
Amphicaris albino

Wollywogs are the different species of mature amphitubers that live in the bowels of subterranean areas. They are instead gray and have red eyes. They are usually in watery cave habitats. As a general rule, this is true for the Forest Navel since it is sort of a cave. They are just like Yellow Wollywogs, just throw Pikmin on its body and call them away when the creature falls after its jump. These creatures are more aggresive than their cousin, and have changed their coloration due to its sun lacking cave environment.

In Pikmin 1, you'll see them before the Yellow Wollywog. In Pikmin 2, you will likely see them second since they are in more difficult caves.

Olimar's Notes

Wollywog Amphicaris albino Amphituber family It is believed that juvenile wollywogs were once carried by underground current into caverns, where they thrived in the dark habitat. This troglodytic species of wollywog's coloration results from generations of cave dwelling and lack of sunlight. Comparative differences between the size and shape of this wollywog and other species are thought to be the result of natural selection at work, choosing traits better suited to life in a subterranean environment.

Louie's Notes

Wollywogs are best ground up, shaped into a patty, and flame- broiled on a grill. Slap on tomato slices, lettuce, onions, ketchup, and slide the patty between a sesame-seed bun for the ultimate beast-burger experience.

How to Kill

Pikmin 1

Swarm it with a large group of Pikmin. The more Pikmin are attacking at once, the more likely the Wollywog will be weighed down and unable to jump. If it does get airborne, call back your Pikmin and get them away from the Wollywog's shadow (the area where it will land). Re-swarm when it lands.

Pikmin 2

Swarming is less effective here, so attack by repeatedly throwing Pikmin, preferrably purples, onto its back. It appears to be easier to pin the Wollywog to the ground here than in Pikmin 2, so it is in fact easier to kill. Once again, if it does get airborne, move your Pikmin out of range.