User:Twins1105/Extracted Text/Pikmin 1/Olimar's monologs: Difference between revisions

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'''JPN NGC/Wii (adult)'''
'''JPN NGC/Wii (adult)'''
{{Transcript|When I awoke, I was on the ground of an {{color|unknown planet|green}}. My name is {{color|Captain Olimar|red}}. On my journey through space, I was hit by a meteor and fell onto this planet. The spaceship {{color|Dolphin|green}} lost many {{color|parts|green}} and was left in a pitiful state. What's more, it even lost its {{color|engine|#aa0}}, so I can't even start it.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|When I awoke, I was on the ground of an {{color|unknown planet|green}}. My name is {{color|Captain Olimar|red}}. On my journey through space, I was hit by a meteor and fell onto this planet. The spaceship {{color|Dolphin|green}} lost many {{color|parts|green}} and was left in a pitiful state. What's more, it even lost its {{color|engine|#aa0}}, so I can't even start it.|block=y}}
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'''JPN NGC/Wii (child)'''
'''JPN NGC/Wii (child)'''
{{Transcript|わたしの なまえは {{color|キャプテン・オリマー|red}}。 どうやら このほしに そうなん したようだ。 わたしの {{color|ドルフィンごう|green}}{{color|パーツ|green}}が バラバラになり、ムザンな すがたに なってしまった。 {{color|エンジン|red}}までも なくなって、うごかすことも できない。|block=y}}
{{Transcript|わたしの なまえは {{color|2=red|キャプテン・オリマー}}。 どうやら このほしに そうなん したようだ。 わたしの {{color|2=green|ドルフィンごう}}は {{color|2=green|パーツ}}が バラバラになり、ムザンな すがたに なってしまった。 {{color|2=red|エンジン}}までも なくなって、うごかすことも できない。|block=y}}
{{Transcript|My name is {{color|Captain Olimar|red}}. It seems I have become shipwrecked on this planet. The {{color|parts|green}} of my {{color|Dolphin|green}} have been scattered, and it was left in a pitiful state. Even the {{color|engine|red}} is gone, so I can't even start it.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|My name is {{color|Captain Olimar|red}}. It seems I have become shipwrecked on this planet. The {{color|parts|green}} of my {{color|Dolphin|green}} have been scattered, and it was left in a pitiful state. Even the {{color|engine|red}} is gone, so I can't even start it.|block=y}}
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'''JPN NGC/Wii (adult)'''
'''JPN NGC/Wii (adult)'''
{{Transcript|To make matters worse, atmospheric sensor readings indicate that this planet's atmosphere contains large amounts of {{color|highly poisonous oxygen|#aa0}}. My {{color|life-support systems|green}} will only work for {{color|30 days|red}}. If I can't repair the {{color|Dolphin|green}} by then... No, there's no point in pondering. I must immediately start searching for the missing {{color|Dolphin parts|green}}!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|To make matters worse, atmospheric sensor readings indicate that this planet's atmosphere contains large amounts of {{color|highly poisonous oxygen|#aa0}}. My {{color|life-support systems|green}} will only work for {{color|30 days|red}}. If I can't repair the {{color|Dolphin|green}} by then... No, there's no point in pondering. I must immediately start searching for the missing {{color|Dolphin parts|green}}!|block=y}}
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'''JPN NGC/Wii (child)'''
'''JPN NGC/Wii (child)'''
{{Transcript|{{color|うちゅうふく|red}}の センサーが なった。 ・・・。 なんと! この ほしの くうきでは わたしはいきられない。 うちゅうふくの エネルギーは のこり{{color|30にち|red}}。 それまでに {{color|ドルフィンごう|green}}を なおさないと、わたしは オシマイだ。 いそいで、なくなった {{color|ドルフィンごうの パーツ|green}}を さがす ことにする!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|{{color|2=red|うちゅうふく}}の センサーが なった。 ・・・。 なんと! この ほしの くうきでは わたしは いきられない。 うちゅうふくの エネルギーは のこり{{color|2=red|30にち}}。 それまでに {{color|2=green|ドルフィンごう}}を なおさないと、わたしは オシマイだ。 いそいで、なくなった {{color|2=green|ドルフィンごうの パーツ}}を さがす ことにする!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|My {{color|space suit|red}}'s sensors went off. ... Oh dear! I can't live on this planet's air. I have {{color|30 days|red}} of energy left in my space suit. If I don't repair the {{color|Dolphin|green}} by then, I'm done for. I must quickly search for the missing {{color|Dolphin parts|green}}!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|My {{color|space suit|red}}'s sensors went off. ... Oh dear! I can't live on this planet's air. I have {{color|30 days|red}} of energy left in my space suit. If I don't repair the {{color|Dolphin|green}} by then, I'm done for. I must quickly search for the missing {{color|Dolphin parts|green}}!|block=y}}
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'''JPN NGC'''
'''JPN NGC'''
{{Transcript|The life-support system on my back is limited to work for 30 more days.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|The life-support system on my back is limited to work for 30 more days. Anyway, I shall begin my exploration.|block=y}}

== Discovering red Onion ==
== Discovering red Onion ==
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'''JPN NGC/Wii (adult)'''
'''JPN NGC/Wii (adult)'''
{{Transcript|A {{color|strange object|red}} appeared before my eyes. As if it had been waiting for me, it stood up and dropped a {{color|single seed|green}}. What might this be? Is it a living being? Is it a machine? It somehow resembles the onions called Onions of my planet, so I have named this the {{color|Onion|red}}.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|A {{color|strange object|red}} appeared before my eyes. As if it had been waiting for me, it stood up and dropped a {{color|single seed|green}}. What might this be? Is it a living being? Is it a machine? It somehow resembles the onions called Onions of my planet, so I have named this the {{color|Onion|red}}.|block=y}}
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'''JPN NGC/Wii (child)'''
'''JPN NGC/Wii (child)'''
{{Transcript|わたしの めの まえに、{{color|キミョウな モノ|green}}が あらわれた。 まるで わたしを まっていたかの ように たちあがり、{{color|1つぶ|red}}{{color|タネ|green}}を ふいた。 これは いったい なんだろう? いきものなのか? キカイなのか? どことなく わたしの ほしの {{color|オニヨンという タマネギ|green}}に にている…。 わたしは これを {{color|オニヨン|red}}と なづけた。|block=y}}
{{Transcript|わたしの めの まえに、{{color|2=green|キミョウな モノ}}が あらわれた。 まるで わたしを まっていたかの ように たちあがり、{{color|2=red|1つぶ}}の {{color|2=green|タネ}}を ふいた。 これは いったい なんだろう? いきものなのか? キカイなのか? どことなく わたしの ほしの {{color|2=green|オニヨンという タマネギ}}に にている…。 わたしは これを {{color|2=red|オニヨン}}と なづけた。|block=y}}
{{Transcript|A {{color|strange thing|green}} appeared before my eyes. As if it had been waiting for me, it stood up and dropped a {{color|single|red}} {{color|seed|green}}. What the heck is this? Is it a living being? Is it a machine? It somehow resembles the {{color|onions called Onions|green}} of my planet... I have named this the {{color|Onion|red}}.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|A {{color|strange thing|green}} appeared before my eyes. As if it had been waiting for me, it stood up and dropped a {{color|single|red}} {{color|seed|green}}. What the heck is this? Is it a living being? Is it a machine? It somehow resembles the {{color|onions called Onions|green}} of my planet... I have named this the {{color|Onion|red}}.|block=y}}
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'''JPN NGC (adult)'''
'''JPN NGC (adult)'''
{{Transcript|The {{color|seed|red}} the {{color|Onion|red}} dropped has produced a cute {{color|sprout|green}}. It is emitting a {{color|strange light|purple}} and swaying. Somehow, it looks as if it's calling to me. All I can do now is approach it and try {{color|A|green}}...|block=y}}
{{Transcript|The {{color|seed|red}} the {{color|Onion|red}} dropped has produced a cute {{color|sprout|green}}. It is emitting a {{color|strange light|purple}} and swaying. Somehow, it looks as if it's calling to me. All I can do now is approach it and try {{color|A|green}}...|block=y}}
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'''JPN Wii (adult)'''
'''JPN Wii (adult)'''
{{Transcript|The {{color|seed|red}} the {{color|Onion|red}} dropped has produced a cute {{color|sprout|green}}. It is emitting a {{color|strange light|purple}} and swaying. Somehow, it looks as if it's calling to me. All I can do now is approach it and try {{color|A|green}}...|block=y}}
{{Transcript|The {{color|seed|red}} the {{color|Onion|red}} dropped has produced a cute {{color|sprout|green}}. It is emitting a {{color|strange light|purple}} and swaying. Somehow, it looks as if it's calling to me. All I can do now is approach it and try {{color|A|green}}...|block=y}}
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'''JPN NGC (child)'''
'''JPN NGC (child)'''
{{Transcript|{{color|オニヨン|red}}の ふいた {{color|タネ|green}}は、かわいい {{color|め|green}}を だした。 {{color|あやしく ひかり|purple}}、ユラユラ ゆれている。 どうも わたしを さそっている ような……。 わたしにできるのは {{color|ちかづいて|red}} {{color|A|green}}を ためす ことぐらいだろう……。|block=y}}
{{Transcript|{{color|2=red|オニヨン}}の ふいた {{color|2=green|タネ}}は、かわいい {{color|2=green|め}}を だした。 {{color|2=purple|あやしく ひかり}}、ユラユラ ゆれている。 どうも わたしを さそっている ような……。 わたしにできるのは {{color|2=red|ちかづいて}} {{color|2=green|}}を ためす ことぐらいだろう……。|block=y}}
{{Transcript|The {{color|seed|green}} dropped by the {{color|Onion|red}} has produced a cute {{color|sprout|green}}. It has a {{color|strange light|purple}} and is swaying. Somehow, it seems to be calling to me... All I can do is approach it and try {{color|A|green}}...|block=y}}
{{Transcript|The {{color|seed|green}} dropped by the {{color|Onion|red}} has produced a cute {{color|sprout|green}}. It has a {{color|strange light|purple}} and is swaying. Somehow, it seems to be calling to me... All I can do is approach it and try {{color|A|green}}...|block=y}}
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'''JPN Wii (child)'''
'''JPN Wii (child)'''
{{Transcript|{{color|オニヨン|red}}の ふいた タネは、かわいい {{color|め|green}}をだした。{{color|あやしく ひかり|purple}}、ユラユラ ゆれている。どうも わたしを さそっている ような……。 わたしにできるのは、{{color|ちかづいて |red}}{{color|A|green}}を ためす こと ぐらいだろう……。|block=y}}
{{Transcript|{{color|2=red|オニヨン}}の ふいた タネは、かわいい {{color|2=green|め}}をだした。{{color|2=purple|あやしく ひかり}}、ユラユラ ゆれている。どうも わたしを さそっている ような……。 わたしにできるのは、{{color|2=red|ちかづいて }}{{color|2=green|}}を ためす こと ぐらいだろう……。|block=y}}
{{Transcript|The seed dropped by the {{color|Onion|red}} has produced a cute {{color|sprout|green}}. It has a {{color|strange light|purple}} and is swaying. Somehow, it seems to be calling to me... All I can do is {{color|approach it|red}} and try {{color|A|green}}...|block=y}}
{{Transcript|The seed dropped by the {{color|Onion|red}} has produced a cute {{color|sprout|green}}. It has a {{color|strange light|purple}} and is swaying. Somehow, it seems to be calling to me... All I can do is {{color|approach it|red}} and try {{color|A|green}}...|block=y}}
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'''JPN NGC'''
'''JPN NGC'''
{{Transcript|The seed planted by the Onion has produced a cute {{color|sprout|red}}. That sprout is emitting a strange light and is swaying. Somehow, I can't help but think it's calling to me. All I can do now is approach it and try {{color|A|green}}...|block=y}}
{{Transcript|The seed planted by the Onion has produced a cute {{color|sprout|red}}. That sprout is emitting a strange light and is swaying. Somehow, I can't help but think it's calling to me. All I can do now is approach it and try {{color|A|green}}...|block=y}}
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'''JPN NGC/Wii (adult)'''
'''JPN NGC/Wii (adult)'''
{{Transcript|The {{color|seed|red}} that the {{color|Onion|red}} dropped earlier has produced a cute {{color|sprout|green}} that emits a {{color|strange light|purple}}. Could there be a reason why the {{color|Onion|red}} took the trouble to wait for me to come over before dropping the seed? I wonder if something will happen if I approach it and try {{color|A|green}}.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|The {{color|seed|red}} that the {{color|Onion|red}} dropped earlier has produced a cute {{color|sprout|green}} that emits a {{color|strange light|purple}}. Could there be a reason why the {{color|Onion|red}} took the trouble to wait for me to come over before dropping the seed? I wonder if something will happen if I approach it and try {{color|A|green}}.|block=y}}
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'''JPN NGC (child)'''
'''JPN NGC (child)'''
{{Transcript|ゆらゆら ゆらゆら。 オニヨンの ふいた{{color|タネ|green}}が めをだして ゆれている。 きになって しょうがない…。 {{color|ちかづいて |red}}{{color|A|green}}を ためせば どうだろうか。|block=y}}
{{Transcript|ゆらゆら ゆらゆら。 オニヨンの ふいた {{color|2=green|タネ}}が めをだして ゆれている。 きになって しょうがない…。 {{color|2=red|ちかづいて }}{{color|2=green|}}を ためせば どうだろうか。|block=y}}
{{Transcript|Sway-sway. The {{color|seed|green}} dropped by the Onion has produced a sprout and is swaying. I can't help but be curious. I wonder what will happen if I {{color|approach it|red}} and try {{color|A|green}}.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|Sway-sway. The {{color|seed|green}} dropped by the Onion has produced a sprout and is swaying. I can't help but be curious. I wonder what will happen if I {{color|approach it|red}} and try {{color|A|green}}.|block=y}}
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'''JPN Wii (child)'''
'''JPN Wii (child)'''
{{Transcript|ゆらゆら ゆらゆら。 オニヨンの ふいた {{color|タネ|green}}{{color|め|green}}をだして ゆれている。 きになって しょうがない…。 {{color|ちかづいて |red}}{{color|A|green}}を ためせば どうだろうか。|block=y}}
{{Transcript|ゆらゆら ゆらゆら。 オニヨンの ふいた {{color|2=green|タネ}}が {{color|2=green|め}}をだして ゆれている。 きになって しょうがない…。 {{color|2=red|ちかづいて }}{{color|2=green|}}を ためせば どうだろうか。|block=y}}
{{Transcript|Sway-sway. The {{color|seed|green}} dropped by the Onion has produced a {{color|sprout|green}} and is swaying. I can't help but be curious. I wonder what will happen if I {{color|approach it|red}} and try {{color|A|green}}.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|Sway-sway. The {{color|seed|green}} dropped by the Onion has produced a {{color|sprout|green}} and is swaying. I can't help but be curious. I wonder what will happen if I {{color|approach it|red}} and try {{color|A|green}}.|block=y}}
=== (Unused) <code>tu_tx05_00.blo</code> ===
'''JPN NGC (adult)'''
{{Transcript|The seed that the Onion dropped earlier has sprouted a cute sprout that emits a strange light. Could there be a reason why the Onion took the trouble to wait for me to come over before planting the seed? I wonder if something will happen if I approach it and try {{color|A|green}}.|block=y}}

== Meeting red Pikmin ==
== Meeting red Pikmin ==