Editing Pikmin Adventure vegetation

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Line 5: Line 5:
*Add a brief description and general location description.
*Add a brief description and general location description.
{{needs translation|Dutch|French|Spanish|Russian}}
{{needs translation|Dutch|French|German|Italian|Portuguese (NoE)|Spanish|Russian}}

==Abundant Mass==
==Abundant Mass==
Line 26: Line 26:
|FraN =  
|FraN =  
|Ger  = Klobiger Block
|Ger  = Klobiger Block
|GerM  = Clunky Block
|GerM  = clunky block
|GerN  =  
|GerN  =  
|Ita = Blocco pesante
|Ita = Blocco pesante
|ItaM= Heavy block
|ItaN =  
|ItaN =  
|ItaI =  
|ItaI =  
Line 35: Line 35:
|SpaM =  
|SpaM =  
|PorP  = Bloco Grandalhão
|PorP  = Bloco Grandalhão
|PorPM = Bulky Block
|PorPM =  
|PorPN =  
|PorPN =  
|Rus  = Увесистый блок
|Rus  = Увесистый блок
Line 64: Line 64:
|FraN =  
|FraN =  
|Ger  = Tannenbaum
|Ger  = Tannenbaum
|GerM  = Fir Tree
|GerM  =  
|GerN  =  
|GerN  =  
|Ita = Abete
|Ita = Abete
|ItaM= Spruce
|ItaN =  
|ItaN =  
|ItaI =  
|ItaI =  
Line 73: Line 73:
|SpaM =  
|SpaM =  
|PorP  = Abeto
|PorP  = Abeto
|PorPM = Fir Tree
|PorPM =  
|PorPN =  
|PorPN =  
|Rus  = Пихта
|Rus  = Пихта
Line 101: Line 101:
|FraN =  
|FraN =  
|Ger  = Herbstpilz
|Ger  = Herbstpilz
|GerM  = Fall Mushroom
|GerM  =  
|GerN  =  
|GerN  =  
|Ita = Fungo autunnale
|Ita = Fungo autunnale
|ItaM= Autumnal mushroom
|ItaN =  
|ItaN =  
|ItaI =  
|ItaI =  
Line 110: Line 110:
|SpaM =  
|SpaM =  
|PorP  = Esporo Etéreo
|PorP  = Esporo Etéreo
|PorPM = Ethereal Spore
|PorPM =  
|PorPN =  
|PorPN =  
|Rus  = Споронос клубнеголова
|Rus  = Споронос клубнеголова
Line 138: Line 138:
|FraN =  
|FraN =  
|Ger  = Holz-Pikmin
|Ger  = Holz-Pikmin
|GerM  = Wood-Pikmin
|GerM  =  
|GerN  =  
|GerN  =  
|Ita = Pikmin intagliato
|Ita = Pikmin intagliato
|ItaM= Carved Pikmin
|ItaN =  
|ItaN =  
|ItaI =  
|ItaI =  
Line 147: Line 147:
|SpaM =  
|SpaM =  
|PorP  = Esculturas Pikmin
|PorP  = Esculturas Pikmin
|PorPM = Pikmin Sculptures
|PorPM =  
|PorPN =  
|PorPN =  
|Rus  = Деревянный пикмин
|Rus  = Деревянный пикмин
Line 176: Line 176:
|FraN =  
|FraN =  
|Ger  = Palme
|Ger  = Palme
|GerM  = Palm Tree
|GerM  =  
|GerN  =  
|GerN  =  
|Ita = Palma
|Ita = Palma
|ItaM= Palm Tree
|ItaN =  
|ItaN =  
|ItaI =  
|ItaI =  
Line 185: Line 185:
|SpaM =  
|SpaM =  
|PorP  = Palmeira
|PorP  = Palmeira
|PorPM = Palm Tree
|PorPM =  
|PorPN =  
|PorPN =  
|Rus  = Пальма
|Rus  = Пальма
Line 213: Line 213:
|FraN =  
|FraN =  
|Ger  = Pilzfamilie
|Ger  = Pilzfamilie
|GerM  = Mushroom Family
|GerM  =  
|GerN  =  
|GerN  =  
|Ita = Famiglia fungiforme
|Ita = Famiglia fungiforme
|ItaM= Mushroom-shaped family
|ItaN =  
|ItaN =  
|ItaI =  
|ItaI =  
Line 222: Line 222:
|SpaM =  
|SpaM =  
|PorP  = Família Fungiforme
|PorP  = Família Fungiforme
|PorPM = Fungiform Family
|PorPM =  
|PorPN =  
|PorPN =  
|Rus  = Семья грибов
|Rus  = Семья грибов
Line 250: Line 250:
|FraN =  
|FraN =  
|Ger  = Eispilz
|Ger  = Eispilz
|GerM  = Ice Mushroom
|GerM  =  
|GerN  =  
|GerN  =  
|Ita = Fungo ghiacciato
|Ita = Fungo ghiacciato
|ItaM= Frozen mushroom
|ItaN =  
|ItaN =  
|ItaI =  
|ItaI =  
Line 259: Line 259:
|SpaM =  
|SpaM =  
|PorP  = Esporo Glacial
|PorP  = Esporo Glacial
|PorPM = Glacial Spore
|PorPM =  
|PorPN =  
|PorPN =  
|Rus  = Ледниковая поганка
|Rus  = Ледниковая поганка
Line 289: Line 289:
|FraN =  
|FraN =  
|Ger  = Milchbäumchen
|Ger  = Milchbäumchen
|GerM  = Milk Treeling
|GerM  =  
|GerN  =  
|GerN  =  
|Ita = Pianta amichevole
|Ita = Pianta amichevole
|ItaM= Friendly plant
|ItaN =  
|ItaN =  
|ItaI =  
|ItaI =  
Line 298: Line 298:
|SpaM =  
|SpaM =  
|PorP  = Planta Amigável
|PorP  = Planta Amigável
|PorPM = Friendly Plant
|PorPM =  
|PorPN =  
|PorPN =  
|Rus  = Дружелюбное растение
|Rus  = Дружелюбное растение
Line 327: Line 327:
|FraN =  
|FraN =  
|Ger  = Schneemann-Pflanze
|Ger  = Schneemann-Pflanze
|GerM  = Snowman-Plant
|GerM  =  
|GerN  =  
|GerN  =  
|Ita = Pianta glaciale
|Ita = Pianta glaciale
|ItaM= Glacial plant
|ItaN =  
|ItaN =  
|ItaI =  
|ItaI =  
Line 336: Line 336:
|SpaM =  
|SpaM =  
|PorP  = Planta Invernal
|PorP  = Planta Invernal
|PorPM = Wintry Plant
|PorPM =  
|PorPN =  
|PorPN =  
|Rus  = Морозное растение
|Rus  = Морозное растение
Line 365: Line 365:
|FraN =  
|FraN =  
|Ger  = Kringelfarn
|Ger  = Kringelfarn
|GerM  = Curl Fern
|GerM  =  
|GerN  =  
|GerN  =  
|Ita = Felce
|Ita = Felce
|ItaM= Fern
|ItaN =  
|ItaN =  
|ItaI =  
|ItaI =  
Line 374: Line 374:
|SpaM =  
|SpaM =  
|PorP  = Feto
|PorP  = Feto
|PorPM = Fern
|PorPM =  
|PorPN =  
|PorPN =  
|Rus  = Папоротник
|Rus  = Папоротник
Line 402: Line 402:
|FraN =  
|FraN =  
|Ger  = Verdrehter Baum
|Ger  = Verdrehter Baum
|GerM  = Twisted Tree
|GerM  =  
|GerN  =  
|GerN  =  
|Ita = Albero attorcigliato
|Ita = Albero attorcigliato
|ItaM= Twisted tree
|ItaN =  
|ItaN =  
|ItaI =  
|ItaI =  
Line 411: Line 411:
|SpaM =  
|SpaM =  
|PorP  = Árvore Retorcida
|PorP  = Árvore Retorcida
|PorPM = Twisted Tree
|PorPM =  
|PorPN =  
|PorPN =  
|Rus  = Дерево с плющом
|Rus  = Дерево с плющом
Line 439: Line 439:
|FraN =  
|FraN =  
|Ger  = Streifen-Zypresse
|Ger  = Streifen-Zypresse
|GerM  = Striped-cypress
|GerM  =  
|GerN  =  
|GerN  =  
|Ita = Conifera striata
|Ita = Conifera striata
|ItaM= Striped conifer
|ItaN =  
|ItaN =  
|ItaI =  
|ItaI =  
Line 448: Line 448:
|SpaM =  
|SpaM =  
|PorP  = Pinheiro Riscado
|PorP  = Pinheiro Riscado
|PorPM = Striped Pine Tree
|PorPM =  
|PorPN =  
|PorPN =  
|Rus  = Полосатая ель
|Rus  = Полосатая ель
Line 477: Line 477:
|FraN =  
|FraN =  
|Ger  = Jute-Pflanze
|Ger  = Jute-Pflanze
|GerM  = Jute-Plant
|GerM  =  
|GerN  =  
|GerN  =  
|Ita = Pianta pragmatica
|Ita = Pianta pragmatica
|ItaM= Pragmatic plant
|ItaN =  
|ItaN =  
|ItaI =  
|ItaI =  
Line 486: Line 486:
|SpaM =  
|SpaM =  
|PorP  = Planta Pragmática
|PorP  = Planta Pragmática
|PorPM = Pragmatic Plant
|PorPM =  
|PorPN =  
|PorPN =  
|Rus  = Находчивое растение
|Rus  = Находчивое растение
Line 515: Line 515:
|FraN =  
|FraN =  
|Ger  = Flotte Pflanze
|Ger  = Flotte Pflanze
|GerM  = Fast Plant
|GerM  =  
|GerN  =  
|GerN  =  
|Ita = Pianta vivace
|Ita = Pianta vivace
|ItaM= Lively plant
|ItaN =  
|ItaN =  
|ItaI =  
|ItaI =  
Line 524: Line 524:
|SpaM =  
|SpaM =  
|PorP  = Planta Espevitada
|PorP  = Planta Espevitada
|PorPM = Lively Plant
|PorPM =  
|PorPN =  
|PorPN =  
|Rus  = Забавное растение
|Rus  = Забавное растение
Line 553: Line 553:
|FraN =  
|FraN =  
|Ger  = Verschlossene Knospe
|Ger  = Verschlossene Knospe
|GerM  = Closed Bud
|GerM  =  
|GerN  =  
|GerN  =  
|Ita = Germoglio
|Ita = Germoglio
|ItaM= Bud
|ItaN =  
|ItaN =  
|ItaI =  
|ItaI =  
Line 562: Line 562:
|SpaM =  
|SpaM =  
|PorP  = Rebento por Florir
|PorP  = Rebento por Florir
|PorPM = Bud Yet-to-Bloom
|PorPM =  
|PorPN =  
|PorPN =  
|Rus  = Растение с бутоном
|Rus  = Растение с бутоном

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