The Armored Mawdad up-close.

The Armored Mawdad is a boss creature from Pikmin 3, shown at Nintendo's E3. It resembles a centipede, with a multitude of small legs, a large head, large yellow eyes, a gaping mouth and large curved mandibles. Most of it's body is covered in segments of translucent shell protecting itself. Players must toss Rock Pikmin at its crystaline carapace in order to reveal its weak skin. It has some resemblance to the Segmented Crawbster as both creatures have a tough hide. It resembles the realworld silverfish with many legs, similar to a centipede.


Attacking the Armored Mawdad. A portion of its armor is broken off.

Upon entering the boss arena, the Armored Mawdad appears and frantically crawls around the stage. When it gets a clear view of a group of Pikmin or the current leader, it will charge and scoop up PIkmin with its massive mandibles. During this time, it will atttempt to begin eating any Pikmin it has caught with its enormous mouth. During such time, players must throw Rock Pikmin at the crystaline carapace to break it away. This will free any Pikmin caught in its mandibles and afterwhich any other Pikmin may attack it freely. Once it gets damaged, it will begin to crawl on the walls of the arena. As more of its carapace gets broken away, the Mawdad's speed will continue to increase. Players must take caution, as Pikmin may become distracted by the mushrooms in the stage.

If the player can land a successful hit on its mandibles, they will break, rendering it harder for the Mawdad to capture and eat Pikmin.[1]

File:Pikmin 3 Boss Fight Gameplay - E3 2012
Video showing the boss battle with the Armored Mawdad.


  • The Armored Mawdad was the first boss for Pikmin 3 to have its name announced.
  • Its name comes from the words "Maw" reffering to its gaping mouth, and "crawdad" a name for the realword Crayfish, which it somewhat resembles.
  • The Armored Mawdad has a considerably low amount of health; most likely a boss found very early in the game.



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