Information for "User:Redradish"

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Display titleUser:Redradish
Default sort keyRedradish
Page length (in bytes)3,144
Page ID10131
Page content languageen - English
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Number of redirects to this page0
Number of subpages of this page1 (0 redirects; 1 non-redirect)

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Edit history

Page creatorpikminwikia>Redradish
Date of page creation20:30, January 4, 2010
Latest editorGPBot (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit14:05, July 30, 2014
Total number of edits13
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days)0
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SEO properties



Article description: (description)
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Hi I'm Redradish.  If you really have to know, White Radish is my cousin who lives less than 500 Ft. from my house.  I've been a Pikmin fan ever since I got both Pikmin games for Christmas.  My favorite is Pikmin 2 mainly because it has purple pikmin(my favorite pikmin type), but also because of its highly developed story line and the ability to play as the president.  Another thing that sets Pikmin 2 apart from Pikmin1 is multi-player.  My username also comes from a funny thing my friend said during 2 player mode.  He said "It's not fair, you have the marauding red radish pikmin and I have these blue... things" every time I'd raid his onion for the marble.  I havn't played pikmin 2 for a while because it got broken and now I have to borrow my cousin's Pikmin 2(the one mentioned above).  Recently I got New Play Control! Pikmin and it has used most of my free time.
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