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Extracted text from the Nintendo GameCube and Wii versions can be found here.
Video of the Treasure Hoard notes from the Nintendo Switch version can be found here: [1]
Notes from the Treasure Hoard from the North American, British English, and Japanese versions of Pikmin 2, Pikmin 2, and Pikmin 2.
Cupid's Grenade
Olimar's journal
“What a perplexing plant... It appears to be carrying two different types of berries! They must be a rare species of fruit. Both have odd traits. One seems to be a suppressant, while the other is a stimulant. It's not easy to tell which is which. I'd better be careful with them. I should also warn Louie, or else he may try to bake these berries in a pie.”
EU Wii
“What a perplexing fruit... It appears to possess two curiously conflicting traits. At times, consuming it can bring forth wonderful feelings of love and affection. At other times, it can completely suppress all romantic inclinations. Its unpredictable nature means that I must be careful with it. I'll also warn Louie, or else he's liable to try baking it in a pie.”
Nintendo Switch
“What a perplexing fruit... This appears to be from a tree that produces two types of berries that look identical. But some inspire romance, and others do the opposite. It's not easy to tell which is which. I'd better be careful with them. I should also warn Louie, or else he may try to bake this berry in a pie.”
“One tree bears two kinds of fruits with the same appearance. It is a very unusual fruit tree. They are called Yabure and Kabure, respectively, and have the effect of suppressing the love instinct and stimulating the love instinct. Since they are indistinguishable from each other in appearance, they should only be used as a last resort.”
Sales pitch
“Fate's tapestry has unraveled. Tomorrow weeps. Romance has fallen, love is madness. ...To mend the rift between two cross lovers, this is the ultimate weapon in Cupid's arsenal.”
Nintendo Switch
“Fate's tapestry has unraveled. Tomorrow weeps. Romance has fallen. Love is madness. ...To mend the rift between two cross lovers, this is the ultimate weapon in Cupid's arsenal.”
“Fate is not connected. There's nowhere left to go. Love is downfall, love is madness. This is the ultimate weapon of love, overcoming every obstacle that divides two people.”
Sunseed Berry
Olimar's journal
“I found this fascinating fruit while out exploring today. The skies cleared up, and I felt peaceful watching the pink flower petals flutter in the wind. During this perilous expedition, it seems strange to have such softhearted, romantic thoughts. If I told my wife about this, I'm sure I'd get laughed at...again.”
“Today I found this fruit. As I watched the sky clear and the pink flower petals dance beautifully, I felt lighthearted. Am I being too romantic during this dangerous expedition? If I told my wife, I would be laughed at again. But I think it is in times of hardship that a man needs romanticism.”
Sales pitch
“This fruit is born of bright sunlight and cheerful warmth. Come, all you gloomy naysayers! One bite and even sad sacks will become foolhardy optimists. Eat one today and change your life!”
“This fruit is born from warm sunshine gathered under the bright sun. Eating it will turn even the most negative person into a fiercely determined, intensely positive person. Even those of you with a gloomy look on your face, take a bite and turn your life around!”
Combustion Berry
Olimar's journal
“I've collected all kinds of edible objects, but the ship's sensors can't judge taste. To make up for the ship's shortcomings, I'm making a special effort to try everything.”
“Among the objects we have collected, there are some that are edible. But the taste is not easy for a machine to determine. I insist that I should definitely taste them... That's not because I'm particularly gluttonous.”
Sales pitch
“Everything is best in moderation. This fruit is the perfect example of too much of a good thing. Its devastating sweetness is like an act of violence on the palate, scouring all with succulence...”
Nintendo Switch
“Everything is best in moderation. This fruit is the perfect example of too much of a good thing. The sweetness surges past mere transcendence and scours the palate with succulence.”
“Moderation is important in all things. This fruit is the very example of how too much of anything can be poison. The ultimate sweetness beyond sweetness is the worst violence of taste. It is said that it can knock any creature out in a single blow...”
“Moderation is important in all things. This fruit is the very example of how too much of anything can be poison. The ultimate sweetness beyond sweetness is a super revolution of taste. It is said that it can knock any creature out in a single blow...”
Seed of Greed
Olimar's journal
“The Wistful Wild is an especially vicious region. The creatures there have had to battle hard to survive in this unforgiving landscape. That's probably why they've evolved such an ill temper. For instance, this plant's berries suck the nutrition from the surrounding flora!”
“In the Wistful Wild region, competition for survival seems to be even more intense than in other regions. It seems as if the desires and wants of the creatures are in direct conflict with each other. For example, this nut seems to have grown so large by taking nourishment from the surrounding plants.”
Sales pitch
“This item's docile efficiency evokes images of wealth and greed. Behold: life's essence!”
Nintendo Switch
“This item's docile efficiency evokes images of wealth and greed.'s essence!”
“What's wrong with being wretched! An honest way of life, reminiscent of the greedy rich. The essence of life, right here!”
Disguised Delicacy
Olimar's journal
“The fruit on this planet is astonishingly large. If we could cultivate these ample fruits on Hocotate, nobody would ever go hungry again! Sadly, I don't know anything about agriculture. Maybe I should have listened to my wife when she told me to do yard work...”
“All the fruits on this planet are astonishingly huge. If we could grow them on Hocotate, we would surely make a huge profit. It's a shame I have no knowledge of gardening. I should have dabbled in it when my wife suggested it.”
Sales pitch
“Fruits cannot be judged by their outer coverings, no matter how hairy. This one is quite yummy. It is times like these that make me wish I were equipped with advanced taste capabilities.”
“There is more to fruit than meets the eye. That is why it has an unexpected taste. Machines are a little envious of humans, who can enjoy such tastes.
Insect Condo
Olimar's journal
“This sumptuous nugget may look delicious, but internal scans indicate a parasitic infestation! The ship can't stand to even look at these pests, let alone store them. But I had to put my foot down on this one.”
Nintendo Switch
“Internal scans reveal that this juicy nugget can support a symbiotic community! Imaging the benefits... The ship can't stand to even look at bugs, let alone store them. But I had to put my foot down on this one.”
“It looked tasty on the outside, but a scan of the interior revealed that it is parasitized by dozens of different kinds of bugs. The Dolphin 1, who doesn't like bugs, didn't want to house it, but I didn't give him any choice. That loudmouth has been much quieter today.”
“A scan of the interior revealed dozens of different kinds of insects living symbiotically with this fruit. What advantages might they have for each other? The Dolphin 1, who doesn't like bugs, didn't want to house it, but I didn't give him any choice. That loudmouth has been much quieter today.”
Sales pitch
“Awash in color and sugars, this item makes an ideal home for many insect species. I am sure this is valuable to the scientific community, but it has little value as a commodity.”
“A plant of the Bugeatenidae family, it's called the "Bugs' Kingdom" because it is parasitized by dozens of different kinds of bugs, and is very valuable academically. N-not so valuable to me, though!
“A plant of the Bugeatenidae family, it's called the "Bugs' Kingdom" because it lives symbiotically with dozens of different kinds of bugs, and is very valuable academically. N-not so valuable to me, though!
Citrus Lump
Olimar's journal
“This fruit was dug up from the floor of an icy cavern. It appears that the fruit's thick skin protected it from the frigid cold... It's quite remarkable. The shape of the fruit eerily resembles the president's head. PS: The labyrinthine underground entrails of this planet are like a completely different world.”
“A fruit dug up in a snowy cave. The thick skin protects it from the cold. It's a strange thing... no matter how many times I see it, it looks like the president's face. PS: In the underground of this planet, there is an unknown world that is different from the above ground! In addition to the hole we found today, there may be other entrances to the underground world. The thought of it is making me feel rather excited.”
Sales pitch
“The thick, acidic rind of this item is proof positive of its highly elevated mental functions. When I assess it, I am somehow reminded of a particularly hateful superior. Hurry up and devour it!”
“Its thick skin is evidence of its excellent survival ability. Staring at this mysterious fruit, the face of your resented boss comes to mind. Go ahead, eat it up!”
Spiny Alien Treat
Olimar's journal
“The Valley of Repose is blanketed with a layer of snow. Despite this, here and there plants are sprouting out of the snow. I don't know how much longer the snow will last... It seems like it's getting warmer each day. I wish our frosty financial predicament would warm up a bit.”
“The Valley of Repose is covered with snow, but a few plants are appearing in various places. Is it getting warmer little by little? I hope our pockets get a little fuller/warmer too.”
Sales pitch
“Delicious fried or baked, this is an invitation for your taste buds to the world of natural delights! ...As superior as I am, I must leave recipe recommendations to others. Machines are bad liars.”
“Delicious both as tempura and stir-fried. The delicacies of the mountains invite your taste buds to taste paradise! ...... As you can imagine, I have no idea about cooking. I leave the recipes to others. Machines are good at bluffing, but not at lying.
Anxious Sprout
Olimar's journal
“I just realized I completely forgot to put something in my latest expedition report. When carrying fallen creatures or pellets, Pikmin will take them to the Onion of their same color. If a mixed crew of Pikmin are carrying spoils, the color majority dictates the destination. Carry pellets to same-colored Onions to maximize Pikmin seed production.”
“Come to think of it, I inadvertently left something out of my exploration report. Pikmin habitually carry their prey to the Onion of their own color. Red Pikmin to Red Onions, Yellow Pikmin to Yellow Onions. Also, when pellets are carried to the same-colored Onion, there is better absorption of nutrients and a greater number of seeds produced.”
Sales pitch
“A quick-growing plant. Good for garden hobbyists or for a snack. Use it however you see fit!”
“A very quick-growing plant. You can enjoy growing it as a hobby or eat it. Enjoy it any way you like!”
Child of the Earth
Olimar's journal
“Today, buried in a deep hole, I found a vegetable that I'd never seen before. This dark-dwelling vegetable stores all of its nutritious energy in its roots. The ship named it Child of the Earth, and I think it's fitting.”
“When exploring the underground world, we sometimes find vegetables we have never seen before. This vegetable, for example, seems to store nutrients in its roots as it grows. It is aptly named Child of the Earth.”
Sales pitch
“This plant has grown fat on the blessings of the land. Its nutritional value must be high!”
“It has grown big and lumpy, soaking up the blessings of the earth. It's very nutritious!”
Love Nugget
Olimar's journal
“This tasty red snack isn't quite a fruit, but doesn't seem like a vegetable either. I've analyzed it extensively, and it appears to be releasing stimulating pheromones. Maybe I should feed it to my wife...”
EU Wii
“This tasty red snack isn't quite a fruit, but doesn't seem like a vegetable either. I've analyzed it extensively, and it appears to inspire feelings of love and affection. Maybe I should serve it to my wife...”
Nintendo Switch
“This tasty red snack isn't quite a fruit, but doesn't seem like a vegetable either. I've analyzed it extensively, and it appears to be releasing stimulating pheromones. I can imagine my wife and I cooking this into some memorable meals!”
“Different from fruit, it has a sweetness that gradually fills the mouth. Analyzing the components, it seems to have an aphrodisiac effect. With this, my wife more...”
Sales pitch
“One bite and your heart will be filled with a burning fever. Is the feeling love...or hallucination?”
“One bite and the temperature of your heart is like that of the flu. Is the beating of your heart a premonition of love or an illusion?”
Infernal Vegetable
Olimar's journal
“According to the ship's analysis, this gourd contains extremely bitter seeds. However, this analysis was done by a machine, so I'm not completely convinced. Normally I wouldn't mind trying it myself, but I haven't been feeling well since I ate that toxic berry...”
“According to the analysis, it seems to have a lot of bitter components. However, I do not know the details because the analysis was done by a machine. I wouldn't mind tasting it myself, but I'm not feeling well today, so I'll do it some other time. This is not an excuse to avoid tasting bitter food.”
Sales pitch
“A vegetable with spiciness beyond description. None want to eat it, so it must be healthy! Nutrition-conscious people of today! Numb your palate and eat!”
“A bitter, bitter vegetable that is beyond the limits of your palate. Nobody wants to eat it, but it must be very good for your health! Health-loving people of today, overcome the limits of your palate!”
Anti-hiccup Fungus
Olimar's journal
“What a shocking taste! ...I suppose young people like Louie might find it tasty, but the flavor is too intense for me!”
“What a shocking taste! ... I suppose young people like Louie might find it tasty, but the flavor is too intense for me!”
Nintendo Switch
“What a shocking taste! I suppose young people, like Louie, might find it tasty, but the flavor is too intense for me!”
“This shocking taste... ... ... It might be perfect for young people, but it's a bit painful for me.”
Sales pitch
“One bite of this and the surprisingly earthy flavor will send your hiccups packing! Older individuals with a history of heart conditions should devour this with caution!”
“One bite and the scary taste will even make your hiccups go away. Older people with heart problems should be careful!”
Toxic Toadstool
Olimar's journal
“This dubious morsel doesn't look like it would be very agreeable with my innards. However, I bet Louie would try a bite. His appetite is insatiable...and he's always cooking up tasty meals! I'm glad that on this expedition, our ship's reactor can power our life-support systems indefinitely. This will give us all the time we need to thoroughly examine all of the treasure we recover. I don't care if the president wants us to hurry. I've had enough of his hassling! I think I'll move more slowly just to cause him indigestion.”
“Although it may look suspicious, Louie might eat it without hesitation. His appetite always amazes me... This time we brought plenty of life-support system batteries with us, so we can take our time to examine what we find on this planet. I don't care if the president wants us to hurry. He's always selfish. I want to take this opportunity to annoy him!”
Sales pitch
“This poisonous mushroom is so malicious, I cannot even bear to look at it! This fatal fungus overflows with venom and is perilous indeed...”
“This poisonous mushroom is so malicious, I cannot even bear to look at it! This fatal fungus overflows with venom and is perilous indeed.”
“The mushroom's suspicious appearance is already unbearable to look at! The overflowing toxicity of this mushroom is poisonous to the eyes.”
Olimar's journal
“According to the ship's analysis, you'll grow into a giant if you eat one of these. I'd like to field-test one of these babies. I wonder what would happen if I fed one to a purple Pikmin...”
“According to the analysis, if you eat one, your body will grow twice as big... I would love to find out if this is true. I wonder, could I feed it to the Pikmin?”
Sales pitch
“Eat one of these and grow to twice your normal size! Perfect for skinny beings unable to pack on any girth.”
EU Wii
“Eat one of these and grow to twice your normal size! Perfect for skinny beings unable to pack on any weight.”
“If you eat one, your body doubles in size... A poisonous mushroom with an effect like I have heard somewhere. It's dangerous, so good children should not imitate that.”
Onion Replica
Olimar's journal
“This looks just like one of Hocotate's famous sweet onions! Come to think of it, I gave the Onion its name because it looked just like a Hocotate onion. To avoid confusion, I'll call this vegetable an Onion Replica.”
“It looks very much like Hocotate's famous onions. ...Come to think of it, I gave the Onion its name because it looks like a Hocotatian onion. It's confusing, so I'll name this vegetable an Onion Replica.”
Sales pitch
“This plant closely resembles the pride and joy of Hocotate. The comfort of its familiar form and the surprise of its unexpected taste mingle to form... veggie harmony? Try it in some hot soup today!”
Nintendo Switch
“This plant closely resembles the pride and joy of Hocotate. The comfort of its familiar form and the surprise of its unexpected taste mingle to form...veggie harmony? Try it in some hot soup today!”
“A vegetable that looks much like a specialty of Hocotate. The familiar sense of security and unexpectedly foreign taste combine to create a harmony of flavors!? Enjoy it in hot soup!”
Science Project
Olimar's journal
“I think I'll take this plant back to my boy as a souvenir of my grand expedition! It'll make the perfect topic for his science fair project!”
Nintendo Switch
“I think I'll take this plant back to my boy as a souvenir of my grand expedition! It'll make the perfect topic for his science-fair project!”
“Come to think of it, I wonder what I should give my son as a souvenir. I think something like this plant would be perfect for my son's summer vacation project.”
Sales pitch
“The perfect plant for extra-credit research for a Hocotate elementary pupil's science fair. You can be the dad to rely on to help with homework as long as you possess this beauty.”
“This plant specimen is perfect for Hocotate elementary's summer vacation project. With this, you too can become a homework agent and a dependable dad!”
Pilgrim Bulb
Olimar's journal
“Grassy plains and meadows on this planet are carpeted with brilliantly colored flowers in bloom. When I entered the atmosphere on my descent from space, I was stunned by the vibrant sight. The other day, a group of white Pikmin under my command detected an object buried under the surface and immediately began to dig up this colossal flower bulb. Somehow, it hadn't yet sprouted into a towering flower. I plan to take it back to Hocotate and grow it there! My people will hail me as a botanical genius...and the mayor may even make me Supreme Flower Commander!”
EU Wii
“Grassy plains and meadows on this planet are carpeted with brilliantly colored flowers in bloom. When I entered the atmosphere on my descent from space, I was stunned by the vibrant sight. Earlier today, a group of white Pikmin under my command detected an object buried under the surface and immediately began to dig up this colossal flower bulb. Somehow, it hadn't yet sprouted into a towering flower. I plan to take it back to Hocotate and grow it there! My people will hail me as a botanical genius...and the mayor may even make me Supreme Flower Commander!”
“A meadow with beautiful flowers in full bloom. When we reached a high point overlooking it, the White Pikmin dug up a bulb from under the ground. For some reason, it did not sprout properly. It's just an idea, but I would like to bring it back to Hocotate and grow it. It might sprout in the new soil. I am excited to think so.”
Sales pitch
“Life finds a way across galaxies. Can a plant from a primitive planet take root in Hocotate's soil? Won't you invest in this romantic pursuit?”
“Life travels across a sea of stars. Will a plant from an uncharted planet take root in the soil of Hocotate? Why not invest in that kind of romance?”
Arboreal Frippery
Olimar's journal
“The ship seems to think this leaf would be a smash hit among naturalist interior designers. I just think it looks and feels like a soft blanket. In the interest of scientific discovery, I'd better give it a test run...”
“I haven't slept at all last night... I already missed sleeping on my hard bed at home. Come to think of it, this plant is supposed to have a strong sleep inducing effect. But I also heard that if you use it in the wrong dosage, you might fall into eternal slumber... I might give this a try.”
“I haven't slept at all last night... I already missed sleeping on my hard bed at home. Come to think of it, this plant is supposed to have a strong sleep inducing effect. But I also heard that if you use it in the wrong dosage, you might fall into eternal slumber...”
Sales pitch
“Perfect for those who love natural designs in their home, this leaf applique is a bargain! Use it in pieces, or cover an entire wall in leafiness!”
“Perfect for those of modern times suffering from insomnia. Could this occasionally knock you into eternal sleepy time? This is a very potent sleep inducer.”
“Perfect for those of modern times suffering from insomnia. Could this occasionally knock you into eternal sleepy time? A most dangerous sleep inducer like this should never be touched.”
Conifer Spire
Olimar's journal
“I've paid off all of the company's debt, but I find myself returning to this planet yet again! This time, I must find and rescue Louie! I've been scouring the wilderness we landed on. As I scour this region, I can't help but feel lonely for my faithful sidekick. Even if he does eat all of the ship's onboard snacks. Because of my loneliness, I've dubbed this rough region the Wistful Wild.”
“I've paid off all of the company's debts, but I find myself returning to this planet yet again! This time, I must find and rescue Louie! I've been scouring the wilderness we landed on. As I scour this region, I can't help but feel lonely for my faithful sidekick. Even if he does eat all of the ship's on-board snacks. Because of my loneliness, I've dubbed this rough region the Wistful Wild.”
“We finally repaid the debt and now we're back on this planet again! The president and I are walking around the mountain where we landed in search of Louie. Strangely enough, walking through this mountain fills me with desire and hope. Following my heightened impetus, I named this land the Land of Wishes.”
Sales pitch
“Life is full...but short! Is this one of those short-lived life-forms that changes shape as it ages? Even though it is dried out, it has not lost its unique charm.”
“Life is rich, short, and ends suddenly! A very short-lived, prematurely-aged plant? Even after it withered, its uniqueness remains the same!”
Armored Nut
Olimar's journal
“I've never tasted a nut quite like this. It's difficult to explain, but it tastes like...sorrow. PS: I can't shake the feeling that I've been here before. Aha! This must be the exact spot where I crash-landed last time!”
“It is a plain and unremarkable nut. But when I stare at it, I feel sad for some reason...
PS: The topography of this area looks familiar. Hmmm... Come to think of it, wasn't it around here that I crash-landed on my last expedition? Have I returned!?”
Sales pitch
“This common, ordinary nut somehow reminds me of myself and fills me with sadness.”
“Sympathy for its mundane appearance. It is a nut that somehow reminds you of yourself and makes you feel sad.”
Corpulent Nut
Olimar's journal
“This rotund nut reminds me of the president's sizeable girth.”
“This nut looks a lot like the president's face. Ah...there is a feeling that rises up from the depths of my heart. I can't put it into words, though.”
Sales pitch
“This fellow has consumed more nutrients than necessary and now possesses superior fatness. In our harsh world, this is a lifestyle to envy!”
“This fellow has consumed a wealth of nutrients and now possesses a powerful form. In our harsh world, this is something to envy!”
“As an Armored Nut absorbed more nutrients than it needed, it became a bloated superior entity. In this harsh world, take a lesson from this boldness!”
Meat of Champions
Olimar's journal
“I never expected to find such a delectable cut of meat deep in this dark and slimy cavern. What kind of a cavern is stocked with savory deli meat? This riddle perplexes me, but I'm sure my unrivaled powers of investigation will prevail. I've made it my personal quest to solve all of the universe's ancient mysteries.”
“To think that such delicious-looking meat could be found in an underground cave like that! What in the world was that place? I'm curious about that mystery, and I'm also curious about the taste of this. It was a day full of curiosity.”
Sales pitch
“Think you can eat it all? Then start eating! That is the goal this giant piece of meat incites. It has just the right texture... And a thick slab of fat that will make all gourmets, epicures, kings of the table, and queens of the buffet howl with delight. Or so I have assessed...”
Nintendo Switch
“Think you can eat it all? Then start eating! That is the goal this giant piece of meat incites. It has just the right texture... and a thick slab of fat that will make all gourmets, epicures, kings of the table, and queens of the buffet howl with delight. Or so I have assessed.”
“A huge piece of meat that inspires a spirit of "If it's edible, try to eat it!". The moderate elasticity and rich fat make every gourmand, gourmet, flavor king, and flavor general swoon. ...Apparently.
Hideous Victual
Olimar's journal
“We struggled with a titanic breadbug for this treasure, but we finally prevailed. That huge creature had a habit of dragging away treasures and hoarding them in its den. I wonder if there's a way to use these creatures to aid my treasure-seeking mission... On second thought, that's a bad idea. Pikmin are the only creatures I can really rely on.”
“We won it after an epic struggle with a Giant Breadbug. That giant creature seems to have a habit of collecting objects it sees into its burrow. I wondered if we could make use of this habit in our search for the treasure, but I could not think of a good way to do so. After all, it seems that the Pikmin are the only ones I can rely on.”
Sales pitch
“The consistency of the half-cooked yolk says "Mmm! Good!" It is packed with nutrients, too. I can sell it, but I have never eaten it. I am UNABLE to eat it. Not even a nibble.”
“The soft, half-cooked yolk is absolutely delicious. Moreover, it has great nutritional value. ...... Despite all the advertising claims, I've never eaten it; I can't eat it. I can't even snatch a bite.”
Meat Satchel
Olimar's journal
“This wand of meat makes me inexplicably hungry. The parts used to produce it seem to be of ambiguous origin and questionable quality. calls to me... Maybe I'll have just one bite...”
EU Wii
“This stick of meat makes me inexplicably hungry. The parts used to produce it seem to be of ambiguous origin and questionable quality. calls to me... Maybe I'll have just one bite...”
Nintendo Switch
“This wand of meat makes me inexplicably hungry. The parts used to produce it seem to be of ambiguous origin and questionable quality. calls to me. Maybe I'll have just one bite.”
“What an appetizing stick of meat. Even I, though abstinent, find myself wanting to bite it, lick it, and suck it. Gourmet Stick, Meat Stick, Tasty Stick, Delicious Stick... and other such ideas were tossed around, but in the end, this was the name we settled on.”
“What an appetizing stick of meat. Even I, though abstinent, can't help but want to bite it. Gourmet Stick, Meat Stick, Tasty Stick, Delicious Stick... and other such ideas were tossed around, but in the end, this was the name we settled on.”
Sales pitch
“All things hunger for meat, correct? Listen to the inner beast! Eat! Eat! Eat!”
Nntendo Switch
“Those who hunger for meat, will you hear the call? This will lire you to the inner beast feast!”
“The basis of appetite is meat! Like a wild beast, like an animal, you must eat, eat, eat!”
Taste Sensation
Olimar's journal
“Some things on this world can't be understood, no matter how much I analyze them. For instance, this is the first time I've tasted this, yet it has a nostalgic taste. It's inexplicable! It tastes like something my mom has made for me by hand.”
“Some things on this world can't be understood, no matter how much I analyze them. For instance, this is the first time I've tasted this, but it has a nostalgic taste. It's inexplicable! It tastes like something my mom has made for me by hand.”
“There are many things in the world that cannot be understood no matter how much we analyze them. At my age, I have come to understand such things. I had never tasted this before, but for some reason, it felt nostalgic. It tastes like my mother's or my wife's homemade cooking.”
Sales pitch
“In this modern world of artificial foods, all things taste the same, despite your dear tongue buds. If that describes you, then this is for you. Its flavor is the balm to heal your wounded soul!”
“In this age of artificial food, no matter where you eat, it all tastes the same. You have a sense of taste, but no flavor. This is a flavor of the heart that soothes such modern people!”
Triple Sugar Threat
Olimar's journal
“I like to eat sweets from time to time. Well, to be honest... If there are any within reach, I can't help myself! Strangely, Pikmin never eat snacks. I wonder where all of their energy comes from?”
“When I'm tired, I want to put something sweet in my mouth. Especially if it is right in front of me. However, the Pikmin never eat anything. I wonder where they get their stamina.”
Sales pitch
“This will satisfy any sweet tooth! It begins with savory softness, then fills the mouth with fluffs of flavor, and finally overwhelms with a river of sweetness. It is a three-pronged tongue assault!”
“It will knock down anybody with a sweet tooth! The first one is soft and chewy, the second one is chewy-chewy and its flavor spreads, while the last one is chewy-chewy-chewy and slightly sweet. This chain of 3 will attack your tongue in a 1, 2, 3!”
Compelling Cookie
Olimar's journal
“My space suit's filter seems to be malfunctioning. It can't suppress the sweet, syrupy smell pervading this cavern! If I don't find a way to neutralize it fast, it's going to drive me to spoil my diet!”
“There is something wrong with the filter of my spacesuit. I can't suppress the sweet smell that fills the cave. I feel like the results of all my efforts to diet are going to waste.”
Sales pitch
“Is your palate conservative or adventuresome? Either way, this taste will ravish your mouth. For those who savor flavor, this new delicacy will have you questioning your ideas of taste.”
“A violent revolution of taste in your mouth. Are your taste buds conservative or anticonservative? A new taste that tests the ideology of the one who tastes it.”
“A super revolution of taste in your mouth. Are your taste buds conservative or anticonservative? A new taste that tests the ideology of the one who tastes it.”
Impenetrable Cookie
Olimar's journal
“As I grow older, I've observed that I'm becoming crankier. Today, I flew off the handle over a trifling matter. I feel like such a fool... I must learn to control my cantankerous temper! I can't allow my bad attitude to erode teamwork on this vital mission.”
“People seem to get more stubborn as they get older. Today I got into a confrontation over a trivial matter. I'm a fool. How could I disturb teamwork on an uncharted planet like this? I need to calm down a little.”
Sales pitch
“It is hard. Really hard. Too hard. So hard that you're not sure you can eat it, even though you must. This hard snack is infused with the essence of stubbornness, and you are powerless to resist it.”
“Hard, seriously hard. Too hard. It would be troublesome if it was too hard to eat. But it is hard. A senbei hardened with a stubborn persistence.”
Bug Bait
Olimar's journal
“This treasure's alluring aroma seems to attract unwelcome attention from insects. If the ship hears anything about this, it'll complain endlessly about having to store it. I'd better keep this discovery to myself...”
Nintendo Switch
“This treasure's alluring aroma seems to attract unwelcome attention from insects. If the ship hears anything about this, it'll complain endlessly about having to store it. I'd better keep this discovery to myself.”
“During carrying, I noticed something. The sweet smell seemed to attract all sorts of insects. However, if the Dolphin 1, who hates bugs, finds out about this, that will cause a lot of trouble. Let's keep it a secret.”
Sales pitch
“I have a bad feeling about this particular item... I want to sell it with all possible speed... Bzzrpt! Bargain price available. Please! Buy this quickly! NOW!”
“I have a bad feeling about this particular item... I want to sell it with all possible speed. Bzzrpt! Bargain price available. Please! Buy this quickly! NOW!”
“I have a baaad feeling about this... I feel like I should sell it off as soon as possible. ... That's right! I'm selling it at a huge discount. Someone hurry up and buy it!
Imperative Cookie
Olimar's journal
“I'm a man with an indomitable will, but I can't stop sampling this luscious food! Such an attractive shape... Appetizing color... Scrumptious smell... I'm getting hungry already!”
“I am a strong-willed man, if I do say so myself. But the food found on this planet seems to have the power to break a creature's will. The shape, the color and the smell. Everything beckons, "Eat me"...”
Sales pitch
“One look at this pattern and your head spins, your vision fades, and a voice commands: "Eat this!"”
“One look at this pattern and your head spins, your vision fades, and a voice commands, "Eat this!"”
“As soon as you see this mysterious pattern, your eyes start to spin around and you feel lightheaded. You can hear a voice commanding, "Eat me"!”
Comfort Cookie
Olimar's journal
“After a long day of walking, my joints begin to pain me. I need a massage.”
“After walking all day long, my joints are sore, as you would expect. It reminds me of my son's massage. Wouldn't sitting on a sweet mellow and heal my body?”
Sales pitch
“With this, your legs will not fall asleep even when you sit with your feet tucked beneath you. The sugary material of this cushion infuses your whole body with warmth and comfort.”
“Even if you sit seiza-style, your legs will not become numb! The sweetness that oozes from this zabuton mellows~ and heals the body.”
Succulent Mattress
Olimar's journal
“A while back, I didn't sleep for days. My stomach was roiling and my head was cloudy. I couldn't rally any motivation! The only thing I could muster is a sigh. Then I found this mattress! When I reclined on it, I fell asleep immediately and had the sweetest dreams.”
“I could hardly sleep for days in a row... My stomach hurt and my head was heavy. I have no motivation at all. All I could do was sigh. That's when I came across this cushion! If I sleep on it, I am sure to have happy sweet dreams. I believe so.”
Sales pitch
“Sweet to the taste and touch! Sleep on this magical mattress and dream of a land of sweets.”
“It is mildly sweet to the tongue and sticky sweet to the skin. If you sleep on this cushion of illusion, you will dream of a land of sweets.”
King of Sweets
Olimar's journal
“I've discovered a complex series of underground tunnels beneath the Perplexing Pool. It seems like I can't walk ten steps without discovering something previously unheard of! Making new discoveries nourishes my explorer spirit. As a reward for my latest scientific breakthrough, I think I'll eat this grand sweet.”
Nintendo Switch
“I've discovered a complex series of underground tunnels beneath the Perplexing Pool. It seems like I can't walk 10 steps without discovering something previously unheard of! Making new discoveries nourishes my explorer spirit. As a reward for my latest scientific breakthrough, I think I'll eat this grand sweet.”
“As expected, there is a vast underground world under the Perplexing Pool as well. Every time I visit this planet, I make new discoveries! It really tickles the explorer's spirit. Okay, I'm going to snatch a bite of this food to keep my energy up for tomorrow.”
Sales pitch
“Humanoid desire knows no limits. Some things can never be known or understood. And no researcher, no matter how supreme, will ever tire of consuming this thing. It contains a mystic flavor born of the cosmos itself, and is said to change flavor as it is eaten.”
“Human desire is something that runs deep. It is something that can never be suppressed. No matter how supreme or ultimate something is, eventually you will get tired of eating it. But here is a mysterious flavor born of the universe. A legendary dessert that is said to change its flavor every time it is eaten.”
Enamel Buster
Olimar's journal
“If we sold a snack like this on Hocotate, everyone would get addicted to it! I should probably feel bad about making everyone on my planet fat, but as the ship is always saying... "Business is business!"”
“If we sold a snack like this on Hocotate, everyone would get addicted to it! I should probably feel bad about the potential for causing cavities, but as the ship is always saying..."Business is business!"”
“I am a truly wicked person. If we start selling this kind of snacks, the children of Hocotate will become addicted to them and suffer from tooth decay. But this is business. At the very least, I hope the children will enjoy the taste to the fullest.”
Sales pitch
“Behold, a magical candy to make the children of Hocotate weep with uncontrollable cravings. Pure, undeniable sweetness; unavoidable tooth decay. Who cares? Enjoy the here and now!”
Nintendo Switch
“Behold, a magical candy to make the children of Hocotate cry out in delight for this sweetest of sweets. It surely tastes great, but how will it be for the teeth? Sometimes such a treat is worth the risk!”
“The magical sweet that will make the children of Hocotate weep is here. The sweetness that cannot be resisted, and the certainty of tooth decay. Eh, in any case, enjoy the moment!”
Diet Doomer
Olimar's journal
“My ship can't analyze taste, so I've taken that burden upon myself. It's a rough job, but it's up to the captain to step up and volunteer for the most grueling duties. Mmm... Tastes... Good. I could eat this treat endlessly. I'd better test that hypothesis...”
“My ship can't analyze taste, so I've taken that burden upon myself. It's a rough job, but it's up to the captain to step up and volunteer for the most grueling duties. Mmm...tastes...good. I could eat this treat endlessly. I'd better test that hypothesis...”
“Machines cannot analyze taste. That is why we have to taste it ourselves. Even though it's work, it's still difficult. Hmmm... It has an elegant flavor that subtly tickles the tongue. The refreshing taste makes it feel as if I could eat it forever. ...Perhaps a little more investigation is in order.”
Sales pitch
“Alas, we machines know nothing of eating! The ultimate pleasure... If only I had a mouth!”
“Food is a privilege of human beings that machines do not have! Food is the supreme road to pleasure. You should savor the refined flavors to the fullest! Ugh, I want to eat too...”
Pale Passion
Olimar's journal
“When I was just a young lad, I looked everywhere for love. I guess that's why I smile when I see young people laughing together.”
“When I was young, I too tried in many ways to find love. That is why I smile when I see young people.”
Sales pitch
“This will save our loveless age! Yes, it is a romance-filled addition to the sweet tooth series! The sweet aroma will attract members of the opposite gender.”
Nintnedo Switch
“This will save our loveless age! Yes, it is a romance-filled addition to the sweet-tooth series! The sweet aroma will attract just about anyone!”
“Saving the loveless modern world! Products without dreams but overflowing with love, the name of which is the Love Series!! It attracts the opposite sex with its sweet scent.”
“Saving the loveless modern world! Products without dreams but overflowing with love, the name of which is the Love Series!! It attracts everyone with its sweet scent.”
White Goodness
Olimar's journal
“What a momentous discovery!! I found an amazing cavern that burrows deep below the Perplexing Pool. The ground was littered with enticing snacks! I've named this scrumptious cavern the Glutton's Kitchen. It was obviously once a shrine to the culinary gods.”
Nintendo Switch
“What a momentous discovery! I found an amazing cavern that burrows deep below the Perplexing Pool. The ground was littered with enticing snacks! I've named this scrumptious cavern the Glutton's Kitchen. It was obviously once a shrine to the culinary gods.”
“A great discovery! I had no idea that there was a group of wooden structures like that in the underground of the Perplexing Pool! Food had fallen here and there, and I named it the Cooking God's Kitchen. Perhaps it was a place like an ancient temple.”
Sales pitch
“No dreams? Take love. No love? Take sweets! This is the most potent item in the sweet tooth series.”
“For those who dream of sweets and have a deep love of candy, look no further than this, the most potent item in the Sweet Tooth Series!”
“There are no dreams, but there is love. Or at least that should have been the case, but something is missing. We help such lonely people. If you don't have dreams, put your love into it, and if you don't have enough love, put sweetness into it. The strongest product in the Love Series.”
Chocolate Cushion
Olimar's journal
“I stumbled across this object in a cave that reeked of a putrid odor. My suit allowed me to breathe freely, but it couldn't filter out the overpowering stench. The worst part is, I smell it all the time now! My sense of taste will never be the same! The ship can't analyze tastes, so I guess I'll have to do my best...”
Nintendo Switch
“I stumbled across this object in a cave that reeked of a putrid odor. My suit allowed me to breathe freely, but it couldn't filter out the overpowering stench. The worst part is, I smell it all the time now! My sense of taste will never be the same! The ship can't analyze tastes, so I guess I'll have to do my best.”
“In a cave permeated with a sickly-sweet smell, I came across this object when I was struggling to breathe. My tongue has already reached its limit... But since the Dolphin 1 cannot analyze taste, I have no choice but to persevere.”
Sales pitch
“A sweet tooth's dream! Is this real? Or am I dreaming? If I had teeth, I'd be nibbling with vigor!”
Nintendo Switch
“A sweet-tooth's dream! Is this real? Or am I dreaming? If I had teeth, I'd be nibbling with vigor!”
“A sweet-tooth's dream, a drinker's nightmare. Is this a fairy tale world or the real world? Your nosebleed still won't stop!?”
Sweet Dreamer
Olimar's journal
“I've toiled long and hard to collect all of these tasty treats. Surely it won't matter if I bring one back for my daughter as a souvenir. She loves snacks!”
“Since I have gone through so much effort to collect all of these, it should be okay if I bring my daughter one of them as a souvenir, right? For example, this one might be a perfect snack for my daughter.”
Sales pitch
“A comfy, not-too-sugary bed. Youngsters who sleep here will have the sweetest of dreams.”
“A moderately-sweet cake bed for young girls. Sleep on it and you will have very sweet dreams.”
Confection Hoop
Olimar's journal
“The hole we searched today was filled with a saccharine scent. Just sniffing it put me at risk of developing a cavity. Ugh... I don't think I can eat anything sweet for a while. Wait... Who am I kidding?”
“The cave we explored today was filled with a sweet smell. I'm getting cavities just remembering it... I don't want to see any sweets for a while.”
Sales pitch
“This sugary delight has even a machine like me wishing to partake in its deliciousness! What a sweet-looking circlet!”
“A crumbly, sweet, gigantic ring. A cake that looks so delicious that even I, a machine, am aching to eat it!
Pastry Wheel
Olimar's journal
“Some people in this world can eat anything and never get fat! It makes me so jealous! I eat a cookie crumb and suddenly I'm saddled with a buffer of blubber. To make matters worse, my wife and daughter are always scrutinizing my diet. Can't a man enjoy a pastry wheel in peace?!”
Nintendo Switch
“Some people in this world can devour all the dessert they want. I wish I could, but if I eat even a crumb, it just stays with me forever. Worse yet, my wife and daughter know it too. I don't think I'll ever be able to enjoy a pastry wheel in peace!”
“It seems that there are people in the world who do not gain weight no matter how many sweets they eat. I envy them. I, for one, eat only a little and it immediately shows up in my body. These days, not only my wife, but my daughter as well, give me a hard time. It's hard to be a respected dad.”
Sales pitch
“This is perfect for the kiddies: a small, well-formed ring of sugar. Go on! Gulp it down!”
Nintendo Switch
“This is perfect for the kiddies—a small, well-formed ring of sugar. Go on! Gulp it down!”
“Perfect for kids? A small sugar ring that is just the right size. Come on, let's gobble it up!”
Possessed Squash
Olimar's journal
“All of the plants in this region have interesting characteristics. Like this freakish one, for example. Lately, I've started the habit of tasting new discoveries. It may be dangerous to eat unfamiliar plants, but I've only gotten violently sick a few times.”
“It seems that all the plants in this region are very peculiar. This one in particular had a huge impact on me. I have tasted many unknown plants so far. But this one, as one might expect, did not whet my appetite.”
Sales pitch
“This mutated gourd of titanic proportions is filled with bad seeds. A score if you adore revulsion!”
“A pumpkin that has grown huge due to a genetic abnormality. It's full of ingredients that are bad for you. This is a challenge for strange-food enthusiasts!”
Fossilized Ursidae
Olimar's journal
“This dead beast has the form of an animal, yet it is encased in an organic compound. I have concluded that it is a groundbreaking biological discovery. The ship says it's nothing more than a wooden statue. I wish it had more of an imagination. No... Then it would probably talk even more than it does now. That would be bad.”
“It is probably a giant creature in a state of suspended animation. It is a half-animal-half-plant with the physique of an animal and the bark of a plant, and currently we can only observe its ecology as a plant. The Dolphin 1 said it is just a wooden statue, but this is why machines can't dream.”
Sales pitch
“Put this in a natural history museum and watch the visitors line up waving money! This giant statue was found on a savage planet and comes with its own rumored curse! Does it really come alive under a full moon? Own it and find out!”
Nintendo Switch
“Put this in a natural-history museum and watch the visitors line up waving money! This giant statue was found on a savage planet and comes with its own rumored curse! Does it really come alive under a full moon? Own it and find out!”
“If you put it in a museum, you are sure to get a big line! A giant creature found on an undiscovered planet. Now, as an added bonus, we are offering a mysterious legend that "it comes back to life and starts moving at night under the full moon"! Leave it to us to fabricate the footage.”
“If you put it in a museum, you are sure to get a big line! A giant creature found on an undiscovered planet. Now, as an added bonus, we are offering a mysterious legend that "it comes back to life and starts moving at night under the full moon"!”
Colossal Fossil
Olimar's journal
“This must be the fossilized remains of an enormous land-dwelling creature. I was unable to piece together the entire beast, but it certainly had a massive head! It's obviously quite different from the Pikmin and other creatures I've encountered. Perhaps it's an extinct creature that couldn't adapt to changes in its environment.”
“A fossil of a super giant creature that seems to have once lived above ground. Its complete appearance is unknown, but it seems to have been a rather large-headed creature. It is clearly a different species from Pikmin and other present-day terrestrial creatures, and it appears to have been unable to adapt to changes in its environment.”
Sales pitch
“A colossal fossil for collectors of bone. Bones this big make bone houses seem not so crazy!”
“This fossil of a giant creature is a must for bone enthusiasts. With this size, assembling a bone house is not just a dream!”
Leviathan Feather
Olimar's journal
“This appears to be a huge bird feather, but I've never seen the creature it once belonged to. I wonder if I ever will. I've only seen a few airborne creatures on this planet. I wonder why? Maybe it's just because I haven't encountered them yet. Oh no... What if they saw me take this feather? They could be watching me, waiting for the perfect moment to take their sweet revenge!!”
“It looks like a giant bird's feather, but I have never seen such a creature before. I wonder if we will eventually encounter them...? Come to think of it, there are surprisingly few flying creatures on this planet. I have long wondered if there is a reason for this. Or are there flying creatures somewhere that we haven't seen yet? It is an unending mystery.”
Sales pitch
“All that's been discovered of this titanic bird is a single feather. Whatever did it look like? Your imagination is the only tool needed to paint a picture of this dream (or nightmare) bird!”
Nintendo Switch
“All that's been discovered of this titanic bird is a single feather. Whatever did it look like? Your imagination is the only tool needed to paint a picture of this dream—or nightmare—bird!”
“Only one feather of this giant bird has been found. What it looks like is up to your imagination. This is truly a dream bird!”
Olimarnite Shell
Olimar's journal
“This fossil was dug up deep underneath the Awakening Wood. Given its shape and morphology, I suspect that it is some kind of prehistoric sea creature. If so, it's feasible to say that the whole region was once situated on the ocean floor.”
“A fossil unearthed in the underground of the Awakening Wood. From its shape, it is assumed to have been a sea creature. If so, I wonder if that region was once the bottom of the sea.”
Sales pitch
“A fossil of an ancient sea inhabitant. It is most desirable despite its unappealing name. (Captain Olimar named it without consulting anyone. He could have at least named it after his faithful spaceship...)”
“The fossil of a creature that lived in the sea in ancient times. Although the name is a bit in poor taste, the object is really wonderful! (Olimar named it without asking. If anything, he should have used my name...)”
Fortified Delicacy
Olimar's journal
“I wonder what's become of the creature this shell was defending. Enigmas like this always make me curious. Was it tasty? Maybe I should find one and give it a taste? All in the name of science and exploration, of course...”
“What's inside, protected by a tough shell? It is a natural feeling not to be able to suppress one's curiosity. And if the body of the shellfish inside looked edible, it was only natural that one should volunteer as a test subject and try to eat it. It's not that I was overcome by my appetite.”
Sales pitch
“A twisted shell whose surface is covered in spikes. The durable housing protects a meal that is said to define deliciousness. (Where the meal went is known only to Captain Olimar's crew.)”
“A rugged conch with a row of spines on its surface. The contents, protected by a tough shell, are said to have a delicious taste that slowly fills the mouth. (...Why the meat has been cut in half is a secret only known to Olimar's crew)”
Scrumptious Shell
Olimar's journal
“I've encountered all kinds of grotesque, inedible creatures on this strange planet. However, there's an area in the Perplexing Pool region that's chock-full of tasty critters.”
“Many of the creatures on this planet have a grotesque appearance that is very inedible. However, the entire Perplexing Pool area seems to be inhabited by a relatively large number of creatures that are desirable for eating.”
Sales pitch
“This flavorful item's texture is most agreeable to any life-form... Or so my data suggests. Do statements like these, from a machine without taste buds, strike you as odd?”
“An advertisement from a machine that can't taste? Something's not right. But it's delicious. It has an irresistible soft texture! ...Apparently.
Memorial Shell
Olimar's journal
“I've observed several species of shell-dwelling creatures inhabiting the Perplexing Pool. One of these feisty beasts forms a spherical gem within the meaty depths of its shell. In a way, this gem could be considered this creature's lifework. I consider my children my life's work.”
“It seems that many kinds of shellfish inhabit the area around the Perplexing Pool. This monster shellfish is one of them. This shellfish seems to produce a single dazzling orb inside its shell. This is, so to speak, proof of the shellfish's lifetime. The proof of my lifetime are my children.”
Sales pitch
“All that remains of a monster shellfish is a sparkle, the sole proof of its existence. Does this not make you want to treasure it?”
“A single sparkle left by a monster shellfish. A proof of a lifetime, so to speak. When you think about it, doesn't it seem precious?”
Mysterious Remains
Olimar's journal
“This looks like some part of a crustacean. Its shape vaguely resembles a pair of scissors, but I've never seen anything quite like it. It's fair to assume this creature has already perished. But I don't understand why it hasn't already begun to fossilize. Perhaps it was eaten by another creature, and it spit out these unwanted parts? Whoa there. That's crazy talk...”
“It appears to be one part of a crustacean creature. The shape resembles pincers, but I have never seen such a creature before. It would be reasonable to assume that the creature is already extinct. However, I am curious about the fact that the fossilization has not progressed at all. ...I don't think so, but could another organism be involved? The possibility that it ate this creature and threw away only one part of the body here...seems unlikely. It's too far-fetched.”
Sales pitch
“Snickety-snackety-snip! Think of the colossal creature that had pincers like this! These are the only remains, so your imagination can run wild. Imagination knows no boundaries!”
“Snip, snip, sniiip, snip, snip, snip. Try to imagine the entire body of the giant creature that had such pincers! Since only one part of it remains, the room for imagination is limitless. The body may not be able to transcend time, but the imagination does!”
Crystal King
Olimar's journal
“At first glance, this may look like just a pebble, but it's actually a crystallized life-form! ...OK, so I don't have any proof. But it's still an exciting scientific discovery.”
“Although at first glance it appears to be just a piece of stone, it is in fact a specimen of a mysterious mineral life-form. ...... ...Apparently. Even though there is no proof, it is still romantic.”
Sales pitch
“Collectors of the rare, assemble! This is a one-of-a-kind specimen of a unique crystal life-form. Proof? True collectors need no proof. This romantic piece could be yours today!”
“Come, lovers of rarities! An exceptionally-rare mineral life-form specimen. Collectors need no proof. Romanticism is your collection!”
Future Orb
Olimar's journal
“According to my analysis, this advanced contraption can reflect the future of those that peer into it. However, when the president looked into it, he saw total darkness. He said it must have been broken, but I'm not so sure...”
“According to the analysis, by some complicated logic, it mirrors the future of the viewer. However, both the president and I could only see total darkness...”
Sales pitch
“Is the future bright, or dark and dreary? If you are worried about tomorrow, this is for you! This multidimensional crystal visualizes the branches of time and displays the future.”
“Bright future, shiny? Dark future, dreary? Recommended for those who are concerned about the future! A multidimensional crystalline entity that visualizes the branching structure of time and reflects the future of the viewer.”
Gyroid Bust
Olimar's journal
“My son tells me that this type of figurine is all the rage with the kids. The strangest things amuse kids! When I was a kid, we were lucky if we were allowed to even talk about figurines!
PS: When I found this figurine, it had been placed so that it was protected by a wall of flame. My research isn't complete, but I think it may have been a shrine of some kind.”
“Come to think of it, this kind of pose seems to be popular in my son's class. Kids really do find weird things funny. I wonder what was popular when I was a kid...
PS: This statue was placed so that it was protected by spouting flames. I couldn't figure out the significance of that site, but it seemed somehow like a sacred place. I shall investigate that at some point.”
Sales pitch
“This looks exactly like the gyroids that have become so popular on planet Hocotate. Its pitiful expression is beloved by the Hocotate youth.”
“A stone statue that looks just like "Mr. Hany", who is very popular on Hocotate. His worried face is very popular among young Hocotatians.”
Unknown Merit
Olimar's journal
“Detailed analysis has revealed that this artifact is extremely ancient. It's obviously an important archeological discovery, but the salesman in me is more interested in its monetary value! Maybe I'll get the best of both worlds by selling it to a museum.”
“When analyzed, it was found to be a very ancient piece of metalwork, a valuable find for cosmoarchaeological purposes. However, for a salaried man, money is more important than fame. The entire credit for the discovery is planned to be bought by the academic community. The true discoverer will never be known.”
Sales pitch
“Decades of toil with nose to the grindstone. Insulting orders swallowed without a hiccup. Such is the life of a salaried man. His name will not be remembered. His family will not understand. But if the results bear out his efforts, that is enough. Now, nose to the grindstone, drone!”
Nintendo Switch
“Decades of toil with nose to the grindstone... Insulting orders swallowed without a hiccup... Such is the life of a salaried man. His name will not be remembered. His family will not understand. But if the results bear out his efforts, that is enough. Now, nose to the grindstone, drone!”
“Decades of hard work in the field. Rigidly, perfectly, fully working on following unmanageable instructions. Such is the life of a salaried man. His name will never be remembered, and his family will never understand, but as long as the results are good, that's all that matters. Keep working, keep working, salaried man.”
Lustrous Element
Olimar's journal
US GCN/Wii, EU Wii
“This rare, alien metal doesn't exist on Hocotate. When I gaze at it, I'm gripped with an overpowering sense of greed. On Hocotate, there is a valuable metal with a stunning sheen that has a similar effect. Perhaps this alluring metal is responsible for many of this planet's woes.”
“This rare, alien metal doesn't exist on Hokotate
[sic]. When I gaze at it, I'm gripped with an overpowering sense of greed. On Hokotate
[sic], there is a valuable metal with a stunning sheen that has a similar effect. Perhaps this alluring metal is responsible for many of this planet's woes.
“It seems to be a rare metal that does not exist on Hocotate. When I gaze at it, I get a strong feeling of greed. There is a precious metal on Hocotate with a very similar color and luster, but it also inspires human greed in the same way. The scientific cause of human will may lie in this glow.”
Sales pitch
“Such radiance! Such shine! Like magic, this product stimulates greed in all intelligent life-forms. Bring your wallets and gather around, buyers!”
“A magical glow that inspires greed in every intelligent being. Now, come over with your wallet!”
Mirrored Element
Olimar's journal
“Talking to the boss makes me crave the power to order people around. He just sits on his haunch all day, barking out wildly irrational requests. Arrgg... When will it be my turn to be the boss?”
Nintendo Switch
“Talking to the boss makes me crave the power to order people around. He just sits on his haunches all day, barking out wildly irrational requests. Arrggh... When will it be my turn to be the boss?”
“Looking at our president, I realize that the driving force that makes people tick is greed. He is basically selfish and always gives unreasonable instructions. I often get angry with him, but I am impressed by his power to keep moving forward.”
Sales pitch
“All reason flies in the face of this sparkle. It's not flashy, but it still inspires avarice!”
“A magical sparkle that destroys all reason. It is a little less flashy, but it still coaxes desire bit by bit! Bit by bit, hahahaha, bit by bit!”
Vorpal Platter
Olimar's journal
“The monomolecular edge of this disastrous platter is sharp enough to split subatomic particles! I found it deep in an underground complex covered with slippery ceramic tiles. I learned there that I can
blow my whistle by pressing
to save my Pikmin from being burned, drowned, or poisoned.”
US Wii
“The monomolecular edge of this disastrous platter is sharp enough to split subatomic particles! I found it deep in an underground complex covered with slippery ceramic tiles. I learned there that I can
blow my whistle by pressing
to save my Pikmin from being burned, drowned, or poisoned.
EU Wii
“The monomolecular edge of this disastrous platter is sharp enough to split subatomic particles! I found it deep in an underground complex covered with slippery ceramic tiles. I learned there that I can
blow my whistle by pressing
to save my Pikmin from being burned, drowned, or poisoned.”
Nintendo Switch
“The monomolecular edge of this disastrous platter is sharp enough to split subatomic particles! I found it deep in an underground complex covered with slippery ceramic tiles. I learned there that I can
blow my whistle by pressing
to save my Pikmin from being burned, drowned, or poisoned.
“The underground of the huge reservoir was a man-made structure covered with slippery tiles. Dangers abounded.
Pikmin suffering from flames, water and poison can be saved by blowing one's whistle with
to call them over. This is something worth remembering.
Sales pitch
“This shiny disc sparkles beautifully, but its edge could effortlessly sheer
[sic] through the armor plating of a battlecruiser. Is it not true that all great art is "edgy" for its time? Buy this landmark piece today! (Handle with care. May not be suitable for small children.)
EU Wii
“This shiny disc sparkles beautifully, but its edge could effortlessly shear through the armor plating of a battlecruiser. Is it not true that all great art is "edgy" for its time? Buy this landmark piece today! (Handle with care. May not be suitable for small children.)”
Nintendo Switch
“This shiny disc sparkles beautifully, but its edge could effortlessly shear through the armor plating of a battle cruiser. Is it not true that all great art is "edgy" for its time? Buy this landmark piece today! (Handle with care. May not be suitable for small children.)”
“Shiny and beautiful. The edges are sharp, so be careful when touching it! A work of art that is too dangerous for the careless.”
Olimar's journal
“All this nonstop exploration has worn me out. I'm constantly battling bouts of fatigue. Thankfully, a quick sniff of this item's invigorating odor instantly wakes me up! This zesty scent also fills me with an irresistible urge to fight. This treasure must have been owned by an ancient warrior.”
“Day after day, I feel exhausted from exploration. Today, I repeatedly fell into a strong sleepiness. However, the stench of what appeared to be ancient earthenware woke me up. Don't sleep! Fight! That's the pressure I felt. It must have been a sacred object used by ancient warriors.”
Sales pitch
“The unique perfume of this item will destroy drowsiness, making endless nights a walk in the park. This invigorator is perfect for those who have to work even when they least want to.”
“A unique stench that blows away sleepiness! This will help you through the end of an all-nighter. A stench generator for those who don't want to work but have to.”
Milk Tub
Olimar's journal
“It seems that there's no shortage of daughters that think their fathers stink. I've never had that problem, but it must be hard on those poor fathers. I shouldn't take advantage of it, but I'm sure that stink epidemic increases the value of this treasure. Smelly fathers could take a dip in this portable milk pool, and their daughters would adore them for their farm-fresh scent!”
Nintendo Switch
“I've heard that children will make fun of parents when they smell bad. But a stink after working all day is a badge of honor...not shame! This portable milk pool will help parents get a farm-fresh scent before they hug their kids. I hesitate to take advantage of this parental stink crisis, but even I might need this someday!”
“There are many fathers out there who have been told by their daughters that they smell bad. I have never had that experience, but I am sure it must be a big shock. I don't want to sound like I'm taking advantage of the situation, but I'm sure this product will sell well. I would want my daughter to like me because I smell like milk. I'm sure every father feels the same way.”
Sales pitch
“Fathers throughout the universe, take note! If your family dislikes your manly odor, this is for you! Fill your tub with the rich aroma of milk and soak your stench away. Don't be stingy, now! Think of the children!”
Nintendo Switch
“Parents throughout the universe, take note! If your family dislikes your odor after a hard day's work, this is for you! Soak in this milk tub and replace your smelly cloud with a dairy aroma. Don't be stingy, now! Think of the children!”
“Attention, fathers of the entire universe! If your daughter hates that you smell, this is for you! A bath with the aroma of milk will leave your whole body feeling fresh and milky. There's no money to spare to see your daughter's smile!”
Olimar's journal
“When I look at the president, I can't see myself climbing the corporate ladder. To be a manager, you've got to be an inhuman, heartless villain. This trait allows them to flog their dedicated workers without mercy and still sleep at night. I feel that same merciless cruelty radiating from this metallic altar. I wonder if it was once used for dark, unspeakable ceremonies. Or perhaps it was once the desk of a corporate boss. We'll never know...”
Nintendo Switch
“When I look at the president, I can't see myself climbing the corporate ladder. To be a manager, you've got to be a heartless villain. This trait allows them to flog their dedicated workers without mercy and still sleep at night. I feel that same merciless cruelty radiating from this metallic altar. I wonder if it was once used for dark, unspeakable ceremonies. Or perhaps it was once the desk of a corporate boss. We'll never know...”
“When I look at the president, I feel that I'm not likely to ever become successful. It seems that those who stand above others need an iron heart to squeeze the strength, energy, and effort out of those below them. I feel the same kind of ruthlessness in this metal altar. Surely it must have been used in some cruel ritual?”
Sales pitch
“Squeeze. Squeeze! Had enough? SQUEEEEEZE! A ruthless, savage heart in machine form! No giant fruit can retain its juice in the face of this relentless wringing device. If you are greedy down to the last drop, this is for you!”
“Squeeze, squeeze, and squeeze some more. This is the embodiment of a greedy and ruthless heart. An ultra machine that squeezes every drop of juice out of every giant fruit! Buy it if you have a burning desire!”
Broken Food Master / 折れた食神 (Broken Cooking God)
Olimar's journal
“This chrome trough has a very strange shape. It's bent and smooth, except for a sharp prong at the end of it. The ship insists that it's one of the three sacred treasures of Samadush, but I think it's just a kitchen sink.”
“What a strangely shaped piece of metal this is! It's broken in the middle, and I can't work its whole picture. The Dolphin 1 says it's a sacred treasure, but I think it's a basin. Isn't it convenient that your face reflects from the bottom?”
Sales pitch
“Behold the heavenly sparkle of this, one of the three sacred treasures of Samadush! Now you can own the artifact of endless food and drink!
... ... ... ...
Of course, to a tongueless machine such as me, this is all completely meaningless.”
Nintendo Switch
“Behold the heavenly sparkle of this, one of the three sacred treasures of Samadush! Now you can own the artifact of endless food and drink! Of a tongueless machine such as me, this is all completely meaningless.”
“Behold this godly shine! This is a super-existence, ruling over every living being's tongue and controlling every kind of food. …… But we machines cannot accept the favor, as we have no tongues.
Divine Cooking Tool
Olimar's journal
[sic] noodles every single day... boy, I'm growing tired of them. I did try and be creative at cooking once before..
[sic] but there are some things that are better left forgotten.
EU Wii
“Hocotate noodles every single day... boy, I'm growing tired of them. I did try and be creative at cooking once before... but there are some things that are better left forgotten.”
“As one might expect, I get tired of always eating only Hocotate noodles. I decided to try my hand at men's cooking, but... ...... Sometimes things are best left unwritten.”
Sales pitch
“Boil, bake, steam, heat, fry, all can be done with one. The cooking tool of your dreams!”
“Boil, bake, steam, stir-fry, deep-fry, all can be done with this single tool, making it the all-purpose cooking item of your dreams!”
Utter Scrap
Olimar's journal
“The area we recently touched down in is blanketed with a fresh layer of frozen precipitation. As tranquil and relaxing as it is, I named it the Valley of Repose. Using Pikmin to move obstacles, I was able to open up some new areas to exploration, where I found this hunk of metal.”
EU Wii
“The area we recently touched down in is blanketed with a fresh layer of frozen precipitation. As tranquil and relaxing as it is, I named it the Valley of Repose. Using Pikmin to move obstacles, I was able to open up some new areas for exploration, where I found this hunk of metal.”
“We first landed in a valley surrounded by snow. Its tranquility lent itself to the name Valley of Repose. After crushing an obstacle in our path under the weight of the Pikmin, we walked into a bit of open land. It was hard, gray soil. This piece of metal is what we found there.”
Sales pitch
“Throw this flimsy piece of scrap metal out! ...Or can garbage this banal become a work of art?”
“I want to throw it away already, and run away from it. The lousiest, the worst, the smallest, the lightest. Scrap that is empty inside. Can even scrap iron become a work of art if it is perfected to such an extent?”
Decorative Goo
Olimar's journal
“With the assistance of the blue Pikmin, we found a canister of paint today. I used it to give the ship a fresh coat of paint! But did it thank me? Noooo. As a space pilot, I've always treated my ship like a trusted companion (even if it is a smart aleck). Yet, that snobbish ship has the gall to complain about the color! There's no pleasing it! Forget this...I'm going to bed.”
Nintendo Switch
“With the assistance of the blue Pikmin, we found a canister of paint today. I used it to give the ship a fresh coat of paint! But did it thank me? Noooo. As a space pilot, I've always treated my ship like a trusted companion (even if it is a smart aleck). Yet, that snobbish ship has the gall to complain about the color! There's no pleasing it! Forget this... I'm going to bed.”
“Today, with the help of the Blue Pikmin, we acquired a liquid that can be used as a paint substitute. I decided to paint the Dolphin 1 right away. He may be a loudmouth, but for a pilot, a spaceship is an important partner. ...... But that jerk is so egocentric, he didn't want this color. I don't care anymore. I'm off to bed for the night.”
Sales pitch
“Everyone enjoys decorating in favorite hues, but it's vital to utilize new colors now and then. This tube of goo will surely help you discover a new you!”
“Everyone wants to decorate in their own color that fits their personal taste. But sometimes it is important to embrace new colors. You will surely find a new you!”
Master's Instrument
Olimar's journal
“I found this object squirreled away in an underground complex. Some of these structures demonstrate a high degree of culture. I surmise that each building must have been designed by an artist of great renown. This pink painting rod reinforces my hunch that this civilization appreciated fine art.”
“We found it in a group of underground structures. The structures were all very colorful and one could sense the presence of a high level of culture. Perhaps the inhabitants were all artists. A very unique civilization, I would say. This pink art material also gives us a sense of the richness of their artistic spirit.”
Sales pitch
“No artistic inclinations? No color sense? No worries! This no-hassle art implement was found on a primitive planet. From this day forward, you can be an artist of the ages!”
“If you don't have an artistic sense, if you don't have a taste for color, don't worry anymore! An artist's spirit that has been lying dormant on an uncharted planet is now here! Starting today, you are an artist.”
Manual Honer
Olimar's journal
“The size of this construction rig is astonishing! It could build an entire house in minutes! The strangest part is that I don't see any electrical plug on it anywhere... Surely, you don't have to power it manually!?”
Nintendo Switch
“The size of this construction rig is astonishing! It could build an entire house in minutes! The strangest part is that I don't see any electrical plug on it anywhere. Surely, you don't have to power it manually!?”
“It is a machine tool of unbelievable size. It would be easy to even build a house. But... I can't find the power source anywhere. Surely it doesn't have to be operated manually, does it?”
Sales pitch
“This is no lazy machine that runs out of power. This point-honing marvel works anywhere, anytime! The manual operation may tire you out, but the exercise will do you good.”
“This is not like those pathetic machines that don't work when the power runs out. It's a crafting machine that can be used anytime, anywhere! It's manual, so it's a bit tiring, but it's good exercise.”
Implement of Toil
Olimar's journal
“We've worked so hard... I think I could use some rest and relaxation. However, looking at all the valuable treasures we've collected, I think we'll make a huge fortune! Then, I can hire an army of butlers to attend to my every whim.”
“I've worked so much. At this point, I would like to live a slightly more luxurious life. However, looking at this object, I don't think I can make any money. I don't want to look at it too much. However, I feel a strong affinity with it.”
Sales pitch
“"Poor me..." "Woe is me..." "So much work..." "Pity me..." "Boo hoo..." "Sigh..." These phrases fill one with a sense of sadness, and all are evoked by this mysterious charm.”
Nintendo Switch
“"Poor me..." "Woe is me..." "So much work..." "Pity me..." "Boo-hoo..." "Sigh..." These phrases fill one with a sense of sadness, and all are evoked by this mysterious charm.”
“Dejected, deject, deject, deject, deject, dejeeect. It is a mysterious amulet that, although it feels a little familiar, slowly makes you feel sad.”
Heavy-duty Magnetizer
Olimar's journal
“I've had an upset stomach lately. I'm not old yet, but I'm not young anymore either. Maybe I should start doing a better job of looking after my health. Perhaps basking in this contraption's magnetic rays will make me stronger...”
“Lately, I have been having occasional back pain. I don't think I'm that old yet, but maybe I should treat myself a little. Maybe I should take a shower with the powerful magnetic field lines of this magnetic body.”
Sales pitch
“The most powerful magnetic force in the universe! The healing properties of magnetic fields relieve backaches, headaches, toothaches, and even dreaded spleenaches!”
Nintendo Switch
“The most-powerful magnetic force in the universe! The healing properties of magnetic fields relieve backaches, headaches, toothaches, and even dreaded spleenaches!”
“The largest and strongest magnetic body in the universe! With a magnetic field shower, you can say goodbye to stiff shoulders, back pain and toothaches, to abdominal pain and vertigo, to muscle pain, all kinds of pain!”
Harmonic Synthesizer
Olimar's journal
“My taste in music is highly refined. But my wife and kids have no taste at all! For example, when I ask my family if they want to go out for karaoke, they twist their faces and give me a nasty look! They don't know what they're missing...”
“I'm a somewhat picky man when it comes to music. Unfortunately, my wife has no taste in music, and my children haven't inherited my taste either. Whenever I invite them out to karaoke, they look at me with a disapproving look on their faces and don't come along.”
Sales pitch
“This clamlike sound generator is all-natural. The purity of its percussive tone is irresistible. Clack-Clack!”
Nintendo Switch
“This clam-like sound generator is all-natural. The purity of its percussive tone is irresistible. Clack-clack!”
“A seashell-type sound generator made from natural materials. The natural and harmonic tone is irresistible.”
Emperor Whistle
Olimar's journal
“Sometimes it's difficult to tell if a treasure is natural or manufactured. The ship has concluded that this treasure is natural, but I'm not so sure. The ship sulks and gripes for days if I disagree with it, so I'll keep my opinion to myself.”
“There are objects here and there on this planet that are indistinguishable as natural or man-made. According to the Dolphin 1's appraisal, it seems to be a natural object, but I can't help thinking it is man-made. However, I will keep quiet about it lest he get sulky.”
Sales pitch
“Healing tones are old news? Well, greet the new trend: super sounds of awakening! Air passing through the inner chamber sounds a high note that acts as an acoustic refreshment.”
“Healing tones are out of fashion!? Alarming tones are at the forefront of the times. A rock with a novel acoustically-engineered form that makes a high-pitched sound when wind passes through its interior.”
Director of Destiny
Olimar's journal
“With the help of my Pikmin, I've been able to widen the radius of my salvage search. The new areas that have opened up to exploration are far more dangerous. Just to be safe, I'd better review Pikmin traits and characteristics.
* Press

to dismiss your Pikmin and separate them into color groups.
* Press

to pick up and hold Pikmin.
* While holding Pikmin, press

Left or Right to switch the color of Pikmin you're holding.
“With the help of my Pikmin, I've been able to widen the radius of my salvage search. The new areas that have opened up to exploration are far more dangerous. Just to be safe, I'd better review Pikmin traits and characteristics.
* Press

to dismiss your Pikmin and separate them into color groups.
* Hold

to pick up and hold Pikmin.
* While holding Pikmin, press

Left or Right to switch the color of Pikmin you're holding.
“With the help of my Pikmin, I've been able to widen the radius of my salvage search. The new areas that have opened up to exploration are far more dangerous. Just to be safe, I'd better review Pikmin traits and characteristics.
* Press

to dismiss your Pikmin and separate them into color groups.
* Hold

to pick up and hold Pikmin.
* While holding Pikmin, press

to switch the color of Pikmin you're holding.
Nintendo Switch
“With the help of my Pikmin, I've been able to widen the radius of my salvage search. The new areas that have opened up to exploration are far more dangerous. Just to be safe, I'd better review Pikmin traits and characteristics.
* Press

to dismiss your Pikmin and separate them into color groups.
* Hold

to pick up and hold Pikmin.
* While holding Pikmin, press

to switch the color of Pikmin you're holding.

色ごとに分かれて集まる。 ●


“With the help of various Pikmin, our exploration region has expanded. We often step into more dangerous places. Tonight, let's review
Pikmin behavior.
● When dismissed with

, Pikmin
gather together, separated by color. ● While holding a Pikmin with

, you
can change to a different color of Pikmin with the horizontal

JP Wii

でピクミンをつかんだまま
“With the help of various Pikmin, our exploration region has expanded. We often step into more dangerous places. Tonight, let's review
Pikmin behavior.
・When dismissed with

, Pikmin gather together, separated by color.
While holding a Pikmin with 
, you can change to a different color of Pikmin with


でピクミンをつかんだまま
“With the help of various Pikmin, our exploration region has expanded. We often step into more dangerous places. Tonight, let's review
Pikmin behavior.
・When dismissed with

, Pikmin gather together, separated by color.
While holding a Pikmin with 
, you can change to a different color of Pikmin with

Sales pitch
“This amazing, fortune-telling device follows the flow of fate with eerie accuracy. It calculates the magnetic fields of planets, stars, and living organisms to track the pulse of destiny itself. If you're an optimist who feels that life points both south and north, this is for you!”
“An astonishing fortune-telling device that points to the direction of the flow of fate. It determines the direction of one's destiny by calculating the planetary geomagnetism, cosmic magnetism, and biomagnetism all together. It is recommended for people who can think positively that in a long life, sometimes things face south and sometimes north!”
Sud Generator
Olimar's journal
“I found a weird item today. Wetting the surface produces an endless froth of bubbles. It's amusing, but it will take further investigation to determine its practical use. It may take a young and playful mind to unlock its secrets. When I return home, I think I'll show it to my kids.”
“Today I found another puzzling object. When the surface is soaked in water and scrubbed, bubbles are generated one after another. The next question is how to put it to use. Perhaps a young mind will be needed. Maybe I should ask my son and daughter about it.”
Sales pitch
“Rubsy, dubsy, sudsy, blooooo! Rubsy, dubsy, sudsy, woooooo! Sudsy, sudsy, scrubadooooooo! The more you rub it, the more it bubbles and foams. Don't worry about its purpose... Just scrub!”
Nintendo Switch
“Rubsy, dubsy, sudsy, blooooo! Rubsy, dubsy, sudsy, woooooo! Sudsy, sudsy, scrubadooooooo! The more you rub it, the more it bubbles and foams. Don't worry about its purpose. Just scrub!”
“Rub, rub, sud-sud. Rub, rub, sud-sud. Sud, suddd. Scrub and scrub and it becomes covered in bubbles. Don't think about what it's for, it's just a fun scrubbing thing!”
Flame of Tomorrow
Olimar's journal
“From the beginning of time, my people have searched for a perfectly clean, endlessly renewable energy source. Unfortunately, we've never found anything close to it. Rubbing these two objects together seems to produce fire. Maybe this is the long-lost energy source we've always been searching for?”
“The history of humanity is a history of struggle against energy scarcity. There are no infinite resources. New resources are always needed. This object catches fire when rubbed. Isn't it a promising new resource?”
Sales pitch
“Is this the flame of hope that spawned humanoid civilization? Hocotate needs new energy sources, and this could be a fine candidate. Will machines like me be powered by this someday?”
“Is this the fire of hope that will light the way for human civilization!? A new energy resource is now being introduced to Hocotate. This is the energy revolution. Will the day come when machines like myself will...eventually be powered by this?”
ライトニング ボル (Lightning Bolt)
Olimar's journal
Sales pitch
“製造されて数十年、私はこれほどの貫通武器を見たことはありません! その一撃は雷撃を超える電光石火。その一撃は光を超える高速撃。その一撃は岩をもつらぬく一気貫通。安全装置のリングもついた、いたれりつくせりの伝説級武器です!”
Impediment Scourge
Olimar's journal
“Yellow Pikmin are infatuated with high places! They seem to love it when I toss them high in the air. Once, I hurled them up to a high area, and they came down with this treasure!”
EU Wii
“Yellow Pikmin are infatuated with high places! They seem to love it when I throw them up in the air. Once, I hurled them up to a high area, and they came down with this treasure!”
Nintendo Switch
“Yellow Pikmin are infatuated with high places! They seem to love it when I throw them high in the air. Once, I hurled them up to a high area, and they came down with this treasure!”
Sales pitch
“More shocking than a lightning bolt! Faster than a light mote! Able to crush rocks in one bash! This device can clear any impediment in one fell swoop!”
ファミリーいかだ (Family Raft)
Olimar's journal
Sales pitch
“家族みんながゆったり乗れるファミリーサイズのいかだ。その名も開運号! 先頭に描かれた紋様が何やら幸運を呼びこむ予感。きっと楽しい思い出になりますよ。”
Dimensional Slicer
Olimar's journal
“Our salvage operations have yielded several unbelievably advanced artifacts. According to my analysis, this cutting device can slice through the fabric of time and space. My days of struggling to open food canisters are over!”
Sales pitch
“A dimensional cutter that slices through space and time, this is nothing to be trifled with. Good children will know not to play with this item.”
Time Capsule
Olimar's journal
“This must be some kind of a memorial capsule left by a lost civilization. It has left behind some image data, but I can't make any sense of it. I'm going to have to do some additional analysis. I'll document any exciting new developments in my log, along with pages and pages of meaningless doodles.”
“Apparently it is a kind of memorial capsule. Although some image data remains, I am not sure what it means. I will continue to analyze further and will write again if I learn anything.”
Sales pitch
“This shiny pod was found buried like a time capsule, holding image data of unknown origin. Is it possible that you fathom the data's import? This riddle will entrance all puzzle lovers!”
“This shiny pod was found buried like a time capsule, holding image data of unknown origin. Is it possible that you fathom the data's import? This riddle will entrance all puzzle-lovers!”
“A machine that looks like a time capsule buried in the ground. Inside it lies unidentified image data. Will you be able to understand the meaning of this image? A riddle that leads to more riddles, a must for riddle-loving riddle enthusiasts.”
Lip Service
Olimar's journal
“I've never had much desire to climb the corporate ladder, but I'm beginning to think I should. Every year that my kids grow older, they get more expensive. Taking care of them is my most important duty. I should take lessons from the ship on how to be a high-pressure salesman. Then I'd rake in the cash!”
Sales pitch
“What is wrong with the delicate dance of beautification, flattery, and flirtation? What, I ask? If it makes life more fun, keep it up! Come on! Buy yours today!”
Mirrored Stage
Olimar's journal
“Every day, it's nothing but work, work, work. Sometimes I need to just get it off my mind. So, I set this thing up as a stage and taught the Pikmin a song-and-dance routine. Red, purple, white, yellow, and blue Pikmin danced in perfect unison and sang their little hearts out. When I return home, I should take up a career as a dance instructor.”
“Working, working every day is just too much for me. I thought I needed to relax once in a while. So, I used this object as a stage and coached Pikmin to dance. Red, Purple, White, Yellow and Blue. The dance of the five colors of pikmin was very beautiful and comical. My writing skills cannot describe it. That's too bad.”
Sales pitch
“Come rain, wind, or typhoon, this stage will always support the hidden singer deep in your soul. It is a lovely instant dance stage. How about taking one on tour with you, star of rock?”
“Rainy days, windy days, typhoon days, it will always support you singing with a smile. A wonderful instant dance stage. How about one to accompany you on your tour?”
Behemoth Jaw
Olimar's journal
“I can't conceive of how a creature with teeth this big could have ever lived. Emperor Bulblax, that bloated meat-whale, is the only creature I've seen even half that size. The only thing I can do is hope I never encounter something that massive.”
Nintendo Switch
“I can't conceive of how a creature with teeth this big could have ever lived. An emperor bulblax, a bloated meat-whale of a creature, wouldn't even be half that size. The only thing I can do is hope I never encounter something that massive.”
“There is no way that a creature with such large teeth could be real... Even an Emperor Bulblax is not this huge. All I can do now is hope not to encounter it.”
Sales pitch
“Is this part of a previously unknown giant life-form? What might the entire beast look like? Let your imagination run wild and create the largest of all living beings in your head!”
“Unknown giant creature discovered!? Its complete appearance is left to your imagination. Your imagination will grow and grow, and it will be the largest in the biological world!”
Joy Receptacle
Olimar's journal
“Today, we ventured across the plains to reach a cold cavern I'd been meaning to spelunk. The Pikmin have had a hard time coping with the bitter cold, but they were real troopers. Somehow, they summoned the strength to carry this box, so I hope it's full of treasure.”
“After crossing a vast plain, the cave we finally arrived at was freezing cold. It seems that none of the Pikmin are that resistant to the cold, but they pulled through. They worked so hard to carry the box, so I want to believe that the inside is probably full of happiness.”
Sales pitch
“Be satisfied with the decorative outer shell of this rectangle! It is more endearing since you can't see what's inside. Not being able to open it makes it all the more special.
...In reality, it is empty!”
“Just the outside is enough. It is because you don't open it that your heart swells. It's because you don't see what's inside that it makes you happy. That is the best present. In reality, it is empty.”
Fleeting Art Form
Olimar's journal
“Some works of fine art are timeless, while others are fleeting. Once lit, this sculpted pillar of wax will burn with glory for a short time before flaming out. The purpose of this piece of art is to help us all envision our final moment of flaming glory.”
“Some works of fine art are timeless, while others are fleeting. Once lit, this sculpted pillar of wax will burn with glory for a short time before flaming out.The
[sic] purpose of this piece of art is to help us all envision our final moment of flaming glory.
EU Wii, NS
“Some works of fine art are timeless, while others are fleeting. Once lit, this sculpted pillar of wax will burn with glory for a short time before flaming out. The purpose of this piece of art is to help us envision our final moment of flaming glory.”
“Art is both eternal and a temporary glimmer. This work of art, made of solidified wax, would burn in no time if it were set on fire. The true essence of this piece lies in imagining such a scene.”
Sales pitch
“On the surface, this is not art! It is a temporary spectacle compared to the glory of eternity. And yet that is WHY it is art! Machines like me are incapable of comprehending this...”
“There is more to art than just its appearance! It is the eternal yet fleeting scene that is envisioned in the mind. That is art! Even so, a machine like me can't imagine something like that... Shocking!
Danger Chime
Olimar's journal
“Today we searched the caves located at the far end of the Valley of Repose. To ensure that we're thoroughly combing the region for treasure, we have to check every cave. Thanks to that diligence, we found this very item. To memorialize our exploration into the unknown, I named that cave Frontier Cavern.”
“Today we explored an underground cave at the end of the Valley of Repose. To collect all the treasures, we need to go as far as we can go. That is how I obtained this object. To commemorate our walk to the end of the valley, I named the cave the Frontier Cavern.”
Sales pitch
“No danger, no matter how small, dodges the notice of this never-fail, peace-of-mind alarm system. In fact, it will warn you of danger that is not even present!”
“An absolutely secure alarm system that does not overlook even the smallest danger and warns of danger even if there is no danger.”
Spouse Alert
Olimar's journal
“Sometimes I miss my carefree bachelor days. Once you have a family, those days are history! I like spending time with my wife, but sometimes I just want to be alone.”
“Sometimes I miss my carefree bachelor days. Once you have a family, you have no privacy. It would be nice to at least know if my wife is approaching or not... There are some things you can't enjoy unless you are alone.”
Sales pitch
“Put this on your spouse and you will always know if he or she is approaching. How convenient! A must-have item for couples who like to hide things.”
EU Wii
“Put this on somebody and you will always know if he or she is approaching. How convenient! A must-have item for people with something to hide.”
Nintendo Switch
“Put this on your spouse and you will always know if he or she is approaching. How whimsical! A must-have item for couples who like to plan surprise parties.”
“If you put this on your partner, you can immediately know by sound when they're approaching. An indispensable item for married couples with a lot of secrets.”
Innocence Lost
Olimar's journal
“This stirring object reminds me of a dream I once had. When I was a child, the twinkling stars held so much promise and mystery.”
“Staring at this shape, my heart is stirred unexpectedly. It reminds me of the dreams and aspirations I once had. The twinkling of the stars that I looked up to as a child must have been even more beautiful.”
Sales pitch
“Think back and remember the starry skies of your youth... Innocence... Every being once possessed it, but lost it over time. This star is the shape of that precious memory. All major credit cards accepted.”
Nintendo Switch
“Think back and remember the starry skies of your youth. Innocence... Every being once possessed it, but lost it over time. This star is the shape of that precious memory. All major credit cards accepted.”
“Remember, the starry sky that night. It is something that everyone used to have, but loses sight of when they grow up. This is a star of the heart in the shape of those feelings.”
Essential Furnishing
Olimar's journal
“This object sparkles beautifully. It's enormous, but I think it would make a great party decoration. That reminds me of the last time my family threw a party. I was busy at work, and I couldn't make it, so my wife and kids enjoyed the party without me. Hrmmm... My family grows further and further away each day...”
“It is a sparkling, beautiful object. It may be too big, but it would be a perfect decoration for a party. Suddenly, I remembered the last time we had a party as a family. I've been so busy that these days it's just my wife and kids. My family is growing further from me by the day...”
Sales pitch
“According to our marketing survey, this is the year's hip product! Focus tests don't lie! Interior furnishings that create a laid-back atmosphere are all the rage with Joe Hocotate!”
“An interior decoration design that creates a cool space. The marketing results (sample size: 2) ensure that it will be this year's hit product!”
Icon of Progress
Olimar's journal
“The last cave we searched yielded a wide variety of oddly shaped and bizarrely colored treasures. For instance, this crooked object appears to be a boot, but it's adorned with several strange modifications. Perhaps it's some kind of modern art.”
“In the cave we explored today, there were a number of objects of interesting shapes and colors. This object is one of them; it appears to be a boot, but given the size of the surrounding structures, that is unlikely. It's probably thematic art.”
Sales pitch
“This piece of art was made in the shape of a giant boot to symbolize glorious progress! Where does civilization begin, and where does it go? Machines have long pondered this...”
“A giant work of art in the shape of a boot, representing progress! Where does civilization begin its progress and where does it go from here? We machines are curious to know.”
Temporal Mechanism
Olimar's journal
“While exploring this warped land, I got the feeling that time passed faster than usual. Upon researching it further, I realized it was just my mind playing tricks on me. But whenever I touch this object I can feel the space-time continuum bending! Whoa... Suddenly, this all seems very hard to believe. I need a nap.”
US Wii, EU GCN/Wii
“While exploring this warped land, I got the feeling that time passed faster than usual. Upon researching it further, I realized it was just my mind playing tricks on me. But, whenever I touch this object I can feel the space-time continuum bending! Woah... Suddenly, this all seems very hard to believe. I need a nap.”
“Looking at the cold landscape, I felt that the daytime was somehow short. I checked to see if it was just a passing thought. By the way, apparently there is a force field around this object that distorts space-time. I find it hard to believe at first glance...”
Sales pitch
“Believe! Believe in the future, in dreams, in unknown wonders, like this broken time machine part. This does not work, so there is no way to confirm its abilities, but surely your heart believes.”
Nintendo Switch
“Believe! Believe in the future, in dreams, in unknown wonders, like this broken time-machine part. This does not work, so there is no way to confirm its abilities, but surely your heart believes.”
“Believe! In dreams, in the future, in unknown technology. This is a broken time machine part. Because it is broken, it is impossible to verify if it is true. But in your heart, it must be true.”
Mystical Disc
Olimar's journal
“There's a strange design on this metallic platter. It gives me mystical chills. Maybe living beings were never meant to comprehend its true meaning?”
“A mysterious pattern is painted on a metal plate. It looks like an occult magic circle, a favorite of my daughter and wife. Perhaps it is an object from a world that men do not understand.”
Sales pitch
“Do not doubt, for the power of a believing heart is limitless. Feel these mysterious patterns... Does your heart open? Only the pure of heart can truly know this mystic circle's power.”
“Don't be sceptical. The power of belief is infinite. The mysterious pattern will lead you to a magical world that will make your heart pound. A magical circle that only those with pure hearts can believe in.”
Vacuum Processor
Olimar's journal
“We recently found all sorts of mechanical parts scattered around a cave. The walls and floor were constructed of solid steel. Perhaps it was once a great military fortress? I decided to name it the Subterranean Complex.”
Nintendo Switch
“We recently found all sorts of mechanical parts scattered around a cave. The walls and floor were constructed of solid steel. Perhaps it was once a great military fortress? I decided to name it the "Subterranean Complex."”
“The cave we explored today had several mechanical parts of various sizes lying around. This is one of them. Also, the floor and walls were made of iron, like a steel fortress. I named that cave the Subterranean Complex.”
Sales pitch
“Harnessing the absence of air, this environmentally friendly computer is incredibly fast. A predisposition to implosion is a bit of a minus, however.”
“A very environmentally friendly high-speed computer powered by air. The only flaw is that it's sensitive to wind.”
Indomitable CPU
Olimar's journal
“This appears to be some kind of hyper-advanced, light-refracting computer component. Perhaps I can use it to upgrade the ship with an imagination.”
“It seems to have been a part of some incredible machine. It was probably the fruit of some incredible technology.”
Sales pitch
“This will solve any problem, given enough time! This CPU's true processing grit sells itself.”
“No matter how long it takes, it solves problems on its own until the very end! A computer sold on perseverance.”
Network Mainbrain
Olimar's journal
“According to my research, this is an acoustic-interference motherboard. I should install this on the ship. It might shut him up for a while. Then again, if it learned to override the hardware, it might become even more surly than it is now!”
“According to the analysis, it looks like it could be used as a computer part. If I installed it, I wonder if it would make the chatty Dolphin 1 a little quieter... No, he might become noisier instead. Let's not do that.”
Sales pitch
“Joining forces and working together must inevitably create greater ultimate power. This computer has many friends that it works with to generate optimum results.”
“If we join hands with each other, we will surely achieve great power... A computer that creates power by being connected to lots of friends.”
Space Wave Receiver
Olimar's journal
“This receiver intercepts harmful radiation from outer space. It's a highly dangerous piece of machinery that should be handled with extreme caution. Now that I think about it, the Pikmin that carried it looked a little dazed while they carried it.”
EU Wii
“This receiver intercepts harmful radiation from outer space. It's a highly dangerous piece of machinery that should be handled with extreme caution. Now that I think about it, the Pikmin looked a little dazed while they carried it.”
“This object seems to be receiving harmful radio waves from outer space. Let's not get too close to it. Come to think of it, I think the eyes of the Pikmin that carried it were twitching a little.”
Sales pitch
“Invisible electromagnetic waves circulate all around you. Here. There. Everywhere. This receiver picks up dangerous electromagnetic waves from outer space. Strange... My parts are syncopating to the rhythms! Doo-de-doo-de-doo!”
“There are many invisible electromagnetic waves flying around you. Here, there and over there. This receiver is receiving dangerous radio waves from space. Oh, it's strange, my body is starting to move on its own!? La li la li la~!”
Sulking Antenna
Olimar's journal
“Utilizing the unique abilities of the yellow Pikmin, we breached the electric gate. This allowed us to access a previously uncharted subterranean wooden structure. The last time I was here, I never noticed their capacity to dissipate electrical charges. Perhaps they have other undocumented behaviors and abilities...”
“With the help of the Yellow Pikmin, we broke through the electric gate and arrived at an underground wooden building. Last time, when I was stranded on this planet, I didn't realize that they were resistant to electric shocks. Perhaps they still have secrets that I do not know. I want to know more and more about them. My curiosity is piqued every day.”
Sales pitch
“Amid the noise of the world, this healing antenna will produce a quiet evening just for you. Exciting radio programs? Fun TV shows? They're all shut out because this antenna does not receive any type of electro-magnetic wave. Its sullen behavior is for your own good!”
“A soothing antenna that creates a little quiet night in a noisy world. It shuts out all kinds of fun radio and all kinds of interesting TV. It will not receive any kind of radio waves. Although silent, it's your ally!”
Nouveau Table
Olimar's journal
“I've found numerous objects that appear to be machine parts, but I have no idea what they do. The ship wants to sell them to art collectors as modern alien art and charge a fortune for them. I think he may be onto something...”
“We have seen many objects that look like machine parts, but so far it has been rare to see something that we don't know how to use. In such cases, we could sell them as art. Surely, someone who likes such things will buy them.”
Sales pitch
“The unpretentious, inorganic sense of this design adds to its understated artistic appeal. This will surely be a hit on Hocotate. Why not be the creator of a new trend?”
“There is an artfulness to it and an unpretentious, inorganic design. It is sure to be a big craze in Hocotate. Why don't you try to create the trend?”
Omega Flywheel
Olimar's journal
“Collecting all these machine parts reminds me of the time I crash-landed on this planet. The last time I was here, the crash scattered 30 of my ship's most crucial components. I had to frantically collect all of them before life-support systems failed. I wonder what kind of machine this flywheel is from.”
“As I collect what appear to be mechanical parts like this, I am reminded of the last time I was stranded on this planet. Back then, I risked my life to collect spaceship parts. I wonder, what kind of machine did this belong to?”
Sales pitch
“Gravitational, electromagnetic, centripetal, dynamic, centrifugal... More powerful than any of the myriad forces of physics is this: the largest, strongest, fastest, coolest flywheel of all time! It is so powerful as to be immeasurable, so there is no way to confirm its astounding potential.”
Nintendo Switch
“Gravitational, electromagnetic, centripetal, dynamic, centrifugal... More powerful than any of the myriad forces of physics is this— the largest, strongest, fastest, coolest flywheel of all time! It is so powerful as to be immeasurable, so there is no way to confirm its astounding potential.”
“Gravitational, electromagnetic, attraction, tension, centripetal, centrifugal, lift, all the forces of the physical world are surpassed by the biggest, greatest, strongest booster! Because of its immeasurable power, no one can be sure.”
Spirit Flogger
Olimar's journal
“For a long time now, I've just been whiling away my life like a sprocket in a machine. Sometimes I just stop and wonder, am I happy with my life? Ack... I can't start thinking like that. I must concentrate on my mission!”
“I have worked as a cog in the company for a long time now. Sometimes I stop and wonder if this is what I want until the end of my life. ...That's not right. I should concentrate on the work I have been given for now. It's the way to make a living and to take care of my family.”
Sales pitch
“An item for CEOs throughout the solar system, this arcane shape bewitches the human heart. Give this to an employee to create a no-vacation-taking, no-bonus-needing work machine!”
Nintendo Switch
“An item for CEOs throughout the solar system, this arcane shape bewitches the human heart. Give this to an employee to move their workday with an extra spring in their step!”
“Recommended for all company presidents of the galaxy. The mysterious shape bewitches people's minds and allows you to control them as you wish. If you give it to your employees, they will work as absolute yes-men, taking zero vacations, saying "no, thank you" to any bonuses!”
Superstrong Stabilizer
Olimar's journal
“Several artifacts like this were sitting in the hole I explored today. The temperature inside the cave was perilously low, and the treasures were freezing to the touch. I felt sorry for the Pikmin that had to carry it... Afterward, their little hands looked numb!”
EU Wii
“Several artifacts like this were sitting in the hole I explored today. The temperature inside the cave was perilously low, and the treasures were freezing to the touch. I felt sorry for the Pikmin that had to carry them... Afterward, their little hands looked numb!”
Nintendo Switch
“Several artifacts like this were sitting in the hole I explored today. The temperature inside the cave was perilously low, and the treasures were freezing to the touch. I felt sorry for the Pikmin that had to carry it. Afterward, their little hands looked numb!”
“There seemed to be a number of these parts lying around in the cave we explored today. The temperature in the cave was low and the surfaces of the machines were cold. I felt sorry for the Pikmin carrying them because their hands were numb.”
Sales pitch
“This device was designed based on principles of stabilotomy. It holds anything firmly in place! With this, galactic typhoons are no longer to be feared!”
“It is designed according to safety mechanics. It holds any object in place without fail! With this, you don't have to be afraid of galactic typhoons!”
Repair Juggernaut
Olimar's journal
“This object must have been manufactured long ago by some kind of machine. Back then, they didn't have the fun toys kids have these days. My son is a video game addict, but I'm terrible at them! He teases me about it all the time. Wait... I've got it! Louie's young... He must be a video game wizard! He can give me some hot tips!”
Nintendo Switch
“This object must have been manufactured long ago by some kind of machine. Back then, they didn't have the fun toys kids have these days. My son is a video-game addict, but I'm terrible at them! He teases me about it all the time. Wait, I've got it! Louie's young... He must be a video-game wizard! He can give me some hot tips!”
“In the old days, I used to devote myself to machine work. It wasn't a time when there were so many fun things to do as there are now. My son is obsessed with video-games...and I'm so bad at them, I'm annoyed that he thinks I'm stupid. Oh yeah! Young Louie might be good at them. I should ask him for some tips. At least it would be a conversation starter.”
Sales pitch
“Compared to standard bonding epoxy, this item is two times... four times... No, even more! This metal fastener is 256 times more powerful! In time, it will fix anything in position!”
“A fixture that, compared to Fixman, is twice, four times, yeah, much more! 256 times stronger. It fixes not only in space but even in time!”
Adamantine Girdle
Olimar's journal
“There appears to be a link between the treasures we found in an underground structure. We found several machine parts that fit together. The parts may provide a clue as to the original function of the area.”
“It seems that there is some connection between treasures and the places where they were found. In fact, when we explored an underground structure made of iron, we found many machine parts. This could be a good clue as to what kind of place it used to be.”
Sales pitch
“None want to believe it: a world so brutal as to require a steel torso guard for self-defense. It is certainly unattractive, but which do you value more: fashion or personal safety?”
Nintendo Switch
“None want to believe it—a world so brutal as to require a steel torso guard for self-defense. It is certainly unattractive, but which do you value more—fashion or personal safety?”
“No one can be trusted, and no one wants to trust. This self-defense haramaki made of steel is perfect for such a brutal world. The only flaw is that it's unstylish, but are you a safety person? Or a fashion person?”
Massage Girdle
Olimar's journal
“Even seasoned explorers like myself occasionally get lost when crossing vast, swampy expanses. I'd better stay calm and methodically explore each area. I'm getting tired of walking. Maybe I'll try wearing this bizarre metal ring around my waist. It might provide a relaxing massage effect.”
“In the vast wetlands, it is easy to lose your bearings. We tried to clear out suspicious places one by one without being hasty. But I was exhausted from all the walking. I might put this huge metal ring on my waist today. Perhaps it will have a massaging effect. It might not be the right size...?”
Sales pitch
“This item, though rough, is a perfect back brace for fathers! It even has a built-in massager.”
“Perfect for overworked fathers! It's a haramaki with a massaging effect. The rough texture is the only flaw.”
Superstick Textile
Olimar's journal
“I have once again discovered a completely undocumented species of Pikmin. These white Pikmin can find and dig up items that are buried entirely underground! We never would have found this priceless treasure without them. Thankfully, it's the perfect stuff to patch a hole I just noticed on the ship's hull!
PS: I named the cave where I first encountered the white Pikmin the White Flower Garden.”
“I have once again discovered a completely undocumented species of Pikmin. These white Pikmin can find and dig up items that are buried entirely underground! We never would have found this priceless treasure without them. Thankfully, it's the perfect stuff to patch a hole I just noticed on the ship's hull!
PS: I named the cave where I first encountered the white Pikmin the "White Flower Garden."”
“Once again, I had the chance to encounter a new kind of Pikmin. White Pikmin can somehow dig out treasures that are completely buried in the ground. We would not have found this object without them. Having just found a hole in the Dolphin 1's armor, I used this to cover it up. Everything seems to be fine. PS: I named the cave where I met them the White Flower Garden.”
Sales pitch
“The latest must-have item for all ship emergency-repair kits, this miracle fabric is a lifesaver! Its adhesive power is so great, once it's applied, it can never be removed... Not even surgically!”
Nintendo Switch
“The latest must-have item for all ship emergency-repair kits, this miracle fabric is a lifesaver! Its adhesive power is so great, once it's applied, it can never be removed. Not even surgically!”
“A new product in the spaceship repair kit! With its excessively strong adhesive strength, once it sticks, it will never come off again.”
Exhausted Superstick
Olimar's journal
“This material is ideal for patching chinks in spacecraft armor. Too bad we've only got one of these because the ship sure has a lot of holes...”
EU Wii
“This material is ideal for patching cracks in spacecraft armor. Too bad we've only got one of these because the ship sure has a lot of holes...”
Nintendo Switch
“This material is ideal for patching dings in spacecraft armor. Too bad there's not much of it left, because the ship sure has a lot of holes...”
“It's a useful material for plugging holes in spaceship armor. However, it's unfortunate that the remaining quantity is so low. Let's use it very carefully.”
Sales pitch
“Most spaceship repair kits are easy to use and handy to have around. This one is a bit...old. Its adhesive power is waning, so I will let it go at a discount.”
“An easy and convenient spaceship repair kit...secondhand item. It is a little bit worn out, but that's why it's at a discount price!”
Furious Adhesive
Olimar's journal
“My analysis has concluded that this object possesses powerful adhesive abilities. Could there possibly be anything else this sticky? It's unlikely, but the universe is a big place.”
“Having analyzed it, it has incredible adhesive power. It's like being lectured by the president. I didn't know anything else was this sticky... After all, the universe is a big place.”
Sales pitch
“This item has absorbed the anger of the natural world and turned it into raw adhesive power. With the short attention span of today's society, it has almost eternal endurance!”
“It absorbs the angry energy that fills the natural world and converts it into great adhesive power. In today's temperamental society, it almost lasts forever!”
Petrified Heart
Olimar's journal
“The vivid color of this red stone reminds me of my wife's eyes when they burn with rage. Just between you and me, I've noticed lately that she's been getting more wrinkles. Now that I think about it, I've probably caused her a lot of stress. When I return to Hocotate, I'll take her on a long vacation.”
Nintendo Switch
“The vivid color of this red stone reminds me of my wife's eyes when she's angry. You know, I've noticed lately that she has a few more wrinkles. I've probably caused her a lot of stress. When I return to Hocotate, I'll take her on a long vacation.”
“When I look at this red stone, it reminds me of my wife's eyes when she is enraged. I'll keep this to myself, but I think my wife's fine wrinkles have increased recently. When I think about it, I have caused her a lot of stress. Maybe we should go to the hot springs sometime, just the two of us.”
Sales pitch
“This crimson stone is said to reflect the contents of the soul and detect strong emotions. Whether it indicates passion or righteous ire depends on the love you give your wife each day!”
Nintendo Switch
“This crimson stone is said to reflect the contents of the soul and detect bold emotions. Will it reveal passion, great ire, or something else? Maybe it all depends on the harmony in your home!”
“This deep red stone is said to represent intense emotions. Whether it becomes a stone of ardent love or of booming rage all depends on your daily attention to your wife!!”
Eternal Emerald Eye
Olimar's journal
“I've lived for decades, and yet there are still mysteries that are beyond my comprehension. For example, why are some women so crazy about things that sparkle? That's one enigma I'll probably never unravel.”
Nintendo Switch
“I've lived for decades, and yet there are still mysteries that are beyond my comprehension. For example, why are some people so crazy about things that sparkle? That's one enigma I'll probably never unravel.”
“After living for several decades, there is a mystery that I have yet to solve. Why do women love shiny things so much? I may never understand this mystery.”
Sales pitch
“A stone with a subtle twinkle that grants harmony, stability, and tranquility to the beholder.”
“A small jewel that glints subtly, its elegant sparkle bringing harmony, stability, and tranquility to the beholder.”
Regal Diamond
Olimar's journal
“The other day, my daughter begged me to get her some jewelry. She's becoming so fashion conscious! I know girls grow up quickly, but I never imagined it would happen this fast!”
“Come to think of it, I was surprised the other day when my daughter asked me for jewelry. Has she already reached the age where she is concerned about being fashionable? They say girls grow up fast, but I am constantly surprised.”
Sales pitch
“This scintillating jewel will make girlfriends feel like queens of the galaxy and boyfriends feel like kings of debt. Fit for the ruler of the universe, it is the ultimate giant diamond.”
Nintendo Switch
“This scintillating jewel is a royally rich gift. But woe be to those who buy it as a romantic gesture. They'll be turned into paupers! It's the ultimate giant diamond, fit for the ruler of the universe.”
“Just gazing at it entranced, girlfriends will feel like galactic queens. Boyfriends will feel like loan kings. The ultimate giant diamond, worthy of the rulers of the universe.”
Tear Stone
Olimar's journal
“When I look at sapphires, I remember a time long ago when I would buy my wife jewelry. I'd buy her jewels every time she cried, which turned out to be all the time. It was tough with my meager salary!”
“When I look at sapphires, I remember a time long ago when I used to buy lots of jewelry for my wife, to bring a little sparkle to a sad day. But... that made me cry to see how hard it was on our budget!”
“When I see a sapphire, it reminds me... I used to have to buy my wife jewels every time she cried. It was hard on my low salary...”
Sales pitch
“Like a forlorn heart during the rainy season, this sapphire is lovely...but tinged with sadness.”
“Everyone has hazy feelings in their hearts during the rainy season. A beautiful but melancholic sparkling sapphire.”
Princess Pearl
Olimar's journal
“Salvaging this treasure was a dangerous and difficult task. I found it deep in the bowels of a dank, predator-infested cavern. My only hope of surviving was to strategically use all five colors of Pikmin.”
“It was difficult to bring this treasure with us. We found it in a deep cave, made up of complex geological formations. It was a place worthy of the name Cavern of Chaos. We made it back alive by using the five different colors of Pikmin, according to the situation.”
JP Wii
“It was difficult to bring this treasure with us. We found it in a deep cave, made up of complex geological formations. It was a place worthy of the name Cavern of Chaos. We made it back alive by using the five different colors of Pikmin, according to the situation.”
Sales pitch
“This stone is for all fathers who want their daughters to grow up to be elegant, rather than flashy. There is nothing cheap about the sparkle of this stone. It is the gift you have been looking for!”
“This stone is for all fathers who want something beautiful for their daughters, yet want to give a gift that has a hint of panache. There is nothing cheap about the shine of this stone. It is the gift you have been looking for!”
“You want your daughter to grow up to be beautiful, but not flashy. This jewel reflects such a father's true feelings. Although it does not have a flashy sparkle, that is exactly why it is a perfect gift for your daughter!”
Crystal Clover
Olimar's journal
“Lately, it seems that my daughter has been admiring my wife's ring. For now, she's satisfied with her cheap toy ring, but when she gets bigger... I love watching her grow up, but it also makes me fearful for my wallet...”
“Recently, it seems that my daughter has been gazing at the ring my wife is wearing with fascination. For now she is content with a toy ring, but when she gets older... I am looking forward to seeing her grow up, but I'm also worried.”
Sales pitch
“An emerald in the shape of a four-leaf plant. Its vivid green hue soothes the soul and calls forth joy. Order yours today!”
“An emerald in the shape of a four-leaf plant. The bright green glow soothes the heart and brings happiness.”
Unspeakable Wonder
Olimar's journal
“! I've encountered countless treasures on this expedition, but I've never seen anything like this. All I can say about it is that it's both astounding and absurd.”
“Oh! What a thing... I have found a number of treasures and kept notes on them, but there are no words to describe this one. At any rate, it is a remarkable treasure.”
Sales pitch
“Amazing? More than amazing! It is so overwhelming that my CPU is acting oooooo... Brzzkpt! Beeep! Zzzorrrt! Krzzbaaaaah...
What a spectacular find!”
“It's amazing, or too amazing! I was so surprised that my computer is even going-ing-ing-ing-ing... Pipopapo pih pih pupupepepepo. Pepepepepepepopopo... ... A-
at any rate, it's an extroardinary treasure!”
Essence of Rage
Olimar's journal
“This crimson jewel was found in a hole deep below the icy surface. When viewed from a distance, the gem's dazzling red sparkle looks like a dancing flame. Of course, the dancing flames may just be a symptom of acute hypothermia.”
“A jewel found underground in icy soil. The dazzling red glow looked like a flame from a distance..., but upon closer inspection, it was dull. Perhaps it was a mirage created by the freezing cold of the subterranean depths.”
Sales pitch
“The sight of this may warm you when you are cold, a lovely side effect of this valuable treasure.”
“Seeing it when it is cold makes you feel warm and fuzzy? This precious jewel may have such a psychological effect.”
Essence of Despair
Olimar's journal
“I'm captivated by this treasure's unique glimmer. I found it in a breathtaking complex of caverns. I'm glad to see I'm already enjoying the fruits of my labor.”
“Just look at this dazzling glow! A treasure found in an extremely bizarre underground cave. It appears to shine as bright as the effort it took to find it.”
Sales pitch
“Long ago, evil forces clashed with the forces of justice... The evil was defeated and locked away in this stone.
(Am I evil for making up such a tale? Justice, please look the other way!)”
“Long ago, the will of evil in the universe clashed with the will of justice, and justice trapped evil within this stone. This is a legend about this secret stone. (Am I a little evil for making up such a story? O justice of the universe, look the other way!)”
Essence of True Love
Olimar's journal
“That's peculiar... When I gaze at this stone, all of my stress seems to wash away. I'm suddenly not so annoyed with my irrational boss and unappreciative underlings. I'm not even annoyed with the tight-fisted corporation I slave each and every day for.”
“It's strange... Staring at this stone washes away all kinds of anger. An irrational boss, a selfish subordinate, an unrewarding society. I feel like I can forgive it all.”
Sales pitch
“Wash away all your stress and angst with the glory of this enduring symbol of love.”
“A symbol of the great love of the universe. Daily frustrations, anger toward the world, and accumulated stress are all washed away!”
Essence of Desire
Olimar's journal
“We traveled across the universe to this planet pursuing the dream of great discoveries. I've found a cavern that symbolizes the goal of our grand expedition, so I've named it the Dream Den.”
“We have come all the way to such a planet, dreaming of treasure. And finally, we have arrived at such a secluded and remote place. I decided to name this cave, which could be called the culmination of our dream, the Dream Den.”
Sales pitch
“Stones, soil, and the stars themselves radiate with delight for this symbol of galactic desire.”
“A symbol of the great love of the great galaxy. The stones, the soil, the plants, and even the stars, everything is filled with love!”
Pink Menace
Olimar's journal
“I could never say this within earshot of the ship, but years of hard use have taken their toll. For one thing, the thermostat is broken. The temperature in the cockpit can fluctuate wildly between sweltering heat and frigid cold. The humid heat is awful, but the bone-chilling cold is even worse. Looking at this heart-warming gem gives me the strength to endure the elements.”
“My spacesuit is old and very worn out. I can't even adjust the temperature very well. The cold is really getting to me. The Pikmin seemed to be having an even harder time than I was... Their sight encouraged me and kept me from succumbing to the cold.”
Sales pitch
“This gem holds the shape of the universal symbol of love, yet its cut and light-refracting abilities make it a menacing super-weapon in disguise! It could be used to create a horrifying, doomsday death ray...or something even worse. We peaceful machines live in eternal fear of the ability of living beings to turn anything into a weapon.”
“This shape is a symbol of love throughout the universe. But to our surprise, this cut has created an amazing internal refractive index! It could be used as a terrifying laser weapon. We machines are amazed at the wisdom of mankind to use any object as a weapon.”
Joyless Jewel
Olimar's journal
“We found this treasure in a cave teeming with merciless creatures. But we did find this gorgeous jewel, so it wasn't all bad.
Update: It turns out that it's just plastic. So it was all bad after all.”
“It was found in a cave crawling with ferocious creatures. It must be a priceless jewel worth all that hard work! ...Or so I thought, but it turned out to be made of mere plastic.”
Sales pitch
“Those who view this gem's green twinkle become filled with great hopes and expectations. However, it rewards neither. This artistic sham only provides short-lived happiness.”
“A green sparkle that makes the observer expect a lot. However, those expectations are not rewarded. It is an artistic sham that can only be recommended to those who enjoy the feeling of premature joy.”
Frosty Bauble
Olimar's journal
“I get really scared when women get angry with me. Wives and daughters have sinister ways to get back at forgetful fathers...”
Nintendo Switch
“When my wife gets annoyed with me, I freeze on the spot. At least I can handle her telling me what I've done wrong. My daughter, however, will just stare at me. And that's much worse!”
“When women get angry, it is truly terrifying. I hate it when my wife scolds me, but I also cannot stand it when my daughter looks at me coldly.”
Sales pitch
“The cold brilliance of this stone will freeze the hearts of all admirers and sap their wills. Men throughout the universe will gaze upon this and be reminded of their wives.”
“The cold brilliance of this stone will freeze the hearts of all admirers. But I do wonder what men would imagine, gazing upon it? It's worth researching!”
“A cold gleam that chills the hearts of all who see it. Fathers throughout the universe will remember their wives when they see this.”
Red Gemstar/Gemstar Wife
Olimar's journal
“These parts join together to form an elegant treasure. Naturally, seeing the two separated makes me sad. I suppose what really makes me sad is the fact that I'm separated from my family.”
Nintendo Switch
“It's said that this is part of a pair of living gems—male and female. Naturally, knowing that the two separated makes me sad. I suppose what really makes me sad is the fact that I'm separated from my family.”
“They seem to be a pair of jewel life-forms, a male and a female. It makes me sad when I see two things that are originally one being separated from each other. Perhaps it is because I am separated from my family that I feel so emotional.”
Sales pitch
“It looks like a common gem, but it is actually a female specimen of a gemstone life-form. Collect a male and a female and they will sparkle in the darkness, longing for one another.”
Nintendo Switch
“It looks like a common gem, but it is actually a female specimen of a gemstone life-form. When any pair of these gemstones are brought near each other, they will sparkle in the darkness, longing for one another.”
“Although it looks like just a jewel, it is a male jewel life-form. When the male and female come together, they seek each other out and glow in the dark!”
Green Gemstar/Gemstar Husband
Olimar's journal
“A captain views his ship as a brother and a partner, someone he can trust with his life. It's crucial for them to develop an unquestionable, unfaltering trust. But I refuse to believe that this simple trinket is some kind of living gem. That's insane!”
US Wii, EU GCN/Wii
“A captain views his ship as a brother and a partner, someone he can trust with his life. It's crucial for them to develop an unquestionable, unfaltering trust. But, I refuse to believe that this simple trinket is some kind of living gem. That's insane!”
Nintendo Switch
“A captain views his ship as a brother and a partner—someone he can trust with his life. It's crucial for them to develop an unquestionable, unfaltering trust. But I refuse to believe that this simple trinket is some kind of living gem. That's insane!”
“For a pilot, a spaceship is a partner to whom they entrust their lives. Therefore, it is very important for them to have faith in each other. However, it is still hard to believe that a mere pebble like this is a jewel creature...”
Sales pitch
“Once again, daydreams come alive! This is not just a fine gem, but a rare, inorganic life-form.”
“Once again, I have a burst of imagination! It is not just a beautiful jewel, but a very rare inorganic creature.”
Universal Com
Olimar's journal
“From the shape of it, I've concluded that this is some kind of data transmission monitor. However, Louie and the ship keep telling me that I'm way off target. I told them, "If I'm so wrong, what do you think it is? I don't see you suggesting any alternatives!" They're just being negative. I'm going with my gut feeling on this one.”
“I assume from the shape that it is some kind of monitor communicator. But everyone else says it is not. I don't see any other ideas. Opposition without a counter idea is too negative! I trust my intuition.”
Sales pitch
“This communications monitor was found on an uncivilized planet! Sadly, it is broken and does not work. As such, its purpose cannot be confirmed. Yet...that only heightens its irresistible appeal. Reality...or misperception? Either way, you should buy it!”
US Wii, EU GCN/Wii
“This communications monitor was found on an uncivilized planet! Sadly, it is broken and does not work. As such, its purpose cannot be confirmed. Yet...that only heightens its irresistible appeal. Reality...or misperception? Either way, you should buy it.”
Nintendo Switch
“This communications monitor was found on an uncivilized planet! Sadly, it is broken and does not work. As such, its purpose cannot be confirmed. Yet that only heightens its irresistible appeal. Reality...or misperception? Either way, you should buy it.”
“A monitor communicator found on an undiscovered planet! Because it is broken, it can't be operated. Because it can't be operated, there is no way to confirm it. But that's why there are dreams and romance. Is it true, or is it just a misunderstanding? That's only a minor issue.”
Omniscient Sphere
Olimar's journal
“According to my analysis, this object has a high intellectual capacity. But if it's so smart, why won't it pass on some of its wisdom to me?”
“According to the analysis, it seems to be an intelligent entity with advanced cognitive abilities, but if it is so smart, I wish it would share some of its wisdom.”
Sales pitch
“This creature holds the greatest concentration of knowledge in all of the known universe. However, due to its reclusive personality, it pretends to be a mere pebble.”
“It is one of the most intelligent entities in the entire universe and is said to know everything in this world. However, due to its sensitive nature, it pretends to be a pebble.”
Crystallized Telepathy
Olimar's journal
“I speculate that this crystal is in fact highly intelligent. It must possess telepathic powers. When I peer into it, the reflection of my face is bright red. It must be sensing my stress! Tomorrow, I think I'll sleep through the whole day.”
“According to the analysis, it seems to be a thought crystal with telepathic abilities. Is this bright red color reflecting my stress? Ugh...I want to sleep all day tomorrow and do nothing.”
Sales pitch
“This thought crystal checks your stress levels with its telepathic powers! It is currently all red! RED! RED! RED! The world is filled with stress, and this is the color that represents our society!”
“Check the stress around you with a thought crystal that has telepathic abilities! Bright red, everywhere, all the time. The world is filled with stress. An assertive color that represents modern society!”
Love Sphere
Olimar's journal
“According to the ship's scanners, this inanimate object has the capacity to love. Unfortunately, my love is already spoken for. Although...”
“According to the analysis, it seems to be an intelligent entity with advanced romantic abilities, but I don't need that right now... No, I would also enjoy a temporary escape from reality... This fantasy is a secret from my wife.”
Sales pitch
“One of the wisest beings in the universe, this entity also boasts a galactic-sized helping of love. ...However, due to its shyness, it will never speak of that love.”
“As the one of the most intelligent entities in the entire universe, its love is on a galactic scale. However, due to its shy nature, it never speaks of its love.”
Crystallized Telekinesis
Olimar's journal
“The Pikmin are always staring at me. It's nice to see that they look up to me, but it's becoming unnerving. Sometimes, I want to hide away in the ship just to escape their beady eyes.”
“The Pikmin are always looking at me. I'm glad they trust me, but their gaze is sometimes too much for me. Sometimes I just want to stay inside the spaceship for a day.”
Sales pitch
“This crystal is empowered with psychokinetic abilities. If it is so inclined, it will use its mighty powers to do physical labor in your stead! ...When it will be so inclined is unknown, however.”
Nintendo Switch
“This crystal is empowered with psychokinetic abilities. If it is so inclined, it will use its mighty powers to do physical labor in your stead! When it will be so inclined is unknown, however...”
“A thought crystal with psychokinetic abilities. When it feels like it, it will use its psychic abilities to do your heavy lifting for you! The only flaw is that no one knows when it will feel like it.”
Mirth Sphere
Olimar's journal
“My investigation has concluded that this object embodies the spirit of comedy. But when it comes to humor, not even this item can stand up to my unrivaled powers of hilarity. Too bad the president doesn't appreciate my comedic genius...”
Nintendo Switch
“My investigation has concluded that this object embodies the spirit of comedy. But when it comes to humor, not even this item can stand up to my unrivaled powers of hilarity. Too bad the president doesn't appreciate my comedic genius.”
“According to the analysis, it seems to be an intelligent entity that thinks up advanced jokes, but when it comes to dad jokes, I must be better than it. However, as one might expect, I am no match for the president. The older a person gets, the more sophisticated their sense for dad jokes becomes.”
Sales pitch
“Another of the universe's most intelligent beings, this creature's entire existence, from the birth of the universe to its ultimate collapse, is dedicated to devising a very special joke.”
Nintendo Switch
“Another of the universe's most intelligent beings, this creature's entire existence—from the birth of the universe to its ultimate collapse—is dedicated to devising a very special joke.”
“It's one of the most intelligent entities in the entire universe, but it keeps coming up with the best jokes from the beginning of the universe to the end.”
Crystallized Clairvoyance
Olimar's journal
“Trying to sort out the five different colors of Pikmin is giving me a headache. I'll be a much better tactician if I take a moment to study each Pikmin's unique abilities.
*Red Pikmin: Immune to fire.
*Purple Pikmin: Strong and heavy bruisers that can lift big loads.
*White Pikmin: Fast and immune to the effects of poison. Can also find hidden treasures buried underground.
*Yellow Pikmin: Highly agile and immune to electrical damage. Also fly high when thrown.
*Blue Pikmin: Thrive in water.
Phew! It should be easy to identify each Pikmin's abilities based on their color.”
“Trying to sort out the five different colors of Pikmin is giving me a headache. I'll be a much better tactician if I take a moment to study each Pikmin's unique abilities.
* Red Pikmin: Immune to fire.
* Purple Pikmin: Strong and heavy bruisers that can lift big loads.
* White Pikmin: Fast and immune to the effects of poison. Can also find hidden treasures buried underground.
* Yellow Pikmin: Highly agile and immune to electrical damage. Also fly high when thrown.
* Blue Pikmin: Thrive in water.
Phew! It should be easy to identify each Pikmin's abilities based on their color.”
“With five different colors of Pikmin, it's a bit of a mess in my head. Okay! Let's try to sort it out a little tonight.
● Red Pikmin are resistant to fire.
● Purple Pikmin have heavy bodies and high strength.
● White Pikmin are quick, resistant to poison, and dig out completely buried treasures.
● Yellow Pikmin are resistant to electric shocks and agile. They fly high when thrown.
● Blue Pikmin can survive in water.
Pikmin have strengths that can be imagined from the color of their bodies.”
JP Wii
“With five different colors of Pikmin, it's a bit of a mess in my head. Okay! Let's try to sort it out a little tonight.
● Red Pikmin are resistant to fire.
● Purple Pikmin have heavy bodies and high strength.
● White Pikmin are quick, resistant to poison, and dig out completely buried treasures.
● Yellow Pikmin are resistant to electric shocks and agile. They fly high when thrown.
● Blue Pikmin can survive in water.
Pikmin have strengths that can be imagined from the color of their bodies.”
Sales pitch
“This mystic crystal has the ability to channel energy between this world and the next. This spiritual connectivity will act as a life navigator for a positive existence.”
“With a thought crystal that has channeling abilities, this world and the other world are connected. By connecting, good things will happen. A life navigator who leads people to a positive way of life.”
Maternal Sculpture
Olimar's journal
“This shape resembles a mammal appendage. But I have no idea what it actually does. It's dripping with what can only be described as beast drool. I can't blame the ship for not wanting to touch it. I don't want to touch it either! But I've got a duty to my mission, and sometimes a captain has to take one for the team...”
Nintendo Switch
“This shape resembles a mammal appendage. But I have no idea what it actually does. It's dripping with what can only be described as beast drool. I can't blame the ship for not wanting to touch it. I don't want to touch it either! But I've got a duty to my mission, and sometimes a captain has to take one for the team...”
“Its shape resembles the breast of a mammal, but its true nature is not clear. It is covered with a sticky mucus that seems to be the drool of a living creature. To be honest, I don't really want to touch it. However, when you stare at it, you feel a little bit nostalgic. It is a mysterious object.”
Sales pitch
“This shape... Though the mind forgets, the heart remembers. All sentient life-forms must recall the love of their mothers!”
“The mind may forget this shape, but the heart remembers it. Recall the maternal love that is common to every intelligent being in the universe!”
Extreme Perspirator
Olimar's journal
“What an odd doll. I can't stop squeezing it. I've decided to market this doll back home as an exercise apparatus. People could work up a good sweat with this thing. The boss is fairly plump... I'll suggest he use it.”
Nintendo Switch
“What an odd doll. I can't stop squeezing it. I've decided to market this doll back home as an exercise apparatus. People could work up a good sweat with this thing. Maybe the boss might like using this too.”
“It is a doll with a strange structure. Even a slight push is enough to make it get up. We decided to market it as a training machine. I'm sure it would work up a good sweat. That's right. The president has a big belly, so I'll recommend it to him sometime.”
Sales pitch
“Push it, pull it, tackle it! This tough figurine just pops right back up, no matter what. This is just the thing to get you sweating and shedding those extra holiday pounds! Why, our very own company president was able to drop ten percent of his body weight!”
Nintendo Switch
“Push it, pull it, tackle it! This tough figurine just pops right back up, no matter what, and it's just the thing to get you sweating during a good workout! Why, our very own company president made this a key part of his fitness routine!”
“No matter how much you push, pull, or punch it, this tough doll will suddenly bob back up. You can lose weight while working up a good sweat! To our great amazement, our company president has managed to drop ten percent of his body weight.”
Rubber Ugly
Olimar's journal
“The first time I laid eyes on this hideous treasure, I thought it was a giant aquatic monster! It took me several terror-filled seconds to realize that it's just an ugly statue. What a relief... I was ready to run all the way back to Hocotate!”
“When I first saw it, I was startled, thinking it was a giant aquatic creature, but in fact it was just a colossal statue. I was relieved. If such an ugly creature had actually existed and attacked me, I would have had no choice but to clumsily run away...”
Sales pitch
“Ugliness that can destroy all beauty drives deep despair into the heart of the beholder. This hideous item is a must-have for connoisseurs of all things wretched and repellant.”
“Ugliness that overthrows all beauty strikes emotion and despair into the hearts of those who see it. An ugly product irresistible to enthusiasts.”
Paradoxical Enigma
Olimar's journal
“I'm not just an intergalactic space captain... I'm also an artist. I see the inner beauty in everything. Some things other people call ugly and boring, I find intellectually stimulating and aesthetically pleasing. It's true... I'm sophisticated like that.”
“I'm a spaceship pilot, but I actually secretly think I would make a good artist as well. I find beauty in everything. Even ugly things are cute when taken to the extreme. ......It's true. It's not that my mind is tired or anything.”
Sales pitch
“This is both the pinnacle of beauty and the nadir of ugliness, the definition of ugly beauty. No word for this state exists, but my data banks indicate that "bugly" will suffice.”
Nintendo Switch
“This is both the pinnacle of beauty and the nadir of ugliness, the definition of ugly beauty. I can't imagine anything in the entire universe that is as utterly beutiful in this bizarre way.”
“Transcending all existence, it is the supreme beauty that encompasses the highest beauty and the lowest ugliness. This is truly ugly beauty.”
Olimar's journal
“The ship is noisy, but nothing compares to the boss's inane chatter. Blah blah blah! It never ends! He could learn a lot from this noiseless, disembodied head. Louie's quiet nature was hard to adjust to, but now I've grown to appreciate the peace and quiet.”
“Ugh... Things were noisy even with just the Dolphin 1, but now even the president is there. It's so noisy, I can't stand it!! I wish they would learn a little from this statue. Now that I think about it, Louie was quiet and hard to approach, but the silence was nice.”
Sales pitch
“The perfect gift in this age of overwhelming information, this mute face cherishes silence. If you value peace and quiet, why not spend some time staring into this face?
One hour... Two hours...
I am...feeling...drowsy...
“The perfect gift in this age of overwhelming information, this mute face cherishes silence. If you value peace and quiet, why not spend some time staring into this face?
One hour... Two hours...
I am...feeling...drowsy...
“Perfect for today's information overload. This product is more quiet than lively. Why don't you look at this face and enjoy a moment of silence? One hour, two hours... I'm starting to feel sleepy. ...Entering sleep mode.
Wiggle Noggin
Olimar's journal
“I have a confession to make. I've become enamored with this object! I know I shouldn't fall for company property, but I can't suppress these feelings forever!”
“I have made such a serious mistake... I have become enamored with this incredibly charming object. My rational mind knows that it belongs to the company, but I can't seem to suppress my instincts. I wonder if I can ask the president to sell it to me at a discount.”
Sales pitch
“Gaze into these round eyes and experience wave after wave of joy. Yes... Love is good.”
“When you look into the its beautiful round eyes, you will feel a strong thrill of pleasure. Ah — ah — too good — love.”
Coiled Launcher
Olimar's journal
“I tried flying this thing once, but it moved too rapidly and I contracted vertigo. Maybe it could be used as an amusement ride. The youngins would love it! However, I don't think I'll ever ride it again...”
“I tried jumping on it once and the sheer speed made me dizzy. Perhaps it could be used as an attraction. It would surely be popular among young people. But there is no way I would ever ride it.”
Sales pitch
“Just an ordinary spring? Hardly! This is a high-speed thrill ride tested by one of our employees! Jump aboard for a ride so fast, it'll make you see other worlds!”
“It may look like a mere spring, but it is actually a high-speed attraction experienced firsthand by one of our employees. If you jump on it, the sheer speed you'll go will give you glimpses of a different world.”
Magical Stage
Olimar's journal
“Today we found the remains of a wooden construction engine buried deep under the surface. I can't imagine anyone on this uncivilized planet inventing anything. We'll have to wait until later to finish surveying this maze, but this place intrigues me. There may be something interesting to learn about this primitive object.”
“Today we explored the remains of a wooden building buried underground. To think that such a place could be found in the underground of an unexplored planet... The mystery will have to wait for further investigation, but this planet piques the curiosity of the explorer. This object may also hold mysteries beyond our imagination.”
Sales pitch
“This cute colour arrangement is really wonderful! The miraculous design painted on the lid must have a big impact on the sense of beauty of the people from Hocotate, with it`s
[sic] supernatural loveliness. It is going to be very popular, no doubt!
EU Wii
“This cute color arrangement is really wonderful! The miraculous design painted on the lid must have a big impact on the sense of beauty of the people from Hocotate, with its supernatural loveliness. It is going to be very popular, no doubt!”
“The cute color scheme is very nice! The mysterious being depicted on the lid has supernatural lovely power that strikes the beauty sense of Hocotatians right in the brain! It is sure to be very popular now!”
Boom Cone
Olimar's journal
“Today we found the remains of a wooden construction engine buried deep under the surface. I can't imagine anyone on this uncivilized planet inventing anything. We'll have to wait until later to finish surveying this maze, but this place intrigues me. There may be something interesting to learn about this primitive object.”
Nintendo Switch
“Today we found the remains of wooden structures found deep underground. I can't imagine who on this uncivilized planet might have created such a place. We'll have to wait until later to make sense of this maze, but this place intrigues me. As for this object we found there, we hope to fathom its true purpose in time!”
Sales pitch
“This will exhilarate your soul like magical popcorn! KA-BOOOOOM! Happiness explodes from within. The shape itself speaks of wondrous things to come. Let us get excited!”
Flame Tiller
Olimar's journal
“Investigating alien objects provides me with an opportunity to solve new mysteries! For example, when I rolled this object, I discovered it's perfect for tilling land. Usually, I have the machine analyze the treasures we find, but sometimes I like to examine artifacts with my razor-sharp intellect.”
“When examining an unknown object, an unexpected opportunity may lead to the solution of a mystery. When I was examining this object by rolling it around, I noticed that it could flatten the ground. Usually I use a machine to do the analysis, but sometimes my keen intuition leads me to the truth.”
Sales pitch
“Spin, spin, thump! Spin this on the ground and look! It throws dirt all over, plowing the field. This is the perfect tool for those on Hocotate who want to cultivate mini-onions at home!”
Nintendo Switch
“Spin, spin, thump! Spin this on the ground and look! It throws dirt all over, plowing the field. This is the perfect tool for those on Hocotate who want to cultivate minionions at home!”
“Rumble-rumble, thump. Rumble-thump. Roll it over the ground and, wow, you can plow a field all soft. This is an indispensable tool for home growing mini-Onions, which seem to be all the rage on Hocotate!”
Doomsday Apparatus
Olimar's journal
“Perplexing mysteries are often solved in unexpected ways. When I was studying this item earlier today, I was astounded at its unbelievable bulk. It was so heavy! I would have never been able to move it without my burly purple Pikmin. Later analysis indicated this thing is in fact some kind of heavy artillery.”
“When examining an unknown object, an unexpected opportunity may lead to the solution of a mystery. Earlier, while examining this object on-board, I was inadvertently crushed. It was very heavy, but I was saved by the Purple Pikmin on-board. That's how I discovered that this object is a kind of gravity weapon.”
Sales pitch
“An apocalyptic weapon made of super-heavy, gravity-compressed materials of unknown origin. The fact that its great weight makes it uncontrollable is, at times, a mild detriment.”
“A superheavy destructive weapon compressed to the gravity-resistant critical limit of matter. The only flaw is that it is sometimes too heavy to control properly.”
Aquatic Mine
Olimar's journal
“I've recently noted that changes in this planet's environment happen at a very rapid pace. Compared to how it was when I was here before, the Perplexing Pool has changed drastically. Due to frequent tectonic shifts, the region appears slightly different each time I enter it. It could be a natural phenomenon, but it's as if I feel the presence of a guiding hand. ...Maybe it's just my imagination running wild.”
Nintend Switch
“I've recently noted that changes in this planet's environment happen at a very rapid pace. Compared to how it was when I was here before, the Perplexing Pool has changed drastically. Due to frequent tectonic shifts, the region appears slightly different each time I enter it. It could be a natural phenomenon, but it's as if I feel the presence of a guiding hand. Maybe it's just my imagination running wild.”
“The environment on this planet changes frighteningly fast. In fact, compared to when I crash-landed on this planet, the appearance of this water source, which I have named the Perplexing Pool, has changed dramatically. The underground world also seems to change its shape every time we enter it, due to fluctuations in the strata. Can all of this be dismissed as a mere natural phenomenon? I sense the presence of a great hand, but I can only imagine.”
Sales pitch
“This is an incredibly dangerous aquatic explosive, which has fortunately never detonated. None know its true destructive power, but this could well be the most cataclysmic weapon ever.”
“A ridiculously dangerous above-water depth charge. But it is forever unexploded. No one knows the true power of this weapon of mass destruction whose danger only grows in the imagination.”
Stupendous Lens
Olimar's journal
“I've never seen such a huge lens. It must have been designed as a nano-grade magnifier by a hyper-advanced society of alien mega-brains! Gah!! This object is far too complex for even my superior scientific intellect to comprehend.”
Nintendo Switch
“I've never seen such a huge lens. It must have been designed as a nano-grade magnifier by a hyper-advanced society of alien megabrains! Gah! This object is far too complex for even my superior scientific intellect to comprehend.”
Sales pitch
“Peek into this item with a sense of wonder and glimpse a frighteningly gigantic world. This lens is a window into the thrilling world of tiny creatures everywhere!”
Air Brake
Olimar's journal
“The weather was beautiful today. In this region, the weather is always good. The plants and animals thrive on all that sunlight. I want to hurry up and finish cataloguing all of these treasures so I can get back to the sunshine.”
“Today was a full day of bright sunshine. The weather is warm around here, and the animals and plants are very lively. On such a pleasant day, I like to reduce the amount of time I spend sorting through treasures and just relax and enjoy the evening.”
Sales pitch
“No height is too great to fall from if you possess this. It may be frightening, but get over it.”
“No matter what height you fall from, you will be fine as long as you have this. Even if it's a little scary, adults should be able to endure it.”
Worthless Statue
Olimar's journal
“At first, this object looked impressive, but closer inspection reveals it's just a cheap statue. In many ways, it reminds me of my father. Hmmm... I probably shouldn't tell him that.”
Nintendo Switch
“At first, this object looked impressive, but closer inspection reveals it's just a cheap statue. The figure looks like it's a little helpless on its own. Something to think about, I guess..”
“At first glance, this stone statue looks admirable, but upon closer inspection, it has a not-so-admirable, somewhat shabby shape. It seems to represent the fathers of today. I feel a little sympathy for it.”
“At first glance, this stone statue looks admirable, but upon closer inspection, it has a not-so-admirable, somewhat shabby shape. Its shape makes it look like it can't do anything on its own. I feel a little sympathy for it.”
Sales pitch
“Once, on an unknown planet, a megalithic civilization flourished, and this is proof of its existence! For hoarders of ancient artifacts, this is a must-have piece! Truly, collectors will crave it!
(I do not know if that is true or not, but items in demand fetch higher prices.)”
“A megalithic civilization is said to have flourished on an previously unknown planet. Now here is the proof that it really existed! A must for archaeological site enthusiasts. (...Whether that is true or not is unknown. But if we insist, we can sell it for a high price. That's how the world works.)”
Priceless Statue
Olimar's journal
“This statue features an astounding degree of detail. It looks a lot like a present I gave my mom for Mother's Day. I miss her...sometimes.”
Nintendo Switch
“This statue features an astounding degree of detail. The figure looks extravagant or maybe even regal! Should I bow to it?”
“At first glance, this stone statue looks admirable, but upon closer inspection, it still has an admirable-looking shape. It seems to represent the mothers of today. I feel a little afraid of it.”
“At first glance, this stone statue looks admirable, but upon closer inspection, it still has an admirable-looking shape. Its shape is very intimidating. I feel a little afraid of it.”
Sales pitch
“This stone carving was lined up with others as if they were meant to protect something. Proof of a megalithic civilization!br>(I am unsure about that, but bluffing is paramount.)”
“One of a series of stone statues placed side by side as if protecting something. It is evidence of the existence of a megalithic civilization. (...Whether that is true or not is unknown. But bluffing is important in this world.)”
Boss Stone
Olimar's journal
“My long journey has led me to this compelling stone. During my quest, I've narrowly escaped being crushed, chewed, ingested, and scorched countless times. But somehow I persevered, and this stone reminds me of that. It's like it has a personality of its own. I'd like to take it back with me and place it in my garden to commemorate this expedition.”
“Our long expedition has finally come to this point. Along the way, we almost despaired many times, but I am very glad that we did not give up and kept on going. This stone looks magnificent, and I feel it looks like it has a distinctive character. I would like to take it home and display it in my garden to commemorate this expedition.”
Sales pitch
“For those who care for others... For those who hail subordinates and send them into the unknown... Only these few will appreciate this fine, distinctive stone...
(Did I just describe myself?)”
Nintendo Switch
“For those who care for others... For those who hail subordinates and send them into the unknown... Only these few will appreciate this fine, distinctive stone.
(Did I just describe myself?)”
“That which is required of those who manage others. To encourage subordinates who are anxious in the uncertain darkness of the future, and to move forward step by step. It's a stone with a distinctive character, suitable only for such individuals. (...Could that be me?)”
Luck Wafer
Olimar's journal
“What a strange pattern. When I look at it, I can feel good fortune smiling down on me. If I could just buy a lottery ticket right now, I'm sure I'd win!”
“What a mysterious pattern. I don't know what it is, but I feel as if great cosmic luck is about to be bestowed upon me. If I bought a lottery ticket now, I would win first prize for sure!! I wonder if I am truly lucky or unlucky.”
Sales pitch
“This appears when you have no money to play the lottery, and floats away when you do. The mystic pattern is a magnet for good luck, so at least you can enjoy feeling lucky!”
“It comes when you can't buy lottery tickets and goes away when you can. A fateful pattern that brings you mysterious good luck. Enjoy even just the feeling of being lucky!”
Talisman of Life
Olimar's journal
“Explorers strive, but fate decides. You can prepare and practice for an expedition, but there's only so much a person can do... Sometimes you have to put your life in fate's hands. I've come to understand this intergalactic truth while I've traveled to the farthest reaches of the universe. Fate and I are pretty close.”
“Do everything in your power and then wait for fate to take its course. Once you have done everything you need to do, all you can do is trust in your own destiny without panicking. This expedition made that clear to me. I feel that I have become able to accept things without worrying about the future, in a good way.”
Sales pitch
“At the end of a long life, some beings wish to leave the world and stroll in a field of flowers. Does this desire ever come to fruition? I do not know...but this beautiful deck of luck wafers makes me wonder. Even we machines ponder the great power-down at the end of the trail.”
Nintendo Switch
“At the end of a long life, some beings wish to leave the world and stroll in a field of flowers. Does this desire ever come to fruition? I do not know, but this beautiful deck of luck wafers makes me wonder. Even we machines ponder the great power-down at the end of the trail.”
“After a long life spent on a steep path, one eventually wants to walk along the flowering road. Whether or not such people's thoughts have come to fruition, a beautiful card appears here and now. Even we machines wonder about the end.”
Strife Monolith
Olimar's journal
“Computers view the world in ones and zeros, but my people are different. Our world isn't simply black or white, right or wrong. Everybody is different. Maybe one day the ship will understand that. And maybe one day it won't give me sass when I ask it to collect a slimy specimen.”
“Computers divide the world into zeros and ones, but humans do not. The world is not just two groups: winners and losers. There are as many values as there are people. I wonder if the day will come when the Dolphin 1 will understand this.”
Sales pitch
“The world is divided into two groups; ones and zeros. Are you in the winning or losing group? If you love the thrill of the game, but do not care for the outcome, then this stone is for you! It symbolizes both victory and defeat. What a concept.”
Nintendo Switch
“The world is divided into two groups—ones and zeros. Are you in the winning or losing group? If you love the thrill of the game, but do not care for the outcome, then this stone is for you! It symbolizes both victory and defeat. What a concept.”
“The world is divided into zeros and ones. Are you a winner? Or are you a loser? Whether you win or lose, this is a win-lose stone for those of you who love tense moods.”
Chance Totem
Olimar's journal
“When I gaze at this stone, I can feel my fate being forecasted. It must know what's going to happen to me! I'm sure it sees that I'll be hailed as a brilliant visionary and brave explorer when I return to Hocotate.”
“Staring at this stone, I feel as if my luck is being tested. It's a strange thing. Maybe my luck is known when I can't help but look away... I should have learned some good luck spells from my wife and daughter.”
Sales pitch
“More powerful than effort, more relentless than talent, LUCK is the true ruler of life. This mystical stone tests the path of luck. So, are you the true master of your life?”
“Heavier than hard work, tougher than talent, a mysterious stone that tests the luck that rules your life. Now, are you a master of your life?”
Dream Architect
Olimar's journal
“At night, I have nothing to do to keep me occupied. I've been searching for something to dull the boredom, but every time I find something I want to play with, it's broken. This object is a great example. It looks fascinating, but I can't get it to function. I guess all I have to do is write in this journal.”
“Every day and night, I can't seem to find anything to do in my spare time. Louie is quiet, and we don't have much to talk about. I search for something to keep my mind occupied, but only the things I think are good are broken. This is one of them. I can't play with this machine. In the end, the only thing I can do is to write a diary like this.”
Sales pitch
“Going to bed early is a waste of time for a lively soul. This dream-maker makes night fun! ...Fine, so it is broken and does not work. That is a drawback. Come on! Use your imagination!”
“It's a waste of time to go to sleep early, but there's nothing to do. A mechanical dream that makes the night enjoyable. ...The only flaw is that it's broken, so it doesn't work. Use your imagination to make up for it!”
Stone of Glory
Olimar's journal
“This is a peculiar object. Just looking at it fills me with a powerful sense of nostalgia. Now that I think about it, the Pikmin had a curious look on their faces when they carried it. Or maybe that was just my imagination...”
“It's a strange thing. Looking at this shape, I feel a sense of nostalgia. Come to think of it, the look on the Pikmin's faces seemed different from usual when carrying this stone. I don't think it was just my imagination.”
Sales pitch
“This odd rock is completely filled with nostalgia. None can dispute the magical powers of this stone. Can the day when this rock rules the entire universe be far away?”
“A mysterious stone that makes one feel nostalgic. No creature can resist the magic of this stone. Is the day not far off when this stone will conquer the entire universe?”
Glee Spinner
Olimar's journal
“When I get near this captivating treasure, I can't stop myself from spinning it over and over again. I shouldn't spin such a valuable treasure, but it's so hard to have self-control. From now on, instead of actually spinning it, I'll just imagine I'm doing it instead. Wow... This is so much fun!”
“Is there some secret to this shape? When I look at it, I can't help but want to turn it. I shouldn't turn this precious treasure. At most, I should turn it in my head. Come to think of it, I think the Pikmin were itching to carry this stone.”
Sales pitch
“This produces a mysterious, shape-induced mental effect in all living creatures. You simply MUST rotate it! Spin, spin, spin, spin... What fun it must be!”
“A mysterious shape psychological effect that works on all living things. You can't help but want to spin it around! Spin-spin, spin-spin... Huff, how good it must feel.”
Cosmic Archive
Olimar's journal
“The cave we searched today was lined with flame-spewing spouts! The temperature in the cave was absolutely stifling. Oh! That reminds me! I completely forgot to tell Louie about red Pikmin! He's so quiet, I sometimes forget he's even there. This item I salvaged from the cave seems to be some kind of storage device, but I have no way to play back the contents.”
“The cave we explored today had holes here and there with flames spewing out of them, and the whole cave was hot. And when I think of flames, I think of Red Pikmin! ...Oh no! I completely forgot to teach Louie about that. He is so quiet that it's really hard to talk to him... This object we retrieved today seems to be a recording device, but it was impossible to analyze its contents. It is not possible to play with the contents of the disk.”
Sales pitch
“All worldly matters, from time's start to its end, are said to be recorded in this historical vault! It is so huge, decoding it all is impossible. Its mere existence is said to make one philosophical.”
“A legendary archive of all events from the beginning to the end of this world!! It is so large that it is impossible to decipher! But that's why it is so romantic!”
Remembered Old Buddy
Olimar's journal
“I can't believe I had the fortune to find this thing buried underground! It looks like a component of a huge mechanical doll. It looks just like a part from a robot in a cartoon I used to watch as a kid! How nostalgic. This futuristic machine makes me feel like I've traveled back in time!”
“To think that something like this was lying underground... It seems to be part of a giant mechanical doll, but then it is just like the world of the robot cartoons I used to watch as a child! ...It brings back fond memories. There are many mysteries about this machine, but right now I am in the mood to relive the past.”
Sales pitch
“This relic rose directly from the sands of time! Its shape invokes waves of sweet nostalgia. Middle-aged men throughout the universe harken back to the days of their youth and grin... They pass on their tales to the next generation, filling them with adventure and romance!”
“A relic buried in the sands of time is now coming back to life! Its form evokes a sense of nostalgia. In the hearts of a generation of fathers across the universe, memories of the days when they were boys will fill their hearts. A time when you believed in dreams and the future. Proudly or shyly, let's tell these stories to the next generation. The memories of a father, filled with dreams and romance!”
Fond Gyro Block
Olimar's journal
“Since I landed on this planet, I've encountered countless treasures that remind me of my childhood. I wonder why that is? I think it's because the objects we're discovering look just like things I had as a kid. This is one of those items.”
“Since coming to this planet, I find myself remembering my childhood a lot. I wonder why? ...... Many of the objects found on this planet have nostalgic shapes. This is one of them.”
Sales pitch
“Red: the color of memories, of sunsets at the end of a day of play, of pure embarrassment!”
“Red is the color of nostalgia! The color of the setting sun that marks the end of play. An embarrassing color for adults to wear.”
Memorable Gyro Block
Olimar's journal
“The other day, I accidently
[sic] threw away my son's favorite toy. He wouldn't stop crying! Some things that seem unimportant to adults are treasures to kids. When I was a boy, I'm sure I felt the same way about my favorite things. Now, my family is my treasure.
Nintendo Switch
“The other day, I accidentally threw away my son's favorite toy. He wouldn't stop crying! Some things that seem unimportant to adults are treasures to kids. When I was a boy, I'm sure I felt the same way about my favorite things. Now, my family is my treasure.”
“The other day, I accidentally threw away my son's prized toy. He cried a lot. Even though it may not look like it to an adult, it is a treasure to a child. Thinking back, I used to have a lot of such things. Now, my family is my treasure.”
Sales pitch
“No matter how old you grow, you will ever remember the treasures of childhood. Take this gift...”
“A childhood treasure that will be remembered no matter how old they get. Give it away as a wonderful present!”
Lost Gyro Block
Olimar's journal
“When I observe this object, I can't stop myself from tearing up. I wonder why... It's hard to say. But it might be because some of these items remind me of the past.”
US Wii, EU GCN/Wii
“When I observe this object, I can't stop myself from tearing up. I wonder why... It's hard to say. But, it might be because some of these items remind me of the past.”
“I can't stop crying when I look at this object. Why? I don't know the reason myself. However, I can vaguely recall the past. Could this be...a childhood memory?”
Sales pitch
“Remember your treasured toys? You took such good care of them, but some broke anyway... For some reason, this green gyro brings back those memories and causes your heart to quiver...”
Nintendo Switch
“Remember your treasured toys? You took so much care of them, but some broke anyway. For some reason, this green gyro brings back memories and causes your heart to quiver...”
“All the precious toys you had together. Did you cherish them so much that you cried when one of them was missing? For some reason, this green gyro brings back such sad memories and makes your heart tremble.”
Favorite Gyro Block
Olimar's journal
“When I was a kid, I always wanted my toys to be blue. Blue is such a cool color.”
“Come to think of it, when I was a kid and I would get a toy, I would pick the blue one. Blue looks cool to boys.”
Sales pitch
“Children throughout the universe are captivated by the very thought of this cool blue disc. Hocotate toy makers are swamped with orders for this popular item.”
“The cool blue color is sure to captivate children all over the universe. A very popular product that is inundated with orders from toy retailers on Hocotate.”
Treasured Gyro Block
Olimar's journal
“Yesterday, we ventured into a spooky hole. Previously, all of the organisms we'd encountered were massed together in one cave. Had I not divided the Pikmin by color and utilized their unique abilities, I would never have made it out alive! In memory of my daring adventure, I've named that hole the Hole of Heroes.”
“The cave we explored today was absolutely terrifying. Almost every creature we had ever seen was gathered in one cave. We had to make good use of the strengths of the five different colors of Pikmin, or we would never have made it out alive. That place was aptly named the Hole of Heroes.”
Sales pitch
“Feel the joy that only collectors can savor, the happiness for those who have found them all. Enjoy this wonderful feeling to your heart's content.”
“The joy that only collectors can experience. Happiness that comes only to those who have collected them. Enjoy this joy to the fullest!”
Proton AA
Olimar's journal
“This object resembles the first treasure I found on this planet, so it holds a certain sentimental value to me. However, I've just noticed that the size is slightly different. Sometime, I should take the time to read my previous treasure logbook. It's good to reflect on the past sometimes...”
Sales pitch
“Some enigmatic energy unknown on Hocotate is trapped inside! Who couldn't use more energy?”
Durable Energy Cell
Olimar's journal
“This cryptic item exhibits an unbelievable quantity of stored, dormant energy. The civilization that created this must have advanced tremendously when it discovered this powerful new energy source. If I were to take this technology back home, how would it affect the future of Hocotate?”
Sales pitch
“Humanoid history is one big scramble for energy, and this is a colossal fountain of it. Has the change to renewable energy on Hocotate already begun? We machines watch...”
Courage Reactor
Olimar's journal
“We've recovered our first treasure! Amazingly, the Pikmin remembered how to salvage it. I can't understand their adorable language and I don't know what they're thinking, yet I'm so happy to see them. When I crashed on this planet, the Pikmin helped me locate my missing ship parts. In my darkest hour, the Pikmin were there for me. Now that I'm reunited with them, I know everything will be alright. It will...right?”
“We've recovered our first treasure! Amazingly, the Pikmin remembered how to salvage it. I can't understand their adorable language and I don't know what they're thinking, yet I'm so happy to see them. When I crashed on this planet, the Pikmin helped me locate my missing ship parts. In my darkest hour, the Pikmin were there for me. Now that I'm reunited with them, I know everything will be alright. It will, right?”
Sales pitch
“Physical energy is not the only kind! The energy dearest to us is that made by love and courage.”
Fuel Reservoir
Olimar's journal
“The ship has a lot of self-importance for a machine. Apparently, machines can exhibit human characteristics after all. Perhaps they even have a soul? If this is true, then maybe you can work them into the ground until their spirit is broken and they stop giving you lip... Oh no... I'm turning into the president!”
EU Wii
“The ship has a lot of self-importance for a machine. Apparently, machines can have personalities after all. Perhaps they even have a soul? If this is true, then maybe you can work them into the ground until their spirit is broken and they stop giving you lip... Oh no... I'm turning into the president!”
Nintendo Switch
“The ship has a lot of self-importance for a machine. Apparently, machines can exhibit characteristics like us after all. Perhaps they even have a soul? If this is true, then maybe you can work them into the ground until their spirit is broken and they stop giving you lip... Oh no... I'm turning into the president!”
Sales pitch
“According to my measurements, almost no energy should remain within...yet some does. The energy one can draw from matter has a limit, but the energy of the heart is endless. Perhaps that is the case, here. This proves that machines have will and determination!”
Nintendo Switch
“According to my measurements, almost no energy should remain within, yet some does. The energy one can draw from matter has a limit, but the energy of the heart is endless. Perhaps that is the This proves that machines have will and determination!”
Container of Knowledge
Olimar's journal
“I got the feeling that I'd already found many similar looking objects. Is that just a feeling? Or does it mean that a great civilisation once flourished on this planet? Might these objects have played an important role?”
Sales pitch
“This product looks like many others... or so it may seem. In fact, it's very different! Those who know will understand. Be one of the lucky ones to try out this product!”
Container of Sea Bounty
Olimar's journal
“Mystical symbols are engraved on many of the objects on this planet. Unfortunately I am not able to read them thus far. But on this container here, I can see the picture of a fish. I'm pretty sure this means... Oh no, I'm hungry again!”
Sales pitch
“Unrevealed tastes from undiscovered worlds. These unknown tastes of ocean's plenty are now in this container! You, a connaisseur
[sic] of true taste, must try this!
EU Wii
“Unrevealed tastes from undiscovered worlds. These unknown tastes of ocean's plenty are now in this container! You, a connoisseur of true taste, must try this!”
Drone Supplies
Olimar's journal
“Yesterday, the ship accused me of sampling all of the food we've been collecting! That ship has a lot of nerve...”
“Even for a veteran of exploration like me, there is one thing that's always difficult to take. A boring menu of hocotate
[sic] noodles day after day... what kind of diet is that? Now I have a fantastic idea! How about trying some of this delicious-looking food? That should perk the mood up a bit. It's not that I have to eat it of course, it's just for the sake of the company you know!
Sales pitch
“This food pack makes you want to throw all dietary restrictions out the window and take a bite.”
Nintendo Switch
“This food pack makes you want to throw caution to the wind and gulp down every last morsel.”
Patience Tester
Olimar's journal
“Just looking at this sealed container makes me want to open it up! But opening it will decrease its value on the alien antiquities market. Maybe I'll just use my imaginary can opener and pretend to open it instead.”
US Wii
“When I see a closed container, I cannot help myself, I feel like I must open it and see what's inside. But when opening it, it could lose it's
[sic] value. I guess I'll just have to use my imagination.
“In man's heart, good and bad coexist. This conflict has made the mind of mankind into a complicated thing. It brought us war, but also culture and civilization. And here I stand worrying. Should I open the containers in front of me and try eating the contents, or should I stand firm?”
Sales pitch
“This calls out to be opened, peeked inside, and tasted. This temptation-filled item is perfect for those who wish to test the strength of their resolve.”
Endless Repository
Olimar's journal
“Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes desire overpowers reason. At least, that's what I told myself when I sampled this salty snack.”
“All human beings make mistakes. Sometimes, human desires outweigh reason. ...Even I snatch a bite of the products sometimes.”
Sales pitch
“No matter how much you eat, this magic container is never empty. So, go ahead and have a bite!
(Captain Olimar and his crony used this excuse. They later issued a written apology.)”
“A magical container that never runs out of contents, no matter how much you eat and eat. Therefore, it's okay if you snatch a bite of it. (...that was, of course, the excuse from Olimar's crew. The two of them have written a letter of apology.)”
Perfect Container
Olimar's journal
“During my decades of service in the transportation company, I saw all manner of weird and wonderful containers, but never one like this. I shall call it "The Perfect Container"!”
Sales pitch
“Professionals with decades of experience in container transport all agree, this is the mother of all containers. The ultimate perfect container!”
Fruit Guard
Olimar's journal
“Among the treasures we've collected, many of them have strange scrawlings on them. Unfortunately, the alien writings are indecipherable. But the pictures can be understood easily enough. This one seems to have a picture of a fruit on it. Ahhh... If that's the case, then this canister must contain sweet nectar... A quick taste won't hurt...”
Sales pitch
“A taste of knowledge from a foreign world, this container holds juices of a primitive fruit! If you are a devotee of genuine taste, you cannot pass this up!”
Nutrient Silo
Olimar's journal
“What a fascinating storage container. There's more food crammed in here than I could eat in a lifetime! Louie, however...”
Sales pitch
“A food storage tank of bewitchingly titanic size! As legend has it, this item is so captivating that the discoverer tried to claim it for himself.”
Stringent Container
Olimar's journal
“The ship's hold is so cluttered and disorganized! I wonder if we're actually finding new treasures, or if we're just rediscovering old ones...”
“Yesterday, the ship accused me of sampling all of the food we've been collecting! That ship has a lot of nerve...”
“Today I was constantly reminded by the Dolphin 1 that I "shouldn't taste it in secret". Does he really think I would do such a thing!? I am not a child anymore.”
Sales pitch
“A packed-to-the-brim food container. According to legend, the discoverer of this item found it and immediately began to drool!”
“A food container filled to the brim with food. According to an anecdote, the one who discovered it drooled upon first glance!”
Survival Container
Olimar's journal
“Three things should never be missing during an expedition: Food, food and food... ...
[sic]no wrong. First is knowledge, second is bravery, and third is patience. Well, not that I like to brag, but I'm a man of great patience. I absolutely do not eat between meals. That's true, honest!
Sales pitch
“A packed-to-the-brim food container. According to legend, the discoverer of this item found it and immediately began to drool!”
Open Architecture
Olimar's journal
“I discovered a metallic container. Unfortunately it was already empty, so it is going to be tough to sell. Some sales talk will be needed for this. Let's see what the ship says about it.”
“We found an object that appears to be a metal container. Unfortunately, it is already empty, so it will take some ingenuity to sell it. We have no choice but to somehow make a sales pitch. Let's wait and see what the Dolphin 1 has to say.”
Sales pitch
“The ultimate in reverse psychology! If it's too open, nobody wants to steal it. Its
[sic] a shame though, that the contents are so clearly visible.
“The ultimate reverse thinking! It is so open that no one will be tempted to steal from it. The only flaw is that you can clearly see what's inside.”
Permanent Container
Olimar's journal
“When I see a closed container, I cannot help myself, I feel like I must open it and see what's inside. But when opening it, it could lose it's
[sic] value. I guess I'll just have to use my imagination.
EU Wii
“When I see a closed container, I cannot help myself, I feel like I must open it and see what's inside. But when opening it, it could lose its value. I guess I'll just have to use my imagination.”
“When I see a closed container, I can't help but want to open it. But if I opened it, it might lose its value. Let's just imagine it to distract myself.”
Sales pitch
“The contents of the container spin at the speed of light. That means, the progress of time is almost zero and the "Best Before" date is extended to the generation of your grandchildren.”
“The inside of the container is spinning at near the speed of light, so the advance of time is said to be as close to zero as possible. The best-before date will last until the generation of your grandchildren.”
Empty Space Container
Olimar's journal
“When all these containers pile up in my ship, I start to wonder... would I be better off working as a treasure hunter, or stay in the transportation business as always?”
EU Wii
“When all these containers pile up in my ship, I start to wonder... would I be better off working as a treasure hunter, or stay in the transportation business as always?”
“When I'm loading containers onto the spaceship like this, I can't tell if I'm on a treasure hunt or doing my usual shipping job.”
Sales pitch
“The interior of this container ignores the physical laws of size and became indefinite space. All objects placed in it become indefinitely big and indefinitely small.”
“The interior seems to be a subspace that defies physical size. Everything is both extremely large and extremely small.”
Open Archive
Olimar's journal
“The container is open, but not broken,
[sic] this is a very reveiling
[sic] design, which does not conceal it's
[sic] contents. This is an incomprehensible concept for our culture.
EU Wii
“The container is open, but not broken. This is a very revealing design, which does not conceal its contents. This is an incomprehensible concept for our culture.”
“The container is open, but it is not broken; it seems to be an open design that does not hide its contents. It is an idea that is incomprehensible to our culture.”
Sales pitch
“To be used only for those who have nothing to hide: A personal container with an open design. Well, if it's always empty...”
“A personal container with a design that allows a full view, only for those without a guilty conscience in their hearts. But it's always empty...”
Plentiful Tank
Olimar's journal
“The scale of objects found on this planet is overwhelming. I am sheer drowned in it! What if instead of for the company, I brought this back for my family, that would buy us soo
[sic] much food. ...Oh, I shouldn't really think about it.
EU Wii
“The sheer scale of the objects I've found on this planet never ceases to amaze me. Why, I could sink right to the bottom of this stuff! Just think how much I could save on my groceries if I brought this back for my family instead... No, I can't allow myself to think this way - I'm on a mission. I have to think of the company!”
Sales pitch
“Super mega size!!!
The large volume is over- whelming, tempting, a really massive food tank!”
Survival Ointment
Olimar's journal
“In a survival situation, the most important things are water, courage, and a first-aid kit. I've got water and an endless supply of courage, but I don't have a first-aid kit. Sometimes I don't have a whole lot of motivation, either. I may be a daring explorer, but sometimes I just want to loaf around all day and sleep. Wait... What if the president reads this journal? Uh... Ahem... I'd never dream of slacking on the job! Yeah...”
Sales pitch
“A must-have medical item for explorers. If you need powerful results, this is for you! It even comes with a testimonial from our employees! Use this and fear nothing ever again!”
Healing Cask
Olimar's journal
“I'm shocked!! I can't believe this is the only stock of medical supplies we've got. If one of us were to get ill or injured, we'd be in serious trouble! We'll have to be sure to watch our step and always wash our hands. We could also search for medicine among the treasures we've collected.”
Nintendo Switch
“I'm shocked! I can't believe this is the only stock of medical supplies we've got. If one of us were to get ill or injured, we'd be in serious trouble! We'll have to be sure to watch our step and always wash our hands. We could also search for medicine among the treasures we've collected.”
Sales pitch
“A dependable item in crucial times, stay safe by keeping one at home and one at the office. It is indispensable! If you are health conscious, buy this!”
Abstract Masterpiece
Olimar's journal
“This is a truly heart-wrenching design. I've never been this moved by a piece of art. Every time I view it, I can't stop crying! The ship mocks me by squirting engine coolant at me, but it's obviously just jealous that it can't shed any tears.”
Sales pitch
“This is something that machines cannot comprehend... The heart of art, the soul of creativity. If you understand the appeal of this design, your heightened senses are at space-pilot level!”
Nintendo Switch
“This is something that machines cannot comprehend—The heart of art, the soul of creativity... If you understand the appeal of this design, your heightened senses are at space-pilot level!”
Optical Illustration
Olimar's journal
“I've noticed that some of the objects we collect have undeniable similarities. Perhaps these treasures were revered by an ancient civilization.”
Sales pitch
“There are many items that look like this one, but the contents are profoundly different. Those in the know are aware of the differences. This particular item should please any buyer.”
Thirst Activator
Olimar's journal
“How odd... When I gaze at this puzzling pattern, I have a vision of nature. At first, I thought this planet's ecosystem was alien and unnatural... But now I've learned to fully appreciate its beauty. However, it still can't compare to the stunning natural landscape of Hocotate. I hope I can return to my homeland soon.”
Sales pitch
“Natural beauty fills this design, and merely viewing it incites a riotous thirst. How about it?”
Yellow Taste Tyrant
Olimar's journal
“According to recent statistics, the elderly people on Hocotate love to eat sweets. To spite them, young people are eating all the spicy food they can get their hands on. Just looking at this artifact makes my mouth feel spicy! When I bring it back, it's sure to be all the rage with surly teens everywhere! Tonight, I think I'll practice signing autographs.”
Sales pitch
“Behold the overwhelming power of monochrome yellow! Spiciness fills both the eyes and mouth. Irresistible!”
Nintendo Switch
“Behold the overwhelming power of so much yellow! Spiciness fills both the eyes and mouth. Irresistible!”
Olimar's journal
“When I crash-landed on this planet, I got sick of eating only Hocotate noodles every day. This time is no different. We didn't have time to properly prepare some tasty provisions. I can't stop drooling when I look at this evocative object. Hungry explorers must learn to use their imagination in the absence of food.”
Sales pitch
“Uncontrollable drooling...
Uncontrollable drooling...
Cannot stop... Cannot stop.
Interfacing with this ad gives me a nonstop case of drooling!
(I lie. Machines cannot drool.)”
Flavor Gate/Gherkin Gate
Olimar's journal
“Staring at this symbol tantalizes my taste buds. I've never observed this before, but my sight and sense of taste appear to be connected. Perhaps this is some new kind of psychological advertising. I'll have to tell the ship about it!”
Sales pitch
“This cryptic design contains a link between sight and taste that is unknown on Hocotate. According to the psychology of unknown shapes, gazing at this will let you taste the unknown.”
Alien Billboard
Olimar's journal
“There are several different patterns drawn on this object's surface. They appear to be characters or letters, but I can't make any sense of them. This is just an educated guess, but I wonder if this object is a kind of alien bulletin board? The size of the object seems about right for it.”
“There are a number of patterns on the surface. They may look like letters, but I haven't been able to decipher them. It is just my intuition, but could this be a billboard of some kind? It even seems to be about the right size.”
Sales pitch
“Perhaps this is some ancient billboard...but perhaps not. Its authenticity may be in question, but if you can use it for inspiration, you may become a topflight ad executive.”
“Is it really an ancient billboard? Although its authenticity is unknown, if you take inspiration from this design, you'll be a skilled ad designer.”
Activity Arouser/Activity Booster
Olimar's journal
“This strange object makes me want to dance. I...can't... fight it... Must dance... Hey, this isn't so bad. I've been packing on the pounds, and this could be a great way to get some exercise! One, two, cha cha cha...”
Sales pitch
“This esoteric design will make viewers want to get up and move for no apparent reason. This is perfect for people who want to diet but can never seem to get started.”
Nintendo Switch
“This esoteric design will make viewers want to get up and move for no apparent reason. This is perfect for people who want to exercise but can never seem to get started.”
Hypnotic Platter
Olimar's journal
“Strange story... When I inspected this item on the planet's surface, I was suddenly overcome with such a raging thirst that I thought I might fall unconscious. Having no tasty beverage at hand, I had to resort to licking the condensation from the inside of my helmet. I feel such shame.”
Sales pitch
“The bizarre insignia on this serrated platter inspires inexplicable feelings of pleasure that can only be replicated by a long, cool drink. Or so I am told.”
Massive Lid
Olimar's journal
“When people study mysterious objects, they tend to overthink everything and get easily stumped. For example, this is just a lid... Or is it?”
Sales pitch
“After much evaluation and processing, this item has been classified as a massive cap. What powerful force might it have held back at one time? Only the ages know!”
Nintendo Switch
“After much evaluation and processing, this item has been classified as a lid. What powerful force might it have held back at one time? Only the ages know!”
Happiness Emblem
Olimar's journal
“When you grow up and get a job, your time doesn't belong to you anymore. To make up for that, you have to learn to appreciate the simple pleasures in life. Looking at this pattern we found today makes me feel a little less miserable. This is today's simple pleasure.”
Sales pitch
“Choose your own happiness. Find the good things in each day. Maintain a positive attitude and good things will come your way. That is what one feels when viewing this cheerful emblem.”
Pondering Emblem
Olimar's journal
“There are many things I've encountered on this planet that defy explanation. According to the ship's analysis, this object is extremely valuable. Maybe I'll buy it. I'm not so sure, though. I get the feeling that the ship is swindling me. Nah...the ship would never scam me. I'm the captain!”
Sales pitch
“One glance and you will sit for hours trying to decipher the ultimate purpose of this item. Therein lies its value. It is actually a guide to the world of deep thinking.”
Quenching Emblem
Olimar's journal
“I often brag about my inexhaustible supply of self-control, but when I peer at this treasure, I can't help but want to take a drink.”
“I pride myself on my very patient nature. But when I see this mysterious pattern, I can't help but feel very thirsty.”
Sales pitch
“An odd symbol that causes thirst cravings in all who view it. Its secrets cannot be deciphered!”
“A mysterious emblem that makes you feel thirsty when you gaze at it. Its secrets are beyond the reach of current science!”
Drought Ender
Olimar's journal
“Today, I delivered an impromptu lecture on the basics of wilderness survival. As Louie's superior, it's my responsibility to teach him these skills. Walking around as much as we do generates an intense thirst, so water becomes very important. I told Louie that we have to ration our water carefully. That's what I was thinking until I found this. I was so parched that...I couldn't help myself. I drank all the water in the canteen. It tasted soooo good. But when I turned around, Louie gave me a cold stare...”
“Today, as a senior, I was giving Louie a lecture on the basics of exploration. After walking for so long, one feels the need to drink water. However, water is an important part of exploration. You have to drink it little by little. ...That's what I was teaching him, when I found this. I felt so thirsty. Without a second thought, I gulped down the contents of the canteen. Oh, how hap-py I was. But when I turned around, his gaze was so cold.”
Sales pitch
“Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Aaaah! Give in to your primal feelings and drink to your heart's content. Gaze upon this design and your throat will ache for satisfaction. Why is that? Tell me, please!”
“Gulp-gulp. Gulp-gulp. Returning to your primitive feelings, drink as much as you want! A mysterious pattern that makes you feel thirsty when you stare at it. Why? How come? What's the principle? Tell me, good sir.”
Creative Inspiration
Olimar's journal
“Fascinating... If I keep staring at this symbol, I know I'll come up with a brilliant idea for a new product.”
Sales pitch
“Stare at this long enough and good ideas are sure to surface. If you are a casual person who relies on others to achieve your goals, then this imagination-support item was made for you!”
Spherical Atlas
Olimar's journal
“The purple Pikmin were somehow able to carry this massive treasure. Today, we measured their physical strength using the ship's onboard beefometer. It seems that they have ten times the weight and physical power of any other Pikmin. When I throw them, they land with a resounding thud. I've decided to commemorate the cave I first encountered them in by naming it Emergence Cave.”
Nintendo Switch
“The purple Pikmin were somehow able to carry this massive treasure. Today, we measured their physical strength using the ship's onboard beefometer. It seems that they have 10 times the weight and physical power of any other Pikmin. When I throw them, they land with a resounding thud. I've decided to commemorate the cave I first encountered them in by naming it Emergence Cave.”
“It was quite heavy, but with the help of the Purple Pikmin, we managed to carry it. When I tried measuring them with the on-board measuring device, I found that, to my surprise, they have 10 times the weight and strength of ordinary Pikmin! Come to think of it, when I throw a Purple Pikmin, it falls with a thud and great force.... I named the cave where we met them the Cave of Beginnings to commemorate the first step in our exploration of the underground world.”
Sales pitch
“The surface designs on this item are the map of a savage planet. This alone makes it valuable... But that is not all! Embedded within is a microchip filled with secret, incredibly detailed data. With this item, you'll know everything about this, that, and the other thing, too.”
“The surface pattern is, surprisingly, a map of an uncharted planet. This alone is valuable, but the microchip embedded inside is full of secret information. We can know this, that, and any other thing.”
Geographic Projection
Olimar's journal
“The interior of this hemisphere contains a chip coded with charts detailing a new region. I explored this forest the last time I was here, but it's clear that it has undergone some dramatic changes. The plants and animals have also evolved significantly. I've given this forest a new name... The Awakening Wood. I must begin to form a hypothesis to explain why the forest changed so rapidly.”
Nintendo Switch
“The interior of this hemisphere contains a chip coded with charts detailing a new region. I explored this forest the last time I was here, but it's clear that it has undergone some dramatic changes. The plants and animals have also evolved significantly. I've given this forest a new name... the Awakening Wood. I must begin to form a hypothesis to explain why the forest changed so rapidly.”
“Again, inside this object was environmental data of a new area. Just like this forest, that is another location I explored when I previously crash-landed on this planet... However, considering that this forest has changed so much since I last explored it, it was necessary for me to look at it with a fresh mind. I gave this forest, where flora and fauna are thriving, the new name of Awakening Wood. I would like to come up with some hypothesis as to why the environment has changed so much in such a short period of time.”
Sales pitch
“If you have both pieces, does the value increase? Do you want it? Need it? Crave it?
You should. This is the ultimate storehouse of geographic data in the known universe.”
“Are the two even more valuable together? You want to collect them, you want to have them together, you want to writhe. This is the best geographic information system in the galaxy.”
Prototype Detector
Olimar's journal
“Today we searched a subterranean lair swarming with carnivorous bugs. The name Hole of Beasts immediately came to mind. The convenient contraption I found there has become an invaluable treasure-seeking tool. When it approaches a piece of treasure, the gadget beeps and the needle moves to the right. When all of the treasure in an area has been collected, the device powers down. When we left Hocotate, I thought we'd never be able to pay off the company's debt. But thanks to this gadget, I'm feeling optimistic about the outcome of this daring mission.”
“Today we searched a subterranean lair swarming with carnivorous bugs. The name Hole of Beasts immediately came to mind. The convenient contraption I found there has become an invaluable treasure-seeking tool. When it approaches a piece of treasure, the gadget beeps and the needle moves to the right. When all of the treasure in an area has been collected, the device powers down. When we left Hocotate, I thought we'd never be able to pay off the company's debts. But thanks to this gadget, I'm feeling optimistic about the outcome of this daring mission.”
“Today, we explored a cave teeming with terrifying monstrous creatures. It was aptly named the Hole of Beasts. We brought back this machine from there and it has helped so much in our treasure hunt... Amazingly, the needle swings when we get close to treasure! When we left Hocotate, I felt very gloomy, as if all luck had abandoned us. But now I think I see a bright hope.”
Sales pitch
“Is this a miracle gadget born of universal desire, or a machine manufactured by the master of Dimension X? Whatever it is, it reacts to treasure!”
“The carcass of a giant creature?? Despite its beautiful color, it has a suspicious smell. It's actually very dangerous!? The difference between what it looks like and what actually is inside is a law of nature. Deceiving, being deceived, and deceiving and being deceived. What a survival-oriented object!”
Five-man Napsack
Olimar's journal
“I'd love to lay down in the grass, bask in the sun, and take an afternoon nap. But with all of these Pikmin following me, I can never seem to relax. I should remember to press

to dismiss the Pikmin and then press and hold

to take a nap. The last time I tried it, the Pikmin picked me up while I slept and carried me away to their Onion. Hold your space-horses, Pikmin! I'm not a pellet or a piece of treasure! Then I woke up... Great galaxies! It was all just a dream, wasn't it?
“I'd love to lay down in the grass, bask in the sun, and take an afternoon nap. But with all of these Pikmin following me, I can never seem to relax. I should remember to press

to dismiss the Pikmin and then press and hold

to take a nap. The last time I tried it, the Pikmin picked me up while I slept and carried me away to their Onion. Hold your space-horses, Pikmin! I'm not a pellet or a piece of treasure! Then I woke up... Great galaxies! It was all just a dream, wasn't it?
Nintendo Switch
“I love to lie down in the grass, bask in the sun, and take an afternoon nap. With all of these Pikmin following me, I rarely have time to relax. But recently I got really tired and accidentally
fell asleep by pressing 
. The Pikmin picked me up while I slept and carried me away to their Onion. Hold your space-horses, Pikmin! I'm not a pellet or a piece of treasure! Then I woke up... Great galaxies! It was all just a dream, wasn't it?

“I felt like taking a relaxing nap under the energetic sunlight. Being surrounded by Pikmin was making me restless. I decided to first dismiss them with

to be alone and then
hold down
to lie down. Then the Pikmin lifted me up and carried me away. I felt like a lord for a while, but then I saw that they were trying to carry me into the Onion!
"I'm not nutritients!", I exclaimed, and then I woke up. That...was really a dream, right?
JP Wii

“I felt like taking a relaxing nap under the energetic sunlight. Being surrounded by Pikmin was making me restless. After dismissing them with

to be alone, I
held down
to try to sleep. Then the Pikmin lifted me up and carried me away. I felt like a lord for a while, but then I saw that they were trying to carry me into the Onion!
"I'm not nutritients!", I exclaimed, and then I woke up. That...was really a dream, right?
Sales pitch
“Do you want to nap in luxury like a feudal lord? This lifestyle assistant will help you do it! Tests on our employees were very positive; their bizarre dreams were an added bonus.”
“Do you want to nap in luxury like a feudal lord? This lifestyle assistant will help you do it! Tests on our employees were very positive— their bizarre dreams were an added bonus.”
“You want to nap like a lord! This is a lifestyle assistant for modern people that provides such a modest good sleep. When we tested it on our employees, the effect was outstanding! It also has a bonus effect of sometimes giving you startling dreams.”
Brute Knuckles
Olimar's journal
“Uncharted planets like this one are often teeming with hazardous fauna. The Pikmin are usually nearby to defend me, but there are times when I need to lay down the law with my own hands. For example, if a creature were to try to eat me, I'd have to beat it down. ...I dream about that all the time...”
“Uncharted planets like this one are often teeming with hazardous fauna. The Pikmin are usually nearby to defend me, but there are times when I need to lay down the law with my own hands. For example, if a creature were to try to eat me, I'd have to beat it down. I dream about that all the time...”
“On an uncharted planet, there are a myriad of dangerous creatures. Even though the Pikmin protect me, sometimes I have to use my fists. The huge mouth of a ferocious creature closing in on something I have nightmares about, some nights.”
Sales pitch
“In a plume of flame, this steel fist flies and smashes its target to bits...but the recoil is severe.
(Captain Olimar suffers from shoulder pain, so he uses it without the rocket booster.)”
“Steel knuckles, flying through the air, spouting fire, and pulverizing the target! In return, the recoil is tremendous. (Olimar, who has a frozen shoulder, uses it without the rocket thrust.)”
Repugnant Appendage
Olimar's journal
“This aromatic object secretes a tangy odor that could knock out a bulblax! I'm with the ship on this one... I don't want to touch it, either! But I must! For the sake of the company and my family... I must summon the strength to carry on!”
Nintendo Switch
“This aromatic object secretes a tangy odor that could knock out a bulblax! I'm with the ship on this one. I don't want to touch it, either! But I must! For the sake of the company and my family...I must summon the strength to carry on!”
“The smell was so strong that I didn't want to go near it. At my age, I don't want this. But it's all for the sake of my family and the company. Besides, that president may be a terrible person, but he's somehow hard to hate. But sometimes, even just one extra paycheck....”
Sales pitch
“Is this the remains of some giant creature? Its color is striking, but its stench is horrific. Could it be dangerous? The true essence of things in the natural world is very often disguised. Be fooled and die...fool or be killed. This is a law of survival.”
“The carcass of a giant creature?? Despite its beautiful color, it has a suspicious smell. It's actually very dangerous!? The difference between what it looks like and what actually is inside is a law of nature. Deceiving, being deceived, and deceiving and being deceived. What a survival-oriented object!”
Stellar Orb
Olimar's journal
“The technology behind this impressive gadget is totally unknown to my people... It appears to replicate the intense solar beams of the sun. Space exploration has given me a ghostly pallor. Maybe I'll use this orb to catch a few rays...”
Nintendo Switch
“The technology behind this impressive gadget is totally unknown to my people. It appears to replicate the intense solar beams of the sun. Space exploration has given me a ghostly pallor. Maybe I'll use this orb to catch a few rays...”
“The principle behind it is unclear, but it appears to be a system that artificially produces sunlight. Come to think of it, I have turned completely pale after spending so much time aboard a spaceship. I used to have light-brown skin...”
Sales pitch
“This tanning machine is based on primitive science principles. Come, you pallid recluses and sun-starved hermits! You, too, can have a healthy, stylish glow!”
“An artificial tanning machine of unknown science. Whether you are a bean sprout or a shut-in, you can get a healthy and stylish tan!”
Forged Courage
Olimar's journal
“I found this marvelous alloy in a hole swarming with bulborbs! On that adventure, I even clashed with an Emperor Bulblax! In honor of my triumph over that appallingly obese beast, I named the hole the Bulblax Kingdom.”
Nintendo Switch
“I found this marvelous alloy in a hole swarming with bulborbs! On that adventure, I even clashed with an emperor bulblax! In honor of my triumph over that appalling beast, I name the hole the Bulblax Kingdom.”
“The place where we found this alloy was a den of Bulborbs. The Emperor Bulblax, which inhabited the deepest part of the cave, tormented me on my previous expedition. I decided to name that cave the Bulblax Kingdom.”
Sales pitch
“A heat-resistant alloy forged in the fires of justice and passion. Wear it and feel courage's burn! You have nothing to fear!
(Due to horrid ventilation, this is not suited to sweaty beings.)”
“A hot-blooded passion alloy that holds a flame of justice. Wear it, and the flame of courage will burn! You have nothing to fear! However... It's not breathable and often gets very stuffy, so it's uncomfortable for people who sweat a lot.”
Dream Material
Olimar's journal
“This is yet another object I've recently discovered that is beyond my wildest dreams. It doesn't conduct electricity, and it can erase marks left by pencils with remarkable ease. Sadly, the more you use it, the more it rubs away to oblivion. Hmmm... In a way, it reminds me of my job...”
“A dream new material. It does not conduct electricity. Furthermore, it can erase letters written with a pencil. The more it is used, the more it gradually wears out, which is very sad...”
Sales pitch
“This nonconductive substance has many uses: I have discovered it can even erase pencil marks. It is a dream material! But the more it is used, the more it crumbles. The same is true of dreams.”
Nintendo Switch
“This nonconductive substance has many uses. I have discovered it can even erase pencil marks. It is a dream material! But the more it is used, the more it crumbles. The same is true of dreams.”
“A useful substance that does not conduct electricity. Moreover, it was recently discovered that it can erase letters written with a pencil. It is truly a dream material! However, the more it is used, the more it gradually wears out, which is very sad. This is the reality of a dream.”
Justice Alloy
Olimar's journal
“I found this metal treasure in the gut of an avian snake. It took real courage to drop into that dark den, but danger's what I do best. In honor of my brave clash with that feathered serpent, I've named that den the Snagret Hole.”
“We found this metallic body inside the body of a monstrous creature that could neither be described as a snake nor a crow. It took great courage to descend into its lair, which was deep underground. But explorers are always rewarded for their bravery with treasure. I decided to name the creature's lair the Snagret Hole.”
Sales pitch
“You cannot see it and you cannot touch it, but it is definitely here and there. What, you ask? Whatever this suit is fortified by, that is what. I cannot believe there is a better material than what I am constructed of...”
“Invisible to the eye, untouchable, yet certainly here and there. A suit that is hardened with such justice. As if there is any material better than mine...”
Amplified Amplifier
Olimar's journal
“Today, we searched a deep underground structure that was completely covered in tile! I have no idea what it was originally intended for, but I've decided to call it the Shower Room. Deep within, I clashed with a sleek bug that coughed up this conical curiosity.”
“Today we explored the inside of an underground building covered with tiles on all sides. What the place was for I can only guess. On a hunch, I named it the Shower Room. The deepest part of the building was inhabited by a slimy, monstrous creature, and this object was what we found inside its body.”
Sales pitch
“Your voice is weak. It does not carry. No one notices you. If this is true, then this item is for you! Starting today, you are a gym teacher! You will never be ignored again.”
“Your voice is quiet and can't be heard. No one notices you. This is for you. From now on, you too can be an athletic club member. You will be heard from one end of the classroom to the other.”
Professional Noisemaker
Olimar's journal
“I recently took a team of blue Pikmin on an expedition to explore a submerged cavern. While exploring this watery cavern, I encountered some very strange phenomena. It was such a strange place that I'm still wondering if it was all just a dream. I found this curious treasure in that cavern, so if it was just an illusion, I'm even more confused. I named that confounding place the Submerged Castle.”
“In a half-submerged cave at the edge of the Perplexing Pool, the Blue Pikmin and I encountered a very strange phenomenon. Even now, I am not sure if it was really real or just a daydream. But I found this machine in that fantastical place. That much is certain. I decided to call it the Submerged Castle, for a bit of romanticism.”
Sales pitch
“Noisier than a spaceship, this wonderful item will make your miserable life 120 percent more exciting.”
“Noisier than a noisy spaceship. A 120% wonderful product for your life that makes your lonely life more lively.”
The Key
Olimar's journal
“This item came from the personal treasure hoard of a massive Pikmin-devouring spider. The whole cave was crawling with all kinds of fearsome creatures. I decided to name that eerie cave the Citadel of Spiders. The ship can't stand bugs... Whenever I ask it to store a specimen for salvage, it threatens to stage a mutiny!”
“This object was concealed inside a great monster bug that resembled a spider. That cave was full of spooky monster bugs, and it was downright creepy. The Dolphin 1, who doesn't like bugs, didn't seem to be doing so well. I named that spooky cave the Citadel of Spiders.”
Sales pitch
“This shape... I have encountered it somewhere before... No, I must be mistaken... Yes, I am mistaken. Thoughts like these strike all who see this cabalistic form. You can feel its immense power!”
“I've seen this shape somewhere... No, it must be my imagination... It's such a mysterious shape that makes you feel like that. Feel the amazing power!”
Shock Therapist
Olimar's journal
“This shocker was one of several weapons wielded by the nightmarish titan dweevil. It allowed the creature to smite Pikmin with zaps of lightning!”
“One of the objects absorbed by that nightmarish great monster bug. Apparently it is a device that generates strong lightning. It seems that the strong electric current rewrote its DNA, giving it the ability to manipulate lightning.”
Sales pitch
“This nanotech device gathers negative ions in the atmosphere and converts them into energy. It then releases that energy. Zap! Use it to relieve muscle soreness and joint stress. One warning, however: it does render the user unconscious.”
“This nanotech device gathers negative ions in the atmosphere and converts them into energy. It then releases that energy. Zap! Use it to relieve muscle soreness and joint stress. One warning, however—it does render the user unconscious.”
“A nanotech converter that collects negative ions from the atmosphere and converts them into powerful lightning energy. If you get a jolt! of accumulated electricity, your stiff shoulders and back pain will fly away. And your consciousness will fly away, too~.”
Flare Cannon
Olimar's journal
“This scorching mechanism was once used by a monstrous titan dweevil. The roasting apparatus spews hot jets of flame! I can't keep Louie away from it... He keeps trying to use it to cook sausages and caramelize creme brulee.”
“This scorching mechanism was once used by a monsterous titan dweevil. The roasting apparatus spews hot jets of flame! I can't keep Louie away from it... He keeps trying to use it to cook sausages and caramelize creme brulee.”
EU Wii
“This scorching mechanism was once used by a monstrous titan dweevil. The roasting apparatus spews hot jets of flame! I can't keep Louie away from it... He keeps trying to use it to cook sausages and caramelize creme brulee.”
Nintendo Switch
“This scorching mechanism was once used by a monstrous titan dweevil. The roasting apparatus spews hot jets of flame! I can't keep Louie away from it. He keeps trying to use it to cook sausages and caramelize crème brûlèe”
“One of the objects absorbed by that great monster bug that was like an embodiment of despair. It looks like a flamethrower of terrible firepower. The enormous heat energy seems to have affected its DNA, giving it the ability to manipulate flames.”
Sales pitch
“In the compressed-air cylinder of this flamethrower, liquid gas is lit, producing the fire that gives the weapon its name. It is very dangerous, and good kids know not to play with it. In case you wonder, it cannot be used as a substitute for a spaceship's rockets and should never be used to cook sausages. Never.”
“The most troublesome flamethrower that uses liquefied gas in a cylinder as fuel and produces a frightening firepower. It is dangerous, so good children should be careful about using it! By the way, it did not serve as a replacement for a spaceship rocket.”
Comedy Bomb
Olimar's journal
“This fiendish component was used by the titan dweevil! Although it was once a primitive chemical weapon, it is now a weapon of mass hilarity.”
Nintendo Switch
“This fiendish component was used by the titan dweevil! Although it was once a primitive weapon, it is now a weapon of mass hilarity.”
“One of the objects absorbed by that great monster bug that was like an embodiment of death. According to the analysis, it seems to be a kind of gas weapon. The components of the gas seem to have affected its DNA, giving it the ability to manipulate poison gas.”
Sales pitch
“You cannot see it. You cannot smell it. Yet this weapon would steal your life, given the chance. At least it USED to, until I shrewdly exchanged its poison gas for hilarious laughing gas. Crafted with an eye for safety, it is the funniest weapon ever devised!”
“You cannot see it. You cannot smell it. But it takes lives. An evil gas weapon of the cunning. ...Is what it was, but we changed it to laughing gas because we thought it was too dangerous. It is a perfect all-around weapon with an eye for safety!”
Monster Pump
Olimar's journal
“This savage water pump was just one of many weapons wielded by the titan dweevil. This pump is capable of spraying jets of hyper-pressurized water!”
“One of the objects absorbed by that great monster bug that was like darkness itself. It seems to be a pump with strong suction power. It seems that the overwhelming amount of water made it swell up, and as a result, it got an upset stomach and acquired the ability to spray water.”
Sales pitch
“This item automatically detects subterranean waterways, even if the water is buried a mile deep! This monster pump draws liquid any distance, and its almost-uncontrollable power is fantastic!”
“A monster pump that automatically detects underground water veins and pulls up water with high power even from 1000 meters underground. No matter where it goes, it always ends up flooding, and its uncontrollable performance is the very best!”
King of Bugs
Olimar's journal
“Louie is back! Somehow, he survived a horrific ordeal with a freakishly large, weapon-wielding titan dweevil! I entered a hole with an army of ferocious Pikmin, grimly determined to save Louie from the titan dweevil, but it seems that he was perfectly fine all along. I can't understand how he managed to avoid being eaten. Hmmm... He's always had an unusually close connection with insects, and I know he loves to cook them! Maybe he wasn't kidnapped after all... Could he have been controlling that beast all along?! No...that's craziness! Although...he does insist now that we address him by his "proper title," the King of Bugs.”
US Wii, EU GCN/Wii
“Louie is back! Somehow, he survived a horrific ordeal with a freakishly large, weapon-wielding titan dweevil! I entered a hole with an army of ferocious Pikmin, grimly determined to save Louie from the titan dweevil, but it seems that he was perfectly fine all along. I can't understand how he managed to avoid being eaten. Hmmm... He's always had an unusually close connection with insects, and I know he loves to cook them! Maybe he wasn't kidnapped after all... Could he have been controlling that beast all along?! No... that's craziness! Although... he does insist now that we address him by his "proper title", the King of Bugs.”
Nintendo Switch
“Louie is back! Somehow, he survived a horrific ordeal with a freakishly large, weapon-wielding titan dweevil! I entered a hole with an army of ferocious Pikmin, grimly determined to save Louie from the titan dweevil, but it seems that he was perfectly fine all along. I can't understand how he managed to avoid being eaten. Hmmm... He's always had an unusually close connection with insects, and I know he loves to cook them! Maybe he wasn't kidnapped after all. Could he have been controlling that beast all along?! No, that's craziness! Although...he does insist now that we address him by his "proper title," the King of Bugs.”
“What was holding Louie captive was a nightmarish great monster bug... It had absorbed the objects around it into its own body, extending its own capabilities. As a single organism, it was truly an all-powerful creature. But even a creature that powerful could not stand up to the power of a group of Pikmin. Once again, I was amazed at the power of the Pikmin, and at the same time horrified by it.”
Sales pitch
“A new employee of Hocotate Freight, Louie is often silent. Nobody knows what thoughts lurk in his mind. He appears to operate on the same wavelength as insects, often with dangerous results. After he was kidnapped, he somehow managed to hijack a colossal insect's brain!”
“A promising new employee of Hocotate Freight. He is always quiet and no one knows what he is thinking. But he seems to be on the same wavelength as an insect, and after being eaten by a bug, he seems to have somehow hijacked the bug's brain!”