Pikmin 2

Family Raft

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Revision as of 20:58, June 1, 2017 by Mariotime315 (talk | contribs) (I put this into a translator.)
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Family Raft Treasure Hoard icon.
Number 74
Series Modern Amenities Series
Value Poko × 50
Weight 2
Maximum carriers 3 Pikmin
Location Citadel of Spiders
Challenge Mode levels Novice Training

The leaf texture used in Pikmin 2's Challenge Mode menu. (Used on Pikipedia in the {{stub}} template.)

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The Family Raft (ファミリーいかだ?) is a treasure exclusive to the Japanese version of Pikmin 2. It is a popsicle stick, found in Citadel of Spiders on sublevel 2.


The following article or section needs help from someone who can translate Japanese text.

Olimar's journal


Machine translation

Although it is invisible in a simple tree, it seems to be a raft for a river descent. If it is this size, the whole family can ride together. My wife, son, daughter, dog. Of course me. Everyone wants to go camping.

Sales pitch

家族みんながゆったり乗れるファミリーサイズのいかだ。その名も開運号! 先頭に描かれた紋様が何やら幸運を呼びこむ予感。きっと楽しい思い出になりますよ。

Machine translation

Family size rafts where all the family can relax. That name is also a lucky number! The feeling that the pattern drawn at the head calls fortune somehow. Surely it will be a pleasant memory.
