredible Comeback||Incredible Comeback||大逆転
|Stamp_04||Pacifist Victory||Pacifist Victory||対戦相手を攻撃せずに勝利

Latest revision as of 17:06, March 6, 2025

This user is a patroller on this wiki. This means they have access to various tools to help protect the wiki from vandalism.

An unofficial render of a Kingcap in Pikmin 3.
An unofficial render of a Kingcap done in Blender.
YouTube channel
Discord username Twins1105
Pikmin (game) Collected 30 ship parts in ~14 Days
New Play Control! Pikmin Collected 30 ship parts in ~25 Days
Pikmin 1 (Nintendo Switch) Collected 30 ship parts in 14 Days
Pikmin 2 Played
New Play Control! Pikmin 2 Collected 201 treasures in 30 Days
Pikmin 2 (Nintendo Switch) Not currently replaying
Pikmin 3 Reached Formidable Oak in ~13 Days
Pikmin 3 Deluxe Completed Story mode with all fruits on Normal, Hard, and Ultra-Spicy difficulties, played most Mission mode levels with various medals, played all Side Story levels with all platinum medals, collected most badges
Pikmin 4 Not currently replaying
Hey! Pikmin 3-B
Pikmin Bloom Lv 48
Pikmin Adventure Completed 21/22 challenges, mastered 9/22 challenges
This user can run Pikmin games on Dolphin.

Recent contributions

March 9, 2025

edit This user has 5,605 total edits on this wiki.


Sandbox, a place to dump random info and ideas.

Extracted Text, a hub to access extracted text from all of the games, work in progress.

Names, a list of names for more obscure tools and obstacles.

Notes, a list of notes for other items from more obscure sources.

Treasure switchable test, a potential way to handle treasure articles with multiple regions and console versions.

Bulborb test, a test to exclusively use singular nouns throughout a page and to split up info about each game using the Bulborb as an example based on PopitTart's Fiery Blowhog page.

Electrode merge, an attempt to merge the Pikmin 2 hazard, Pikmin 3 tool, and Pikmin 4 hazard generator in a similar style to Bulborb test.


I'm able to take png screenshots of the Nintendo GameCube and Wii games using Dolphin emulator, Nintendo 3DS games using Azahar, Wii U games using the Aroma screenshot plugin on a modded console and Nintendo Switch bmp screenshots using bitmap-printer on a modded console.

I also have access to Pikmin 3, Pikmin 3 Deluxe, Pikmin 4, and Pikmin Adventure's text in order to check notes, add names in other languages, and probably more. I want to improve Pikmin Adventure and Hey! Pikmin pages by uploading higher quality images and finishing to-dos.

To-do list


  • Rework the notes namespace
    • Extract notes from Pikmin games
      • Pikmin 1
      • Pikmin 2
      • Pikmin 3
      • Pikmin 4
      • Hey! Pikmin
      • Pikmin Adventure
    • Figure out what to rename note pages
    • Edit every creature, treasure, and other pages to use new notes namespace
  • Cleaning files by renaming files, deleting unneeded files and redirects, upload higher quality images when needed

On hold

  • Add images to Hey! Pikmin treasure pages