User:Twins1105/Extracted Text/Pikmin 1/Olimar's monologs

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Olimar's monologs from the English and Japanese versions of Pikmin, New Play Control! Pikmin, and Pikmin 1.

Intro monolog



My name is Captain Olimar. While traveling through space, my ship was struck by a meteor... I must have blacked out, and I awoke on the surface of a weird planet. With so many parts lost, the skeletal hull of my beloved Dolphin is a painful sight. The engine is gone... I'm stranded.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
When I awoke, I was on the ground of an unknown planet. My name is Captain Olimar. On my journey through space, I was hit by a meteor and fell onto this planet. The spaceship Dolphin lost many parts and was left in a pitiful state. What's more, it even lost its engine, so I can't even start it.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
わたしの なまえは キャプテン・オリマー。 どうやら このほしに そうなん したようだ。 わたしの ドルフィンごうは パーツが バラバラになり、ムザンな すがたに なってしまった。 エンジンまでも なくなって、うごかすことも できない。
  • Translation
My name is Captain Olimar. It seems I have become shipwrecked on this planet. The parts of my Dolphin have been scattered, and it was left in a pitiful state. Even the engine is gone, so I can't even start it.



To make matters worse, my atmospheric sensors indicate this planet's environment contains high levels of poisonous oxygen. My life-support systems can function for only 30 days. If I can't repair the Dolphin by then... No! Better not to think about it. I must find the missing ship parts!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
To make matters worse, atmospheric sensor readings indicate that this planet's atmosphere contains large amounts of highly poisonous oxygen. My life-support systems will only work for 30 days. If I can't repair the Dolphin by then... No, there's no point in pondering. I must immediately start searching for the missing Dolphin parts!

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
うちゅうふくの センサーが なった。 ・・・。 なんと! この ほしの くうきでは わたしは いきられない。 うちゅうふくの エネルギーは のこり30にち。 それまでに ドルフィンごうを なおさないと、わたしは オシマイだ。 いそいで、なくなった ドルフィンごうの パーツを さがす ことにする!
  • Translation
My space suit's sensors went off. ... Oh dear! I can't live on this planet's air. I have 30 days of energy left in my space suit. If I don't repair the Dolphin by then, I'm done for. I must quickly search for the missing Dolphin parts!

(Unused) tu_tx02.blo


  • Text
  • Translation
The life-support system on my back is limited to work for 30 more days. Anyway, I shall begin my exploration.

Discovering red Onion



A strange thing has appeared before me. I had barely begun my search when it reared up as if it were waiting for me. It then dropped a single seed. What is it? Is it alive? Is it a machine? It resembles a vegetable on my home planet that we call an onion. I shall call this an Onion, too.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
A strange object appeared before my eyes. As if it had been waiting for me, it stood up and dropped a single seed. What might this be? Is it a living being? Is it a machine? It somehow resembles the onions called Onions of my planet, so I have named this the Onion.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
わたしの めの まえに、キミョウな モノが あらわれた。 まるで わたしを まっていたかの ように たちあがり、1つぶの タネを ふいた。 これは いったい なんだろう? いきものなのか? キカイなのか? どことなく わたしの ほしの オニヨンという タマネギに にている…。 わたしは これを オニヨンと なづけた。
  • Translation
A strange thing appeared before my eyes. As if it had been waiting for me, it stood up and dropped a single seed. What the heck is this? Is it a living being? Is it a machine? It somehow resembles the onions called Onions of my planet... I have named this the Onion.

Discovering red Pikmin seed



The seed that the Onion dropped took root in the soil and has now produced an adorable little sprout. This sprout emits a strange light, and it sways back and forth without benefit of wind. I cannot help but think it is calling to me. I am compelled—I must approach it and press the A Button on the GameCube controller...

A Pikmin (game) log picture


The seed that the Onion dropped took root in the soil and has now produced an adorable little sprout. This sprout emits a strange light, and it sways back and forth without benefit of wind. I cannot help but think it is calling to me. I am compelled—I must approach it and press the A Button on the Wii Remote...

The illustration of a Wii Remote and Nunchuck used in the monologs and Voyage Log entries in New Play Control! Pikmin.


The seed that the Onion dropped took root in the soil and has now produced an adorable little sprout. This sprout emits a strange light, and it sways back and forth without the benefit of wind. I cannot help but think it is calling to me. I am compelled—I must approach it and press the A Button on the Wii Remote...

The illustration of a Wii Remote and Nunchuck used in the monologs and Voyage Log entries in New Play Control! Pikmin.


The seed that the Onion dropped took root in the soil and has now produced an adorable little sprout. This sprout emits a strange light, and it sways back and forth without benefit of wind. I cannot help but think it is calling to me. I am compelled—I must approach it and press the A Button on the Switch...

JPN NGC (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The seed the Onion dropped has produced a cute sprout. It is emitting a strange light and swaying. Somehow, it looks as if it's calling to me. All I can do now is approach it and try A...

JPN Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The seed the Onion dropped has produced a cute sprout. It is emitting a strange light and swaying. Somehow, it looks as if it's calling to me. All I can do now is approach it and try A...

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text
オニヨンの ふいた タネは、かわいい を だした。 あやしく ひかり、ユラユラ ゆれている。 どうも わたしを さそっている ような……。 わたしにできるのは ちかづいて を ためす ことぐらいだろう……。
  • Translation
The seed dropped by the Onion has produced a cute sprout. It has a strange light and is swaying. Somehow, it seems to be calling to me... All I can do is approach it and try A...

JPN Wii (child)

  • Text
オニヨンの ふいた タネは、かわいい をだした。あやしく ひかり、ユラユラ ゆれている。どうも わたしを さそっている ような……。 わたしにできるのは、ちかづいて を ためす こと ぐらいだろう……。
  • Translation
The seed dropped by the Onion has produced a cute sprout. It has a strange light and is swaying. Somehow, it seems to be calling to me... All I can do is approach it and try A...

(Unused) tu_tx04_00.blo


  • Text
  • Translation
The seed planted by the Onion has produced a cute sprout. That sprout is emitting a strange light and is swaying. Somehow, I can't help but think it's calling to me. All I can do now is approach it and try A...



The seed that the Onion dropped has turned into an enchanting sprout that gives off a mysterious light. Could there be a reason the Onion waited for me to arrive before sowing its seed? Perhaps something will happen if I approach the bud and press the A Button on the GameCube controller. Courage, Olimar!

A Pikmin (game) log picture


The seed that the Onion dropped has turned into an enchanting sprout that gives off a mysterious light. Could there be a reason the Onion waited for me to arrive before sowing its seed? Perhaps something will happen if I approach the bud and press the A Button on the Wii Remote. Courage, Olimar!

The illustration of a Wii Remote and Nunchuck used in the monologs and Voyage Log entries in New Play Control! Pikmin.


The seed that the Onion dropped has turned into an enchanting sprout that gives off a mysterious light. Could there be a reason the Onion waited for me to arrive before sowing its seed? Perhaps something will happen if I approach the bud and press the A Button on the Switch. Courage, Olimar!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The seed that the Onion dropped earlier has produced a cute sprout that emits a strange light. Could there be a reason why the Onion took the trouble to wait for me to come over before dropping the seed? I wonder if something will happen if I approach it and try A.

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text
ゆらゆら ゆらゆら。 オニヨンの ふいた タネが めをだして ゆれている。 きになって しょうがない…。 ちかづいて を ためせば どうだろうか。
  • Translation
Sway-sway. The seed dropped by the Onion has produced a sprout and is swaying. I can't help but be curious. I wonder what will happen if I approach it and try A.

JPN Wii (child)

  • Text
ゆらゆら ゆらゆら。 オニヨンの ふいた タネが をだして ゆれている。 きになって しょうがない…。 ちかづいて を ためせば どうだろうか。
Sway-sway. The seed dropped by the Onion has produced a sprout and is swaying. I can't help but be curious. I wonder what will happen if I approach it and try A.

(Unused) tu_tx05_00.blo

JPN NGC (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The seed that the Onion dropped earlier has sprouted a cute sprout that emits a strange light. Could there be a reason why the Onion took the trouble to wait for me to come over before planting the seed? I wonder if something will happen if I approach it and try A.

Meeting red Pikmin



Extraordinary! When I plucked the sprout, it turned out to be a living creature, not a plant! Picking it has done no visible damage... It just stands there, staring at me. Its shape is similar to the Pikpik brand carrots I love so much... I believe I shall call it a Pikmin.


Extraordinary! When I plucked the sprout, it turned out to be a living creature, not a plant! Picking it has done no visible damage... It just stands there, staring at me. Its shape is similar to the Pikpik-brand carrots I love so much... I believe I shall call it a Pikmin.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
When I plucked the sprout, a strange creature appeared from below! At first glance, it appears unharmed, but I wonder why it is staring at me. Its appearance closely resembles that of my favorite vegetable, the Pikpik carrot, so I shall call it a "Pikmin".

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
を ひきぬいてみると、なんと しょくぶつ ではなかった。 わたしの だいすきな ピクピクニンジンに そっくりなので、「ピクミン」と よぶことに する。
  • Translation
When I plucked the sprout, to my surprise, it was not a plant. It closely resembles my favorite vegetable, the Pikpik carrot, so I shall call it a "Pikmin".



Here I am, stranded on a toxic planet, fighting to survive, and yet I'm intrigued... I must research this fascinating creature! I shall try to grab it and throw it with the A Button on the GameCube controller, and I will call it to my side with the B Button on the GameCube controller. Hmmm... Perhaps it will react to the C Stick on the GameCube controller and the X Button on the GameCube controller as well.

A Pikmin (game) log picture


Here I am, stranded on a toxic planet, fighting to survive, and yet I'm intrigued... I must research this fascinating creature! I shall try to grab it with the A Button on the Wii Remote then throw i in the direction I point. And I will call it to my side with the B Button on the Wii Remote. Hmmm... Perhaps it will react to the C Button on the Nunchuk and pressing down on the + Control Pad on the Wii Remote while pointing as well.

The illustration of a Wii Remote and Nunchuck used in the monologs and Voyage Log entries in New Play Control! Pikmin.


Here I am, stranded on a toxic planet, fighting to survive, and yet I'm intrigued... I must research this fascinating creature! I shall try to grab it and throw it with the A Button on the Switch, and I will call it to my side with the B Button on the Switch. Hmmm... Perhaps it will react to pressing the X Button on the Switch or moving the Right Stick on the Switch (dual Joy-Con) while holding the L Button on the Switchas well.

JPN NGC (adult)

  • Text

で つかんで、投げてみたり、
で 呼びかけてみることにする。

にも 反応するかも知れない。
  • Translation

● I shall try to grab it and throw it with A,
● and try to call it with B.

● It may also respond to C and X.

JPN Wii (adult)

  • Text

で つかんで、ポイントした所に投げてみたり、
で 呼びかけてみることにする。

  • Translation

● I shall try to grab it and throw it where I'm pointing with A,
● and try to call it with B.

● It may also respond to C and pointing at the screen while pushing down on the control pad.

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text

で つかんで なげたり、
で よびかけてみることにする。

を ためしても いいかもしれない。
  • Translation

● I shall try to grab it and throw it with A,
● and call it with B.

● It may also be a good idea to try C and X.

JPN Wii (child)

  • Text

でつかんで ポイントしたところになげたり、
でよびかけてみる ことにする。

や じゅうじボタンしたをおしながら がめんをポイントすることも ためしてみよう。
  • Translation

● I shall try to grab it and throw it where I'm pointing with A,
● and call it with B.

● I shall also try C and pointing at the screen while pushing down on the control pad.



The following controls appear to allow me several viewpoints:

the L Button on the GameCube controller Rotate Camera
(Hold to follow the cursor)
the R Button on the GameCube controller Zoom In and Out
the Z Button on the GameCube controller Change Angle
I must survive! I need to familiarize myself with these controls and my surroundings.

A Pikmin (game) log picture


The following controls appear to allow me several viewpoints:

the Z Button on the Nunchuk Rotate Camera
(behind Olimar)
the + Control Pad on the Wii Remote (Left and Right) Zoom
the + Control Pad on the Wii Remote (Up) Change Perspective
I must survive! I need to familiarize myself with these controls and my surroundings.

The illustration of a Wii Remote and Nunchuck used in the monologs and Voyage Log entries in New Play Control! Pikmin.


The following controls appear to allow me several viewpoints:

the ZL Button on the Switch Snap camera behind Olimar
the Right Stick on the Switch (dual Joy-Con) Left/Right: Rotate Camera
the ZR Button on the Switch Zoom
the Right Stick on the Switch (dual Joy-Con) Up/Down: Change Perspective
I must survive! I need to familiarize myself with these controls and my surroundings.

JPN NGC (adult)

  • Text

で 回転(押し込めばすばやくカーソルへ向く)
で ズーム
で まうえからみる

  • Translation

By the way, the camera can be operated by
● rotating with L (push to quickly face the cursor)
● zooming with R
● looking from above with Z,

so I shall try various things and observe my surroundings more closely while I'm at it.

JPN Wii (adult)

  • Text

ヌンチャクのZで 回転(うしろに回り込む)
十字ボタンのよこで ズーム
十字ボタンのうえで まうえからみる

  • Translation

By the way, the camera can be operated by
● rotating with Z on the Nunchuck (moves it behind me)
● zooming with left and right on the control pad
● looking from above with up on the control pad,

so I shall try various things and observe my surroundings more closely while I'm at it.

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text

ついでに、カメラの そうさを まとめておく。
で かいてん (おしこめば カーソルにむく)
で ズーム
で まうえからみる

の そうさが できる。 いまの うちに いろいろ ためして、 まわりの ようすを しらべておく ことにする。
  • Translation

By the way, I'll summarize operation of the camera. I can operate it by
● rotating with L (push to face the cursor)
● zooming with R
● looking from above with Z.

I shall try various things and examine my surroundings while I'm at it.

JPN Wii (child)

  • Text

ついでに、カメラの そうさを まとめておく。
ヌンチャクのZで かいてん
じゅうじボタンのよこで ズーム
じゅうじボタンのうえで まうえからみる の そうさが できる。

いまの うちに いろいろ ためして、まわりの ようすを しらべておく ことにする。
  • Translation

By the way, I'll summarize operation of the camera.
● I can operate it by rotating with Z on the Nunchuck
● zooming with left and right on the control pad
● looking from above with up on the control pad.

I shall try various things and examine my surroundings while I'm at it.

Controls review

When Olimar hasn't assigned the Pikmin to the pellets yet.



What does this Pikmin think of me? I must observe its reactions—the more things I try, the more reactions I can catalogue. I shall attempt to grab and throw it with the A Button on the GameCube controller and call it to my side with the B Button on the GameCube controller. Perhaps it will also respond to the C Stick on the GameCube controller and the X Button on the GameCube controller...

A Pikmin (game) log picture


What does this Pikmin think of me? I must observe its reactions. The more things I try, the more reactions I can catalogue. I shall attempt to grab and throw it with the A Button on the Wii Remote and call it to my side with the B Button on the Wii Remote. Perhaps it will react to the C Button on the Nunchuk and pressing down on the + Control Pad on the GameCube controller while pointing as well.

The illustration of a Wii Remote and Nunchuck used in the monologs and Voyage Log entries in New Play Control! Pikmin.


What does this Pikmin think of me? I must observe its reactions. The more things I try, the more reactions I can catalogue. I shall attempt to grab and throw it with the A Button on the Switch and call it to my side with the B Button on the Switch. Perhaps it will react to pressing the X Button on the Switch or moving the Right Stick on the Switch (dual Joy-Con) while holding the L Button on the Switch as well.

JPN NGC (adult)

  • Text

で つかんで、投げてみたり、
で 呼びかけてみるのはどうだろう。

にも 反応するかも知れない。
  • Translation

I wonder what the Pikmin thinks of me. If I try various things, I might get a reaction.
● How about trying to grab it and throw it with A,
● and trying to call it with B?

● It may also respond to C and X.

JPN Wii (adult)

  • Text

で つかんで、投げてみたり、
で 呼びかけてみるのはどうだろう。

  • Translation

I wonder what the Pikmin thinks of me. If I try various things, I might get a reaction.
● How about trying to grab it and throw it with A,
● and trying to call it with B?

● It may also respond to C and pointing at the screen while pushing down on the control pad.

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text

ピクミンは わたしを なんだと おもっているのだろう。 せっかくだ、いろいろ ためしてみようか。
で つかんで なげたり、
で よびかけるのは どうだろう。

を ためしても いいかもしれない。
  • Translation

I wonder what the Pikmin thinks of me. Since I'm here, I'll try various things.
● How about grabbing it and throwing it with A,
● and calling it with B?

● It may also be a good idea to try C and X.

JPN Wii (child)

  • Text

ピクミンは わたしを なんだと おもっているのだろう。 せっかくだ、いろいろ ためしてみようか。
で つかんで なげたり、
で よびかけるのは どうだろう。

や じゅうじボタンしたをおしながら がめんをポイントすることも ためしてみよう。
  • Translation

I wonder what the Pikmin thinks of me. Since I'm here, I'll try various things.
● How about grabbing it and throwing it with A,
● and calling it with B?

● I shall also try C and pointing at the screen while pushing down on the control pad.




Astonishing! The Onion has sown more seeds! The small red pellet the Pikmin harvested after cutting down a flower appears to be some type of food that can propagate more Pikmin. The Onion seems to be a sort of incubator... Needless to say, I must study this strange life-form more.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Onion once again dropped Pikmin seeds! The small red pellet harvested from the flower is food for the Pikmin to propagate. Thus, it seems that the Onion is an incubator for Pikmin. Their ecology is a complete mystery. It seems I need to investigate the Pikmin's abilities a little more.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
オニヨンが ピクミンの タネを ふいた! はなから とれる ちいさな あかい ペレットは ピクミンが ふえるための たべもの だったのだ。 オニヨンとピクミン、まったく フシギな いきものだ。
  • Translation
The Onion dropped Pikmin seeds! The small red pellet harvested from the flower was food for the Pikmin to multiply. The Onion and the Pikmin are completely mysterious living beings.




The Pikmin are as curious as children! They form groups to perform tasks that would be impossible for an individual. A glimmer of hope has begun to shine in my heart—if I can make use of their skills, perhaps I can fix my ship! I shall sum up all I've learned of Pikmin conduct.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Pikmin are curious about everything and work together as a group. If I could make use of these behaviors, I might be able to repair the Dolphin. There is a slight glimmer of hope. I will summarize what I have learned so far about Pikmin management.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ピクミンは めずらしい ものに むらがり、みんなで あつまって ものを はこぶ。 ピクミンと いっしょなら ドルフィンごうを なおせる かもしれない。 わずかに きぼうが みえてきた。 ピクミンの そうさを まとめておく。
  • Translation
Pikmin crowd around unusual objects and they all get together to carry things. Together with the Pikmin, I might be able to fix the Dolphin. There is a glimmer of hope. I will summarize Pikmin management.



Approach and press the A Button on the GameCube controller to pick sprouts. Press the A Button on the GameCube controller to grab Pikmin, release to throw. Press the B Button on the GameCube controller to call them, the X Button on the GameCube controller to dismiss. Use the C Stick on the GameCube controller to command and control the group. the L Button on the GameCube controller, the R Button on the GameCube controller, and the Z Button on the GameCube controller control perspective. I shall record all of this in my computer. I can press the Y Button on the GameCube controller to access the computer.

A Pikmin (game) log picture


Approach and press the A Button on the Wii Remote to pick sprouts. Press the A Button on the Wii Remote to grab Pikmin, release to throw. Press the B Button on the Wii Remote to call them, the C Button on the Nunchuk to dismiss. Press down on the + Control Pad on the Wii Remote and point to command and control the group. Use the Z Button on the Nunchuk and up and left and right onthe + Control Pad on the Wii Remote to control perspective. I shall record this in my computer and access it with the Plus Button on the Wii Remote.

The illustration of a Wii Remote and Nunchuck used in the monologs and Voyage Log entries in New Play Control! Pikmin.


Approach and hold the A Button on the Switch to pick sprouts. Press the A Button on the Switch to grab Pikmin, release to throw. Press the B Button on the Switch to call them, the X Button on the Switch to dismiss. Move the Right Stick on the Switch (dual Joy-Con) while holding the L Button on the Switchto command and control the group. Use the ZL Button on the Switch or up, down, left, and right on the Right Stick on the Switch (dual Joy-Con) to control perspective. I shall record this in my computer and access it with the + Button on the Switch.

JPN NGC (adult)

  • Text

●集合は ●解散は

  • Translation

● Plucking is approaching and A
● Throwing is pushing A to grab, and releasing to throw.
● Gathering is B ● Disbanding is X
● Controlling the squad is C (I can also give instructions at the same time with C)
● The camera is L, R, and Z.

I will store this in the computer. The computer screen can be opened with Y, so I don't have to worry.

JPN Wii (adult)

  • Text

●集合は ●解散はヌンチャクのC

  • Translation

● Plucking is approaching and A
● Throwing is pushing A to grab, and releasing to throw.
● Gathering is B ● Disbanding is C on the Nunchuck
● Giving instructions to the squad is pointing at the screen while pushing down on the control pad. With this, I can also instruct them to work.
● The camera is Z, left and right, and up on the control pad.

I will store this in the computer. The computer screen can be opened with the plus button.

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text

●ひっこぬきは ちかづいて
●つかむのも で、 はなすと なげる
●「あつまれ」は ●「ちらばれ」は
●たいれつを うごかすには (これで めいれいも できる)

これは コンピュータに キロクしておく。 コンピュータ がめんは で よびだせる。
  • Translation

● Plucking is approaching and A
● Also, grabbing with A, and throwing by releasing
● "Gathering" is B ● "Dispersing" is X
● Moving the squad is C (with this, I can also give instructions)
● Operating the camera is L, R, and Z.

I will record this in the computer. The computer screen can be opened with Y.

JPN Wii (child)

  • Text

●「ひっこぬき」は ちかづいて
●「なげ」は でつかんで はなすと なげる。
●「あつまれ」は ●「ちらばれ」はヌンチャクC
●「たいれつをうごかす」には じゅうじボタンのしたを おしながら がめんを ポイント。これで しごとの めいれいもできる。
●カメラは と じゅうじボタンよこうえだ。

わすれたら プラスボタンから かくにんできる。
  • Translation

● "Plucking" is approaching and A
● "Throwing" is grabbing with A, and throwing by releasing.
● "Gathering" is B ● "Dispersing" is C on the Nunchuck
● "Moving the squad" is pointing at the screen while pushing down on the control pad. With this, I can also instruct them to work.
● The camera is Z, left and right, and up on the control pad.

If I forget, I can check it using the plus button.

(Unused) tu_tx13.blo


  • Text
  • Translation
This will be stored in the computer. The computer screen can be opened at any time with Y, so I don't have to worry.

Discover Main Engine



Amazing! There's no mistaking it! My ship's engine rests before my very eyes! By a stroke of pure luck, I have already stumbled upon the most important piece of my damaged craft! Fate has smiled upon me! But... How will I get it back to the Dolphin?

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
What a surprise, what lies before me is unmistakably the Main Engine of my ship! Luckily, I was able to find the most important thing first! Now how should I carry it?

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
なんということだ! わたしの めの まえに あるのは ドルフィンごうの メインエンジンだ! いちばん だいじな ものを みつけられた。
  • Translation
What a surprise! What lies before me is the Dolphin's Main Engine! I have found the most important thing.

Collect Main Engine



Oh, glorious! With the help of these Pikmin, I've taken a huge step back toward home. My ship can once again lift off! The glimmer of hope is beginning to burn more brightly... But what has become of the remaining parts? That search...starts tomorrow.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
With this, it has become possible to take off! I somehow saw a glimmer of hope. Where did the rest of the parts fly off to? Tomorrow I will begin the search for them.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
これで そらを とぶことが できる! まだ あまり たかくは とべないが なんとか きぼうが みえてきた。 のこりの パーツは どこだろうか? あしたからは もっと べつの ばしょも さがしてみるとしよう。
  • Translation
With this, I can fly in the sky! I can't fly very high yet, but I'm beginning to see hope. Where could the rest of the parts be? Tomorrow, I will start looking in other places.

(Unused) tu_tx16.blo


  • Text
  • Translation
With this, I can take off. It won't get me off this planet, but it will allow me to fly through the atmosphere. I shall go in search of the lost parts.

(Unused) tu_tx17.blo


  • Text
  • Translation
My life-support system has 29 days left to work. I wonder if I will be able to find the remaining 30 parts and escape from this planet...

Call Pikmin from the Onion

(Unused) tu_tx18.blo


  • Text


  • Translation

---From Olimar's notes---

The Pikmin we collected yesterday should be inside the Onion. First, I shall take out the Pikmin. Let's stand below the nest and call them with A.



My Dolphin has returned to the surface along with the Pikmin's Onion. Being alone on this strange planet makes me somewhat uneasy, so I shall call the Pikmin out of the Onion. All I need to do is stand in the light beneath the Onion and press the A Button on the GameCube controller.

A Pikmin (game) log picture


My Dolphin has returned to the surface along with the Pikmin's Onion. Being alone on this strange planet makes me somewhat uneasy, so I shall call the Pikmin out of the Onion. All I need to do is stand in the light beneath the Onion and press the A Button on the Wii Remote.

The illustration of a Wii Remote and Nunchuck used in the monologs and Voyage Log entries in New Play Control! Pikmin.


My Dolphin has returned to the surface along with the Pikmin's Onion. Being alone on this strange planet makes me somewhat uneasy, so I shall call the Pikmin out of the Onion. All I need to do is stand in the light beneath the Onion and press the A Button on the Switch.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
My Dolphin has once again landed on the ground, together with the Pikmin's Onion. Feeling anxious about being alone, I decided to call the Pikmin from the Onion. I stand under the Onion and use A.

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text
わたしの ドルフィンごうは、ピクミンたちの オニヨンと ともに、ふたたび ちじょうに おりたった。ひとりでは ふあんなので、オニヨンから ピクミンを よびだす ことにした。オニヨンの したにたってだ。
  • Translation
My Dolphin has once again landed on the ground, together with the Pikmin's Onion. Feeling anxious about being alone, I decided to call the Pikmin from the Onion. I stand under the Onion and use A.

JPN Wii (child)

  • Text
わたしの ドルフィンごうは、ピクミンたちの オニヨンと ともに、ふたたび ちじょうに おりたった。ひとりでは ふあんなので、オニヨンから ピクミンを よびだす ことにした。オニヨンの したにたってだ。
  • Translation
My Dolphin has once again landed on the ground, together with the Pikmin's Onion. Feeling anxious about being alone, I decided to call the Pikmin from the Onion. I stand under the Onion and use A.

Pikmin Extinction



When the Pikmin become extinct, the Onion releases a single seed. How does the Onion know that the Pikmin have all been lost? I do not understand this mechanism, but I have no time to try to decipher its riddle. I must do all I can to protect the lone Pikmin. And, of course, I must prevent such an extinction from ever happening again!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
When all the Pikmin were wiped out, the Onion spawned but a single seed. How does the Onion know that the Pikmin are gone? The mechanism is a mystery, but in any case, this time I intend to protect this one with great care.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ピクミンが ゼンメツすると、オニヨンが 1つだけ タネを うんだ。 どうして オニヨンは ピクミンが いなくなった ことが わかるのか? メカニズムは ナゾだが、こんどこそ ピクミンを たいせつに そだてよう。
  • Translation
When all the Pikmin were wiped out, the Onion spawned but a single seed. How does the Onion know that the Pikmin are gone? The mechanism is a mystery, but I will take great care of the Pikmin this time.

Meeting yellow Pikmin



The color is different, but it seems to be a Pikmin nonetheless. First glance suggests this one has what, in some circles, could be considered very large ears. It looks like it may weigh less than the others... In what other ways might it be different from the red Pikmin? No matter. They are obviously quite similar, so I shall call this one a Pikmin as well.


The color is different, but it seems to be a Pikmin nonetheless. First glance suggests this one has what, in some circles, could be considered very large ears. It looks like it may weigh less than the others... In what other ways might it be different from the red Pikmin? I must be sure to observe it closely. I can hold a Pikmin for a moment with the A Button on the Wii Remote then swap it for another by pressing the B Button on the Wii Remote.

The illustration of a Wii Remote and Nunchuck used in the monologs and Voyage Log entries in New Play Control! Pikmin.

ENG Switch

The color is different, but it seems to be a Pikmin nonetheless. First glance suggests this one has what, in some circles, could be considered very large ears. It looks like it may weigh less than the others... In what other ways might it be different from the red Pikmin? I must be sure to observe it closely. I can hold a Pikmin for a moment with the A Button on the Switch, then swap it for another by pressing the R Button on the Switch.

JPN NGC (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
This...has a different color, but it looks like the same Pikmin. It has what appear to be large ears. Its body seems light, but how is it different from the red-colored Pikmin? For the time being, I will call it a Pikmin, too.

JPN Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
This...has a different color, but it looks like the same Pikmin. It has what appear to be large ears. Its body seems light, but I shall carefully observe how it is different from the red-colored Pikmin. To switch Pikmin, I use B while gripping them with A.

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text
これは・・・、きいろのピクミンに であった。 おおきな みみ らしきものが ある。 からだが かるそうだが、あかピクミンとは どうちがうのだろう?
  • Translation
This is...a yellow-colored Pikmin. It has what appear to be large ears. Its body seems light, but how is it different from the red Pikmin?

JPN Wii (child)

  • Text
これは……、きいろのピクミンに であった。 おおきな みみ らしきものが ある。 からだが かるそうだが、あかピクミンとは どうちがうのか、かんさつが ひつようだ。 ピクミンの もちかえは でつかみながらだ。
  • Translation
This is...a yellow-colored Pikmin. It has what appear to be large ears. Its body seems light, but observation is needed on how it is different from the red Pikmin. To switch Pikmin, I use B while gripping them with A.

Meeting blue Pikmin



It is a Pikmin of yet another color. Near this one's cheeks is what appears to be a set of gills. This trait suggests to me that this blue type of Pikmin can enter the water without any trouble whatsoever. There's only one way to find out...


It is a Pikmin of yet another color. Near this one's cheeks is what appears to be a set of gills. This trait suggests to me that this blue type of Pikmin can enter the water without any trouble whatsoever. There's only one way to find out... I will use the A Button on the Wii Remote to hold one, and press the B Button on the Wii Remote to swap it out and issue it my commands.

The illustration of a Wii Remote and Nunchuck used in the monologs and Voyage Log entries in New Play Control! Pikmin.


It is a Pikmin of yet another color. Near this one's cheeks is what appears to be a set of gills. This trait suggests to me that this blue type of Pikmin can enter the water without any trouble whatsoever. There's only one way to find out... I will use the A Button on the Switch to hold one, and press the R Button on the Switch to swap it out and issue it my commands.

JPN NGC (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
It's another Pikmin of yet another color. It has what appear to be gills on its cheeks. As such, it seems to have no problem staying in the water.

JPN Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
It's another Pikmin of yet another color. It has what appear to be gills on its cheeks. As such, it seems to have no problem staying in the water. By switching with B while gripping with A, giving instructions, and so on, I shall efficiently observe its ecology.

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text
こんどは あおいピクミンと であった。 ほほに エラ のようなものが ある。 みずのなか なのに へいきで たっている。 ほかの ピクミンとは ちがうようだ。
  • Translation
This time, it was a blue-colored Pikmin. It has what seem like gills on its cheeks. It stands peacefully even though it is in the water. It seems to be different from other Pikmin.

JPN Wii (child)

  • Text
こんどは あおいピクミンと であった。 ほほに エラ のようなものが ある。 みずのなか なのに へいきで たっている。 ほかの ピクミンとは ちがうようだ。 でつかみながらで つかいわけて、ちゅういぶかく かんさつしていく ことにする。
  • Translation
This time, it was a blue-colored Pikmin. It has what seem like gills on its cheeks. It stands peacefully even though it is in the water. It seems to be different from other Pikmin. I shall use it by using B while gripping with A, and observe it carefully.

(Unused) tu_tx22_00.blo


  • Text
  • Translation
It's another Pikmin of yet another color. From the looks of it, it has what appear to be gills near the mouth. It seems to be fine staying in the water.

Bomb-rock introduction



The yellow Pikmin have picked up some peculiar stones. Why did they decide to grab them? This action seems to be instinctive to the yellow Pikmin. But just what are these strange glowing stones? Brightly glowing cracks cover them. Perhaps these cracks indicate that there's tremendous power locked away within. This merits further research.


The yellow Pikmin have picked up some peculiar stones. Why did they decide to grab them? This action seems to be instinctive to the yellow Pikmin. But just what are these strange glowing stones? Brightly glowing cracks cover them—perhaps these cracks indicate that there's tremendous power locked away within. This merits further research.


The yellow Pikmin has picked up a peculiar stone. Why did it decide to grab it? This action seems to be instinctive to the yellow Pikmin. But just what are these strange glowing stones? Brightly glowing cracks cover them—perhaps these cracks indicate that there's tremendous power locked away within. This merits further research.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
A yellow Pikmin came carrying a strange rock that was lying around. Apparently, this is a behavior of yellow Pikmin. Still, what could this strange rock be? The red glowing cracks give the impression that it is filled with a lot of energy inside.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
きいろピクミンが フシギな ひかるいわを もちかえった。 どうやら きいろピクミンは このいわを みつけるのが とくい らしい。 あかく ひかる ヒビわれは たかい エネルギーが たくわえられている しるし だろう。
  • Translation
A yellow-colored Pikmin came back with a strange glowing rock. Apparently, yellow-colored Pikmin are good at finding these rocks. The red cracks are probably a sign that it is filled with a lot of energy.

(Unused) tu_tx23_00.blo


  • Text
  • Translation
A yellow Pikmin came carrying a strange rock that was lying around. Apparently, this is a trait of yellow-colored Pikmin. Still, what could this strange glowing rock be? The red glowing cracks give the impression that it is filled with a lot of energy inside.

Recovered ship parts



I have now recovered _/30 parts! If I can find just _ more, I should be able to increase my ship's capabilities!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
回収したドルフィン号のパーツは、_/30個 となった!あと_個あれば飛行能力がアップする!
  • Translation
The Dolphin parts recovered are now _/30! If I had _ more parts, I could increase its flight capability!

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
あつめた ドルフィンごうの パーツは _/30だ。 あと_コあれば さらに たかく とべるようになる!
  • Translation
The Dolphin parts collected are _/30. If I had _ more parts, I would be able to fly even higher!

Increase Dolphin's capabilities



I have recovered _/30 parts, increasing the Dolphin's capabilities! My search can now cover a wider area!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
回収したドルフィン号のパーツは、_/30個 となり、ドルフィン号がパワーアップした!これでさらに捜索範囲がひろがる!
  • Translation
The Dolphin parts recovered are now _/30, and the Dolphin has been powered up! This will further expand the search area!

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
あつめた ドルフィンごうの パーツは _/30だ。 ドルフィンごうが パワーアップした! さらに とおくまで さがしに いける!
  • Translation
The Dolphin parts collected are _/30. The Dolphin has been powered up! I can search even further away!

Sunset approaching



My clock is indicating the approach of sunset. Pikmin waiting beneath the Dolphin and Onions will probably enter the Onions on their own, but if I don't call the stragglers and add them to my group, they may not be able to get back. I am sure that the Pikmin still planted are safe, but I am somewhat concerned about leaving Pikmin to fend for themselves in the darkness.


My clock is indicating the approach of sunset. Pikmin waiting beneath the Dolphin and Onions will probably enter the Onion on their own, but if I don't call the stragglers and add them to my group, they may not be able to get back. I am sure that the Pikmin still planted are safe, but I am somewhat concerned about leaving Pikmin to fend for themselves in the darkness.

JPN NGC (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The timer has signaled that the sun is about to set. Pikmin near the Dolphin and Onions will probably be able to return to the Onion on their own, but those further away, unless they are added to the squad before dark, will probably not be able to make it back to the Onion by themselves. I think sprout Pikmin buried in the ground will be fine, but I am worried about what will happen to the Pikmin left behind in the dark.

JPN Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The timer has signaled that the sun is about to set. Pikmin near the Dolphin and Onions will probably be able to return to the Onion on their own, but those further away, unless they are added to the squad before dark, will probably not be able to make it back to the Onion by themselves. I think sprout Pikmin buried in the ground will be fine, but I am worried about what will happen to the Pikmin left behind in the dark.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
もうすぐ ひが しずむ。 それまでにピクミンたちを よびあつめて、いっしょに いなければ ならない。 とおくに のこしておいた ピクミンは どこかへ いってしまうかも しれない。 オニヨンの そばに かえった ピクミンや、じめんに うもれたピクミンは、きっと あしたまで ぶじだろう。
  • Translation
The sun will set soon. Before then, I must call the Pikmin to gather them and then stay together. Pikmin left far away may go away. Pikmin that have returned near the Onions and Pikmin that are buried in the ground will probably be safe until tomorrow.

Discover bomb-rock explosions



The glowing rocks the yellow Pikmin picked up seem to be explosive stones! Perhaps they know that these stones can be used as powerful weapons. The bomb-rocks are dangerous, so I must take care when using them, but they should be able to blast open the stone walls that block the pathways! I may even be able to use them against some of the wild creatures.


The glowing rocks the yellow Pikmin picked up seem to be explosive stones! Perhaps they know that these stones can be used as powerful weapons. The bomb rocks are dangerous, so I must take care when using them, but they should be able to blast open the stone walls that block the pathways! I may even be able to use them against some of the wild creatures.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
It turns out that the strange rock that the yellow Pikmin came carrying earlier was a powerful bomb of some sort! Perhaps the yellow Pikmin know that these bomb rocks can be powerful weapons. They are dangerous and must be handled with care, but with these, it may be possible to break down the large rock walls blocking paths!

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text

さっき きいろピクミンが もってきた ひかるいわは、バクダンのような ものだった!

キケンなので、ちゅういして つかわなければ ならない。これがあれば、みちを ふさいでいる おおきな いわのかべも こわせる だろう。 おそろしい いきものも たおせそうだ
  • Translation

The glowing rock that the yellow-colored Pikmin came carrying earlier was a bomb-like thing!

It is dangerous and must be used with care. With these, it may be possible to destroy the large rock walls blocking paths. It seems to be able to defeat even the most fearsome creatures

JPN Wii (child)

  • Text

さっき きいろピクミンが もってきた ひかるイワは、バクダンのような ものだった!

キケンなので、ちゅういして つかわなければ ならない。これがあれば、みちを ふさいでいる おおきな イワのカベも こわせる だろう。 おそろしい いきものも たおせそうだ。
  • Translation

The glowing rock that the yellow-colored Pikmin came carrying earlier was a bomb-like thing!

It is dangerous and must be used with care. With these, it may be possible to destroy the large rock walls blocking paths. It seems to be able to defeat even the most fearsome creatures.



I must be vigilant!
Pikmin I dismiss by pressing the X Button on the GameCube controller bring their bombs when I call them back. Pikmin I throw by pressing the A Button on the GameCube controller drop their bombs when I call them back. (Keep clear of the explosion!) When I touch Pikmin directly, they keep their bombs and fall in line.


I must be vigilant!
When I toss bomb-rock-carrying Pikmin and give them orders, they will toss their bomb-rocks at nearby walls or obstacles. The explosive power of the bomb-rocks is tremendous, so I must keep my distance!

A Pikmin (game) log picture


I must be vigilant!
When I throw bomb-rock-carrying Pikmin and give them orders, they will toss their bomb-rocks at nearby walls or obstacles. The explosive power of the bomb-rocks is tremendous, so I must keep my distance!

A Pikmin (game) log picture


I must be vigilant! When I throw bomb-rock-carrying Pikmin and give them orders, they will toss their bomb rocks at nearby walls or obstacles. The explosive power of the bomb rocks is tremendous, so I must keep my distance!

A Pikmin (game) log picture

JPN NGC (adult)

  • Text



  • Translation

Handling instructions!

● Pikmin disbanded with X will return with the bomb rock when I call them.
● If I throw them with A, they will place the bomb rock when I call them. (Beware of the explosion)

●If I touch them directly, they will always follow me while still holding it.

JPN Wii (adult)

  • Text


  • Translation

Handling instructions!
● When I throw a Pikmin with a bomb rock and instruct it to work, it will throw the bomb rock at a wall or a harmful enemy nearby.

● The destructive power of bomb rocks is very strong, so keep as much distance from them as possible!

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text

とりあつかいの ちゅうい!
Xで かいさんした ピクミンは、よぶと バクダンいわを もってかえる
Aで なげたときは、よぶと バクダンいわを おいてくる(キケン!)

●ちょくせつ さわってやると、いつでも もったままで ついてくる
  • Translation

Handling instructions!
● Pikmin disbanded with X will return with the bomb rock when I call them.
● If I throw them with A, they will place the bomb rock when I call them. (Danger!)

●If I touch them directly, they will always follow me while still holding it.

JPN Wii (child)

  • Text

とりあつかいの ちゅうい!
バクダンいわを もった ピクミンを なげて しごとの めいれいを すると、すぐちかくの がいてきや カベに ピクミンが かってに バクダンいわを なげてくれる

バクダンいわは とてもきけん なので、なるべく はなれておくこと!
  • Translation

Handling instructions!
● When I throw a Pikmin with a bomb rock and command it to work, the Pikmin will throw the bomb rock on its own at harmful enemies and walls in the immediate vicinity.

Bomb rocks are very dangerous, so keep as much distance from them as possible!

Discover Pikmin limit



I have made yet another Pikmin-related discovery. Just when I was about to exceed 100 Pikmin in the field, the Onion stopped expelling seeds, yet the total number of Pikmin continued to climb. It seems that once there are 100 Pikmin in the field, subsequent seeds get stored inside the Onion. Thus, no more than 100 Pikmin can be in the field at one time in any area.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I made a new discovery regarding Pikmin. When their number was about to exceed 100, the Onion stopped producing seeds. However, the total number of Pikmin exceeded 100. Apparently, when they multiply until there are 100 on the ground, they will be born inside the Onion. No more than 100 Pikmin come out and act in one area.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ピクミンが 100ぴきを こえたところで、オニヨンは タネを はくのを やめた! しかし、ぜんぶの ピクミンの かずは 100ぴきを こえて ふえている。 ちじょうの ピクミンが 100ぴきを こえると、オニヨンの なかで ふえるのだ! ピクミンたちは、100ぴき までしか、オニヨンの そとには でない らしい。
  • Translation
When the number of Pikmin was about to exceed 100, the Onion quit spitting seeds! But the number of all Pikmin is increasing beyond 100. When the number of Pikmin on the ground exceeds 100, they multiply inside the Onion! It seems that only up to 100 Pikmin can be outside the Onion.

(Unused) tu_tx28_00.blo

JPN NGC (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The number of Pikmin has been steadily increasing and they now form a large group. Recently, I made a new discovery regarding Pikmin. It seems that it is not possible for more than 100 Pikmin to come out and act outside the Onion. This may be because it would be inefficient for them to move around in such large numbers. This is probably some survival wisdom.

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text
どんどん ピクミンはふえて、たいへん おおきな むれ になってきた。 さいきん、ピクミンについて、あたらしい はっけんが あった。 ピクミンたちは、100ぴき までしか、オニヨンの そとには でない ようだ。 あまり ゾロゾロ いても、かえって ひどいめに あうから かもしれない。 これは おそらく、いきる ちえ なのだろう。
  • Translation
The number of Pikmin has been quickly increasing and they have become a very large group. Recently, I made a new discovery regarding Pikmin. It seems that it is not possible for more than 100 Pikmin to be outside the Onion. This may be because, if there were too many of them, they would get into trouble. This is probably some survival wisdom.

(Unused) tu_tx28_01.blo

JPN NGC (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
However, the total number of Pikmin is increasing endlessly. When they exceed 100 on the ground, they multiply inside the Onion.

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text
ただし、ピクミンの かずは どんどん ふえている。ピクミンは ちじょうに 100ぴきを こえると、オニヨンの なかで ふえるのだ!
  • Translation
However, the number of Pikmin is increasing quickly. When they exceed 100 on the ground, they multiply inside the Onion!

Discover nectar



Another intriguing discovery! A local variety of grass produces a sort of yellow nectar—when the Pikmin drink this delicacy, they instantly mature into flowers! This apparent Pikmin favorite seems to be full of nutrition. Closer observation is needed to determine the strengths and peculiarities of these flower Pikmin.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Pikmin that absorbed the yellow drop instantly matured and became a flower Pikmin! It appears to be very nutritious and seems to be the Pikmin's favorite food. I shall carefully observe the characteristics of the Pikmin that matured into a flower.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
きいろいしずくを すった ピクミンが いっきに せいちょうして はなピクミン になった! よほど エイヨウが あるらしく、ピクミンの だいこうぶつ のようだ。 はなピクミンには どのような とくちょうが あるのか、よく かんさつする ことにする。
  • Translation
The Pikmin that absorbed the yellow drop instantly matured and became a flower Pikmin! It appears to be very nutritious and seems to be the Pikmin's favorite food. I shall closely observe the characteristics of the flower Pikmin.

First carry path blocked



The Pikmin that are carrying our spoils seem to be milling about in one place with their loads. It appears that their path back to the Onion is blocked, and faced with what seems to be an insurmountable obstacle, they have lost their focus. This is unacceptable. I will have to determine what is blocking their way and do what I can to resolve the problem.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Pikmin carrying cargo are wandering around in circles in the same place. Apparently, the path is blocked and they seem have lost their way. I need to investigate and remove the obstacle.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
にもつを はこんでいる ピクミンが、おなじところで グルグル まわっている。 どうやら みちが ふさがれていて、いきさきを みうしなっているようだ。 じゃましているものをしらべて、とりのぞかなくては ならない。
  • Translation
The Pikmin carrying cargo are circling around in the same place. Apparently, the path is blocked and they seem have lost their way. I must investigate and remove the obstacle.

Critical space suit health



The damage to my space suit is approaching its limits! The safest course of action would be to return to the Dolphin at once and repair my suit. To do so, I need only to stand in front of the Dolphin and press the A Button on the GameCube controller. Ah, if only repairing my ship were as simple as pressing a single button!


The damage to my space suit is approaching its limits! The safest course of action would be to return to the Dolphin at once and repair my suit. To do so, I need only to stand in front of the Dolphin and press the A Button on the Wii Remote. Ah, if only repairing my ship were as simple as pressing a single button!


The damage to my space suit is approaching its limits! The safest course of action would be to return to the Dolphin at once and repair my suit. To do so, I need only to stand in front of the Dolphin and press the A Button on the Switch. Ah, if only repairing my ship were as simple as pressing a single button!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The damage to my space suit is approaching its limits! To be on the safe side, I suppose I should go back to the Dolphin for a bit and repair it. The way to repair it is to stand in front of the Dolphin and use A!

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text
うちゅうふくが いまにも こわれそうだ! あんぜんのために、いちど ドルフィンごうに もどって、しゅうりする ほうがいい。 しゅうりする ほうほうは、ドルフィンごうの まえに たってだ!
  • Translation
My space suit looks like it's about to break! To be safe, it's better to go back to the Dolphin for a bit and repair it. The way to repair it is to stand in front of the Dolphin and use A!

JPN Wii (child)

  • Text
うちゅうふくが いまにも こわれそうだ! あんぜんのために、いちど ドルフィンごうに もどって、しゅうりする ほうがいい。 しゅうりする ほうほうは、ドルフィンごうの まえに たって だ!
  • Translation
My space suit looks like it's about to break! To be safe, it's better to go back to the Dolphin for a bit and repair it. The way to repair it is to stand in front of the Dolphin and use A!

Checking Dolphin part status and repair space suit



More than 1 part left
I have recovered _/30 ship parts. Just _ more parts will increase the Dolphin's capabilities. While confirming the ship's status, I have taken the opportunity to repair my space suit.
1 part left
I have recovered _/30 ship parts. Just _ more part will increase the Dolphin's capabilities. While confirming the ship's status, I have taken the opportunity to repair my space suit.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
回収したドルフィン号のパーツは、_/30個 だ。あと_個あれば飛行能力がアップする!確認のついでに宇宙服の修理をした。
  • Translation
The Dolphin parts recovered are _/30! If I had _ more parts, I could increase its flight capability! While I was checking, I repaired my space suit.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
あつめた ドルフィンごうの パーツは _/30だ。 あと_コあれば パワーアップする! かくにんの ついでに うちゅうふくの しゅうりを した。
  • Translation
The Dolphin parts collected are _/30! If I had _ more parts, it would power up! While I was checking, I repaired my space suit.

Checking Dolphin part status



More than 1 part left
I have recovered _/30 ship parts. Just _ more parts will increase the Dolphin's capabilities!
1 part left
I have recovered _/30 ship parts. Just _ more part will increase the Dolphin's capabilities!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
回収したドルフィン号のパーツは、_/30個 だ。あと_個あれば飛行能力がアップする!
  • Translation
The Dolphin parts recovered are _/30! If I had _ more parts, I could increase its flight capability!

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text
あつめた ドルフィンごうの パーツは _/30だ。 あと_コあれば パワーアップする!
  • Translation
The Dolphin parts collected are _/30! If I had _ more parts, it would power up!

JPN Wii (child)

  • Text
あつめた ドルフィンごうの パーツは _/30コだ。 あと_コあれば パワーアップする!
  • Translation
The Dolphin parts collected are _/30! If I had _ more parts, it would power up!

Collect all ship parts



I have finally recovered every ship part! Now I can return home to Hocotate!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I have finally retrieved all the parts! Now I can return home to Hocotate!!

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ついに すべての パーツを あつめられた。 これで ホコタテせいに かえる ことが できる!!
  • Translation
I have finally retrieved all the parts! Now I can return home to Hocotate!!

Failed to collect all ship parts



The day when my life-support system fails has come. I have collected only _/30 ship parts. I have no choice but to attempt to launch the Dolphin into space, incomplete as it is. The ship doesn't need every lost part in order to fly. For better or worse, I must go!

JPN NGC (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The time has finally come when my life-support system runs out... The number of parts recovered is _/30... The Dolphin is incomplete, but I have no choice but to launch it into space as it is. Not all of the parts lost will be necessary for space travel. For better or worse, I shall take off!

JPN Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The time has finally come when my life-support system runs out... The number of parts recovered is _/30... The Dolphin is incomplete, but I have no choice but to launch it into space as it is. Not all of the parts lost will be necessary for space travel. For better or worse, I shall take off!

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ついに うちゅうふくの エネルギーが きれる ときが きた…。 あつめた パーツの かずは、_/30コ…。 ドルフィンごうは みかんせい だが、このまま うちゅうに はっしん する しかない。 なくなった パーツは、 ぜんぶが うちゅうを とぶのに ひつよう ではない はずだ。 いちか ばちか、はっしん だ!
  • Translation
The time has finally come when my space suit's energy runs out... The number of parts collected is _/30... The Dolphin is incomplete, but I have no choice but to launch it into space as it is. Not all the missing parts will be necessary to fly in space. For better or worse, I will take off!

(Unused) monolog after collecting 30 ship parts



My long adventure has finally come to its conclusion. I must part with these Pikmin who have helped me in my need. At last comes the time when I depart to once again travel the depths of space.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
My long adventure has come to an end. The time has come for me to part with the Pikmin who helped me and finally depart into space.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ながかった わたしの ぼうけんも、これで おわりだ。ピクミンたちと わかれ、うちゅうへ たびだつ ときが きたのだ。
  • Translation
My long adventure has come to an end. The time has come for me to part with the Pikmin and finally depart into space.

Plucking Pikmin seeds



When many Pikmin seeds sprout at once, I find it rather tedious to pluck them from the ground individually. My wife always told me I was no good at routine tasks! I guess I'll try to get it all done at once by repeatedly tapping the A Button on the GameCube controller until I pick all the Pikmin from the ground.


When many Pikmin seeds sprout at once, I find it rather tedious to pluck them from the ground individually. My wife always told me I was no good at routine tasks! I guess I'll try to get it all done at once by repeatedly tapping the A Button on the Wii Remote until I pick all the Pikmin from the ground.

The illustration of a Wii Remote and Nunchuck used in the monologs and Voyage Log entries in New Play Control! Pikmin.


When many Pikmin seeds sprout at once, I find it rather tedious to pluck them from the ground individually. My wife always told me I was no good at routine tasks! I guess I'll try to get it all done at once by holding the A Button on the Switch until I pick all the Pikmin from the ground.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
When a lot of Pikmin sprouts appear at once, just plucking them is a chore. My wife would often say to me, "You're no good at small jobs", but apparently the trick is to put all your energy into it and do it all at once. Okay, I shall pluck them out quickly by repeatedly hitting A.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
いちどに たくさんの ピクミンの が でると、ぬくのが タイヘンだ。つまには アンタは ぶきっちょ と よく いわれる。 どうやら コツは、いっきに やること らしい。 よし! を れんだして、サクサク ぬこう。
  • Translation
When a lot of Pikmin sprouts appear at once, plucking them is a chore. Apparently the trick is to do it all at once. Okay! Let's pluck them out quickly by repeatedly hitting A.



I've noticed that when I add Pikmin to my group, they become filled with excitement and flushed with bright color. At other times, they revert to a paler hue and give off a dim glow. Paying close attention to these differences is bound to help me distinguish between Pikmin.

A Pikmin (game) log picture

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
Come to think of it, when Pikmin join the squad, they are excited and turn a bright color, but otherwise they turn a pale color and emit light instead. It's easy to distinguish between the two if one is aware of the color and the light, so it's useful to remember this as well.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
そういえば、ピクミンは たいれつに くわわると あざやかな いろに かわる。 そうでない ときは、うすい いろになって、ひかりを だしている。 これで カンタンに みわけが つく。 よく おぼえておく ことにする。
  • Translation
Come to think of it, when Pikmin join the squad, they change into a bright color. Otherwise, they turn a pale color and emit light. This makes it easy to distinguish between the two. I shall remember this well.

First time hitting noon



My clock has indicated the coming of noon. From now on, I must pay close attention to the sun meter on my monitor and choose my actions accordingly. So, it is best for me to review my monitor's data.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The timer I had set has announced that it is noon. From now on, I must pay attention to the sun meter projected on the monitor, so I'll review the monitor view.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
セットしておいた タイマーが おひるを つげた。これからは モニターに うつった たいようメーターに ちゅうい しなければ。 モニターの みかたを かくにん しておく。
  • Translation
The timer I had set has announced that it is noon. From now on, I must pay attention to the sun meter projected on the monitor. I'll review the monitor view.



Across the top of my monitor are the sun meter and day display. A Pikmin (game) log picture

At the bottom are my space-suit damage meter and Pikmin gauges. From the left, these numbers reflect Pikmin under my command, Pikmin in the field, and total Pikmin (including those in Onions).


Across the top of my monitor are the sun meter and day display. A Pikmin (game) log picture

At the bottom are my space suit damage meter and Pikmin gauges. From the left, these numbers reflect Pikmin under my command, Pikmin in the field, and total Pikmin (including those in Onions).

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text


  • Translation

At the top,
the sun meter
the day display
At the bottom,
the space suit damage
the number of Pikmin
The number displays, from the left
number in the squad
number on the ground

total number (including inside the onion)

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text

かずは ひだりから

  • Translation

At the top,
the sun meter
the day
At the bottom,
the space suit damage
the number of Pikmin
The numbers, from the left
number in the squad
number on the ground

total number (including inside the onion)



To adjust my monitor, I can press the L Button on the GameCube controller to rotate the camera, the R Button on the GameCube controller to zoom, and the Z Button on the GameCube controller to change the viewpoint. I can also press the Y Button on the GameCube controller to view a detailed computer analysis.

A Pikmin (game) log picture


To adjust my monitor, I can press the Z Button on the Nunchuk to rotate the camera, left or right on the + Control Pad on the Wii Remote to zoom, and up on the + Control Pad on the Wii Remote to change the viewpoint. I can also press the Plus Button on the Wii Remote to view a detailed computer analysis.

The illustration of a Wii Remote and Nunchuck used in the monologs and Voyage Log entries in New Play Control! Pikmin.


To adjust my monitor, I can move the Right Stick on the Switch (dual Joy-Con) to rotate the camera, press the ZR Button on the Switch to zoom, and move down on the Right Stick on the Switch (dual Joy-Con) to look down from above. I can also press the + Button on the Switch to view a detailed computer analysis.

JPN NGC (adult)

  • Text


  • Translation

I will also summarize operation of the monitor.
● To operate the camera, rotate with L, zoom with R, and look from above with Z.

● To show detailed information, use Y.

JPN Wii (adult)

  • Text


  • Translation

I will also summarize operation of the monitor.
● To operate the camera, rotate with Z, zoom with left and right on the control pad, and look from above with up on the control pad.

● To show detailed information, use the plus button.

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text

モニターの そうさも まとめておく。
●カメラのそうさは で かいてん で ズーム で まうえからみる

●こまかい データを みるなら だ。
  • Translation

I will also summarize operation of the monitor.
● To operate the camera, rotate with L, zoom with R, and look from above with Z.

● If you want to see detailed data, use Y.

JPN Wii (child)

  • Text

モニターの そうさも まとめておく。
●カメラのそうさは で かいてん じゅうじボタンのよこで ズーム じゅうじボタンのうえで まうえからみる

●こまかいデータを みるなら プラスボタンだ。
  • Translation

I will also summarize operation of the monitor.
● To operate the camera, rotate with Z, zoom with left and right on the control pad, and look from above with up on the control pad.

● If you want to see detailed data, use the plus button.

Find Bowsprit



I've discovered the Bowsprit!

With this piece installed, my ship should regain some of its sleek shape.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text


  • Translation
I've discovered the Bowsprit!
A part that could be called the face of the spaceship. With this, the Dolphin is finally presentable.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text

バウスプリットを みつけた!

ドルフィンごうの かおに あたる パーツ。 これで ドルフィンごうも かっこうが つく。
  • Translation
I've found the Bowsprit!
A part that corresponds to the face of the Dolphin. With this, the Dolphin is presentable.

Find Positron Generator



I've found the Positron Generator!

By combining batteries with solar cells, this machine can generate incredible amounts of electricity. What a timely find! Those Instant Space Noodles will taste better heated up.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Positron Generator!
Apparently, tremendous energy is produced when electrons and positrons stick to each other.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ポジトロン はつでんきを みつけた!
とてつもない デンキを うみだす キカイ。
  • Translation
I've found the Positron Generator!
A machine that produces tremendous amounts of electricity.

Find Gluon Drive



I've found the Gluon Drive!

Using the quark-binding metaphysical properties of gluons, this device... Well, it's...very scientific, and I don't fully understand it myself, but it was very expensive...

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Gluon Drive!
Using the properties of gluons, which convey the color charge of quarks...anyways, a clump of technology. However, I don't fully understand it.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
グルーオンドライブを みつけた!
なぞの かがくりょくで うごく。 しかし わたしには よくわからない。
  • Translation
I've found the Gluon Drive!
It operates with mysterious scientific capabilities. However, I don't fully understand it.

Find Analog Computer



I've found my Analog Computer!

This computer conveys the kind of vague data that falls outside the range of ones and zeros. Actually, to be honest, it's a little bit too vague, so it isn't very helpful.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Analog Computer!
A computer that can represent ambiguous states other than 0 and 1. Too ambiguous for me to understand.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
アナログコンピュータを みつけた!
0と1だけでない あいまいさを あらわせる コンピュータ。なんと、きもちや こころも わかるのだ。
  • Translation
I've found the Analog Computer!
A computer that can represent the ambigous, not only 0 and 1. Amazingly, it even understands feelings and heart.

Find Anti-Dioxin Filter



It's the Anti-Dioxin Filter!

This fits over the rocket's exhaust ports and filters out all disease-causing agents from the ship's exhaust. That means I'll be able to move around without polluting the planet's atmosphere! I feel worlds better!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Anti-Dioxin Filter!
It's a rocket cover that gets rid of carcinogenic dioxins. With this, I can travel without polluting this planet's atmosphere.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ノンダイオキシンを みつけた!
ガンのもと ダイオキシンを とりのぞく ロケットカバー。
  • Translation
I've found the Anti-Dioxin Filter!
A rocket cover that removes dioxins, a cause of cancer.

Find UV Lamp



I've found my UV Lamp!

The only problem with this handheld light is that it can be too bright at times. I have to remember to wear my sun visor whenever I look into it.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the UV Lamp!
A hand-sized light whose only problem is that it's too bright. Don't forget to wear sunglasses when looking at it.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
UVランプを みつけた!
まぶしすぎるのが たまにキズの ハンドサイズ・ライト。サングラスを わすれずに。
  • Translation
I've found the UV Lamp!
A hand-sized light whose only problem is that it's too bright. Don't forget to wear sunglasses.

Find Eternal Fuel Dynamo



Why, it's the Eternal Fuel Dynamo!

It has an unlimited energy supply! I won't have to worry about saving electricity anymore! This will make my fight for survival a bit easier...

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
Ah, it's the Eternal Fuel Dynamo!
Energy that won't ever run out! With this, I don't have to be stingy with electricity.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
えいきゅう ねんりょう ダイナモを みつけた!
むげんの エネルギー! これがあれば デンキを ケチらずに すむ。
  • Translation
I've found the Eternal Fuel Dynamo!
Infinite energy! With this, I don't have to be stingy with electricity.

Find Whimsical Radar



It's my Whimsical Radar!

With this, I'll be able to see all nearby ship parts in a single glance—I just press the Y Button on the GameCube controller to check it. This find fills me with great hope.


It's my Whimsical Radar!

With this, I'll be able to see all nearby ship parts in a single glance—I just press the Plus Button on the Wii Remote to check it. This find fills me with great hope.


It's my Whimsical Radar!

With this, I'll be able to see all nearby ship parts in a single glance—I just press the + Button on the Switch to check it. This find fills me with great hope.

JPN NGC (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
What a surprise, I've discovered the Whimsical Radar!
With this, I can see a complete view of the positions of ship parts. I can check the radar at any time with Y. I am growing more and more hopeful.

JPN Wii (adult)

  • Text

  • Translation
What a surprise, I've discovered the Whimsical Radar!
With this, I can see a complete view of the positions of ship parts. I can check the radar with the plus button.

I am growing more and more hopeful.

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text
きまぐれなレーダーを みつけた!
これさえあれば うちゅうせんパーツの ばしょが ひとめで わかる。 かいしゅう すれば で かくにん!
  • Translation
I've found the Whimsical Radar!
With this, I can see a complete view of the locations of ship parts. Once it's collected, check with Y!

JPN Wii (child)

  • Text
きまぐれなレーダーを みつけた!
これさえあれば うちゅうせんパーツの ばしょが ひとめで わかる。 かいしゅう すれば プラスボタンで かくにん!
  • Translation
I've found the Whimsical Radar!
With this, I can see a complete view of the locations of ship parts. Once it's collected, check with the plus button!

Find Interstellar Radio



I've found my Interstellar Radio!

Not only does it emit a constant S.O.S. signal, it also broadcasts voices from space that will brighten up my moments of boredom. The Dolphin, while comfortable, becomes quite a lonely place in the depths of the night...


I've found my Interstellar Radio!

Not only does it emit a constant SOS signal, it also broadcasts voices from space that will brighten up my moments of boredom. The Dolphin, while comfortable, becomes quite a lonely place in the depths of the night...

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Interstellar Radio!
It's possible to send an SOS signal, but I doubt I can reach anyone in such a remote region...

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
うちゅうムセンを みつけた!
SOSを おくれるが、こんな ヘンピな ほしでは だれにも とどかないだろう……。
  • Translation
I've found the Interstellar Radio!
I can send an SOS signal, but I doubt I can reach anyone in such a remote planet...

Find Guard Satellite



The Guard Satellite!

Deep space is filled with dangers. This automated satellite does its part to help guard both me and my spaceship. I'll sleep better at night once this little satellite is back on duty.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Guard Satellite!
Space is filled with dangers. This is a reliable automatic satellite that protects both myself and my spaceship.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ガードサテライトを みつけた!
うちゅうには キケンがみちている。カイゾク から ふねを まもる たのもしいガード。
  • Translation
I've found the Guard Satellite!
Space is filled with dangers. This is a reliable guard that protects my ship from pirates.

Find Chronos Reactor



I've found my Chronos Reactor!

Using strange new technology, this machine is able to warp the space-time continuum and turn it into energy. I am constantly amazed at how many mysteries are locked inside the parts of my ship...

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Chronos Reactor!
A machine that uses strange technology to bend space-time and convert the recoil into energy. Spaceship parts are really full of mysteries...

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
クロノスリアクターを みつけた!
じくうを ねじまげ、はんどうを エネルギーに かえる キカイ。
  • Translation
I've found the Chronos Reactor!
A machine that bends space-time and converts the recoil into energy.

Find Radiation Canopy



At last! My Radiation Canopy!

This turns the harsh radiation of deep space into soft, infrared rays that are easy on the body. I'll sleep like a baby once I get this back to the ship!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Radiation Canopy!
It softens harsh cosmic radiation into far-infrared rays that are easy on the body.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ほうしゃせん キャノピーを みつけた!
はげしい ホウシャセンを からだに やさしい エンセキガイセンに やわらげる。
  • Translation
I've found the Radiation Canopy!
It softens harsh radiation into far-infrared rays that are easy on the body.

Find Geiger Counter



It's the Geiger Counter!

Every spaceship needs one of these, but I don't actually know what it's for. Every once in a while, it goes wild and lets out a lot of noise, but I never pay much attention to it, so it doesn't do me much good. I really should read that manual one of these days!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Geiger Counter!
They are required on spaceships, but I'm not quite sure what they are for. Sometimes it makes tremendous noise, but what in the world could it be?

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ガイガーカウンターを みつけた!
ときどき ガーガー なりだす やかましい パーツ。うちゅうせんには ひつよう らしいが じつは なんのためにあるのか わたしは しらない。
  • Translation
I've found the Geiger Counter!
A noisy part that sometimes makes a crackling sound. Apparently it's required on spaceships, but I don't know what it's actually for.

Find Sagittarius



I've found my Sagittarius!

My son gave this to me as a present. It brings to mind visions of my son back home on Planet Hocotate. Oh, to be back there right now!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Sagittarius!
A present from my son. It brings to mind the face of my son on Hocotate.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
サジタリウスを みつけた!
ムスコからの プレゼント。ホコタテせいの ムスコの かおが うかんできた。
  • Translation
I've found the Sagittarius!
A present from my son. It brings to mind the face of my son on Hocotate.

Find Libra



I've found my Libra!

My daughter gave this to me. It's named after her astrological sign. My sweet little girl... I wonder what she's doing right at this moment...

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Libra!
A present from my daughter. It's named after my daughter's astrological sign.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
リブラを みつけた!
ムスメからの プレゼント。ムスメの せいざ から なまえを つけた。
  • Translation
I've found the Libra!
A present from my daughter. It's named after my daughter's astrological sign.

Find Omega Stabilizer



I've found the Omega Stabilizer!

I absolutely must have this piece if my battered ship is ever to fly straight again. It has steered me through countless deep space storms. That, and it looks rather cool.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
Ooh, the Omega Stabilizer!
An indispensable part for flying straight through warped space. It has survived many space storms.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ひずんだ うちゅう くうかんを まっすぐ とぶのに かかせない パーツ
  • Translation
Ooh, the Omega Stabilizer!
An indispensable part for flying straight through warped space.

Find #1 Ionium Jet



I've found my #1 Ionium Jet!

Unfortunately, this puts out a slightly odoriferous exhaust, but it does propel me to escape velocity in an instant. The stench is a small price to pay for such performance!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the #1 Ionium Jet!
It produces somewhat smelly smoke, but can accelerate to escape velocity in an instant.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
イオニウムジェット1を みつけた!
じつは ちょっと におうのが けってん。
  • Translation
I've found the #1 Ionium Jet!
Actually, its drawback is that it smells a bit.

Find #2 Ionium Jet



I've found my #2 Ionium Jet!

It's easy on the eyes, and its fuel efficiency is easy on the budget.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the #2 Ionium Jet!
Its fuel efficiency is easy on the family budget.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
イオニウムジェット2を みつけた!
ねんぴが よく サイフに やさしい。
  • Translation
I've found the #2 Ionium Jet!
Its fuel consumption is easy on the wallet.

Find Shock Absorber



It's the Shock Absorber!

This apparatus counteracts the shaking and swaying that normally occurs during flight. It's smooth sailing with this in place... Usually.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Shock Absorber!
A device that absorbs the shaking of a spaceship. No matter how warped space may be, I won't be bothered by it.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ショックアブゾーバーを みつけた!
これが あれば、どんな ゆれも へっちゃら。
  • Translation
I've found the Shock Absorber!
With this, no matter how much it shakes, I won't be bothered by it.

Find Gravity Jumper



I've found my Gravity Jumper!

By manipulating the forces of gravity, this key component gives me the final boost I need to make the jump to super light speed. Good thing I found it.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Gravity Jumper!
It controls gravity to give a final push of acceleration to faster-than-light speed.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
グラビティジャンパーを みつけた!
ひかりの スピードを こえる さいごの かそくを うみだす キカイ。
  • Translation
I've found the Gravity Jumper!
A machine that produces the last acceleration to go beyond the speed of light.

Find Pilot's Seat



At last! My Pilot's Seat!

Once I get this installed, my cockpit will finally be back in order. Soon, my ship will be starting to look more and more like the Dolphin of old. Ah, the memories...

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Pilot's Seat!
With this, the cockpit will be back in order. It's starting to look more and more like the Dolphin!

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
パイロットのいすを みつけた!
これで コクピットが もとどおり。だんだん ドルフィンごう らしく なってきたぞ!
  • Translation
I've found the Pilot's Seat!
With this, the cockpit will be back in order. It's starting to look more and more like the Dolphin!

Find Nova Blaster



I've found the Nova Blaster!

This emits a dazzling burst of light capable of destroying almost anything! I'm not exactly sure about this, but the promotional brochure claims that its blasts can travel in the currents of space-time, smashing through stars and into the rifts of space.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Nova Blaster!
Dazzling bullets of light that pierce through space! Spacetime current energy shatters the stars and cuts through the abyss.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ノヴァブラスターを みつけた!
うちゅうを つらぬく まばゆい ひかりが、ほしぼしを くだき、あんこくを きりさく。
  • Translation
I've found the Nova Blaster!
Dazzling light that pierces through space shatters the stars and cuts through the darkness.

Find Automatic Gear



I've found the Automatic Gear!

This thing chugs right along at its own pace. It makes piloting much easier, giving me time to concentrate on the finer points of space travel.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Automatic Gear!
A machine that keeps spinning by itself at its own pace even if I don't do anything.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
オートマチック・ギアを みつけた!
かってに ひとりでに まわる マイペースな キカイ。
  • Translation
I've found the Automatic Gear!
A machine that keeps spinning by itself at its own pace without being asked.

Find Zirconium Rotor



It's my Zirconium Rotor!

This is made from rust-proof zirconium, which is particularly suited to making spaceship parts. I had to pay a lot extra to have this installed, and I suspect the mechanic overcharged me.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Zirconium Rotor!
A machine part for spaceships, made of rust-resistant zirconium.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ジルコニウムローターを みつけた!
サビにくい ジルコニウムで できた キカイ パーツ。
  • Translation
I've found the Zirconium Rotor!
A machine part made of rust-resistant zirconium.

Find Extraordinary Bolt



It's the Extraordinary Bolt!

I bought this incredible bolt because the salesman told me it is of extraordinary quality that is indiscernible to the average person. Exactly what makes it so extraordinary is a secret. But just look at it! Extraordinary!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Extraordinary Bolt!
An amazing bolt that I bought because I was told that ordinary people don't understand its quality. What makes it so amazing is a secret.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ただものでないネジを みつけた!
ぼんじんには よさが わからないネジ。 どこが すごいかは ヒミツだ。
  • Translation
I've found the Extraordinary Bolt!
An amazing bolt whose quality is not understood by ordinary people. What makes it so amazing is a secret.

Find Repair-Type Bolt



I've found the Repair-type Bolt!

This robotic marvel can fix just about anything in the ship that's broken. That's good, because I get terribly bored fixing little glitches.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Repair-type Bolt!
A robot that repairs broken sections of the spaceship.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
リペアTYPEネジを みつけた!
ふねの こわれた ところを なおしてくれる メカニックロボット。
  • Translation
I've found the Repair-type Bolt!
A mechanic robot that fixes broken places of the ship.

Find Space Float



Thank goodness! My Space Float!

This float is an absolute necessity for any pilot who lacks skill at swimming in space.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Space Float!
A swim float indispensable for pilots with poor spacewalking skills.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
スペースフロートを みつけた!
うちゅうカナヅチの パイロットには かかせない うきわ。
  • Translation
I've found the Space Float!
A swim float indispensable for pilots who can't swim in space.

Find Massage Machine



I've found my Massage Machine!

Put this right down in the lower back area and let it go to work. I can't wait until I get it installed again, as my lower lumbar region has been paining me ever since the crash. Ahh, sweet relief...

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
I've discovered the Massage Machine!
Wear it around the waist for a pleasant vibration, and tonight I'll get a massage...

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
マッサージマシンを みつけた!
コシに はめて キモチイイ ふるえ。 こんやは モミモミ……。
  • Translation
I've found the Massage Machine!
Wear it around the waist for a pleasant vibration, and tonight I'll get a massage...

Find Secret Safe



At long last...
I've found the final Secret Safe! And it's as full as ever! How glad I am that I've persisted in my search without losing hope... Now I can leave this planet without any regrets. Maybe I'll even stop and pick up some souvenirs for my wife and kids back on Planet Hocotate!


At long last... I've found the final part... my Secret Safe! And it's as full as ever! How glad I am that I've persisted in my search without losing hope... Now I can leave this planet without any regrets. Maybe I'll even stop and pick up some souvenirs for my wife and kids back on Planet Hocotate!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
ついに……最後のパーツ へそくり金庫を発見した!
  • Translation
At last...I've discovered the final part, the Secret Safe!
I'm so glad I didn't give up and kept looking for it... The contents are very heavy too. With this, I can take off into space without worrying. Maybe I should buy some souvenirs for my wife and children who await my return on Hocotate!

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text
いに・・・ さいごの パーツ へそくり キンコを みつけた!
あきらめないで さがしつづけて、ほんとうに よかった・・・。 どうやら なかみも ズッシリ おもい。 これで こころおきなく うちゅうに とびたてる。 ホコタテせいで わたしの かえりを まつ つまと こどもたちに みやげでも かうか!
  • Translation
At last...I've found the final part, the Secret Safe!
I'm so glad I didn't give up and kept looking for it... It seems the contents are very heavy too. With this, I can take off into space without worrying. Maybe I should buy some souvenirs for my wife and children who await my return on Hocotate!

JPN Wii (child)

  • Text
いに…… さいごの パーツ へそくり きんこを みつけた!
あきらめないで さがしつづけて、ほんとうに よかった……。 どうやら なかみも ズッシリ おもい。 これで こころおきなく うちゅうに とびたてる。 ホコタテせいで わたしの かえりを まつ つまと こどもたちに みやげでも かうか!
  • Translation
At last...I've found the final part, the Secret Safe!
I'm so glad I didn't give up and kept looking for it... Apparently, the contents are very heavy too. With this, I can take off into space without worrying. Maybe I should buy some souvenirs for my wife and children who await my return on Hocotate!

Analyze Bowsprit



The so-called face of the Dolphin. In point of fact, I designed it.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Bowsprit.
It's like the face of the spaceship, so to speak. In fact, I designed it.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
うーん、いつ みても カッコイイ。なにしろ わたしが デザインしたのだ。
  • Translation
The Bowsprit.
Yeah, whenever I see it, it looks cool. After all, I designed it.

Analyze Secret Safe



Secret Safe - the Final Part
At last I have found it—my most prized possession! I am so relieved... It's as heavy as ever!


Secret Safe—the Final Part
At last I have found it—my most prized possession! I am so relieved... It's as heavy as ever!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
最後のパーツ へそくり金庫
  • Translation
The Secret Safe, the final part.
I have finally found it, my prized possession. It seems the contents are still very heavy!

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
へそくり きんこ
やっと みつかった わたしの たからもの。 このズッシリとした おもみ! なかみが ぶじで、ホッとした……。
  • Translation
The Secret Safe.
I have finally found it, my prized possession. This heavy weight! I'm relieved to see that the contents are safe...

Analyze Gluon Drive



Gluon Drive
I have no idea how this works, but it means the Dolphin will again lift off with its characteristic roar!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Gluon Drive.
I have no idea about the workings of the machine, but with this, the Dolphin's engine will roar even more powerfully!

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
キカイの しくみは さっぱり わからないが、ドルフィンごうの うんてんメカが いよいよ ちからづよいうなりを あげるのだ。
  • Translation
The Gluon Drive.
I have no idea about the workings of the machine, but the Dolphin's driving mechanism will roar even more powerfully.

Analyze Positron Generator



Positron Generator
This electric generator is so powerful that if you approach it carelessly, you'll get an electric shock!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Positron Generator.
A generator so powerful that, if you approach it carelessly, you'll get an electric shock.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ポジトロン はつでんき
うっかり ちかづくと、カンデンする ぐらい パワフルな はつでんき。
  • Translation
The Positron Generator.
A generator so powerful that, if you approach it carelessly, you'll get an electric shock.

Analyze Anti-Dioxin Filter



Anti-Dioxin Filter
The laws of deep space require all ships to eliminate all pollutants.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Anti-Dioxin Filter.
Space law mandates planet-friendly, clean spaceships.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
うちゅうの ほうりつでは、うちゅうせんは ほしに やさしく、クリーン でなければ ならないのだ。
  • Translation
The Anti-Dioxin Filter.
The laws of space mandate that spaceships have to be planet-friendly and clean.

Analyze Analog Computer



Analog Computer
This strengthens the outward emotions of the Dolphin's computer. While it does make the computer smart, it also makes it quick to anger. It's just like my boss.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Analog Computer.
It strengthens the emotional side of the Dolphin's computer. In addition to becoming smarter, it also becomes quicker to anger. It's just like my wife.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
きもちや こころも わかる コンピュータ。 しかし、ちょっと おこりっぽいのだ。
  • Translation
The Analog Computer.
A computer that understands feelings and heart. However, it's a little quick to anger.

Analyze Eternal Fuel Dynamo



Eternal Fuel Dynamo
This should light things up. No more candles for me!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Eternal Fuel Dynamo.
Will this, the spaceship should be lit up. No more candles for me!

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
えいきゅう ねんりょう ダイナモ
これでドルフィンごうも あかるく なる。 ロウソクとはおさらばだ!
  • Translation
The Eternal Fuel Dynamo.
Will this, the Dolphin will be lit up. No more candles for me!

Analyze UV Lamp



UV Lamp
This handy light is great for tanning...but it doesn't seem to have any relation to the Dolphin's flight capabilities. I doubt that it will affect my escape from this planet. Perhaps there are other parts like this as well.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The UV Lamp.
A useful light for tanning one's skin. ...But it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the Dolphin's ability to fly. Perhaps there are other parts that don't seem to have anything to do with such an escape.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
おハダを やくのに ベンリな ライト。 ……しかし、これは ドルフィンごうの ひこう のうりょくには、カンケイなさそうだ。 もしかすると、こうした だっしゅつには カンケイなさそうな パーツが ほかにも あるかもしれない。
  • Translation
The UV Lamp.
A useful light for tanning one's skin. ...But it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the Dolphin's ability to fly. Perhaps there are other parts that don't seem to have anything to do with such an escape.

Analyze Main Engine



Dolphin's Main Engine
It was pure luck that I found this piece first. With this I can at least lift off!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Dolphin's Main Engine.
I'm so lucky to have found this first. With this, I can take off!

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ドルフィンごうの メインエンジン
まず これが みつかって、こううん だった。 これさえあれば、 そらに とびたてるはずだ。
  • Translation
The Dolphin's Main Engine.
I'm lucky to have found this first. With this, I can take off into the sky!

Analyze Whimsical Radar



Whimsical Radar
This important part can detect the locations of the other missing parts.[note 1] The radar will be added to my monitor, which I can press the Y Button on the GameCube controller to view. the C Stick on the GameCube controller zooms in and out. This will surely help me in my search for the remaining parts!


Whimsical Radar
This important part can detect the locations of the other missing parts. The radar will be added to my monitor, which I can press the Plus Button on the Wii Remote to view. Up or down on the + Control Pad on the Wii Remote zooms in and out. This will surely help me in my search for the remaining parts!


Whimsical Radar
This important part can detect the locations of the other missing parts. The radar will be added to my monitor, which I can press the + Button on the Switch to view. I can scan with the Left Stick on the Switch (dual Joy-Con) or zoom with the Right Stick on the Switch (dual Joy-Con). This will surely help me in my search for the remaining parts!

JPN NGC (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Whimsical Radar.
A valuable part that shows the positions of ship parts. The radar is added to the information screen opened with Y! I can even zoom with C, which is very handy! It is sure to make the search even smoother!

JPN Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Whimsical Radar.
A valuable part that shows the positions of ship parts. The radar is added to the information screen opened with the plus button! Zooming with up and down on the control pad is very handy! It is sure to make the search even smoother!

JPN NGC (child)

  • Text
うちゅうせんパーツを さがすのに やくだつ。ますます きぼうが ふくらんできた。 かいしゅう したら、さっそく でかくにん することに する! こわれていなければ ズームも できるはず。
  • Translation
The Whimsical Radar.
Useful for finding ship parts. I'm growing more and more hopeful. Once retrieved, I shall immediately check it with Y. If it isn't broken, I should even be able to zoom with C!

JPN Wii (child)

  • Text
うちゅうせん パーツを さがすのに やくだつ。 ますます きぼうが ふくらんできた。 かいしゅう したら、さっそく プラスボタンで レーダーを かくにん することに する! レーダーがめんは じゅうじボタンのうえしたで ズームすることも できるのだ。
  • Translation
The Whimsical Radar.
Useful for finding ship parts. I'm growing more and more hopeful. Once retrieved, I shall immediately check the radar with the plus button. I can even zoom the radar screen with up and down on the control pad!

Analyze Interstellar Radio



Interstellar Radio
This part will send out a daily S.O.S. signal. I have so little time remaining, though, that I have no option but to continue my search rather than waiting for a rescue party. Having to collect every part is a bit overwhelming...but I get the impression not all parts are needed to fly the ship.


Interstellar Radio
This part will send out a daily SOS signal. I have so little time remaining, though, that I have no option but to continue my search rather than waiting for a rescue party. Having to collect every part is a bit overwhelming...but I get the impression not all parts are needed to fly the ship.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Interstellar Radio.
With this, I can send an SOS signal every day. However, I don't have much time left. In any case, I will continue my search. Collecting all the parts is a bit overwhelming...but I have a feeling that some of the parts have nothing to do with space flight.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
これがあれば、まいにち SOSを おくれる。 しかし わたしに のこされた じかんは すくない。パーツさがしは つづけよう。 すべての パーツを あつめるのは とても タイヘンだが……パーツには、うちゅうを とぶのに いらない ものも、あるような きが する。
  • Translation
The Interstellar Radio.
With this, I can send an SOS signal every day. However, I don't have much time left. I will continue looking for parts. Collecting all the parts is very difficult...but I have a feeling that some of the parts are not necessary for flying in space.

Analyze Guard Satellite



Guard Satellite
This has protected me from space pirates many, many times.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Guard Satellite.
It has protected me from space pirates many times.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
うちゅうカイゾクから わたしを なんども まもってくれた。
  • Translation
The Guard Satellite.
It has protected me from space pirates many times.

Analyze Chronos Reactor



Chronos Reactor
This reactor changes permutations in the space-time continuum into pure energy... Basically, it's like a big rubber band.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Chronos Reactor.
It converts the recoil of bending space-time into energy...simply put, it's like rubber power.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ムズカシイ りくつは よくわからないが、じくうを ねじって、はんどうを りよう している らしい。
  • Translation
The Chronos Reactor.
I don't fully understand the hard theory behind it, but apparently it bends space-time to take advantage of the recoil.

Analyze Radiation Canopy



Radiation Canopy
I'll have to inspect it later to make sure it hasn't cracked. I'll be in for even more trouble if I have any radiation leaks.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Radiation Canopy.
I shall check later to see if there are any cracks. It would be a problem if there were radiation leaks.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ほうしゃせん キャノピー
ヒビが はいってないか、あとで チェック しておく ことにする。ホウシャセンもれが あったら、タイヘンだ。
  • Translation
The Radiation Canopy.
I shall check later to see if there are any cracks. It would be a problem if there were radiation leaks.

Analyze Geiger Counter



Geiger Counter
This noisy gauge is always letting off spontaneous clicks and buzzes. It can be kind of annoying.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Geiger Counter.
A somewhat noisy measuring device that suddenly starts making crackling sounds.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ときどき ガーガー なって、ちょっと うるさい キカイ。
  • Translation
The Geiger Counter.
A somewhat noisy machine that sometimes makes crackling sounds.

Analyze Sagittarius



This was a gift from my son. He must be very worried about me...

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Sagittarius.
A present from my son. Come to think of it, he begged me for a souvenir.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ムスコからの プレゼント。そういえば、おみやげを ねだられて いたな。
  • Translation
The Sagittarius.
A present from my son. Come to think of it, he begged me for a souvenir.

Analyze Libra



My daughter gave this to me. My late return must have her very worried...

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Libra.
A present from my daughter. Not being able to go home easily, I have been making that child lonely...

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ムスメからの プレゼント。なかなか ウチに かえれず、あのこには さびしい おもいを させている……。
  • Translation
The Libra.
A present from my daughter. Not being able to go home easily, I have been making that child lonely...

Analyze Omega Stabilizer



Omega Stabilizer
This is the Dolphin's fin. It is a little beaten up, but it should still function. I've made great strides in repairing the Dolphin! With this, I should be able to fly again—even if I don't recover all 30 parts.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
ドルフィン号の尾ひれ。すこしボロいが、まだまだ現役。ドルフィン号の修復は、またもや大きく前進する! この分だと、30個すべてのパーツを集めなくても、ふたたび宇宙飛行できそうな気がする。
  • Translation
The Omega Stabilizer.
The Dolphin's tail fin. A little beaten up, but still in working order. The Dolphin's repairs are making great progress again! At this rate, I feel like it will be able to fly in space again, even if I don't collect all 30 parts.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ドルフィンごうの おひれ。すこし ボロいが、まだまだ つかえる。 ドルフィンごうの しゅうりが、ますます すすむ! このまま たいせつな パーツが そろっていけば、30コ すべての パーツを あつめなくても、ふたたび うちゅうを とべるようになる かもしれないな。
  • Translation
The Omega Stabilizer.
The Dolphin's tail fin. A little beaten up, but still usable. The Dolphin's repairs are progressing more and more! At this rate, maybe I'll be able to fly in space again, even if I don't collect all 30 parts.

Analyze #1 Ionium Jet



#1 Ionium Jet
If this is damaged, I'll be in dire straits. I will have to run a system check as soon as I can.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The #1 Ionium Jet.
If there is any abnormality, that will be a big problem. I shall carefully check it later.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
どこか こわれていたら タイヘンだ。あとで ちゃんと チェック しておく ことにする。
  • Translation
The #1 Ionium Jet.
If it's damaged somewhere, that will be a big problem. I shall properly check it later.

Analyze #2 Ionium Jet



#2 Ionium Jet
The ads for these jets boast that "with excellent mileage that's easy on the family budget, this jet will keep your wife smiling and propel you to a happy home life!"


#2 Ionium Jet
The ads for these jets boast that "with excellent mileage that's easy on the family budget, this jet will keep your spouse smiling and propel you to a happy home life!"

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The #2 Ionium Jet.
The slogan is "fuel-efficient, easy on the family budget, smiling wife, happy family".

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ねんぴの よい やすあがりな ジェットブースター。
  • Translation
The #2 Ionium Jet.
A fuel-efficient and inexpensive jet booster.

Analyze Shock Absorber



Shock Absorber
This nifty little device counteracts the shaking and swaying experienced in typical space flight.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Shock Absorber.
It absorbs shaking. With this, there is no need to worry about getting spacesick.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
こしょうは ないようだ。ゆれを きゅうしゅう してくれる。
  • Translation
The Shock Absorber.
It doesn't seem to be malfunctioning. It absorbs shaking.

Analyze Gravity Jumper



Gravity Jumper
This anti-gravity device allows the Dolphin to swim gracefully through the sea of stars like...a dolphin.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Gravity Jumper.
An anti-gravity device. The Dolphin sails through the sea of stars just like a dolphin.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
じゅうりょくを コントロールして、ドルフィンごうを かそくする。
  • Translation
The Gravity Jumper.
It controls gravity and accelerates the Dolphin.

Analyze Pilot's Seat



Pilot's Seat
Picturing this in the cockpit, images of me lifting off into space begin to fill my taxed brain. It fills me with inspiration once again!

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Pilot's Seat.
Now I can picture myself in the cockpit and flying out into space. I gives me the willpower to persevere.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
いま、ドルフィンごうで うちゅうへ とびだす すがたが アタマに うかんだ。 よし、がんばろう……。
  • Translation
The Pilot's Seat.
Now I can picture myself flying out into space on the Dolphin. Okay, let's persevere...

Analyze Nova Blaster



Nova Blaster
This is a weapon of such incredible destructive force that it can blast stars into tiny pieces...

It has a strange allure.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Nova Blaster.
A dangerous destructive force that can shatter even stars...but I feel a dangerous allure.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ほしさえ くだく はかいりょく! キケンな ミリョクを かんじる。オトコなら いちどぐらい うって みたいものだ。
  • Translation
The Nova Blaster.
A destructive force that can shatter even stars! I feel a dangerous allure. Every man wants to shoot it at least once.

Analyze Automatic Gear



Automatic Gear
It has thin cracks running through it. I tried to fill them with dirt... I hope it will be all right.


Automatic Gear
It has thin cracks running through it. I tried to fill them with dirt... ...I hope it will be all right.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Automatic Gear.
It had cracks in it, so I sealed it up with soil...but I wonder if it will be all right.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ヒビが はいって いたので、ドロで ふさいで おいたが……だいじょうぶ だろうか。
  • Translation
The Automatic Gear.
It had cracks in it, so I sealed it up with mud...but I wonder if it will be all right.

Analyze Zirconium Rotor



Zirconium Rotor
Made of rust-proof zirconium, it is as shiny as new, despite being left out in this planet's harsh elements.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Zirconium Rotor.
Made of rust-proof zirconium, it is shiny even though it's been left out in the elements.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
CMどおり サビにくい。ほうっておいたのに ピカピカだ。
  • Translation
The Zirconium Rotor.
Rust-proof as shown in the commercial. It is shiny even though it's been left out in the elements.

Analyze Extraordinary Bolt



Extraordinary Bolt
This bolt's bolt holds the kind of value that only a true connoisseur can understand.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Extraordinary Bolt.
A bolt of bolts whose value can only be understood by those in the know.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
わかるものにしか ねうちの わからない ネジのなかのネジ。
  • Translation
The Extraordinary Bolt.
A bolt of bolts whose value can only be understood by those in the know.

Analyze Repair-Type Bolt



Repair-type Bolt
This looks like an ordinary bolt, but it is actually a repair robot.


Repair-Type Bolt
This looks like an ordinary bolt, but it is actually a repair robot.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Repair-type Bolt.
It looks like an ordinary bolt, but it is actually a repair robot.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ただのネジに みえて、 じつは うでのいい メカニックロボット。
  • Translation
The Repair-type Bolt.
It looks like an ordinary bolt, but it is actually a skilled mechanic robot.

Analyze Space Float



Space Float
An excellent swimmer like me has no need for something like this, but my motto is "always be prepared." Really. It's just for emergencies.

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Space Float.
As a good swimmer, I don't need it, but I have it just to be safe. Really, it's just to be safe.

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
およぎの うまい わたしには ひつようない。 だが、ねんのために もっている。 ホントウに ねんのためだ。
  • Translation
The Space Float.
As a good swimmer, I don't need it. But I have it just to be safe. Really, it's just to be safe.

Analyze Massage Machine



Massage Machine
I've been walking so much lately—I'm really looking forward to using this...

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)

  • Text
  • Translation
The Massage Machine.
I've been walking a lot lately, so I'm looking forward to tonight...

JPN NGC/Wii (child)

  • Text
ちかごろ あるいて ばっかりだから、こんやが たのしみだ……。
  • Translation
The Massage Machine.
I've been walking a lot lately, so I'm looking forward to tonight...


  1. ^ Internally, this part of the text is meant to use a different color, but it's set to use the default colors.