Template talk:Enemies

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Revision as of 11:17, January 12, 2008 by Greenpickle (talk | contribs)

Is "Pikmin Enemies" the right name/title for this? If so, it's ready to be put on pages.GP

It's fine. What template do we insert?--Prezintenden
Template is {{Pikmin Enemies}}. If you don't mind me saying, though, the name seems a bit...drab? Probably the wrong word to use, but... I mean, it'll be fine if nothing better can be found, but perhaps it could use a bit of discussion before being slapped onto pages.
You're right, but it is what they are. "Foes"; I don't know. "Hostiles" and such is too fancy, and that also adds a little childish touch in a way. "Enemies" is the word used most throughout the wiki. Although, staying with the standard or simple isn't always bad (I find).--Prezintenden
Okay, maybe "drab" really was a bad word to use. I'm actually having a little trouble putting the thought into words.... I just think we might be able to rephrase it, like Enemies of Pikmin, or even just Enemies. The treasure template is just Treasures. Saying Pikmin Enemies or Enemies of Pikmin actually seems kind of redundant, considering that this is exclusively a Pikmin wiki, you know?
You just convinced me. Open to other ideas if this is wrong. But considering {{treasures}}, it just seems right.--Prezintenden

...That's why I asked. You've got it wrong: this does have every enemy on it from Pikmin 1. That's the template. But now I sort of think that all enemies should be in the same template, with "Pikmin 1", "Pikmin 2" and "Both Games" headings. That would be called "Piklopedia", of course, as outlined at Forum:Page footers. So should we merge them like that or keep them separate as planned at that page.GP

Ah, I see.... I probably should have figured that from the name Spotty Bulborb. If you went with separate templates, what would you do about enemies that appear in both games? If it were up to me, I'd probably go with one template with two headings, with beasties who appear twice listed under both I guess.
I would put creatures from both games in both templates. It would probably make sense to have just the one, but I feel that should be called "Piklopedia" anyway.GP
that all enemies should be in the same template....I would put creatures from both games in both templates.

So what's the call? One or two? I get from this that your still uncertain, and I'd say we make "Piklopedia": Slab "Pikmin Enemies" on the top, along with all the old enemies with the old names. Add "Pikmin 2 Enemies" underneath, with the same for the Pikmin 2 cuties.

Here an example:

Admitted, the "Piklopedia" should probably have a bigger box, but I'm not sure yet. And the line between that and "Pikmin enemies" is intended.--Prezintenden

I think that we should have titles "Pikmin 1 Enemies" (the 1 as its absence confused you two in the first place), and "Piklopedia", as that is what the collection of enemies in Pikmin 2 is referred to. And the whole thing should be called Enemies, as it is now.GP
Grrsk... I just lent Pikmin 2 to a friend yesterday. This is going to be a copy of our Piklopedia. No clue what numbers they have.

And so on. This is really reminding me of the Treasures template. Since I didn't participate much on that one, I wouldn't mind doing this myself.

If this is acceptable, I'll continue this way. If not, I'll wait till Tuesday or so, until I have the game back, or if someone wants to start already, then I'll post most enemies. It may look odd, but it's the easiest way for cut & paste.

Snow BulborbFiery DweevilAnode DweevilCaustic DweevilMunge DweevilVolatile DweevilTitan DweevilBeady Long LegsMan-at-LegsRaging Long LegsBurrowing SnagretPileated SnagretFiery BlowhogWatery BlowhogPuffy BlowhogWithering BlowhogArmored Cannon Beetle LarvaDecorated Cannon BeetleCreep-Crab familySegmented CrawbsterHermit CrawmadSheargrubShearwigDoodlebugIridescent Glint BeetleIridescent Flint BeetleCloaking Burrow-nitRavenous WhiskerpillarSkitter LeafCrimson Candypop BudGolden Candypop BudLapis Lazuli Candypop BudViolet Candypop BudIvory Candypop BudQueen Candypop BudCareening DirigibugSwooping SnitchbugBumbling SnitchbugAntenna BeetleAnode BeetleLesser Spotted JellyfloatGreater Spotted JellyfloatToady BloysterRanging BloysterWogpoleYellow WollywogWollywogCreeping ChrysanthemumUnmarked SpectralidsHoneywispMititeGatling GroinkMamutaWaterwraithPellet PosyCommon GlowcapGlowstemCloverFigwortDandelionSeeding DandelionHorsetailFoxtailMargaretFiddleheadBurgeoning SpiderwortShoot

I quickly added the rest of the Pikmin 1 enemies from the main page. And you're missing Piklopedia #1, Red Bulborb, so I added that. And there were 2 Orange Bulborbs...GP