Pikmin 3

Flobbler family

Revision as of 12:26, December 9, 2020 by Bossclips (talk | contribs) ("a sleepy boy" lol)

The flobbler family is a family of octopus-like creatures introduced in Pikmin 3, although the family went unclassified until Pikmin 3 Deluxe. It contains only one member, the Waddlepus. Members belong to the opisteuthidae genus.



Main article: Waddlepus.

The Waddlepus is a purple octopus-like creature that is always found sleeping. When approached by Pikmin or their leaders, a Waddlepus will wake up and begin attacking them by puffing up and producing bubbles from either its mouth or the yellow pores on its back. These bubbles cannot harm Pikmin or leaders but can trap them inside. When left alone, a Waddlepus will return to its sleeping spot and return to its slumber.


"Flobbler" contains "flob", a term used to describe someone walking clumsily. Flobbler family members do appear to walk rather awkwardly, due to a lack of legs. In addition, "flob" is a term meaning "to spit" in parts of Europe, namely the United Kingdom. Flobbler members are also known to spit bubbles at Pikmin.

The family genus, opisteuthidae, is a shortened versions of "{w|opisthoteuthidae}", the family belonging to the umbrella octopus, which members of the Flobbler family resemble

Names in other languages

The following article or section is in need of assistance from someone who plays Pikmin 3 Deluxe.
Particularly: Record the names and their meanings.

Language Name Meaning

See also