Pikmin Adventure

Music (Pikmin Adventure)

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The music of Pikmin Adventure is a collection of re-orchestrations of music from the Pikmin series and new tracks composed specifically for the attraction. The music accompanies every aspect of the attraction, from gameplay to inter-gameplay cutscenes. The soundtrack also honors the Pikmin series norm of dynamically changing depending on gameplay events, even though the events of this attraction are greatly simplified. Specifically, an electronic drum track is added when enemies are nearby, and sometimes the tempo and key of a theme depend on how much time is remaining in a timed challenge. The music's mood is generally not nearly as serious as the canonical stories' soundtracks (because the themes must exist in the dual diegesis of Pikmin's canon and Nintendo Land frivolity), but the realism of the synthetic instruments used is unrivaled, even by the sound technology used for Pikmin 3.

The soundtrack to Nintendo Land was composed by Ryo Nagamatsu. Hajime Wakai handled sound design.

It should be noted that, even if the original music used to create this derivative work has an official name, there are no known official titles for the soundtrack to Pikmin Adventure. All titles here are conjectural. The following motif should also be noted; it is used very often in the game.

The Pikmin 2 motif", denoting Pikmin themselves.


Stage intro
Stage intro
External links
Internal name Unknown

Heard as a loop before the beginning of a stage. An augmented intro and tubular bell chime (similar to the chime at the canon games' sunset) progresses to a loop in E♭ in strings and penny whistle (playing the Pikmin 2 motif). A double bass carries the theme, making the mood very strong and setting confidence for the level ahead.

Tutorial stage
Tutorial stage
External links
Internal name Unknown

Heard during the tutorial, during which the guide Monita explains how to play. This is a re-orchestration of The Impact Site's theme, using an instrumentation more suitable to Nintendo Land. The only noticeable differences between the two scores is a flexatone sound effect in the intro and a few subtle differences among the bass and harmonies; otherwise the piece is very true to the original, and still serves very well as a simple, understandable tutorial theme.

Spring area
Spring area
External links
Internal name Unknown

The theme to the first four stages of Pikmin Adventure, set in a garden-like spring environment. This is an original composition based on the Pikmin 2 motif, first in fipple flute and then in in bagpipes. The progression is very simple, suggesting an easy first few stages, but also a faster tempo and generally more intense than any original Pikmin series area music, suggesting the faster and more intense pace of Pikmin Adventure. The addition of electronic drums can be heard here.

Summer area
Summer area
External links
Internal name Unknown

The theme to stages 5-8, set in a tropical summer environment. This is a re-orchestration of The Forest Navel's theme, replacing the guitar with a sitar, adding a fipple flute part, and clearing up most of the sound. This theme does not exactly draw as much intensity as the last theme (as was the intention of the original area theme), but The Forest Navel has one of the simpler themes of the Pikmin series, allowing this new rendition to standby for the players getting used to gameplay. The addition of electronic drums can be heard here.

Autumn area
Autumn area
External links
Internal name Unknown

The theme to stages 9-12, set in a barren autumn environment. This original composition takes on a more somber and natural mood in changing meters, using overtone flute and rudimentary percussion to create a more rugged atmosphere. This aids the smooth transition of gameplay difficulty, and the new, less varied color scheme of the new area. The addition of electronic drums can be heard here.

Winter area
Winter area
External links
Internal name Unknown
External links
Internal name Unknown


Other Music

See also