Raging Long Legs
Raging Long Legs
Pseudoarachnia furiendis
Raging Long Legs is a boss in Pikmin 2. It has a resemblance to the Beady Long Legs in overall body structure, but has bigger, hairier feet, bigger body(to the point where any Pikmin can reach it), is shiny black with purple bands, and moves more slowly. If you deal enough damage to it though that it becomes agitated, it shakes your Pikmin off and starts stomping madly. This is dangerous since its feet are very large. Its body is so large, however, that any kind of Pikmin can be thrown without waiting, and dodging it should be a rather trivial thing, so it isn't hard as long as you call your Pikmin back before it rages. It dies in the same manner as the Beady Long Legs; ejects its possesions from its body and its composure crumbles into dust. If this creature does not have any teasure to drop, it will intead drop 30 Mitites.
This rare boss is only seen on the last sublevel(15) of the Hole of Heroes, the Cavernous Abyss's only sublevel in Challenge Mode, and in the Angle Maze stage of 2-Player Mode. There is a rumor that it can be seen in the Perplexing Pool, but it is likely to be false. However, the Piklopedia suggests otherwise (appears to be leveling above ground for unknown purpose...)
Olimar's Notes
Arachnorbs boast a wondrous biological composition, with a silicon-based exoskeleton and innards coated with malleable heavy metals. However, much about these creatures remains a mystery, as specimens regularly explode when they are dissected. These explosions produce scorching flames that completely melt all internal organs, leaving us with a disappointing lack of information on the inner working of this species. We must await the development of new dissection processes and more specialized research before we can better understand this enigmatic creature. However, the following observation notes have been recorded: appears to be leveling above ground for unknown purpose... Location of eyes and ears not readily apparent... Freezing a specimen may yield new research opportunities.
Louie's Notes
Neither boiling nor baking can diminish this creature's overpowering musky scent. Only suitable for serving to unpleasant in-laws.