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The following is a list of transcripts of gameplay-related conversation topics for the check in feature in Pikmin 3.


Pikmin behavior 1

  • US text:
    • Alph Why do you think the Pikmin carry those yummy fruits back to the ship for us rather than eating them?
    • Brittany Pikmin seem to gain nourishment from pellets and native life-forms. They don't seem interested in fruit.{0E0017000200020010}But it's all so tasty... Maybe the Pikmin don't have a sense of taste.
    • Charlie Well, that's perfect for us, don't you think? If they started eating our fruit, we'd be in quite an awful predicament!
    • Alph We're lucky that they're such hard workers...and that they don't seem to like fruit.
  • Europe text:
    • Alph Why do you think the Pikmin carry this delicious fruit back to the ship for us? Why don't they eat it?
    • Brittany Pikmin seem to gain nourishment from pellets and creatures. They don't seem interested in fruit at all.
    • Brittany But fruit is so tasty... Maybe the Pikmin don't have a sense of taste.
    • Charlie Well that's perfect for us, don't you think? If they started carrying dead creatures back to the Drake, things would get horribly cluttered!
    • Alph We're lucky that they're such hard workers.

Pikmin behavior 2

  • US text:
    • Brittany Those Pikmin are so brave and loyal.
    • Brittany When I think about them fighting and risking their lives for us, it just tugs at my heartstrings.
    • Charlie {0E0000000200020064}{0E0000000200020064}Yes. Loyalty. Dedication. I've always said that these are the most important things in life!
    • Alph {0E0000000200020064}{0E0000000200020064}I thought you said that food was the most important thing in life, Captain?
    • Charlie Well, yes, of course, food, too.
    • Alph And what about family? Or friends? Those are pretty important too, don't you think?
    • Charlie Let's just pretend I didn't say anything, Alph.
  • Europe text:
    • Brittany Those Pikmin are so brave and loyal.
    • Brittany When I think about them fighting and risking their lives for us, it just tugs at my heartstrings.
    • Charlie Yes. Loyalty. Dedication. I've always said that these are the most important things in life!
    • Alph What about food, Captain?!
    • Charlie Well, yes, of course, food, too.
    • Alph And what about family? And friends? Those are pretty important too, don't you think?
    • Charlie Let's just pretend I didn't say anything, Alph.

Pikmin behavior 3

  • US text:
    • Alph So, it seems that each kind of Pikmin has its own set of special abilities, doesn't it?
    • Charlie Right! Let's take stock of our conflict-resolution capabilities!
    • Brittany So, we have fire-resistant Red Pikmin. And then we have hard-bodied Rock Pikmin.
    • Charlie All led by the sharp-minded and quick-witted leader, Captain Charlie.
    • Brittany ...Right. We also have shock-resistant Yellow Pikmin and the water-resistant Blue Pikmin.
    • Charlie But where would they all be without a proper leader who possesses—
    • Brittany And the flying Winged Pikmin.
    • Alph Captain...can I offer you a little piece of, sir?
  • Europe text:
    • Charlie Right! Let's take stock of our conflict-resolution capabilities!
    • Brittany So, we have fire-resistant Red Pikmin. And then we have hard-bodied Rock Pikmin.
    • Charlie All led by the sharp-minded and quick-witted leader, Captain Char
    • Brittany We also have shock-resistant Yellow Pikmin and the water-resistant Blue Pikmin.
    • Charlie But where would they all be without an heroic leader who—
    • Brittany And the flying Winged Pikmin.
    • Alph I admire your tenacity, Captain, I really do.

Pikmin behavior 4

  • US text:
    • Brittany It looks like Pikmin left unplucked in the ground develop over time.
    • Alph That makes sense. When little ones are growing, they need lots of rest!
    • Charlie So perhaps we should let some Pikmin ripen before plucking them.
    • Brittany Let's just make sure we don't forget to harvest them altogether!
  • Europe text:
    • Brittany It looks like Pikmin left unplucked in the ground develop over time.
    • Alph That makes sense. After all, sleeping helps children grow!
    • Charlie So perhaps we should let some Pikmin ripen before plucking them.
    • Brittany As long as we don't forget to harvest them altogether!

Pikmin behavior 5

  • US text:
    • Alph What's in that nectar those Pikmin were consuming?
    • Brittany Whatever it is, it seems to nurture some sort of flowery transformation in the Pikmin.
    • Brittany That nectar could contain some sort of energy concentrate.
    • Alph I bet that tastes so good...
    • Brittany It's OK...little bitter.
    • Alph What?! I can't believe you would do something like that!
    • Alph {0E0015000000020000}Have you sprouted flowers yet?
  • Europe text:
    • Alph I wonder what's in the nectar those Pikmin were consuming.
    • Brittany The nectar has enough nutrients to transform Pikmin into flowers.
    • Brittany So it could contain a concentrated form of this planet's energy.
    • Alph That would be amazing! I wonder what it tastes like...
    • Brittany I tried a bit when no one was looking, but it was bitter.
    • Alph Really?! You weren't worried the nectar might be poisonous?
    • Alph {0E0015000000020000}(Now that's dedication for you!)}}

Pikmin behavior 6

  • US text:
    • Alph Pikmin always seem to do things in groups. They appear to have a strong sense of camaraderie.
    • Brittany Hmm... I'm not sure about that.
    • Brittany They do things together because they're following orders, right?
    • Charlie It's not camaraderie. That's loyalty!
    • Charlie I always say, the most important thing in the world is loyalty!
    • Alph With all due respect, Captain, last night you said the most important thing in the world was dinner.
    • Charlie Yes, well...the juice was very good.
  • Europe text:
    • Alph Pikmin always seem to do things in groups. I wonder if they have a strong sense of camaraderie.
    • Brittany Hmm... I don't know about that.
    • Brittany I mean, they do things together because they're following orders, right?
    • Charlie It doesn't appear to be the same kind of camaraderie we Koppaites have.
    • Charlie I'd risk my life to protect either of you if you were in danger!
    • Charlie Especially you, Britt
    • Alph Thank you, Captain! That's awfully gallant of you!
    • Charlie Ahem, yes... Just leave it to me!

Pikmin behavior 7

  • US text:
    • Alph When we go back to Koppai, what do you suppose will happen to all the Pikmin?
    • Brittany I wonder that myself. It seems that we have played a part in the propagation of their species.
    • Charlie Slow down there, egghead! Maybe we've just been helping them reproduce!
    • Brittany Right... Or that.
    • Charlie So...if that's the case, then what will happen when we leave?
    • Brittany Perhaps one of us should stay behind...Captain.
    • Charlie That would be interesting. Maybe I'll keep an eye out for some beachfront property...
  • Europe text:
    • Alph When we go back to Koppai, what do you suppose will happen to all the Pikmin?
    • Brittany I wonder that myself. After all, it's only through our leadership that they've been able to propagate.
    • Brittany Therefore, when we leave...
    • Charlie Brittany... I know what you're thinking...
    • Charlie Though it pains me to say this, the fate of the leaderless is a bleak fate indeed.
    • Brittany Perhaps you should stay here with the Pikmin then, Captain?
    • Charlie Err... What?

Red Pikmin

  • US text:
    • Alph Red Pikmin seem more aggressive than other types of Pikmin.
    • Brittany You know, you're right. They're so cute, you wouldn't expect them to be so ferocious.
    • Brittany Were they the first Pikmin that you discovered, Alph?
    • Alph Yes! I thought they were just more excitable when I first met them.
  • Europe text:
    • Alph Red Pikmin seem more ferocious than other types of Pikmin.
    • Brittany That's a good observation. You wouldn't have guessed it from their cute little faces.
    • Brittany Come to think of it, Alph, you've been with the Red Pikmin since crash-landing here, right?
    • Alph Yes, we've been through thick and thin together. I've grown rather fond of them!

Rock Pikmin

  • US text:
    • Brittany Rock Pikmin are stout, but their legs are surprisingly skinny.
    • Alph I hadn't really noticed that, but you're totally right.
    • Alph They have a similar build to the captain, don't they?
    • Brittany You think? I wouldn't have thought that. Rock Pikmin are clean shaven...and cute.
  • Europe text:
    • Brittany Rock Pikmin are stout, but their legs are surprisingly slender.
    • Alph Uh... I can't say I've looked at them in that way, but yeah... I suppose.
    • Alph Actually, they resemble the Captain, wouldn't you say?
    • Brittany That's a bit harsh! I think Rock Pikmin are rather cute.

Yellow Pikmin

  • US text:
    • Brittany It's nice to know that Yellow Pikmin can be thrown to high places.
    • Alph That's because they're so light.
    • Brittany ...Yes, Alph. However, I still don't understand how they aren't hurt by electric shocks.
    • Alph That's been on my mind, too. As a keen engineer, that's incredibly fascinating to me!
    • Alph Maybe their oversized ears distribute currents in the air, which grounds them...
    • Brittany No offense, Alph. But maybe you should just stick to the machines.
  • Europe text:
    • Brittany It makes sense that Yellow Pikmin can be thrown to high places.
    • Alph That's because they're so light.
    • Brittany Right! However, I still don't get how they're shock resistant.
    • Alph That's been on my mind, too. Being an engineer, it's incredibly fascinating to me!
    • Alph Maybe those big ears of theirs distribute current in the air, acting as a ground...
    • Brittany No offence, but I sincerely doubt it.

Winged Pikmin

  • US text:
    • Brittany Winged Pikmin seem to be weaker in battle when compared to other types of Pikmin.
    • Charlie But the power of flight makes them an incredibly valuable asset.
    • Charlie That's something other Pikmin can't do.
    • Alph Good point, Captain! So it's all about positioning them to make the most of their abilities.
    • Brittany Yes, but...that's pretty much the case for all types of Pikmin.
  • Europe text:
    • Brittany For some reason, Winged Pikmin seem to be weak in battle compared to other types of Pikmin.
    • Charlie True, but they can fly.
    • Charlie That's something other Pikmin are incapable of.
    • Alph So it's all about positioning them to make the most of their abilities.
    • Brittany Yep. But that's pretty much the case for all types of Pikmin.

Blue Pikmin

  • US text:
    • Alph Unlike other Pikmin, Blue Pikmin have mouths. Did you notice that?
    • Brittany Those are gills, actually. Not mouths.
    • Charlie That's ridiculous! I saw those Blue Pikmin laughing underwater.
    • Brittany Right, well, they must have found it very funny that they were able to extract oxygen from the water.
  • Europe text:
    • Alph Unlike other Pikmin, Blue Pikmin have mouths. Did you notice that?
    • Brittany Those are gills, actually. Not mouths.
    • Charlie What? They're not mouths? But I thought they were laughing.
    • Brittany Well, whatever you want to call them, those are the organs that allow them to breathe underwater.

Searching for Charlie

  • US text:
    • Brittany We've lost someone very dear to us: our esteemed Captain Charlie.
    • Alph Don't say that! He's still alive! I know he is!
    • Brittany Relax, Alph! I was only joking!
    • Alph Oh yeah, well, I was just joking, too. But you can stop joking now. And don't ever joke again.
  • Europe text:
    • Brittany We've lost someone very dear to us, our esteemed Captain Charlie.
    • Alph Don't say that! The Captain's still alive! I know he is!
    • Brittany Hee hee hee! Relax, Alph! You don't like anyone making fun of the Captain, do you?

Gameplay 1

  • US text:
    • Charlie Listen up! This planet's got some tricky terrain.
    • Charlie If there's a ledge we can't reach on foot, we can toss someone to a strategic spot and forge a path.
    • Alph In terms of throwing order, who goes first? Brittany?
    • Brittany Excuse me? Don't be ridiculous!
    • Brittany It's obvious that in situations like that, the captain should be the first to volunteer for being thrown!
    • Charlie Exactly! Wait...what?
    • Alph Yes! Get ready to fly, Captain!
  • Europe text:
    • Charlie Listen up! This planet's got some tricky terrain.
    • Charlie If there's a ledge we can't reach on foot, we'll need to throw a crew member up there to forge a path.
    • Alph In terms of throwing order, who goes first? Brittany?
    • Brittany Excuse me? Don't be ridiculous!
    • Brittany It's obvious that in situations like that, the Captain should fly in first to smash things up!
    • Charlie Huh?
    • Alph Oh, yeah! Like a cannonball or something, right?

Pikmin behavior 8

  • US text:
    • Alph The buds on Pikmin's heads can bloom into flowers.
    • Alph These flower Pikmin seem to be really lively.
    • Brittany Maybe we can learn something from them. What if we took that extra time for ourselves, as well?
    • Alph Yeah! Maybe we're late bloomers!
    • Alph If we ever get too anxious, we should just nip that in the bud and everything will be coming up roses!
    • Brittany Uh-oh...
    • Alph I'm not one for flowery speech, but we should stop beating around the bush, Brittany! Wait...I can't stop!
    • Brittany Alph! You're shaking like a leaf! Oh I've got it, too.
    • Alph I think I'm just exhausted. This will clear up if I just hit the hay...
  • Europe text:
    • Alph The buds on Pikmin's heads can bloom into flowers.
    • Alph These flower Pikmin seem to be really lively.
    • Brittany Maybe we can learn something from them. Maybe we just need to take time in order to bloom, too.
    • Alph Yeah! If we get too anxious, we should just nip that in the bud and everything will be coming up roses!
    • Brittany Uh-oh...
    • Alph I'm not one for flowery speech, but we should stop beating around the bush, Brittany! Wait...I can't stop!
    • Brittany Alph! You're shaking like a leaf! Oh no... Now I'm doing it, too.

Pikmin behavior 9

  • US text:
    • Alph It seems like for the most part Pikmin can't handle the water.
    • Brittany Even though plants need water...
    • Alph Meaning... Whatever they are, Pikmin aren't exactly plants?
    • Brittany Meaning... I'm not sure yet how we should classify these Pikmin.
  • Europe text:
    • Alph It seems like for the most part Pikmin can't handle the water.
    • Brittany Even though plants need water...
    • Alph Meaning...whatever they are, Pikmin aren't exactly plants?
    • Brittany Meaning... I'm not sure yet how we should classify these Pikmin.

Pikmin behavior 10

  • US text:
    • Brittany Those rocks the Pikmin were carrying certainly were peculiar.
    • Alph I detected high levels of energy coming from inside the rocks.
    • Charlie We should secure them and handle them with the utmost caution!
    • Brittany We should test them to see what would happen if we threw them at a target. A target like......
    • Brittany The captain, for instance.
    • Charlie I'm sorry, what was that?
  • Europe text:
    • Brittany Those rocks the Pikmin were carrying were quite peculiar.
    • Alph I detected high levels of energy emanating from inside them.
    • Charlie And I detect a whiff of danger! We should handle them with care!
    • Alph We should experiment with them. They might be useful if thrown at a target. A target like...
    • Brittany ...the Captain, for instance?
    • Charlie I'm sorry, what was that?
    • Brittany Oh nothing, just thinking aloud.

Gameplay 2

  • US text:
    • Charlie When the sun is going down and time is short, what's our best course of action?
    • Alph Straying from the ship poses too many risks, so I stay close by and try to make more Pikmin.
    • Brittany I just keep on looking for fruit right up until the last second.
    • Charlie Interesting. Myself, I—
    • Alph This is terrible! I'm no good! All I think about is saving my own skin!
    • Alph I need to learn from your example, Brittany, and take a few more risks for the good of our mission.
  • Europe text:
    • Charlie When the sun is going down and time is short what's your preferred course of action?
    • Alph Straying from the ship poses too many risks, so I stay close by and try to make more Pikmin.
    • Brittany I just keep on looking for fruit right up until the last second.
    • Charlie Interesting. I myself, think that—
    • Alph Darn it! I'm too cautious! All I think about is saving my own skin!
    • Alph I need to learn from your example, Brittany, and take a few more risks for the good of our mission.

Pikmin behavior 11

  • US text:
    • Alph The color of the pellets carried to the Onion seems to be related to the number of Pikmin that sprout.
    • Brittany Good eye, Alphie!
    • Brittany When Pikmin take a pellet of the same color back to the Onion, more seeds are produced.
    • Charlie Hmm...
    • Charlie So that means we should try to get Red Pikmin to retrieve all red pellets. Makes perfect sense.
  • Europe text:
    • Alph The colour of the pellet carried to the Onion seems to affect the number of Pikmin produced.
    • Brittany An excellent observation, Alph!
    • Brittany When Pikmin take a pellet of the same colour back to the Onion, it tends to fire out more seeds.
    • Charlie Hmm...
    • Charlie So that means we should try to get Red Pikmin to retrieve all the red pellets. It makes perfect sense.

Pikmin behavior 12

  • US text:
    • Charlie When you spray Pikmin with Ultra-Spicy Spray, they get really fired up.
    • Brittany Pikmin in that state move really fast, and their attack power is boosted too!
    • Alph If we spray it on the captain, maybe he'll become even stronger.
    • Charlie Wahaha! Alph, don't joke about that!
    • Brittany (I wasn't joking... I sprayed him when he wasn't looking...)
  • Europe text:
    • Charlie Spraying Pikmin with Ultra-Spicy Spray seems to get them really fired up!
    • Brittany True. The spray seems to boost both the speed of their movements and the strength of their attacks.
    • Alph If we spray it on the Captain, maybe he'll become even stronger.
    • Charlie Hahaha! Now now Alph, don't joke about things like that!
    • Brittany (Actually... I've already tried spraying him with it. He didn't notice.)

Pikmin behavior 13

  • US text:
    • Brittany When you spray Pikmin with Ultra-Spicy Spray, they get really fired up.
    • Alph Pikmin in that state seem to move really fast, and their attack power is boosted too!
    • Brittany Hee hee! Maybe we should spray some of it on you, Alphie!
    • Alph Brittany! Don't joke about things like that!
    • Brittany {{transcript|Would it be bad if I already sprayed you when you weren't looking?
  • Europe text:
    • Brittany When you spray Pikmin with Ultra-Spicy Spray, they get really fired up.
    • Alph Pikmin in that state seem to move really fast, and their attack power is boosted too!
    • Brittany Hee hee! Maybe we should spray some of it on you, Alph!
    • Alph Brittany! Don't joke about things like that!
    • Brittany (Too late! I've already tried spraying some on him.)

Red Pikmin (all leaders)

  • US text:
    • Alph Red Pikmin seem more ferocious than other types of Pikmin.
    • Brittany That's a good observation. You wouldn't have guessed it from their cute little faces.
    • Alph Compared to the three of us, I'd say Red Pikmin are most like the captain. What do you think?
    • Brittany Did you not hear me? I said the Red Pikmin were cute.
    • Charlie Ahem! I'm standing right here, you know!
  • Europe text:
    • Alph Red Pikmin seem more ferocious than other types of Pikmin.
    • Brittany That's a good observation. You wouldn't have guessed it from their cute little faces.
    • Alph Error: String exceeds 10,000 character limit.
    • Charlie What?! I don't believe it...
    • Alph Well there's only one thing for it... We need to make finding more food our number one priority!

Got all fruits

  • US text:
    • Alph It looks like we've gathered all the food there is to find on this planet!
    • Brittany Yay, us! We'll bring the seeds back to Koppai! Thanks to us, our planet is saved!
    • Charlie But we shouldn't celebrate just yet.
    • Charlie If we don't recover the cosmic-drive key before our juice runs out, we won't be able to return home!
    • Alph I suppose we'll need to be more systematic in our search.
  • Europe text:
    • Alph It looks like we've gathered all the food there is to find on this planet!
    • Brittany Hooray! We'll take the seeds back to Koppai, and our planet will be saved!
    • Charlie However, it's still a little bit early to be celebrating.
    • Charlie We now have a fixed time frame in which to recover the cosmic drive key, or we won't be able to return home!
    • Alph I suppose we need to be more systematic in our search.

Need to rescue Olimar

  • US text:
    • Charlie Curses! Captain Olimar has been captured...
    • Alph Thankfully, the KopPad is picking up a life signal, which means that Olimar is still alive!
    • Brittany Whew! I thought he was a goner after that gold creature gobbled him up.
    • Charlie Well, it may only be a matter of time before that happens! Rescuing him needs to be our top priority!
  • Europe text:
    • Charlie Curses! Captain Olimar has been captured...
    • Alph The KopPad is picking up a life sign though! That means that Mr Olimar is alive!
    • Brittany Thank goodness for that! I thought he'd been devoured by that golden creature...
    • Charlie Well, it may only be a matter of time before that happens! Rescuing him needs to be our top priority!

Attempting to land on the Tropical Wilds before meeting Brittany

  • US text:
    • Alph This is where I crash-landed.
    • Alph But exploration will have to wait for later. I need to prioritize finding Brittany first.
  • Europe text:
    • Alph This is the area where I woke up.
    • Alph But exploration will have to wait for later. I need to prioritise finding Brittany first.


  • US text:
    • Alph It doesn't seem like Brittany is in this area...
  • Europe text:
    • Alph It doesn't seem like Brittany is in this area...

Final days

  • US text:
    • Brittany We've collected all of the edible matter in this area!
    • Brittany {{transcript|{0E00170004001c001800530074006f006d0061006300680053006d0061006c006c02cd}{0E001700040004000000cd}Groooowl...
    • Brittany But we're running out of food, and I'm getting hungry. We'd better head someplace else.
  • Europe text:
    • Brittany We've already collected all of the fruit in this area!
    • Brittany {{transcript|{0E00170004001c001800530074006f006d0061006300680053006d0061006c006c02cd}{0E001700040004000000cd}Groooowl...
    • Brittany My poor empty tummy! We'd better head somewhere else to look for supplies.


  • US text:
    • Alph This area doesn't appear to have any more edible matter.
    • Alph {0E0015000000020000}{0E00170004001c001800530074006f006d0061006300680053006d0061006c006c02cd}{0E001700040004000000cd}Groooooowl...
    • Alph I'm so hungry... Guess I'd better look for food elsewhere.
  • Europe text:
    • Alph There's no more fruit to retrieve in this area...
    • Alph {0E0015000000020000}{0E00170004001c001800530074006f006d0061006300680053006d0061006c006c02cd}{0E001700040004000000cd}......
    • Alph I'm so hungry... Guess I'd better look for food elsewhere.


  • US text:
    • Alph There doesn't appear to be any more edible matter in this area...
    • Alph {0E0015000000020000}{0E00170004001c001800530074006f006d0061006300680053006d0061006c006c02cd}{0E001700040004000000cd}Gruuuumble...
    • Alph I'm reaching my limit. Let's hurry up and look for food somewhere else.
  • Europe text:
    • Alph There doesn't appear to be any more fruit available in this area...
    • Alph {0E0015000000020000}{0E00170004001c001800530074006f006d0061006300680053006d0061006c006c02cd}{0E001700040004000000cd}Gruuuumble...
    • Alph I'm reaching my limit. Let's hurry up and look for food somewhere else.


  • US text:
    • Brittany Doesn't look like there's any food for us in this area.
    • Brittany {{transcript|{0E00170004001c001800530074006f006d0061006300680053006d0061006c006c02cd}{0E001700040004000000cd}...
    • Brittany I'm famished... We should go someplace else to find more food.
  • Europe text:
    • Brittany Doesn't look like there's any more fruit for us here...
    • Brittany {{transcript|{0E00170004001c001800530074006f006d0061006300680053006d0061006c006c02cd}{0E001700040004000000cd}.....
    • Brittany I'm famished! We'd better find a different area to search in.


  • US text:
    • Charlie This area looks to be devoid of any food.
    • Charlie {0E0015000000020200}{0E00170004001c001800530074006f006d0061006300680053006d0061006c006c02cd}{0E001700040004000000cd}...
    • Charlie Our food supply is nearly exhausted, so let's look for more food someplace else.
  • Europe text:
    • Charlie Doesn't look like there's much in the way of edible matter here....
    • Charlie {0E0015000000020200}{0E00170004001c001800530074006f006d0061006300680053006d0061006c006c02cd}{0E001700040004000000cd}......
    • Charlie We need to replenish our supplies... Better head to another area and continue the search!


  • US text:
    • Brittany What's that signal coming from over there?
    • Alph I sincerely hope it's the captain! Let's hurry over there and find out!
    • Brittany ...Good idea. He might be hogging all the fruit for himself.
  • Europe text:
    • Brittany What's that signal coming from over there?
    • Alph It has to be the Captain! Let's hurry up and rescue him!
    • Brittany ...Good idea. He might be hogging all the fruit for himself.


  • US text:
    • Brittany What's that signal coming from over there?
    • Charlie A signal like that? If it’s not coming from our ship or one of us...maybe it’s Olimar!
    • Alph With a transmitter that strong, it must be planetary explorers like us. It must be the Hocotatian.
    • Charlie And where we find Olimar, that's where we'll find our cosmic-drive key! Let's track the signal to its source!
  • Europe text:
    • Brittany What's that signal coming from over there?
    • Charlie Could it be that person from Hocotate?
    • Alph It wouldn't surprise me if a Hocotatian had something that would emit a signal.
    • Charlie Then it must be Captain Olimar! Let's track the signal to its source!

Night where Louie is first rescued 1

  • US text:
    • Brittany Olimar hasn't woken up since we brought him aboard...
    • Charlie Hey...I know that space suit! It puts you into a deep sleep if you experience any big surprises.
    • Charlie I missed an entire surprise birthday party once because of those suits!
    • Alph What are we supposed to do now?!
    • Louie {0E0015000000020300}Zzz...
    • Alph Would you mind keeping it down?
    • Charlie Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do. We need to get him to tell us where the cosmic-drive key is.
    • Charlie And in order for him to do that, we need him to wake up on his own!
    • Brittany Let me try slapping him.
    • Charlie No, no! Trust me, we can't do anything once that suit kicks in.
    • Charlie We just need to keep an eye on him.
  • Europe text:
    • Brittany Olimar doesn't seem to be waking up.
    • Alph That's to be expected. Who knows what that terrible creature did to him.
    • Charlie Nevertheless, we need to get him to tell us where the cosmic drive key is.
    • Louie {0E0015000000020300}Zzz...
    • Alph Yes, we'll need that if we want to return home!
    • Brittany Well, it doesn't seem like there's much we can do right now. We've worked hard today. Why don't we take it easy tonight?
    • Charlie Good idea. There's a chance he'll wake up tomorrow. Let's make it an early night.

Night where Louie is first rescued 2

  • US text:
    • Brittany Olimar hasn't woken up since we brought him aboard...
    • Charlie Ah yes...I know that space suit. It puts you into a deep sleep if you experience any big surprises.
    • Charlie I missed an entire surprise birthday party once because of those.
    • Alph So, what should we do?!
    • Louie {0E0015000000020300}Zzz...
    • Alph Would you mind keeping it down?
    • Charlie Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do. We need to get him to tell us where the cosmic-drive key is.
    • Charlie And in order for him to do that, we need him to wake up on his own!
    • Alph There's nothing we can do to wake him up?
    • Brittany Let me try slapping him.
    • Charlie No, no. Trust me, we can't do anything once that suit kicks in. We just need to keep an eye on him.
  • Europe text:
    • Brittany Olimar doesn't seem to be waking up.
    • Alph That's to be expected. Who knows what that terrible creature did to him.
    • Charlie Well, I was eaten by a giant beast, but you didn't see me faint—
    • Brittany More importantly, we're running very low on food!
    • Brittany Finding more fruit has to be our top priority tomorrow!

Night where Louie is first rescued 3

  • US text:
    • Brittany Olimar hasn't woken up since we brought him aboard...
    • Charlie Hey...I know that space suit! It puts you into a deep sleep if you experience any big surprises.
    • Charlie I missed an entire surprise birthday party once because of those suits!
    • Alph What are we supposed to do now?!
    • Louie {0E0015000000020300}Zzz...
    • Alph Would you mind keeping it down?
    • Charlie Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do. We need to get him to tell us where the cosmic-drive key is.
    • Charlie And in order for him to do that, we need him to wake up on his own!
    • Brittany Let me try slapping him.
    • Charlie No, no! Trust me, we can't do anything once that suit kicks in.
    • Charlie We just need to keep an eye on him.
  • Europe text:
    • Alph Mr Olimar hasn't budged since we brought him on board.
    • Charlie That's strange. There's nothing wrong with him physically. I'd have expected him to be awake by now.
    • Brittany Maybe we should try slapping him.
    • Louie {0E0015000000020300}....
    • Alph We can't do that! When conversing with aliens, the first rule is to "be nice."
    • Charlie Well, let's monitor his condition until tomorrow. I'm sure that with my expert negotia—
    • Brittany I feel very sleepy all of a sudden. I think I'll turn in for the night...
    • Alph Me, too.

Night where Louie is recaptured==

  • US text:
    • Alph ...So it turns out, this isn't Captain Olimar at all, but rather some other fellow named Louie.
    • Alph And I suppose that fuselage we saw must have been the remains of Olimar and Louie's ship.
    • Alph Seems like that huge monster really did a number on it, though...
    • Louie Food!
    • Brittany Is that all you think about? Didn't we just feed you?!
    • Charlie Ah... It's great to be reunited with my rubber ducky! With him by my side, I feel like I can achieve anything!
    • Alph Umm... Is anyone listening to me?
    • Alph Louie doesn't have our cosmic-drive key. We need to find out if he knows where the real Olimar is!
  • Europe text:
    • Alph ...So it turns out, this isn't Mr Olimar at all, but rather some other guy called Louie.
    • Alph And I suppose that fuselage we saw must have been the remains of Olimar and Louie's ship.
    • Alph Seems like that huge monster really did a number on it, though...
    • Louie Food!
    • Brittany Is that all you think about? Didn't we just feed you?!
    • Charlie Ah... It's great to be reunited with my Rubber Ducky! With him by my side, I feel like I can achieve anything!
    • Alph anyone listening to me?
    • Alph Louie doesn't have our cosmic drive key. We need to find out if he knows where the real Mr Olimar is!

Gameplay 15

  • US text:
    • Alph We lost so many Pikmin, and it's all our fault...
    • Alph From this moment forth, I shall do this for those whom we've lost!
  • Europe text:
    • Alph I feel awful... So many of my Pikmin perished back there...
    • Alph But I can't give up...or those brave Pikmin will have sacrificed themselves for nothing!

Gameplay 16

  • US text:
    • Alph I can't believe how many Pikmin we lost...
    • Brittany I'm so sorry! It was all my fault!
    • Alph You can't beat yourself up like this, Brittany.
    • Brittany I was just so distracted thinking about food...
    • Alph Hm... Well, moving forward... Let's be sure to pay more attention today!
  • Europe text:
    • Alph We lost so many Pikmin back there. I feel terribly guilty...
    • Brittany I'm sorry Alph, it was my fault...
    • Brittany I was too busy thinking about dinner... I need to concentrate better in future.
    • Alph Well, let's try to do better next time. Our Pikmin are relying on us for leadership!

Gameplay 17

  • US text:
    • Charlie Curses! We lost a lot of good Pikmin out there. And on my watch, too! I failed them...
    • Alph It wasn't just your fault, Captain.
    • Brittany What are you talking about, Alph?! Of course it was the captain's fault! He IS the captain, after all. Those poor Pikmin...
    • Charlie What?
    • Alph Uh... Um... Well, from this point forward, we'll do even better for the sake of the Pikmin!
  • Europe text:
    • Charlie Curses! We lost a lot of good Pikmin out there. And on my watch, too! I failed them...
    • Alph Don't be too hard on yourself, Captain. It's wasn't entirely your fault.
    • Brittany Actually, I'd say it WAS more or less entirely your fault. Those poor Pikmin...
    • Charlie Huh?
    • Alph Anyway, we mustn't give in! We need to pick ourselves up again and carry on with our mission.

Day 99

  • US text:
    • Alph We're out of food, and there's no more to be found... We need to go and rescue Olimar!
  • Europe text:
    • Alph We're out of food and there's no more to be found... We need to go and rescue Mr Olimar!