User:Twins1105/Extracted Text/Pikmin 1/Olimar's Voyage Log
The entries from Olimar's Voyage Log from the English and Japanese versions of Pikmin, New Play Control! Pikmin, and Pikmin 1.
Day 1
I have somehow managed to launch the Dolphin, but I was surprised to see the Onion lift off with me. Perhaps the Pikmin cannot survive overnight on the planet's surface. Or have they merely decided to join me for other reasons? Either way, it seems they will help me again tomorrow.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
Somehow I managed to fly the Dolphin! To my surprise, the Onion also took off with me. Could it be that they can't live on the ground at night? Or could they be following me? Either way, it looks like I'll be able to use their help again tomorrow.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
なんとか ドルフィンごうを とばすことが できた。 オニヨンも わたしと ともに とびたったようだ。 かれらは よるを そらで すごすのだろうか? それとも わたしに ついてきている のだろうか?”
- Translation
Surprisingly, I managed to fly the Dolphin! The Onion also took off with me. Could it be that they spend the night in the sky? Or could they be following me?”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
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- Translation
The Forest of Hope
It appears that many of my ship's parts have landed in this region. If I can just recover the parts of my radar, I should be able to use my radar screen. How that would improve my chances! Then I'd only have to press

It appears that many of my ship's parts have landed in this region. If I can just recover the parts of my radar, I should be able to use my radar screen. How that would improve my chances! Then I'd only have to press

It appears that many of my ship's parts have landed in this region. If I can just recover the parts of my radar, I should be able to use my radar screen. How that would improve my chances! Then I'd only have to press

JPN NGC (adult)
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- Translation
There seem to be many parts around this area. Once I recover the radar part, I can use the radar on the information screen, which should allow me to check the locations of parts with Y while searching.”
JPN Wii (adult)
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- Translation
There seem to be many parts around this area. Once I recover the radar part, I can use the radar on the information screen, which should allow me to check the locations of parts with the plus button while searching.”
JPN NS (adult)
- Text

- Translation
There seem to be many parts around this area. Once I recover the radar part, I can use the radar on the information screen, which should allow me to check the locations of parts with

JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
このあたりに ドルフィンごうの パーツが ちらばっている ような きがする。 レーダーさえ つかえれば、パーツを さがすことも らくになる はずだ。”
- Translation
I have a feeling parts of the Dolphin are scattered around here. Once I can use the radar, it will be easy to search for parts.”



JPN NGC/Wii (adult)
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- Translation
JPN NS (adult)
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- Translation

JPN NGC/Wii (child)
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- Translation
JPN NS (child)
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- Translation

With its newly increased functions, the Dolphin now lifts higher into this planet's atmosphere. I see a great depression in the woods beneath me—it looks like a belly button in this vast forest. Now that my ship is more stable, I should be able to set it down there.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
The powered-up Dolphin is gaining altitude rapidly, and in the vast sea of trees below, a large, wide-open hollow has become visible. Now that the fuselage has stabilized, it looks as if I will be able to descend into that area. In preparation for searching "The Forest Navel", I decide to go to sleep early for the first time in a long while.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
ドルフィンごうが パワーアップした! そらから みえる あの もりには、ポッカリと おおきな くぼみが あいている。 いまの ドルフィンごうなら、あのエリアにも おりられそうだ。 わたしは 「じゅかいのヘソ」と なづけることにした。 あしたは あそこを たんけんしよう。”
- Translation
The Dolphin has powered up! In the forest visible from the sky, there is a large, wide-open hollow. With the current Dolphin, it looks as if I will be able to descend into that area. I decided to name it "The Forest Navel". Let's explore it tomorrow.”
- 1 part remaining
Deep within The Forest Navel, there are even stranger creatures wandering about than any I've encountered. But, as long as I am with the Pikmin, I have nothing to fear. There appear to be many parts here—I need 1 more part in order to increase the Dolphin's range.”
- More than 1 part remaining
Deep within The Forest Navel, there are even stranger creatures wandering about than any I've encountered. But, as long as I am with the Pikmin, I havenothing to fear. There appear to be many parts here—I need _ more parts in order to increase the Dolphin's range.”
- 1 part remaining
Deep within the Forest Navel, there are even stranger creatures wandering about than any I've encountered. But as long as I am with the Pikmin, I have nothing to fear. There appear to be many parts here—I need 1 more part in order to increase the Dolphin's range”
- More than 1 part remaining
Deep within the Forest Navel, there are even stranger creatures wandering about than any I've encountered. But as long as I am with the Pikmin, I have nothing to fear. There appear to be many parts here—I need _ more parts in order to increase the Dolphin's range”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
"The Forest Navel", a large hollow in the middle of the forest. It's crawling with even stranger creatures than before, but with the Pikmin, there's nothing to be afraid of. There are likely to be plenty of parts around there. To further power up the Dolphin and go deeper into the forest, I need _ more parts.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
もりの まんなかの おおきな くぼみ、「じゅかいのヘソ」。 ヘンないきものが ウヨウヨ いるが、ピクミンがいるから こわくはない。 この あたりには たくさんの パーツが ありそうだ。 ドルフィンごうの さらなる パワーアップには あと_コの パーツが ひつようだ。”
- Translation
"The Forest Navel", a large hollow in the middle of the forest. There are strange creatures everywhere, but the Pikmin are around, so there's nothing to be afraid of. There are likely to be plenty of parts around there. To further power up the Dolphin and go deeper into the forest, I need _ more parts.”
(Unused) re_d_01.blo
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- Translation
There are three boosters in total. If I carry one more, I should be able to find all the parts.”
Unlocking The Distant Spring
I have managed to increase the range of the Dolphin! Looking from the Dolphin's portal as it launches ever higher into the sky, I see a vast wetland in the deepest parts of the forest. I shall call it The Distant Spring. I can begin my exploration of it tomorrow... For now, I must sleep.”
I have managed to increase the range of the Dolphin! Looking from the Dolphin's portal as it launches ever higher into the sky, I see a vast wetland in the deepest parts of the forest. I shall call it the Distant Spring. I can begin my exploration of it tomorrow... For now, I must sleep.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
The Dolphin has powered up again! From the window of the Dolphin, which is gaining even more altitude than before, a vast wetland has become visible in the deepest part of the forest. I have named that region "The Distant Spring" and decided to search it tomorrow morning.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
ドルフィンごうが また パワーアップ! さらに たかく とべるようになった。 もりの さらに おくふかく、きょだいな ぬまちが みえてきた。 わたしは そこを 「だいすいげん」と なづけた。”
- Translation
The Dolphin is powered up again! I can now fly even higher. Deeper into the forest, a vast wetland has become visible. I have named it "The Distant Spring".”
The Distant Spring
There appears to be a large cluster of parts here. If my calculations are correct, then I should be able to recover virtually all of my missing ship parts! But...not quite all of them. Unfortunately, there still seem to be some pieces that remain unaccounted for...”
There appears to be a large cluster of parts here. If my calculations are correct, then I should be able to recover virtually all of my missing ship parts! But not quite all of them... Unfortunately, there still seem to be some pieces that remain unaccounted for...”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
There are likely to be plenty of parts here too. At this point, almost all of the parts can be recovered! But this still doesn't mean all of them.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
ここにも たくさんの パーツが ありそうだ。 ここまでくれば、 ほとんどの パーツが あつまるだろう!”
- Translation
There are likely to be plenty of parts here too. At this point, most parts will be collected!”
- 1 part remaining
- More than 1 part remaining
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
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- Translation
Day 29
Tomorrow is the day my life-support system fails. If I do not recover all my parts, I have no choice but to try to blast off. Missing a few parts may not affect my attempts to return to Hocotate...but then again, it may. At any rate, I must try to recover the remaining parts tomorrow.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
At last, the day is coming when my life-support system will run out. If I fail to collect the parts by tomorrow, I will have no choice but to take off into space. Even if some parts are missing, it may not affect my flight to Hocotate... At any rate, I have no choice but to do my best to recover the remaining parts tomorrow.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
とうとう あと1にちに なってしまった。 あしたで うちゅうふくの エネルギーが きれるだろう……。 もし あした パーツが あつめられなければ、いまある パーツだけで うちゅうに とぶしか ないだろう。 とてもキケンな かけだが、すべての パーツが ひつような わけでは ないはずだ。 とにかく あした のこりの パーツあつめを がんばる しかない。”
- Translation
At last, there is one day remaining. Tomorrow, my space suit's energy will run out... If I can't collect the parts tomorrow, I have no choice but to fly into space with only the parts I have now. It's very dangerous, but I don't think all the parts are necessary. At any rate, I have no choice but to do my best to recover the remaining parts tomorrow.”
Five more parts
- 1 part remaining
If I can just find 1 more part, the Dolphin will be fully rebuilt! But time has grown short. I must not flag in my search! Even if I cannot recover every piece, I will not give up. Surely some of those parts aren't absolutely necessary. I can almost see my smiling family...!”
- More than 1 part remaining
If I can just find _ more parts, the Dolphin will be fully rebuilt! But time has grown short. I must not flag in my search! Even if I cannot recover every piece, I will not give up. Surely some of those parts aren't absolutely necessary. I can almost see my smiling family...!”
- 1 part remaining
If I can just find 1 more part, the Dolphin will be fully rebuilt! But time has grown short. I must not flag in my search! Even if I cannot recover every piece, I will not give up. Surely some of those parts aren't absolutely necessary. I can almost see my smiling family...”
- More than 1 part remaining
If I can just find _ more parts, the Dolphin will be fully rebuilt! But time has grown short. I must not flag in my search! Even if I cannot recover every piece, I will not give up. Surely some of those parts aren't absolutely necessary. I can almost see my smiling family...”
JPN NGC (adult)
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- Translation
If I collect _ more parts, the Dolphin will be completely restored to its original condition! There is very little time left. I will do my best to retrieve them. Even if I don't collect all of the parts, I don't have to give up. I'm sure there are some parts that I don't need! I can picture my family welcoming me with smiles on their faces!”
JPN Wii/NS (adult)
- Text
- Translation
If I collect _ more parts, the Dolphin will be completely restored to its original condition! There is very little time left. I will do my best to retrieve them. Even if I don't collect all of the parts, I don't have to give up. I'm sure there are some parts that I don't need! I can picture my family welcoming me with smiles on their faces!”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
あと_コの パーツを あつめれば、ドルフィンごうは かんぜんに ふっかつする! のこされた じかんは あとわずか。 とにかく がんばって あつめることにしよう。 もし ぜんぶ あつめられなかった としても、あきらめることはない。 いらないパーツだってきっとあるはずだ! えがおで むかえてくれる かぞくの すがたが めに うかぶ。”
- Translation
If I collect _ more parts, the Dolphin will be completely restored! There's little time left. Regardless, I will do my best to collect them. Even if I don't collect them all, I don't have to give up. I'm sure there are some parts that I don't need! I can picture my family welcoming me with smiles on their faces.”
Unlocking The Final Trial
- 1 day remaining
At last, but a single part remains! Since I've recovered 29 of the missing parts, the Dolphin's power is near capacity. In the forest depths below, I see a region where the final part must lie. Clearly this is my final trial. My life-support fails in one day... Courage!”
- More than 1 day remaining
At last, but a single part remains! Since I've recovered 29 of the missing parts, the Dolphin's power is near capacity. In the forest depths below, I see a region where the final part must lie. Clearly this is my final trial. My life-support fails in _ days... Courage!”
- 1 day remaining
At last, but a single part remains! Since I've recovered 29 of the missing parts, the Dolphin's power is near capacity. In the forest depths below, I see a region where the final part must lie. Clearly this is my final trial. My life support fails in one day... Courage!”
- More than 1 day remaining
At last, but a single part remains! Since I've recovered 29 of the missing parts, the Dolphin's power is near capacity. In the forest depths below, I see a region where the final part must lie. Clearly this is my final trial. My life support fails in _ days... Courage!”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
Finally, there's only 1 more part lost! With 29 parts recovered, the Dolphin has powered up even more, and its altitude is increasing. Finally, deep in the forest that stretches out below, I see some land where I believe the last part is located. I named that land "The Final Trial". My life-support system's limit is _ days away.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
やった! なくなったパーツは あと1コ。 パーツが 29コあつまって ドルフィンごうは さらに パワーアップ! たかく たかく まいあがる。 もりの おくに、ついに さいごの パーツが ねむる ばしょが みえてきた。 よし、そこは 「さいごのしれん」と なづけよう。 うちゅうふくの エネルギーが もつのは あと_にちだ。”
- Translation
Hooray! There's 1 missing part. With 29 parts collected, the Dolphin has powered up even more! It soars higher and higher. Deep in the forest, I can finally see the place where last part lies. All right, I will name that place "The Final Trial". My space suit's energy will last for another _ days.”
Olimar is down
I've been careless, sustaining damage beyond my space suit's limits. My crisis transport system saved me, but I lost all of the Pikmin I had with me. I must pay closer mind to my space suit damage meter in the bottom-left corner of the screen. I can press

I've been careless, sustaining damage beyond my space suit's limits. My crisis transport system saved me, but I lost all of the Pikmin I had with me. I must pay closer mind to my space suit damage meter in the bottom-left corner of the screen. I can press

I've been careless—sustaining damage beyond my space suit's limits. My crisis transport system saved me, but I lost all of the Pikmin I had with me. I must pay closer mind to my space suit damage meter in the bottom-left corner of the screen. I can press

JPN NGC/Wii (adult)
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- Translation
I've been careless. My space suit took too much damage and reached its limit. Fortunately, I survived thanks to my crisis transport system, but the Pikmin who were fighting alongside me were left behind. Starting tomorrow, I will have to pay attention to the space suit damage in the bottom-left corner of the screen while I do things. If I get close to the limit, I will return to the Dolphin, stand in front of it, and recover with A.”
JPN NS (adult)
- Text

- Translation
I've been careless. My space suit took too much damage and reached its limit. Fortunately, I survived thanks to my crisis transport system, but the Pikmin who were fighting alongside me were left behind. Starting tomorrow, I will have to pay attention to the space suit damage in the bottom-left corner of the screen while I do things. If I get close to the limit, I will return to the Dolphin, stand in front of it, and recover with

JPN NGC/Wii (child)
- Text
ゆだん していた。 うちゅうふくが あやうく こわれる ところ だった。 もしものときの ための テレポートマシンの おかげで、わたしは なんとか いきのびたが、ピクミンたちが おきざりになってしまった。 もし ダメージが げんかいに ちかづいたら、ドルフィンごうに もどって、まえにたって Aで かいふくする。”
- Translation
I've been careless. My space suit nearly broke. I survived thanks to my emergency teleport machine, but the Pikmin were left behind. If the damage gets close to the limit, I will return to the Dolphin, stand in front of it, and recover with A.”
JPN NS (child)
- Text
ゆだん していた。 うちゅうふくが あやうく こわれる ところ だった。 もしものときの ための テレポートマシンの おかげで、わたしは なんとか いきのびたが、ピクミンたちが おきざりになってしまった。 もし ダメージが げんかいに ちかづいたら、ドルフィンごうに もどって、まえにたって

- Translation
I've been careless. My space suit nearly broke. I survived thanks to my emergency teleport machine, but the Pikmin were left behind. If the damage gets close to the limit, I will return to the Dolphin, stand in front of it, and recover with

Pikmin Extinction
The Pikmin have all perished because of my own carelessness. I am an utter disgrace as a leader... How can I continue to collect parts without them? Still the Onions join me in low orbit, as if this Pikmin extinction had never happened. I shan't sleep tonight...”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
- Text
- Translation
The Pikmin were anihilated due to my carelessness. I am an utterly horrible leader... How in the world am I going to collect parts tomorrow without their help? Yet, the Onions continued to follow me as before, as if they did not care that the Pikmin had been anihilated.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
なんということだ! ピクミンが ゼンメツして しまった。 わたしは リーダーとして サイテイだ。 オニヨンは それでも こんな わたしの あとを ついてきて くれている。”
- Translation
What a shock! The Pikmin were anihilated. I am a horrible leader. Still, the Onions continue to follow after the likes of me.”
(Unused?) After collecting 30 ship parts
I have finally recovered all 30 parts of my ship and succeeded in escaping this strange world! To think, all the times I almost gave up hope... On the now distant surface, the brave Pikmin that aided me in my perilous quest are running about as if I had never come. Will our paths ever cross again...?”
I have finally recovered all 30 parts of my ship and succeeded in escaping this strange world! To think, all the times I almost gave up hope... On the now distant surface, the brave Pikmin that aided me in my perilous quest are running about as if I had never come. Will our paths ever cross again?”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
I finally retrieved 30 parts and succeeded in escaping from this unknown planet. On the distant ground, the Pikmin who have been helping me since I became stranded are now running around as if I had not been there at all. I wonder if I will ever have the chance to see them again...”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
わたしは ついに 30コの パーツを あつめて、この ほしから とびたつことが できた。 ピクミンたちの すがたが みるみるうちに ちいさくなっていく。 また あえる ひが くるのだろうか……。”
- Translation
I finally collected 30 parts and was able to take off from this planet. The Pikmin appear smaller and smaller before my eyes. I wonder if the day will come when we meet again...”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
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- Translation
Yellow Pikmin (discovered bomb-rocks)
I now add yellow Pikmin to my list of discoveries. These creatures can wield bomb-rocks, so perhaps I can use them to blast down rock walls and open up new regions. Red and yellow Pikmin, as well as bomb-rock carriers, break into squads when dismissed with

I now add yellow Pikmin to my list of discoveries. These creatures can wield bomb-rocks, so perhaps I can use them to blast down rock walls and open up new regions. Red and yellow Pikmin, as well as bomb-rock carriers, break into squads when dismissed with

I now add yellow Pikmin to my list of discoveries. These creatures can wield bomb rocks, so perhaps I can use them to blast down rock walls and open up new regions. Red and yellow Pikmin, as well as bomb rock carriers, break into squads when dismissed with

JPN NGC (adult)
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- Translation
In addition to red Pikmin, there are also yellow ones. They can find and carry rocks that explode! Using these bomb rocks to break rock walls opens up new search routes! Red and yellow ones, as well as those holding bomb rocks, will split into groups if I disband them with X or grab them for a long time with A.”
JPN Wii (adult)
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- Translation
In addition to red Pikmin, there are also yellow ones. They can find and carry rocks that explode! Using these bomb rocks to break rock walls opens up new search routes! Red and yellow ones, as well as those holding bomb rocks, will split into groups if I disband them with C, and can be swapped by pressing B while holding A.”
JPN NS (adult)
- Text

- Translation
In addition to red Pikmin, there are also yellow ones. They can find and carry rocks that explode! Using these bomb rocks to break rock walls opens up new search routes!
Red and yellow ones, as well as those holding bomb rocks, will split into groups if I disband them with

JPN NGC (child)
- Text
きいろピクミンは なんと バクハツするいわを みつけて はこぶことが できるのだ! この バクダンいわで いわのカベを こわせば、あたらしい みちが きりひらける! バクダンいわを もっている ピクミンと ほかの ピクミンは、Xで「ちらばれ」か、Aで ながく つかんでいると、グループわけ できる。”
- Translation
To my surprise, yellow-colored Pikmin can find and carry rocks that explode! Breaking rock walls with these bomb rocks opens up new paths! Pikmin holding bomb rocks and other Pikmin can be split into groups if I "disperse" them with X or grab them for a long time with A.”
JPN Wii (child)
- Text
きいろピクミン は なんと バクハツするいわを みつけて はこぶことが できるのだ! この バクダンいわで いわのカベを こわせば、あたらしい みちが きりひらける! バクダンいわを もつものと もたないものは、Cの「ちらばれ」で グループにわかれ、Aでつかみながら Bをおすと、もちかえだ。”
- Translation
To my surprise, yellow-colored Pikmin can find and carry rocks that explode! Breaking rock walls with these bomb rocks opens up new paths! The ones carrying bomb rocks and the ones not carrying them are split into groups by "dispersing" with C, and swapped by pressing B while holding A.”
JPN NS (child)
- Text
きいろピクミン は なんと バクハツするいわを みつけて はこぶことが できるのだ! この バクダンいわで いわのカベを こわせば、あたらしい みちが きりひらける!
バクダンいわを もつものと もたないものは、

- Translation
To my surprise, yellow-colored Pikmin can find and carry rocks that explode! Breaking rock walls with these bomb rocks opens up new paths!
The ones carrying bomb rocks and the ones not carrying them are split into groups by "dispersing" with

Blue Pikmin
Deep in the cave I discovered in the forest, I encountered blue Pikmin. These blue fellows have something resembling gills on their cheeks, and they appear to be amphibious, surviving both in water and on land. The wonders of nature never cease to stun me, even in this alien land!”
Unknown/Unused? #1
How do these Pikmin choose a route to return to their Onions? If an obstacle blocks their path, they just seem to carry their load in a tight circle... It is obvious their intelligence has limits. It seems I must order them to tear down the walls to open the way.”
Misc. #9
It is very strange... The scenery of this planet, which I once found hostile, now sometimes strikes me as surprisingly serene. Perhaps the Pikmin have opened my heart to the beauty of this world. I even started thinking there were some parts I do not need. A daydream...”
Optional parts
There are now only _ parts that I still need to retrieve. Will I be able to recover the remaining parts in _ more days? Surely there are some parts that are not absolutely necessary. If my ship is not complete by day 30, the only way I will find out is to try to lift off.”
Pikmin left behind
The Pikmin that I did not bring back to the Onion all vanished overnight. It may well be that they have fallen prey to the planet's nocturnal creatures. An ugly thought... Perhaps that is why they follow me into the atmosphere. I am starting to grasp the cycles of life on this planet.”
Bomb-rock (Pikmin killed in explosion)
Oh, horrors! A bomb-rock explosion engulfed my Pikmin! That last horrified facial expression is burned into my memory... I must review my procedures for handling Pikmin with bomb-rocks so that I do not repeat this mistake...”
Oh, horrors! A bomb rock explosion engulfed my Pikmin! That last horrified facial expression is burned into my memory... I must review my procedures for handling Pikmin with bomb rocks so that I do not repeat this mistake...”




Area clear
Hope has begun to well up within me for the Dolphin's repair and my own chances for a reunion with my dear family. Tomorrow I shall go forth with a new attitude and continue my exploration in a different region. I hope that Fortune will smile upon me...”
The following article or section needs help from someone who can translate Japanese text. |
JPN NGC (adult)
- Text
- Translation
Thanks to the fact that the computer was all right, important information is projected on my helmet at all times. This information is of utmost importance to the safety of the expedition. I shall continue my exploration, always paying attention to changes in these readings.”
JPN NGC (child)
- Text
コンピュータが ぶじで よかった。 だいじな じょうほうは、 いつも ヘルメットに うつっている。”
- Translation
I'm glad the computer is all right. Important information is projected on my helmet at all times.”
JPN NGC (adult)
- Text
- Translation
“At the top are the ● sun meter ● day display
At the bottom are the ● spacesuit damage ● number of Pikmin
● total number (including inside the onion)”
JPN NGC (child)
- Text
“うえには ●たいようメーター ●ひづけ
かずは ひだりから ●たいれつのかず
- Translation
“At the top are the ● sun meter ● day
● The number of Pikmin
● number on the ground
● total number (including Pikmin inside the onion)”
Route choosing
I've made a new discovery! The Pikmin can choose their own routes! But...does this indicate rational thought or just basic instinct? Unfortunately, I cannot determine that at this point. I will be vigilant in my studies, though...”
I've made a new discovery! The Pikmin can choose their own routes! But...does this indicate rational thought or just basic instinct? Unfortunately, I cannot determine that at this point. I will be vigilant in my studies though...”
Pikmin maturity
I have seen that, at times, the leaf atop a Pikmin's head will grow into a bud and then a flower. It appears that if I do not pick the Pikmin sprouts, they gradually bloom over time. Fascinating! This melding of plant and animal traits is surely unique in the natural world!”


Partial Extinction
What exactly are these Pikmin? One could classify them as both plant and animal. They mature from leaf, to bud, and finally to blossom. When all of one color are lost, the Onion instinctively puts out new seeds... How does it know to do this? What a mysterious life-form!”
Collecting pellets
The Pikmin always carry their prey back to the Onions. Close observation indicates that taking food pellets to Onions of the same color results in the release of larger numbers of Pikmin seeds. I've also found ways to group Pikmin by color: I can hold

The Pikmin always carry their prey back to the Onions. Close observation indicates that taking food pellets to Onions of the same color results in the release of larger numbers of Pikmin seeds. I've also found ways to group Pikmin by color: I can hold

The Pikmin always carry their prey back to the Onions. Close observation indicates that taking food pellets to Onions of the same color results in the release of larger numbers of Pikmin seeds. I've also found ways to group Pikmin by color: I can hold

The Pikmin always carry their prey back to the Onions. Close observation indicates that taking food pellets to Onions of the same color results in the release of larger numbers of Pikmin seeds. I've also found ways to group Pikmin by color: I can hold

Yellow Pikmin (haven't discovered bomb-rocks)
I encountered yellow Pikmin deep in the Forest of Hope. The only visible difference between them and the reds is their abnormally large ears. I've noticed they fly higher than the reds when thrown... Perhaps they have other abilities as well. Closer observation is necessary.”
Fire should be a natural enemy of the Pikmin, but on closer examination, I've found red Pikmin to be impervious to it. It is fascinating. The reds continue through the flames, completely oblivious to any Pikmin burning around them...”
Smoky Progg
Smoky Progg
This hideous beast comes from a strange, hard egg. Its mollusk-like body is wrapped in an unpleasant gas that suffocates any Pikmin that inhales it. Attacking its head is successful, but it's best to eliminate it in egg form.”
Dwarf & Spotty Bulborb
Dwarf & Spotty Bulborbs
The most plentiful species on the planet, they are quite ferocious despite their appearance, using their massive jaws to swallow Pikmin whole. Frontal assaults result in disaster; attacks from behind are more successful. Attacking their legs is also effective.”
Dwarf & Spotty Bulborbs
The most plentiful species on the planet, they are quite ferocious despite their appearance, using their massive jaws to swallow Pikmin whole. Frontal assaults result in disaster—attacks from behind are more successful. Attacking their legs is also effective.”
This creature's cap is elastic, negating any Pikmin attacks. Attacking its lower torso works better, but the puffstool lets out spores that turn the Pikmin into mushrooms, which then attack me! They return to normal when shaken off.”
Iridescent Flint Beetle
Iridescent Flint Beetle
This creature's hypnotic reflective body is quite hard, giving it a good defense against Pikmin attacks. Why, then, do the Pikmin chase it in such a frenzy? I wonder if it will undergo any change if I hit it directly with Pikmin...”
This timid creature flies around collecting nectar from flowers. It typically hides itself, but shaking flowers can reveal its presence. The nectar it collects appears to be the Pikmin's favorite food. They instantly bloom when they eat it.”
Candypop Bud
Candypop Bud
When I throw Pikmin into this flower, they are popped right back out. I have named this very peculiar bloom the candypop bud. It's strange... No matter what color Pikmin I throw in, the ones that pop out match the flower's color!”
Candypop Bud
When I throw Pikmin into this flower, they are popped back out again. I have named this very peculiar bloom the candypop bud. It's strange... No matter what color Pikmin I throw in, the ones that pop out match the flower's color!”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
The candypop bud.
When I threw a Pikmin in, it spat it out with a pop. I gave the very strange flower the name candypop bud.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
ピクミンを なげいれたら、ポン!と ふきだした。 この とても フシギな はなを わたしは ポンガシグサと なづけた。”
- Translation
The candypop bud.
When I threw a Pikmin in, it spat it out with a pop. I named the very strange flower the candypop bud.”
Beady Long Legs
Beady Long Legs
This creature is so large it would tower over the Dolphin. All the Pikmin can do is cling to its feet and try to slow it down. Its large round torso is its sole weak point—since yellow Pikmin fly highest, they should be most effective against it.”
Beady Long Legs
This creature is so large it would tower over the Dolphin. All the Pikmin can do is cling to its feet and try to slow it down. Its large round torso is its sole weak point—since yellow Pikmin fly highest, they should be most effective against it.”
Beady Long Legs
This creature is so large, it would tower over the Dolphin. All the Pikmin can do is cling to its feet and try to slow it down. Its large, round torso is its sole weak point—since yellow Pikmin fly highest, they should be most effective against it.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
The beady long legs.
A gigantic creature that looks as if it could straddle the Dolphin. When Pikmin cling to the tips of its long legs, they only manage to slightly slow it down. The large, round torso seems to be this creature's weak point. Yellow Pikmin go flying higher, so they might be able to attack it easily.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
ドルフィンごうも またごうかという とても きょだいな いきものだ。 あしに ピクミンが しがみついても、おおきすぎて うごきを とめるのが せいいっぱいだ。 とどきにくい どうたいが じゃくてん かもしれない。 きいろピクミンなら たかく とばせるから、こうげき しやすい かもしれない。”
- Translation
The beady long legs.
A creature so gigantic that it could straddle the Dolphin. When Pikmin cling to its feet, it's so big that they only manage to slow it down. The hard-to-reach torso may be its weak point. Yellow Pikmin can go flying high, so it may be easy to attack.”
Armored Cannon Beetle
Armored Cannon Beetle
This creature spits out massive rocks and boasts an impenetrable shell that repels all Pikmin attacks. Just before spitting out a boulder, it sucks in large breaths of air... Perhaps its air hole will provide a clue to its weakness.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
The armored cannon beetle.
A gigantic creature wrapped in a hard shell that spits large rocks. Because of the tremendous destructive power of the large rocks and its extremely hard body, it's hard to figure out how to attack it. The key to defeating it may lie in the hole through which it sucks in a large amount of air before spitting a large rock.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
カタい コウラに つつまれ、いわを はきだす きょだいな いきもの。 この カタい からだの どこを こうげき したらいいのか。 いわを はく まえに くうきを すいこむが、あのときが チャンスかもしれない。”
- Translation
The armored cannon beetle.
A gigantic creature wrapped in a hard shell that spits rocks. Where should we attack its hard body? It sucks in air before spitting a rock, and that time might be our chance.”
Burrowing Snagret
Burrowing Snagret
This large, subterranean life-form suddenly erupts from underground to feast on nearby Pikmin. Its body is covered in slick scales, which render Pikmin attacks ineffective. Surely it has a weak point somewhere...”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
The burrowing snagret.
Lurking underground, this gigantic creature suddenly pops out to prey on Pikmin as they pass nearby. Because its body is covered with slippery scales, Pikmin attacks are largely ineffective. However, there is always be a weak point somewhere.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
じめんの したに かくれて、ピクミンが とおりかかると、いきなり とびだして おそってくる。 ツルツルと すべる ウロコのため、ピクミンの こうげきが ほとんど つうじない。 しかし、じゃくてんの ない いきものは いないはずだ!”
- Translation
The burrowing snagret.
Hiding under the ground, it suddenly pops out to attack Pikmin as they pass by. Because of its slippery scales, Pikmin attacks are largely ineffective. However, no creature is without a weak point!”
Emperor Bulblax
Emperor Bulblax
My radar indicates that a gigantic member of the bulborb species has swallowed the Dolphin's final part. Yet how am I to attack this gargantuan beast? Testing the explosive power of the bomb-rocks the yellow Pikmin unearth may prove valuable...”
Emperor Bulblax
My radar indicates that a gigantic member of the bulborb species has swallowed the Dolphin's final part. Yet how am I to attack this gargantuan beast? Testing the explosive power of the bomb-rocks the yellow Pikmin unearth may prove valuable...”
Emperor Bulblax
My radar indicates that a gigantic member of the bulborb species has swallowed the Dolphin's final part. Yet how am I to attack this gargantuan beast? Testing the explosive power of the bomb rocks the yellow Pikmin unearth may prove valuable...”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
The emperor bulblax.
Looking at the radar, this gigantic creature, probably of the same kind as spotty bulborb, must have swallowed the last part of the Dolphin. However, I'm not sure how to attack its body, which has grown too huge. It's worth testing the destructive power of the bomb rocks that the yellow pikmin unearth...”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
レーダーを みると、この おおきな いきものが、ドルフィンごうの さいごの パーツを のみこんでいるに ちがいない。 あまりに きょだいな コイツに どうやって こうげき したものか。 きいろピクミンの バクダンいわの すごい パワーを ためしてみても いいかもしれない。”
- Translation
The emperor bulblax.
Looking at the radar, this large creature must have swallowed the last part of the Dolphin. How to attack such a huge creature? It may be a good idea to try the amazing power of the yellow Pikmin's bomb rocks.”
Within the transparent gel that envelops this organism are two nuclei that appear to make up its actual torso—and most likely its entire nerve center. The nuclei look like they're hard, but I believe that there must be some way to crack them.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
The goolix.
It's a strange creature, wrapped in a beautiful transparent membrane, but inside it are two nuclei, which seem to be the creature's main body. I wonder if there's a way to break the nuclei, which look very solid.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
うつくしい とうめいな ゼリーに つつまれた いきもの。 どうやら ゼリーのなかの 2つの タマが ほんたいの ようだ。 みるからに カタそうな あのタマを、くだく ほうほうは あるのだろうか。”
- Translation
The goolix.
A creature wrapped in a beautiful transparent gel. The two balls inside the gel seem to be the its main body. I wonder if there's a way to break the balls, which look very solid.”
This seems to be a gentle, flower-loving creature, but if angered, it is fierce. Its mighty open-handed smack... It reminds me of the time back home when a mosquito landed on my head, and my wife tried to get it...”
This seems to be a gentle, flower-loving creature, but if angered, it is fierce. Its mighty open-handed smack was so powerful that I feared my helmet might crack open.”
JPN NGC/Wii (adult)
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- Translation
The mamuta.
It seems to be a gentle, flower-loving creature by nature, but that is precisely why it is so frightening when angered. That horrible slap... It reminded me of my wife back home.”
JPN NS (adult)
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- Translation
The mamuta.
It seems to be a gentle, flower-loving creature by nature, but that is precisely why it is so frightening when angered. That horrible slap... I thought my helmet was going to break.”
JPN NGC/Wii (child)
- Text
ふだんは はなが すきな やさしい いきもの なのかもしれないが、それだけに おこりだしたら おそろしい。 あの すさまじい ビンタ。 おこった つまを おもいだした。”
- Translation
The mamuta.
It may normally be a gentle, flower-loving creature, but that is precisely why it is so frightening when angered. That horrible slap... It reminded me of my wife when she gets angry.”
JPN NS (child)
- Text
ふだんは はなが すきな やさしい いきもの なのかもしれないが、それだけに おこりだしたら おそろしい。 あの すさまじい ビンタ。 ヘルメットが われそうだった。”
- Translation
The mamuta.
It may normally be a gentle, flower-loving creature, but that is precisely why it is so frightening when angered. That horrible slap... My helmet seemed like it was going to break.”
Male & Female Sheargrub
Today I've learned something new about these creatures' behavioral patterns. They are very vexing bugs—they chew apart the bridges that the Pikmin build! All the effort the poor Pikmin went to... I must watch for these pests.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
The sheargrub.
Today, I learned a new habit of theirs. They are quite a nuisance. They eat up the bridges and slopes that the Pikmin build! After all the hard work it took to build them... I never know when they'll appear, so I have to pay attention.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
きょう、ヤツらの あたらしい しゅうせいが わかった。 なんと、ピクミンが くろうして つくった はしや スロープを くいあらす! ヤツらは いつ あらわれるか わからない。 きを つけなければ。”
- Translation
The sheargrub.
Today, I learned a new habit of theirs. To my surprise, they eat up the bridges and slopes that the Pikmin put so much work into building! I never know when they'll appear, so I have to pay attention.”
Fiery Blowhog
Fiery Blowhog
I wonder just how this planet's life-forms evolved. This creature belches fire, of all things! Once the Pikmin get caught up in the inferno, there is nothing that can be done. If only they had the power to face such flames without fear of burning...”
Fiery Blowhog
I wonder just how this planet's life-forms evolved. This creature belches fire, of all things! Once the Pikmin get caught up in the inferno, there is nothing that can be done. If only they had the power to face such flames without risk of burning...”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
The fiery blowhog.
I wonder just how this planet's ecosystem evolved. This creature breathes flames, of all things. If Pikmin are exposed to those flames, they don't stand a chance. If only they had the strength to face the flames...”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
この ほしの いきものは どういう しんかを とげたのだろう。 なんと、この いきものは、ほのおを はくのだ。 ピクミンが ほのおに やかれたら、ひとたまりもないだろう。 ほのおに つよい ピクミンが いれば……。”
- Translation
The fiery blowhog.
I wonder how this planet's creatures evolved. This creature breathes flames, of all things. If Pikmin were exposed to the flames, they wouldn't stand a chance. If only there were Pikmin resistant to flames...”
Pearly Clamclamp
Pearly Clamclamp
One would expect this creature to be a mollusk of the sea, but the fact that it is also found in the forest is typical of this planet's oddities. The pearl that rests inside appears to be one of great value, but it is actually a trap.”
One would expect this creature to be a mollusk of the sea, but the fact that it is also found in the forest is typical of this planet's oddities. The pearl that rests inside appears to be one of great value, but it is actually a trap.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
The pearly clamclamp.
No matter how you look at it, it is a shellfish, but the fact that it is in a forest is typical of this planet. The pearls inside are valuable spoils, but they are a trap. If I carelessly let Pikmin get too close to them, they will be readily eaten. It's important not to be too rash.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
ふつうの かい にみえるが、やまの いずみで くらしている キミョウな いきもの。 しんじゅは ねうちものに みえるが、じつは ワナだ。 のこのこ ピクミンが ちかづくと、バックリ たべられてしまうのだ。”
- Translation
The pearly clamclamp.
A strange creature that looks like a shellfish, but lives in mountain springs. The pearl seems valuable, but it is actually a trap. If Pikmin approach it unconcernedly, they will be gobbled up.”
This pesky scavenger is truly annoying. It attempts to steal the spoils that the Pikmin earn in battle. If the Pikmin chase it too far, they can be dragged into its lair along with the food. It may look weak, but its appearance is deceiving.”
JPN NGC (adult)
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- Translation
The breadbug.
They are as obnoxious as hyenas. They snatch the prey that the Pikmin went to the trouble of fighting and defeating. If the Pikmin are allowed to chase them too far, they will be dragged into their burrows along with the prey. They look weak at first glance, but it's unlikely that they can be defeated by normal means.”
JPN Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
The breadbug.
They are as obnoxious as hyenas. They take the prey that the Pikmin went to the trouble of fighting and defeating. If the Pikmin are allowed to chase them too far, they will be dragged into their burrows along with the prey. They look weak at first glance, but it's unlikely that they can be defeated by normal means.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
コイツらは ハイエナのように いやらしい。 せっかく ピクミンが たおした えものを ぬすもうとする。 ピクミンに おいかけさせても、えものごと すみかに ひきずりこまれてしまう。 よわそうに みえるが、ふつうの こうげきでは たおせそうにない。”
- Translation
The breadbug.
They are as obnoxious as hyenas. They try to steal the prey that the Pikmin went to the trouble of defeating. Even if I make the Pikmin chase them, they will be dragged into their homes along with the prey. They look weak, but it doesn't seem like they can be defeated with normal attacks.”
Puffy Blowhog
Puffy Blowhog
This is a large-bodied, flying organism, but it is possible that its interior is as empty as a blimp. If I can land a large number of Pikmin on it, they may be able to ground it. And then, once it's down, it will feel my sprouts' rage!”
There is a troublesome creature by the water. It immediately tries to jump on and squish the Pikmin, so if I don't quickly issue commands, the Pikmin get flattened. If they could use their strength to hold the beast down, could it still jump...?”
There is a troublesome creature by the water. It immediately tries to jump on and squish the Pikmin, so if I don't quickly issue commands, the Pikmin get flattened. If they could use their strength to hold the beast down, could it still jump...?”
There is a troublesome creature by the water. It immediately tries to jump on and squish the Pikmin, so if I don't quickly issue commands, the Pikmin get flattened. If they could use their strength to hold the beast down, could it still jump?”
Misc. #1
When I see the Pikmin engaged in fierce battle with the other creatures of this world, I often grow uneasy wondering why they never attack me... Could it be that they actually view me as a parental figure? A strange, disturbing thought...”
Misc. #2
I wonder if I shall ever be able to escape from this world. How much suffering must I endure before I can finally see my family back home again? Still... When my heart grows too heavy, I take comfort in my efforts. I will get home...or I will expire trying.”
Misc. #3
The creatures of this planet breathe a deadly poisonous gas: oxygen. At present, my space suit can filter the oxygen out, but if the batteries for my life-support system should fail... I shudder to think about it.”
Misc. #4
No matter how many of their compatriots fall in battle, the Pikmin fight on. Would this have been a peaceful planet had I never come? No... Surely the Pikmin lived like this before my arrival. They MUST have. In any case, I must not waver if I hope to return home. My task now is to do whatever I can to recover all of the Dolphin's missing parts.”
Misc. #5
I wonder if these Pikmin were waiting for me to arrive. No... Not necessarily me, but an alien being like me who could fight alongside them. On this planet they are a weak species, but maybe they see that they can use the power of an alien brain to climb to the top of the natural order. Such ideas make me wonder if it isn't I who is being used by them...”
Misc. #6
- 1 day passed
It has been 1 day since I crashed on this planet. My reflection in the mirror is looking a little gaunt. And to think my wife warned me not to gain too much weight on this vacation! Ha! The thought makes me chortle. She would surely be surprised to see me now. It feels as if it has been many years since I saw her last...”
- More than 1 day passed
It has been _ days since I crashed on this planet. My reflection in the mirror is looking a little gaunt. And to think my wife warned me not to gain too much weight on this vacation! Ha! The thought makes me chortle. She would surely be surprised to see me now. It feels as if it has been many years since I saw her last...”
Misc. #7
This is an ever-surprising ecosystem. What has caused this planet's vegetation to grow to such gigantic proportions? In comparison to the Pikmin and the other creatures of this planet, the scale of the plant life here seems inexplicable. Perhaps, long ago, creatures of incomprehensible size walked the surface of this planet. Just imagine!”
Misc. #8
Occasionally, when I look behind me, I make some very amusing discoveries. The Pikmin all seem to follow me in the same fashion, but there are always individual specimens that end up performing the wrong actions. I suppose if there are agile, capable Pikmin, there must also be clumsy, dim Pikmin as well. That is the natural way of things.”
Misc. #10
My people were borne out of the sea of stars to come down to Hocotate, and when we complete our lives, we return to the great ocean of stars. But since these Pikmin come from the depths of the soil, surely to the soil they shall return. How very poetic—while it is all alien to me, the basic premise is universally beautiful.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
- Text
- Translation
Our people were born from the sea of stars onto the earth, and eventually, having lived out our lives, we will again return to the sea of stars. Since the Pikmin were born from the soil, they will surely return to the soil.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
わたしの ほしの いいつたえ。 ほしの うみから うまれた ほしのこは、やがて うちゅうの ほしになる。 つちから うまれた だいちのこは、やはり つちに かえるのだろう。 たおれた ピクミンは きっと、じめんの したで くらしているのだ。”
- Translation
A legend from my planet. Children of the stars born from the sea of stars will eventually become stars in space. Children of the earth born from the soil will likewise eventually return to the soil. Fallen Pikmin surely live under the ground.”
Misc. #11
At times, these seemingly emotionless Pikmin act with a blind urgency. For instance, the Pikmin who so tirelessly dig up grass... What could be driving them to do so? Is it merely the promise of a sweet taste of nectar? Or is it some base instinct that is beyond my capacity to understand? Will I ever know?”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
- Text
- Translation
Even the Pikmin, who don't show much emotion, sometimes become absorbed in their actions. Pikmin single-mindedly digging up grass. I wonder what drives them to do that.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
ピクミンは ふだんは キモチを かおに ださないが、 たまに わきめも ふらず、むちゅうで くさを ほりかえしている。 なにが かれらを こうふん させて いるのだろう?”
- Translation
Pikmin usually don't show their feelings on their faces, but once in a while they single-mindedly become absorbed in digging up grass. What is it that makes them so excited?”
Misc. #12
At first glance, the Pikmin have such innocent faces, but this is misleading—they can actually be surprisingly whimsical. After leaving the group, they dig up plants on their own and frolic about, sometimes never returning to the Onion. When I find none following me, I begin to worry. I must pay careful mind to their movements.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
- Text
- Translation
Pikmin may look obedient at first glance, but in fact, they can be surprisingly carefree. They get separated from the squad and start playing and pulling out grass, sometimes not easily coming back. When I look behind me and see no one there, I start to worry. I shall pay more attention to their movements.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
ピクミンは すなおそうに みえるが、 じつは けっこう わがままだ。 たいれつを はなれて あそびはじめるし、 なかなか もどってこない。 ふりかえって だれも いないと、 しんぱいだ。 もっと、 しっかり みていないと いけない。”
- Translation
Pikmin seem obedient, but in fact, they're rather selfish. They get separated from the squad and start playing, sometimes not easily coming back. When I look behind me and see no one there, I worry. I have to be watching more closely.”
Misc. #13
Gradually, my repairs to the Dolphin continue. This ship is like a part of me. One could even say that it is tied to my very essence. Yes, it was a long—one might say epic—journey, going from mere repairman to captain of my own ship...but now I'm rambling.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
- Text
- Translation
Little by little, the Dolphin's repairs are progressing. This ship is like a part of me, so to speak. You could say it is the fruit of my life. Yes, it has been a really long journey from mere repairman to ship owner...”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
すこしずつ ドルフィンごうの しゅうりが すすんでいる。 なまえに ふさわしく、ほしのうみに およぎだす ひも とおくない。 おもえば この ふねを てにいれるまで、どれだけ はたらいたことか……。”
- Translation
Little by little, the Dolphin's repairs are progressing. The day is not far off when it will swim into the sea of stars, true to its name. Looking back, how I worked to have this ship...”
Misc. #14
Looking from this planet into the skies above, I see the pale white moon floating overhead. It brings to mind memories of the moon from back home. I bet that even now my wife and children are sitting at home, gazing up at our pale red moon... Hang on, dear ones! Your Olimar will return some day!”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
- Text
- Translation
Looking up at the sky from above the ground, I see a white moon floating gently. Suddenly I remembered the moon of my homeland. I wonder if my wife and children on Hocotate are looking up at that red moon at this moment...”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
みあげた うちゅうに ポッカリ うかぶ しろい つき。 ふと、 こきょうの つきを おもいだした。 いま、つまと こどもたちは、 あの なつかしい あかい つきを みているのだろうか……。”
- Translation
Looking up at space, I see a white moon floating gently. Suddenly I remembered the moon of my homeland. I wonder if my wife and children are looking at that nostalgic red moon at this moment...”
Misc. #15
When I am surrounded by legions of Pikmin, I always picture the face of my boss, the head of the Pilot Union. He was always so sharp-tongued with his orders, but I imagine he must have felt much the way that I do now. It's funny, how a change in perspective can bring with it a deeper understanding of others.”
JPN NGC (adult)
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- Translation
Surrounded by so many Pikmin, the face of my boss at the Pilot Union comes to mind. He was always nagging me and giving me sudden instructions, but I wonder if he also felt like this.”
JPN Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
Surrounded by so many Pikmin, the face of my boss at the Pilot Union comes to mind. He was always nagging me and giving me sudden instructions, but I wonder if he also felt like this.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
きょうも つかれた。 ピクミンたちの リーダーの わたしは、 やすむ じかんが ない。 わたしの ジョウシは おこりんぼで、メイレイばかり だったが、 かれも こんなに つかれていたから、 おこりっぽかった のかも しれない。”
- Translation
I'm tired again today. As leader of the Pikmin, I have no time to rest. My boss was short-tempered and always giving orders, but maybe he was so angry because he was also this tired.”
Misc. #16
I can't help but hear a slow, hissing sound inside my head. It seems that the stress is causing the last of my hair to fall out. My wife always warned me not to let the little things bother me, to prepare for the bigger things instead. Very well! I shall heed her sage words! This shall be the last time I count my precious, precious strands. One, two...”
I can't help but hear a slow hissing sound inside my head. It seems that the stress is causing the last of my hair to fall out. My wife always warned me not to let the little things bother me—to prepare for the bigger things instead. Very well! I shall heed her sage words! This shall be the last time I count my precious, precious strands. One, two...”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
I can't help but feel like my head is very breezy. I hear stress can make your hair fall out. My wife often reminds me: "don't let the little things bother you". She says it's good to take everything in stride. Okay, this is the last time I'm going to count them. One, two, three...”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
どうも あたまが スースーする。 ストレスで あたまの ケが ぬけるらしいが、 まさか……。 もし あたまが ツルツル になったら、はずかしくて、 つまや こどもに とても あえない。”
- Translation
My head is very breezy. I hear stress can make your hair fall out, but no way... If my head were to turn completely bald, I would be too embarrassed to see my wife and children.”
Misc. #17
Today's dinner is Instant Space Noodles once again... It feels as if I have been eating it forever, and I never liked it much to begin with. Certainly, I did not want to drain my savings, but perhaps I should not have budgeted so tightly... How I long for my wife's home cooking.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
Universe's Best Noodles again today... I feel like I've been eating this since forever. I shouldn't have cut back on my budget to put some in my secret stash. I miss my wife's home cooking.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
きょうも うちゅう1ばんヌードル……。 まいにち まいにち こればかり たべている。 おかねを ケチって へそくりに まわしたのが いけなかった。 つまの つくる アツアツの オニヨンスープが たべたいな。”
- Translation
Universe's Best Noodles again today... I've been eating this every single day. I shouldn't have been stingy with money to put some in my secret stash. How I wish to eat my wife's hot Onion soup.”
Misc. #18
I cannot seem to sleep. At night I am overcome with uneasiness. I am the only one to have ever stood on this planet. The Pikmin follow my orders, but frankly I have no idea what they could be thinking. Ah, yes... It brings the faces of my children to mind. May I have courage...”
I cannot seem to sleep. At night, I am overcome with uneasiness. I am the only one to have ever stood on this planet. The Pikmin follow my orders, but frankly I have no idea what they could be thinking. Ah, yes... It brings the faces of my children to mind. May I have courage...”
JPN NGC (adult)
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- Translation
I have trouble falling asleep. At night, anxiety comes over me. I am all alone on this planet. The Pikmin follow my instructions, but I honestly don't know what they are thinking. That's right, I will think of my family's faces. Give me courage...”
JPN Wii/NS (adult)
- Text
- Translation
I have trouble falling asleep. At night, anxiety comes over me. I am all alone on this planet. The Pikmin follow my instructions, but I honestly don't know what they are thinking. That's right, I will think of my family's faces. Give me courage...”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
なかなか ねむれない。 よるに なると ハッキリ かんじる。 わたしは この ほしで ひとりぼっちだ。 そうだ、 かぞくの かおを おもいうかべよう。 わたしに ゆうきを……。”
- Translation
I have trouble sleeping. I feel it clearly at night. I am all alone on this planet. That's right, I will think of my family's faces. Give me courage...”
Misc. #19
I've been preoccupied with my own problems, but I am certain that my worries pale beside my family's fear for my safety. I am always amazed at how much my children have changed when I return from a lengthy trip. Even with their father gone, the children grow... When I return, I shall load up my family and take them with me for a change.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (adult)
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- Translation
I am proud of my work, but it must make my family feel lonely. When I return home for the first time in months, I'm always amazed at how much my children have grown. Even without a father, children will still grow up... Next time, I'll take my family somewhere with me.”
JPN NGC/Wii/NS (child)
- Text
わたしは じぶんの しごとが すきだ。 だから いっしょうけんめい はたらいている。 しかし、 わたしが はたらけば はたらくほど、いえには なかなか かえれない。 つまや こども には さびしい おもいを させている とおもう。 こんな ちちおやを ゆるしておくれ。”
- Translation
I like my work. That's why I work so hard. However, the harder I work, the harder it is to go home. I think it makes my wife and children feel lonely. Please forgive me for being such a father.”
Misc. #20
I had a horrific dream last night. I was home. My wife was cooking the Pikpik brand carrots I love so much, and I was eating them. Though I had eaten my fill, she kept bringing more fresh carrots until my mouth was full. I awoke gasping for breath. I am certain it is because these Pikmin remind me of those carrots that I had such a dream.”
I had a horrific dream last night. I was home. My wife was cooking the Pikpik-brand carrots I love so much, and I was eating them. Though I had eaten my fill, she kept bringing more fresh carrots until my mouth was full. I awoke gasping for breath. I am certain it is because these Pikmin remind me of those carrots that I had such a dream.”
Misc. #21
I am always intrigued as to whether or not such vast numbers of Pikmin can truly sleep inside such a small Onion. What sort of vessel is it inside? Does it somehow transcend the laws of physics? Just once, I would like to have the chance to see for myself...”
Misc. #22
My daughter, who was always so sweet in her youth, has become so precocious lately. I can only imagine how many headaches she has caused her mother in my absence. Ha, ha! With her parentage, I am certain she will grow into a beautiful woman. Still, as a father, a daughter's beauty is a seed that blooms nothing but worry...”
My daughter, who was always so sweet in her youth, has become so precocious lately. I can only imagine how many headaches she has caused her mother in my absence. Ha, ha! With her parentage, I am certain she will grow into a beautiful woman. Who can say what might sprout from such a seed of beauty?”
Misc. #23
- 1 day passed
1 day has passed since I began my search with the Pikmin. They are an ever-mysterious life-form. They grow like plants do, but they're also mobile and active like animals are. Individually, they seem weak, but in truth, I am beginning to believe that they could be an exceptionally mighty species if properly organized. I certainly hope so.”
- More than 1 day passed
_ days have passed since I began my search with the Pikmin. They are an ever-mysterious life-form. They grow like plants do, but they're also mobile and active like animals are. Individually, they seem weak, but in truth, I am beginning to believe that they could be an exceptionally mighty species if properly organized. I certainly hope so.”
Misc. #24
I have been stranded on this planet for some time, and I have grown used to my life here. At times, I even find it quite bearable. I know that as soon as I return, I'll once again be subjected to daily ridicule by my despicable boss... If only I could be a Pikmin... NO!!! I must not think such thoughts! I have a family! I will not give up! Ever!”
I have been stranded on this planet for some time, and I have grown used to my life here. At times, I even find it quite bearable. I know that as soon as I return, I'll once again be subjected to daily ridicule by my despicable boss... If only I could be a Pikmin... NO! I must not think such thoughts! I have a family! I will not give up! Ever!”
Misc. #25
At this point, I no longer care what happens. Surely, not even a last-minute push can guarantee my success. Now that I think about it, my wife always said that I gave up too easily... What does she know, anyway?!? When did she become a licensed psychiatrist? ...Now I am upset. I guess I will just go to sleep early tonight.”
At this point, I no longer care what happens. Surely, not even a last-minute push can guarantee my success. Now that I think about it, my wife always said that I gave up too easily... What does she know, anyway?! When did she become a licensed psychiatrist? Now I am upset... I guess I will just go to sleep early tonight.”
Misc. #26
I suppose I have done well to get by without much motivation. I have made it this far without any hope. I must do all that I can with what time I have remaining. Vigilance, Olimar! Vigilance!”
Misc. #27
I don't have much to write today... When I inspected the Onion's legs I saw that they were covered by tiny little hairs.
It was kind of disturbing.”
I am so very tired...”
JPN NGC/Wii (adult)
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- Translation
Oh, I'm so tired...”
JPN NGC/Wii (child)
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- Translation
Oh, I'm so tired...”
Unknown #2
I am so very tired...”
JPN NGC/Wii (adult)
- Text
- Translation
I don't have much to write anymore. When I looked closely at the Onion's legs, I found that they are covered with fine hairs. It was a little creepy.”
JPN NGC/Wii (child)
- Text
もう かくことも あまりないな。 オニヨンの あしを よくみると、こまかい ケが びっしりだった。 ちょっとこわかった。”
- Translation
I don't have much to write anymore. When I looked closely at the Onion's legs, I found that they are covered with fine hairs. It was a little creepy.”
b4ffffff = default color 00ff00ff = green ffff00ff = #aa0 ff0000ff = red 4040ffff = blue 0000ffff = blue