Bulblax Wrath
Favorite Bosses Emperor Bulblax, Beady Long Legs, Armored Cannon Beetle
Favorite Normal foes Fiery Bulblax, Yellow Wollywog, Decorated Cannon Beetle, Spotty Bulbear

Bulblax Wrath

Basic Info

I'm bulblax wrath, a guy who thinks the emperor bulblax is awesome. I've beaten pikmin one and two and have seen all forms of the Emperor Bulblax. When it comes to favorites after the emperor comes the Firey Bulblax for the one eye big one eye small eye psychotic look. Beady long legs in Pikmin 1 was cool as well, it's music was great. When not playing pikmin I'm usually playing games like Age of Empires or Rise of Nations. Also WWII games like Call of Duty. I also draw a lot.