Pikmin 2

Idea Assistant

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Idea Assistant Treasure Hoard icon.
Number 177
Series Mystery Disk Series
Value Poko × 30
Weight 4
Maximum carriers 8 Pikmin
Location Perplexing Pool
Challenge Mode levels None
The leaf texture used in Pikmin 2's Challenge Mode menu. (Used on Pikipedia in the {{stub}} template.)

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The Idea Assistant (発想アシスタント?) is a treasure exclusive to the Japanese version of Pikmin 2. It is a Daisen-brand milk cover, found in the Perplexing Pool in the same spot that the Gherkin Gate is found in the other versions.


Olimar's journal

  • Text: この紋様……。…………。…………。じっと見つめていると、何やら売れる新商品が浮かんでくるような気がする。
  • Translation: This pattern is………………………… Staring at this treasure, I feel like it gives me ideas for brand new hot-selling products.

Sales pitch

  • Text: こいつをじっと見つめていれば、きっと何かいいアイデアが浮かんでくるはず。他力本願で楽観主義な人にオススメの発想アシスタント。
  • Translation: You should be able to come up with a good idea just by staring at this treasure. This is the Idea Assistant, recommended for people who are optimistic and reliant.


See also