User:Raltseye/HP: Difference between revisions

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(→‎List of sectors in other languages: added Italian and Spanish)
Line 12: Line 12:
| Area C || Mushroom Valley || Paddenstoelenvallei || Vallon des champignons || Das Tal der Pilze || Valle fungosa || Valle Champiñón
| Area C || Mushroom Valley || Paddenstoelenvallei || Vallon des champignons || Das Tal der Pilze || Valle fungosa || Valle Champiñón
| Area D || Back-and-Forth Road || Kronkelpad || Route déroutante || Sciebung || Sentiero viavai || Senda Vaivén
| Area D || Back-and-Forth Road || Kronkelpad || Route déroutante || Schiebung || Sentiero viavai || Senda Vaivén
| Area E || The Shadow in the Brush || De gruwel in het gras || Soucis dans les taillis || Ein Schatten im Dickicht || Ombre selvatiche || Peligro entre la Maleza
| Area E || The Shadow in the Brush || De gruwel in het gras || Soucis dans les taillis || Ein Schatten im Dickicht || Ombre selvatiche || Peligro entre la Maleza

Revision as of 10:32, January 19, 2018

List of sectors in other languages

Brilliant Garden

# English Dutch French German Italian Spanish
1 Brilliant Garden Schitterende tuin Jardin joyeux Bunte Beete Giardino lussureggiante Jardín Fulgurante
Area A First Expedition De eerste stappen Premiers pas Die erste Expedition Passo primordiale Sendero Germinal
Area B Cavern of Confusion Chaosgrot Grotte du désarroi Die verwinkelte Höhle Grotta del caos Caverna de la Confusión
Area C Mushroom Valley Paddenstoelenvallei Vallon des champignons Das Tal der Pilze Valle fungosa Valle Champiñón
Area D Back-and-Forth Road Kronkelpad Route déroutante Schiebung Sentiero viavai Senda Vaivén
Area E The Shadow in the Brush De gruwel in het gras Soucis dans les taillis Ein Schatten im Dickicht Ombre selvatiche Peligro entre la Maleza
Area X Cherrystone Pass Bloesempassage Montagne Millepétales Der Kirschblütenpass Varco dei ciliegi Brisa del Cerezo
Secret Spot Geheime plek Zone secrète Geheimlevel Oasi segreta Escondite
Sparklium Springs Sprankliumbron Source scintillante Glitzerquelle Fonte luminescente Fuente Refulgente

Verdant Waterfront

# English Dutch French German Italian Spanish
2 Verdant Waterfront Groene oever Estuaire luxuriant Gewässer im Grünen Riva rigogliosa Pantanal Lozano
Area A Foaming Lake Bruisermeer Lagon bubulles Der Blubberblasensee Lago effervescente Lago Efervescente
Area B Serene Stream Klatervallen De cascade en cascade Sprudelnde Ströme Ruscello rasserenato Cascadas Serenas
Area C Glowing Bloom Pond Elektroflora Flore survoltée Die Leuchtblumenhöhle Stagno brillaflora Gruta Eléctrica
Area D The Shallow End Ondiepe poel Invitation au plongeon Einladendes Nass Acque rinfrescanti Aguas Cristalinas
Area E The Keeper of the Lake De meerwachter Le gardien des eaux Der Hüter des Sees Bacino custodito Guardián Abisal
Area X Treacherous Currents Eb en vloed Grande marée Ebbe und Flut Marea insidiosa Marea Insidiosa

Sparkling Labyrinth

# English Dutch French German Italian Spanish
3 Sparkling Labyrinth Sprankelspelonken Dédale de cristal Glitzernde Grotten Dedalo luminoso Llano Reluciente
Area A Crystal Tunnels Glinstergangen Mine cristalline Die Kristallhöhle Miniera di cristalli Mina Cristalina
Area B Echo Cavern Bombronnen Grotte explosive Schall und Rauch Caverna dell'eco Caverna Explosiva
Area C Springpetal Cave Stuiterblomgrot Cahots sur marguerites Höhle der Sprungfeder-Blumen Antro balzafiore Caverna Florida
Area D The Burning Sky De vuurbalregen Le feu de ciel Der Feuerballregen Volta cocente Cielo Abrasador
Area E Subterranean Tyrant Ondergrondse tiran Le tyran souterrain Der Tyrann des Untergrunds Abisso tirannico Déspota Subterráneo
Area X The Hollow Sky Een stijgende lijn Ascension rocailleuse Der tiefe Schacht Fossa rocciosa Ascenso Rocoso

Ravaged Rustworks

# English Dutch French German Italian Spanish
4 Ravaged Rustworks Roestige ruïnes Ruines de rouille Rostige Ruinen Distese rugginose Ruinas Herrumbrosas
Area A The Lonely Tower De eenzame toren Tour solitaire Einsame Turmbesteigung Torre solitaria Torre Solitaria
Area B Steel Pipe Forest Het buizenbos Jungle de métal Der Metalldschungel Foresta siderurgica Bosque Tubería
Area C Pollution Pool De vuilvijver Étang dégoûtant Der Müllsee Pozza contaminata Aguas Herrumbrosas
Area D Space of Silence Stiltespelonk Grotte du silence Die Höhle der Stille Cava silente Gruta Silenciosa
Area E Flashes of Fear Bliksembende De l'orage dans l'aire Die Gewitterschlacht Terrore fulminante Destellos Ominosos
Area X Drenchnozzle Den Geistergrot Galerie aux geysers Das Labyrinth der Geysire Spelonca zampillante Laberinto de Surtidores

Leafswirl Lagoon

# English Dutch French German Italian Spanish
5 Leafswirl Lagoon Herfstige hoogtes Valée vermillon Herbstliche Höhlen Laguna autunnale Cañón de la Hojarasca
Area A Fragrant Forest Welriekend woud Parfums d'automne Herbsduft Selva fragrante Floresta Fragante
Area B Valley of the Breeze Vluegelvallei Courants d'air Das stürmische Tal Vallata della brezza Fosa Ventosa
Area C Downpour Thicket Wolkbreuk Entre les gouttes Wolkenbruch Fronde fradicie Rocío Pertinaz
Area D Bed of Fallen Leaves Bladerdans Tempête de feuilles Tanz mit dem Herbstlaub Pianoro fogliasecca Aires Otoñales
Area E Troop Commander De zwermkoningin Troupe vrombissante Herrin des Schwarms Boscaglia agguerrita Séquito Airado
Area X Gale-Force Glen Waaiwoud Falles rafales Wald der Winde Gola tempestosa Vientos Violentos

Sweltering Parchlands

# English Dutch French German Italian Spanish
6 Sweltering Parchlands Verzengende velden Terres incendiaires Brennendes Brauchland Terre torride Valle de la Ceniza
Area A Charred Plains Geblakerde grond Terres embrasées Verbrannte Erde Suolo incandescente Tierra en Ascuas
Area B Lights in the Darkness Licht in de duisternis Lumière sous terre Lichter in der Dunkelheit Oscurità splendente Destellos en la Oscuridad
Area C Terror Trench Horrorholte Antre de l'angoisse Höhle der Angst Buca del terrore Pasadizo Imprevisible
Area D Barriers of Flame Een muur van vuur Sentier enflammé Ein Weg durch die Flammen Fiamme roventi Barreras Llameantes
Area E Blazing Winds De vlammenwerper Souffle de feu Feuriger Atem Soffio infuocato Soplidos Ardientes
Area X Sizzling Precipice Verkoolde kloof Bois calcinés Verkohlte Felsen Dirupo ardente Descenso Crepitante

Snowfall Field

# English Dutch French German Italian Spanish
7 Snowfall Field Sneeuwsteppe Immensité immaculée Weiße Wiesen Prateria polare Estepa Nevada
Area A Freezing Wasteland IJswoestenij Désert de glace Eiswüste Deserto artico Erial Glacial
Area B Below the Ice Onder het ijs Caverne inondée Überflutete Höhlen Baratro sommerso Bajo el Hielo
Area C Over Wintry Mountains Besneeuwde bergpas Glissades sur capsule Verschneite Hänge Rilievi innevati Cimas Invernales
Area D Frozen Hazard Sneeuwpret Danger dans la neige Schabernack im Schnee Periglio ghiacciato Peligro Gélido
Area E Cold-Hearted Guardian De vorst Terreur des bas-fonds Der Herr der Kälte Voragine glaciale Guardián Escalofriolante
Area X Ordeal of Flame Brandende beproeving Le feu sur la glace Brenzlige Höhlentour Galleria scottante Prueba de Fuego

Lushlife Murk

# English Dutch French German Italian Spanish
8 Lushlife Murk Giftig grasland Tropiques toxiques Giftige Gärten Orto tenebroso Espesura Sombría
Area A Scourge of the Skies Gevleugelde plaag Bruissement aérien Fliegende Kreaturen Cieli incerti Plaga Aérea
Area B Septic Swamp Dobbermoeras Marais empoisonnés Auf and ab im Sumpf Palude avvenlenata Pantano Venemoso
Area C Peculiar Rockfall Steenslag Averses minérales Vorsicht, Steinschlag! Frana misteriosa Desprendimientos Controlados
Area D Olimar's Madcap Ride Op de rug van reuzen Cavalerie ailée Auf dem Rücken von Riesen Cavalcata alata A Lomos de Gigantes
Area E The Last Lair De laatste leider Le souverain vorace Die Kreatur am Ende der Welt Covo remoto Cubil Remoto
Area X Burning Bog Vlammenvaart Traversée infernale Feurige Sumpffahrt Pantano infernale Ciénaga Bombardeada

Sparkling Labyrinth

# English Dutch French German Italian Spanish
9 The Final Stretch Het laatste land Escale finale Das letzte Land Belvedere conclusivo Tierras Postreras
Area A Fragment of Hope De laatste hoop Pistils hostiles Die letzte Hoffnung Speranza recondita Esperanza Remota

List of Hey! Pikmin logs in other languages


Language Name Meaning
Flag of the Netherlands Dutch Gebied Region
Flag of France French Secteur Sector
Flag of Germany German Gebiet Region
Flag of Italy Italian Settore Sector
Flag of Spain Spanish Sector Sector


Language Name Meaning
Flag of the Netherlands Dutch Level Level
Flag of France French Zone Zone
Flag of Germany German Level Level
Flag of Italy Italian Zona Zone
Flag of Spain Spanish Zona Zone


Language Name Meaning
Flag of the Netherlands Dutch Album Album
Flag of France French Journal Log
Flag of Germany German Album Album
Flag of Italy Italian Diario Journal
Flag of Spain Spanish Diario Journal

Pikmin Park

Language Name Meaning
Flag of the Netherlands Dutch Pikmin-park Pikmin Park
Flag of France French Parc Pikmin Pikmin park
Flag of Germany German Pikmin-Park Pikmin Park
Flag of Italy Italian Parco Pikmin Pikmin Park
Flag of Spain Spanish Parque Pikmin Pikmin Park
English Dutch French German Italian Spanish
Pikmin Park Entrance Pikmin-park noord Place du parc Pikmin-Park (Nord) Parco Pikmin: area nord Parque Pikmin - Norte
Western Pikmin Park Pikmin-park west Parc Pikmin ouest Pikmin-Park (West) Parco Pikmin : area ovest Parque Pikmin - Oeste
Central Pikmin Park Centraal Pikmin-park Parc Pikmin centre Pikmin-Park (Zentrum) Parco Pikmin: area centrale Parque Pikmin - Centro
Eastern Pikmin Park Pikmin-park oost Parc Pikmin est Pikmin-Park (Ost) Parco Pikmin: area est Parque Pikmin - Este
Pikmin Park Outskirts Pikmin-park zuidwest Parc Pikmin bordure ouest Pikmin-Park (Südwest) Parco Pikmin: area sud-ovest Parque Pikmin - Sudoeste
Pikmin Park Fringe Pikmin-park zuidoost Parc Pikmin bordure est Pikmin-Park (Südost) Parco Pikmin: area sud-est Parque Pikmin - Sudeste

Pikmin Log

# Icon English Dutch French German Italian Spanish
0 Red Pikmin Pikmin Log Pikmin Pikmin Pikmin-Album Pikmin Pikmin
1 Red Pikmin Red Pikmin Rode Pikmin Pikmin rouge Rote Pikmin Pikmin rosso Pikmin rojos
2 Yellow Pikmin Yellow Pikmin Gele Pikmin Pikmin jaune Gelbe Pikmin Pikmin giallo Pikmin amarillos
3 Blue Pikmin Blue Pikmin Blauwe Pikmin Pikmin bleu Blaue Pikmin Pikmin blu Pikmin azules
4 Rock Pikmin Rock Pikmin Rots-Pikmin Pikmin roc Fels-Pikmin Pikmin roccioso Pikmin pétreos
5 Winged Pikmin Winged Pikmin Gevleugelde Pikmin Pikmin ailé Flügel-Pikmin Pikmin alato Pikmin alados
6 Onion Onion Ui Oignon Zwiebel Cipolla Cebolla
7 Red pellet Red pellet Rode capsule Palet rouge Roter Knopf Gettone rosso Píldora roja
8 Yellow pellet Yellow pellet Gele capsule Palet jaune Gelber Knopf Gettone giallo Píldora amarilla
9 Blue pellet Blue pellet Blauwe capsule Palet bleu Blauer Knopf Gettone blu Píldora azul
10 Rock pellet Rock pellet Rotscapsule Palet roc Fels-Knopf Gettone roccioso Píldora pétrea
11 Winged pellet Winged pellet Vleugelcapsule Palet ailé Flügel-Knopf Gettone alato Píldora alada

Creature Log

# Icon English Dutch French German Italian Spanish
0 Mockiwi Creature Log Inheemse wezens Créatures Kreaturen-Album Creature Criaturas autóctonas
1 Crumbug Crumbug
2 Coppeller Coppeller
3 Mockiwi Mockiwi
4 Spornet Spornet
5 Crested Mockiwi Crested Mockiwi
6 Sparrowhead Sparrowhead
7 Male Sheargrub Male Sheargrub
8 Puffstalk Puffstalk
9 Shooting Spiner (Female) Shooting Spiner (Female)
10 Puckering Blinnow Puckering Blinnow
11 Eye-Stalker Bulbeel Eye-Stalker Bulbeel
12 Large Splurchin Large Splurchin
13 Shearblug Shearblug
14 Widemouthed Anode Beetle Widemouthed Anode Beetle
15 Young Yellow Wollywog Young Yellow Wollywog US version
Young Yellow Wollyhop European version
16 Crystalline Crushblat Crystalline Crushblat
17 Speargrub Speargrub
18 Crammed Wraith Crammed Wraith
19 Seedbagger Seedbagger
20 Skutterchuck Skutterchuck
21 Grabbit Grabbit
22 Fireflinger Groink Fireflinger Groink
23 Flatterchuck Flatterchuck
24 Shooting Spiner (Male) Shooting Spiner (Male)
25 Sporegrub Sporegrub
26 Red Bubblimp Red Bubblimp
27 Starnacle Starnacle
28 Elongated Crushblat Elongated Crushblat
29 Electric Spectralid Electric Spectralid
30 Spiny Coppeller Spiny Coppeller
31 Flying Spotted Jellyfloat Flying Spotted Jellyfloat
32 Yellow Wollywog Yellow Wollywog US version
Yellow Wollyhop European version
33 Fireflap Bulborb Fireflap Bulborb
34 Fiery Blowlet Fiery Blowlet
35 Fiery Dwarf Bulblax Fiery Dwarf Bulblax
36 Electripede Electripede
37 Firesnout Beetle Firesnout Beetle
38 Fiery Young Yellow Wollywog Fiery Young Yellow Wollywog US version
Fiery Young Yellow Wollyhop European version
39 Clicking Slurker Clicking Slurker
40 Stuffed Bellbloom Stuffed Bellbloom
41 Puffy Blubbug Puffy Blubbug
42 Blubbug Blubbug
43 Centipare Centipare
44 Stony Flint Beetle Stony Flint Beetle
45 Adult Centipare Adult Centipare
46 Muggonfly Muggonfly
47 Swooping Snitchbug Swooping Snitchbug
48 Bulborb Bulborb
49 Long Water Dumple Long Water Dumple
50 Armurk Armurk
51 Electric Cottonade Electric Cottonade
52 Queen Shearwig Queen Shearwig
53 Fiery Blowhog Fiery Blowhog
54 Luring Slurker Luring Slurker
55 Emperor Bulblax Emperor Bulblax
56 Leech Hydroe Leech Hydroe
57 Berserk Leech Hydroe Berserk Leech Hydroe

Treasure Log

# Icon English Dutch French German Italian Spanish
0 Loop of Beginnings Treasure Log Schatten Trésores Schatz-Album Tesori Tesoros
1 Loop of Beginnings Loop of Beginnings
2 Hypno Pendulum Hypno Pendulum
3 Song Sewer Song Sewer
4 Consolation Prize Consolation Prize US version
Blues Eradicator European version
5 Ultra-Sealed Aquarium Ultra-Sealed Aquarium
6 Peace Missile Peace Missile
7 Unassuming Lighthouse Unassuming Lighthouse
8 Quantum Traveler Quantum Traveler US version
Quantum Traveller European version
9 Constitution Gate Constitution Gate US version
Attractive Gate European version
10 Stopped Doomsday Clock Stopped Doomsday Clock
11 Smile Detector Smile Detector
12 Independence Monument Independence Monument
13 Flashy Monument Flashy Monument
14 Preservation Door Preservation Door
15 Despair-o-Sphere Despair-o-Sphere
16 Revenge Fantasy Revenge Fantasy
17 Giga Whistle Giga Whistle
18 Rocket Polish Rocket Polish
19 Berserker Brush Berserker Brush
20 Attitude Adjuster Attitude Adjuster US version
Rift Ripper European version
21 Unstrung Racket Unstrung Racket
22 Work-Life Imbalancer Work-Life Imbalancer
23 Evidence Pulverizer Evidence Pulverizer US version
European version
24 Handy Hand Handy Hand
25 Hairy Serpent Fossil Hairy Serpent Fossil
26 Greed-o-Sphere Greed-o-Sphere
27 Twisty Pick Twisty Pick
28 Conformity Enhancers Conformity Enhancers
29 Unexamined Nest Unexamined Nest
30 Everyday Cell Everyday Cell
31 Giant Rodent Skull Giant Rodent Skull
32 Grown-Up Dynamo Grown-Up Dynamo US version
Grown-Up Cell European version
33 Attention-Getting Logo Attention-Getting Logo
34 Snack Vault Snack Vault
35 Cheer-o-Sphere Cheer-o-Sphere
36 Numerical Monument Numerical Monument
37 Gigaton Bag Gigaton Bag
38 Manifested Time Container Manifested Time Container
39 Dutiful Watchdog Dutiful Watchdog
40 Inevitable Tragedy Inevitable Tragedy
41 Value Band Value Band
42 Royal Suite Royal Suite
43 Well-Loved Gauge Well-Loved Gauge
44 One-Way Time Machine One-Way Time Machine
45 Metal Bagel Metal Bagel
46 Private Castle Private Castle
47 Un-Damaging Javelin Un-Damaging Javelin US version
Lefty-Loosey Lance European version
48 Lopsided Barbell Lopsided Barbell
49 Whisper Broadcaster Whisper Broadcaster
50 Metamorphocistern Metamorphocistern US version
Metamorphosis Tank European version
51 Life-Form Prototype Life-Form Prototype US version
Life Form Prototype European version
52 Almighty Ruiner Almighty Ruiner
53 Bond Impressor Bond Impressor
54 Champion Belt Champion Belt
55 Silence Breaker Silence Breaker
56 Sonic Relaxant Sonic Relaxant
57 Distinguished Speaker Distinguished Speaker
58 Inspiration Signal Inspiration Signal
59 Quid Pro Quo-Yo Quid Pro Quo-Yo
60 Missed Connection Missed Connection
61 Zappy Safe Zappy Safe
62 Sloshy Nostalgia Sloshy Nostalgia US version
Concentrated Nostalgia European version
63 Ominous Vault Ominous Vault
64 Slimmerized Cell Slimmerized Cell US version
Slimmerised Cell European version
65 Probable Teapot Probable Teapot
66 King's Sanctum King's Sanctum
67 Personal Odor Shield Personal Odor Shield US version
Personal Odour Shield European version
68 Nostalgic Buckler Nostalgic Buckler
69 Menacing Crusher Menacing Crusher
70 Altitudinal Unlimiter Altitudinal Unlimiter
71 Alien Ceremony Alien Ceremony
72 Abandoned Husk Abandoned Husk
73 Primitive Saw Primitive Saw
74 Museum-Quality Egg Museum-Quality Egg
75 Mood Slicer Mood Slicer
76 Vacated Baby Buggy Vacated Baby Buggy
77 Tiny Jumbo Jet Tiny Jumbo Jet
78 Deluxe Something-or-Other Deluxe Something-or-Other
79 Withdrawn Arm of Loneliness Withdrawn Arm of Loneliness
80 Instant Planetarium Instant Planetarium
81 Unbelievable Spinner Unbelievable Spinner
82 Sorcerer's Wand Sorcerer's Wand
83 Self-Reflection Engine Self-Reflection Engine
84 Extended Hand of Friendship Extended Hand of Friendship
85 Flysmacker Flysmacker
86 Enduring Partnership Enduring Partnership
87 Creativity Stimulator Creativity Stimulator
88 Shimmering Skull Shimmering Skull
89 Scoreless Dartboard Scoreless Dartboard
90 Scallop Spring Scallop Spring
91 Stoic Head Stoic Head
92 Sunset Projector Sunset Projector
93 Frozen Stranger Frozen Stranger
94 Scoot-Over Bench Scoot-Over Bench
95 Fond-o-Sphere Fond-o-Sphere
96 Humor Implant Humor Implant US version
Humour Implant European version
97 Herbivore Molars Herbivore Molars
98 The Real Magic The Real Magic
99 Rarely Seen Cell Rarely Seen Cell
100 Getaway Vehicle Getaway Vehicle
101 Zoo of the Future Zoo of the Future
102 Unremarkable Spinner Unremarkable Spinner
103 Beneficial Intelligence Beneficial Intelligence
104 Anti-Routine Screen Anti-Routine Screen
105 Automatic Fortune-Teller Automatic Fortune-Teller
106 Dual Wheeler Dual Wheeler
107 Flauntulent Bauble Flauntulent Bauble
108 Star-Beaten Jewel Star-Beaten Jewel
109 Parting Tape Parting Tape
110 Classical Sculpture Classical Sculpture
111 Thoroughbred Statue Thoroughbred Statue
112 Tandem Sword Tandem Sword
113 Stuck Compass Stuck Compass
114 Authoritative Obelisk Authoritative Obelisk
115 Tempting Vision Tempting Vision
116 Teeny Power Plant Teeny Power Plant
117 Tangerine Paste Tangerine Paste
118 Ever-Night Windows Ever-Night Windows
119 Training Rocket Training Rocket
120 Distortion Chamber Distortion Chamber
121 Single's Seesaw Single's Seesaw US version
Single's See-Saw European version
122 Starship Bones Starship Bones
123 Sunset Engine Sunset Engine
124 Apotheosis of Balance Apotheosis of Balance
125 Ornamental Cycle Ornamental Cycle