Pikmin (game)


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Sandbox to hold my W.I.P. edits for certain articles.

Bomb split

Attempts to split Trackonator and Mine from Bomb Rock.


A bomb rock exploding in Pikmin 2.
A bomb-rock exploding in Pikmin 2.

Explosions are a hazard that appear throughout the Pikmin series. Explosions are capable of damaging nearby enemies, leaders, some obstacles and knocking back and subsequently killing any Pikmin. Leaders are unable to become immune to explosives unlike a number of other hazards.


Some tools and enemies can generate explosions, either by self-detonation or by releasing exploding projectiles.

    • Bomb Rock Bomb Rock – A bomb that explodes after being thrown or interacted with.
    • Mine Mine – A bomb that explodes after detecting nearby movement.
    • Trackonator Trackonator – A bomb that moves toward a target before exploding.

Destroying obstacles

In Pikmin, Pikmin 3, and Pikmin 4, there are some reinforced walls that cannot be destroyed with Pikmin attacks like other types of gate. Instead, Bomb Rocks must be placed, activated, and detonated near them in order to slowly destroy them. Bomb Rocks can also be used to destroy other gates, though, although some types are immune. Finally, they can be used to destroy certain other obstacles and objects:


Mine Icon.
Icon for the Mine from Pikmin 4.
The Mine's icon in Pikmin 4.
Games Pikmin 3,  Pikmin 4
Function Explodes after detecting nearby movement.
How to obtain Pikmin 3:  Reward from roulette wheel, found in field, dug up from dirt mounds
Pikmin 4:  Have reached Sparklium × 4000, buy for Raw material × 10, reward from roulette wheel

The Mine is an explosive in Pikmin 3 and Pikmin 4 that latches on to the surface it lands on, including enemies. In Pikmin 3, the mine is found exclusively in Bingo Battle, commonly obtained from a roulette spin, which can be caused by retrieving a Cupid's Grenade, but can also be found on layout C of the Jigsaw Colosseum, and from dirt mounds in layout C of the Rusted Labyrinth. When the "Mine" roulette wheel item is used, a mine spawns near the player's group, and at that point, the player can issue a Pikmin to pick it up. The Pikmin can then be thrown at the ground, a wall, a fruit, or anything else, and where it touches, the Mine will stick. From this point on, the Mine will be armed, and will detonate whenever a leader draws near. If there is a mine on a fruit or any carryable object, and that object is brought to an Onion without the Mine blowing up, the Mine will slide off and fall on the ground.

In Pikmin 4, Mines are an exploration item that can be purchased up to five times a day from Russ, or found in a Mystery Capsule during Dandori Battles. Mines function similarly to their Pikmin 3 version, except that the light stays green when active and changes to an orange-yellow when triggered, gaining the same pre-explosion glow as Bomb Rocks. Mines cannot be detonated by Pikmin outside of Dandori Battles.

The Mine resembles a metal barrel with a light on top. This light is green when the mine is unarmed. When it sticks onto something, the light will turn yellow, and two yellow lighthouse-like beacon lights will spin around its equator. A "boop" sound can also be heard every second or so. When it detects movement nearby, the light and beacons turn magenta, it beeps faster, and after three seconds, it explodes.


Pikmin 3 manual

Plant an explosion that detonates upon player movement.

Pikmin 3 electronic manual

Spawns a Mine for your Pikmin. Mines activate shortly after being thrown. Once activated, Mines will explode when an explorer from either team approaches. They can be planted on walls, fruit, and other objects.

Pikmin 3 Prima Guide

This item activates shortly after being thrown. Once it’s activated, a Mine will explode when a crew member from either team approaches.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe Basic Info description

Throw it, then wait. If someone gets too close after enough time has passed...KABOOM!

Lab description

When this bomb senses the movement of a creature, it explodes! Kee-hee! You can even stick it to those pesky creatures!

Pack description

A bomb that reacts to the movements of living creatures and explodes. It can also be stuck to a creature's body.

Getting free prototype

It's a bomb that explodes when it detects motion from living things! Plus, it's kinda sticky! Try attaching one to a creature.

Pikmin 4 Gameplay Guide

The Mine automatically activates when it detects signs of life. Plus, it sticks to any creature it touches.


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You can help Pikipedia by uploading some images.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning Notes
Flag of Japan Japanese センサーバクダン?
Flag of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Chinese
Flag of China Chinese
Flag of the Netherlands Dutch Mijn
Flag of France French Bombe à capteur
Flag of Germany German Sensorbombe
Flag of Italy Italian Bomba a sensori
Flag of South Korea Korean 감지기 폭탄
Flag of Brazil Portuguese Mina
Flag of Spain Spanish Bomba con sensor


Trackonator Icon.
Icon for the Trackonator from Pikmin 4.
The Trackonator's icon in Pikmin 4.
Games Pikmin 4
Function Moves toward enemies before exploding.
How to obtain Have reached Sparklium × 7500, buy for Raw material × 10, reward from roulette wheel
Olimar's Shipwreck Tale: Retrieve 9, 15 and 26 ship parts

The Trackonator is an exploration item in Pikmin 4, and can be purchased from Russ or found in the Mystery Capsule's roulette wheel during Dandori Battles. Trackonators will start detonating as soon as it lands on solid ground and can hone in on an enemy before it explodes. It cannot hone in on Pikmin outside of Dandori Battles. If a Trackonator is thrown into a Candypop Bud, or if an enemy trying to eat it was interrupted, it will become inactive and not hone in on any other enemies. In this state it is able to be picked up by Pikmin and the Rescue Officer.


Lab description

A bomb that always tracks its prey and never loses it. In the wild, I'd much rather be the chaser than the chasee.

Pack description

A tracking bomb that won't let its target or prey get away. Creatures rarely escape this bomb, even if they run around.

Getting free prototype

This bomb can automatically track and chase its target! Perfect for use on particularly fast creatures.

Gameplay Guide

The Trackonator automatically chases after its prey once found. If there are no targets in the vicinity, it will explode on the spot.


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Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning Notes
Flag of Japan Japanese オッカケバクダン?
Flag of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Chinese
Flag of China Chinese
Flag of the Netherlands Dutch Volgbom
Flag of France French Bombe autoguidée
Flag of Germany German Fieser Verfolger
Flag of Italy Italian Bomba segugio
Flag of South Korea Korean 추적 폭탄
Flag of Brazil Portuguese Rastreabomba
Flag of Spain Spanish Rastreabomba

Notes in other languages

Bulborb (Pikmin Adventure)

A Red Bulborb statue in the Nintendo Land plaza.
The Bulborb statue in the Nintendo Land Plaza.

Monita's notes

These grub-dog predators tend to sleep during the day and attack aggressively if woken from a nap. Bulborbs come in a wide variety of colors--now on sale at our gift shop!
These Grub-dog predators tend to sleep during the day and attack aggressively if woken. ◆ Bulborbs come in a variety of colours and are now on sale at our souvenir shop.
◆和名は「デメマダラ」という イヌムシ科の生物 昼間は眠っていることが多いが 近づくと突進してくる◆ 黄色や緑のカラーバリエーションもあって ピクミン アドベンチャーでは人気No.1 だそうデス
◆ The Japanese name is "Spotted Bug-eye". A creature of the Dog bug family It is often asleep during the day, but when you get close, it rushes. ◆ There are also yellow and green color variations, and it is the most popular No. 1 in Pikmin Adventure.
De Grub-dog-familie van roofdieren slaapt gewoonlijk overdag en is erg agressief. ◆ Bulborbs zijn er ook in gele en groene varianten, en verkrijgbaar in onze souvenirwinkel.
The Grub-dog family of predators usually sleeps during the day and are very aggressive. ◆ Bulborbs also come in yellow and green varieties, and are available in our souvenir shop.
Famille : canidés fouisseurs. Le bulborbe passe ses journées à dormir, mais se réveille pour attaquer tous ceux qui s'approchent trop près de lui. ◆ Également disponible en jaune et en vert (offre soumise à conditions).
Family: excavating canids. The Bulborb spends its days sleeping, but wakes up to attack anyone who gets too close to it. ◆ Also available in yellow and green (offer subject to conditions).
Dieser Krabbler schläft am Tag und wird bei Störungen schnell rabiat. ◆ In der Pikmin-Welt wimmelt es nur so von Punktkäfern, und sie geben auch tolle Plüsch-Souvenirs ab!
This creepy-crawly sleeps during the day and quickly becomes ferocious when disturbed. ◆ The Pikmin world is teeming with Dot Beetles, and they also make great plush souvenirs!
I predatori appartenenti alla famiglia dei Coletidi tendono a dormire di giorno e attaccano se disturbati. ◆ Troverai Coleti di vari colori in vendita nel nostro negozio di souvenir.
Predators belonging to the Coletidae family tend to sleep during the day and attack if disturbed. ◆ You will find Coletis of various colors for sale in our gift shop.
Хищники из семейства личинкопсовых в светлое время суток обычно спят. Будучи разбужены, атакуют. ◆ Клубнеголовы могут иметь различный окрас. У нас сейчас как раз распродажа их фигурок!
Predators from the larvae family usually sleep during daylight hours. When awakened, they attack. ◆ Tuberheads can have different colors. We have their figurines on sale right now!
Estos depredadores de la familia de los Gusarapérridos suelen dormir de día y atacan con mucha fuerza si se los despierta. ◆ En nuestra tienda de souvenirs encontrarás a la venta bulbos de muchos otros colores.
These predators from the Grudogidae family usually sleep during the day and attack with great force if they are awakened. ◆ In our souvenir store, you will find bulbs for sale in many other colors.
Estes predadores da família Canilarva passam os dias a dormir e atacam ferozmente se alguém os acordar. ◆ Existem Orbolbos de várias cores e temo-los em saldo na nossa loja de recordações.
These predators of the Canilarva family spend their days sleeping and attack fiercely if anyone wakes them up. ◆ There are Orbolbos of various colors and we have them on sale in our souvenir store.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning Notes
Flag of Japan Japanese チャッピー?
Flag of the Netherlands Dutch Bulborb
Flag of France French Bulborbe
Flag of Germany German Punktkäfer
Flag of Italy Italian Coleto Bulborb
Flag of Portugal Portuguese (NoE) Orbolbo
Flag of Spain Spanish Bulbo
Flag of Russia Russian Клубнеголов

Pikmin 4 Cave Types

The 10 different cave types in Pikmin 4, taken from the folder names in Carrot4/Terrain/Cave/Type, with a few caves that use said themes.

Aquarium - Set in an aquarium tank. Used in Planning Pools

Blocks - Set in a room similar to Pikmin 2's Toybox theme. Used in Trial Run, Battle in a Box, and Final Battle

Brick - Walls and elevated areas are made out of bricks. Used in Crackling Cauldron

Common - Unknown

Concrete - Made out of tiles not to dissimilar to Pikmin 2's Tiles theme. Used in Subzero Sauna

Garden - Walls made out of bamboo and rocks. Used in Aquiferous Summit

Last - Used in sublevel 20 of Cavern for a King

Metal - Very similar style and assets to Pikmin 2's Metal theme. Used in Below-Grade Discotheque

Sand - Similar in style to Blocks, except with sand. Used in Dandori Castle, Leafy Showdown, and Hot Sandy Duel

Soil - Walls made out of soil. Used in Hectic Hollows, Engulfed Castle

P1S Ship Part Icons

Testing P1S ship part icons in place of the current unofficial icons.

Icon used to represent the ship part on the wiki.
The Main Engine.
This ship part is required for the S.S. Dolphin to escape the planet.
Weight 20
Max. carriers 40 Pikmin
Location The Impact Site
The texture for The Impact Site's radar map in Pikmin 1 (Nintendo Switch).
Main Engine P1S
The location of the Main Engine in The Impact Site.
Icon Name Location Weight Max. carriers Required Visual
Main Engine P1S Main Engine The Impact Site 20 40 Yes Yes
Positron Generator P1S Positron Generator The Impact Site 20 40 Yes No
Eternal Fuel Dynamo P1S Eternal Fuel Dynamo The Forest of Hope 40 60 Yes Yes
Extraordinary Bolt P1S Extraordinary Bolt The Forest of Hope 30 50 Yes No
Whimsical Radar P1S Whimsical Radar The Forest of Hope 20 40 Yes Yes
Geiger Counter P1S Geiger Counter The Forest of Hope 15 25 Yes Yes
Radiation Canopy P1S Radiation Canopy The Forest of Hope 30 50 Yes Yes
Sagittarius P1S Sagittarius The Forest of Hope 20 30 Yes Yes
Shock Absorber P1S Shock Absorber The Forest of Hope 30 50 Yes No
Automatic Gear P1S Automatic Gear The Forest Navel 15 25 Yes No
Ionium Jet P1S #1 Ionium Jet The Forest Navel 15 25 Yes Yes
Anti-Dioxin Filter P1S Anti-Dioxin Filter The Forest Navel 40 60 Yes Yes
Omega Stabilizer P1S Omega Stabilizer The Forest Navel 30 50 Yes Yes
Gravity Jumper P1S Gravity Jumper The Forest Navel 25 45 Yes No
Analog Computer P1S Analog Computer The Forest Navel 20 40 Yes No
Guard Satellite P1S Guard Satellite The Forest Navel 20 40 Yes Yes
Sagittarius P1S Libra The Forest Navel 15 25 Yes Yes
Repair-Type Bolt P1S Repair-type Bolt The Distant Spring 20 40 Yes No
Gluon Drive P1S Gluon Drive The Distant Spring 50 70 Yes Yes
Zirconium Rotor P1S Zirconium Rotor The Distant Spring 30 50 Yes No
Interstellar Radio P1S Interstellar Radio The Distant Spring 20 40 Yes Yes
Pilot's Seat P1S Pilot's Seat The Distant Spring 25 45 Yes No
Ionium Jet P1S #2 Ionium Jet The Distant Spring 15 25 Yes Yes
Bowsprit P1S Bowsprit The Distant Spring 30 50 Yes Yes
Chronos Reactor P1S Chronos Reactor The Distant Spring 20 40 Yes Yes
Nova Blaster P1S Nova Blaster The Forest of Hope 30 50 No No
Space Float P1S Space Float The Forest Navel 25 45 No No
Massage Machine P1S Massage Machine The Distant Spring 30 50 No No
UV Lamp P1S UV Lamp The Distant Spring 10 25 No No
Secret Safe P1S Secret Safe The Final Trial 40[1] 95 No No

Treasure Series Gallery

Tests for new ways of showing treasure series in Pikmin 2.


Nintendo Switch

Nintendo GameCube/Wii North America

Nintendo Switch

Nintendo GameCube/Wii North America

Nintendo GameCube/Wii Europe

Nintendo GameCube/Wii Japan

Single Noun Edits

The following W.I.P.s of a few enemy articles with minor edits, the biggest of which includes using single nouns throughout.

Albino Dwarf Bulborb

The Albino Dwarf Bulborb (コチャッピーモドキ?, lit.: "Pseudo Small Chappy") is a small nocturnal enemy that only appears in Pikmin 4. This enemy resembles the Dwarf Bulborb in appearance, but has a white to red ombré back instead of a spotted one, similar to the Bulborb Larva, and additionally have slightly larger snouts compared to most Dwarf Bulborbs. These differences largely stem from both its very young age, being the first molt of a Bulborb Larva, and because it is a true member of the grub-dog family rather than a breadbug mimic.

Despite being their young, adult Bulborbs are known to cannibalize Albino Dwarf Bulborbs. In order to avoid this, they are only active at night and in caverns, where the poor visibility allows them to evade predation. The Albino Dwarf Bulborb is noticeably tougher than the Dwarf Bulborb, requiring two direct Pikmin throws to the back to dispatch.

Anode Beetle

The Anode Beetle (エレキムシ?, lit.: "Electric Bug") is a small enemy found in Pikmin 2 and Pikmin 4. This creature is blissfully unaware of Pikmin, and if found alone, is harmless; but if there is a partner nearby, an electrical barrier can be produced between the two, subjecting any nearby Pikmin to electrocution. As such, it is commonly found in groups of 2 or more.

Swarming will not harm it, as it has a protective shell, similar to the Flint Beetles. To damage it, one must throw a Pikmin on top of it to flip it over, then proceed to swarm it. Purple Pikmin can cause them to flip over even if not directly hit.


The Arachnode (マリグモ?, lit.: "Temari Spider") is a spider-like enemy in Pikmin 3 and Pikmin 4. While dormant on its web, the Arachnode resembles a cocoon, with a black and yellow striped and sphere-shaped body. This shape and coloring comes from the eight legs wrapped tightly around its body; its actual body is comprised of small black orbs with yellow circles instead of stripes. Once a Pikmin or leader gets caught in an Arachnode's web, it will uncurl its legs after a while, and wander up to its prey, consuming them quickly once it has reached them. It may also wander around the web freely in order to avoid Pikmin that are being thrown at it. The web will collapse once the Arachnode is defeated.

Pikmin caught in the web can be saved by whistling at them. This is important, especially with a small squad, as Pikmin shaken off by the Arachnode will usually get stuck in the web. Winged Pikmin carrying objects will get stuck in webs that are along their route, making webs the primary obstacle for these types of Pikmin.

Arctic Cannon Larva

The Arctic Cannon Larva (ユキフタクチ?, lit.: "Snow Two-Mouth") is an enemy in Pikmin 3 and Pikmin 4. It is bright green, with a lavender underbelly, and are accustomed to cold conditions. They are the larval form of the Arctic Cannon Beetle.

Unlike their rock-spitting relatives, the Arctic Cannon Larva launches giant snowballs. While mostly equivalent to boulders in functionality, snowballs are incapable of killing Pikmin, instead simply picking them up and carrying them along until they crash into something (even other snowballs); Winged Pikmin won't even be picked up by the projectiles, only knocked back. Leaders will be picked up as well, which also traps them until the snowball is destroyed. As a result, the creature is annoying at best, and is only a threat if the Pikmin it rolls away end up next to some other enemy or hazard without the player noticing, but can be killed with relative ease by any Pikmin type.


The Bulborb (チャッピー?, lit.: "Chappy"), known as the Spotty Bulborb in Pikmin and the Red Bulborb (アカチャッピー?, lit.: "Red Chappy") in Pikmin 2, is a common enemy found throughout the Pikmin series. The Bulborb is one of the most prominent enemies in the franchise and appear in all 4 numbered Pikmin games. It also has apperances in Hey! Pikmin, Pikmin Adventure, Pikmin Short Movies, has several pieces of merchandise based on it, and are the focus of the first game's North American boxart. The Bulborb is the most commonly encountered member of the particularly extensive and diverse Grub-dog family.

The Bulborb has pointed snouts, eyes on stalks, and a red back with white spots. It only has two sharp fangs on either side of its mouth. It is a largely nocturnal creature and spends much of its time sleeping, only waking up when detecting potential prey, or during the night. It is often found sleeping near Dwarf Bulborbs, which are actually members of the Breadbug family.

Yellow Wollyhop

The Yellow Wollyhop (イモガエル?, lit.: "Potato Frog"; known as the Yellow Wollywog depending on the game and region) is a frog-like enemy found in the Pikmin games. It is a large, round, yellow creature with large eyes and beady pupils, and short front legs with larger hind legs. Its skin is tinted green towards the top of its head, with green spots along the sides. It can usually be found in or around large, open-air bodies of water, but also in moist, rainy areas.

It is known to leap into the air, floating temporarily, and dropping, with the intent of landing on and crushing any Pikmin below, a behavior which is most readily explained as an attempt to drive predators away from developing eggs. According to Olimar's notes, these are Wolpole eggs, revealing that the Yellow Wollyhop and the Wolpole are the same exact species.

It is the only mature species of amphituber in both Pikmin 3 and Hey! Pikmin. In these games, they also have a reasoning for it's floating ability: it's throat inflates, presumably allowing it to float in the air temporarily. In Hey! Pikmin, it seems to have slightly increased in size and move slightly faster.

Pikmin Adventure Enemy List

The following lists the appearance of enemies in each level in Pikmin Adventure.

Enemies found in Bulborb Forest

Bulborb (red) × 9

Creepy Beeb × 18

Bulborb (yellow) × 1

Enemies found in Boss of the Beebs

Bulborb (red) × 18

Creepy Beeb × 15

Bulborb (yellow) × 1

King Beeb × 3

Enemies found in Five Seconds to Takeoff

Creepy Beeb × 28

Bulborb (red) × 1

Enemies found in Overthrow the Bulblord

Bulblord x1

Enemies found in Cannon Smash

Creepy Beeb x15

Yellow Bulborb x8

Red Bulborb x9

Telescoping Pumphog x8

Enemies found in King Beeb is Back

Red Bulborb x15

Yellow Bulborb x14

Telescoping Pumphog x7

Creepy Beeb x30

King Beeb x1

Enemies found in Through the Darkness

King Beeb x15

Telescoping Pumphog

Red Bulborb x7

Yellow Bulborb x5

Enemies found in Swamp Master

Large-mouth Wollywog x1

Enemies found in Lord of a Barren Land

Blowhog x5

invincible Telescoping Pumphog x8

Bombardier Beeb x5

King Beeb x4

Red Bulborb x10

Yellow Bulborb x4

Bilious Bulborb x1

Enemies found in Burst the Giant Balloon

Bombardier Beeb x9

Red Bulborb x7

Yellow Bulborb x5

Telescoping Pumphog x3

King Beeb x4

Blowhog x7

Pikmin Adventure Boss Edits

The following W.I.P.s are edits of the Pikmin Adventure boss pages based on the rewritten enemies above.

Greater Bladed Beeb

The Bladed Beeb.
The Greater Bladed Beeb during its introduction cutscene.

The Greater Bladed Beeb (キザミワラジ?, lit.: "Cutting Woodlouse"; known as the Greater Bladed Baub in the European version of Pikmin Adventure) is the fourth and final boss of the standard challenges in Pikmin Adventure. It is a large, glossy, purple praying mantis-like creature with blades on its arms. It is the only boss in Pikmin Adventure to be treated like a normal enemy in the advanced stages.

Monita's Notes

US version US version: This alien insect is slow to wake but quick to anger. The adrenaline rush causes it to speed up and turn red with fury.

European version European version: This alien insect is slow to wake but quick to anger. The adrenaline rush causes it to speed up and turn a furious red.


Once the Greater Bladed Beeb notices the player, it will crawl about the stage, widely swinging its blades. It has three different attacks: one attack with one blade two consecutive times, a seecond attack using both blades and dashes forward shaking off Pikmin, and a third attack where it spins in a circle, which also shakes off Pikmin. Once one of its weak points is broken, it will roar very loudly and turn red, starting the second phase. Now it will use its strike attack and double blade attacks 3 times consecutively.


The following article or section contains guides.
The strategies shown are just suggestions.

Both the head and abdomen are the Greater Bladed Beeb's weak points, but attacking them is made difficult by the boss's reflexes and ability to quickly turn around. Therefore, this boss is best fought in multiplayer. It can be dazed temporarily with a rock, unlike most bosses. Bombs will not stun it, though it will deal a sizable amount of damage. It will occasionally strike, but miss, and its blades will remain stuck in the ground. This is a great time to attack, as well as throw a rock at it, as it will stun it even further.

A Bladed Beeb roaring.
The Greater Bladed Beeb after breaking one of its weak points.

Once the second phase of the battle is initiated, it becomes harder to attack. Wait until it misses with its blade spin attack and use the short moment of time to attack it's backside or the back of its head. A wise strategy is to run around it while at a close distance. If executed correctly, it will not harm the player. Wait until it is finished attacking to attack it in the short window of time in between attacks.

Another slightly more risky strategy is when it comes to slice up, walk straight into it. The Bladed Beeb only hits where the player is at a certain time, and by moving closer, the blades will not harm you. This is risky, since it could very easily get you while coming in. Another wise strategy for the Olimar player is to utilize the Whip Seed or Knuckle Seed. By staying far away from it, the GamePad user can easily pelt it from a safe distance. This works even better in multiplayer, where the Pikmin can distract the Beeb while the GamePad user pelts it from afar.

In Cage of Terror, you must fight 3 smaller Elemental Bladed Beebs with lower health. The same strategies apply here, but the Beebs now have a shorter attack range and less health, making it an easier fight.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning Notes
Flag of Japan Japanese キザミワラジ?
Flag of the Netherlands Dutch Vlijmscherpe Baub
Flag of France French Grand Brok Faucheur
Flag of Germany German Klingenkugelkäfer
Flag of Italy Italian Ultrapidolino fochista
Flag of Portugal Portuguese (NoE) Baub Encrustado
Flag of Spain Spanish Boloide cortante
Flag of Russia Russian Большой лезволап



  • The bottom half of its spherical head seems to resemble a microphone or speaker. This may explain how it makes its deafening roar, despite having no mouth.
  • The Greater Bladed Beeb has a lot of characteristics that other bosses don't possess. Its the only boss seen multiple times in some levels, be seen in both the main and advanced stages, and be treated as a normal enemy.
  • The Greater Bladed Beeb is referred to as the "Bladed Beeb" during its introductory cutscene.

Grand Bulblord

The Grand Bulblord.
The Grand Bulblord during its introduction cutscene.

The Grand Bulblord (ショーグンチャッピー?, lit.: "General Chappy") is the first boss in the extra challenges of Pikmin Adventure. It is a variant of the Bulblord found in the standard challenges. It has a similar color scheme to the Emperor Bulblax from the main series games and the Green Bulborb also seen in Pikmin Adventure.


The Grand Bulblord's attacks are very similar to those of the Bulblord, only faster.


The following article or section contains guides.
The strategies shown are just suggestions.

The Grand Bulblord has the same strategy as the original Bulblord, but the Grand Bulblord has more health, does not react when the weak points on its back are destroyed, and is faster during its second phase.

What you must do is remove all of its weak points from its back. If you are low leveled, it is recommend to go for the smaller ones first, as they break easily and give you lots of nectar for you to level up with. In the last challenge of the attraction, Goodbye Pikmin, which is a boss rush, a few Creepy Beebs and a Bulborb will spawn in. Getting rid of these first will provide a decent amount of nectar.

Once the Grand Bulblord's back weakpoints have been destroyed, its sclera will turn black, and the rings around it's pupils red with rage. The joints on its legs open up into weakpoints, providing the next objective. Begin targeting only one of the legs so that when it breaks, the Grand Bulblord will fall over onto its back, revealing its major weak spot on its underbelly. Once it starts falling over, call your Pikmin and teammates and begin throwing them on top so that everyone can help out. Like the Bulblord, it is possible to get a stamp by attacking and breaking its eyes, which act similar to its weakpoints.

When the final weak point breaks, the Grand Bulblord's head begins to spin ferociously, slowing down gradually until the entire body explodes.

Destroying both of the Grand Bulblord's eyes will reward the player with a stamp, the Eyes of the Bulblord.


See also: Grub-dog family#Naming.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning Notes
Flag of Japan Japanese ショーグンチャッピー?
Shōgun Chappī
General Chappy
Flag of the Netherlands Dutch Bezeten Bulblord
Flag of France French Général Bulblord
Flag of Germany German Königspunktkäfer
Flag of Italy Italian Gran Bosscoleto Big Boss-Bulborb
Flag of Portugal Portuguese (NoE) Baub Encrustado
Flag of Spain Spanish Gran bulbo feroz
Flag of Russia Russian Главный клубнекороль


Translucent Wollywog

A Translucent Wollywog.
The Translucent Wollywog during its introduction cutscene.

The Translucent Wollywog (オオグチカスミガエル?, lit.: "Big-mouthed Haze Frog"; known as Translucent Wollyhop in the European version) is the second boss to be fought in the extra challenges of Pikmin Adventure. It is almost the same exact boss as the Large-Mouth Wollywog from the 16 standard challenges. The only differences between the two are that the Translucent Wollywog is see-through compared to the Large-Mouth Wollywog which is yellow, and that it shoots its tongue out three times in a row instead of just one time.


The strategy used for the Large-Mouth Wollywog also applies here. When it shoots out its tongue, attack it while it is still out, and it will hit itself in the head and be dazed for a bit. It will become dazed on its own, but it will take a while. Use this interval of time to attack the weak point on its tongue, which should break in no time. Once it breaks, the Translucent Wollywog will move back into the center of the pond. Its cheeks are now open as weak points, proceed to throw Pikmin at them, dodging any tongue attacks. After the player breaks both cheeks, its back becomes the final weak point. At this time, it is best to locate a rock, and throw it at the Translucent Wollywog. Chances are that it will be stunned for a decent amount of time, so get behind the Wollywog and throw Pikmin at its back until it breaks, finishing the fight.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning Notes
Flag of Japan Japanese オオグチカスミガエル?
Flag of the Netherlands Dutch Doorzichtige Wollyhop
Flag of France French Wog Translucide
Flag of Germany German Durchsichtiger Orcalog
Flag of Italy Italian Ranuca idropica traslucida
Flag of Portugal Portuguese (NoE) Batrassalto Translúcido
Flag of Spain Spanish Sapo gigante translúcido
Flag of Russia Russian Прозрачный вопапрыг


  • Interestingly, the Translucent Wollywog is classified under the wollywog family, not the amphituber family, in both the American and Japanese versions of the game. This is not the case in the European version.

Monochromatic Pinchipede

Screenshot of the Monochromatic Pinchipede.
The Monochromatic Pinchipede during its introduction cutscene.

This article or section needs to be cleaned up, either its format or general style.

The Monochromatic Pinchipede (シロクロハサミムカデ?, lit.: "Monochrome Scissors Centipede") is the third boss fought during Pikmin Adventure's extra challenges. Like other members of the Pinchipede family, it is a long centipede-like insect with huge serrated pincers. It looks very similar to the Emperor Pinchipede, only here, it is colored white and has higher speed and health. It looks blue in the first battle it is fought, due to the ambient lighting; during the Boss Rush, it has an orange tint, for the same reasons.


The following article or section contains guides.
The strategies shown are just suggestions.

The Monochromatic Pinchipede is fought more-or-less the same way as one would fight the Emperor Pinchipede. The only difference is that the fight requires more care to be taken overall: The Monochromatic Pinchipede has more health compared to it's predecessor, and is generally faster overall.

Begin by targeting the smaller segments of its body. Ironically, these smaller segments have significantly more health than the larger ones, presumably because the larger weak points double as spinning spike tops that circle the arena.

Once the smaller portions are removed, quickly remove the larger, more threatening, weak points, which should be easier due to their smaller health pool. After all of the portions are destroyed, the larger spinning sections will stop, and retract back to their original place on the Monochromatic Pinchipede.

An angry Monochromatic Pinchipede.
The Monochromatic Pinchipede's black, more dangerous side.

The Monochromatic Pinchipede will now pull itself backward and charge up an attack, which reveals its last weak point located on its head. Use this opportunity to dish out as much damage as possible. It will flip over to its black side and rampage across the arena, trying to corner you and crush you with its gaping mandibles. After a few seconds, it will start to slow down, indicating it will start to charge up its attack again.

Once this weak point reaches a quarter of its health, all segments will fling away from the Monochrome Pinchipede and spin around the stage. Care must be taken during this phase. Avoid the spinning platforms, and wait for the Pinchipede to charge into you. Dodge its attack and begin throwing Pikmin onto its back. These Pikmin will stay on there forever, as the Pinchipede now has no way to shake them off. At this point, you can wait out the battle by avoiding it's attacks while the Pikmin whittle it down, or try to add more Pikmin to the attack to kill it faster. Be careful, though, because the Monochromatic Pinchipede will now constantly chomp it's mandibles during this phase.

Eventually, the last weak spot will reach 0 HP, and the Monochromatic Pinchipede will die.

Names in other languages

To do: Find the Russian name due to it not being easily extractable.
Care to do so?

Language Name Meaning Notes
Flag of Japan Japanese シロクロハサミムカデ?
Flag of the Netherlands Dutch Zwart-witte Pinchipede
Flag of France French Mille-Klak Bicolore
Flag of Germany German Schwarzweißkaufüßler
Flag of Italy Italian Centiciompo monocromatico
Flag of Portugal Portuguese (NoE) Centopinça Monocromática
Flag of Spain Spanish Ciempiédulo bicolor


Greater Studded Beeb

Screenshot of the Greater Studded Beeb.
The Greater Studded Beeb during its introduction cutscene.

The Greater Studded Beeb (アバレワラジ?, lit.: "Raging Woodlouse"; known as Greater Studded Baub in the European version) is the boss of the nineteenth level (The Tyrant Arrives in the European version) and the final boss of the Nintendo Land attraction Pikmin Adventure. It shares the same basic shape with the Bladed Beeb, only it has Spike Balls for hands instead of blades, and starts off with yellow lights instead of green.


The strategy for killing this beast is basically exactly the same as the Bladed Beeb. Just be wary that the Greater Studded Beeb has significantly more vitality, and is better at blocking attacks from the Knuckle Seed with its Spike Balls.

The Greater Studded Beeb roaring.
The Greater Studded Beeb enraged after one of its weakspots are destroyed for the first time.

The first thing that must be completed to defeat this foe is breaking one of its weak points. Once one of them breaks, it will roar in rage and the yellow lights will turn red, speeding up its attacks and adding consecutive strikes to its attacks.

Keeping your distance using Knuckle Seed or Whip Seed is one good strategy, and dashing to either direction when he prepares his double arm smash attack is wise if you want to keep you power-up.

Another quick but sometimes dangerous technique is getting up close and personal with the mantis-monster. If you stay right up against the Greater Studded Beeb and pummel it with your Knuckle Seed power-up, it wont be able to strike you with its attacks most of the time, excluding its spin attack, in which case you want to jump away.

Once defeated, its eyes will widen, and it will collapse on the floor. Your Miis will pose, and the Greater Studded Beeb's body will proceed to explode into tons of Nintendo Land Coins.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning Notes
Flag of Japan Japanese アバレワラジ?
Flag of the Netherlands Dutch Pletterbaub Grand
Flag of France French Brok Piquant
Flag of Germany German Killerkugelkäfer
Flag of Italy Italian Ultrapidolino borchiato
Flag of Portugal Portuguese (NoE) Baub Encrustado
Flag of Spain Spanish Boloide tachonado
Flag of Russia Russian Большой шиполап
  1. ^ YouTube video demonstrating the requirement of 85 Pikmin for the Safe (at 05:08)