Pikmin 3

Shaggy Long Legs

Revision as of 18:34, June 27, 2024 by Twins1105 (talk | contribs) (Replaced infobox image of the arctic variant and moved it to the gallery.)
Shaggy Long Legs Icon used to represent the enemy on the wiki.

Artwork of a black Shaggy Long Legs.

Appears in Pikmin 3
Scientific name Pseudoarachnia capillum
Family Arachnorb
Areas Tropical Wilds, Distant Tundra
Mission Mode Collect Treasure! stages None
Mission Mode Battle Enemies! stages None
Side Story days The Ship Restored
Bingo Battle stages None
Attacks Crush Pikmin

The Shaggy Long Legs (ケダマグモ?, lit.: "Hairball Spider") is a miniboss in Pikmin 3 and a member of the arachnorb family. This enemy has masses of long, shaggy hair covering several parts of its body. Its color scheme depends on the habitat that it dwells in. This species of Arachnorb does not stop to rest as do the rest of the members of its family. However, it does stop to shake off Pikmin, which are able to climb the Shaggy Long Legs' legs. It is not seen in Bingo Battle or Mission Mode, instead replaced by the Baldy Long Legs, a hairless version.

There are three variants of this creature found in the game: a black and purple variant found in the Tropical Wilds, a black and white variant found in the Distant Tundra, and a golden variant found in the Formidable Oak.

While it does not reappear in Pikmin 4, the aforementioned hairless version does, and the Shaggy Long Legs is mentioned within its notes.


Weight Max.
Seeds Value Health
N/A N/A N/A N/A[note 1] 2500
  1. ^ The game files specify this value to be 100.


Alph's comments

Structural flaw: central orb
Weight: unknown

Its fur insulates it not only from the elements but also from attack. To strip away the hair is a long process that requires you to dodge its crushing legs, but it's the only real way to get at the monster's vulnerable core. I haven't yet solved the problem of how it sees. For one thing, there's all that hair in the way, and for another, I don't see any eyes.

Brittany's comments

The noise when this thing moves makes my ears hurt. It's only slightly louder than the captain tromping all over the ship. But I like the tufts of hair all over the legs. It looks soft and comfy, and I'm into the shaggy style.

Charlie's comments

Talk about a tough nut to crack. It's too big to go down quick, it stomps on Pikmin like bugs underfoot, and its only weak spot is guarded by a thick nest of hair. We can get at it by ripping the hairs out one by one, but just the idea of doing that to something makes my own hair hurt a little bit.

Louie's comments

Caution: DO NOT EAT!

Olimar's comments

  US version

Shaggy Long Legs
Pseudoarachnia capillum
Arachnorb family

Thick hair grows on its spherical center as well as its joints. One would think it's there for protection, but it's a simple matter to pluck the hairs out. Several coloration variants have been sighted, most likely due to regional characteristics rather than stress or advanced age. They normally sit docile above trees but will descend to scare off intruders with loud footfalls.
  European version

Shaggy Long Legs
Pseudoarachnia capillum
Arachnorb family

Thick hair grows on its spherical centre as well as its joints. One would think it's there for protection, but it's a simple matter to pluck the hairs out. Several colouration variants have been sighted, most likely due to regional characteristics rather than stress or advanced age. They normally sit docile above trees, but will descend to scare off intruders with loud footfalls.

Pikmin 3 Prima Guide

The Shaggy Long Legs is a very large creature that crushes any Pikmin unfortunate enough to get caught under its large feet. To defeat this creature, your Pikmin must first pluck all of the Shaggy Long Legs' hair.

When you encounter a Shaggy Long Legs, throw several Pikmin onto each of the creature's limbs. As your Pikmin climb the creature, they'll rip out any hair they find. Once your Pikmin pluck the hair from each of the Shaggy Long Legs' joints, they'll move onto the longer hair covering the creature's body.

The Shaggy Long Legs frequently shakes its attackers loose, so it's important to gather your Pikmin as they fall to the ground. When all of the creature's hair is gone, use your Pikmin to attack its exposed body.

Red Pikmin, Yellow Pikmin, and Blue Pikmin are well-suited to battle these enemies. When you prepare to face a Shaggy Long Legs, use the hazards near the battleground to determine which Pikmin types to bring.


The following article or section contains guides.
The strategies shown are just suggestions.

The Shaggy Long Legs will receive minimal damage on the areas of its body covered in hair. To remove the hair, the player must direct Pikmin to climb the towering beast's legs when they are on the ground. It is recommended that the player uses many Pikmin, as each step the creature takes will shake off some of the Pikmin on that leg. Once they reach the first joint, they will begin to pluck the hair. Once it is stripped of all its hair, it becomes a Baldy Long Legs. The creature will then violently roar and shake off its attackers. Quickly call the Pikmin back and have them climb up the leg again so they can attack the second joint and remove its hair. Once a leg has had both joints removed of their hair, the Pikmin will climb directly to the body and begin stripping off small strands of the longer hairs.

As the Shaggy Long Legs loses hair, it will take damage. In total, it has eight joints covered in hair, and it will lose about half of its health once all hair is removed. Once all of the joints have had their hair removed, direct your Pikmin to climb up the creature's bare legs and attack its main body. It will begin to lose hair and once all of its hair has fallen off, the creature will begin to visible shake in pain and will speed up its stomping. Using Winged Pikmin after all its hair is gone is also a viable strategy since they'll automatically charge at its main body without the need to climb the legs.

It is also important to note that the Shaggy Long Legs will periodically move between two different neighboring areas of the map. To prevent wasting time, it is recommended to have two different leaders waiting in both locations it shows up in, so you will be able to always attack it, regardless of where it retreats to. Another tactic is to do something else while waiting for it to return back to the area. The idle leader will eventually announce their panic when confronted with the returning enemy, which should alert you to resume the fight.

The best Pikmin suited for the battle are Rock and Winged Pikmin. Rock Pikmin are immune to crushing, and can still climb up the Arachnorb's legs, making them good choices to take out the hair with. A medium-sized group is best so that all Pikmin do not get shaken off. Once all hair is removed, Winged Pikmin can simply fly up to the abdomen of the creature, allowing for a quick fight. Ultra-spicy spray makes ending the battle even quicker with this strategy. To note however is that Rock Pikmin that climb up the legs will only hit the exposed core once before falling off by themselves. If you can it's best to bombard it by throwing the Rock Pikmin directly onto the exposed core from underneath dealing massive damage, quicker and more effectively. However you will need to throw them fast as not all of them will go high enough to hit it.

Golden variant

The golden Shaggy Long Legs.

In The Ship Restored, the final stage of Olimar's Comeback, a golden Shaggy Long Legs can be found, alongside a golden Baldy Long Legs, within the large arena at the bottom of the Formidable Oak. Aside from its gold color, it behaves identically to the normal variety. Unlike them, however, is its larger feet (similar to the Raging Long Legs from Pikmin 2) that cover a much wider range when stomping. It contains the Nova Blaster, so defeating it is needed to complete the mission.

This version also has unique battle music, which the other bosses in Side Stories do not have. This indicates a sort of final boss nature, as the two golden arachnorbs are the last enemies one can encounter within the mode.

Technical information

Pikmin 3 technical information (?)
Internal name damagumo
HP 2500
Rock Pikmin throw hits to kill 30
White Pikmin ingestions to kill 0
Bomb rock explosions to kill 5
Bomb rock ingestions to kill 0
Number of direct hits on top to kill 0
Damage to leaders 10
Territory radius 400
Mission Mode value 100

Other information


See also: Beady Long Legs#Naming.
  • Common name: Shaggy Long Legs. Something that is "shaggy" has a lot of long hair.
  • Japanese nickname: ケダマグモ?, lit.: "Hairy Orb Spider". It comes from 毛玉? (lit.: "hairball") and くも? (lit.: "spider") making it the hair ball spider. However it's also a joke on the Beady Long Legs which is called ダマグモ? (lit.: "Orb Spider") but starting with ? (lit.: "hair").
  • Japanese name: オグシツユハライ?, lit.: "Hair Tsuyuharai".
  • Scientific name: Pseudoarachnia capillum. Capillum is derived from "capillus", which is Latin for "hair". This is, once again, in reference to its long hair.
  • Internal names: This creature shares its internal name with the internal name of the Beady Long Legs in the past games, damagumo.
  • Prerelease: None.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning Notes
  Japanese ケダマグモ?
Kedama Gumo
Hairball Spider
  French Lulu Longues Jambes Lulu Long Legs The name is a pun on "Nunu Longues Jambes", the French name for Baldy Long Legs
  German Zotteliges Langbein Shaggy Long Leg
  Italian Longopede peloso Hairy longfoot The name is a portmanteau of "lungo" (long) and "piede" (foot)
  Korean 털박거미 Hair Gourd Spider
  Portuguese Patalonga-crina Maned longleg "Patalonga" is a portmanteau of "pata" (leg) and "longa" (long)
  Spanish (NoA) Patas largas melenudo Hairy long legs



The following article or section is in need of assistance from someone who plays Pikmin 3.
Particularly: Check if other bosses also respawn the next day only to die immediately after.

  • The Wii U version of Pikmin 3 classified the Baldy Long Legs and a hairless Shaggy Long Legs as separate enemies. The Deluxe version, however, merges the enemies, as both Piklopedia entries are obtained upon defeating a Shaggy Long Legs.
  • The Shaggy Long Legs is one of the few exceptions in which Rock Pikmin can latch onto things.
  • The Shaggy Long Legs' animation changes depending on its body condition. While it has hair, it will stomp faster than without it. But if it has lost all hair on one of its legs, that leg will move slightly slower and shakes in pain.
  • By utilizing a sequence break in the cave where the player discovers the Yellow Pikmin, it is possible to fight the Shaggy Long Legs with unlimited time.
  • If one kills the Tropical Wilds Shaggy Long Legs while two feet are on the arena border and the other two feet are on the actual arena, the legs attached to the feet in the arena will bend backwards.
  • The Shaggy Long Legs is the only miniboss in Pikmin 3 that doesn't appear in Mission Mode.
  • The Shaggy Long Legs is one of the only enemies in the Pikmin series to have multiple variants with the same name. The only other enemy is the Adult Centipare.
  • Pikmin that are shaken off after a joint has been de-haired will stay on the ground stunned for a few seconds and then get up by themselves. However, Pikmin that get shaken off from an ordinary shake will not get up after staying stunned. For both cases, a Pikmin will also ignore a leader that bumps into it, but will get up if whistled.[1]
  • If the boss is defeated in story mode and the day ends shortly after its health reaches zero, but before it drops its fruit, the creature will reappear the next day, only to begin dying the moment it spawns.[2]
  • When charged, Winged Pikmin will fly straight to the Shaggy Long Legs's head.
  • If one removes all the hair from a Shaggy Long Legs, but doesn't kill it, a little bit of its hair will regrow the next day.

See also


  1. ^ YouTube video of a no-whistle challenge where Pikmin get knocked down after a joint is de-haired and after a regular shake attack (at 40:50), published on December 20th, 2019, retrieved on December 29th, 2019
  2. ^ YouTube video of a no-whistle challenge where a Shaggy Long Legs is killed right when the day ends (at 1:39:03), published on December 20th, 2019, retrieved on December 29th, 2019