User:Twins1105/Extracted Text/Pikmin 4

North American English text from Pikmin 4. Might do other languages later due to the amount of text already documented here.


Text from the Control Guide.

Internal Name Localized Name / Text Value
ActionMenu_00_000 Move
ActionMenu_00_010 Look Around
ActionMenu_00_020 Look Ahead
ActionMenu_00_030 Select Pikmin/Oatchi
ActionMenu_00_040 Throw
ActionMenu_00_050 Send
ActionMenu_00_060 Pluck
ActionMenu_00_070 Punch
ActionMenu_00_080 Bite
ActionMenu_00_090 Call with Whistle
ActionMenu_00_100 Bark
ActionMenu_00_110 Cancel Tasks
ActionMenu_00_120 Charge
ActionMenu_00_125 Form Line
ActionMenu_00_140 Ride
ActionMenu_00_150 Dismount
ActionMenu_00_160 Jump
ActionMenu_00_170 Rush
ActionMenu_00_180 Glowmob
ActionMenu_00_190 Actions
ActionMenu_00_200 Command
ActionMenu_00_210 Pack
ActionMenu_00_220 Disband
ActionMenu_00_230 Disband All
ActionMenu_00_240 Switch
ActionMenu_00_250 Auto Target Lock
ActionMenu_00_260 Manual Target Lock
ActionMenu_00_270 Move Cursor
ActionMenu_00_290 Motion Controls
ActionMenu_00_300 Tablet
ActionMenu_00_310 How to Use Radar Map (1)
ActionMenu_00_320 How to Use Radar Map (2)
ActionMenu_00_330 How to Use Radar Map (3)
ActionMenu_00_335 How to Use Radar Map (4)
ActionMenu_00_340 Options
ActionMenu_00_350 Shortcut Settings
ActionMenu_00_360 How to Use Shortcuts
ActionMenu_00_362 How to Use Field Guides (1)
ActionMenu_00_363 How to Use Field Guides (2)
ActionMenu_00_364 How to Use Field Guides (3)
ActionMenu_00_365 How to Use Field Guides (4)
ActionMenu_00_366 How to Use Field Guides (5)
ActionMenu_00_370 Survey Drone (1)
ActionMenu_00_380 Survey Drone (2)
ActionMenu_00_390 Using Mystery Items
ActionMenu_00_400 Co-op Mode (1)
ActionMenu_00_402 Co-op Mode (2)
ActionMenu_00_404 Co-op Mode (3)
ActionMenu_00_406 Co-op Mode (4)
ActionContent_00_000 Use   to move player avatar or  PupOatchi.
ActionContent_00_010 Use   to look around. Tilt   for an aerial view, and tilt   to go back to ground view. Visit Settings to change the input directions.
ActionContent_00_010_Yoko To look around, hold down ["Variable_R_Stick"] and tilt ["Variable_L_Stick_LR"].
ActionContent_00_020 Press   to look straight ahead. Reset view by pressing  .
ActionContent_00_020_Yoko Press ["Variable_ZL_Button"] to look straight ahead.
ActionContent_00_030 Press   or   to scroll through your squad to select Pikmin or  PupOatchi. Tap   and   together to select  PupOatchi immediately.
ActionContent_00_030_Yoko Press ["Variable_R_Button"] to scroll through your squad to select Pikmin or [Icon_Happy_Blue]Oatchi.
ActionContent_00_040 Select Pikmin and press  .
ActionContent_00_050 Select  PupOatchi and press  .
ActionContent_00_060 Approach a Pikmin sprout and press  . Press   to stop plucking.
ActionContent_00_070 While playing as your avatar, press   when your squad doesn't have  PupOatchi nor any Pikmin.
ActionContent_00_080 While playing as  PupOatchi, press   when he doesn't have any Pikmin with him. While playing as your avatar, direct him to Bite with  .
ActionContent_00_080_Yoko While playing as ["Icon_Happy_Blue][Happy]Oatchi[EmphasisEnd], press ["Variable_A_Button"] when he doesn't have any Pikmin with him. While playing as your avatar, direct him to Bite with ["Variable_A_Button"].
ActionContent_00_090 Press  . Hold button to increase whistle range.
ActionContent_00_100 Press   when playing as  PupOatchi. Hold button to increase bark range.
ActionContent_00_110 Use    to blow your whistle for an extended period to summon Pikmin midtask. Blow the whistle again to summon Pikmin who have paused their task.
ActionContent_00_120 Press   after obtaining the Charging Horn.
ActionContent_00_125 After receiving the Lineup Trumpet, hold down   and move   up, down, left, or right to direct your squad to face the desired direction.
ActionContent_00_140 After unlocking the ability to ride  PupOatchi, press   when  PupOatchi is nearby.
ActionContent_00_150 After unlocking the ability to use Jump, press   while playing as  PupOatchi.
ActionContent_00_160 After unlocking the ability to use Jump, press ["Jump"] while playing as ["Icon_Happy_Blue"][Happy]Oatchi[EmphasisEnd].
ActionContent_00_170 Select  PupOatchi and use    to power up the gauge. Move   to adjust direction, then release   to unleash the Rush. Press any button but   to cancel.
ActionContent_00_180 Select Glow Pikmin and use    until gauge is full, then release   to unleash a Glowmob on your desired target. Press any button but   to cancel. Glowmobs can't be used when playing as  PupOatchi.
ActionContent_00_190 Use    to display Actions.
ActionContent_00_200 In the Actions menu, tilt   to select Command, then press   to open. Visit "Skills: Command" in the Oatchi section of the Gameplay Guide to learn more.
ActionContent_00_200_Yoko In the Actions menu, tilt [PictureFont:IconData key="Variable_L_Stick_Left" scale="0.66"/] to select Command, then press [PictureFont:IconData key="Variable_Y_Button" scale="0.66"/] to open. Visit "Skills: Command" in the [Npc:EmphasisStart NpcName="Happy"/]Oatchi[Npc:EmphasisEnd/] section of the Gameplay Guide to learn more.
ActionContent_00_210 In the Actions menu, tilt   to select Pack, then press   to open. Visit "Types of Items (1-3)" in the Story section of your Gameplay Guide for more information about your Pack's contents.
ActionContent_00_210_Yoko In the Actions menu, tilt ["Variable_L_Stick_Right"] to select Pack, then press ["Variable_Y_Button"] to open. Visit "Types of Items (1-3)" in the Story section of your Gameplay Guide for more information about your [Grammar:DefArt/]Pack's contents.
ActionContent_00_220 In the Actions menu, tilt   to select Disband, then press   to confirm. Pikmin other than the currently selected type will disband.
ActionContent_00_220_Yoko In the Actions menu, tilt ["Variable_L_Stick_Up"] to select Disband,then press ["Variable_Y_Button"] to confirm. Pikmin other than the currently selected type will disband.
ActionContent_00_230 All Pikmin and  PupOatchi will disband at once. Assign the command in Shortcut Settings.
ActionContent_00_240 In the Actions menu, tilt   to select Switch, then press   to confirm. This action will not be available if you are riding  PupOatchi.
ActionContent_00_240_Yoko In the Actions menu, tilt ["Variable_L_Stick_Down"] to select Switch, then press ["Variable_Y_Button"] to confirm. This action will not be available if you are riding ["Icon_Happy_Blue"][Happy]Oatchi[EmphasisEnd].
ActionContent_00_250 Use   to move the cursor to the desired Auto Target Lock target.
ActionContent_00_260 Press   while Auto Target Lock is activated to fix the cursor. Press   again to change target.
ActionContent_00_260_Yoko Cannot be selected while holding controller sideways.
ActionContent_00_270 Use   to move the cursor. When Motion Controls are ON, you can move the cursor by tilting your controller for some actions.
ActionContent_00_290 When throwing Pikmin or trying to lock onto an item or object, tilt the controller to move cursor to the desired location. Motion Controls can also be used when calling Pikmin with your whistle.
ActionContent_00_300 Press   to open the Radar Map, then press   to display the Tablet menu and change apps. Visit the Gameplay Guide to learn more about your Tablet.
ActionContent_00_310 In the Radar Map, hover the cursor over the place you'd like to go to, then press   to automatically move to that location. This action is only available after you learn Command Lv. 2 in your training.
ActionContent_00_310_Yoko In the Radar Map, hover the cursor over the place you'd like to go to, then press ["Variable_A_Button"] to automatically move to that location. This action is only available after you learn Command Lv. 2 in your training.
ActionContent_00_320 In the Radar Map, hover the cursor over the place you'd like to go to, then press ["Variable_A_Button"] to automatically move to that location. This action is only available after you learn Command Lv. 2 in your training.
ActionContent_00_320_Yoko Use ["Variable_Double_Manual_RstUp"] to zoom in. Use ["Variable_Double_Manual_RstDown"] to zoom out. Move ["Variable_L_Stick"] to adjust position on map.
ActionContent_00_330 Press   to toggle the Radar Map's orientation between Fixed and the direction of the camera. You can also adjust this in the Options menu under Settings.
ActionContent_00_335 While at the Rescue Command Post, place the cursor over whoever you wish to talk to and press   to move to their location instantly.
ActionContent_00_335_Yoko While at the Rescue Command Post, place the cursor over whoever you wish to talk to and press ["Variable_A_Button"] to move to their location instantly.
ActionContent_00_340 Press  . Press  ] twice if using horizontal grip. Visit the Gameplay Guide to learn more about the Options menu.
ActionContent_00_350 In the Options menu under Shortcut Settings, you can assign actions and items to   and  .
ActionContent_00_360 When playing the story, press   or   to access your Tablet shortcuts or immediately use items in your pack.
ActionContent_00_360_Yoko When playing the story, press ["Press_Stick"] to access your Tablet shortcuts or immediately use items in your pack.
ActionContent_00_362 While using Observe in the Piklopedia or Treasure Catalog, use   to change viewpoint, use   to rotate the camera, use   for an aerial view, and use   to look closer at a target.
ActionContent_00_362_Yoko While using Observe in the Piklopedia or Treasure Catalog, use ["Variable_L_Stick"] to change viewpoint, use ["Variable_Double_Manual_Horizon_R_Stick"] to rotate the camera, use ["Variable_Double_Manual_PictureBook_RstUp"] to look closer at a target, and use ["Variable_Double_Manual_PictureBook_RstDown"] for an aerial view.
ActionContent_00_363 When using Observe in the Piklopedia or Treasure Catalog, press   to display Notes.
ActionContent_00_363_Yoko When using Observe in the Piklopedia or Treasure Catalog, use ["Variable_Double_Manual_ZR"] to display Notes.
ActionContent_00_364 Press   to throw an item while observing in the Piklopedia. Scroll through available items by pressing   or  . Press   to switch between day and night when viewing creatures active at night.
ActionContent_00_365 Press   to examine a treasure from all angles while observing it in the Treasure Catalog. If the treasure is interactive, you can press   again to trigger its action.
ActionContent_00_365_Yoko Press [PictureFont:IconData key="Variable_A_Button" scale="0.66"/] to examine a treasure from all angles while observing it in the Treasure Catalog. If the treasure is interactive, you can press [PictureFont:IconData key="Variable_A_Button" scale="0.66"/] again to trigger its action.
ActionContent_00_366 In the Piklopedia's Engage mode, you can fight creatures over and over again. Press   /   to open the Options menu to call or return Pikmin, reset positions, or return to the Piklopedia.
ActionContent_00_366_Yoko In the Piklopedia's Engage mode, you can fight creatures over and over again. Press [PictureFont:IconData key="Variable_Double_PlayManual_PlusMinus" scale="0.66"/] to open the Options menu to call or return Pikmin, reset positions, or return to the Piklopedia.
ActionContent_00_370 Use   to move around. Use   to move drone up and down. Use   to rotate drone and change directions.
ActionContent_00_370_Yoko Use ["Variable_L_Stick"] to move around. Use ["Variable_Double_Manual_RstUpDown"] to move drone up and down. Use ["Variable_Double_Manual_Horizon_R_Stick"] to rotate drone and change directions.
ActionContent_00_380 Press   to drop up to three landmark pins. Press   to pause/unpause game. Time will pass when game is unpaused. Press   to quit operating the drone.
ActionContent_00_380_Yoko Press ["Variable_Y_Button"] to drop up to three landmark pins. Press ["Variable_X_Button"] to pause/unpause game. Time will pass when game is unpaused. Press ["Variable_B_Button"] to quit operating the drone.
ActionContent_00_390 After obtaining a Mystery Capsule item, press   to use it. Visit the Dandori Battle section of the Gameplay Guide to learn more about item effects.
ActionContent_00_400 P2 supports P1 by pressing   to throw pebbles at a variety of targets. Hit the creatures to help defeat them and increase transport speed by hitting objects being transported.
ctionContent_00_400_Yoko P2 supports P1 by pressing ["Variable_A_Button_2P"] to ["Emphasis"]throw pebbles at a variety of targets["Default"]. Hit the creatures to help defeat them and increase transport speed by hitting objects being transported.
ActionContent_00_401 P2 can support P1 by pressing ["Variable_A_Button_2P"] to ["Emphasis"]throw pebbles at a variety of targets["Default"]. Hit the creatures to help defeat them and increase transport speed by hitting objects being transported.
ctionContent_00_401_Yoko P2 can support P1 by pressing ["Variable_A_Button_2P"] to ["Emphasis"]throw pebbles at a variety of targets["Default"]. Hit the creatures to help defeat them and increase transport speed by hitting objects being transported.
ActionContent_00_402 P2 throws an item by pressing   and selects items using   or  .
ActionContent_00_402_Yoko P2 throws an item by pressing ["Variable_Y_Button_2P"] and selects items using ["Variable_L_Button_2P"] or ["Variable_R_Button_2P"].
ActionContent_00_404 P2 can use Motion Controls to aim the Pebble Pitcher. Press   to reset the Pebble Pitcher to the center of the screen. If using Two-Hand Hold, P2 can also move the Pebble Pitcher with  .
ActionContent_00_406 Turn Motion Controls ON/OFF or adjust the Pebble Pitcher's motion sensitivity in Settings.


Descriptions of non single use pack items.

Internal Name Localized Name / Text Value
VitalSystem1 No training necessary to achieve this HP increase. Indeed, there is no force in the universe more powerful than science!
VitalSystem2 An even stronger version of my original Tuff Stuff. Why work hard for an HP increase when science can do it for you?
VitalSystem3 For those interested in obtaining the highest levels of HP, I present to you this marvel. Science, you have done it again!
MetalSystem1 I've harnessed the invisible power of air with the inspiring power of science to harden your space suit against damage!
MetalSystem2 By compressing the air, I've made it even MORE damage absorbent! Damage done to your space suit will now be halved.
MetalSystem3 Kee-HEE! I was able to compress the air to its very limit! It can now absorb 75% of damage! It's a true masterpiece.
AntiElectric An extra layer that doesn't conduct electricity! You need not fear lightning when it can't ever reach you.
FlareGuard Made from premium fireproof fabric, it will protect you from any inferno. Plus, it's moisture wicking!
IceGuard Wear this to keep your fluctuating body temperature in line! Never freeze again, even in sub-subzero temperatures.
AntiNoroNoro Coated in a sealant that repels the gooiest of gunk, you won't be impeded by sticky paths while wearing these boots.
DashBoots1 The faster you go, the more you explore! Isn't that right? It'll take everything they have for the Pikmin to keep up with you!
RocketPunch And so I bestow upon you the power of the triple punch! They say even a tin can can shatter a boulder with enough blows.
CarryArm I hear you only carry the same amount as a single Pikmin... There's absolutely no shame in giving science a noble purpose!
VitalSystem1Happy Some say there is no shortcut to building stamina. Fools! Even Oatchi can increase his HP with this on his collar!
VitalSystem2Happy This uses gentle static electricity to stimulate Oatchi's nervous system and increase his HP!
VitalSystem3Happy Now that I know all of Oatchi's pressure points, I've officially maxed out his HP. Science, you continue to impress me.
MetalSystem1Happy This little trinket condenses the air surrounding Oatchi's body to reduce overall damage! Miraculous!
MetalSystem2Happy I've improved damage absorption by increasing the rate of air condensation. Now Oatchi will only take half damage!
MetalSystem3Happy The air surrounding Oatchi gets packed into 1/4 of the space! You're about to witness the ultimate impact reducer!
AntiElectricHappy With this gear equipped, Oatchi can't be electrocuted! It redirects the electricity with the power of induction!
FlareGuardHappy Once you understand the science behind a Red Pikmin's fire resistance, Oatchi can easily be made fire resistant too!
IceGuardHappy Oatchi can withstand the cold, but that doesn't mean he can't catch frostbite! This will protect him from freezing.
PoisonGuardHappy Oatchi's keen olfactory instincts leave him vulnerable to poisonous aromas. But science can dissolve those toxins!
HeadLamp1 If your sight lines are well lit, you can avoid danger before it finds you! And so I introduce to you this lamp.
HeadLamp2 I've improved the output and increased the scope of its beam. Kee-hee! Not even the darkest of nights can outwit science.
NewOtakaraSensor This sensor detects treasure and castaways nearby. No need to rely on your "natural instincts" to guide you now!
NewOtakaraSensorPlus Now you can see the total amount and locations of the treasure! Time to go back and double-check your work.
HimajinCounter Shows a running tally of how many Pikmin are standing idle. There's no time to lollygag on a rescue mission.
Drone It's imperative to explore your surroundings from every vantage point. Use this drone to scout the area!
TotsugekiFue Press  , and this horn will order selected Pikmin to charge! Press repeatedly to charge with entire squad.
ShugoFlag Why manually collect Pikmin that have completed their tasks when you can summon them with this?
ShugoExFlag When your Pikmin go missing, call them back to the S.S. Beagle! This works on any Pikmin not currently in your squad.
TairetsuFue The tone of this whistle will inspire your Pikmin to get into formation. Then hold down  , and move your squad with  !
NukiFue Do not waste your time and effort plucking Pikmin one by one. One blow on this whistle will pluck them all at once!
WideFue Kee-hee! I increased the whistle's range by, well...a lot! It should now be even easier to gather your Pikmin.
AntiWind These boots intensify your legs' bracing abilities, preventing you from being blown away or sucked up by creature attacks.
Bag_Drone A drone that can scout the area from the sky. It can drop up to three pins to flag landmarks of your choice.
Bag_ShugoFlag Recall idle Pikmin to wherever you sound the alert.
Bag_ShugoExFlag Recall all Pikmin currently outside your squad, including those fighting creatures or midtask, to the [Carrot:SpaceshipName/] right away!
Hero_VitalSystem2Happy Increases stamina and reduces one's risk of going down.
Hero_MetalSystem2 Reduces damage dealt to my space suit by half.
Hero_DashBoots1 Boots that allow me to walk faster. Just think of how much more exploring I'll be able to get done.
Hero_RocketPunch And a one! And a two! And a three! And a triple punch can't feel too good.
Hero_VitalSystem2Happy Moss|green} will be eager to take on the scarier creatures.
Hero_MetalSystem2Happy This will decrease any damage dealt to Moss by half.
Hero_TotsugekiFue I can order my squad of Pikmin to Charge when I press  , and then they'll quickly surround a ship part or creature.
Hero_TairetsuFue A mysterious whistle that makes Pikmin fall in line. First I hold down  , then I'm able to control my whole squad with  .
Hero_NewOtakaraSensor A sensor that detects ship parts nearby. I could use all the help I can get.
Hero_HimajinCounter Shows me just how many Pikmin are standing idle. Better round them up!
Hero_VitalSystem2_Reward Space-suit upgrade that increases HP.
Hero_MetalSystem2_Reward Air Armor that reduces damage made to the space suit by half.
Hero_DashBoots1_Reward Boots that significantly increase speed.
Hero_RocketPunch_Reward Gloves that give the ability to perform a triple punch.
Hero_VitalSystem2Happy_Reward Accessory that increases Moss's HP.
Hero_MetalSystem2Happy_Reward Air Armor that reduces damage dealt to Moss by half.
Hero_TotsugekiFue_Reward Horn that orders selected Pikmin to charge when you press  . Press repeatedly to use the whole squad.
Hero_TairetsuFue_Reward Whistle that makes Pikmin line up. While holding down  , move   to control your entire squad.
Hero_NewOtakaraSensor_Reward Sensor that detects ship partsdarkorange.


Descriptions of single use pack items.

Internal Name Localized Name / Text Value
RecoveryKit This lifesaving item will protect you from getting knocked out! Plus, it detects your low HP and automatically heals you.
DogFood When Oatchi is injured, this will heal him instantly! When he's in perfect health, it will temporarily increase his HP!
YuudouEsa These handpicked carrots have a paralyzing effect when eaten! Perfect for stopping and baiting creatures!
SensorBomb When this bomb senses the movement of a creature, it explodes! Kee-hee! You can even stick it to those pesky creatures!
Bomb Made from all-natural, organic materials, these bombs are strong enough to destroy reinforced walls. Intrigued?!
HomingBomb A bomb that always tracks its prey and never loses it. In the wild, I'd much rather be the chaser than the chasee.
IceBomb When this bomb explodes, it saps away all warmth from its surroundings. It can freeze creatures and water immediately!
ThunderAll This powerful lightning strike briefly immobilizes creatures! Don't worry—its design won't allow it to zap its user.
Bag_GekikaraBeforeUse A spray consisting of red nectar infused with ultra-spicy compounds. Side effects still unknown.
Bag_Gekikara This spray increases the overall speed of Pikmin and [Carrot:DogName/]. It affects everyone in the vicinity for a limited period of time.
Bag_Tsuyu A red Ultra-Spicy Berry known to have a lot of ultra-spicy compounds. Ten berries will produce one bottle of spray.
Bag_RecoveryKit A lifesaving tool that automatically replenishes your HP when you get knocked out. Can be used to recover HP when low.
Bag_DogFood A favorite snack that completely reenergizes [Carrot:DogName/]. Eating one when at full health leads to a hefty HP increase.
Bag_YuudouEsa Carrots specifically picked for their extremely bitter taste. So bitter, in fact, that they paralyze the creatures that are tempted to eat them.
Bag_SensorBomb A bomb that reacts to the movements of living creatures and explodes. It can also be stuck to a creature's body.
Bag_Bomb A bomb that results in huge damage to creatures. It can also destroy dirt walls and reinforced walls.
Bag_HomingBomb A tracking bomb that won't let its target or prey get away. Creatures rarely escape this bomb, even if they run around.
Bag_IceBomb This freezing bomb will sap away any warmth in the area when it detonates. It can also freeze creatures and bodies of water.
Bag_ThunderAll A lightning strike that electrocutes creatures in the area and momentarily paralyzes them.
Bag_PhotonBall A mysterious seed that produces Glow Pikmin when thrown. Used only during night expeditions and when underground.
RecoveryKit_Sample This lifesaving kit auto-replenishes your HP! You should always keep one equipped. Then you can focus on rescuing!
DogFood_Sample It's a superfood that replenishes Oatchi's HP! Give him lots of these and even more belly rubs. It's the least you can do!
YuudouEsa_Sample Toss one of these crunchies to a creature, and watch its bitter flavor paralyze them from head to toe... or tail. There are plenty of Pikpik Carrots in the pantry, but some are duds and way too bitter to be considered edible. By us, anyway! Kee-hee! But the more you feed to the creatures, the longer they'll stay out of your way.
SensorBomb_Sample It's a bomb that explodes when it detects motion from living things![etc:Wait frame="15"/] Plus, it's kinda<cf>sticky![etc:Wait frame="15"/] Try attaching one to a creature.
Bomb_Sample A bomb so powerful it can even destroy reinforced walls! Just be careful to not get caught in the blast zone.
HomingBomb_Sample This bomb can automatically track and chase its target! Perfect for use on particularly fast creatures.
IceBomb_Sample This bomb saps heat from surrounding areas instantly and freezes everything nearby. Creatures and water included!
ThunderAll_Sample Use the electrifying power of science toelectrocute all creatures in the area! For use in a pinch—but watch the timing!


Dialogue from Dash.

Internal Name Localized Name / Text Value
LF000_Area500_Talk_Intro_00 Wow... I've been drawn to caves for most of my life, but I haven't run into danger like this in a long time. My life's quite precious to me... Thanks for helping. After all, I can only poke around in caves if I'm alive, right? Oh, I should introduce myself... I'm Dash. I've explored all over the universe, thanks to my family's deep pockets.
LF000_Area500_Talk_Intro_01 The captain warned me that she'd be very angry if I got stranded again, so I can't go explore any caves. Oh, hey—I just had the best idea! Starting right now, I'm going to recognize you as my top... well, only... pupil! I need you to explore the caves around this planet on my behalf. You'll have to make it through them all the way to the exits.
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_01_00 I'd like to start by seeing what kinds of skills you have. Make your way through 5 caves, and report back.
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_01_01 I can't tell you how disappointed I am not to be able to do this myself, but I've got high hopes for your tenacity.
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_01_02 Be very careful around the creatures here. You can't explore more caves for me if you don't make it safely back to the surface!
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_02_00 Wow! I knew I saw promise in you. I'm a great judge of caving potential. Next, try making your way through 10 caves.
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_02_01 You, my star pupil, are making great progress to support my life's work!
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_02_02 There may be a lot of danger, but isn't that just part of the thrill of getting to explore caves?!
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_03_00 You keep up an impressive pace when you explore! For your next target, how about... 15 caves?
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_03_01 Listening to your reports after you explore each cave gets me itching to dive back underground myself.
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_03_02 If you start to feel unsafe, go back to the surface for a while. Knowing when to quit is essential when you explore caves.
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_04_00 You really seem to understand the true "spirit" of caves now! For your final effort, make your way through every cave!
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_04_01 It sure does seem like this planet has a remarkable variety in its many caves.
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_04_02 The caves here are full of mystery and adventure, with creatures and treasures that point to a fascinating culture!
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_Clear01 It seems I do have excellent judgment. You really are a top-notch pupil, both in name and reality!
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_Clear02 In recognition of your great achievements, I'd like to offer this phrase I keep in mind as parting words to you. "You can always find me in the pits!" I hope we get a chance to explore some caves together one day.
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_ChildClear01 You seem to be traveling through those caves at a good clip. Drop your latest report on me.
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_ChildClear02 I want to help you discover the "spirit" of caves. You should continue your endeavor to explore even more of them.
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearA01 What's this?! You've already completed your travels! Whoa! You're miles ahead of what I was expecting.
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearA02 My title of Cave Researcher feels even more mediocre in the face of your great achievements. You've done amazing work!
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearB01 I see you've already made your way through several caves. I would expect no less from my star pupil!
LF000_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearB02 Your attitude... the way you take on these caves so enthusiastically... It's like when I first discovered the underground world.
LF000_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_01 About that "Industrial Maze" matter you reported... That sounded extremely interesting! The caves repeatedly show evidence of intelligent life-forms that evolved in an entirely different way from us. Machinery that keeps working forever, floors that float in the air... It sure does stir the imagination!
LF000_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_02 When I heard your report about the Secluded Courtyard, I was moved by the beauty of the silence you described. White sand spread out with a pattern in it. Hard botanical cylinders arranged here and there. There even seems to be significance to how the flat rocks are lined up... These are traces of a civilization we don't know.
LF000_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_03 Among the many caves you've been to, my sense of aesthetic is most drawn to the Seafloor Resort. The marine-blue water, the expansive sandy beach, the beautiful, strange, and sometimes dangerous aquatic creatures... The constant sound of flowing water must've been peaceful as well.
LF000_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_04 The building-block clearing like out of a fairy tale, the pastel-colored floor that creates a tranquil and bright mood... Thriving giant mushrooms to jump and play on... It does feel dreamy, like the name Dream Home implies. It shows the playfulness possible when a culture matures... This cave really stokes one's inner adventurer and poet!
LF000_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_05 The Mud Pit you reported on... a lake of poisonous mucus where spores and mycelia are interwoven. I'm so jealous that you got to explore that cave and get all sticky and mucky hiking through it! After all, the more hardship, the bigger the sense of accomplishment when you make it to the end!
LF000_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_06 Be very careful around the creatures here. You can't explore more caves for me if you don't make it safely back to the surface!
LF000_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_07 There may be a lot of danger, but isn't that just part of the thrill of getting to explore caves?!
LF000_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_08 If you start to feel unsafe, go back to the surface for a while. Knowing when to quit is essential when you explore caves.
LF000_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_09 The caves here are full of mystery and adventure, with creatures and treasures that point to a fascinating culture!
LF000_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_01 This is embarrassing to admit, but I've been stranded in caves countless times, only to be saved by Rescue Pups like you.
LF000_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_02 I live my life bouncing from adventure to adventure, so sadly I can't have a dog.
LF000_Area500_Talk_Outro_T01 A few years ago, I was diving in a cave made of a mirror-like substance. Wherever I looked, I saw countless copies of myself. You and I look so much alike, it brought back memories from that eerie experience.


Dialogue from Corgwin.

Internal Name Localized Name / Text Value
LF001_NpcBalloon500_SurvivorLeaf Dandori Battle
LF001_Area500_Talk_MenuBottun Train for battle.
LF001_Area500_Talk_HintBottun Let's chat!
LF001_Area500_Talk_CancelBottun Bye for now.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Intro_00 Hey! Thanks for the sweet rescue! I'm a general contractor over at Moyama Construction. The name's Corgwin. Just like rescuing folks, construction is all about using your imagination and Dandori powers to get the job done.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Menu_Unlocked_01 I was thinking you and I could join forces and train for Dandori Battles together. Let's get those imaginative juices flowing!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Intro_01 Now we're talking! Plus, if we do this, there's a super-sweet reward in it for you.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Intro_PreQuest_01 In the mood to train for a Dandori Battle? I'll accept your challenge anytime!
LF001_Area500_Talk_MenuSelect_01 Here we go! I hope you're ready for one of my famous Corgwin challenges!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Continue_01 Your time is limited, so think it through!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Return_01 Hey, you! I was way impressed with your Dandori powers.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Outro_A01 Oh! All set for now? Well, see you later.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Outro_B01 Ciao!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Outro_T01 It's no big thing, but can we just talk about how we look exactly the same?!
LF001_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_01 You know, my journey to becoming a master craftsman started when I made my first doghouse. I was just a kid!
LF001_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_02 Just by looking into your eyes, I can tell you really believe in your partner.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_Clear01 Whoa! Nice work! You did it! Nothing stands in your way, does it?
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_Clear02 While watching your Dandori skills in action, I knew I had a friend for life! We definitely gotta keep this up!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_ChildClear01 Interesting, interesting... Your Dandori skills are becoming second nature!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_ChildClear02 Welp, there you go! You earned it.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearA01 Seriously? You're already a Dandori master?!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearA02 Impressive, indeed! Please accept that token of thanks! But back to the reason you're here. Let's train those Dandori muscles!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearB01 Hey there! The results you've had in Dandori Battles are nothing to scoff at. Way to go!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearB02 There's a little something just for you! But back to the reason you're here. Let's train those Dandori muscles!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Intro_01_01 ]Your Dandori abilities really are something else. Now I'm the one who has to keep up with you!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Intro_01_02 It's way important to have that desire to improve yourself. And that applies to more than just the art of Dandori!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Intro_01_03 I got a lot of hard work waiting for me when I get home. Houses don't build themselves, do they!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_01 I gotta keep working on my Dandori skills so I don't fall behind you and Mr. Olimar!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_02 Huh, looks like a lot of people have started coming to this planet. I had a hunch that would happen...
LF001_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_03 In my work as a general contractor, I need to know what people are really thinking just by looking into their eyes. That's 'cause not every customer knows how to express their deepest thoughts and desires through words. It's not every day someone gets to move into a brand-new house, so you want it to check every one of their boxes.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_04 Are you asking me why a general contractor like me needs to have amazing Dandori powers? Isn't it obvious?! Think of it this way. You wouldn't ask a professional plumber to start framing up your house, right? A general contractor learns who is good at which tasks and delegates the work appropriately. It's not easy.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_05 I was watching the news one night and saw that this new planet was out there. I had a feeling a lot of folks would try to move here, so I grabbed all my tools and did the same thing. Too bad I lost every last one of those tools when I got stranded! Still not over it.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_06 A big part of a general contractor's job is to keep an eye on folks. Make sure they aren't in trouble or need something to do. Tiny delays can snowball faster than you'd think. You gotta stay on top of things! In the end, it's about the customers. They're the ones waiting for their houses, and we can't let them down.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_07 What was it like being a leafling? My mind was consumed by thoughts of how to better manage job sites, improve worker efficiency, give better direction... All I thought about was planning. First I'd plan one thing, then another. It was nonstop! And exhausting. I needed a break!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_00_01 No way! Not a smart move, buddy. You don't know the first thing about the art of Dandori. Come back when you're ready.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_01_00 I've basically been a master builder since the day I was born. Bring it on!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_01_01 In the mood to train for a Dandori Battle? I'll accept your challenge anytime!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_01_02 Are you asking me why a general contractor like me needs to have amazing Dandori powers? Isn't it obvious?! Think of it this way. You wouldn't ask a professional plumber to start framing up your house, right? A general contractor learns who is good at which tasks and delegates the work appropriately. It's not easy.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_02_00 I was stranded when I first saw the leaflings... I looked closely at one of them, and their eyes were full of sadness.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_02_01 Sweet! You ready to go?! It's Dandori Battle time, baby!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_02_01 I was watching the news one night and saw that this new planet was out there. I had a feeling a lot of folks would try to move here, so I grabbed all my tools and did the same thing. Too bad I lost every last one of those tools when I got stranded! Still not over it.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_02_02 I was attacked by a creature, and right before I lost consciousness, I saw something overhead. It was a leafling. They had such sad eyes, but there was more going on in there. Their eyes were full of determination. I have to believe there is a reason why they do what they do. Turning castaways into leaflings, I mean.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_03_00 I can see in your eyes that you're looking for a challenge. Good! Then let's get started! You'll be a Dandori Battle pro before you know it!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_03_01 Dandori Battles are truly fascinating! After watching a few, I got totally hooked!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_03_01 A big part of a general contractor's job is to keep an eye on folks. Make sure they aren't in trouble or need something to do. Tiny delays can snowball faster than you'd think. You gotta stay on top of things! In the end, it's about the customers. They're the ones waiting for their houses, and we can't let them down.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_03_02 What was it like being a leafling? My mind was consumed by thoughts of how to better manage job sites, improve worker efficiency, give better direction... All I thought about was planning. First I'd plan one thing, then another. It was nonstop! And exhausting. I needed a break!
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_04_00 I could tell just by looking at you that your Dandori abilities would be extraordinary.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_04_01 You've come so far! You know I'll help you with your training as much as you want.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_04_01 You've got a good head on your shoulders. I can tell you've started to appreciate all the joy the art of Dandori has to offer. Keep up the good work! And don't forget to get your hands dirty too... while keeping an eye on the big picture, of course.
LF001_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_04_02 Your planning abilities are amazing! If you're ever in need of a job, be sure to look me up. I'd be happy to take you on!


Dialogue from Bernard.

Internal Name Localized Name / Text Value
LF002_Area500_Talk_MenuBottun Time to go home!
LF002_Area500_Talk_HintBottun Let's chat!
LF002_Area500_Talk_CancelBottun Bye for now.
LF002_Area500_Talk_GoBottun Yes.
LF002_Area500_Talk_Intro_00 Hey, you're that rookie I've been hearing aaall about, right? Hoo, am I thankful for YOU! I'm Bernard, pilot of the one and the only S.S. Shepherd. And I am deeply PLEASED to meet you! I'm also relieved to see that you are just as BRIGHT as the cap said!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Intro_01 While I had leaves on the brain, my head couldn't STOP thinking about Dandori... So listen, I need your help. I need you to save EVERYONE who got leafified like me! Seriously. Every last one! Hoo, it's no small thing, I know. But there are rewards in it for you. Believe me, I've picked up a WHOLE lot of raw materials. I mean it. I'm counting on you, OK? Good LUCK, rookie!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_01_00 You should talk to the doc if you're interested in night expeditions.
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_01_01 Heya, ROOKIE! Don't forget to do some night expeditions, OK?
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_02_00 Heading out on night expeditions is a good way to get the glow sap you NEED for the cure.
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_02_01 NICE work, rookie! Let's see if you can keep it up!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_03_00 Your work ethic is out of this WORLD! You're no "rookie," that's for sure. I think I'm gonna have to promote you. From NOW on, I think I'll call you "PlayerName"!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_03_01 HEYA,"PlayerName"! How are you doing?
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_04_00 Hey, how're the night expeditions going? It's OK to take your time. All that matters is that you DO IT, alright?
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_04_01 Stay focused on collecting glow sap, "PlayerName" ! It's REAL important.
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_05_00 You're in the final stretch! If anyone can get this done, it's YOU!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_05_01 You can do this! Just a few more to go. Get out there and CURE the rest!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Clear01 They're all cured! WELL DONE!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Clear02 It's official! You are a FULL-FLEDGED member of the crew! Hooo, I am SO glad I asked for your help!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_ChildClear01 You're making some real good progress curing folks. You know what that means... REWARD time!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_ChildClear02 I like your pace. Keep it UP!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearA01 WHAT?! You've already rescued everyone? You work FAST! You sure don't act like you're new to this, rookie. Color me SURPRISED!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearA02 You definitely earned that reward. Way to GO, "PlayerName"!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearB01 Hahaha! You've rescued that many? Already?! NICELY DONE, rookie!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearB02 You certainly deserve that reward and more. Keep up the AMAZING work!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Intro_01_01 Listen—I want you to be careful when you're out there exploring, you HEAR? You gotta take care of yourself.
LF002_Area500_Talk_Intro_01_02 Goooood morning! Hoo, I am feeling GREAT today!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_01_01 The doc gave me some good info, so BUCKLE UP while I share some of the finer points about night expeditions. First, since you're still pretty GREEN, he recommends keeping a close EYE on that map of yours. And make sure you pay attention to where the creatures are. Oh, and don't forget to collect glow sap. That's IMPORTANT.
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_01_02 When I was all leaf-eaten, my brain was full of NOTHIN' but Dandori, Dandori, Dandori! Seriously, I couldn't think about ANYTHING else, not even a little bit! Strangest thing.
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_02_01 I'm told that when you beat the BIG creatures while on a night expedition, a bunch of glow pellets come out! So use a Glowmob on the big guys. You've got nothing to be afraid of when you ATTACK with everyone. Safety in numbers! At least... that's what the DOC told me.
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_02_02 Come to think of it, before I got leafified, I was pretty beat up. And then, when I got all de-leafified... I was in GOOD SHAPE again! I was so obsessed with Dandori then that it's hard to keep it all straight. But maybe being LEAFED out... fixes you up?
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_03_01 Have you ever gotten so into looking around during a night expedition that your Lumiknoll gets ATTACKED? Well, it's not a bad idea to stay closer to home and be a bit more defensive when engaging enemies. ANYHOO... that's what the doc told me.
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_03_02 Before I joined the Rescue Corps, I was a PILOT for a space-flight company. Back then, I was one half of a DYNAMIC duo with my buddy Santi. Hoo, we had a GOOD time!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_04_01 When things aren't going your way, stop for a bit and let things COOL OFF. It's important. It's like I always say, "STELLAR things come to those who wait."
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_04_02 Even when Olimar was leafed out, he was still trying to RESCUE folks! And there I was with my head focused on nothing but Dandori stuff. HOO, he's one tough cookie!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_05_01 You know how sometimes right before you wrap up something big, you get a little TOO relaxed? A little TOO sure of yourself? What I'm saying is... don't let your guard down until it's all OVER, OK?
LF002_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_05_02 You know, the cap is the reason I left my old job and joined the Rescue Corps. She SCOUTED me. If she hadn't, I'd probably still be piloting for the space-flight company.
LF002_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_01 I sure hope you don't lose that NEVER-GIVE-UP attitude of yours. That right there is the single most valuable TREASURE you have in your possession, "PlayerName".
LF002_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_02 The work the Rescue Corps does is as HARD as it gets. But you know what? It's also as rewarding as it gets! My teammates are thoughtful, reliable, and professional. Each and EVERY ONE of 'em!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_03 When I was all leaf-eaten, my brain was full of NOTHIN' but Dandori, Dandori, Dandori! Seriously, I couldn't think about ANYTHING else, not even a little bit! Strangest thing.
LF002_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_04 Come to think of it, before I got leafified, I was pretty beat up. And then, when I got all de-leafified... I was in GOOD SHAPE again! I was so obsessed with Dandori then that it's hard to keep it all straight. But maybe being LEAFED out... fixes you up?
LF002_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_05 Before I joined the Rescue Corps, I was a PILOT for a space-flight company. Back then, I was one half of a DYNAMIC duo with my buddy Santi. Hoo, we had a GOOD time!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_06 When things aren't going your way, stop for a bit and let things COOL OFF. It's important. It's like I always say, "STELLAR things come to those who wait."
LF002_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_07 Even when Olimar was leafed out, he was still trying to RESCUE folks! And there I was with my head focused on nothing but Dandori stuff. HOO, he's one tough cookie!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_08 You know, the cap is the reason I left my old job and joined the Rescue Corps. She SCOUTED me. If she hadn't, I'd probably still be piloting for the space-flight company.
LF002_Area500_Talk_Continue_01 You need anything else?
LF002_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_01 Heya, Oatchi! Keep on carrying the team, OK? I don't know where we'd be without YOU!
LF002_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_02 Oatchi! HEY! You getting along nice with your buddy?
LF002_Area500_Talk_Confirm_01 You're ready to take off, like, LITERALLY? That means we'll be saying goodbye to this planet... for good.
LF002_Area500_Talk_TakeOff_01 See YA!
LF002_Area500_Talk_Outro_A01 GOOD luck!


Dialogue from Jin.

Internal Name Localized Name / Text Value
LF003_NpcBalloon500_SurvivorLeaf Dandori Challenge
LF003_Area500_Talk_MenuBottun Dandori training.
LF003_Area500_Talk_HintBottun Let's chat!
LF003_Area500_Talk_CancelBottun Bye for now.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Intro_00 You are the one who saved me. Thank you. I will never forget your kindness. My name is Jin. I am an adventurer wandering the universe in search of uncharted lands.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Menu_Unlocked_01 Adventurers never skip their training. You can do most anything as long as you can rely on your physical self. Which brings me to another important aspect of Dandori Challenge training: meditation. Why don't you give it a try?
LF003_Area500_Talk_Intro_01 If you can visualize your Dandori well, I will present you with a small reward.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Intro_PreQuest_01 Would you like to try meditation? I am confident it will help you to improve your Dandori skills.
LF003_Area500_Talk_MenuSelect_01 Close your eyes. Clear your mind. Now, imagine the Dandori situations that you have already experienced.
F003_Area500_Talk_Continue_01 What do you think?
LF003_Area500_Talk_Return_01 Let us meditate together again.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Outro_A01 Come by whenever you want to meditate. You are always welcome.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Outro_B01 Now, good luck to you. Be sure to keep the art of Dandori at the forefront of your mind, and execute accordingly.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Outro_T01 It never occurred to me that I might meet someone who looks exactly like me... I have had adventures on so many planets, but I must acknowledge how surprised I am by this unprecedented experience!
LF003_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_01 Hahaha! I can tell you are a truly good dog.
LF003_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_02 Once, long ago, I became stranded in a dense jungle. A dog that looked like you appeared and guided me to the exit. Like a benevolent guardian of the jungle, that dog saved my life.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Clear01 Well done. The simulation in your mind seems to be quite thorough.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Clear02 Mastering Dandori is a process that never ends. The effort will continue to shape you forever.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearA01 Oh my, what is this? My apologies. I was not aware you had already mastered the skill. You caught me by surprise.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearA02 I would like you to have that. I am impressed with how far you have come.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearB01 I see you are able to visualize well. You really do have remarkable potential.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearB02 Please take that. Continue to work hard, and keep up with your training!
LF003_Area500_Talk_Intro_01_01 When I was leafified, I could not stop thinking about the art of Dandori. It was like an endless meditation.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Intro_01_02 Observing a smart individual like you motivates me to strive harder myself.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Intro_01_03 Hello there! Do you feel as I do? That this is the perfect weather for meditation.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_01 I have been practicing self-discipline and training to go on adventures since I was quite small. I studied traditional sports as well as combat sports, martial arts, and the art of battle. All these skills I have acquired have sharpened me like a blade.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_02 I will not stop searching for uncharted lands, because I believe adventures should never have to end.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_03 What do you think you need to be an adventurer? A strong body and perhaps a resilient mind? Naturally, these are important, but the most important thing is to be able to visualize Dandori scenarios in your mind. Simulate situations, and consider where to start if there is a wall or how to react if a creature attacks. You get the idea. Go over different challenges, and imagine the best Dandori skills to use for each.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_04 My dream was to explore uncharted planets as an adventurer. But no new worlds had been found in the time since I was born. Then I heard about this planet. It was all I could do not to shout and leap about with excitement. Though I did restrain myself. Nothing was going to stop me from coming here. I was on my way before I even had time to meditate on it.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_05 Adventure involves risk. It is never a good idea to charge blindly into things. Listen. The secret to mastering Dandori is to define and organize.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_06 In order to develop good Dandori skills, it is important to visualize over and over again. The more you imagine, the better the solutions you can craft for each and every situation.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_07 I have never given up on something, no matter how many times bad luck sets me back. One must be resilient and keep visualizing Dandori scenarios in order to figure out the best solutions.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_08 There will be times when things just do not go well even after several attempts. In situations like that, it is important to remember to pause for breath, calm your mind, and try again. It can still work out.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_09 I have visited all kinds of worlds and experienced countless adventures. One planet covered in sand... another with extreme weather... Each one provided me with unforgettable experiences. And every time I faced difficulties, I meditated. That is how I have always created new paths for myself.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_010 The whole time I was leafified, my mind was preoccupied with the art of Dandori. All I could think about was how I might improve the efficiency and speed with which I completed tasks.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_00_01 Adventurer as an occupation always involves some risks. It requires excellent Dandori mastery to protect yourself. I believe this also applies to the Rescue Corps. Continue to explore more areas, and hone your skills.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_01_00 Now, relax first. Then we will start our meditation.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_01_01 Would you like to try meditation? I am confident it will help you to improve your Dandori skills.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_01_02 My dream was to explore uncharted planets as an adventurer. But no new worlds had been found in the time since I was born. Then I heard about this planet. It was all I could do not to shout and leap about with< excitement. Though I did restrain myself. Nothing was going to stop me from coming here. I was on my way before I even had time to meditate on it.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_02_00 How are things going? Can you visualize Dandori situations in your mind? Relax, and give it your best effort.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_02_01 Think of Dandori exercises you've done in the past. Perfect. Now relax your body... then relax your mind...
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_02_02 When I came to this planet, our spaceship broke down. I was thrown violently out as it crashed. As my body was slammed about by the impact, I realized I had to prepare myself for the worst possible outcome.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_03_00 I noticed the efforts you have been making. That is truly wonderful!
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_03_01 How are things going? Never forget that meditation will help to enhance your mind even more.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_03_01 In order to develop good Dandori skills, it is important to visualize over and over again. The more you imagine, the better the solutions you can craft for each and every situation.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_03_02 ]A leafling appeared in front of me after the ship crashed and I had used up all of my flagging energy. My intuition told me they were not a bad person. I also felt as though they were determined to achieve something. I am afraid I do not recall much of what happened after that, as I lost consciousness.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_04_00 I see you are working on your Dandori skills. Splendid! Let us aim even higher.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_04_01 Even if you struggle to visualize situations clearly, never get frustrated. You need a calm mind to deal with things.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_04_01 I have never given up on something, no matter how many times bad luck sets me back. ]One must be resilient and keep visualizing Dandori scenarios in order to figure out the best solutions.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_04_02 There will be times when things just do not go well even after several attempts. In situations like that, it is important to remember to pause for breath, calm your mind, and try again. It can still work out.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_05_00 You have come this far... Let us pursue excellence!
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Intro_05_01 I believed that you would reach this level. It looks as if my judgment was accurate.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_05_01 I have visited all kinds of worlds and experienced countless adventures. One planet covered in sand... another with extreme weather... Each one provided me with unforgettable experiences. And every time I faced difficulties, I meditated. That is how I have always created new paths for myself.
LF003_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_05_02 The whole time I was leafified, my mind was preoccupied with the art of Dandori. All I could think about was how I might improve the efficiency and speed with which I completed tasks.


Dialogue from Patch.

Internal Name Localized Name / Text Value
LF004_Area500_Talk_Intro_00 I see... You're the one who saved me... Well, that means I still survived, so I won the battle between myself and this planet after all. I did get a little help from you, but it's not like that matters in a survival challenge where anything goes.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Intro_01 There's an ongoing battle happening between you and this planet. A long-haul fight can make it hard to stay focused. Let's simplify and settle things once and for all. Hmm... how about this? You win if you defeat more than 100 creatures indigenous to this planet. What's the meaning of such a challenge? There is no meaning. Some challenges only have significance if they're meaningless.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Outro_T01 That's interesting. Do you want to challenge me to figure out which of us is real? Never mind. Such a challenge would be a farce. It doesn't matter if you're real or not.
LF004_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_01 There's a glimmer deep in your eyes that tells me you've made it through countless difficulties.
LF004_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_02 Isn't there a saying about "all bark and no action," or something? You seem like the quiet type that actually gets things done.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_Clear01 You won this challenge. The honor and compensation are small, but don't you feel accomplished?
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_Clear02 Maybe I should challenge you to a real battle someday.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_ChildClear01 Once you make a decision, you don't hesitate. I appreciate your spirit and determination.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_ChildClear02 That's the reward for your determination. You definitely earned it.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearA01 ]Whoops, the winner was already declared. I can't believe I didn't see that coming.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearA02 I wish I could see the end of the battle between you and this planet with my own eyes.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearB01 It's obvious that you possess great skill and are remarkably efficient!
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearB02 It's not a lot, but please accept those. I suppose you could call it a small reward.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_01_00 Why did I come to this planet? Huh, why would you ask? Even if I told you my story, it's not like it matters. It's no more useful than dust floating around in space. You wouldn't know if I was telling the truth anyhow. It would just be idle chatter meant to reassure you for a moment.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_01_01 The battle between you and this planet... I intend to bear witness until the end.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_01_02 If you put too much on your plate without knowing your limits, you will end up having a meltdown. Things will start slipping through your fingers, and you'll fall apart.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_01_03 Let life take its course. What's meant to happen will happen, so why not just do the things you want to do?
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_02_00 What have I been doing up till now? Past or future—makes no difference... The tingling sensation in my brain... the meaningless, feverish excitement of the challenges... These are the things that make me feel like I'm alive.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_02_01 Show no mercy in challenges. I believe it's disrespectful of others to go easy on them because you assume they can't win.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_02_02 You think pundits are the type of folks who stay inside the lines and live boring, stable lives? Not at all! They're the gamblers who bet their lives on the path they've chosen. They're believers in their own dreams.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_02_03 Are you asking me for advice? I hope you don't expect it to be at all helpful.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_03_00 Why am I always looking for challenges? That's easy! It's all about thirst. An empty-hearted person like me has a thirst they're looking to quench. One that can only be satisfied by a true challenge. That moment we sacrifice our safety and put our lives on the line. That's what it takes to quench the thirst, for a time...
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_03_01 Eat or be eaten. That's the challenge of the natural world.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_03_02 A promising youth... The world you live in is much different from mine. You shine so bright it hurts my eyes. I shouldn't even look directly at you.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_03_03 Putting your life on the line means there's something that's more important to you than your life. Do you have something like that too?
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_00 Why did I come to this planet? Huh, why would you ask? Even if I told you my story, it's not like it matters. It's no more useful than dust floating around in space. You wouldn't know if I was telling the truth anyhow. It would just be idle chatter meant to reassure you for a moment.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_01 I don't have any more raw materials to give you. Not a thing. I'm sorry to say my supply has been completely cleared out.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_02 This place has the primitive and raw battles that come with the beginning of life. Maybe that's why I came here So I could feel that.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_03 You're rather strange to come talk to me time and time again. What is it you want from me?
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_00 What have I been doing up till now? Past or future—makes no difference... The tingling sensation in my brain... the meaningless, feverish excitement of the challenges... These are the things that make me feel like I'm alive.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_01 Have you ever looked into the eyes of Captain Olimar? Ordinary folks might think he's just an average company man... But those eyes show he's survived some life-or-death situations. There's a hint of darkness in them.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_02 Whatever is going to happen in your life is meant to happen. However, that also means that this moment is happening for a reason. There's always the influence of someone's will involved. Whether it turns out to be yours or someone else's.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_03 Are you asking me for advice? I hope you don't expect it to be at all helpful.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_01 I did everything I needed to do. In other words, I did my best and put myself in the hands of fate.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_02 When we castaways go home, society will blame us for being irresponsible. They'll talk about how we could have done things differently with the benefit of hindsight, even if it is a pointless exercise.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_03 It's not so bad living lazily like this, staying in my comfort zone and having nothing to do now and then. And yet... At the end of the day, my body and mind crave the exhilaration of the challenges that I know will set my soul on fire.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_04 Why did I come to this planet? Huh, why would you ask? Even if I told you my story, it's not like it matters. It's no more useful than dust floating around in space. You wouldn't know if I was telling the truth anyhow. It would just be idle chatter meant to reassure you for a moment.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_05 If you put too much on your plate without knowing your limits, you will end up having a meltdown. ]Things will start slipping through your fingers, and you'll fall apart.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_06 Let life take its course. What's meant to happen will happen, so why not just do the things you want to do?
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_07 What have I been doing up till now? Past or future—makes no difference... The tingling sensation in my brain... the meaningless, feverish excitement of the challenges... These are the things that make me feel like I'm alive.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_08 Show no mercy in challenges. I believe it's disrespectful of others to go easy on them because you assume they can't win.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_09 You think pundits are the type of folks who stay inside the lines and live boring, stable lives? Not at all! They're the gamblers who bet their lives on the path they've chosen. They're believers in their own dreams.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_10 Why am I always looking for challenges? That's easy! It's all about thirst. An empty-hearted person like me has a thirst they're looking to quench. One that can only be satisfied by a true challenge. That moment we sacrifice our safety and put our lives on the line. That's what it takes to quench the thirst, for a time...
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_11 Eat or be eaten. That's the challenge of the natural world.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_12 A promising youth... The world you live in is much different from mine. You shine so bright it hurts my eyes. I shouldn't even look directly at you.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_13 Putting your life on the line means there's something that's more important to you than your life. Do you have something like that too?
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_14 This place has the primitive and raw battles that come with the beginning of life. Maybe that's why I came here. So I could feel that.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_15 You're rather strange to come talk to me time and time again. What is it you want from me?
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_16 Have you ever looked into the eyes of Captain Olimar? Ordinary folks might think he's just an average company man... But those eyes show he's survived some life-or-death situations. There's a hint of darkness in them.
LF004_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_17 Whatever is going to happen in your life is meant to happen. However, that also means that this moment is happening for a reason. There's always the influence of someone's will involved. Whether it turns out to be yours or someone else's.


Dialogue from Chewy.

Internal Name Localized Name / Text Value
LF005_Area500_Talk_Intro_00 I'm Chewy from Satella Travel! "Excellent adventures for every customer!" I'm terribly sorry for any inconvenience I've caused you! Now, I realize we only just met under unusual circumstances, but I must ask... Do you know if this rescue thing is covered by insurance?
LF005_Area500_Talk_Intro_01 Oh, I got a bit ahead of myself there. As someone who works in the field, you probably can't answer that. We'll just assume the cost depends on the specific circumstances for now. Could I trouble you to look into the policy later? We came here on my company's Uncharted Planet Tour, and right now I need to ensure that our guests are safe. Since you have the skills, I bet you could track down our missing guests![ I offer compensation and considerable gratitude.
LF005_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_01_00 The future of our company rests in your hands now! Please bring all of our guests back safely!
LF005_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_01_01 Can I include a tip for the Rescue Corps officers in miscellaneous expenses, or will I need to force it through another way...
LF005_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_01_02 You feel like I'm pressuring you to rescue our guests? Of course not! I would never do such a thing!
LF005_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_01_03 [The longer the rescue drags on, the more it's going to cost... Huh? Oh, I didn't say anything! Don't mind me!
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_04 It seems Kaia got the tour meeting place wrong, and Sheeba gave her a good scolding for it.
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_05 It's a little embarrassing, but I'm afraid I haven't ever had an opportunity to see any of Boris's work.
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_06 That Horatio... I hope it isn't rude of me to say, but he comes across a bit... cagey, don't you think?
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_07 Sheeba looks so much like my boss. It's hard to believe she's only a student given how she's mastered the art of disciplining. When I think about how upset my boss might be once I make it back safely... No, I can't dwell on that right now.
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_08 Molly? I was a bit unsettled when she left her seat to record a video while we were traveling faster than the speed of light.
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_09 Our company pilot, Santi, is a temp hire with amazing skills. He has some very impressive experience, but... It seems like he's changed careers a lot due to frequent surprise encounters with a rival he's been trying to avoid.
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_10 I've been building my career since I joined the company as a new graduate. For my efforts to result in something like this... But I don't think my focus was wrong...
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_01 I've come up with some activities geared toward everyone who was stranded. I thought it might be a good way to help the company bounce back.
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_02 I spoke with Tulbo Real Estate's president, Chowder. He mentioned a planet where they're developing a resort. I'll be proposing a sightseeing tour soon. If that's successful, our company is certain to experience a strong recovery!
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_03 Connecting with all these celebrities is a sure way to get more publicity. I'll make good use of the bonds from this incident! Now that I'm alive and safe, I can't just stand idle!
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_04 Mika supervises Alayon Academy's Planetary Science Club. She'll probably be the subject of blame and finger-pointing. I'm worried about that too, of course. I already have a twisting anxiety forming in my stomach...
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_05 Keesh is one of the science-club students, right? She was so calm and collected when I met her that I thought she was in charge.
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_06 So, I was the one providing the in-flight meals. When I walked past, I saw Lapi's plate and... well... my face. The representation was so photorealistic that I couldn't believe it was drawn using sauce. I nearly dropped a plate.
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_07 It seems Kaia got the tour meeting place wrong, and Sheeba gave her a good scolding for it.
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_08 It's a little embarrassing, but I'm afraid I haven't ever had an opportunity to see any of Boris's work.
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_09 That Horatio... I hope it isn't rude of me to say, but he comes across a bit... cagey, don't you think?
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_10 Sheeba looks so much like my boss. It's hard to believe she's only a student given how she's mastered the art of disciplining. When I think about how upset my boss might be once I make it back safely... No, I can't dwell on that right now.
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_11 Molly? I was a bit unsettled when she left her seat to record a video while we were traveling faster than the speed of light.
LF005_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_12 Our company pilot, Santi, is a temp hire with amazing skills. He has some very impressive experience, but... It seems like he's changed careers a lot due to frequent surprise encounters with a rival he's been trying to avoid.
LF005_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_01 I hate to tell you this, but we don't allow pets on our company's tours.
LF005_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_02 Maybe we could create a long-term-stay travel package with pet accompaniment based on individual customer needs.
LF005_Area500_Talk_Outro_T01 You look so much like me, I bet no one would even notice if we swapped places! I don't suppose you'd want to... for a bit... What? Oatchi wouldn't like that? Ah well... I just thought it was a great opportunity for a change of pace.


Dialogue from Molly.

Internal Name Localized Name / Text Value
LF006_Area500_Talk_Intro_00 Phew, thanks a billion for rescuing me! I'm Molly! So check it out... I hopped aboard this tour to get fresh content for my videos. But then I dropped my camera. Yikes, right? I got turned into a leafling, but what does it even matter since I couldn't film it? I mean... did it even really happen? Uh, what's with the face? Did I say something weird?
LF006_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_01 You wanna know about me? I'm a super-amazing streamer! I really POP on the screen, you know? Hey, what's with the look? I POP like bubbles, and I'm not afraid to say it, OK?
LF006_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_02 I've been walking around aimlessly, trying to find good content... and it's USELESS! Not only am I tired but I've got nothing! Zero good footage. C'mon, think... What would do the trick? The... trick? Ooo, a TRICK! That's it! A trick—a PRANK! I'll pull a prank on some Pikmin!
LF006_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_03 That Russ... He's SO smart, which is super charming, don't you think?! All that stuff he talks about... it sounds very intellectual. Which makes him POP like bubbles, if you ask me. And those glasses he wears? Love! I want them on MY face! Like, now!
LF006_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_04 Hey, you know I can teach you how to shoot awesome vids, right? Now, don't say you're not interested. Just hear me out, OK? First, hold your camera up high and tilt it down. That is how you make yourself POP! Next, hit your face with a bit of light... Hey, are you even listening?!
LF006_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_05 So, heeey, the gear that the Rescue Corps uses... Russ created that stuff, right? I guess he's basically a genius? Seriously, I'm sure he's gotta be a real gadget guru, or something!
LF006_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_06 I've been trying to do some things that are trending. Like, I even made an unmanned rocket this one time. I pulled an all-nighter building it, and I was actually able to launch it, though... It exploded as soon as it was in the sky!
LF006_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_01 So you know, I started streaming for a good reason. All those folks you see on the streams... they're always smiling. You ever notice that? I wanted that. That's OK, isn't it? Oh! I didn't mean to make you sad! Hey, uh, let's keep this between you and me, OK?
LF006_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_02 Looking around, I see all sorts of stuff I don't really understand. You know, I think now's a good time to get out there and explore some more! Ha! Just joking! I'll be on my best behavior and stick around here.
LF006_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_03 Russ always looks like he's got everything so totally... together. Awww, and he's sooo charismatic too. I just wish I could get to know him better. If my camera wasn't busted, I'd try to capture some of that charm of his.
LF006_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_04 Folks say my content is weird. I don't even know WHAT they're talking about. Personally, I think my stuff POPS. What kind of content do I do? Well, one of my things is that I ask random folks to splash water on me. It's hilarious! What?! You don't get why that pops?! Seriously?
LF006_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_05 OK, so here's the MOST important thing... Have as much fun as you can as often as you can! If you don't have fun, you can't make your viewers or yourself smile. And no smiles is NO good. Seriously. Don't get me wrong—you can be serious a little bit just for variety, but looking like you're having fun is where it's at.
LF006_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_06 You wanna know about me? I'm a super-amazing streamer! I really POP on the screen, you know? Hey, what's with the look? I POP like bubbles, and I'm not afraid to say it, OK?
LF006_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_07 I've been walking around aimlessly, trying to find good content... and it's USELESS! Not only am I tired but I've got nothing! Zero good footage. C'mon, think... What would do the trick? The... trick? Ooo, a TRICK! That's it! A trick—a PRANK! I'll pull a prank on some Pikmin!
LF006_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_08 That Russ... He's SO smart, which is super charming, don't you think?! All that stuff he talks about... it sounds very intellectual. Which makes him POP like bubbles, if you ask me. And those glasses he wears? Love! I want them on MY face! Like, now!
LF006_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_09 Hey, you know I can teach you how to shoot awesome vids, right? Now, don't say you're not interested. Just hear me out, OK? First, hold your camera up high and tilt it down. That is how you make yourself POP! Next, hit your face with a bit of light... Hey, are you even listening?!
LF006_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_10 So, heeey, the gear that the Rescue Corps uses... Russ created that stuff, right? I guess he's basically a genius? Seriously, I'm sure he's gotta be a real gadget guru, or something!
LF006_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_11 I've been trying to do some things that are trending. Like, I even made an unmanned rocket this one time. I pulled an all-nighter building it, and I was actually able to launch it, though... It exploded as soon as it was in the sky!
LF006_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_01 Aren't you cute?! Cuteness overload is the only way to describe it. Like... cute KAPOOOW!
LF006_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_02 Now that I think about it, if I feature you in my videos... MWAHAHA! The VIEWS I'll get! Yeah, we gotta shoot together soon.
LF006_Area500_Talk_Outro_T01 WHAT?! You have a super-cute face like me! Yeah, you definitely POP! Too bad I don't have my camera. I could've filmed a suuuper-fun video.


Dialogue from Santi.

Internal Name Localized Name / Text Value
LF007_Area500_Talk_Intro_00 You have got to be kidding! HIM again! I can't believe he's here! Will he ever stop getting in my way?! "Him" who? Your pilot, Bernard! I'm Santi. Right now I'm a freelance pilot, but he and I have a long history, you see...
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_01 You know, the day I was born, HE was< there in the same hospital in the bed right next to mine, sound asleep. I haven't been able to get away from him< since then. No matter where I go, he somehow always shows up there.
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_02 Even now I remember our field day in elementary school. I was leading in the obstacle course until the last challenge! It was the final obstacle. The tug-of-war! I'll admit that HIS technique was superb. But come on! Give at least an inch... just one inch of rope.
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_03 As soon as I could go to college, I left my home planet. I thought I would finally be free from living in his shadow. I arrived at the dorm ready for a fresh start. Then I heard it. "It may not look like much, but MY ROOM will be the FUN ROOM on campus!" He had already transformed it into HIS space...
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_01 Right after graduation, I went to work for a space station boxed-lunch vendor. They went bankrupt trying to compete with a rival's groundbreaking "One-a-Day Meal Drink" that HE helped develop. I saw HIM in an interview saying, "It's such a PAIN digging through boxed lunches!" Did he SERIOUSLY come up with a new product using that as motivation?
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_02 After that first company I joined went bankrupt, I hopped from planet to planet exploring various job opportunities. I was a lottery forecaster and fortune-teller, then a café manager... Even tried my hand at screenwriting for a bit. I don't have any regrets about starting so many different jobs. I learned a lot from each experience!
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_03 I made up my mind to get a pilot's license for flying large spaceships, then set off for a planet with a training camp. It was a school for pilots where some of the big draws were private lessons and courses in acrobatic flying. When I got there, guess who was in the instructor seat. Yep, it was HIM. It took three LONG months to get my license. I was stuck with him day and night for that whole time.
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_04 I was a pilot for a space-flight company at my last job. One day, the company president came to inspect the site. The ship landed after showing off some superb acrobatic flying. Guess who came out of it then, shouting... "Oh, it's my best bud! It's been AGES!" Every day HE was there doing inspections. I have to admit, I got more than my fill of hands-on experience with acrobatic flying.
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_05 Chewy's taken care of me since I joined the company. I'm worried the stress of the crash and everything might overwhelm her.
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_06 I was confident in my ability to handle spaceships, but I never would've guessed I'd run into something like this. I have trouble believing that HE crashed here too. His skills are advanced so far beyond my own.
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_07 The whole time I was leafified, I could hear a voice calling out... HIS voice... "Hoo! Let's do DANDORI challenges!" HIS voice took me back to the spaceship training camp. It was like a nightmare that just wouldn't end.
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_01 If I make it home safe, I think I'll try to become a permanent employee at Satella Travel. I'd like to use my varied work experiences to make Chewy's life a bit easier if I can.
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_02 You know, the day I was born, HE was< there in the same hospital in the bed right next to mine, sound asleep. I haven't been able to get away from him< since then. No matter where I go, he somehow always shows up there.
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_03 Even now I remember our field day in elementary school. I was leading in the obstacle course until the last challenge! It was the final obstacle. The tug-of-war! I'll admit that HIS technique was superb. But come on! Give at least an inch... just one inch of rope.
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_04 As soon as I could go to college, I left my home planet. I thought I would finally be free from living in his shadow. I arrived at the dorm ready for a fresh start. Then I heard it. "It may not look like much, but MY ROOM will be the FUN ROOM on campus!" He had already transformed it into HIS space...
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_05 Right after graduation, I went to work for a space station boxed-lunch vendor. They went bankrupt trying to compete with a rival's groundbreaking "One-a-Day Meal Drink" that HE helped develop. I saw HIM in an interview saying, "It's such a PAIN digging through boxed lunches!" Did he SERIOUSLY come up with a new product using that as motivation?
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_06 After that first company I joined went bankrupt, I hopped from planet to planet exploring various job opportunities. I was a lottery forecaster and fortune-teller, then a café manager... Even tried my hand at screenwriting for a bit. I don't have any regrets about starting so many different jobs. I learned a lot from each experience!
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_07 I made up my mind to get a pilot's license for flying large spaceships, then set off for a planet with a training camp. It was a school for pilots where some of the big draws were private lessons and courses in acrobatic flying. When I got there, guess who was in the instructor seat. Yep, it was HIM. It took three LONG months to get my license. I was stuck with him day and night for that whole time.
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_08 I was a pilot for a space-flight company at my last job. One day, the company president came to inspect the site. The ship landed after showing off some superb acrobatic flying. Guess who came out of it then, shouting... "Oh, it's my best bud! It's been AGES!" Every day HE was there doing inspections. I have to admit, I got more than my fill of hands-on experience with acrobatic flying.
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_09 Chewy's taken care of me since I joined the company. I'm worried the stress of the crash and everything might overwhelm her.
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_10 I was confident in my ability to handle spaceships, but I never would've guessed I'd run into something like this. I have trouble believing that HE crashed here too. His skills are advanced so far beyond my own.
LF007_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_11 The whole time I was leafified, I could hear a voice calling out... HIS voice... "Hoo! Let's do DANDORI challenges!" HIS voice took me back to the spaceship training camp. It was like a nightmare that just wouldn't end.
LF007_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_01 I feel more at ease with you around. It helps me forget about HIM, if only just for a short time.
LF007_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_02 Seeing you reminds me of that part-time gig I had where I put on a dog costume to hand out flyers.
LF007_Area500_Talk_Outro_T01 It'd be safer to change up your look if you don't want HIM following you around.


Dialogue from Kayz.

Internal Name Localized Name / Text Value
LF008_Area500_Talk_Intro_00 I don't think it's possible to express how grateful I am for your daring rescue... I am forever indebted to you. My name is Kayz. I'm the assistant to the president of Tulbo Real Estate. My employer and I came to this planet for a site visit.
LF008_Area500_Talk_Intro_01 Um, I hate to bother you, but is my employer, Chowder, alright? Oh. So you haven't come across him. I'm sure you're very busy, and this is such a selfish request, but could you try to find my employer? I'm sure he's OK—he can take care of himself and is probably just taking his time exploring, but... please keep an eye out.
LF008_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_01_01 Well, my employer does have a history of acting recklessly. Once he traveled to another remote planet all by himself... He started to negotiate with the locals over the land right away, even though he barely understood their language. Long story short, there was a slight miscommunication, and... he was detained. Ever since that happened, I've had to accompany him on all his scouting trips.
LF008_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_01_02 My employer has a slightly unpredictable approach to work. He'll go out for a site visit day or night, any day of the week! I always have to be in attendance too, so I've had the chance to see all sorts of things on all kinds of planets. I have nothing but gratitude for him and all the experiences this work has provided.
LF008_Area500_Talk_Quest_Hint_01_03 This isn't the first time we've been stranded... but usually the stakes aren't quite this high. I think he'll be just fine. I'm probably worrying over nothing...
LF008_Area500_Talk_Quest_Clear01 Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm so grateful to you for rescuing my employer. This couldn't possibly be enough. You've done so very much for us... But please take this.
LF008_Area500_Talk_Quest_Clear02 I would like to sincerely thank you, once again, for all your help and for coming to our aid, ["PlayerName"] and Oatchi. My employer doesn't always consider the risk to himself. His first priority is making enough money to pay his employees. He's always putting us first. I honestly don't know what the company would do without him.
LF008_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearA01 Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm so grateful to you for rescuing my employer. This couldn't possibly be enough. You've done so very much for us... But please take this.
LF008_Area500_Talk_Quest_OrderAndClearA02 I would like to sincerely thank you, once again, for all your help and for coming to our aid, ["PlayerName"] and Oatchi. My employer doesn't always consider the risk to himself. His first priority is making enough money to pay his employees. He's always putting us first. I honestly don't know what the company would do without him.
LF008_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_01 I'm so relieved that my employer has been found safe. He's, uh, not the type to avoid danger at all costs. Even if he were attacked by a fearsome creature, he would never stand down. I've always admired that about him.
LF008_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_02 We have property listings near the Planet Karut station. From there, it's an easy commute to many vacation destinations. Like Mihama, for example. We can find listings that satisfy all your needs... We guarantee it! If you're ever in the market for a new home or property, please come visit us over at Tulbo Real Estate!
LF008_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_01 My employer is a natural salesperson, through and through. He talks about the scorching desert on Siguray, calling it a place that's blessed with abundant natural light. He's described the steep rocky mountains on Flukuey as the best place for a home with stunning views in every room. The lush jungle on Ooji is a relaxing environment, where you're surrounded by the beauty of nature... That's how he convinces potential clients to come out and look at those properties. It doesn't always result in a sale, but it's worth a try, I suppose. It's not what you say but how you say it, right?
LF008_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_02 Fortunately, it appears the land rights on this planet are essentially untouched. Now is the time I usually get started on the paperwork so we can claim all the exclusive rights. Once I get back home, I'll prepare the documents and start negotiating with the Interstellar Land-Use Office.
LF008_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_03 People like to say that my employer has just gotten lucky over the years. I think that "luck" stems from his personality. Not just anyone could see a business opportunity with serious obstacles and make a profit from it with luck alone.
LF008_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_04 Well, my employer does have a history of acting recklessly. Once he traveled to another remote planet all by himself... He started to negotiate with the locals over the land right away, even though he barely understood their language. Long story short, there was a slight miscommunication, and... he was detained. Ever since that happened, I've had to accompany him on all his scouting trips.
LF008_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_05 My employer has a slightly unpredictable approach to work. He'll go out for a site visit day or night, any day of the week! I always have to be in attendance too, so I've had the chance to see all sorts of things on all kinds of planets. I have nothing but gratitude for him and all the experiences this work has provided.
LF008_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_06 I'm so relieved that my employer has been found safe. He's, uh, not the type to avoid danger at all costs. Even if he were attacked by a fearsome creature, he would never stand down. I've always admired that about him.
LF008_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_07 We have property listings near the Planet Karut station. From there, it's an easy commute to many vacation destinations. Like Mihama, for example. We can find listings that satisfy all your needs... We guarantee it! If you're ever in the market for a new home or property, please come visit us over at Tulbo Real Estate!
LF008_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_01 Hello there, Oatchi. I'm glad to see you're in good spirits today, as always.
LF008_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_02 We have a lot of listings for dogs too. Please let us help you if you ever decide to purchase a home for yourself!
LF008_Area500_Talk_Outro_T01 Is this what I think it is?! I've always wished I could have another me around to help me finish all my extra work. Did my wish finally come true? ...Oh. How embarrassing. I got excited for a moment there, but then it turns out... well, you know. Sorry, ["PlayerName"].


Dialogue from Kit.

Internal Name Localized Name / Text Value
LF009_Area500_Talk_Intro_00 Thank you for saving me. My name's Kit. I spend most of my time investigating minerals. In fact, that's what I came here to do. The minerals on this planet are AMAZING! It's got so many different kinds of minerals that... I'm sorry! I started to get carried away there. The important thing is that you know how much I appreciate you rescuing me.
LF009_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_01 My job is all about investigating what different mineral resources are made up of and neat things like that. The resources I've found on this planet are exceptional! Did you know the purity of the minerals in the ground here is... Oh pebbles! I almost got carried away again, huh? My apologies.
LF009_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_02 I like all minerals, but I think iron ore is the most interesting. Quality iron ore is typically made up of more than 50 percent iron. Did you know there are also iron oxides composed of oxygen and iron, many of which occur in nature? Like hematite!
LF009_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_03 Investigating minerals might seem quite simple, but it can be difficult work. Sometimes my investigations take me into old mines and ruins. I've even gotten caught in a few cave-ins. But every once in a while you find rocks composed of minerals you've never seen before in the rubble of a cave-in!
LF009_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_01 Poppin' pumice! Did I tell you about what I found here?! It's a beautiful ore that shimmers in all the colors of the rainbow. It cracked a bit when I fell to the surface though. That surprised me. I honestly expected an ore to be more resilient. Still, this planet showed me something I had never seen before. Isn't that amazing!
LF009_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_02 I don't just investigate minerals—I'm also researching at the same university as Osa! Osa brings so much energy to everything he does. Though, his boisterous manner can be a bit exhausting. Oh stones! You know that last bit's just between us, right?!
LF009_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_03 I'm actually Osa's junior. It's thanks to him that I'm even part of the task force. He gave me the push I needed when I was undecided about whether or not I should join. I'm glad he did.
LF009_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_04 I spent some time investigating the raw materials that everyone in the Rescue Corps is using. What I discovered is that they're not really minerals but a highly pure conglomeration of fossilized creature remains. Could this be a mechanism unique to this planet or perhaps a secret of some unknown life-form? It's quite fascinating!
LF009_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_05 I've often been told that I'm too slow to submit my research papers. But I feel like the hypotheses and verification process is really important. Others like Osa submit them so quickly, but me... I need to be exhaustive about verifying BEFORE I submit my papers. Granite... I mean... granted, when I was lost and couldn't move, I realized that momentum can also be very important.
LF009_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_06 My job is all about investigating what different mineral resources are made up of and neat things like that. The resources I've found on this planet are exceptional! Did you know the purity of the minerals in the ground here is... Oh pebbles! I almost got carried away again, huh? My apologies.
LF009_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_07 I like all minerals, but I think iron ore is the most interesting. Quality iron ore is typically made up of more than 50 percent iron. Did you know there are also iron oxides composed of oxygen and iron, many of which occur in nature? Like hematite!
LF009_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_08 Investigating minerals might seem quite simple, but it can be difficult work. Sometimes my investigations take me into old mines and ruins. I've even gotten caught in a few cave-ins. But every once in a while you find rocks composed of minerals you've never seen before in the rubble of a cave-in!
LF009_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_01 Wow, how beautiful... Your eyes are as bright and shiny as a deposit of pyrite.
LF009_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_02 The texture of your skin is as smooth as pure clay. Would you mind if I scratched behind your ears?
LF009_Area500_Talk_Outro_T01 Lapis lazuli! That's the face of someone who really likes minerals! I have a feeling you and I would get along.


Dialogue from Komo.

Internal Name Localized Name / Text Value
LF010_Area500_Talk_Intro_00 I'm Komo, an ecohydrologist. The environment on my planet is well below standard. The water quality and natural purification systems are devastated. I'm here to investigate the water on this planet and use my findings to improve the state of water back at home. Getting leafified was, uh, scary. I can't thank you enough for saving me. You've saved a lot of lives. I guess that means you're pretty skilled.
LF010_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_01 You can tell the water on my planet is unhealthy by its color alone. Plus it stinks! It's not potable and needs to be purified. This planet's water is bright and clear, suitable for drinking. Hopefully I'll find a way to replicate its purification process.
LF010_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_02 Talking isn't my strong suit. I've devoted my entire life to water. So, that probably explains why. But I should try to improve my own processes as well. Talking to you helps, I think.
LF010_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_03 Twyla from our task force is quite knowledgeable about geology. She's even given me a private lecture on the subject. She says there are certain soil types here that act as water-purification systems. Bringing some home could save my planet.
LF010_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_04 Most of the water on this planet is nonpotable due to the amount of salt it contains. However, a lot of the water I've found flowing through the land has a much lower salt concentration. And it tastes delicious! It's strange to have two such different water types in close proximity. I'll have to investigate further.
LF010_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_05 I appreciate all the topics you've provided for us to discuss. I've found that talking is unexpectedly... fun. Please continue to provide more topics. And I'll do the same.
LF010_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_06 This planet has an abundance of minerals. Kit is a mineralogist, so he must be enjoying himself. I recently found a rock that tastes like salt. I'll have to show it to him sometime.
LF010_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_01 I'm not too good at making conversation. But I think I'm starting to get used to it, thanks to our chats. I hope you'll keep making time to converse with me. I should make efforts to speak with more of the others.
LF010_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_02 The water on this planet has high salinity. If you were to drink it, the salt levels in your body could become dangerously high. But I did locate some water where the salt levels are relatively low, and you can drink the water as is. Amazing...
LF010_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_03 Twyla is often off by herself. I'm the same way and usually find myself alone. She's really easy to talk to when we both break out of our shells a bit. I'd probably count her as one of my closest friends.
LF010_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_04 There's a way to safely drink water with high sodium content—but only after heating it and separating it from the salt. The potable-water supply on this planet is very limited. You have to be creative.
LF010_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_05 The leader of this task force is very interesting. I find him to be easygoing and pleasant to engage in conversation. I guess that's because I don't get too nervous around him. You should chat with him too sometime. You'd like him.
LF010_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_06 Soil quality is a key component in the water-purification process. Each layer of dirt and rock is integral. It might just be the secret to making dirty water drinkable. I'll be implementing these methods once I return home.
LF010_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_07 Twyla from our task force is quite knowledgeable about geology. She's even given me a private lecture on the subject. She says there are certain soil types here that act as water-purification systems. Bringing some home could save my planet.
LF010_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_08 This planet has an abundance of minerals. Kit is a mineralogist, so he must be enjoying himself. I recently found a rock that tastes like salt. I'll have to show it to him sometime.
LF010_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_01 I'm interested in studying the chemical makeup of your drool. Could I bother you for a sample?
LF010_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_02 I can talk with you without getting nervous at all. Sometimes we can even make eye contact! That's big for me.
LF010_Area500_Talk_Outro_T01 We have the same face. I'm curious. Where did you come from? The strange possibilities of this universe are endless...


Dialogue from Alpin.

Internal Name Localized Name / Text Value
LF011_Area500_Talk_Intro_00 Well, well, well! If it isn't my little rescue pal! The name's Alpin. Founder and CEO of a company called e-Leader! But seriously, you're a real hero. I've got nothing but gratitude!
LF011_Area500_Talk_Scenario_Hint_01_00 Yes indeed, it's an honor to be rescued by an up-and-coming hero such as yourself. And yet... I see that Mr. Fawks, the fellow I traveled here with, has yet to be found.
LF011_Area500_Talk_Scenario_Hint_01_01 I do worry about Mr. Fawks... but I'm almost certain he'll be just fine. He's sharp, that one. That's what makes him such a good investor!
LF011_Area500_Talk_Scenario_Hint_01_02 Mr. Fawks is very shrewd about where he puts his money. He's built up a nice little fortune... Almost as nice as mine! It would be a real loss for the universe if we don't get him back. So please, do make sure you rescue him.
LF011_Area500_Talk_Scenario_Hint_01_03 Mr. Fawks likes his coffee sweet. Very sweet, in fact! I often make coffee for him, you know. One cup of coffee, plus two spoonfuls of milk, plus three sugar cubes... That is how he likes his coffee.
LF011_Area500_Talk_Scenario_Hint_02_01 You're a hero—no doubt about it! You found Mr. Fawks, after all. Without him, I... I wouldn't be able to expand my new business! That's right! You saved not only me and Mr. Fawks, but my entire business as well! Yes, yes, my gratitude runs deep.
LF011_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_03 Did you know I own an interstellar high-speed telecommunication business? I'm actually a telecommunications tycoon! But I'm not one to rest on my laurels. I'm expanding into the spaceships and space-stations industry as well!
LF011_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_04 I came to this planet to launch a new business! I invited Mr. Fawks to join me on my journey, because I had hoped to get his opinion on my new venture.
LF011_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_01 Mr. Fawks and I have worked on quite a few business ventures together. In fact, many found success all because of him. Yes, he is quite irreplaceable.
LF011_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_02 Sigh... I would like to return home. Then again, if I could get a business venture off the ground here... I must hear what Mr. Fawks has to say on the matter as soon as possible! I can't wait to see what our new endeavor will be!
LF011_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_03 You may be surprised to learn that I have a twin brother, Beaux. Like me, he's quite resilient. It's a comfort to know that no matter what happens to him, he'll be just fine.
LF011_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_04 You may not know this about me, but I have a television credit to my name. The show is called Dinner Masters! To be fair, I only have a producer credit. Still, I can add "show business" to the list of my business ventures. Hahaha!
LF011_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_05 Beaux is quite a famous actor, actually. He gained some notoriety for how dedicated he is to preparing for his roles. He got the role of an island developer once, and to prepare, he took animals to live on a deserted island for a year!
LF011_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_06 I could consider launching a business on another new, wide-open planet... Ah, but this planet has vast lands too. I know! Let's drill for hot springs here, then build a hundred condos to house all the tourists who'll come to soak in them! Hmm... wait... No! I should start with a high-end gourmet-restaurant venture first!
LF011_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_07 When he lands a role, Beaux loses all perspective as he gets into his character. Knowing him, he might have gotten himself stranded on purpose as research for some upcoming role... No I'm sure he's not that eccentric. Though I can say my brother is a very unique fellow!
LF011_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_08 Mr. Fawks likes his coffee sweet. Very sweet, in fact! I often make coffee for him, you know. One cup of coffee, plus two spoonfuls of milk, plus three sugar cubes... That is how he likes his coffee.
LF011_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_09 Did you know I own an interstellar high- speed telecommunication business? I'm actually a telecommunications tycoon! But I'm not one to rest on my laurels. I'm expanding into the spaceships and space-stations industry as well!
LF011_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_10 I came to this planet to launch a new business! I invited Mr. Fawks to join me on my journey, because I had hoped to get his opinion on my new venture.
LF011_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_01 I must say, you're really quite enormous! Hmm... A training facility for large Rescue Pups... Yes, it could be a very good business opportunity!
LF011_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_02 Hahaha! You really are quite adorable! Go on—tell me anything. I shall listen to everything you have to say!
LF011_Area500_Talk_Outro_T01 How curious! You really are the spitting image of... ME! The universe is a truly mysterious place. Hahaha!


Dialogue from Chowder.

Internal Name Localized Name / Text Value
LF012_Area500_Talk_Intro_00 Oh man! For a humble real estate agent, I suuure did cause you quite the hassle, didn't I? The name's Chowder, by the way. Don't suppose you've heard of Tulbo Real Estate? You haven't, huh? Guess I need to work on my marketing!
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_01 When you're in business as a real estate agent, let me tell you... Hearing about new, untouched land really puts the pep back in your step. You just have to go check it out for yourself. After all, you can't give a place your seal of approval sight unseen! You've got to experience it in person first.
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_02 I'm alive and well thanks to you! My whole life's been a series of things working out. Like those houses on Moyama. I thought I got conned after buying those old houses, then the TV reports a boom in the old-house market across space! And just look at what happened this time! Not only was I saved by you but you're also investigating the land I came to see!
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_03 Man... I had this dream of becoming the number one real estate agent in the whole universe. Be it day or night, weekend or holiday, I'd still call in my employees. It didn't occur to me to be an issue, since I was working too. I got so caught up in doing it "for the dream" that I ended up letting down everyone who worked for me.
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_04 In spite of everything, my very talented secretary, Kayz, keeps on singing my praises. I haven't a clue why. Not that I mind, or anything!
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_05 I've already sorted out plots for the Sun-Speckled Terrace. I think it will be the perfect place to start selling from! Hmm, now for the sales pitch. How about something like, "Be one of the first to call this new world home!"
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_06 Blossoming Arcadia... No doubt about it—what makes this place special is the beautiful petals always drifting about. You can build a whole subdivision under these trees with this slogan: "Come live in the town where petals float down."
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_07 With just a glance you can see that Serene Shores is perfect for a resort. So perfect it already has a foundation! Makes exciting sales pitches come to mind. "The best summer vacation! Arrive whenever, and stay as long as you want."
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_08 Oh man! Hero's Hideaway... Doesn't this one look like an indoor-leisure facility? If we tag it with "Journey to an unknown planet!" or something and use Pikmin as mascots, it's sure to be hugely popular!
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_01_09 Giant's Hearth already has live coals and a stove. You see it too, right?! It's the perfect campground! A magical blaze, a refreshing fountain, and a reverberating wild howl. "Return to nature!" But no wandering at night!
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_03 I'm alive and well thanks to you! My whole life's been a series of things working out. Like those houses on Moyama. I thought I got conned after buying those old houses, then the TV reports a boom in the old-house market across space! And just look at what happened this time! Not only was I saved by you but you're also investigating the land I came to see!
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_04 Man... I had this dream of becoming the number one real estate agent in the whole universe. Be it day or night, weekend or holiday, I'd still call in my employees. It didn't occur to me to be an issue, since I was working too. I got so caught up in doing it "for the dream" that I ended up letting down everyone who worked for me.
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_05 In spite of everything, my very talented secretary, Kayz, keeps on singing my praises. I haven't a clue why. Not that I mind, or anything!
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_06 I've already sorted out plots for the Sun-Speckled Terrace. I think it will be the perfect place to start selling from! Hmm, now for the sales pitch. How about something like, "Be one of the first to call this new world home!"
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_07 Blossoming Arcadia... No doubt about it—what makes this place special is the beautiful petals always drifting about. You can build a whole subdivision under these trees with this slogan: "Come live in the town where petals float down."
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_08 With just a glance you can see that Serene Shores is perfect for a resort. So perfect it already has a foundation! Makes exciting sales pitches come to mind. "The best summer vacation! Arrive whenever, and stay as long as you want."
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_09 Oh man! Hero's Hideaway... Doesn't this one look like an indoor-leisure facility? If we tag it with "Journey to an unknown planet!" or something and use Pikmin as mascots, it's sure to be hugely popular!
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_10 Giant's Hearth already has live coals and a stove. You see it too, right?! It's the perfect campground! A magical blaze, a refreshing fountain, and a reverberating wild howl. "Return to nature!" But no wandering at night!
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_01 Primordial Thicket... Hmm... Humid swampland. There must be guests who'll like this kind of place, right? Maybe we could promote moisturizing and mudpacks. How does this sound? "Relax amidst this restorative beauty."
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_02_02 When you're in business as a real estate agent, let me tell you... Hearing about new, untouched land really puts the pep back in your step. You just have to go check it out for yourself. After all, you can't give a place your seal of approval sight unseen! You've got to experience it in person first.
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_06 I've already sorted out plots for the Sun-Speckled Terrace. I think it will be the perfect place to start selling from! Hmm, now for the sales pitch. How about something like, "Be one of the first to call this new world home!"
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_07 Blossoming Arcadia... No doubt about it— what makes this place special is the beautiful petals always drifting about. You can build a whole subdivision under these trees with this slogan: "Come live in the town where petals float down."
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_08 With just a glance you can see that Serene Shores is perfect for a resort. So perfect it already has a foundation! Makes exciting sales pitches come to mind. "The best summer vacation! Arrive whenever, and stay as long as you want."
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_09 Oh man! Hero's Hideaway... Doesn't this one look like an indoor-leisure facility? If we tag it with "Journey to an unknown planet!" or something and use Pikmin as mascots, it's sure to be hugely popular!
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_10 Giant's Hearth already has live coals and a stove. You see it too, right?! It's the perfect campground! A magical blaze, a refreshing fountain, and a reverberating wild howl. "Return to nature!" But no wandering at night!
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_11 Primordial Thicket... Hmm... Humid swampland. There must be guests who'll like this kind of place, right? Maybe we could promote moisturizing and mudpacks. How does this sound? "Relax amidst this restorative beauty."
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_01 Your exploration efforts up to now have been impressive, but there are still new places to be discovered on this planet. Can you imagine trying to find them all? It could take a lifetime. Perhaps I should reconsider my plans to develop land here. I am already working on resort plans for Conohan. But what if someone else develops this planet? What a conundrum.
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_02 When you're in business as a real estate agent, let me tell you... Hearing about new, untouched land really puts the pep back in your step. You just have to go check it out for yourself. After all, you can't give a place your seal of approval sight unseen! You've got to experience it in person first.
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_03 I'm alive and well thanks to you! My whole life's been a series of things working out. Like those houses on Moyama. I thought I got conned after buying those old houses, then the TV reports a boom in the old-house market across space! And just look at what happened this time! Not only was I saved by you but you're also investigating the land I came to see!
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_04 Man... I had this dream of becoming the number one real estate agent in the whole universe. Be it day or night, weekend or holiday, I'd still call in my employees. It didn't occur to me to be an issue, since I was working too. I got so caught up in doing it "for the dream" that I ended up letting down everyone who worked for me.
LF012_Area500_Talk_Hint_03_05 In spite of everything, my very talented secretary,Kayz, keeps on singing my praises. I haven't a clue why. Not that I mind, or anything!
LF012_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_01 Hello, hello! You're looking as impressive as ever!
LF012_Area500_Talk_HappyTalk_02 Would you consider being our mascot? I'll compensate you! I bet you can't resist a year's supply of Scrummy Bones!
LF012_Area500_Talk_Outro_T01 Oh man! Isn't this something! What an absurdly sharp-looking guy!