Universally Best Art Treasure Hoard icon.
Number 175 (Japan only)
Series Mystery Disk Series
Value Poko × 30
Weight 4
Maximum carriers 8 Pikmin
Location Dream Den
Challenge Mode levels None

The Universally Best Art (宇宙一アート?) is a treasure exclusive to the Japanese version of Pikmin 2. It is a Kyoshin-brand milk cover, and can be found in Dream Den on sublevel 11. In other versions, the Yellow Taste Tyrant is found here instead.

Collecting the treasure

See: Yellow Taste Tyrant#Collecting the treasure


The following article or section needs help from someone who can translate Japanese text.

Olimar's journal

  • Text: なんと洗練されたデザインだろう。私は今までにこれほどの作品と出会ったことはなかった。感動で涙が止まらない……。
  • Google Translate translation: What a refined and sophisticated design! I have never encountered such work before. I was so moved by it that my tears won't stop flooding...

Sales pitch

  • Text: 機械にはわからないが、人にはわかる。それがアートの心、芸術だましい。このデザインの良さがわかるなら、あなたのセンスは宇宙パイロット級!
  • Google Translate translation: Machines like me may not understand them, but people do. That is the heart of art, the spirit of fine art. If you know how good this design is, your sense is at a rank of a space pilot!


See also