Minor characters

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Minor Characters are characters mentioned in the Pikmin franchise, but are never seen exploring PNF-404. Some of these characters include Auntie Bea and Louie's Grandmother. As such, most minor characters are never revealed to have a specific name. 

Olimar's Family

Olimar's family consists of his wife, his son, his daughter, and his pet, Bulbie. Since Olimar works for Hocotate Freight, it seems he gets little time to spend with his family. In Pikmin 3, he adresses this by stating that he will take his whole family on a vacation when he gets home. It is also seen that Olimar's family has no knowledge of money, becuase they spend Olimar's bonuses on things like trips to the hot springs, and his son states that he should send in a Bonus check for a offer in a SPAM email. 

Olimar's Wife

Template:Infobox leader On Planet Hocotate, Olimar is married and has 2 kids. Olimar's wife is a woman who cares much about her kids. When Olimar's special bonuses arrives at his house, she often uses the money to buy her kids what they have been wanting. However, it seems that money can make the best of her. Whenever the bonuses come in, she seems to get stricter on her kids, and might be lacking in common sense, as Olimar's son states that she wants to send Bulbie to the circus. It is stated that she goes to beaches and theaters all day until the kids come home. After she wastes money buying lottery tickets, she realizes the mistake she made, and loosens back up into her former self. After time has passed, she pleads for Olimar to come home (very lovingly), telling that there is PikPik carrot soup waiting. According to Olimar's Entries in Pikmin 3, he seems to trust her more than Louie.


Olimar's Son

Template:Infobox leader Olimar's Son is a standard kid. He seems to be fascinated by his father's adventures, and seems to envy him. He enjoys games more than studying, in contrast to Olimar's daughter. Judging by some of his mail, he must be in his teenager years. He always yearns for his father to come home. He doesn't like it when his mother becomes strict because of the bonuses, and tells his father to come home to fix the mess. He seems to be easily won over, as he asks if he should send in Olimar's bonus check for a SPAM email.

Olimar's Daughter

Template:Infobox leader Olimar's Daughter is seen only wearing a pink suit with a hood of sorts, and has little personality. In her e-mails she sends in Pikmin 2, she discusses briefly how she is being pressured to become a proper lady, and asks Olimar what she should do. She also speaks about how Olimar's Wife has changed during the absence of her husband. She attends some school on Hocotate, based on the fact that her mother gets strict about her writing and studying. 


Bulbie is Olimar's pet. He is most likely the Hocotatian form of a dog. He is briefly mentioned in Pikmin, and is described to physically resemble a Bulborb in Pikmin 2. According to Olimar's Son, he gets thin after Olimar's Wife forgets to feed him, and he later eats many Pikpik Carrots. It is also mentioned that Olimar's Wife threatens to send Bulbie away to the circus.

Louie's Family

Three members of Louie's family are alluded to in Pikmin 2: his father, his aunt, and his grandmother. Only his gandmother speaks at all through mail, and none of them have nearly as much development as the members of Olimar's family. All of them, however, seem to be quite fond of bugs.

Louie's Grandmother

Template:Infobox leader Louie's grandmother shows a lot of love for Louie, as well as a lot of concern as he is missing for part of Pikmin 2. In her mail, she describes fond memories of Louie as a boy and how bugs loved him. She also talks about how Louie loved to eat bugs and Pikpik carrots, and she apparently sends preserved bug food with her mail, though it is never actually seen. After all the treasures in the game have been collected, Louie's grandmother sends one final message, in which she shows her pride in how Louie has become an "extraordinary man".

Though it is never mentioned in-game that Louie's grandmother is his grandma, in the game's files the icon for her mails show the file name of luibaba, "baba" meaning grandmother, and "lui" possibly referring to Louie.

Louie's Father

Louie's father has no personality and is mentioned only briefly in an e-mail from Louie's grandmother:

"Louie, I heard that you completed your task! Congratulations! My little Louie has become an extraordinary man! How about visiting your dad? I've got bug juice!"

From this, it can at least be assumed that Louie's father is the son of his grandmother.

Louie's Aunt

Louie's Aunt is only briefly mentioned by The President, who refers to her as Louie's "aunty". She is mentioned to have sent some cookies to The President, but no other notes are made of her.

"Louie, your auntie sent me some cookies. Now, I only meant to taste on, but... then I ate them all. Sorry. To make up for it, I shall officially make you a Cookie Specialist."

The President's Family

Template:Infobox leaderThe President has only one known member of his Family, his wife. 

The President's Wife

The President's Wife is quite a sassy woman. She reveals to constantly be yelling at her husband for loafing around. In her mail, she reveals to be the "real boss" of Hocotate Freight, and sends the President mail stating that his report is wrong. It seems that the Ship is reporting her a report at the end of every day, and knows that his wife is the real boss. Once all the treasures are retrived, she thanks him and says she "sees him a new light". This infers that she is very important about work. 

Alph's Family

Alph has only one important member of his family: his grandfather, Drake. Alph talks about him sometimes while aboard the S.S. Drake. He also has many siblings. 


Very little is known about Drake. All that is known about him is that he degisned the S.S. Drake. Other than that, it is said that Alph spent a lot of time with his grandfather as a child. As a result, he looks up to Drake as a role model. 

Alph's Siblings 

Alph also has 12 older brothers, one older sister, and one younger brother. None of these are significant in any way, and Alph doesn't talk about them much, either. 

Brittany's Family

Brittany also has only one known member of her family, who is Auntie Bea. 

Auntie Bea

Auntie Bea is Brittany's aunt. She is known for her famous fruit pastries on Koppai. Auntie Bea's hair is similar to the color of the Dusk Pustules. The game states this as a 'rebellious streak', possibly saying most Koppaites don't have that color of hair. Auntie Bea's nose is similar in shape to the Tremendous Sniffer, and she is the envy of the family because of her nose. She treated Brittany with lots of love, giving her sweets and such, and Brittany likes her because of it.  

Charlie's Family

None of Charlie's blood relatives are ever mentioned, but he does have a dog. Alph mentions that he's not sure if Charlie is married or not, so he could have a wife.

Charlie's Dog

Brittany mentions that Charlie has a pet dog when she takes notes on the Dawn Pustules. Charlie apparently painted his dog to match his favorite color -- the shade of green seen on his spacesuit. Unlike with Bulbie, this pet is directly stated to be a dog, so Koppai must have animal species similar to those of Earth, at least in theory. 


An example of a spam icon from the mail.

There are five characters in Pikmin 2 that send spam e-mails after the debt has been repaid. The icons for these characters are all shady, leaving their appearances mostly unkown. They all attempt to advesrtise one thing or another and include the address of either pikmin.com or nintendo.com at the bottom of their messages.

Spam 1

The first spam message the player will recieve is from a person who is apparently very lonely and wants a friend to listen to their troubles. Based on the shady outline, this character is probably female.

Spam 2

The second spam messge is from someone talking about saving tons of pokoks through bargains and cut-rate prices. Olimar's Son also mentions that he recieved a similar message, and asks Olimar if he should send his bonus check.

Spam 3

The third spam message is recieved after Louie has been recovered. The sender talks about some device that accordingly "slices... dices... plays videogames... sends mail... wraps gifts" and "cures snoring".

Spam 4

The fourth spam message talks about changing jobs, and finding "the new you". It advertises an unseen company known as Hocotate Whiz.

Spam 5

The fifth and final spam message is recieved after all the treasures have been collected. It advertises music. It speaks of "Pikpik's greatest hits", implying that there is a band on Hocotate by the name of Pikpik.