User:2 B/Pikmin Garden reports

Note: I do not speak Japanese. The translations below were mostly done with a combination of machine translation and checking each word and sentence with the help of the Jisho dictionary, and I suppose some pattern recognition.

#01 謎の惑星 PNF-404 (Mysterious Planet, PNF-404)



TOPIC 1 未知なる惑星の発見



(Image text:

  • キャプテン・オリマー氏
  • 食料難解決のためにPNF-404に向かった乗組員
    • アルフ氏
    • ブリトニー氏
    • キャプテン・チャーリー氏
  • オリマー氏を救助するために向かったチーム)



TOPIC 2 惑星の環境について



(Image text:

  • 豊富な水源
  • 巨大な樹木
  • 雪で覆われた大地)

TOPIC 3 文明の痕跡











A certain shipwreck has led to the discovery of an unknown planet for the first time in centuries. This blue planet, blessed with abundant water sources, is said to have a variety of ecosystems and traces of civilization... Let us begin with a detailed report on this mysterious planet.

TOPIC 1 — Discovery of an Unknown Planet

Captain Olimar, a well-known veteran astronaut on Hocotate, was on the way to his vacation when he hit by a meteor that suddenly came flying. This planet was discovered when he crashed on it as if he was drawn in.

Not long after that accident, the planet was discovered by an unmanned scout vessel released as part of a food resource survey conducted by Koppai.

(Image text:

  • "Captain Olimar"
  • "Crew headed to PNF-404 to solve food crisis"
    • "Mr. Alph"
    • "Ms. Brittany"
    • "Captain Charlie"
  • "Team headed to rescue Mr. Olimar")

Is it a coincidence, or...?

Strangely enough, following Mr. Olimar's shipwreck, the team that was headed to rescue him and the search team (Captain Charlie's group of three) that came in search of food also had an accident and became stranded just before they were ready to land on the planet... The causal relationship between these accidents and the planet is still unclear, but I will try to summarize it in a report someday.

TOPIC 2 — About the Planet's Environment

70% of the surface is covered by water, most of which is salt water. The tilt of the planet's axis relative to its orbital plane generates winds that circulate the atmosphere, maintaining a temperate climate, and seasons can be observed in the mid-latitude regions.

It has one large moon, and the tides generated by it are thought to have formed diverse ecosystems.

(Image text:

  • "Abundant water sources"
  • "Huge trees"
  • "Snow-covered lands")

TOPIC 3 — Traces of Civilization

Many structures and man-made objects have been identified on this planet that appear to be the legacy of a civilization that existed in the past. Let us introduce some of them.

Ancient arcade

A huge structure with metal pillars and a wooden roof. In ancient times, markets and the like may have been held under this roof, making the place lively and bustling with activity.

Chalk tower

It is thought that the overwhelming white grandeur served as a symbol of people's faith, and a number of mysterious devices that may have been used in festivals at that time have been left behind.

Inside the huge structure

Traces of advanced civilization can be recognized, such as the ruins of a castle inside the structure. This may have been the final resting place of the once prosperous royal family of this planet.

Then, there are also unknown creatures...?

A variety of natural environments and traces of civilization. It turns out that this planet is filled with more mysteries than we can imagine. In the next report, we will introduce the mysterious creatures that Mr. Olimar actually encountered for the first time.

#02 奇妙な生き物ピクミン (Strange Creatures, Pikmin)



TOPIC 1 ピクミンとは?




動物 二足歩行で行動することができ、落ちているものを運ぶ習性がある。

植物 タネが地面から芽吹いてピクミンが生まれ、頭の葉っぱが成長するとつぼみや花になる。


(Image text: 植物学者ブリトニー)


COLUMN ニンジンそっくり?


TOPIC 2 リーダーとの共生関係

(Image text:

  • ピクミン
  • 乗組員(リーダー))





リーダーのメリット たくさんのピクミンがいれば、重いものを運んだり、行く手をはばむ原生生物を倒すこともできるだろう。

ピクミンのメリット 有能なリーダーを得たピクミンは、爆発的にその数を増やして、この星で最強の生物となることができるのだ。

TOPIC 3 野生のピクミン




変な種類の報告も…… 他にもこのような目撃情報もある。

(Image text:

  • ピクミン?; キノコ?; チャッピー?)




First of all, please take a look at this one photo. In our previous report, we described the planet "PNF-404", and this time we will report on the strange creatures that Captain Olimar encountered when he was stranded on the planet.

TOPIC 1 — What are Pikmin?

Compared to other creatures on the planet, Pikmin are highly intelligent and extremely friendly. Although they do not understand language, it is apparently possible to give them instructions by throwing them or blowing a whistle. They are also social and often act in groups, probably because it is difficult for any one individual to survive on this harsh planet alone.

Slightly smaller than we are, their bodies look like a human or a gourd, but the most striking difference is the plant-like growths on the ends of their heads.

Half-animal, half-plant creatures

Animals — They are able to walk on two legs and have the habit of carrying fallen objects.

Plants — Pikmin are born when seeds sprout from the ground, and the leaves on their heads grow into buds and flowers.

They are plants, but they cannot stand water?

(Image text: "Botanist Brittany")

Most Pikmin seem unable to adapt to water. According to experts, "Pikmin evolved from plant roots and, like terrestrial root vegetables, when submerged in water they cannot breathe through their skin and drown."

COLUMN — They look just like carrots?

The name "Pikmin" comes from their resemblance to the "Pikpik Carrot", a specialty of Hocotate. The "golden Pikpik Carrot", a luxury food item, is a vegetable that everyone longs to try at least once.

TOPIC 2 — Symbiotic Relationship with Leaders

(Image text:

  • "Pikmin"
  • "Crew member (leader)")

What is a symbiotic relationship?

Symbiosis is when different organisms operate in the same place while having a mutual relationship with each other. It is said that not always do both organisms benefit, but sometimes only one benefits unilaterally. What about Pikmin?

Leaders and Pikmin, the benefits for each

Benefits for leaders — If there are many Pikmin, they will be able to carry heavy things and defeat the creatures that block the way.

Benefits for Pikmin — Pikmin with a competent leader can explosively increase their numbers and become the most powerful creatures on the planet.

TOPIC 3 — Wild Pikmin

Sighted by the crew! Wild Pikmin

It seems that some Pikmin, which have not been able to establish a good symbiotic relationship and whose numbers have dwindled, or which have strayed from the group, have gone into the wild and shifted their activities underground.

Some very rare types of Pikmin may even be extinct in the wild and can only be born by throwing Pikmin into flowers called "Candypop Buds".

There are also reports of strange types...

Furthermore, there are also reports of sightings like these.

(Image text: "Pikmin?"; "Mushroom?"; "Bulborb?")

It seems that there are some types that no longer appear to be Pikmin.

Not only do Pikmin increase their numbers through symbiosis with their leader, but apparently even the mechanism by which they are born is also obtained through symbiosis. Pikmin increase in number by giving nourishment to what is known as an "Onion", which can be considered their nest or incubator, causing it to produce seeds. However, although Onions are a close species to Pikmin, they are in fact completely different creatures... Next time, we will report on these "Onions".

#03 謎の物体オニヨン (Mysterious Objects, Onions)


一見すると植物の実のようでもある謎の物体「オニヨン」。 この物体に遭遇した乗組員たちからの聞き取り調査をもとに、これまでにわかった情報をレポートしていこう。

TOPIC 1 第一発見者の証言

(Image text: 第一発見者のキャプテン・オリマー)


(Image text: オニヨンと初めて遭遇した際の貴重な映像)

TOPIC 2 母体なのか?それとも乗り物なのか?



(Image text:

  • ペレット草
  • ペレットを運ぶと...... タネを吐き出し...... ピクミンを生み出す)

MEMO 地上のピクミンが一定の数を超えると、オニヨンの中で増えるようになる。どうやら、一度に活動する数を抑えて、全滅を防ごうとしているようだ。



(Image text: 獲物を分解した際に発生するバイオエタノール燃料と、花のようなプロペラを用いて飛行する。)



TOPIC 3 たくさんの種類




(Image text: 色ごとに自立しているオニヨン)

発見したオリマー氏 あの模様にはいったいどんな意味が……?

(Image text: 合体してまだら模様になるオニヨン)

発見したアルフ氏 どういうメカニズムなんだろう……?一度、中をのぞいてみたいな。

(Image text: 埋まっているオニヨン)

発見した宇宙犬のオッチン氏 ワンッ!(おいしそう……)





At first glance, the mysterious object "Onion" looks like the fruit of a plant. Based on interviews with crew members who have encountered this object, we will report on the information learned so far.

TOPIC 1 — First Discoverer's Testimony

(Image text: "Captain Olimar, the first discoverer")

According to Mr. Olimar, the first discoverer, he found it by chance, buried very close to his spaceship, shortly after he shipwrecked on the planet. As if it had been waiting for him, its legs grew long and it stood up, sprouting a single seed. This sprout was a Pikmin. He named this strange object the "Onion" after its resemblance to the onions of his home planet of Hocotate.

(Image text: "Rare footage of the first encounter with the Onion")

TOPIC 2 An Incubator? Or a Vehicle?

As an incubator of Pikmin

Using fruits called pellets and fallen creatures as nutrients, the Onions sprout out Pikmin seeds of the same color as themselves. They are responsible for increasing the number of Pikmin by greedily taking in a wide variety of things.

(Image text:

  • "Pellet Posy"
  • "When a pellet is carried... it spits out a seed... producing a Pikmin")

Note — When the number of Pikmin on the ground exceeds a certain number, they begin to multiply inside the Onion. Apparently, this is an attempt to control the number of Pikmin active at one time and prevent them from being wiped out.

As a vehicle

Furthermore, the Onions seem to serve as a means of transportation for the Pikmin. At night, when creatures are active, they take off into the sky with the Pikmin aboard for refuge. They are said to have followed Olimar's spaceship.

(Image text: "They fly using a bioethanol fuel generated when breaking down prey, and flowerlike propellers.")

The relationship between the Onions and the Pikmin

The Pikmin are able to increase their numbers steadily and avoid nocturnal threats thanks to the Onions. The Onions seem to promote their own growth by having the Pikmin carry various things to them. This can be considered a kind of symbiotic relationship.

TOPIC 3 — Many Types

There are many different colored Onions on the planet, each a nest for Pikmin of the same color. Just as their namesake comes in many different types, there may be many different types of Onions depending on the location and environment in which they grow.

Sighted by the crew! Evolving Onions

(Image text: "Independent Onions for each color")

Discovered by Mr. Olimar — What does that pattern mean...?

(Image text: "Onions that combine and form a spotty pattern")

Discovered by Mr. Alph — What kind of mechanism could it be...? I would love to take a peek inside.

(Image text: "A buried Onion")

Discovered by Oatchi, the space dog — Woof! (Looks yummy...)

A relative of Pikmin?

They have the muscle fibers unique to half-animal, half-plant organisms and appear to be related in some way to Pikmin...

Pikmin have a tendency to carry things that will increase their numbers to the Onion, and the rest to the leader's spaceship. They may instinctively sense what things we need in order to strengthen our symbiotic relationship... Next time, we will report on "treasures", which, although unnecessary for Pikmin, are valuable samples for research on this planet.

#04 オタカラの神秘に迫る (Approaching the Mystery of the Treasures)



TOPIC 1 オタカラとは?


01 高価である



02 美味である



03 エネルギーを持つ



TOPIC 2 厳選、至高のオタカラ

ここでは、この惑星で見つかった数々のオタカラの中から、 厳選した至宝というべきものをいくつか紹介しよう。

(Image text: 無限の想像; 宝石イモリナイト; ライトニングスイーツ; ABCフード; フナモドキ; 大怪獣の歯(完全版))

MEMO オタカラ図鑑で回転させて「よく見る」と、未解読の古代文字などが描かれていることも。

TOPIC 3 人々の想い



(Image text:

  • オタカラ鑑定家のシュナウズ氏(「ピクミン4」より)
  • 鑑定AIを搭載したドルフィン初号機(「ピクミン2」より))


シュナウズ氏 天下一ハンサム


ドルフィン初号機 天下一ブサイク



シュナウズ氏 壊れたタイムマシン


ドルフィン初号機 こわれたタイムマシン




The "treasures" found throughout the planet all have a charm that overwhelms and captivates the beholder. Why is it that we feel nostalgia for them even though we have never seen them before...? This time, we would like to approach the mystery of the treasures.

TOPIC 1 — What are Treasures?

They are objects that are precious samples for understanding this planet and that contain Sparklium. A wide variety has been identified, including relics of ancient civilizations, giant fruits and vegetables, and unknown processed foods.

01 — They are expensive

There are many collectors

Being very rare, they have become coveted treasures for collectors from all over the universe. Many say that they should be controlled and preserved so that they are not illegally mined or traded at exorbitant prices.

02 — They are delicious

They are a good food resource

The fruits contain large amounts of Piktamin U and are highly nutritious and delicious. If the seeds could be brought back and cultivated, they would be a new food resource.

02 — They contain energy

They can even power spaceships

They contain Sparklium, which overflows from the surface in the form of sparkles. When objects of the same kind are gathered together, their vibrations resonate, generating additional energy.

TOPIC 2 — A Selection of the Most Exquisite Treasures

Here we introduce a selection of some of the greatest treasures found on this planet.

(Image text: "Unfinished Statue"; "Newtolite Shell"; "Sweet Torrent"; "Fish-Bed Snack"; "Faux Fishy"; "Monster Teeth")

Note — If you rotate and "Look Closer" in the Treasure Catalog, you may find undeciphered ancient characters and other symbols.

TOPIC 3 — People's Thoughts

One of the charms of these treasures is to think about the purposes for which they were once used by the people of this planet, and how they might be useful to us today.

When we asked an appraiser and an AI to take a look at them, and they each seemed to have their own unique views. Either one may be right or wrong, but can the truth ever...?!

(Image text:.

  • "Mr. Schnauz, a treasure appraiser (from Pikmin 4)"
  • "The Hocotate ship, equipped with an appraisal AI (from Pikmin 2)")

Treasure #1

Mr. Schnauz — Planetary Rubber Cutie

Look at those adorable features and darling proportions! This creature may be rather medium in size, but that does not mean it is a medium amount of cuteness. No! I'm quite certain it possesses enough cuteness to charm an entire planet!

Hocotate ship — Rubber Ugly

Ugliness that can destroy all beauty drives deep despair into the heart of the beholder. This hideous item is a must-have for connoisseurs of all things wretched and repellant.

Treasure #2

Mr. Schnauz — Temporal Mechanism

This piece of technology does not work, so there's no way to confirm it...but I believe in my heart of hearts that it is part of a time machine. A foolish belief, maybe. But I have faith that the future holds many great things, and this is simply a sign of what's to come!

Hocotate ship — Temporal Mechanism

Everything is destined to be "broken" someday, but this time machine can turn back one second for every second that time moves forward, marking time forever. It could "break" the notion that the flow of time is constant.

Those of you who have read this far must have fallen under the spell of the planet's treasures. Perhaps these people's thoughts are overflowing with Sparklium... Now, it seems that treasures have a unique smell, and we can search for them by relying on the noses of space dogs. Next time, we will report on space dogs.

#05 宇宙犬と人類 (Space Dogs and Humanity)


宇宙犬は人類にとって、最も身近で、最も古いつきあいの動物と言われている。この種族を超えた深い絆と信頼は、いつどこからやってきたのだろうか? 我々の知る宇宙犬と、新たに惑星で発見された新種の宇宙犬を通じて見えてきた、謎に迫っていきたい。

TOPIC 1 宇宙犬とは?

からだ 体温は人間よりも高く、犬種ごとに毛の色や長さが異なる。

あし 発達した足で二足歩行し、足底球が滑り止めとクッションになる。

はな 人類の1億倍ほどの嗅覚を持ち、さまざまなニオイをかぎ分けられる。

くち ハアハアと息をして、体温調節を行う。かむ力が強く、ものをくわえて運ぶ。



救助犬として 遭難者を探し出し、救助する。

乗りものとして カギヤ星では「宇宙犬タクシー」という仕事もあるらしい。

セラピーとして 持ち前のかわいらしさで、人の心をいやす。

MEMO 宇宙犬は過酷な環境でも活動できるとは聞いていたが、どういうわけか救助犬のオッチンは、未知の惑星であるPNF-404 の大気にもまったく問題なく適応しているようだ。

TOPIC 2 新種の宇宙犬



シェパード氏の見解 その1


シェパード氏の見解 その2


シェパード氏の見解 その3


TOPIC 3 古代の宇宙犬…?


(Image text: 古代の宇宙犬……?)


(Image text: この影はいったい……?)



Space dogs are said to be humanity's closest and oldest animal companions. When and where did this deep bond and trust that transcends species originate? We would like to explore this mystery by looking at the space dogs we know and at a new species of space dog that has been discovered on a new planet.

TOPIC 1 — What Are Space Dogs?

Body — Their body temperature is higher than that of humans, and the color and length of their fur varies from breed to breed.

Legs — They walk on two well-developed legs, and their paw pads serve to prevent slipping and provide cushioning.

Nose — With a sense of smell 100 million times greater than that of humans, they are able to detect a wide variety of smells.

Mouth — They breathe through their mouths to regulate their body temperature. They have a strong bite and can carry objects in their mouths.

Space dogs helping people

Space dogs are active in all sorts of places, including rescue operations and medical care, thanks not only to their intelligence but also to their keen sense of smell and high athletic ability.

As Rescue Pups — They search for and rescue castaways.

As vehicles — On Giya, there is a job called "space dog taxi".

As therapy — They soothe people's hearts with their innate cuteness.

Note — We have heard that space dogs can operate in harsh environments, but for some reason, the Rescue Pup Oatchi seems to have adapted to the atmosphere of the unknown planet PNF-404 without any problems at all.

TOPIC 2 — A New Breed of Space Dog

This is the space dog newly discovered on this planet!

We asked the captain of the Rescue Corps, Ms. Shepherd, who is a member of the Rescue Dog Preservation Society and an expert on space dogs, for her opinion.

Ms. Shepherd's opinion #1

The green fur color is very rare. By the way, the Rescue Pup Oatchi, the pride of our Rescue Corps, has beautiful yellow fur.

Ms. Shepherd's opinion #2

Many of the Rescue Pups that belonged to our Corps for generations originally had upright ears like this dog. They are as cute as Oatchi's drooping ears.

Ms. Shepherd's opinion #3

I have cherish... trained many space dogs in my life, but I have never seen a dog with a leaf tail. I have often seen fluffy tails like Oatchi's, but...

TOPIC 3 — Ancient Space Dogs...?

A huge mural has been discovered in a certain area of a planet, depicting creatures that look like space dogs. They look different from the space dogs we know, but why do they seem so familiar...?

(Image text: "Ancient space dogs...?")

There may be an unknown space dog living on this planet, unbeknownst to us...

(Image text: "What in the world is this shadow...?")

That two kinds of space dogs inhabiting distant star systems can look so much alike. And the existence of space dogs that may have once inhabited this planet. When these mysteries are solved, we may discover not only the secrets of space dogs, but also the connection between us humans and this planet...

#06 はたらく宇宙船 (Working Spaceships)



TOPIC 1 宇宙船の歴史





(Image text:

  • 航海の安全を願って天使を描くならわしがあった
  • ホコタテ運送の業績に応じて金ピカに塗装されることも)





(Image text: ご子息からプレゼントされた、自慢の装飾パーツ)




旅客機を改装して造られた大型の救助船。貨物室と居室に分かれていて、倉庫に大量の物資を積みつつ、一度に50人を救助できる広さを誇る。 燃料とキラキラエネルギーのハイブリッド機であるが、ストレスのないフライトの実現のためハイオク燃料が使用されている。

(Image text:

  • レスキュー隊のトレードマーク
  • レスキュー隊の機体背面)





(Image text: 設計者ドレイク氏のお孫さんの落書きをモチーフとしたマーク)

TOPIC 2 小型探査艇








TOPIC 3 ミステリーサークル?

(Image text: このサークルは……?)


ケース1 3つの巨大な花模様が三角形をかたどっている。真上に着陸するオニヨンの花びらとは、枚数が異なるようだ。

ケース2 同じエリアを訪れても、サークルの描かれている場所や絵柄が変化することもある。この惑星の時空が歪んでいるのだろうか……?

ケース3 コッパイ星人の調査隊が目撃したサークル。どこかの星系に属する星々と、その軌道のような多重の円が描かれている。

ケース4 近づくと色が変わる不思議な石が並べられた遺跡。地上では大小2つの円、地下では小さな円のみが描かれている。

宇宙船の着陸の目印や、探索の拠点として利用しているこのサークルは、いったい誰が何の目的で作ったのだろうか? 宇宙船が着陸して最も得をしているのは誰かと考えると、真実に近づけるのかもしれない……。次回は、小型探査艇がその身軽さゆえに行くことのできる、惑星「PNF-404」の洞窟について紹介しよう。


Today, a wide variety of spacecraft fly through space, including transport ships that carry supplies and travel across the stars, passenger ships for enjoying space travel, and scout vessels that research unknown planets. This time, we will focus on the spaceships and small research vehicles that have reached planet PNF-404.

TOPIC 1 — The History of Spaceships

Interstellar travel becomes possible

With the development of warp navigation, interaction between different planets flourishes. As a result of the success of adventure ships, it is thought that the entire universe has been explored.

Hocotate ship

Although now showing its age, this adventure ship once took part in great adventures across the universe together with Mr. and Mrs. Lu Chacho. The "research pod" at the tip can fly separately and is also equipped with a navigation and analysis AI that is indispensable for adventures.

(Image text:

  • "It was customary to paint an angel to wish for safe voyages"
  • "Sometimes painted in gold depending on the performance of Hocotate Freight")

Discovery of an unknown planet

Captain Olimar's shipwreck leads to the discovery of an unknown planet for the first time in centuries.

S.S. Dolphin

A household spaceship with a one-person cockpit and a cabin that can accommodate four people inside. It is also used in Mr. Olimar's job to transport supplies. The scratches on the armor are evidence of the many ordeals it has endured, but the crash has damaged its AI.

(Image text: "A prized decorative part that was a gift from his son")

Multiple cases of shipwrecks

The SOS signal and Voyage Log sent by Mr. Olimar cause many people to visit the planet and become stranded.

S.S. Shepherd

A large rescue ship converted from a passenger ship. It is divided into a cargo hold and living quarters, and boasts the space to rescue 50 people at a time while carrying a large amount of supplies in its warehouse. Although it operates on a hybrid of fuel and Sparklium, high-octane fuel is used to ensure a stress-free flight.

(Image text:

  • "Trademark of the Rescue Corps"
  • "Rear view of the Rescue Corps's fuselage")

Galactic date: 20XX

Due to the population increase caused by the fifth baby boom, Koppai faces a serious food crisis.

S.S. Drake

It was sent to this planet with a crew of three to research food resources (the planet was named "PNF-404" at this time). It has hard armor and was not damaged in the crash, but it also has the disadvantage of ejecting its passengers and easily losing its cosmic-drive key.

(Image text: "The symbol is based on a doodle by one of the grandchildren of the designer, Mr. Drake")

TOPIC 2 — Small Research Vehicles

Apart from spaceships, there are also small research vehicles used for different purposes. Let us introduce some of them.

Research pod

The tip of the Hocotate ship detaches and is used to explore caves. The AI it is equipped with is an older model that is emotional, noisy, and somewhat sharp-tongued.


Unmanned scout vessels released by Koppai to investigate food resources. They were sent out in large numbers, with the planet's survival at stake. It was the 713th one that discovered PNF-404.

S.S. Beagle

A small scout vessel that does not have enough engine power to escape from a planet's gravitational field, but is used to carry people and things while exploring a planet.

TOPIC 3 — Mystery Circles?

(Image text: "What do these circles...?")

Many Mystery Circles with strange patterns and Stone Circles have been found near the landing sites for spaceships and small research vehicles.

Case 1 — Three huge flower patterns form a triangle. The number of petals seems to be different from those of the Onions that land directly above.

Case 2 — Even when visiting the same area, the location and pattern of the Circles may change. Is the spacetime of this planet distorted...?

Case 3 — Circles sighted by the Koppaite task force. There are multiple circles resembling the planets of some solar system and their orbits.

Case 4 — Some ruins consisting of strange stones that change color when approached. Two circles, one large and one small, are depicted above ground, while only a small circle is depicted underground.

Who made these Circles, which are used as landmarks for spaceships to land and as bases for research, and for what purpose? Perhaps we can get closer to the truth if we consider who benefits the most from a spaceship landing... Next time, we will discuss the caves on PNF-404, which small research vehicles can reach due to their light weight.

#07 惑星の地下空間 (The Planet's Underground Space)



TOPIC 1 洞窟の特徴

特徴1 時間の流れが異なる


オリマー氏の考察 時間の遅れは、光速に近い速度で移動しているときや、巨大な重力場の近くで確認できるんだ。地下への入口から先は一種のワームホールになっていて、異なる時空につながっているのではないだろうか……?

特徴2 訪れるたびに変化する


(Image text:

  • 通路の構造が違っている……!
  • こちらもよく見てみると……!?)

ルーイ氏の考察 気にしたことない……。手に入る食材(原生生物)、同じ……。

TOPIC 2 独自の生態系






(Image text: 普段は透明な体だが、強い衝撃を与えると不透明の紫色になる)

MEMO アメニュウドウ


(Image text: 棲みかにいる原生生物は死めと体がくずれてしまう)

TOPIC 3 さまざまな環境





人工的な太陽を作ってまで、地下に移り住まなければならなかったのだろうか……? 食卓に残された食べ物や夕日のような光は、寂しさを感じさせる。



オリマー氏の考察 オタカラの製造工場じゃないだろうか。

ルーイ氏の考察 永遠に食べ続けられそう……。




透明な壁の外側をよく見ると、生物が描かれた壁画や 広大なスペースがあるようだ。外側にいる生物を、プールに浮かびながら眺める施設だったのかもしれない。


(Image text: トツゲキ笛; フレア・ガード; ヘッドランプ)


There are caves scattered all over the planet's underground. Mysterious treasures, diverse ecosystems, and mysterious experiences that have yet to be fully understood await us.

TOPIC 1 — Features of Caves

Feature 1: Time passes differently

It has been observed that when exploring a cave and returning to the surface, less time has passed than expected.

Mr. Olimar's observation — Time dilation can be observed when traveling at close to the speed of light or near a large gravitational field. Could it be that the entrance to the underground is a wormhole of sorts, leading to a different time-space...?

Feature 2: It changes every time you visit

Even if you enter the same cave, the interior's layout appears to have changed.

(Image text:.

  • "The layout of the passageways is different...!"
  • "Look closely here too...!")

Mr. Louie's observation — Never bothered me... The ingredients (creatures) available are the same...

TOPIC 2 — Unique Ecosystem

The environments in caves are different from those above ground, and a unique ecosystem has emerged.


As an adaptation to the cave environment, their bodies have become flat, making it easy for them to enter the cracks in rocks. Their bodies are white because they do not synthesize melanin, and their eyes show the red color of their blood.


There have been few sightings, and their characteristics hardly seem to be those of living creatures, leading some to suggest that they are a kind of "psychic phenomenon" or a "hallucination" created by the fear of those who have seen them. It is named after the "Umibōzu", a legendary monster said to sink ships.

(Image text: "It normally has a transparent body, but it turns an opaque purple color upon strong impact")

Note — Plasm Wraith

Like the Waterwraith, it is a mysterious life-form shaped like a person. Mr. Olimar was once held captive by the Plasm Wraith.

(Image text: "When creatures in its habitat die, their bodies collapse")

TOPIC 3 — Various Environments

Inside the caves, numerous ancient ruins and spectacular views created by Nature have been identified.

Sightless Passage

With two entrances above ground, the location of the exit is swapped depending on which hole is entered. Although it appears to be the same place, the spacetime topology seems to be slightly different.

Plunder Palace

Did they have to move underground, even to the point of creating an artificial sun...? The food left on the dining table and the light reminiscent of the setting sun make one feel lonely.

Industrial Maze

Ancient machines still run, but their power source is nowhere to be found. Maybe if we can solve this mystery, the energy problems of the universe will be resolved...

Mr. Olimar's observation — Could this be a manufacturing plant for treasures?

Mr. Louie's observation — Looks like I could eat forever...

Secluded Courtyard

The patterns on the ground are thought to be mysterious magic circles. It is likely that secret rituals were performed in the dark underground so that no one could see them.

Seafloor Resort

If you look closely at the outside of the transparent walls, you can see murals depicting animals and a large space. It may have been a facility where one could view the creatures outside while floating in the pool.

Many castaways have been found in caves. Perhaps there is something that lures them and makes them step into the depths of the underground... In the next report, we will introduce the spacesuits and equipment that enable exploration in caves and other harsh environments.

(Image text: "Charging Horn"; "Scorch Guard"; "Headlamp")

#08 宇宙服について (About Spacesuits)



TOPIC 1 各部位の機能


ヘルメット 人体に有害なガスや真空を遮断して、過酷な環境下での活動を可能にする


気圧調整ゲージ 宇宙服内の気圧・温度・湿度を管理し、快適な状態に自動調節する

スマートファブリック 繊維に生物由来の色素胞が編み込んであり、電気で色を自在に変えられる


アンビリカル 結合部 宇宙船と接続することで、バッテリーの充電と、空気や水の補給ができる


生命維持装置 宇宙服内の空気の組成を一定に保ち、着用者の生命の危機を察知すると、スリープモードを発動する

ブーツ 気密性や耐久性に優れ、真空や水中、低重力や高重力の環境でも快適に歩くことができる

ライト 宇宙服と連動した色で点灯して周囲を明るく照らし、緊急時には点滅して居場所を知らせる

アンテナ 乗組員同士で無線通信ができるほか、緊急時には救難信号を発信する

グローブ しっかりものがつかめるように握力を補助するほか、はめたままでタブレットの操作も可能





(Image text: アンチ・エレキ; フレア・ガード; サーモ・カイロ)

ブリトニー氏の見解 オシャレと機能性は相反するものよ。どっちを取るかは、永遠のテーマともいえるわね。


通信機が使えないときに備えて、ヘルメットの下部に備えつけられているこの笛の音に、どういうわけかピクミンが反応を示すようだ。 カギヤ星の科学者ラッセル氏に、さまざまな笛とその効果について話をうかがってみた。


ラッセル氏の見解 ピクミンには、特定の周波数の音に反応する性質があるのだよ。すなわち、彼らを集めたり解散させたりすることも自在ということだ。


ラッセル氏の見解 生物の生存戦略のひとつである、集団行動の欲求を刺激する笛だ。周波数を変えれば、ピクミンをトツゲキさせることもできよう。


ラッセル氏の見解 ピクミンが整列せずにはいられなくなる、音色があるようだ。我に音楽的な知見はないが、実に興味深い……。


ラッセル氏の見解 訓練された救助犬は、笛と近い周波数で遠吠えできるのだよ。 我のトツゲキ笛をマネることはさすがにできんようだがな、ククク……。

TOPIC 3 デザイン


(Image text: スタイリストのプデル氏)


ワンポイント 生命維持装置のバッテリーも、30日しかもたないみたい。惑星探索するには、ちょっと心もとないわね。


ワンポイント オタカラを見て、よだれが止まらなくなっても安心のスタイ付きよ。だけど、服に着られている感が抜け切れてないわね。


ワンポイント すっごく丈夫で軽い生地だから、誰かにぶん投げられちゃっても安心よ。だけど、断熱性が犠牲になってるのが惜しいわ。


ワンポイント 星間連盟規約上、レスキュー隊の宇宙服は上下同じ色にする決まりなの。ファッション的にはつまんないけど、救助活動時に一般人と区別するためよ。



Although space is becoming more familiar to us humans, there is no doubt that it is still a dangerous place. The planet PNF-404 is no exception, and most people would not be able to survive on it without a life-support system. This time, we will report on spacesuits and the equipment that make it possible to operate in such harsh environments.

TOPIC 1 — The Function of Each Part

Helmet — Keeps out gases harmful to the human body and vacuums to enable activities in harsh environments

Whistle — Give signals when the communicator cannot be heard, using long and short sounds and a flashing light

Air pressure control gauge — Controls air pressure, temperature, and humidity inside the spacesuit and automatically adjusts them to comfortable conditions

Smart fabric — Chromatophores of biological origin woven into the fibers, allowing the color to be changed at will with electricity

A variety of additional functions can be added with resistant undergarments (manufacturer's option)

Umbilical connection part — Allows charging the battery and replenishing air and water by connecting to the spaceship.

Life-support system — Maintains a constant air composition inside the spacesuit and activates forced-sleep mode when the wearer's life is threatened

Boots — Airtight and durable, allowing the wearer to walk comfortably in a vacuum or underwater, in low-gravity or high-gravity environments

Light — Lights up in the same color as the spacesuit, brightly illuminating the surroundings, and blinking in case of an emergency to indicate one's whereabouts

Antenna — In addition to allowing crew members to communicate with each other wirelessly, it also sends out an SOS signal in case of an emergency

Gloves — In addition to providing grip strength for gripping objects firmly, it is even possible to operate a tablet while wearing them

What is forced-sleep mode?

A function that puts the wearer into a state of artificial hibernation to allow long-term life support, and sends out an SOS signal to prepare for rescue. The helmet is fogged as a result of the freezing gas filling the spacesuit, and the smart fabric function is deactivated to reduce power consumption.

What are resistant undergarments?

In space, it is not uncommon to be exposed to scorching flames or freezing cold air. These undergarments, when worn under a spacesuit, allow the wearer to operate comfortably in any harsh environment.

(Image text: "Anti-Electrifier"; "Scorch Guard"; "Thermal Defense")

Ms. Brittany's opinion — Fashion and function are at odds with each other. Which one to choose is an eternal question.

TOPIC 2 — Whistles

For some reason, Pikmin seem to respond to the sound of the whistles attached to the undersides of helmets for use when communicators are down. We asked Mr. Russ, a scientist from Giya, about the different types of whistles and their effects.

Normal whistle

Mr. Russ's opinion — Pikmin naturally respond to sounds of a specific frequency. This means that one can gather and disband them at will.

Charging Horn

Mr. Russ's opinion — This whistle stimulates the desire for collective action, which is one of the survival strategies of living organisms. By changing the frequency, it is possible to make Pikmin charge.

Lineup Trumpet

Mr. Russ's opinion — There appears to be a timbre that compels Pikmin to line up. I have no musical knowledge, but it is very interesting...

Oatchi's howl

Mr. Russ's opinion — Trained Rescue Pups can howl at a similar frequency to that of a whistle. It seems they can't imitate my Charging Horn though, kee-hee...

TOPIC 2 — Design

Although spacesuits are a necessity for protection, their designs are unique and highly fashionable. This time, we asked universal stylist Mr. Puddle to fashion-check some spacesuits.

(Image text: "Mr. Puddle, a stylist")

An old type of suit that suffered from cost cutting. The red and blue lights on the right side of the chest are nostalgic.

One point — The life-support system battery seems to last only 30 days. This makes it a bit unreliable for planetary exploration.

An executive suit for sophisticated adults. The two large buttons on the chest add a nice accent.

One point — It comes with a bib so you don't have to worry even if you can't stop drooling when you see treasure. However, it doesn't seem to have lost the feeling of being dressed in clothes.

The latest model from space fashion "Star Bazaar". Even the gloves and life-support system are color-coordinated perfectly.

One point — The fabric is extremely durable and lightweight, so you can be thrown by someone else with no worries.

Made by "Tailor Kano", a long-established spacesuit brand. Although they have recently lost market share, Puddle likes the attention to detail, such as the use of stretchable fabric for the joints.

One point — According to the Interstellar Federation's regulations, the Rescue Corps's spacesuits must be the same color from top to bottom. It's boring from a fashion point of view, but it's to distinguish them from ordinary people during rescue operations.

In this way, the spacesuits that are so familiar to us are made with a variety of functions and preferences in mind. Still, how is it possible that Mr. Louie was able to survive on the planet for so long when the life-support system of the old suit is supposed to last for only 30 days...? We do not know why, but he is a very tough guy. Now, next time, I will introduce the castaways who were able to survive thanks to these spacesuits.

#09 人類の繁栄と起源 (Humanity's Thriving and Origins)


(Image text: ホコタテ星)


TOPIC 1 ホコタテ星人


(Image text: オリマー氏; ルーイ氏; ル・チャチョー氏)

point 01 グルメである



  • 野菜
  • 甘いもの
  • 即席めん


  • 辛いもの

point 02 身体的な特徴



point 03 オタカラに目がない


TOPIC 2 コッパイ星人


(Image text: チャーリー氏; ブリトニー氏; アルフ氏)

point 01 偏食である



  • 果物ジュース


  • 野菜

point 02 身体的な特徴



(Image text: 丸い耳; 一般的なとがった耳)

point 03 兄弟姉妹の数が多い



(Graph labels:

  • 1人っ子 ←  
  • 2–3人
  • 4–5人
  • 6–9人
  • 10人以上
  • 15人以上 ←  
  • 不明 ←  )


TOPIC 3 その他の星の人々


(Image text: パピヨン氏; バーナード氏; コリー氏; シェパード氏; ラッセル氏; ディンゴ氏)



(Image text: 宇宙犬)



(Image text: 幼なじみ)



(Image text: キャリアアップに積極的)



(Image text: ダンドリ力はピカイチ!)

TOPIC 4 共通点


共通点1 身長


共通点2 言い伝え




(Image text: "Hocotate")

In this universe, humanity is thriving in great numbers. Just the planets that are members of our Interstellar Federation are more than can be counted on two hands. Where did we come from and where are we going... A new look at the people stranded on PNF-404 raises the mystery of our origins.

TOPIC 1 — Hocotatians

The first person to discover PNF-404 was Mr. Olimar, a Hocotatian. First, let us introduce the people of his home planet.

(Image text: "Mr. Olimar"; "Mr. Louie"; "Mr. Lu Chacho")

Point 01 — They are gourmets

Their staple food is vegetables, but they cannot help eating anything that looks tasty.

Favorite foods

  • Vegetables
  • Sweets
  • Instant noodles


  • Spicy food

Point 02 — Physical features


Normally narrow, but widen when agitated


Large round nose, sensitive to the smell of food

Point 03 — They love treasures

In addition to being intellectually curious, they seem to find happiness in nostalgia, and have a deep knowledge of antiques.

TOPIC 2 — Koppaites

Due to their lack of planning, they repeatedly eat up all the fruit in their vicinity and then migrate. The population has grown as a result of five baby booms, and they have a serious food problem.

(Image text: "Mr. Charlie"; "Ms. Brittany"; "Mr. Alph")

Point 01 — They are picky eaters

Their staple food is fruit juice, and they prefer fruits that contain Piktamin U. Because of this, they do not have a well-developed culinary culture.

Favorite foods

  • Fruit juice


  • Vegetables

Point 02 — Physical features


Weak teeth and jaws make it difficult to eat hard foods.


Known for their rounded tips

(Image text: "Rounded ears"; "Typical pointy ears")

Point 03 — Large number of siblings

Baby booms occur in approximately 25-year cycles, and the birth rate increases each time.

Koppaites' numbers of siblings

(Graph labels:

  • "only children" ←  
  • "2-3"
  • "4–5"
  • "6–9"
  • "10 or more"
  • "15 or more" ←  
  • "unknown" ←  )

(Galactic date: 20XX)

TOPIC 3 — People of Other Planets

There are many other inhabited planets, actively interacting with each other. Therefore, it seems that the Rescue Corps, which is active across the universe, has people from many different planets.

(Image text: "Mr. Yonny"; "Mr. Bernard"; "Mr. Collin"; "Ms. Shepherd"; "Mr. Russ"; "Mr. Dingo")


They have long lived with space dogs, and working dogs have been active in a variety of industries. The history of Giya's Rescue Corps is long and it has been handed down for 99 generations. Today, the management and supervision of the Rescue Corps HQ is entrusted to the Interstellar Federation, leaving only the rescue operations in the field.

(Image text: "Space dog")


Since they live in the fields and mountains, they have excellent physical and survival skills. In the past, strange phenomena were often reported in a certain village on this planet, but all of them are still unsolved files of the Interstellar Federation.

(Image text: "Childhood friends")


In search of soul work, more than 90% of workers repeatedly change jobs over the course of their lives. They are said to have the temperament of migratory birds, living away from their home planet when they come of age and returning to it when they grow old.

(Image text: "Proactive in career advancement")


They have a good memory and strong Dandori skills, probably due to playing with picture cards with poems on them as part of their primary education. They are the complete opposite of the people of their sister planet "Koppai".

(Image text: "Their Dandori skills are unmatched!")

TOPIC 4 — Commonalities

It is known that, in addition to the people of the planets introduced so far, all human beings living in space, including myself, have some things in common.

Commonality 1 — Height

There is not much difference in height among the people of the planets belonging to the Interstellar Federation. The relics of PNF-404 are unusually huge, but no intelligent life that could have built them has yet been discovered.

Commonality 2 — Legend

Many legends and myths have been found, not only on Giya, that indicate that our distant ancestors came from another planet. It is said that the planet was surrounded by a lot of nature and water.

It seems that many people who have were stranded on this planet had a "nostalgic feeling" for some reason. I, too, cannot help but feel nostalgic for everything I see on this planet. Perhaps there is a secret behind it that relates to our origins... Next time, the Interstellar Federation's investigation reports on this planet will come to an end, and I will summarize my own thoughts on the "mystery of the planet".

#10 惑星の謎 (The Mystery of the Planet)



TOPIC 1 堕落の謎



(Image text:

  • 隕石との衝突; ドルフィン号
  • 原因不明; シェパード号
  • 原因不明; ドレイク号)


(Image text: ドルフィン初号機)


(Image text: 無人探査機スパロウ; ビーグル号)


考察1 小型である 惑星から脱出できるエンジン出力を持たない。

考察2 高速で突入 流れ星のように、高速で惑星に突入した。



(Image text: ドルフィン号; ドレイク号)

TOPIC 2 無人の惑星

いたるところに文明の痕跡はあるが、それらを築いたであろう 知的生命体は、いったい何者でどこへ行ったのだろうか?

謎1 高度な文明


謎2 あらゆるものが巨大


(Image text: 並べてみると…!?)



(Image text: シェパード氏)

TOPIC 3 変化する惑星


変化1 建造物


(Image text: 「まるで長い年月が経過したかのよう……」)

変化2 生態


(Image text: 「よく見てみると……同じ場所!」)

変化3 地殻変動







遭難した者の近くには、いつもピクミンたちがいる。彼らは友好的で、我々の目的を達成するために、献身的に協力してくれる心強いパートナーだ。しかし、いささか都合がよすぎではないだろうか? ピクミンたちが種の繁栄のために、優秀なリーダーを求め、我々を呼び寄せ帰れないようにしているのだとしたら、利用されているのは我々の方であると考えた方が腑に落ちるのである。

(Image text: オタカラを運搬するピクミン)



(Image text: アメニュウドウ; アメボウズ)





Through these ten reports, not only has the mystery of planet PNF-404 been made clear, but also its strange relationship with us humans. However, one big mystery remains, doesn't it? ...The reason so many people became shipwrecked on this planet remains unknown. At last, I would like to get to the bottom of this mystery.

TOPIC 1 — Mystery of the Crashes

Spaceships approaching the planet PNF-404 have crashed due to unforeseen accidents. However, there seem to have been some cases in which they have escaped crashing. The following is a summary of the circumstances of arrival on the planet for each of the spaceships introduced in #06 "Working Spaceships".


(Image text:

  • "Collision with meteorite"; "S.S. Dolphin"
  • "Cause unknown"; "S.S. Shepherd"
  • "Cause unknown"; "S.S. Drake")

Almost crashed

(Image text: "Hocotate ship")

Did not crash

(Image text:

  • "S.S. Beagle"
  • "SPERO")

Why did these two avoid crashing?

Consideration 1 — They are small — They lack the engine power required to escape from the planet.

Consideration 2 — They entered at high speed — They entered the planet at high speed, like shooting stars.


Although paradoxical, might it be that the only aircraft that crash are those that are capable of escaping from the planet? There may be some mysterious force or will at work that tries to keep visitors on the planet.

(Image text: "S.S. Dolphin"; "S.S. Drake")

TOPIC 2 — An Uninhabited Planet

There are traces of civilization everywhere, but who were the intelligent life forms that might have built them, and where did they go?

Mystery 1 — Advanced civilization

There are so many buildings, industrial products, and so forth, it is hard to imagine that they were built by the creatures of today.

Mystery 2 — Everything is gigantic

Everything is gigantic compared to us humans and the creatures.

(Image text: "Side by side...!?")


The ruins and treasures of this planet, despite their differences in size, are somewhat similar to things we know, and even make us feel nostalgic. According to the "Shepherd Family History", written by generations of Rescue Captains, the ancestors of Giya came from a "beautiful blue planet". If that was planet PNF-404, we may have returned to our mother planet after a very long time.

(Image text: "Ms. Shepherd")

TOPIC 3 — A Changing Planet

This planet seems to change every time it is visited, and it is not unusual for the same place to have a completely different appearance.

Change 1 — Buildings

A tiled artificial swimming pool has been constructed.

(Image text: "'It looks as if many years have passed...'")

Change 2 — Ecology

In addition to the creatures inhabiting the area being different, an amazing speed of evolution and diversification of lineages has been observed.

(Image text: "'If you look closely... it's the same place!'")

Change 3 — Tectonic shift

There was a massive tectonic shift that changed the positioning of the continents.


Unlike the spacetime of the universe as we know it, each time a castaway observes the planet, its topology seems to have shifted to a different era. The changes appear to suggest that the planet itself has a will of its own.

Final Thoughts

Based on what I have presented here and on the research reports to date, I will try to summarize some of my theories about the causes of the shipwrecks on this planet.

Pikmin theory

Pikmin are always found near those who become shipwrecked. They are friendly and reassuring partners who are devoted to helping us achieve our goals. However, isn't this a bit too convenient? Assuming that Pikmin seek out excellent leaders so as to ensure the prosperity of their species, and keep us from returning home, it makes more sense to think that we are the ones being used.

(Image text: "Pikmin transporting treasure")

Wraith theory

According to Mr. Olimar, while trapped inside the Plasm Wraith's body, he dreamed of "gigantic humans similar to ourselves, living alongside Pikmin and many other creatures". Also, minerals found in meteorites were detected in the roller-shaped stones of the Waterwraith, which may have been involved in the crash of the S.S. Dolphin. If so, could it be that they are causing spaceships to shipwreck, dreaming of living alongside humanity once again?

(Image text: "Plasm Wraith", "Waterwraith")

The-planet-itself theory

According to one theory, planets meet the definition of a life form. In other words, is it possible that the planet itself might be calling us with a will of its own? Then, the idea that everything we experience on this planet may be manipulated according to its will... even seems plausible.

What did you think of the ten-part report? Although it has come to an end, I would like to revisit it if there is interest. I will continue to investigate this planet, and I promise to return to these reports as new discoveries come to light. Until then, I would be grateful if you could reflect on PNF-404 by developing your own hypotheses, and share your thoughts. I am sure it will open up a whole new world.