Forum:That's right, you get to pick my new signature!!

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Revision as of 06:37, December 10, 2008 by Crystal lucario (talk | contribs) (>.<)
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Forums: Index > Watercooler (Pikipedia) > That's right, you get to pick my new signature!!

Okay people, I need your help. As you may or may not know I have a signature created for the holidays. Well when the holidays are over I need to go to a different sig. T he problem is I don't know which one to pick. Well that's where you come in. The members of Pikipedia will vote on my new signature. The signature with the most votes on January1(In my time zone which is the U.S Eastern time zone) will become my new signature.(PS: If you have a signature that you think I should use but isn't on this page already feel free to put it up under the votes section.

SirPikmin 21:02, 2 December 2008 (UTC)

Incase you are wondering you may change your votes. The catch is that if you chage your votes it counts for half of what it used to be worth.

Example: I originaly vote on the blus and yellow signature. If I change my vote to the sig Crystal Lucario made my vote counts as alf of a vote. If I change my vote to something else it counts for 1-fourth of a vote. The lowest your vote can count as is one-forth.

If you change your vote you must put one-half(½), or one-forth(¼) if you change your vote twice.


I'm sure you people know how to vote. If you don't know to vote you put your signature next to the dot.









SirPikmin=The person with the most win ever

SirPikmin,File:SIRPIKMIN.JPGYour bold Pikmin Knight!