Premium Event Pass
Mystery Boxes
During some events, defeating mushrooms gave Mystery Boxes. These boxes always appeared at the completion of a battle, after viewing the total score. The rewards that Mystery Boxes contained varied between events, and some events have had unique designs or types of Mystery Boxes. The contents usually consisted of seedlings, petals, nectar, or other items that are available in the shop.
Mystery Box Designs
Default Mystery Boxes
Event Currencies
Throughout the years of Pikmin Bloom, there have been a variety of events. Each event has had many unique aspects, and there have been consistent types of events, such as the monthly community day, which has received only minor changes since its introduction. During many other events, special Decor Pikmin are made available for a limited time. Other events have also taken place, having various unique aspects. Every previous event is viewable here, and for convenience, the full list is split into pages:
- Community Days: Monthly community days, where players are tasked to walk 10,000 steps.
- Decor Pikmin events: For various holidays and other celebrations, where limited time Decor Pikmin have been made available.
- Other events: Other unique events, such as the in-person Pikmin Bloom tours.