This article or section needs to be cleaned up, either its format or general style. |
Because of the release of the second game on the Wii, some texts had experienced changes, sometimes very small and sometimes much more noticeable. So, the following is a list of in-game text differences between the original GameCube release of Pikmin 2, and the Wii release of the game, New Play Control! Pikmin 2.
Besides the following, some minor differences also exist in the form of text control codes, controller icon corrections, and console-specific saved game management terms.
US script and European script
Description | GameCube | Wii |
“Analysis suggests subterranean areas may support different life-forms than the surface.” | “Analysis suggests danger lies ahead, but the promise of treasure is tantalizing.” | |
“do. Excellent! Then approach the” | “do. Excellent! Don't worry, all your Pikmin will follow you. Approach the” | |
“You are failing in your duty as a superior! Allow me to explain...” | “You are failing in your duty as a superior! Allow me to explain.” | |
“Use to issue orders and objectives to the group. is useful for swarming Pikmin around treasure and enemies, or making them march in a line!” | “Point at the screen and press Down on to issue orders. Press Down on to swarm Pikmin on treasure and enemies or make them march in a line!” | |
“press Down on to spray this extract on your entire group.” | “press to spray this extract on your entire group. Have you tried it yet?” | |
“press Up on to spray.” | “press to spray. Have you tried it yet?” | |
“You must help them, quickly! Press to call them with your whistle, Captain Olimar!” | “You must help them! Point at the screen and press to call them with your whistle!” | |
“After grabbing a Pikmin by holding , you can press Left or Right on to swap it for another color.” | “First, press and hold to pick up a Pikmin. Then, while you hold , press to swap between different colored Pikmin.” | |
“Be sure to hold occasionally for a close-up view of the action.” | “Press Left or Right on for a close-up view of the action.” | |
“species in within the dweevil” | “species within the dweevil” | |
“Grand Total:” | “Debt Payoff:” | |
“Treasures:” | “All Treasures:” |
US script only
Description | GameCube | Wii |
“Rocket Punch in my junk hold!” | “Rocket Fist in my junk hold!” | |
“Press START/PAUSE to contact me and access the Explorer Kit on the radar screen with .” | “Press to contact me and go to the Exploration Kit on the radar screen by pressing Left on .” | |
“Press START/PAUSE to contact me and confirm your berry count. Look at (...) on the radar screen.” | “Press to contact me, and confirm your berry county by pressing Left on .” | |
“...I suppose young people like” | “... I suppose young people like” | |
“debt, but I find myself returning” | “debts, but I find myself returning” | |
“of the ship's onboard snacks.” | “of the ship's on-board snacks.” | |
“Press to pick up and hold” | “Hold to pick up and hold” | |
“trust. But I refuse to believe” | “trust. But, I refuse to believe” | |
“out. The purpose of this piece of art is to help us all envision our final moment of flaming glory.” | “out.The purpose of this piece of art is to help us all envision our final moment of flaming glory.” | |
“playing tricks on me. But” | “playing tricks on me. But,” | |
“Whoa... Suddenly, this all” | “Woah... Suddenly, this all” | |
“once used by a monstrous” | “once used by a monsterous” | |
“I've tasted this, yet it has a” | “I've tasted this, but it has a” | |
“all along?! No...that's craziness! Although...he does insist now” | “all along?! No... that's craziness! Although... he does insist now” | |
“"proper title," the King of Bugs.” | “"proper title", the King of Bugs.” | |
“alright. It will...right?” | “alright. It will, right?” | |
“say. But it might be because” | “say. But, it might be because” | |
“Just looking at this sealed container makes me want to open it up! But opening it will decrease its value on the alien antiquities market. Maybe I'll just use my imaginary can opener and pretend to open it instead.” | “When I see a closed container, I cannot help myself, I feel like I must open it and see what's inside. But when opening it, it could lose it's value. I guess I'll just have to use my imagination.” | |
“beat it down. ...I dream about that all the time...” | “beat it down. I dream about that the time...” | |
“pay off the company's debt.” | “pay off the company's debts.” | |
“will entrance all puzzle lovers!” | “will entrance all puzzle-lovers!” | |
“misperception? Either way, you should buy it!” | “misperception? Either way, you should buy it.” | |
“You can use to issue objectives to your Pikmin squad and even direct their movement.” | “You can press Down on to issue objectives to your Pikmin squad and direct their movement.” | |
“Press to move the camera behind you, to zoom, and to change angles.” | “Press to move the camera behind you. You can also press Left or Right on to zoom and Up on to change angles.” | |
“The two types are sleeping well,” | “The two types are sleeping well” | |
“Hold to grab a Pikmin and release to throw it.” | “Hold to grab a Pikmin, then point at the screen and release to throw it.” | |
All spam mail that links to was updated to | “” | “” |
European script only
Description | GameCube | Wii |
Text used in the cutscene where the ship requests more samples of Burgeoning Spiderwort berries. This change exists for both types of berry. | “Bring me another specimen.” | “Bring me some more specimens.” |
“Press START/PAUSE to contact me and access the Exploration Kit, on the radar with .” | “Press to contact me and go to the Exploration Kit on the radar screen by pressing Left on .” | |
“pressing Down on .” | “pressing . Give it a try!” | |
“Press START/PAUSE to contact and confirm your berry count. Look at (...) on the radar screen.” | “Press to contact me, and confirm your berry count by pressing Left on .” | |
“You'll toss just about anything in my hold! It would be nice if you cleaned occasionally!” | “You'll throw just about anything in my hold! It would be nice if you cleaned occasionally!” | |
All instances of the Activity Arouser were renamed to "Activity Booster". | “Activity Arouser” | “Activity Booster” |
Olimar's journal on the Meat Satchel. | “This wand of meat makes me inexplicably hungry.” | “This stick of meat makes me inexplicably hungry.” |
“Pikmin that had to carry it...” | “Pikmin that had to carry them...” | |
“Now that I think about it, the Pikmin that carried it looked a little dazed while they carried it.” | “Now that I think about it, the Pikmin looked a little dazed while they carried it.” | |
Olimar's journal on the Cupid's Grenade. | “What a perplexing plant... It appears to be carrying two different types of berries! They must be a rare species of fruit. Both have odd traits. One seems to be a suppressant, while the other is a stimulant. It's not easy to tell which is which. I'd better be careful with them. I should also warn Louie, or else he may try to bake these berries in a pie.” | “What a perplexing fruit... It appears to possess two curiously conflicting traits. At times, consuming it can bring forth wonderful feelings of love and affection. At other times, and affection. At other times,it can completely suppress all romantic inclinations. Its unpredictable nature means that I must be careful with it. I'll also warn Louie, or else he's liable to try baking it in a pie.” |
“exist on Hokotate. When I gaze” | “exist on Hocotate. When I gaze” | |
“On Hokotate, there is a valuable” | “On Hocotate, there is a valuable” | |
“The scale of objects found on this planet is overwhelming. I am sheer drowned in it! What if instead of for the company, I brought this back for my family, that would buy us soo much food. ...Oh, I shouldn't really think about it.” | “The sheer scale of the objects I've found on this planet never ceases to amaze me. Why, I could sink right to the bottom of this stuff! Just think how much I could save on my groceries if I brought this back for my family instead... No, I can't allow myself to think this way - I'm on a mission. I have to think of the company!” | |
“out.The purpose of this piece of art is to help us all envision our” | “out. The purpose of this piece of art is to help us all envision our” | |
“when I toss them high in the air.” | “when I throw them up in the air.” | |
“once used by a monsterous” | “once used by a monstrous” | |
“areas to exploration, where I” | “areas for exploration, where I” | |
“me. If I could just buy a lottery” | “me. If I could just buy a lottery” | |
“patching chinks in spacecraft” | “patching cracks in spacecraft” | |
“vibrant sight. The other day,” | “vibrant sight. Earlier today,” | |
“be releasing stimulating pheromones. Maybe I should feed” | “inspire feelings of love and affection. Maybe I should serve” | |
“Apparently, machines can exhibit human characteristics after all.” | “Apparently, machines can have personalities after all.” | |
“Hocatate noodles every single” | “Hocotate noodles every single” | |
“at cooking once before.. but” | “at cooking once before... but” | |
“could lose it's value. I guess I'll” | “could lose its value. I guess I'll” | |
“broken, this is a very reveiling” | “broken. This is a very revealing” | |
“it's contents.” | “its contents.” | |
“This cute colour arrangement is” | “This cute color arrangement is” | |
“people from Hocotate, with it`s” | “people from Hocotate, with its” | |
“effortlessly sheer through the” | “effortlessly shear through the” | |
“on any girth.” | “on any weight.” | |
“Put this on your spouse and you” | “Put this on somebody and you” | |
“A must-have item for couples who like to hide things.” | “A must-have item for people with something to hide.” | |
“You, a connaisseur of true” | “You, a connoisseur of true” | |
“have nothing to hide: A personal” | “have nothing to hide: a personal” | |
“You can use to issue objectives to your Pikmin squad and even direct their movement.” | “You can use to throw a Pikmin and issue orders to it. Press to call it back to you.” | |
“Press to move the camera behind you, to zoom, and to change angles.” | “Press to move the camera behind you. You can also press Left or Right on to zoom, and Up on to change angles.” | |
“We must celebrate your first successful spelunking expedition!” | “We must celebrate the success of your spelunking expedition!” | |
“moldlike botanical entity has” | “mold-like botanical entity has” | |
“The yellow Pikmin have climbed down the tree and are staring” | “A yellow Pikmin has climbed down the tree and is staring” | |
“Transforming Pikmin by tossing” | “Transforming Pikmin by throwing” | |
“Good morning! It should please” | “Greetings! It should please” | |
“Good morning! The white Pikmin are lodged with the purple ones in my hull. The two types are sleeping well, and do not quarrel. I have made them most comfortable.” | “The white Pikmin are safely lodged in my hull. It provides most comfortable quarters for white and purple Pikmin alike.” | |
“press Up on to spray.” | “press to spray. Have you tried it yet?” | |
“Approach the hole and press to jump in!” | “Separated Pikmin will head to the Onion. Approach the hole and press to jump in!” | |
“be tossed into the flower...” | “be thrown into the flower...” | |
“tossed into the flower.” | “thrown into the flower.” | |
“Hold to grab a Pikmin and release to throw it.” | “Hold to grab a Pikmin, then point at the screen and release to throw it.” | |
“reflects my current "thinking."” | “reflects my current "thinking".” | |
“after me, son, and you'll go places. Persevere!” | “on me, son, and you'll go places. Persevere!” | |
“Wollywog” | “Wollyhop” | |
“Wogpole” | “Wolpole” | |
“You've collected the Frigid Series!” | “You've collected the Frozen Series!” | |
“Plump specimens are best spit-roasted whole, stuffed with a lime and a slab of bacon.” | “Plump specimens are best roasted whole, stuffed with a lime and a slab of bacon.” | |
“jelly can be sculptured into all” | “jelly can be sculpted into all” | |
“this fluid floater can be” | “this fine delicacy can be” | |
“chunks and toss them generously” | “chunks and sprinkle generously” | |
“and tangy flavor. Try tossing a few in a pan along with your choice of meat and fresh” | “and tangy flavor. Try throwing a few in a pan along with your choice of meat and fresh” | |
“Or if you're feeling especially saucy, stuff a bird” | “Or if you really want to dine in style, stuff the bird” | |
“deep-fried in an herb and bread-” | “deep-fried in a herb and bread-” | |
“garish color pattern, with deep” | “garish color pattern, with a deep” | |
“Pansarus pseudoculii russus” | “Pansarus pseudooculii russus” | |
“thus is dependent upon its parent for guarding direction.” | “thus is dependent on its parent for direction when guarding.” | |
“And it is the only variant of its” | “It is also the only variant of its” | |
Olimar's notes on the Crimson Candypop Bud, Golden Candypop Bud, and Lapis Lazuli Candypop Bud. | “tossed into the bosom of this” | “thrown into the bosom of this” |
Olimar's notes on the Violet Candypop Bud and Ivory Candypop Bud. | “of geographic region. Tossing” | “of geographic region. Throwing” |
Olimar's notes on the Violet Candypop Bud. | “the Pikmin tossed in. This” | “the Pikmin thrown in. This” |
Olimar's notes on the Ivory Candypop Bud. | “tossed in. In many cases, plants” | “thrown in. In many cases, plants” |
“"mimic," but because it is actually” | “"mimic", but because it is actually” | |
“reach maturity so quickly and” | “reach maturity so quickly, and” | |
“natural nutrients in the soil” | “natural nutrients in the soil,” | |
“striking resemblence to the” | “striking resemblance to the” | |
“There, he was aided by indigenous creatures which he” | “There, he was aided by indigenous creatures, which he” | |
Text used in 2-Player Battle loading screen tips. | “An advisory:” | “Advisory Note:” |
“Boulders drop” | “Boulder drops” | |
“Hurry up!!” | “Hurry up!!!” | |
“Olimar is Down!” | “Olimar is down!” | |
“Louie is Down!” | “Louie is down!” | |
“President Down!” | “President is down!” | |
“Results Prior to Repaying Debt” | “Results up to Debt Repayment” | |
“You've repaid the entire debt!” | “YOU'VE REPAID THE ENTIRE DEBT!” | |
“You've collected every treasure!” | “YOU'VE COLLECTED EVERY TREASURE!” | |
“50% of debt recovered!” | “50% OF DEBT RECOVERED!” | |
“Last Save” | “Previous Save” |