Tropical Forest

Revision as of 15:09, August 20, 2014 by GPBot (talk | contribs) (editing page for Pikmin Wiki migration (internals note: from file: 'importjson-mergemain--'))

This page is part of the merge with Pikmin Wiki, and needs resolving. Please bear with us as we do so.

Before the import, this subject had a page both on Pikipedia and Pikmin Wiki. You are currently reading the Pikipedia version, and the Pikmin Wiki version can be found here. Both versions need to be manually merged together and placed on the current page.

Map of the Tropical Forest.

Tropical Forest is the first Misson Mode stage in Pikmin 3. It is the first available stage for the Mode, and it's aesthetics and theme are similar to that of Tropical Wilds.

Collect Treasure

Defeat Enemies

Collect Treasure Remix


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