User:Twins1105/Extracted Text/Hey! Pikmin/Treasure Log
Notes from the Treasure Log from the North American, British English, and Japanese versions of Hey! Pikmin.
The following article or section needs help from someone who can translate Japanese text. |
(Slimmerized Cell)
US Eng
“This object has lots of energy and a slim shape. When I saw it, I blurted out how much it reminded me of being a little Olimar. Ugh, I wish that I hadn't! The S.S. Dolphin II overheard me—and laughed. But it's no joke.
I really would like more pep in my step, just like I had when I was a tot. And now I'm really, really hungry just from recording all of this.”EU Eng
“This object has lots of energy and a slim shape. When I saw it, I blurted out how much it reminded me of being little. Ugh, I wish that I hadn't! The S.S. Dolphin overheard me - and laughed. But it's no joke.
I really would like more pep in my step, just like I had when I was a tot. And now I'm really, really hungry just from recording all of this.”JP
“スリムなボディに高エネルギー反応を持つ物体。 昔の私のようだな……と、つぶやくと ドルフィン2号機に「ジョークが上手に なりましたね」と言われてしまった。 た、たしかに今では、たるんだ体だが 若い頃はエネルギッシュでヤセていたのだ!
(Everyday Cell)
US Eng
EU Eng
(Rarely Seen Cell)
(Grown-Up Dynamo)
US Eng
EU Eng
(Zappy Safe)
(Teeny Power Plant)
US Eng
EU Eng
US Eng
“This crystal sphere contains an object that emits joy. As I report this, however, I doubt that it works. I miss my family back home, and I'm alone with these...with these...
These Pikmin are really such nice creatures—and they seem so devoted to me! I love that mischievous look they sometimes have in their eyes. I'm the luckiest fellow around!”EU Eng
“This crystal sphere contains an object that emits joy. As I report this, however, I doubt that it works. I miss my family back home, and I'm alone with these...with these...
These Pikmin are really such nice creatures - and they seem so devoted to me! I love that mischievous look they sometimes have in their eyes. I'm the luckiest fellow around!”JP
“解析によると、幸福感を高める結晶体らしいが 私には作用しないようだ。 家族のいないこの星で、私はひとりなのだから。 そしてそばには奇妙な……この小さい生き物…… ピクミン……。 ピクミン……!?
ああ私は今、ピクミンたちの愛らしいしぐさや ひたむきな働き、そしてたまに見せるイタズラな 表情に囲まれ、とても幸せを感じている。 ああ、なんて幸せなんだ!”treasure_marble_heart_cutline
“This crystal sphere contains an object that emits an energy that makes affections grow. I don't need it at all because I always love my family more the farther away I am.
Oh, no! Does that mean that the closer I get to home, the more my love for my family will fade? I'd better ask the president to let me buy this at a discount!”JP
(Frozen Stranger)
US Eng
“It's uncertain what this object is, but the S.S. Dolphin II claims that this is a monster, caught in a bubble, who was imprisoned for scaring naughty children.
But my own assessment is that's nonsense. Clearly it's a veteran space traveler whose escape pod put him into cryogenic suspension until the end of time!”EU Eng
“It's uncertain what this object is, but the S.S. Dolphin II claims that this is a monster, caught in a bubble, who was imprisoned for scaring naughty children.
But my own assessment is that's nonsense. Clearly it's a veteran space traveller whose escape pod put him into cryogenic suspension until the end of time!”JP
(Zoo of the Future)
US Eng
EU Eng
(Ultra-Sealed Aquarium)
US Eng
EU Eng
“私はイラストから魚の水そうだと推理しているが ドルフィン2号機は食料の保存コンテナだと 主張する。それからサンドウィッチにしたら オイシイとも……。まったく、いつから コンピュータが食欲を覚えてしまったのか。
今は固く閉ざされているが、オープンしたら 子供たちに笑顔を与えるに違いない。”treasure_can_fruit01a_cutline
(Snack Vault)
“This canister looks chock-full of sweet treats. The S.S. Dolphin II doesn't like me going near it. Does the ship actually think that I'm going to raid the canister for all of that tasty, tasty, tasty scrumptiousness?
How insulting! The ship might as well accuse me of wanting to eat all of the Sparklium that we need to get back to Hocotate.”JP
(Sloshy Nostalgia)
US Eng
“I'm not sure what this contains, but I think it's 100% pure nostalgia in liquid form. The animal on the picture seems to long for bygone days, though it's looking forward to better days. I truly understand how it feels!
After all, I think often of the nice times I've spent with my family back home on Hocotate, though I'm sure that many are still ahead of us.”EU Eng
“I'm not sure what this contains, but I think it's 100% pure nostalgia in compressed form. The animal in the picture seems to long for bygone days, while looking forward to better days. I truly understand how it feels!
After all, I think often of the nice times I've spent with my family back home on Hocotate, though I'm sure that many are still ahead of us.”JP
(Probable Teapot)
US Eng
EU Eng
(Deluxe Something-or-Other)
US Eng
“At first I thought this was an antenna, one that was really powerful. And then I thought it was a bathtub built for maximum luxury!
Then the S.S. Dolphin II chirped up and said I was just seeing what I wanted to see and it was a monument of some sort. Still, a monument to what?”EU Eng
“At first I thought this was an antenna, one that was really powerful. And then I thought it was a bathtub built for maximum luxury!
Then the S.S. Dolphin II chirped up and said I was just seeing what I wanted to see and it was a monument of some sort. Still, a monument to what?”JP
(Flashy Monument)
US Eng
“When I was a little Olimar, I did anything to get attention. I had to have the latest styles. I carried books around that had really long titles.
This mysterious monument seems like a tribute to that little Olimar. Shiny on the outside. Empty on the inside. It's better to be shiny on the inside!”EU Eng
“When I was knee-high to a Pikmin, I did anything to get attention. I had to have the latest styles. I carried books around that had really long titles.
This mysterious monument seems like a tribute to my younger self. Shiny on the outside. Empty on the inside. It's better to be shiny on the inside!”JP
(Metal Bagel)
(Lopsided Barbell)
“This exercise equipment is missing the weight from one of its ends, which makes it unfit for fitness. Each half of a pair is important to help things stay in balance. Just like my dear wife helps keep me on track so often.
Hmm, maybe I should use this barbell anyway. It'd be nice to be fit as I can be when I return home to her!”JP
(Life-Form Prototype)
US Eng
“This prototype for a robotic life-form resists attempts by the S.S. Dolphin II to read its mind. Maybe when we get it back to Hocotate, we'll have better luck at getting at the secrets of this technological advancement.
Or maybe that's a terrible idea! What if it's smarter than we are? Oh, now I'm going to have bad dreams! I think I'll just take the Sparklium and try not to think about it.”EU Eng
“This prototype for a robotic life form resists attempts by the S.S. Dolphin II to read its mind. Maybe when we get it back to Hocotate, we'll have better luck at getting at the secrets of this technological wonder.
Or maybe that's a terrible idea! What if it's cleverer than we are? Oh, now I'm going to have bad dreams! I think I'll just take the Sparklium and try not to think about it.”JP
(Un-Damaging Javelin)
US Eng
EU Eng
(Almighty Ruiner)
US Eng
EU Eng
(Beneficial Intelligence)
US Eng
“I'm finding many electronic parts on this planet. While analyzing this one, the S.S. Dolphin II's demeanor was actually more pleasant than usual. Then I realized the ship wasn't talking to me at all.
It was conversing with this object, which seems to have had a very good effect on the S.S. Dolphin II. It's usually so disagreeable!”EU Eng
“I'm finding many electronic parts on this planet. While analysing this one, the S.S. Dolphin II's demeanour was actually more pleasant than usual. Then I realised the ship wasn't talking to me at all.
It was conversing with this object, which seems to have had a very good effect on the S.S. Dolphin II. It's usually so disagreeable!”JP
(Preservation Door)
US Eng
“According to the S.S. Dolphin II, this object provides memory storage for computers. But the more that such devices remember for me, the more I'll forget everything. This idea frightens me.
Fortunately, the S.S. Dolphin II is wrong about what this object is. It's a door without a knob. Now there's something useful—a family could stay safe in their house if no one could get inside!”EU Eng
“According to the S.S. Dolphin II, this object provides memory storage for computers. But the more that such devices remember for me, the more I'll forget everything. This idea frightens me.
Fortunately, the S.S. Dolphin II is wrong about what this object is. It's a door without a knob. Now there's something useful - a family could stay safe in their house if no one could get inside!”JP
(Parting Tape)
US Eng
“When two people part, the one leaving gives the other this tape. Both hold on to it as the distance between them increases. The one left behind spools it back up to listen to the message.
It's all very romantic and dramatic. Not at all like leaving a message on the answering machine telling my wife I'll be home later than expected, which was only anticlimactic...”EU Eng
“When two people part, the one leaving gives the other one end of this tape. Both hold on as the distance between them increases. The one left behind spools it back up to listen to the message.
It's all very romantic and dramatic. Not at all like leaving a message on the answering machine telling my wife I'll be home later than expected, which was only anticlimactic...”JP
“別れの伝え方は、さまざまだが この星では船出のとき、別れのメッセージを 記録した紙テープの端っこを 相手に手渡すのだという。 船が港を離れ、二人をつないでいた テープが切れるとき本当の別れがくるのだ……。
なんとも、ロマンティック。 なんとも、ドラマティック。 私といえば、留守番電話に こっそりサヨナラを入れていたな……。 なんとも弱虫ティックな私……。”treasure_cassette_tape01a_cutline
(Sonic Relaxant)
“探索から戻ると体はクタクタなのだが\なぜか眠れない毎日……。昼寝をしようにも ロケットの外でピクミンたちがうるさいし 夜は原生生物の鳴き声が怖くて起きてしまう。 そんなとき、この物体に記録されている音楽を 聞くとグッスリ眠れることに気づいた。
素敵な声と気持ちいいメロディ。 音楽は宇宙共通の言語なのかもしれない。”treasure_ruby_ring01a_cutline
(Value Band)
US Eng
“As I stare at this gem's crisp edges and pleasing gleam, I muse on what value it must have represented to its native owner. A business gift? A type of currency? A precious heirloom?
Its reddish color reminds me of love, so it might have been a token of affection. Then again, some Pikmin are red, so it could be important to them. They can't tell me, so I'll never know.”EU Eng
“As I stare at this gem's crisp edges and pleasing gleam, I muse on what it must have represented to its original owner. A business gift? A type of currency? A precious heirloom?
Its reddish colour reminds me of love, so it might have been a token of affection. Then again, some Pikmin are red, so it could be important to them. They can't tell me, so I'll never know.”JP
“私は安月給3か月分をにぎりしめて 宝石屋へ飛び込み、1年前から狙っていた 真っ赤な宝石の指輪をゲット。 そのまま彼女の待つ橋のたもとに着いたとき 転んでしまい、はずみで指輪を川にドボン。 私は追うようにダイブしてキャッチ。
ビショビショで彼女に決めゼリフを 言おうとしたとき、目が覚めた……。 モーレツな夢だった……。”treasure_dia_ring01a_cutline
(Attitude Adjuster/Rift Ripper)
US Eng
“Sometimes my darling wife will get cross with me for no reason that I can figure out. My daughter does it, too. They tell me I ought to know what I did.
I'm worried that they're right, and it gets me no closer to figuring out the reason. Am I doomed to bumble oafishly around women forever? Do all men have this trouble? Maybe if I listened more...”EU Eng
“妻と娘という二人の女性に囲まれながら いつも思うことがある。 どうして女性は、いきなり怒るのだろうか? 妻が急に振り向くときや 娘が急にそっぽを向くときには いつもドキッとか、ビクッとしてしまう。
私だけのことなのか 男とはそういうものなのか…… 数十年生きてきても、わからない謎である。”treasure_sapphire_ring01a_cutline
(Consolation Prize/Blues Eradicator)
US Eng
“My daughter has started asking for real jewelry. The gleam in her eye as she looked at the stone on my wife's finger was a little scary, but who am I to say no to my little girl?
Of course, real jewelry isn't in the family budget. But I did get her a very real-looking one. If I know her, though, she's too sharp to be fooled for long. I'll have to make some sacrifices then.”EU Eng
“The S.S. Dolphin II observes that something in the make-up of this artefact's stone prevents all light from passing through it except for waves towards the upper end of the visible spectrum.
It sounds clever, but I am beginning to suspect that all this actually tells me is that it is blue. Whatever this object is really for, I can say with certainty that it is super sparkly and I want it.”JP
“とうとう娘が本物の宝石をねだってきた。 妻の指元に光る石を見る娘の目は あきらかにエモノを狙うハンターだったが サイフをにぎる私に、ターゲットを変えたのだ。 娘ながら、正しい判断で感心する。
結局、オモチャでガマンしてもらったのだが いつまで、ごまかせるのだろうか……。”treasure_silver_ring01a_cutline
(Champion Belt)
US Eng
“The one-two punch of the Electric Spectralid's flurry of attacks and the Crested Mockiwi's intrusion was a hard fight, but with the help of the Yellow Pikmin, I knocked them out. I'm now wearing the artifact I found afterward.
It's similar in shape and design to the belts worn by combat-sports champions in my youth. This belt tells the whole world I've vanquished a mighty foe! It keeps my pants up too, which is nice.”EU Eng
“The one-two punch of the Electric Spectralid's flurry of attacks and the Crested Mockiwi's intrusion was a hard fight, but with the help of the Yellow Pikmin, I knocked them out. I'm now wearing the artefact I found afterwards.
It's similar in shape and design to the belts worn by combat-sports champions in my youth. This belt tells the world I've vanquished a mighty foe! It keeps my trousers up too, which is nice.”JP
“エレキシジミのしつこい攻撃をかわし 着いた先に待っていたのはトサカマッキー! 迫るクチバシを、よけて、よけて、よけて スキを見て黄ピクミンを投げつけ逆転KO! そうやって手に入れたこの物体を腰にまくと 心はなんともチャンピオン気分!
しかし、しばらくするとヒンヤリしてきた……。 お腹がノックアウトされてしまうかもしれない。”treasure_gold_bracelet01a_cutline
(Flauntulent Bauble)
US Eng
“Its yellow sheen screams "quality," or at least "expensive." Someone definitely spent a lot of money on this spaceship part. Putting this on the S.S. Dolphin II will make it extremely classy.
Even sitting in the most brilliant ship in space won't make it run better, or make me a more skilled pilot. What's on the inside counts more than good looks. That's why I keep my undies clean.”EU Eng
“Its yellow sheen screams "quality", or at least "expensive". Someone definitely spent a lot of money on this ship part. Putting this on the S.S. Dolphin II will make it extremely classy.
Even sitting in the most brilliant ship in space won't make it run better, or make me a more skilled pilot. What's on the inside counts more than good looks. That's why I always wear fresh undies.”JP
(Herbivore Molars)
“What a find! This should rock the field of xenoarchaeology to its core! Everyone thinks of dinosaurs as vicious predators, but these teeth clearly indicate a plant-eating creature.
The S.S. Dolphin II has no record of this species, so that means I discovered it! That means they'll name it after me in the textbooks, right? The Olimasaurus... No, the Olimaceratops... No, wait...”JP
“これは常識をひっくり返す大発見だ! 肉を食いちぎり骨をも砕くのが恐竜だと 思っていたが、こんなにも優しい歯を持つ恐竜が いただろうか。ドルフィン2号機のデータベース にもないのだから、新発見に違いない!
ということは、私の名前が付くのでは…… 例えばオリマサウルス……。
(Distortion Chamber)
US Eng
“As I entered this metal structure, I was greeted with a version of myself as a much thinner man! But it was just a trick of the light.
A lot of people, myself included, have asked me why I don't go on a diet. But I think it's time to face the fact that this is just how much I weigh. So long, Skinny Olimar... I'll try to forget you.”EU Eng
(King's Sanctum)
US Eng
EU Eng
(Royal Suite)
US Eng
“Once, I got to my daughter's birthday party late. She took the present and told me the party was over already, but there would be a makeup one tomorrow. I had to buy a second cake and gift.
I got the feeling I was more upset with myself than she was. After all, she did get two birthday presents out of it. If only I could have given her this... Maybe I'd have been off the hook.”EU Eng
“Once, I got to my daughter's birthday party late. She took the present, told me the party was over already, and that I'd have to make it up to her tomorrow. I ended up buying her a second cake and gift.
I got the feeling I was more upset with myself than she was. After all, she did get two birthday presents out of it! If only I could have given her this... Maybe I'd have been off the hook.”JP
“仕事で娘の誕生会に遅刻したことがあった。 謝りながらプレゼントを出すと、受け取りながら 「パーティおわったよ。あしたもパーティ?」 ……と。しょうがないので 次の日もケーキとプレゼントを買って……。
ああ、私は娘の手の平で踊らされているのかも しれない……。でも、それでいいのだ。 私のお姫さまなのだから。”treasure_nailclippers01a_cutline
(Single's Seesaw)
US Eng
“Before, to build your leg muscles on a seesaw, you really needed a trainer or partner. But with this spring-loaded device, you can tone those trunks all on your own!
It's so revolutionary that it might be worth braving the bureaucracy to patent it when I get back to Hocotate. So long as I don't need any sign-off from the president, of course.”EU Eng
“Before, to build your leg muscles on a see-saw, you really needed a trainer or partner. But with this spring-loaded device, you can tone those trunks all on your own!
It's so revolutionary that it might be worth braving the bureaucracy to patent it when I get back to Hocotate. So long as I don't need any sign-off from the president, of course.”JP
US Eng
EU Eng
(Peace Missile)
US Eng
EU Eng