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Water Dumple/Locations

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The following is a list of locations where Water Dumples can be found.



  • The Distant Spring
    • There are ten Water Dumples in this area. Seven Water Dumples can be found towards the south of the map, in the large body of water south of where the Smoky Progg egg is located. They are in two groups of two and a trio along the edges of the small patch of land leading to the aforementioned egg. The final three Water Dumples are located towards the north of the map, in the body of water adjacent to the Yellow and Blue Candypop Buds. They will be on the western side of the square-shaped platform the Yellow Candypop Bud is on.

Pikmin 2[edit]


  • Valley of Repose
    • There are five Water Dumples in this area, and they are all located in the area's northern section - behind the half-submerged white bramble gate. Two Water Dumples can be found in the small strip of water underneath the stick bridge. They will be to the west of the bridge. The other three Water Dumples can be found in the small body of water towards the west with the two small pieces of land sticking out. This is where the Fiery Bulblax holding the Temporal Mechanism is discovered.
  • Perplexing Pool
    • There are seven Water Dumples in this area. Three Water Dumples are located down the slope and east from the landing site, just before the black bramble gate. Two more Water Dumples can be found in the body of water south of the landing site, locked by that black bramble gate, where the Onion Replica is discovered. The final two Water Dumples are located in the large body of water towards the north, near the Submerged Castle. They can both be found in front of the seesaw blocks.


Challenge Mode[edit]

2-Player Battle[edit]

Pikmin 3[edit]


  • Distant Tundra
    • There are four Water Dumples in this area, and they all appear in the area's main segment. Three Water Dumples are located towards the west of the landing site, in the body of water west of the icy slide and near the dirt wall and bamboo gate. The fourth Water Dumple is located in the same body of water, but more eastern, with it being closer to the double fragment bridge and east of the icy slide.
  • Twilight River
    • There are five Water Dumples in this area. Three Water Dumples appear inside of the cave (in the main segment) the Juicy Gaggle is discovered. The three of them are in the shallow part of the water body, close to the electrode. The other two Water Dumples are located in the part of the river south of the landing site. One is close to the slope leading to the Dusk Pustules, and the other is close to the stationary lily pad at the section the Winged Onion is discovered.

Side Stories[edit]

Olimar's Assignment[edit]

  • Inside Forest
    • There are three Water Dumples in this story's area. Two Water Dumples can be found in the stretch of water towards the north, with them being in the western part of the water. They each drop a single Juicy Gaggle. The other Water Dumple is located in the small water body towards the south, alongside a pile of 20 Gold Nuggets and a Cupid's Grenade.
  • Tundra
    • There is one Water Dumple in this story's area, and it can be found directly north of the SPERO, in the river and east of the Golden Sunseed.

Mission Mode[edit]

Collect Treasure![edit]

  • Silver Lake
    • There is one Water Dumple in this stage, and it is located in the large body of water west of the SPERO, blocked off by a dirt wall. It holds a Golden Grenade.
  • Forgotten Cove
    • There are two Water Dumples in this stage, and they are both found in the southeastern body of water alongside a Dapper Blob. This body of water is next to a slope leading to a Burgeoning Spiderwort.

Battle Enemies![edit]

  • Silver Lake
    • There are six Water Dumples in this stage. Three Water Dumples are located in the alcove full of water towards the north, west of the Winged Onion. The other three Water Dumples can be found along the dried patch of land slightly northeast from the Blue Onion, adjacent to the pile of blue bridge fragments and the Arctic Cannon Larva.
  • Thirsty Desert
    • There are two Water Dumples in this stage, and they are both located in the thin stretch of water east of the Blue Onion, where Captain Charlie starts. They will be at either end of the water body.

Bingo Battle[edit]

  • Stagnant Sea
    • There are four Water Dumples in layout B. The first two Dumples can be found in the body of water around the rubber boot, specifically the boot adjacent to the Red Marble. The second two Dumples are located in the body of water around the other rubber cute, the boot near the Blue Marble.

Pikmin 4[edit]


  • Serene Shores
    • There are five Water Dumples in this area. The first Water Dumple can be found in the small body of water north of the default landing site, alongside two Skeeterskate and the Dandori Battle cave entrance. The second Water Dumple is located directly east in the section behind the dirt wall. It will be in the northernmost pond of water, leading to the pile of raw materials. The other three Water Dumples are located in the segment north, just beyond the potted plant. Two Water Dumples will be in the small water body the Orbital Communication Sphere is discovered. The final Water Dumple can be found at the bottom of the slope leading to the Lamp of Inspiration just north of the previous water body.


  • Sightless Passage
    • There are two Water Dumples on the cave's only sublevel. The first Water Dumple is located down the path south from the S.S. Beagle and the second can be found east, adjacent to the breakable pots and Masterpiece Plank.
  • The Mud Pit
    • There are four Water Dumples on sublevel 2, and they are all located towards the north of the sublevel. Two Water Dumples are located next to the alternate base and the clay bridge. The other two Water Dumples are located directly east from the alternate base, with one being in the thin layer of mud and the other being on the small patch of land with the singular breakable pot.

Dandori Challenges[edit]

Dandori Battles[edit]

Night expeditions[edit]

  • Serene Shores
    • Blossoming Dunes
      • There are eighteen Water Dumples in the Blossoming Dunes expedition. Three Water Dumples can be found north of the Lumiknoll, with one being in the small water body and the two being on land. A fourth Water Dumple can also be found north of the Lumiknoll, but instead being slightly more west - west of the base and the Tricknoll alongside a Puffy Blowhog. A line of three Water Dumples are located further north, in the section just past the potted plant leading to the Subzero Sauna. An additional two more Water Dumples can be found slightly east of the previous three Water Dumples, with them being near the clay bridge and the slope leading to the Giant's Fossil. Six Water Dumples can be found near the Water's Edge base in a line from the clay bridge. Two of these six Water Dumples will be in the small pond of water next to the tipped-over bucket the Mock Bottom is discovered. The final three Water Dumples are located on the sandcastle, up the slope south from the easternmost Tricknoll. One of the three Water Dumples is found at the end of the second slope facing north, just past the two Shearwigs. Another is located close to the bucket-shaped sand mound the Stellar Extrusion is discovered. The last can be found down the smooth path south, where the large nectar egg is in the day.
    • Water's Edge
      • There are eight Water Dumples in the Water's Edge expedition. Three Water Dumples are located near the Blossoming Dunes base, west of the clay bridge and south of the potted plant. Five Water Dumples can be found on the sandcastle, with two being at the top of the first slope (east of the default base) where the Emperor Whistle is discovered, and the other three are at the top of the second slope.
    • The Sand Keep
      • There are thirty-six Water Dumples in The Sand Keep expedition. Six Water Dumples are located down the slope south of the Lumiknoll, leading to the Below-Grade Discotheque. Three Water Dumples can be found in the area full of blue tarpaulin east of the Lumiknoll, accessed by the climbing wall. An additional three Water Dumples are located down the slopes on the sandcastle west of the Lumiknoll, in the area the Emperor Whistle is discovered. Six more Water Dumples can be found surrounding the Blossoming Dunes base, with one being in the small patch of water. Three Water Dumples are located surrounding the slightly raised platform near the Water's Edge base; near the Pearly Clamclamp holding the Ring-of-Return Shield is discovered. Six Water Dumples can be found in a curved line south from the previous three, emerging from the large water body where the Zest Bomb and Dawn Pustules are discovered. Up the slope slightly south are three more Water Dumples. Six Water Dumples can be found near the Seafloor Resort cave entrance, with three being on the platform the cave entrance is on and the other three being below on the land.