
< User:Twins1105
Revision as of 16:44, January 12, 2025 by Twins1105 (talk | contribs) (→‎Pikmin media navigation: Added a more traditional styled Pikmin family)

Sandbox to hold my W.I.P. edits for certain articles.


Stuff relating to Pikmin

Pikmin World name machine translations

More direct machine translations of the original Japanese track names for Pikmin World using Deepl, Google Translate, and Jisho.

  1. Pikmin
  2. Carry, fight, multiply, and be consumed
  3. Select a ship's log
  4. Prologue
  5. Panoramic view
  6. The Impact Site
  7. The Forest of Hope
  8. The Forest Navel
  9. The Distant Spring
  10. The Final Trial
  11. Giant creature approaching
  12. The last giant creature
  13. Let's challenge
  14. Challenge results announcement
  15. New record achieved
  16. Onion found!
  17. Meeting
  18. Spaceship part found!
  19. Spaceship part appears!
  20. Spaceship part recovery complete!
  21. Spaceship power up!
  22. Spaceship complete!
  23. Night is coming
  24. It was my mistake...
  25. Today's records
  26. Time's up, it's time to head into space...
  27. Escape, and crash...
  28. Live as a Pikmin
  29. Spaceship completed, time to go to space!
  30. Escape and head to planet Hocotate
  31. Complete disaster record
  32. The people who organized this journey
  33. Complete creature record
  34. Song of Love (CM Version No.1)
  35. Song of Love (CM version No.2)
  36. Song of Love (French CM Version)

Pikmin 2

Stuff relating to Pikmin 2

Mail formatting test

Sender Icon English Message Japanese Message
You found your first bit of treasure. Fine work! Our future depends on your efforts, so check your treasure hoard regularly. I'll check in often. Keep up the pace!
Baby steps first, Olimar! Plan well, and don't worry about me. Our debt is with Happy Hocotate Savings & Loan, after all. Besides, there's nothing left to repossess, so HA!
President   GameCube
How's progress, Olimar? Remember, you'll never get anything done if you sit back and watch from afar. Be sure to hold   occasionally for a close-up view of the action.
How's progress, Olimar? Remember, you'll never get anything done if you sit back and watch from afar. Press Left or Right on   for a close-up view of the action.
How's progress, Olimar? Remember, you'll never get anything done if you sit back and watch from afar. Press   for a close-up view of the action.
ノビノビ、やっとるか?いつも高みから見下ろしてても、人生はつまらん!たまには を押し続けて目線を低くしてみるといいぞい。お宝探しの役には立たんが、散歩するにはぴったりじゃよ。
ノビノビ、やっとるか?いつも高みから見下ろしてても、人生はつまらん!たまには 左右を押し続けて目線を低くしてみるといいぞい。お宝探しの役には立たんが、散歩するにはぴったりじゃよ。
ノビノビ、やっとるか?いつも高みから見下ろしてても、人生はつまらん!たまには を押して、目線を変えてみるといいぞい。お宝探しの役には立たんが、散歩するにはぴったりじゃよ。
Olimar's wife   GameCube / Wii
My dearest are you? Your boss gave me this space e-mail account and told me all about your business trip. Just remember: you have a family to think about!
My dearest are you? Your boss gave me this space email account and told me all about your business trip. Just remember you have a family to think about!
President   GameCube / Wii
Louie: It's been three months since you joined our company, and I'm sure you love it. I expect big things from you, Louie. Far bigger things than I expect from Olimar!
Louie, It's been three months since you joined our company, and I'm sure you love it. I expect big things from you, Louie. Far bigger things than I expect from Olimar!
Olimar's son  
Papa! No fair! No fair! You snuck off and went on an expedition without me! You have to promise to absolutely, positively take me next time! Say it! Say you PROOOOOMISE!
Olimar! I see that you're making notes in the treasure hoard. This is no scientific jaunt! It's business! Which is why the ship is writing sales pitches for your finds.
Olimar's daughter  
Dear Papa... How are you? I am fine. But Mommy is very, very mad at you. Please don't make Mommy mad! Pretty please with sugar?
I wonder where we'd be now if I hadn't been so stingy and purchased space insurance... But the route Louie took was always a safe shipping lane...
You know, Olimar, I've been in this business for over 50 years, and I've never heard of space bunnies in that shipping lane. I have some doubts about Louie's accident...
Olimar's son  
Papa! There's this girl at school who's kind of nice, and I've been bragging all about you to her. So, I need you to bring me back the coolest souvenir ever!
Yet another lonely day at the office. I have nothing to do here, so I'm just counting the hairs on my head. Like my employees, I have precious few left...

Color Test

Olimar! You must find Louie before he freezes to death in the cold of this planet!
Olimar! You must find Louie before he freezes to death in the cold of this planet!

Pikmin Adventure

Stuff relating to Pikmin Adventure

Pikmin Adventure area infobox

An area infobox for the challenges in Pikmin Adventure.

Bulborb Forest
Challenge type Standard
Master Rank time 2:10
Area style Spring
Next area Boss of the Beebs
Music Spring area

Pikmin Adventure controls

Controls for Nintendo Land and Pikmin Adventure based on User:PopitTart/Controls.

Pikmin Adventure

Nintendo Land allows two controller types in the Pikmin Adventure attraction; The Wii U GamePad for the first and the sideways Wii Remote for the other players.

Nintendo Land plaza

Action GamePad controls Notes
Move   Supports analog movement.
Rotate camera   /   The right stick can only be used to turn the camera left and right. The GamePad can be used to look up and down alongside correcting the camera if the GamePad is rotated.
Swap to menu/plaza   Toggles between the menu and the plaza.
Jump   Three consecutive jumps cause the Mii to jump higher each time. Jumps can cause interactions with statues.
First person perspective  

Pikmin Adventure GamePad controls

In Pikmin Adventure, the GamePed player does the majority of the important actions by pressing on the touchscreen.

Action GamePad Notes
Move   /   /  
Doesn't support analog movement.
Whistle   /  
tapped or held
Punch/throw Pikmin  
Change next Pikmin type   /   /  
tap icon
Only available in advanced challenges.
Cannot be done if a Mii Pikmin player is being carried
Skip cutscene  

Pikmin Adventure Wii Remote controls

In Pikmin Adventure, the Wii Remote player needs to hold the controller sideways to play properly.

Action Wii Remote Notes
Move   Doesn't support analog movement.
Attack   Attack changes depending on the currently worn power-up.
Double attack   twice Can only be done after reaching level 5 or higher. Attack changes depending on the currently worn power-up.
Triple attack   thrice Can only be done after reaching level 10 or higher. Attack changes depending on the currently worn power-up.
Charged attack Hold   Attack changes depending on the currently worn power-up.
Air attack   in midair Attack changes depending on the currently worn power-up.
Latched attack   while latched onto an enemy.

Pikmin Adventure enemy list

The following lists the appearance of enemies in each level in Pikmin Adventure.

Enemies found in Bulborb Forest

Bulborb (red) × 9

Creepy Beeb × 18

Bulborb (yellow) × 1

Enemies found in Boss of the Beebs

Bulborb (red) × 18

Creepy Beeb × 15

Bulborb (yellow) × 1

King Beeb × 3

Enemies found in Five Seconds to Takeoff

Creepy Beeb × 28

Bulborb (red) × 1

Enemies found in Overthrow the Bulblord

Bulblord × 1

Enemies found in Cannon Smash

Creepy Beeb × 12

Bulborb (yellow) × 6

Bulborb (red) × 6

Telescoping Pumphog × 3

Enemies found in King Beeb is Back

Bulborb (red) × 15

Bulborb (yellow) × 14

Telescoping Pumphog × 12

Creepy Beeb × 30

King Beeb × 1

Enemies found in Through the Darkness

King Beeb × 7

Telescoping Pumphog × 1

Bulborb (red) × 7

Bulborb (yellow) × 5

Enemies found in Swamp Master

Large-mouth Wollywog × 1

Enemies found in Lord of a Barren Land

Blowhog × 5

Telescoping Pumphog (invincible) × 9

Bombardier Beeb × 5

King Beeb × 4

Bulborb (red) × 10

Bulborb (yellow) × 5

Bilious Bulborb × 1

Enemies found in Burst the Giant Balloon

Bombardier Beeb × 9

Bulborb (red) × 8

Bulborb (yellow) × 5

Telescoping Pumphog × 3

King Beeb × 4

Blowhog × 7

Notes in other languages

Bulborb (Pikmin Adventure)

The Bulborb statue in the Nintendo Land Plaza.

Monita's notes

These grub-dog predators tend to sleep during the day and attack aggressively if woken from a nap. Bulborbs come in a wide variety of colors--now on sale at our gift shop!
Dieser Krabbler schläft am Tag und wird bei Störungen schnell rabiat. ◆ In der Pikmin-Welt wimmelt es nur so von Punktkäfern, und sie geben auch tolle Plüsch-Souvenirs ab!
This creepy-crawly sleeps during the day and quickly becomes ferocious when disturbed. ◆ The Pikmin world is teeming with Dot Beetles, and they also make great plush souvenirs!

Hey! Pikmin

Stuff relating to Hey! Pikmin

Spark dandelion

A group of inactive spark dandelions in Space of Silence.

The spark dandelion is a small tool that lights up when Yellow Pikmin are thrown at it. When activated, it will hold the Yellow Pikmin in place as it lights up an area around it, allowing for Bloominous Stemples to bloom. The spark dandelion will immediately be turned off once the Yellow Pikmin are whistled at.

The name comes from the Japanese Hey! Pikmin guidebook, where it was given the name スパークタンポポ? (lit.: "Spark dandelion").


  • Ravaged Rustworks
    • Space of Silence: The only spark dandelions in the game appear here. They are found in the room containing the Silence Breaker, where they act as electrical tools that the player has to use in order to activate nearby Bloominous Stemples and reach the treasure.

Hey! Pikmin area table

A table of Hey! Pikmin areas based on a previous edit of Brilliant Garden.

Main areas

Code Image Name Treasures Available Pikmin
1-A   First Expedition

  Loop of Beginnings
  Hypno Pendulum
  Song Sewer

  Red Pikmin

1-B   Cavern of Confusion

  Consolation Prize
  Ultra-Sealed Aquarium
  Peace Missile

  Yellow Pikmin

1-C   Mushroom Valley

  Unassuming Lighthouse
  Quantum Traveler
  Constitution Gate

  Red Pikmin



Back-and-Forth Road

  Stopped Doomsday Clock
  Smile Detector
  Independence Monument

  Red Pikmin
  Yellow Pikmin

1-E   The Shadow in the Brush

  Flashy Monument

  Red Pikmin

1-X   Cherrystone Pass

  Preservation Door
  Revenge Fantasy

  Red Pikmin

Special areas

Image Name amiibo required? Reward(s)
  Secret Spot 1 No

  Red pellet

  Secret Spot 2 Yes

  Yellow pellet

  Secret Spot 3 Yes

  Red pellet

  Secret Spot 4 No

  Red pellet

  Sparklium Springs No

Yellow: 161 (  × 161)
Red: 84 (  × 252)
Rainbow: 7 (  × 35)
Max collectable Sparklium:   × 448

Main areas

Code Image Name Treasures Available Pikmin
2-A   Foaming Lake

  Giga Whistle
  Rocket Polish
  Berserker Brush

  Blue Pikmin

2-B   Serene Stream

  Attitude Adjuster
  Unstrung Racket
  Work-Life Imbalancer

  Blue Pikmin

2-C   Glowing Bloom Pond

  Evidence Pulverizer
  Handy Hand
  Hairy Serpent Fossil

  Yellow Pikmin



The Shallow End

  Twisty Pick
  Conformity Enhancers

  Blue Pikmin

2-E   The Keeper of the Lake

  Unexamined Nest

  Blue Pikmin

2-X   Treacherous Currents

  Everyday Cell
  Giant Rodent Skull

  Blue Pikmin

Special areas

Image Name amiibo required? Reward(s)
  Secret Spot 5 Yes

  Blue pellet

  Secret Spot 6 No

  Blue pellet

  Secret Spot 7 Yes

  Yellow pellet

  Secret Spot 8 No

  Blue pellet

  Sparklium Springs No

Yellow: 155 (  × 155)
Red: 41 (  × 123)
Rainbow: 62 (  × 310)
Max collectable Sparklium:   × 588

Pikmin 4

Stuff relating to Pikmin 4

JP ID badge



 レスキュー隊 隊員


Home Planet



隊員たいいんらへの情報伝達がじょうほうでんたつ おも担当業務たんとうぎょうむだが、

宇宙船うちゅうせん整備せいびなどの雑用ざつようも こなしている。



 Rescue Team Member


Home Planet

Planet Giya

Rescue Team operator.

His main responsibility is to communicate information to the other team members,

he also performs miscellaneous tasks such as maintaining the spaceship.



  •   Breakable pot × 19 (4 groups)
    • A group of 3 in which 1 has 1 raw material
    • A group of 4 in which 2 have 1 raw material each
    • A group of 4 that holds nothing
    • A group of 8 blocking a cave entrance
  •   Dirt wall × 1 (Drops 2 raw material per phase, has 8000 HP)
  •   Electric gate × 2 (Drops 2 raw material per phase, has 8000 HP each)
  •   Reinforced wall × 1 (Requires 3 Bomb Rocks, drops 2 raw material per phase, has 30000 HP)
  •   Ice wall × 2 (Drops 2 raw material per phase, has 4000 HP each)
  •   Sprinkler × 1


  •   Bag × 1 (10 weight)
  •   Dirt wall × 2 (drops 2 raw material per phase, has 8000 HP)
  •   Electric gate × 1 (drops 2 raw material per phase, has 8000 HP)
  •   Paper bag × 3
  •   Breakable pot × 10 (A group of 4 in which 2 hold treasures, a group of 4 that holds nothing, and a group of 2 in which one hold 5 raw materials and one holds treasure)
  •   Potted plant × 1
  •   Water body × 2 (requires 20 and 30 Ice Pikmin to freeze)

P4 character page

W.I.P. P4 character page built off of the character preload page.

Name Dash
Gender Male
Age Unknown
Eye color Black
Hair color Varies
Home planet Flukuey
Known related characters None
Height Unknown
First game Pikmin 4
Latest game Pikmin 4

Dash (ダックス?, lit.: "Dachshund") is a leafling castaway introduced in Pikmin 4. He is always the first leafling from a Dandori Battle to be cured.


By default Dash wears a dull white space suit with green sleeves and white gloves. He has short hair, a round nose, and two large eyes with visible pupils.

Dash's spacesuit will instead be colored red if the Rescue Corps selected color is also green. His hair color is dependent on the color of the leafling that turned out to be him when cured.

The Rescue Officer can reproduce Dash's appearance with the following options:

Character creator options
  Skin tone 3   Body type 2   Face type 8   Hair style 5

ID badge



Professional Spelunker


Home Planet


He's known for saying, "You can always find

me in the pits!" He'll take the leap into any

cave, no matter how dangerous it is.


Requirement Quote
Talk to Dash for the first time.


Wow... I've been drawn to caves for most of my life, but I haven't run into danger like this in a long time.


My life's quite precious to me... Thanks for helping. After all, I can only poke around in caves if I'm alive, right?


Oh, I should introduce myself... I'm Dash. I've explored all over the universe, thanks to my family's deep pockets.
Talk to Dash for the second time.


The captain warned me that she'd be very angry if I got stranded again, so I can't go explore any caves.


Oh, hey—I just had the best idea! Starting right now, I'm going to recognize you as my top... well, only... pupil!


I need you to explore the caves around this planet on my behalf. You'll have to make it through them all the way to the exits.
I'd like to start by seeing what kinds of skills you have. Make your way through 5 caves, and report back.
I can't tell you how disappointed I am not to be able to do this myself, but I've got high hopes for your tenacity.
Be very careful around the creatures here. You can't explore more caves for me if you don't make it safely back to the surface!
Wow! I knew I saw promise in you. I'm a great judge of caving potential. Next, try making your way through 10 caves.
You, my star pupil, are making great progress to support my life's work!
There may be a lot of danger, but isn't that just part of the thrill of getting to explore caves?!
You keep up an impressive pace when you explore! For your next target, how about... 15 caves?
Listening to your reports after you explore each cave gets me itching to dive back underground myself.
If you start to feel unsafe, go back to the surface for a while. Knowing when to quit is essential when you explore caves.
You really seem to understand the true "spirit" of caves now! For your final effort, make your way through every cave!
It sure does seem like this planet has a remarkable variety in its many caves.
The caves here are full of mystery and adventure, with creatures and treasures that point to a fascinating culture!
It seems I do have excellent judgment. You really are a top-notch pupil, both in name and reality!
In recognition of your great achievements, I'd like to offer this phrase I keep in mind as parting words to you. "You can always find me in the pits!" I hope we get a chance to explore some caves together one day.
You seem to be traveling through those caves at a good clip. Drop your latest report on me.
I want to help you discover the "spirit" of caves. You should continue your endeavor to explore even more of them.
What's this?! You've already completed your travels! Whoa! You're miles ahead of what I was expecting.
My title of Cave Researcher feels even more mediocre in the face of your great achievements. You've done amazing work!
I see you've already made your way through several caves. I would expect no less from my star pupil!
Your attitude... the way you take on these caves so enthusiastically... It's like when I first discovered the underground world.
About that "Industrial Maze" matter you reported... That sounded extremely interesting! The caves repeatedly show evidence of intelligent life-forms that evolved in an entirely different way from us. Machinery that keeps working forever, floors that float in the air... It sure does stir the imagination!
When I heard your report about the Secluded Courtyard, I was moved by the beauty of the silence you described. White sand spread out with a pattern in it. Hard botanical cylinders arranged here and there. There even seems to be significance to how the flat rocks are lined up... These are traces of a civilization we don't know.
Among the many caves you've been to, my sense of aesthetic is most drawn to the Seafloor Resort. The marine-blue water, the expansive sandy beach, the beautiful, strange, and sometimes dangerous aquatic creatures... The constant sound of flowing water must've been peaceful as well.
The building-block clearing like out of a fairy tale, the pastel-colored floor that creates a tranquil and bright mood... Thriving giant mushrooms to jump and play on... It does feel dreamy, like the name Dream Home implies. It shows the playfulness possible when a culture matures... This cave really stokes one's inner adventurer and poet!
The Mud Pit you reported on... a lake of poisonous mucus where spores and mycelia are interwoven. I'm so jealous that you got to explore that cave and get all sticky and mucky hiking through it! After all, the more hardship, the bigger the sense of accomplishment when you make it to the end!
The caves here are full of mystery and adventure, with creatures and treasures that point to a fascinating culture!
Talk to Dash while playing as Oatchi. This is embarrassing to admit, but I've been stranded in caves countless times, only to be saved by Rescue Pups like you.
Talk to Dash while playing as Oatchi. I live my life bouncing from adventure to adventure, so sadly I can't have a dog.
Talk to Dash while looking like him. A few years ago, I was diving in a cave made of a mirror-like substance. Wherever I looked, I saw countless copies of myself. You and I look so much alike, it brought back memories from that eerie experience.


Dash's name may allude to Dachshunds.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
  Japanese ダックス?
From ダックスフンド? (lit.: "Dachshund")
  Dutch Teck From "teckel" (Dachshund)
  French Tex From "Teckel" (Dachshund)
  German Dack From "Dackel" (Dachshund)
  Italian Dash -
  Korean 닥스
From 닥스훈트 (Dachshund)
  Portuguese Salchi From "cão-salsicha" (sausage dog)
  Spanish Teckel From "Teckel" (Dachshund)


This article or section is in need of more images.
You can help Pikipedia by uploading some images.

See also

The following article or section is in need of assistance from someone who plays Pikmin 4.
Particularly: List links to similar subjects.

Pikmin 4 enemy parameters

Parameters for Pikmin 4's enemies, taken from DT_TekiParameter.uasset, along side what they likely do.

ActorName - Internal name for the actor

CarryWeightMin - Minimum carry weight

CarryWeightMax - Maximum carry weight

CarryWeightMinVs - Minimum carry weight in Dandori Battle

CarryWeightMaxVs - Maximum carry weight n Dandori Battle

CarryIncPikmins - Sprouts produced by the Onion

MaxLife - HP value

Kira - Sparklium value?

Poko - Dandori point value in Dandori Challenge?

VsScore - Dandori point value in Dandori Battle?

BombHit - Bomb Rock explosions needed to kill the actor?

BombInsideHit - Bomb Rocks consumed needed to kill the actor?

PoisonHit - White Pikmin consumed needed to kill actor?

PurpleDirectHit - Purple Pikmin latching on needed to kill actor?

PressHit - ???

IceBombHit - Ice Blast explosions needed to freeze actor?

IceBombInsideHit - Ice Blast consumptions needed to freeze actor?

FreezeHit - Ice Pikmin damage needed to freeze enemy?

FreezeInsideHit - Ice Pikmin consumption needed to freeze enemy?

FreezeDamageRatio - How much Ice Pikmin damage adds up to freeze wheel?

CrushHit - Damage taken from crush attacks?

FrozenCrushDamageRate - Damage taten from crush while frozen?

SnowBallDamage - Damage taken from snowballs?

StoneDamage - Damage taken from Pebble Pitcher?

ThunderStopTime - How long actor is paralyzed by Lightning Shock?

CrushStopTime - ???

CrushKnockBackSpeed - ???

FlashbangRate - ???

FreezeDropType - Type of drops if actor is killed while frozen

DropStationPieceNum - How many Glow pellets actor drop?

URODistanceThesholds - ???

PlayerDamage - Damage it deals to the player?

OtherDamage - Damage it deals to other actors?

FlashBangTargetWeight - ???

Pikmin 4 Cave Types

The 10 different cave types in Pikmin 4, taken from the folder names in Carrot4/Terrain/Cave/Type, with a few caves that use said themes.

Aquarium - Set in an aquarium tank. Used in Planning Pools

Blocks - Set in a room similar to Pikmin 2's Toybox theme. Used in Trial Run, Battle in a Box, and Final Battle

Brick - Walls and elevated areas are made out of bricks. Used in Crackling Cauldron

Common - Unknown

Concrete - Made out of tiles not to dissimilar to Pikmin 2's Tiles theme. Used in Subzero Sauna

Garden - Walls made out of bamboo and rocks. Used in Aquiferous Summit

Last - Used in sublevel 20 of Cavern for a King

Metal - Very similar style and assets to Pikmin 2's Metal theme. Used in Below-Grade Discotheque

Sand - Similar in style to Blocks, except with sand. Used in Dandori Castle, Leafy Showdown, and Hot Sandy Duel

Soil - Walls made out of soil. Used in Hectic Hollows, Engulfed Castle


Notes reordering

Bulborb notes


Olimar's voyage log - English
The most plentiful species on the planet, they are quite ferocious despite their appearance, using their massive jaws to swallow Pikmin whole. Frontal assaults result in disaster; attacks from behind are more successful. Attacking their legs is also effective.
Enemy reel notes - English
Spotty Bulborb
This nocturnal hunter feeds mostly on small animals returning to their nests at night.
Enemy reel notes - Japanese
Common name:Spotty Bulborb
Japanese name:Spotted Bug-eye
Nocturnal. They are particularly active in the evening when they target small animals that return to their nests.

Pikmin 2

Olimar's notes - English
Red Bulborb
Oculus kageyamii russus
Grub-dog family
This large organism has the familiar mandibles and cranial morphology of the grub-dog family, as well as the characteristic bulging eyes. As with most grub-dogs, the creature's cranium comprises half of its total length and girth. Showing a scarlet abdomen with white spots, this creature is primarily nocturnal, choosing to prey upon smaller creatures returning to their nests. Originally classified as the spotty bulborb, further research has reclassified this species as the red bulborb. Subspecies of varied colors have recently been discovered, but academics are divided into two rival camps over how to handle their classification.
Olimar's notes - Japanese
Nickname: Red Bulborb
Japanese name: Spotted Crimson Bug-Eye
Grub-dog family
It is characterized by its large mouth, which spans half of its length, and its eyes protruding from its head. The abdomen is crimson with white spots. It is mainly active at night, especially in the evening, when it actively hunts for small animals that are returning to their nests. Several subspecies with different background colors have been discovered, and scholars are divided on how to treat them.
Louie's notes - American English/GameCube British English
Plump specimens are best spit-roasted whole, stuffed with a lime and a slab of bacon. Baste frequently to ensure a magnificently moist haunch.
Louie's notes - Wii British English
Plump specimens are best roasted whole, stuffed with a lime and a slab of bacon. Baste frequently to ensure a magnificently moist haunch.
Louie's notes - Japanese
Roast well-fattened ones whole. Steak's also good.

Pikmin 3

Alph's comments - American English
Structural flaws: eyestalks, back
Weight: 10
Only a very confident designer would waive through issues like bright-red warning coloration and a tendency to sleep in broad daylight. There's no way a frontal assault on this thing will work, so we have to get creative. I'm thinking we should hit its back hard while it sleeps, or maybe target those thin-looking eyestalks.
Alph's comments - British English
Structural flaws: eyestalks, back
Weight: 10
Only a very confident designer would waive through issues like bright red warning colouration and a tendency to sleep in broad daylight. There's no way a frontal assault on this thing will work, so we have to get creative. I'm thinking we should hit its back hard while it sleeps, or maybe targeting those thin-looking eyestalks.
Brittany's comments - English
The white polka dots on red is quite a look. Something about it is familiar, but where— Ah. Right. It reminds me of the captain. Not the polka dots—I mean the way it snores as it naps in the sun.
Charlie's comments - English
This red bruiser gobbles up Pikmin like candy. The standard approach is to attack from behind while it's still asleep. That may seem callous, but it would do the same to you if it could. Stow those feelings and strike!
Louie's comments - English
Plump specimens are best spit-roasted whole, stuffed with a lime and a slab of bacon. Baste frequently to ensure a magnificently moist haunch.
Olimar's comments - American English
Oculus kageyamii russus
Grub-dog family
This large organism has the familiar mandibles and cranial morphology of the grub-dog family, as well as the characteristic bulging eyes. As with most grub-dogs, the creature's cranium comprises half of its total length and girth. Showing a scarlet abdomen with white spots, this creature is primarily nocturnal, choosing to prey upon smaller creatures returning to their nests. Originally classified as the spotty bulborb, further research has reclassified this species as the basic bulborb. Subspecies of varied colors have recently been discovered, but academics are divided into two rival camps over how to handle their classification.
Olimar's comments - British English
Oculus kageyamii russus
Grub-dog family
This large organism has the familiar mandibles and cranial morphology of the grub-dog family, as well as the characteristic bulging eyes. As with most grub-dogs, the creature's cranium comprises half of its total length and girth. Showing a scarlet abdomen with white spots, this creature is primarily nocturnal, choosing to prey upon smaller creatures returning to their nests. Originally classified as the spotty bulborb, further research has reclassified this species as the basic bulborb. Subspecies of varied colours have recently been discovered, but academics are divided into two rival camps over how to handle their classification.


Dalmo's notes - English
It has wide, googly eyes on protruding stalks, a mouth meant to swallow prey in one large gulp, and powerful, red and white polka-dotted hindquarters. It's fierce, and yet it's somehow quite endearing. Be wary of getting lured in by its disarming mien!
Olimar's notes - English

This large organism has the familiar mandibles and cranial morphology of the Grub-Dog family, as well as the characteristic bulging eyes. As with most Grub-Dogs, the creature's cranium comprises half of its total length and girth. Showing a scarlet abdomen with white spots, this creature is primarily nocturnal, choosing to prey upon smaller creatures returning to their nests.

Originally classified as the Spotty Bulborb, further research has reclassified this species as the basic Bulborb. Subspecies of varied colors have recently been discovered, but academics are divided into two rival camps over how to handle their classification.
Louie's notes - English
Plump specimens are best spit-roasted whole, stuffed with a lime and a slab of bacon. Baste frequently to ensure a magnificently moist haunch.

Hey! Pikmin

Creature Log - English

(Oculus kageyamii russus)
Family: Grub-dog
The S.S. Dolphin II said it sleeps during the day, but the one I met was awake. I pointed this out and the ship said, "I meant during the day on Hocotate."

After defeating it, we found an object rich in Sparklium. It's possible that the creature considers such objects a delicacy.
Creature Log - Japanese

Common name: Bulborb
Japanese name: Spotted Crimson Bug-Eye
Family: Grub-dog
It has a large mouth and protruding eyes. The Dolphin 2 told me they sleep during the day, but it was awake.

When I complained about it later, I was told that "it was daytime in Hocotate time"...... After it was defeated, we found an object with a high energy reaction inside its body. Perhaps the creature was lured by the Sparklium energy and swallowed it.

Strategy guide notes

Pikmin Nintendo Player's Guide
This large organism has the familiar mandibles and cranial morphology of the grab-dog[sic] family, as well as the characteristic bulging eyes. As with most grub-dogs, its cranium comprises half of the organism's length and girth. Showing a scarlet abdomen with white spots, this creature is primarily nocturnal, choosing to prey upon smaller creatures returning to their nests. Juvenile greater grub-dogs live in treetops until developing spots, then fall to the ground to begin a similar predatory behavior.
Throw Pikmin at the adult spotty bulborb's back while marching the rest of your troop into its feet. Steer clear of the bulborb's mouth.
Pikmin 2 Nintendo Player's Guide
The weakest of the larger Bulborbs, the Red Bulborb can still hold its own against a good-sized Pikmin squad. Since it is a nocturnal species, most of the Red Bulborbs that you encounter in the daytime will be asleep to start. Sneak up on them from behind and hit them with a stream of flying Pikmin.
Pikmin 2 Japanese guidebook
1 Red Bulborb
Value 7 Weight 10 Increase count 12
Japanese name: Spotted Crimson Bug-eye (Dog bug family)
Length: 90mm
On the surface, they are harmless as long as you do not approach them and they remain asleep. Even if they are awakened, they won't follow you very far. The same is true when they appear underground, but they will wake up if another creature comes in contact with them. While it is sleeping, you can kill it by going behind it and throwing a large number of Pikmin at it in rapid succession.
Pikmin 3 Prima Guide
These large creatures use their jaws to gobble up several Pikmin with each bite. Whenever possible, use a large squad of Pikmin to charge the creature from the rear. If brute force isn’t an option, throw Red Pikmin and Rock Pikmin onto the creature’s back. During an extended battle, it’s important to retrieve your Pikmin as the Bulborb shakes them off.

Website notes

New Play Control! Pikmin European website
Can anything polka-dotted be dangerous? If it’s a hungry Bulborb, you bet. Its big eyes on the top of its head are as big as its stomach. But the eyes can’t see what’s going on behind it. From the back is the perfect place to strike and swarm this beast.
Pikmin 3 website
It's considered one of the weakest of the Bulborbs, but can still hold its own against a good-sized Pikmin squad. Attack from behind to gain the advantage. Weakest point: eyeballs.
Pikmin Garden

A colorful Bulborb with white spots on a red abdomen. Being nocturnal, it sleeps during the day, but it is ferocious and will swallow whole anything it sees. The creatures in the Grub-Dog family are at the top of the food pyramid.

○ What is the Grub-Dog family?

They were named Grub-Dogs because of the way they walk on two legs like space dogs.

Feature #1: Nocturnality

It sleeps during the day and does not wake up unless its territory is entered, but it becomes active and searches for prey around sunset.
(Image text:
  • "(Day) Sleeping"
  • "(Night) Eyes glow red")

Feature #2: How it recognizes other members of the same clade

As it grows, the body color becomes darker, and it is recognized by the spots that appear on its abdomen.
(Image text: "Larvae without spots are sometimes preyed upon")

Feature #3: Large eyes

The eyeballs become large in order to catch faint light at night. Because of this, the eyelids cannot close completely, and it blinks by stretching and contracting the well-developed iris.

Other notes

Pikmin Nintendo Power booklet
These nocturnal creatures are very common. Capable of surviving in a variety of habitats, bulborbs spend nearly all of their time searching for food. Their favorite meal? Raw Pikmin, of course.
Pikmin 2 e-Reader card
Red Bulborb
Japanese name: Spotted Crimson Bug-eye <Grub-dog family>
It has a large mouth that occupies half of its body length prominent eyes and white markings on its abdomen. They are nocturnal and become active especially in the evening, targeting small animals that return to their nest. Several subspecies with different ground colors have been discovered and scholars are divided on how to handle them.
Body length: 90mm
Number of transports: 10 Amount: 7
Nintendo Magazine (Winter 2024) - English
Bulborb is a creature of the Oculus genus. It'll try to swallow anything it sees, sometimes resulting in Pikmin being munched on. It's nocturnal, so you can find it sleeping during the day, looking cute.
Nintendo Magazine (Winter 2024) - Japanese

Director of Destiny notes

Pikmin 2

Olimar's journal

GameCube - US English
With the help of my Pikmin, I've been able to widen the radius of my salvage search. The new areas that have opened up to exploration are far more dangerous. Just to be safe, I'd better review Pikmin traits and characteristics.
* Press   to dismiss your Pikmin and separate them into color groups.
* Press   to pick up and hold Pikmin.
* While holding Pikmin, press   Left or Right to switch the color of Pikmin you're holding.
GameCube - British English
With the help of my Pikmin, I've been able to widen the radius of my salvage search. The new areas that have opened up to exploration are far more dangerous. Just to be safe, I'd better review Pikmin traits and characteristics.
* Press   to dismiss your Pikmin and separate them into color groups.
* Hold   to pick up and hold Pikmin.
* While holding Pikmin, press   Left or Right to switch the color of Pikmin you're holding.
With the help of my Pikmin, I've been able to widen the radius of my salvage search. The new areas that have opened up to exploration are far more dangerous. Just to be safe, I'd better review Pikmin traits and characteristics.
* Press   to dismiss your Pikmin and separate them into color groups.
* Hold   to pick up and hold Pikmin.
* While holding Pikmin, press   to switch the color of Pikmin you're holding.
Nintendo Switch
With the help of my Pikmin, I've been able to widen the radius of my salvage search. The new areas that have opened up to exploration are far more dangerous. Just to be safe, I'd better review Pikmin traits and characteristics.
* Press   to dismiss your Pikmin and separate them into color groups.
* Hold   to pick up and hold Pikmin.
* While holding Pikmin, press   to switch the color of Pikmin you're holding.
GameCube - Japanese
 ● で解散するとピクミンは色ごとに分かれて集まる。
 ● でピクミンをつかんだまま 横で違う色のピクミンに持ちかえられる。
Wii - Japanese
 でピクミンをつかんだまま で違う色のピクミンに持ちかえられる。
Switch - Japanese
 でピクミンをつかんだまま で違う色のピクミンに持ちかえられる。

Sales pitch

This amazing, fortune-telling device follows the flow of fate with eerie accuracy. It calculates the magnetic fields of planets, stars, and living organisms to track the pulse of destiny itself. If you're an optimist who feels that life points both south and north, this is for you!

Pikmin 4

Schnauz's notes

This astounding device indicates which direction fate is flowing. By reading the magnetic fields found on planets and in living organisms alike, it can read one's fortune. The science is too complex to explain, but whether you go north or south, do heed its guidance.

Olimar's notes

The arrow-like object floating in the center appears to move around at will, but it's actually always pointing in the same direction. It could be trying to point me toward my destiny, but I'd rather figure that out on my own.

Louie's notes

Could be useful for food storage. I just need to figure out how to open it.

Courage Reactor notes

Olimar's journal

GameCube - US English
We've recovered our first treasure! Amazingly, the Pikmin remembered how to salvage it. I can't understand their adorable language and I don't know what they're thinking, yet I'm so happy to see them. When I crashed on this planet, the Pikmin helped me locate my missing ship parts. In my darkest hour, the Pikmin were there for me. Now that I'm reunited with them, I know everything will be alright. It will...right?
GameCube - British English / Wii / Switch
We've recovered our first treasure! Amazingly, the Pikmin remembered how to salvage it. I can't understand their adorable language and I don't know what they're thinking, yet I'm so happy to see them. When I crashed on this planet, the Pikmin helped me locate my missing ship parts. In my darkest hour, the Pikmin were there for me. Now that I'm reunited with them, I know everything will be alright. It will, right?
GameCube - Japanese
どうにか最初のお宝を回収できた! ピクミンは私のことをしっかり覚えていてくれた。彼らとは言葉も通じない、考えていることもよくわからないが、むしょうにうれしい。前回、この星に遭難して、ピクミンといっしょにバラバラになった宇宙船のパーツを探したことが思い出される。絶望的と思われたあの時も、ピクミンと共に乗り越えた。今度もきっと大丈夫だ。

Sales pitch

Physical energy is not the only kind! The energy dearest to us is that made by love and courage.
物理的な力だけが力じゃない! あいとゆうきがいっぱいつまったぼくらの一番身近なエネルギー。

Pikmin media navigation

The following is a list of media related to the Pikmin series, including games relating to Pikmin, or games with Pikmin content.

Main series



Web browser games

Other Pikmin media

Media with Pikmin content

More traditional Pikmin family format

The Pikmin family formatted like the other family articles.

The Pikmin family is the family containing of most of the Pikmin types in all four Pikmin games.


Red Pikmin

Main article: Red Pikmin.

Scientific name: Pikminidae rubrus

Red Pikmin have pointy noses and white flowers, and are present in all of the Pikmin games. They are resistant to fire and have a stronger attack strength than other types, making them good at combat dealing 1.5x damage more than other Pikmin types. They are the first type discovered in all Pikmin games (Although Yellow Pikmin are the first type seen in Pikmin 3, the Red Pikmin are the first to be properly discovered).

Yellow Pikmin

Main article: Yellow Pikmin.

Scientific name: Pikminidae auribus

Yellow Pikmin have large ears and white flowers, and are present in all of the Pikmin games. They can be thrown higher than other types, but their other unique abilities vary by game. In Pikmin, they are the only type that can carry bomb-rocks. In Pikmin 2, Pikmin 3, Pikmin 4 and Hey! Pikmin, they are resistant to electricity alongside the ablity to conduct electricity in Pikmin 3 and Hey! Pikmin. In Pikmin 3 and Pikmin 4, they can dig faster than most other Pikmin types. Additionally, in Pikmin 3, they are the first type to be seen, although they are only used for a short tutorial.

Blue Pikmin

Main article: Blue Pikmin.

Scientific name: Pikminidae caerula

Blue Pikmin have mouthlike gills and white flowers, and are present in all of the Pikmin games. They are resistant to water, making them the only type able to access submerged portions of areas where other Pikmin would drown. They are the last type discovered in most games with a linear discovery order, the exceptions being Hey! Pikmin, Pikmin Bloom and Pikmin 4.

Purple Pikmin

Main article: Purple Pikmin.

Scientific name: Pikminidae yokozunum

Purple Pikmin have short hairs, magenta flowers, and are bulkier than other Pikmin types. They are present in Pikmin 2, Pikmin 4 and Pikmin Bloom, as well as the alternative game modes of Pikmin 3. They weigh 10 times as much as other Pikmin types, are slower than other types, can carry 10 times the weight of other types, and can attack with a strong pound capable of stunning enemies. In all games except Pikmin 4, they do not have an Onion and must be gained by using Candypop Buds.

White Pikmin

Main article: White Pikmin.

Scientific name: Pikminidae venalbius

White Pikmin have red eyes, magenta flowers, and small, thin bodies. They are present in Pikmin 2, Pikmin 4 and Pikmin Bloom, as well as the alternative game modes of Pikmin 3. They are resistant to poison, are faster than other Pikmin types, can poison enemies upon being eaten, and in Pikmin 2 can dig out treasures completely buried in the ground that other types cannot see. In all games except Pikmin 4, they do not have an Onion, and must be gained by using Candypop Buds.

Rock Pikmin

Main article: Rock Pikmin.

Scientific name: Pikminidae habisaxum

Rock Pikmin are parasitic Pikmin inhabiting rocks and have lavender-purple flowers. They are present in Pikmin 3, Pikmin 4, Hey! Pikmin, and Pikmin Bloom. Their hardness allows them to destroy crystal obstacles, attack enemies through a powerful direct impact, and be resistant to being crushed or stabbed.

Winged Pikmin

Main article: Winged Pikmin.

Scientific name: Pikminidae volarosa

Winged Pikmin are pink and have wings, large blue eyes, and lavender-purple flowers. They are present in Pikmin 3, Pikmin 4, Hey! Pikmin, and Pikmin Bloom. They can fly over water and low barriers, allowing them to take shortcuts when carrying, as well as making it harder for enemies to attack them, but their attack strength is normally lower than other Pikmin types.

Ice Pikmin

Main article: Ice Pikmin.

Scientific name: Pikminidae habiglacius

Ice Pikmin are light blue with icy bodies similar to Rock Pikmin, albeit with a distinct head, and yellow flowers. They are only present in Pikmin 4. Ice Pikmin are immune to being frozen and can freeze enemies by filling up a meter around the enemy's health wheel by attacking or by being eaten. The bodies of frozen enemies shatter upon death, leaving droplets of nectar and raw material behind in a manner similar to how ultra-bitter spray functions. They can also be tossed into water to freeze it, freezing any enemies and treasure inside until the water unfreezes, and allowing leaders and other Pikmin to walk across its surface.


Main article: Bulbmin.

Scientific name: Parasiticus pikminicus

Bulbmin are a special species of Pikmin that resemble Bulborbs with a stem, white flowers, and are only present in a few caves in Pikmin 2. They are always found following a larger Bulbmin which must be defeated to be able to command them. They are resistant to fire, water, electricity, and poison, but cannot be taken out of caves, which are the only places they are found in. They are actually a parasite that takes over a juvenile Bulborb.

See also