Lightning Bolt Treasure Hoard icon.
Number 73
Series Modern Amenities Series
Value Poko × 50
Weight 3
Maximum carriers 5 Pikmin
Location Perplexing Pool
Challenge Mode levels None

The leaf texture used in Pikmin 2's Challenge Mode menu. (Used on Pikipedia in the {{stub}} template.)

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The Lightning Bolt (ライトニング ボルト?) is a treasure exclusive to the Japanese version of Pikmin 2. It is a milk bottle opener, and is found in the Perplexing Pool in the same place that a very similar treasure, the Impediment Scourge, is found in the other versions.


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Olimar's journal


Sales pitch

製造されて数十年、私はこれほどの貫通武器を見たことはありません! その一撃は雷撃を超える電光石火。その一撃は光を超える高速撃。その一撃は岩をもつらぬく一気貫通。安全装置のリングもついた、いたれりつくせりの伝説級武器です!
