Forum:Translation needed

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Forums: Index > Watercooler (Pikipedia) > Translation needed

It would be nice to have a translation of the e-reader cards found in Category: Merchandise images.Even if its just hiragana and katakana into romaji or Kanji into furigana\romaji or a very rough english translation. they probably won't have much information;but B13.jpg is very interesting indeed and will give us a nice amount of information if translated. its hard to see some of the "-things(i think they're called chonchon) so watch out for that.if this becomes a major project keep a list or somthing.MRPANTS 09:00, March 16, 2010 (UTC) AW YEAH!

Yeah, we've tried finding translators before with no success.GP
yeah thats why I put it on a forum page, i was hoping to make it more noticible rather than having to go to the E-reader card page disscussion.MRPANTS 23:56, March 18, 2010 (UTC)
No, I mean we've gone out and asked on different sites, even.GP
yeah I saw that on one of the disscussion pages...nobodies been able to translate them on different sites? thatś odd...--MRPANTS 09:45, March 19, 2010 (UTC)
Have you tried contacting Tomato, the one would translated MOTHER 3? File:Hairybulborb.jpgPikmin1254File:Blue.jpg
Hey theres an idea! Is he available to do so? ive prepared a speech for him ahem..."Oh great and powerful TOMATO. We come as lowly editors to ask of thee a favor. Many a tale has been told of thy great skill in deciphering the squiggly lines and we the people of pikipedia request but a moment of thy time so that thou mayest intrepret these symbols thereof.Should you choose no then we will accept your descion and remove ourselves hence from thine prensence having had the honor of talking to thee." yeah im a master of dimplomacy! but in all seriousness this is a great idea and we should get him. But we should only ask him to translate one or two for now so we dont scare him off. DANCE TIME!!! --MRPANTS 04:49, March 20, 2010 (UTC)