I am yoshi(code name) I have edited a lot pages on this wiki but I have made some such as:
I am one of the first Users on this wiki and its geting more prosporus everyday. I once was a BIG Pikmin fan but not latly anyway my technical job on this wiki is that I try to locate problems on this wiki and try to fix them. Problems that I can not fix are listed bellow.
News of problems
- There are many pages that don't have categories.
- I have also found out that caves like the dream den need to be expanded.
- I also found out that in SOME articles the internal link Pikmin (Game) is often SPELLED Pikmin (1) (Game)
Ranging Bloyster glitch
Not many Pikmin fans know this but the Ranging Bloyster can live after death the antena will still glow and beep but if you put it in THE POD it will only glow.(the reason I put this paragraph here is because I believe this shoud be made a article someday)
My records
- Pikmin:N/A
- Ship parts:30
- Days:19
- Pikmin:N/A
- Time:N/A
- Ultra-spicy spray:about 13[curently 23)
- Ultra-bitter spray:I didn't have time to discover it(curently 1)
- Days:22
IP address
If your wondering who that IP is thats me is I do not have an acount and I am not loged in.
This is where all of my favotite pikmin things are listed.
- Enemy:Spotty Bulbear
- Boss:Emperor Bulblax
- Area:The Final Trial and Perplexing Pool
- Cave:Hole of Heroes
- Ship Part:Secret Safe
- Treasure:Remembered Old Buddy
- Pikmim:Bulbmin
- Pilot:Captain Olimar
- Element:Hydrogen Sulfide a.k.a. Poisen