This is a list of names in other languages in Hey! Pikmin.
English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
Captain Olimar | Kapitein Olimar | Capitaine Olimar | Captain Olimar | Capitano Olimar | Capitán Olimar |
S.S. Dolphin II | Dolphin II | Dolphin II | Dolphin II | Dolphin II |
English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
Whistle | Fluitje | Sifflet | Pfeife | Fischietto | Silbato |
Jetpack | Jetpack | Propulseur | Jetpack | Zaino a propulsione | Mochila propulsora |
Pikpik carrot | Pikpikwortel | Carotte Pikpik | Pikpik-Karotte | Carote Pikpik | Zanahoria Pikpik |
English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
Sector | Gebied | Secteur | Gebiet | Settore | Sector |
Area | Level | Zone | Level | Zona | Zona |
Secret Spot | Geheime plek | Zone secrète | Geheimlevel | Oasi segreta | Escondite |
Sparklium Springs | Sprankliumbron | Source scintillante | Glitzerquelle | Fonte luminescente | Fuente Refulgente |
Hocotate | Hocotate | Hocotate | Hocotate | Hocotate | Hocotate |
Pikmin Park
English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
Pikmin Park | Pikmin-park | Parc Pikmin | Pikmin-Park | Parco Pikmin | Parque Pikmin |
Pikmin Park Entrance | Pikmin-park noord | Place du parc | Pikmin-Park (Nord) | Parco Pikmin: area nord | Parque Pikmin - Norte |
Western Pikmin Park | Pikmin-park west | Parc Pikmin ouest | Pikmin-Park (West) | Parco Pikmin : area ovest | Parque Pikmin - Oeste |
Central Pikmin Park | Centraal Pikmin-park | Parc Pikmin centre | Pikmin-Park (Zentrum) | Parco Pikmin: area centrale | Parque Pikmin - Centro |
Eastern Pikmin Park | Pikmin-park oost | Parc Pikmin est | Pikmin-Park (Ost) | Parco Pikmin: area est | Parque Pikmin - Este |
Pikmin Park Outskirts | Pikmin-park zuidwest | Parc Pikmin bordure ouest | Pikmin-Park (Südwest) | Parco Pikmin: area sud-ovest | Parque Pikmin - Sudoeste |
Pikmin Park Fringe | Pikmin-park zuidoost | Parc Pikmin bordure est | Pikmin-Park (Südost) | Parco Pikmin: area sud-est | Parque Pikmin - Sudeste |
Brilliant Garden
# | English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
1 | Brilliant Garden | Schitterende tuin | Jardin joyeux | Bunte Beete | Giardino lussureggiante | Jardín Fulgurante |
1-A | First Expedition | De eerste stappen | Premiers pas | Die erste Expedition | Passo primordiale | Sendero Germinal |
1-B | Cavern of Confusion | Chaosgrot | Grotte du désarroi | Die verwinkelte Höhle | Grotta del caos | Caverna de la Confusión |
1-C | Mushroom Valley | Paddenstoelenvallei | Vallon des champignons | Das Tal der Pilze | Valle fungosa | Valle Champiñón |
1-D | Back-and-Forth Road | Kronkelpad | Route déroutante | Schiebung | Sentiero viavai | Senda Vaivén |
1-E | The Shadow in the Brush | De gruwel in het gras | Soucis dans les taillis | Ein Schatten im Dickicht | Ombre selvatiche | Peligro entre la Maleza |
1-X | Cherrystone Pass | Bloesempassage | Montagne Millepétales | Der Kirschblütenpass | Varco dei ciliegi | Brisa del Cerezo |
Verdant Waterfront
# | English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
2 | Verdant Waterfront | Groene oever | Estuaire luxuriant | Gewässer im Grünen | Riva rigogliosa | Pantanal Lozano |
2-A | Foaming Lake | Bruisermeer | Lagon bubulles | Der Blubberblasensee | Lago effervescente | Lago Efervescente |
2-B | Serene Stream | Klatervallen | De cascade en cascade | Sprudelnde Ströme | Ruscello rasserenato | Cascadas Serenas |
2-C | Glowing Bloom Pond | Elektroflora | Flore survoltée | Die Leuchtblumenhöhle | Stagno brillaflora | Gruta Eléctrica |
2-D | The Shallow End | Ondiepe poel | Invitation au plongeon | Einladendes Nass | Acque rinfrescanti | Aguas Cristalinas |
2-E | The Keeper of the Lake | De meerwachter | Le gardien des eaux | Der Hüter des Sees | Bacino custodito | Guardián Abisal |
2-X | Treacherous Currents | Eb en vloed | Grande marée | Ebbe und Flut | Marea insidiosa | Marea Insidiosa |
Sparkling Labyrinth
# | English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
3 | Sparkling Labyrinth | Sprankelspelonken | Dédale de cristal | Glitzernde Grotten | Dedalo luminoso | Llano Reluciente |
3-A | Crystal Tunnels | Glinstergangen | Mine cristalline | Die Kristallhöhle | Miniera di cristalli | Mina Cristalina |
3-B | Echo Cavern | Bombronnen | Grotte explosive | Schall und Rauch | Caverna dell'eco | Caverna Explosiva |
3-C | Springpetal Cave | Stuiterblomgrot | Cahots sur marguerites | Höhle der Sprungfeder-Blumen | Antro balzafiore | Caverna Florida |
3-D | The Burning Sky | De vuurbalregen | Le feu de ciel | Der Feuerballregen | Volta cocente | Cielo Abrasador |
3-E | Subterranean Tyrant | Ondergrondse tiran | Le tyran souterrain | Der Tyrann des Untergrunds | Abisso tirannico | Déspota Subterráneo |
3-X | The Hollow Sky | Een stijgende lijn | Ascension rocailleuse | Der tiefe Schacht | Fossa rocciosa | Ascenso Rocoso |
Ravaged Rustworks
# | English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
4 | Ravaged Rustworks | Roestige ruïnes | Ruines de rouille | Rostige Ruinen | Distese rugginose | Ruinas Herrumbrosas |
4-A | The Lonely Tower | De eenzame toren | Tour solitaire | Einsame Turmbesteigung | Torre solitaria | Torre Solitaria |
4-B | Steel Pipe Forest | Het buizenbos | Jungle de métal | Der Metalldschungel | Foresta siderurgica | Bosque Tubería |
4-C | Pollution Pool | De vuilvijver | Étang dégoûtant | Der Müllsee | Pozza contaminata | Aguas Herrumbrosas |
4-D | Space of Silence | Stiltespelonk | Grotte du silence | Die Höhle der Stille | Cava silente | Gruta Silenciosa |
4-E | Flashes of Fear | Bliksembende | De l'orage dans l'aire | Die Gewitterschlacht | Terrore fulminante | Destellos Ominosos |
4-X | Drenchnozzle Den | Geistergrot | Galerie aux geysers | Das Labyrinth der Geysire | Spelonca zampillante | Laberinto de Surtidores |
Leafswirl Lagoon
# | English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
5 | Leafswirl Lagoon | Herfstige hoogtes | Valée vermillon | Herbstliche Höhlen | Laguna autunnale | Cañón de la Hojarasca |
5-A | Fragrant Forest | Welriekend woud | Parfums d'automne | Herbsduft | Selva fragrante | Floresta Fragante |
5-B | Valley of the Breeze | Vluegelvallei | Courants d'air | Das stürmische Tal | Vallata della brezza | Fosa Ventosa |
5-C | Downpour Thicket | Wolkbreuk | Entre les gouttes | Wolkenbruch | Fronde fradicie | Rocío Pertinaz |
5-D | Bed of Fallen Leaves | Bladerdans | Tempête de feuilles | Tanz mit dem Herbstlaub | Pianoro fogliasecca | Aires Otoñales |
5-E | Troop Commander | De zwermkoningin | Troupe vrombissante | Herrin des Schwarms | Boscaglia agguerrita | Séquito Airado |
5-X | Gale-Force Glen | Waaiwoud | Falles rafales | Wald der Winde | Gola tempestosa | Vientos Violentos |
Sweltering Parchlands
# | English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
6 | Sweltering Parchlands | Verzengende velden | Terres incendiaires | Brennendes Brauchland | Terre torride | Valle de la Ceniza |
6-A | Charred Plains | Geblakerde grond | Terres embrasées | Verbrannte Erde | Suolo incandescente | Tierra en Ascuas |
6-B | Lights in the Darkness | Licht in de duisternis | Lumière sous terre | Lichter in der Dunkelheit | Oscurità splendente | Destellos en la Oscuridad |
6-C | Terror Trench | Horrorholte | Antre de l'angoisse | Höhle der Angst | Buca del terrore | Pasadizo Imprevisible |
6-D | Barriers of Flame | Een muur van vuur | Sentier enflammé | Ein Weg durch die Flammen | Fiamme roventi | Barreras Llameantes |
6-E | Blazing Winds | De vlammenwerper | Souffle de feu | Feuriger Atem | Soffio infuocato | Soplidos Ardientes |
6-X | Sizzling Precipice | Verkoolde kloof | Bois calcinés | Verkohlte Felsen | Dirupo ardente | Descenso Crepitante |
Snowfall Field
# | English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
7 | Snowfall Field | Sneeuwsteppe | Immensité immaculée | Weiße Wiesen | Prateria polare | Estepa Nevada |
7-A | Freezing Wasteland | IJswoestenij | Désert de glace | Eiswüste | Deserto artico | Erial Glacial |
7-B | Below the Ice | Onder het ijs | Caverne inondée | Überflutete Höhlen | Baratro sommerso | Bajo el Hielo |
7-C | Over Wintry Mountains | Besneeuwde bergpas | Glissades sur capsule | Verschneite Hänge | Rilievi innevati | Cimas Invernales |
7-D | Frozen Hazard | Sneeuwpret | Danger dans la neige | Schabernack im Schnee | Periglio ghiacciato | Peligro Gélido |
7-E | Cold-Hearted Guardian | De vorst | Terreur des bas-fonds | Der Herr der Kälte | Voragine glaciale | Guardián Escalofriolante |
7-X | Ordeal of Flame | Brandende beproeving | Le feu sur la glace | Brenzlige Höhlentour | Galleria scottante | Prueba de Fuego |
Lushlife Murk
# | English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
8 | Lushlife Murk | Giftig grasland | Tropiques toxiques | Giftige Gärten | Orto tenebroso | Espesura Sombría |
8-A | Scourge of the Skies | Gevleugelde plaag | Bruissement aérien | Fliegende Kreaturen | Cieli incerti | Plaga Aérea |
8-B | Septic Swamp | Dobbermoeras | Marais empoisonnés | Auf and ab im Sumpf | Palude avvenlenata | Pantano Venemoso |
8-C | Peculiar Rockfall | Steenslag | Averses minérales | Vorsicht, Steinschlag! | Frana misteriosa | Desprendimientos Controlados |
8-D | Olimar's Madcap Ride | Op de rug van reuzen | Cavalerie ailée | Auf dem Rücken von Riesen | Cavalcata alata | A Lomos de Gigantes |
8-E | The Last Lair | De laatste leider | Le souverain vorace | Die Kreatur am Ende der Welt | Covo remoto | Cubil Remoto |
8-X | Burning Bog | Vlammenvaart | Traversée infernale | Feurige Sumpffahrt | Pantano infernale | Ciénaga Bombardeada |
The Final Stretch
# | English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
9 | The Final Stretch | Het laatste land | Escale finale | Das letzte Land | Belvedere conclusivo | Tierras Postreras |
9-A | Fragment of Hope | De laatste hoop | Pistils hostiles | Die letzte Hoffnung | Speranza recondita | Esperanza Remota |
Pikmin Log
# | Icon | English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
1 | Red Pikmin | Rode Pikmin | Pikmin rouge | Rote Pikmin | Pikmin rosso | Pikmin rojos | |
2 | Yellow Pikmin | Gele Pikmin | Pikmin jaune | Gelbe Pikmin | Pikmin giallo | Pikmin amarillos | |
3 | Blue Pikmin | Blauwe Pikmin | Pikmin bleu | Blaue Pikmin | Pikmin blu | Pikmin azules | |
4 | Rock Pikmin | Rots-Pikmin | Pikmin roc | Fels-Pikmin | Pikmin roccioso | Pikmin pétreos | |
5 | Winged Pikmin | Gevleugelde Pikmin | Pikmin ailé | Flügel-Pikmin | Pikmin alato | Pikmin alados | |
6 | Onion | Ui | Oignon | Zwiebel | Cipolla | Cebolla | |
7 | Red pellet | Rode capsule | Palet rouge | Roter Knopf | Gettone rosso | Píldora roja | |
8 | Yellow pellet | Gele capsule | Palet jaune | Gelber Knopf | Gettone giallo | Píldora amarilla | |
9 | Blue pellet | Blauwe capsule | Palet bleu | Blauer Knopf | Gettone blu | Píldora azul | |
10 | Rock pellet | Rotscapsule | Palet roc | Fels-Knopf | Gettone roccioso | Píldora pétrea | |
11 | Winged pellet | Vleugelcapsule | Palet ailé | Flügel-Knopf | Gettone alato | Píldora alada |
Creature Log
# | Icon | English | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Spanish |
1 | Crumbug Pansarus carponae Breadbug |
2 | Coppeller Viridelacus princeps Scarpanid |
3 | Mockiwi Pseudoactinidia perniciosa Mockiwi |
4 | Spornet Melissans manovenenum Fuzzbuzz |
5 | Crested Mockiwi Pseudoactinidia pomadus Mockiwi |
6 | Sparrowhead Spourgitis apium Huntinpeck |
7 | Male Sheargrub Himeagea mandibulosa Mandiblard |
8 | Puffstalk Aspergilla rubedronis Sporovid |
9 | Shooting Spiner (Female) Himeagea mittetsia Wracknid |
10 | Puckering Blinnow Narrolingus piscatum Elips |
11 | Eye-Stalker Bulbeel Oculus voraxa Grub-dog |
12 | Large Splurchin Spicasfaira natarens Splurchin |
13 | Shearblug Rotundus himeagea Mandiblard |
14 | Widemouthed Anode Beetle Scarabum electrodea grandiostium Scarab beetle |
15 | Young Yellow Wollywog Young Yellow Wollyhop Amphicaris frodendum Amphituber |
Wolpole | |||||||
16 | Crystalline Crushblat Cephalus caliciacta Crushblat |
17 | Speargrub Dentefaber himeagea Mandiblard |
18 | Crammed Wraith Tumidoculum domesticancerius Shellter |
Louie | |||||||
19 | Seedbagger Saccusporum pellucida Seedbag |
20 | Skutterchuck Crystallosum securilis Heavil |
21 | Grabbit Rhodoloimos salito Jellyper |
22 | Fireflinger Groink Magmaceps infernalis ? |
23 | Flatterchuck Platylepas ascendii Heavil |
24 | Shooting Spiner (Male) Himeagea mittetsia Wracknid |
25 | Sporegrub Himeagea vineacorruo Mandiblard |
Sheargrub Bulbie |
26 | Red Bubblimp Pilaruber ephemerens Bubblimp |
27 | Starnacle Tripodidae asterias Shellusk |
28 | Elongated Crushblat Pseudoactinidia podimacris Mockiwi |
29 | Electric Spectralid Fenestari luminescens Floaterbie |
30 | Spiny Coppeller Purpuralacus spicadia Scarpanid |
31 | Flying Spotted Jellyfloat Cephalus aerialis Jellyfloat |
32 | Yellow Wollywog Yellow Wollyhop Amphicaris frodendum Amphituber |
33 | Fireflap Bulborb Pansarus volcanus volanti Breadbug |
34 | Fiery Blowlet Sus draconus infanta Blowhog |
35 | Fiery Dwarf Bulblax Oculus volcanus parvusii Breadbug |
36 | Electripede Kampia fulgurtainia Scarab beetle |
37 | Firesnout Beetle Granignis ictum Lithopod |
38 | Fiery Young Yellow Wollywog Fiery Young Yellow Wollyhop Volcanus amphicaris frodendum Amphituber |
39 | Clicking Slurker Uvulans descendii Umbloda |
40 | Stuffed Bellbloom Legumos trypophobis Pinotta |
41 | Puffy Blubbug Fouskaflexilis mallia Bloather |
42 | Blubbug Fouskaflexilis bilia Bloather |
43 | Centipare Chilopoda sakuranii Centipare |
44 | Stony Flint Beetle Lithelytra sisyphons Flint beetle |
45 | Adult Centipare Prunus cerrulatapoda Centifly |
46 | Muggonfly Draco saccusporum Scarpanid |
47 | Swooping Snitchbug Scarpanica kesperens Scarpanid |
48 | Bulborb Oculus kageyamii russus Grub-dog |
49 | Long Water Dumple Ichtyosa felongus Grub-dog |
50 | Armurk Scalobita rotunda Creep-crab |
51 | Electric Cottonade Lanugo electropaleae Cottonade |
52 | Queen Shearwig Turbulens himeagea Mandiblard |
53 | Fiery Blowhog Sus draconus Blowhog |
54 | Luring Slurker Chrysaora lengens Umbloda |
55 | Emperor Bulblax Oculus supremus Grub-dog |
56 | Leech Hydroe Hydridae phytohabitans Hydroe |
57 | Berserk Leech Hydroe | ||||||
Sparklium Converter |