Pikmin (game)
Pikmin 2
Pikmin 3


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Because this subject has no official name, the name "Gate" is conjectural.

Pikmin breaking down a bramble gate.
A simple white gate in The Forest of Hope.

Gates are obstacles in all Pikmin games that block paths to other areas. They are found in a number of different forms, which require different strategies to overcome. In general, they can be destroyed by Pikmin: a captain just needs to order them to work on the structure, by throwing, swarming or disbanding them. As time passes, a gate that is being destroyed lowers in three distinct stages, finally collapsing to the ground with the standard 'completion sound'. The length of time it takes to demolish a gate depends on its type, and the number and types of Pikmin working on it. In Pikmin 3, the gates break and fall apart with damage rather than sink into the ground.


There are seven major variations in gate structure:

  • White gates (also known as white bramble gates) are the most basic, and take a relatively short amount of time to destroy. Two bomb-rocks can also destroy a white gate in Pikmin.
  • Black gates (also known as black bramble gates) are made up of a lattice-like pattern, and are stronger than a white gate. However, all Pikmin types are still capable of removing them. Four bomb-rocks will demolish a black gate in Pikmin.
  • Dirt Walls, a sandcastle like gate found in Pikmin 3, and function as the most basic gate and replace bramble gates. They break down and fall apart as opposed to sinking into the ground. They can be destroyed using 1 bomb-rock or by breaking it down with Pikmin.
  • Electric gates, found in Pikmin 2 and Pikmin 3. They have electricity running through them; as such, only Yellow Pikmin can help with clearing these out of the way. In Pikmin 2, the gates are made of electrified metal. In Pikmin 3, the gates resemble fluorescent tubes with electricity flowing through them.
  • Reinforced Walls, found in Pikmin and Pikmin 3, require bomb-rocks specifically to be broken down as Pikmin hits will deal no damage. Each blast from a bomb-rock makes the wall fall to a lower stage. There are three color variations here: white stone gates, which require only three bomb-rocks, gray ones, which require six, and black stone gates, which require nine bomb-rocks. In Pikmin 3, all reinforced walls require 3 bomb-rocks to destroy.
  • Crystal Walls, found only in Pikmin 3, and require Rock Pikmin to break. The gate itself is made of a piece of glass stuck between 2 clamps and will crack as Rock Pikmin hit it. Once enough damage has occurred, the wall will shatter altogether rather than break gradually or sink in the ground.
  • "Bamboo Gates", found only in Pikmin 3, require Winged Pikmin to get past. The Winged Pikmin lift the gate using hooks at the top, and if they stop carrying it, it falls back to the ground. This is the only gate in the series that can't be destroyed to move past it.
A black poison gate in the Wistful Wild.

In Pikmin 2, ordinary black and white bramble gates can also be found with pipes emitting poison gas within. These require the resistance of White Pikmin.


This is a list of the locations of each type of gate (above ground only: underground numbers vary).


The Impact Site
  • 1 white gate
  • 1 white reinforced wall
The Forest of Hope
  • 3 white gates
  • 2 black gates
  • 3 white reinforced walls
  • 1 black reinforced wall
The Forest Navel
  • 1 white gate
  • 2 black gates
  • 3 gray reinforced walls
  • 2 black reinforced walls
The Distant Spring
  • 2 white gates
  • 1 black gate
  • 1 grey reinforced wall
  • 1 black reinforced wall
The Final Trial
  • 2 white gates
  • 1 white reinforced wall

Challenge Mode

In Pikmin's Challenge Mode, some gates have been moved or modified, while one is found in a location exclusive to Challenge Mode. The Distant Spring lacks gates altogether.

The Impact Site
  • 1 white reinforced wall
The Forest of Hope
  • 2 white reinforced walls
The Forest Navel
  • 2 white gates
The Final Trial
  • 1 white gate
  • 2 white reinforced walls

Pikmin 2

Valley of Repose
  • 2 white gates
  • 1 poison white gate
Awakening Wood
  • 2 white gates
  • 1 black gate
  • 2 poison white gates
  • 2 electric gates
Perplexing Pool
  • 2 black gates
  • 1 poison white gate
  • 3 electric gates
Wistful Wild
  • 1 white gate
  • 2 poison black gates
  • 1 electric gate

Pikmin 3

Tropical Wilds
  • 3 dirt walls
  • 3 reinforced walls
  • 1 electric gate
Garden of Hope
  • 7 dirt walls
  • 2 crystal walls
  • 4 electric gates
  • 1 bamboo gate
Distant Tundra
  • 3 dirt walls
  • 1 crystal wall
  • 2 electric gates
  • 2 bamboo gates
Twilight River
  • 2 dirt walls
  • 2 crystal walls
  • 2 reinforced walls
  • 2 electric gates
  • 1 bamboo gate
Formidable Oak
  • 4 dirt walls
  • 1 crystal wall
  • 1 reinforced wall

Gate strength

The strength of both colors of normal gate varies greatly through both Pikmin games. In Pikmin, the white gates that enclose the Emperor Bulblax arena at the Final Trial in the first Pikmin game are exceptionally frail for above-ground gates. The black gates in the first game are about twice as sturdy as white gates, against both bomb-rocks and Pikmin.

In Pikmin 2, all electric gates have exactly 16,000 hit-points. Normal gates above ground have between 10,000 and 43,000 hit points. They tend in general to be much sturdier than the randomly generated ones in caves (100-12,800) and Challenge Mode levels (1-4000). For comparison, a Red Bulborb has 750 hit points.

Minor glitch

File:Gate Glitch.JPG
The submerged part is seen next to the "10".

A visual glitch that occurs with certain gates allows them to remain visible underground when parts are submerged. Once the entire gate has been torn down, everything appears normal again. This is best seen underground in Pikmin 2, and in The Forest Navel in Pikmin. In the latter case, it is a simple black gate near a Fiery Blowhog and a Pellet Posy growing in a pool.

See also

Icon of a white flower in the Challenge Mode of Pikmin 2. It represents a course that is beaten, but with Pikmin who were lost.

This article was a featured article from 18th March 2013 to 21st June 2013.

Icon of a white flower in the Challenge Mode of Pikmin 2. It represents a course that is beaten, but with Pikmin who were lost.