These are my translations of the Pikmin Garden website. I'm using the text extracted by 2 B (talk • contribs). I'll be checking out their translations to match up and confirm them! I will edit this over time to add translations.
Text originally from: 2B's Garden reports
Feel free to message me about any of this on Discord, @riku.san
I've included a switchable for adding furigana to the text which makes the text infinitely more accessible to those learning Japanese or lack the kanji knowledge to read these smoothly. It has also helped me translate things somewhat faster.
#01 謎の惑星 PNF-404
- Title Translation: “The Mysterious Planet PNF-404.”
- Translation: “A certain shipwreck has led us to discover an unknown planet for the first time in centuries. This blue planet, blessed with abundant water sources, is said to have diverse ecosystems and the vestige of a civilization left behind. Let's make a detailed report on this planet, which is enshrouded in mystery.”
TOPIC 1 未知なる惑星の発見
- Title Translation: “The Discovery of a Strange Planet.”
- Translation: “In the middle of his vacation, the veteran who has a name for himself from the planet Hocotate, Captain Olimar, suddenly came into direct contact with an incoming asteroid. The planet was discovered after his crash, as if Olimar had been pulled in.
Furthermore, not long after the crash, an unmanned probe launched by the Koppai to survey for food resources also discovered this same planet. They named it "PNF-404."”
Image text
- キャプテン・オリマー氏
- 食糧難解決のためにPNF-404に向かった乗組員
- アルフ氏
- ブリトニー氏
- キャプテン・チャーリー氏
- オリマー氏を救助するために向かったチーム)
- Captain Olimar
- The crew dispatched to PNF-404 to solve the food shortage
- Mr. Alph
- Ms. Brittany
- Captain Charlie
- The team dispatched to rescue Olimar
- Title Translation: “Is this a coincidence, or perhaps...?”
- Translation: “Curiously, following the distress of Captain Olimar, the team sent to rescue him and the team searching for food resources (a three-person team led by Captain Charlie) also encountered accidents just as they were entering landing formation, which led them into a state of distress. Many uncertainties remain about these incidents and the cause-and-effect relationship with the planet, so I intend to compile a report on this someday.”
TOPIC 2 惑星の環境について
- Title Rough English Translation: “About the planet's environment.”
- Rough English Translation: “The surface of (PNF-404 / Earth) is covered with 70% water, with the majority of that being salt water. Regarding the planet's plane of revolution, due to the (influence of the) (Earth's) axes being tilted, wind circulating around the atmosphere is produced, preserving temperate climates, and can (verify / confirm) the seasons of the mid-latitude regions.
The planet has one moon, causing it to generate tides which is thought to be why the planet formed many different ecosystems.”
- Title Translation: “About the planet's environmet.”
- Translation: “PNF-404's surface is covered by 70% water, most of which is saltwater. The planet's axis tilt causes wind patterns circulate the atmosphere, maintaining temperate climates. This also results in observable seasonal changes in the mid-latitude regions.
This planet has one moon, which generates tides and is believed to have contributed to the formation of diverse ecosystems.”
Image text
- 豊富な水源
- 巨大な樹木
- 雪で覆われた大地
- Rough English Translation:
- Abundant water source
- Enormous trees
- Snow-covered ground
TOPIC 3 文明の痕跡
- Title Rough English Translation: “The traces (vestige?) of a civilization”
- Rough English Translation: “We were able to confirm a (large) number of (human-made) artificial substances (materials?) and buildings thought to have been the legacy of a civilization that existed on this planet in the past. I'll introduce (showcase) a handful of those.”
- Title Rough English Translation: “Ancient Arcade”
- Rough English Translation: “A large structed with metal pillars and roofed with wood. Wouldn't it be safe to assume that in ancient times, a market with an abundance in liveliness was held under this roof?”
- Title Rough English Translation: “White (walled) Yagura (Similar to the Yagura used during the Obon Festival).”
- Rough English Translation: “That overwhelming and imposing white appearance, it's thought that this carried out the role of being a symbol of faith for the people, and a number of mysterious instruments (tools) were left behind that may have been used during festival (rituals?) at the time.”
- Title Rough English Translation: “The interior of the large structure.”
- Rough English Translation: “Inside the structure (building) there are castle ruins and the like, and can be renowned as the vestige (trace) of a sophisticated civilization. This was probably the hideaway for a royal family that once reached the height of prosperity here.”
- Title Rough English Translation: “And, the unknown (living) creatures...?”
- Rough English Translation: “Vestiges (traces) of a civilization in various natural environments. Beyond what we can imagine, we can understand that this planet is overflowing with countless (lots of) mysteries. In the next report, I'll introduce the strange creatures Olimar (really/truly) met.”
- Title Rough English Translation: “Investigator Sharon.”
- Rough English Translation: “An investigator dispatched in order to survey (surveil) the new planet. Their hobby is napping.”