The Inevitable Tragedy is a treasure in Hey! Pikmin, that can be found in The Burning Sky area. It is actually a Super Mario Bros. Nintendo Entertainment System cartridge. It is about five times Captain Olimar's width and height, and looks just like the cartridge in real life.
Collecting the treasure
The following article or section contains guides. The strategies shown are just suggestions.
After the White Spectralid cutscene, you will bounce on a Bouncy Mushroom. Instead of proceeding to the right, you have to go to the left. Going towards this direction leads to a hole, serving as a nest for Crystalline Crushblats, with the treasure behind it, partially buried.
Hey! Pikmin logs
“The man this chronicle is presumably about is a very tragic figure. He seems to be simultaneously running up against a brick wall, falling to a fiery death, and menaced by a sort of reddish-white, wriggling larva. With so many insurmountable obstacles on all sides, he can't be long for this world. May you have better luck in the next life, my mustachioed friend.”
Play Nintendo
“On Earth, this item is known as a Super Mario Bros. NES cartridge. Can you imagine trying to explain the whole story behind Mario and Bowser and Princess Peach? It's no wonder Olimar called it a
[sic] "Inevitable Tragedy!"
The Japanese version of the treasure.
Location of the treasure which is partially buried.
Names in other languages
The following article or section needs help from someone who can translate Japanese/Korean text.
Japanese |
キノコアニキの記録? |
Dutch |
Onvermijdelijk ongeval |
Inevitable accident
French |
Tragédie inéluctable |
Inevitable tragedy
German |
Chronik des Pechvogels |
Chronicles of the Ill-fated one
Italian |
Tragedia inevitabile |
Inevitable tragedy
Korean |
버섯 아저씨의 기록 |
Spanish |
Crónica familiar |
Familiar chronicle
See also