
Use this template to use a web page as a source of information.


Parameter Mandatory Default Purpose Detailed description
1 No URL Page URL.
2 No Page title Title of the page.
3 No Site Name of the website.
quote No Quote If there is any particular quote on the website to use as a source, write it here.
author No Author Author of the quote, if any.
published No Publication date Date of publication of the page or post in question. Use {{date}}.
retrieved No Retrieval date Date in which this source was obtained. Use {{date}}.
rname No Ref name Name attribute on the <ref> tag. You can use only this parameter, if there is already another reference with the same name previously in the article.


{{cite web|<url>|<page title>|<site>|quote=<quote?>|author=<quote author?>|published=<publication date?>|retrieved=<retrieval date?>|rname=<ref name?>}}