Pikmin 2


Revision as of 18:28, November 5, 2024 by Riku (talk | contribs) (→‎Names in other languages: Added Japanese name)
One of the e-mails Olimar can receive.

To do: Verify the icon for each message. Also, it looks as though each character has their own notification sound for when the letter opens. At least the last message with Olimar's wife does. Elaborate.
Care to do so?

At the end of every day in Pikmin 2, Captain Olimar receives some mail. These short messages provide context to the story and show what the various minor characters are doing while the leaders are exploring.

The mail that appears for each day is taken from a specified set that depends on how many Pokos the player has collected, and is always received in a set order. Once every message in one set has been shown, the final message in the set is repeated until the requirements for the next are met.

It is possible to view past mail entries by pressing the L Button on the GameCube controller / the + Control Pad left on the Wii Remote / the Left button on the Switch (Joy-Con's face buttons) and the R Button on the GameCube controller / the + Control Pad right on the Wii Remote / the Right button on the Switch (Joy-Con's face buttons), but only the 20 most recent mails are saved.

In the following lists, items with multiple lines mean that they are different between the GameCube, Wii, and Switch versions; the top line corresponds to the GameCube original, the second for New Play Control! Pikmin 2 (if there is a change), and the bottom for Pikmin 2 (Nintendo Switch). For the purposes of marking what message comes from which version, all messages from the Switch port are italicized.

Up to 2999 Pokos

Sender Icon Message
President   You found your first bit of treasure. Fine work! Our future depends on your efforts, so check your treasure hoard regularly. I'll check in often. Keep up the pace!

You found your first bit of treasure. Fine work! Our future depends on your efforts, so check your treasure hoard regularly. I'll check in often. Keep up the pace!

President   Baby steps first, Olimar! Plan well, and don't worry about me. Our debt is with Happy Hocotate Savings & Loan, after all. Besides, there's nothing left to repossess, so HA!
President   How's progress, Olimar? Remember, you'll never get anything done if you sit back and watch from afar. Be sure to hold   occasionally for a close-up view of the action.

How's progress, Olimar? Remember, you'll never get anything done if you sit back and watch from afar. Press Left or Right on   for a close-up view of the action.

How's progress, Olimar? Remember, you'll never get anything done if you sit back and watch from afar. Press   for a close-up view of the action.

Olimar's wife   My dearest dear...how are you? Your boss gave me this space e-mail account and told me all about your business trip. Just remember: you have a family to think about!

My dearest dear...how are you? Your boss gave me this space email account and told me all about your business trip. Just remember you have a family to think about!

President   Louie: It's been three months since you joined our company, and I'm sure you love it. I expect big things from you, Louie. Far bigger things than I expect from Olimar!

Louie, It's been three months since you joined our company, and I'm sure you love it. I expect big things from you, Louie. Far bigger things than I expect from Olimar!

Olimar's son   Papa! No fair! No fair! You snuck off and went on an expedition without me! You have to promise to absolutely, positively take me next time! Say it! Say you PROOOOOMISE!
President   Olimar! I see that you're making notes in the treasure hoard. This is no scientific jaunt! It's business! Which is why the ship is writing sales pitches for your finds.
Olimar's daughter   Dear Papa... How are you? I am fine. But Mommy is very, very mad at you. Please don't make Mommy mad! Pretty please with sugar?
President   I wonder where we'd be now if I hadn't been so stingy and purchased space insurance... But the route Louie took was always a safe shipping lane...

I wonder where we'd be now if I hadn't been so stingy and purchased space insurance... But the route Louie took was always a safe shipping lane...

President   You know, Olimar, I've been in this business for over 50 years, and I've never heard of space bunnies in that shipping lane. I have some doubts about Louie's accident...
Olimar's son   Papa! There's this girl at school who's kind of nice, and I've been bragging all about you to her. So, I need you to bring me back the coolest souvenir ever!
President   Yet another lonely day at the office. I have nothing to do here, so I'm just counting the hairs on my head. Like my employees, I have precious few left...

3000-4999 Pokos

Sender Icon Message
President   Olimar! Good work so far! I hereby promote you to Perennial Manager! Press   to divide up work, and   to delegate more work to your subordinate leader. Hope all goes smoothly!

Olimar! Good work so far! I hereby promote you to Perennial Manager! Press   to divide up work, and   to delegate more work to your subordinate leader. Hope all goes smoothly!

Olimar! Good work so far! I hereby promote you to assistant manager! Press   to divide up work, and   to delegate more work to your subordinate leader. Hope all goes smoothly!

President   Olimar! Terrible news! I thought I went to Happy Hocotate Savings & Loan, but it seems my loan came from the shop next door: All-Devouring Black Hole Loan Sharks! Oops!

Olimar! Terrible news! I thought I went to Happy Hocotate Savings & Loan, but it seems my loan came from the shop next door: All-Devouring Black Hole Loan Sharks! Oops!

President   I just took a call from my loan agent! He has the scariest voice I've ever heard. While you two are dawdling about, my life hangs by a thread! Get to work, slackers!

I just took a call from my loan agent! He has the scariest voice I've ever heard. While you two are dawdling, my life hangs by a thread! I know it's hard out there, but hurry up!

Olimar's son   Hi, Papa! Mama heard you got a promotion, so now she's very happy. You have lots of people under you now, right? So, does this mean you're a Super Captain?

Hi, Papa! Mama heard you got a promotion, so now she's very happy. You have lots of people under you now, right? So, does this mean you're a super captain?

President   Louie, your auntie sent me some cookies. Now, I only meant to taste one, but... then I ate them all. Sorry. To make up for it, I shall officially make you a Cookie Specialist.

Louie, your grandma sent me cookies. Now, I only meant to taste one, but... then I ate them all. Sorry. To make up for it, I shall officially make you a cookie specialist.

President   Some say that you should look to the past, to places you have been already, in order to make new finds... Of course, extraordinary people like me always press onward.
Olimar's wife   Hey, you should know... I didn't get that part-time job. That stupid store is only hiring teenagers who wear too much makeup, apparently. Maybe I need a new look or something.
President   Louie... When I was about your age, I made my name thunder through the universe as a great explorer. Model yourself after me, son, and you'll go places. Persevere!
President   All I do is take calls from debt collectors! Thinking it was OK to work at a leisurely pace was a big mistake. Work isn't about quality, it's all about speed. Hop to it!
President   The phone is off the hook again today... Darn debt collectors! I'm becoming neurotic! I've begun to lose track of days. What day is today? And what month is it?!?

The phone is off the hook again today... Darn debt collectors! I'm becoming neurotic! I've begun to lose track of days. What day is today? And what month is it?!

5000-7999 Pokos

Sender Icon Message
President   Olimar! You're my hero! You've erased half of our debt. Still, things have become a bit dangerous, so I'm going into hiding. Focus on work...and don't slack off!
President   Hello... I am still on the lam from debt collectors. For the time being, I've decided to live under the bridge, but if they catch me, I don't know what they'll do to me...
President   Some wild animals are nesting under the bridge now. They think I'm their pal or something. My stylish suits are covered with hair. I'm pitiful... but at least they're warm...
President   Well, the animals that adopted me are actually rather cute once you get used to them. Once we get the debt paid off, I might build a refuge for them. What do you think?
President   When you're down, you find out who your true friends are...and I think I finally have. Maybe I'll just fire you two ingrates and hire these nice animals...
President   Today, a group from the government offices paid me a visit. They kicked me out from under the bridge as if I were trash. The animals left... I have nowhere left to turn...
President   I found some tasty grass today. It was the first time in a while that I could eat until I was full. I've become one heck of a grass and root chef... Maybe I'll write a book.
Olimar's son   Dad! Mom is not fair! She said that this month I don't get any allowance! And there's this game I really want to buy! She said I'd get more money when you got back! Hurry!
Olimar's wife   Today, as I cleaned the bedroom, I found your secret cash stash. With thanks, I'll accept it gladly. I'll just pretend I didn't see that journal of yours...

Today, as I cleaned the bedroom, I found a little cash you tucked away. I’ve spent it on something nice. I found that journal you scribble in too. Don’t worry. I didn’t read it!

Olimar's daughter   Dad! Dad! Thank you so much! Mom is giving me an allowance again! She had this huge smile when she gave it to me, too. You had a TON stashed away, didn't you?

Dad! Dad! Thank you so much! Mom is giving me an allowance again! She had this huge smile when she gave it to me too. You had a TON stashed away, didn't you?

President   Today, I just missed getting nabbed by the debt collectors. I was able to escape them thanks to my all-grass diet! You should try it, too!

Today, I just missed getting nabbed by the debt collectors. I was able to escape them thanks to my all-grass diet! You should try it too!

President   All day, every day, it's the same old thing: dodge debt collectors! I can't take it! My pleasantly plump face has gotten deathly skinny. Hurry up and collect treasures!

All day, every day, it's the same old thing–dodge debt collectors! I can't take it! My pleasantly plump face has gotten deathly skinny. Hurry up and collect treasures!

8000-9999 Pokos

Sender Icon Message
President   Olimar! You'll soon be promoted to manager! Only a small bit of debt remains. You've done great...as have I! No one dodges debt collectors like I do! I'm a pro!
President   Today, I tried building a small room at the top of a tree. It reminded me of my younger days, when I lived in a little shed. Those memories help make this bearable.
President   Only a bit of debt remains! If you two dolts can gather treasures with such ease, I figure I could find boatloads down there. I'll have to think about this...
President   All is well! I'll soon be able to bid farewell to this fugitive lifestyle! It's strange, but I think I may miss it a little. It feels good to survive incredible hardships!
President   I have a regrettable message. I have been caught. If I don't pay off the company debt right away, I'm to be buried in Hocotate Swamp. It's bleak here... Hurry!

I have a regrettable message. I have been caught. If I don't pay off the company debt right away, I'm to be sent off to Hocotate Swamp. It's bleak here... Hurry!

President   Olimar! Come back to Hocotate right away. I need you to be held hostage in my place. I'm going to run....uh, I mean...search for treasures. Hurry up!
President   Olimar! You are as slow as molasses. Effective now, I'm reducing you to a bottom-rung employee until you get back on pace! Lately, Louie has held more promise...
President   Olimar! Hurry it up! I'm at the end of my rope! If you get this debt repaid for me, I'll pay you any bonus you want! And promote you! And buy you a new suit! Anything!
President   Will my life end in a place like this? No! I won't die! Olimar! I believe in you! Hurry up and get this debt repaid! Oh, how I wish I were there to oversee this project!
President   I wonder how many days have gone by since I was captured by the debt collectors. Olimar... Louie... I'm almost done for... Repay...debt! P...l...e...a...s...e...

After debt is repaid

Sender Icon Message
President's wife   Hmmph! Some president you are! I just got back from vacation to find out you're on a treasure hunt! Well, don't bother coming home until you've found every item on your list!
Louie's grandmother   Louie, we suddenly stopped hearing from you! Everything OK? If things get tough, you can always come home. I'll stock up on those Pikpik carrots you love!
Olimar's wife   Olimar, you've worked so hard! Your special bonus arrived today. This is a first, right? I bought the kids a few things they've been wanting. They were so happy! And so was I...
Olimar's son   Oh yeah! Oh yeah! My allowance doubled! And it's all thanks to my papa! After all, he's a great captain! But when in the world will he be able to come home, huh?
***SPAM?***   I am so lonely... I want a friend that'll listen to my troubles. I want to meet someone like you. Contact me at http://www.pikmin.com.[notes 1]

Don't we all want friends who will smile when we need a little sunshine in our day? Sure! If you see friends who need a smile, give 'em your best one!

Louie's grandmother   Louie! Are you eating well? When you were a boy, you were quite skinny, so I made you clean your plate. Be sure to cook suspicious food before eating it!
Olimar's daughter   Papa! I'm going to prep school! Mama said that if I don't study hard, I can't become a proper lady. Did I write a nice proper mail? Do tell, Papa!

Papa! I’m going to prep school! Mama said that if I don’t study hard, I can’t become the best me that I can be! Did I write a nice, proper mail? Do tell, Papa!

Louie's grandmother   At my age, reminiscing is wonderful. Louie, do you remember the hill behind our house? You hated to play outside, so I made you eat bugs and plants. Ah, memories...

Remember the hill near our house, Louie? You didn't like being outside as a kid, so I took you there to learn to love plants. We ate a bug or two as we went. Lovely fall memory!

***SPAM?***   Do you love BARGAINS? Do you like DESIGNER ITEMS AT CUT-RATE PRICES? Then come save tons of Pokos at... http://www.pikmin.com.[notes 1]

Do you love BARGAINS? Do you like designer items at cut-rate prices? Then come learn how to pinch a Poko from your favorite Hocotate radio station!

Olimar's son   Lately, I've been getting a ton of mail from a strange person selling designer items at cut-rate prices. It sounds like a deal. Should I send them your bonus check?
Louie's grandmother   Louie, I sent you some of the preserved bug foods from home. You should share some with your company president. As a kid, bugs loved you so much. Always nibbling...
Louie's grandmother   Louie... You've sent absolutely no replies. I'm worried about you. I'd like to come see you, but I'm so old... All I can do is send you preserved bug foods...

After Louie is found, before all treasures are collected

Sender Icon Message
Louie's grandmother   Louie, I'm really relieved to know you're safe and sound. I'd heard you'd been eaten by a bug! They sure loved chewing on you as a boy. Guess you haven't changed!
Olimar's wife   We received yet another special bonus! I've come to love you all anew! I decided to take the kids to the hot springs. We'll have enough fun for you too, so don't worry!
Olimar's son   Papa! Thanks! There were so many cute girls at the hot springs! I was a little nervous, but I got over it. Next time, you totally have to come with us! We'll have so much fun!

Papa! Thanks! There was a slide and a wave pool at the hot springs. I had so much fun splashing around again and again. Can't wait to go there with you!

President's wife   Your notification report was wrong again. How many times do I have to correct you? It's because of behavior like this that I, the REAL boss, have to work so hard.
***SPAM?***   It slices! It dices! It plays video games! It sends mail! It wraps gifts! It cures snoring! Interested? Check out http://www.nintendo.com.[notes 2]

All you can eat? That’s not enough at our restaurant. Eat all of the universe! We have a big menu for every kind of appetite. Bring the crew and feast, friend!

Olimar's daughter   Papa, today I went to see the orchestra to help me become a proper lady. I think it was expensive. Both Mom and Brother slept through it, but not me! Aren't I proper?

Papa, today I went to see the orchestra to help me get an ear for the arts. I think it was spendy. Both Mom and Brother slept through it, but not me. Maybe I have that ear already!

***SPAM?***   Would you like to find the new you? If you're thinking about changing jobs, let Hocotate Whiz do the work for you! See http://www.nintendo.com![notes 2]

Would you like to find the new you? If you're thinking about changing jobs, let Hocotate Whiz help out! We can’t wait to hear from you!

President's wife   Hey, you think you can loaf because I can't see you? The ship has been reporting everything to me! Are you surprised? That machine knows who the real boss is.
Olimar's daughter   Mama is being mean. Every day I go to school. I want to be a great lady. But I'm so, so tired... Brother is always crying. Growing up isn't any fun at all...

I know Mama wants the best for me. So I go to school all the time. Who wouldn’t want to be a great lady someday? But I’m tired, and Brother keeps crying. Not fun!

Olimar's son   Papa! Hurry up and come home! Mama is so nuts! Every day, she orders me to study, study, study! She’s even thinking about sending our dog, Bulbie, to the circus! Help!

Papa! Hurry up and come home! Mama just wants me to study, study, study! I don’t have enough time to play with our dog, Bulbie!

President's wife   Hey, just how long are you planning on staying on that planet? Men! All they do is chase empty dreams! It's pure, unadulterated nonsense! Nonsense, I tell you!
President's wife   It may interest you to know I've somehow been able to begin turning the company around in your absence. So, you just go on doing what you like for a bit longer, OK?
Olimar's wife   Hey, hon! I'm on a solo vacation right now. Beach by day, theater at night. Ahhh, life is grand! And don't worry, the kids are in school every night until 10! Wheeeeee!
Olimar's son   Papa!!! This is awful! Mama threw away all of my games! Seems like every time money comes in, she gets meaner! I want the old Mama back...

Papa!!! This is awful! Mama threw away all of my games! Seems like every time money comes in, she gets meaner! I want our nice Mama back...

Olimar's daughter   Hey, Papa. I do nothing but study. I hate it. Please come home soon.

Hey, Papa. I do nothing but study, and I’m tired of it. Please come home soon.

After all treasures are collected

Sender Icon Message
Olimar's wife   I think I may have messed up, darling... I lost a small fortune buying lottery tickets. It was all a nightmare. I'm afraid we're going to have to live lean for awhile.

I think I messed up, darling... A pickpocket stole a small fortune from me. It's been a nightmare. I'm afraid we're going to have to live lean for awhile.

Olimar's son   Hey, Papa! I'm so happy! Mama's back to normal! I'm not sure what the reason is... Love, maybe? Anyway, hurry up and come home, and don't forget to bring souvenirs!
Olimar's daughter   Daddy, Mama has changed again. She's become nice like she used to be. She said it's OK if I don't study. Is it really OK if I don't become a perfect, proper lady? Really?

Daddy, Mama has changed again. She's become nice like she used to be. She said it's OK if I don't study as much. Is it... really OK if I don't work so hard to be perfect?

President's wife   All of the treasures on the list have been found! I see you in a new light, honey. Hocotate Freight is open for business once again! Get right back to work tomorrow!
Louie's grandmother   Louie, I heard that you completed your task! Congratulations! My little Louie has become an extraordinary man! How about visiting your dad? I've got bug juice!

Louie, I heard that you completed your task! Congratulations! My little Louie has become an extraordinary man! How about visiting your nana? I've got bug juice!

***SPAM?***   Hocotate E-Mag #255. Not just songs; songs of love! Rock out to Pikpik's greatest hits and get sappy! http://www.pikmin.com[notes 1]

Hocotate E-Mag #255. Not just songs...songs with soul! Rock out to Pikpik's greatest hits and get sappy!

Olimar's son   Dad, today I'm writing on behalf of Bulbie. Mom and I completely forgot to feed him. He got skinny, but he's been eating a lot of Pikpik carrots, so he'll be OK.

Dad, today I'm writing on behalf of Bulbie. I've been playing fetch with him, and he's gotten really good at it. Can't wait to show you soon!

Olimar's daughter   Dad! Our dog, Bulbie, has been acting like a pig! He ate all of our carrots! Have you really seen creatures on that planet that look just like Bulbie?!?
Olimar's wife   I love you!!! Don't keep me waiting any longer! Please come home! I've made a ton of your favorite soup, and it's here waiting for you! P.S. Bring souvenirs!

I love you! Don't keep me waiting any longer! Please come home! I've made a ton of your favorite soup, and it's here waiting for you! PS: Bring souvenirs!


To do: Check the NPC! remakes.
Care to do so?

  1. ^ a b c This URL is http://www.pikmin.com on the US version of the GameCube game, http://pikmin2.nintendo.co.uk on the European version (GameCube and New Play Control!), and http://nintendo.jp/p/ on the Japanese version.
  2. ^ a b This URL is http://www.nintendo.com on the US version of the GameCube game, http://pikmin2.nintendo.co.uk on the European version, and http://nintendo.jp/p/ on the Japanese version.



  • In the GameCube version, the player is able to hold down   or   in order to automatically flip through the mails, but in the New Play Control! and Switch ports, this is no longer possible; the player must repeatedly tap   /   or   /   to scroll through mail.
  • One of the spammer's mails mentions an "E-Mag #255". 255 is the maximum value an unsigned byte can hold, and as a result of its relevance in game development, this number appears commonly in Nintendo game scripts, along with 256, for the same reason.[1][2]
  • At the end of the day, if the player opens that day's e-mail, then goes back to the Pikmin stats menu, and returns to the e-mail, its window will rise up from the bottom of the screen, squashing the sender's icon on the way up.

Names in other languages

The following article or section needs help from someone who can translate French text.

Language Name Meaning
  Japanese メール?
  French Courrier
  German Mail -
  Italian Posta Mail
  Spanish Mensaje Message

See also


  1. ^ Compared to the standard bonding epoxy, this item is two times... four times... No, even more! This metal fastener is 256 times more powerful! In time, it will fix everything in position! – Hocotate ship in sales pitch for the Repair Juggernaut
  2. ^ In this mind-bending realm, my attacks are 256 times more potent!Dimentio in Dimension D