Lapis Lazuli Candypop Bud

Revision as of 12:24, December 23, 2009 by Snakeboss14 (talk | contribs) (CIA)
Lapis Lazuli Candypop Bud
Appears in N/A
Scientific name Flora cobaltium
Family Candypop
Areas The Distant Spring, The Final Trial
Attacks N/A

Lapis Lazuli Candypop Buds are blue Candypop Buds found in both Pikmin games. When non-blue Pikmin are thrown in, they will change into blue Pikmin. If Blue Pikmin are thrown in, they will be reverted to leaf stages, and don't count against the 5 Pikmin limit per Candypop Bud. It is named after a rare sapphire colored mineral called Lapis Lazuli. Finding them can generally be taken as an indication that one or more bodies of water is found nearby or ahead.

