Talk:Burrowing Snagret

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Whoever is writing in caps for every beginning of the word, please don't, for it is a very noticeable grammar error. --The Pikmin God 16:07, 15 July 2006 (UTC)

Every word, or just the name of the enemy? It's pretty common practice to capitalize the names of video game enemies.

Yeah. In video game grammar, you capitalize the creatures, treasures, ect.Pikdude 15:46, 5 January 2008 (UTC)

Hey,people, just to get permision, can i wright that they prefer to eat blue pikmin,because thats what i gather from my experiance.~~rocky0718~~

I don't think they do... I've never noticed that they pick out Blue Pikmin, and I can't imagine why they might be deliberately programmed with an appetite for them. —Jimbo Jambo

Rocky: How many Blues were with you? Fly Guy 2 05:33, 9 March 2008 (UTC)

Guys,this has ben happining to me mostly on chalange mode,so usualy half;plus the petaled snagret dose this too i think.And i dont usualy go chasing snagrets without 100 reds or 75+ purples.I think that reds would be to spicey,purples have to much fat so they wolud get stuck,yellows woul tast like batery acid,and whites are poisonl. so blues are ,I guess really moist and they like it.and mrover they are smart for the rest of the enimys.~~rocky0718~~

I seriously doubt that there would be such complex engines behind the attacks of enemies. In fact, when I went through the game the first time, I practically fed the Emperor Bulblaxes in that level with 3 of them. I had 20 of each Pikmin, and ~30 were eaten. When I was finished, 4 Whites were left (a gloriuos time I had getting them back). You still think it works like that? I would suppose your Blues are just in an unlucky position when you fight. When you throw, the Pikmin line up, and the Blues might just always line up in the Snagrets preferred "pecking range".--Prezintenden
hey,prez,this is only about the snagrets,that and the emporors are senile in my opinion,plus today on my new game in snagrets hole a burrowing snagret gave me 3 all blue K.I.A.s and I saw it go copleatly out of its way,missing half my army of 20 of each type to pick up 2 blues and they were in between all other colors,it turned to get at them!
Oookaay... You guys have some serious problems with your Blues.--Prezintenden

nock it off,prez,i've changed your mind with the goolix and i'll change your mind don't beleave me,test it yourself,semi-kamikaze style,ya know.R-out!~~rocky0718~~

Wait, I just explained that I do not have these problems. That's why I was telling this in the first place. If I did another Pikmin massacre, I'll get the same results as I did every time before. If you tell me your Blues get eaten more, I'll believe you. All I'm doing is trying to figure out why this happens.--Prezintenden
prez,I explained i my second post,PIKMIN HAVE FLAVORS!R-out!~~rocky0718~~
Then we agree.--Prezintenden


LOLLERSKATES! Fly Guy 2 00:27, 17 April 2008 (UTC)

I had a strange glitch when I was trying to get the dolphin peice. I tried to kill it and when it was halfway dead it tried to dig back under the ground but it frose halfway submerreged in the ground it wouldn't do eneything but... everything else was fine and when I threw pikmin at it they frose to, I think the game was just dirty though becuose before I started to play I couldn't get it to play.