Quaggled Mireclops
The Quaggled Mireclops.
Appears in Pikmin 3
Scientific name Unknown
Family Unknown
Areas Garden of Hope
Mission Mode Collect Treasure! stages None
Mission Mode Battle Enemies! stages None
Side Story days None
Bingo Battle stages None
Attacks Drowns Pikmin, stomps Pikmin, eats Pikmin, crushes Pikmin

The Quaggled Mireclops is the second boss of the Garden of Hope and the fifth boss overall in Pikmin 3. It is a piece of land supported by three hooved "legs", with a berry on its top. It captures Louie after he attempts to escape in the Ship, which becomes destroyed. Upon defeat of the Quaggled Mireclops, it releases Louie.

Killing Strategy

Take around 10 (or more) Rock Pikmin and as many blues as they can. Throw your rocks at the Crystal Nodule until its "eye" is revealed. The Quaggled Mireclops will then stand up. Be EXTREMELY careful when walking around the Quaggled Mireclops's arena, because when it stomps around, it creates puddles of mud that can drown non-Blue Pikmin. Throw Pikmin at its legs until they turn red. Once that happens, it will fall to the ground. This is your chance to attack. The Quaggled Mireclops will attemtpt to eat Pikmin with its large tongue, similar to the Emperor Bulblax, but the tongue will move in a circle. When the crystal is destroyed, the boss will reveal its true form. IMMEDIATELY have one captain take the Rock Pikmin back to base to avoid casualties. When its HP is low, it may start stomping around in a fashion similar to the Raging Long Legs. Keep going, and it will be defeated.


  • In the background of the Quaggled Mireclops's arena, the Ship can be seen.
    • By walking along some sloped ground, it is possible to reach the area the Ship is in.
  • The Quaggled Mireclops is the biggest enemy in all three games
    • While in contrast of the Scornet Maestro being the smallest boss in the game, ans well as being just after the Scornet Maestro.
  • The Quaggled Mireclops is the second tripedal enemy in the pikmin, the first is the Skeeterskate.
  • The Quaggled Mireclops is the only boss to remain where it was fought and becomes part of the environment (if returned on a later day Pellet Posies can be found as well as some flowers).